Hilbert S 24 Problems Assoc
Hilbert S 24 Problems Assoc
Hilbert S 24 Problems Assoc
Riidiger Thiele
ConstantinCaratheodory (1873-1950) referredin his speech at an MAA meetingin
1936 [10, p. 101]: "I will be glad if I have succeededin impressingthe idea thatit
is not only pleasantandentertainingto readat times the worksof the old mathemat-
ical authors,but thatthis may occasionallybe of use for the actualadvancementof
2. THE CANCEIED PROBLEM. Let me prefacemy fairy tale "Lookingback-
ward,2003-1888" (i.e., fromthe presentback to the discoveryof a finiteideal basis
in invarianttheory)with somequestionsthatwill serveas a guidefor the remainderof
my investigation:
i. Why did Hilbertgive a talk on unsolvedproblemsand not on new resultsor
methodsin generaluse?
ii. How shouldthe twenty-fourthproblembe classifiedin relationto Hilbert'sfa-
mouscollectionof twenty-threeproblems?
iii. Why andhow did Hilbertdeal with the canceledtwenty-fourthproblemlater?
And whatpartdid this problemplay in Hilbert'slaterresearch?
iv. Finally,wheredid I findthe canceledproblem?
Let me beginby presentingtheproblemitself. The twenty-fourthproblembelongs
to the realmof foundationsof mathematics.In a nutshell,it asksfor the simplestproof
of any theorem.In his mathematicalnotebooks[38:3,pp. 25-26], Hilbertformulated
it as follows (author'stranslation):
Hilbert'sfoundationof arithmetic(axiomatizationand the relatedquestionof con-
sistency) and logic is quite remarkable.Hilbertbelievedthat such investigationsof
formalizationcarriedout by an extensionof his axiomaticmethodwouldnot merely
be promisingbut wouldnecessarilybe successful,especiallyif pursuedby meansof
the reductionof proofsto an algebraiccalculusor "logicalarithmetic"[44], [45]. That
was still his belief in the 1920s ([48], [51]-[56]; see also [66]). Hilbertwantedto
achievehis objectiveof establishingthe consistencyof axiomatizedmathematicsby
proceedingfroma purelyfinitarystandpoint,i.e., he acceptedonly thosefactsthatcan
be expressedin a finitenumberof (elementary)symbolsandadmittedonly those op-
erationsthatcan be executedin a finitenumberof steps. (HaskellBrooksCurry,who
tookhis doctor'sdegreewithHilbertin 1929,translatedHilbert'stechnicalterm"finit"
as "finitary.")
In supportof the precedingstatement,let me quote from CharlotteAngas Scott's
interviewwith Hilbertfor herICMreport[91, pp. 67-68]: "Asto ouraim withregard
to any problem,theremustbe a definiteresultof some kind;it cannotbe laid aside
untilwe haveobtainedeithera satisfactorysolutionor a rigorousdemonstration of the
impossibilityof a solution.The mathematical rigorthatis essentialin the treatmentof
a problemdoes not requirecomplicateddemonstrations; it requiresonly thatthe result
be obtainedby a finite numberof logical steps from a finite numberof hypotheses
furnishedby the problemitself;in seekingthis rigorwe may findsimplicity."
In his speech,Hilbertdid not deal with provingthe simplicityof proofsfrom the
finitaryperspectiveas fully as he didin theinterviewwithScottjustcited.Hereis what
he saidto his Parisaudience[37, p. 441]: "Besidesit is an errorto believethatrigorin
the proofis the enemyof simplicity.On the contrarywe findit confirmed... thatthe
rigorousmethodis at the same time the simplerand the moreeasily comprehended.
The very effortfor rigorforces us to find out simplermethodsof proof."At the end
of herreport,Scottthankedall the speakersfor theirassistance.Thisacknowledgment
lends credenceto the suggestionthatHilberthad explainedhis idea to her in greater
detail.The firstpartof the quotation,the expressionof a belief in the solvabilityof
each well-posedproblem,mightflatlybe called the Hilbertaxiom(see [37, p. 445]).
In the secondpartof the quotation,however,the role of simplicity(fromthe finitary
pointof view) is clearlyemphasized,muchmoreclearlythanin the lecture.
The questionas to what constitutesa rigorousproof is a logical question.By ex-
aminingthe languagein which the proof is expressedone may ask: What are the
conditionsunderwhicha strictlogicaldeductionproceedingby a long chainof formal
inferencesandcalculationsandleadingfromlink to link by blindcalculationscan be
regardedas simple?As earlyas 1900,Halstedreportedthatin Hilbert'sopinion"math-
ematicalrigorwhichwe requiredoes not necessitatecomplicateddemonstrations; the
mostrigorousmethodis oftenthe simplestandtheeasiestto comprehend" [34, p. 189].
To Hilbert,the qualitiesof rigorandsimplicityarenot at odds with each otherbutgo
handin hand.In 1943,in Hilbert'sobituary,Weylechoedthatsentiment:"WithHilbert
rigorfiguresno longeras enemybutas promoterof simplicity"[109:4,p. 124].
Naturally,it has been an open questionever since Hilbert'stime how or to what
extentinvestigationsof simplicitymightbe carriedout,if theycanbe carriedout at all.
not knoweverythingthatis to be knownof all proofs,accordingto Hilbert'sideasone
must developproof theorycompletelyfrom thefinitaryviewpointand its intuitively
convincingmethods(see [60:1,secs. 2c-e]). Withinthis kindof framework(finitism),
he hopedto be ableto reduceanybranchof mathematicsto a systemthatrestson more
solid ground.In any areaof mathematics,therearequestionsthatby theirvery nature
referto the infinite.This fact notwithstanding, Hilbertneverspecifiedpreciselywhat
the finitary,or for thatmatterwhatthe simplest,proofswere. Clearly,for Hilbert,it
had to be possible to convertany proof of a mathematicaltheoreminto a finite one.
Hilbertwas probablyled by certainexamples(for instance,syzygies in the algebraic
calculus[40], [42, lectures47-48]) to the ideaof finite(oreven simplest)proof,buthe
hadnot yet thoughtto extendtheseparticularresultsandto expressthemin a general
formas a problem.The idea was still too vague.Nevertheless,since Hilbert'stimethe
questionhas persisted:Whatis simplicity?
Threeyears afterthe Parisaddress,Hilbertgave a talk in Gottingenon the foun-
dationsof arithmeticin which he promisedto workout detailsof the axiomaticap-
proach.He triedto accomplishthisin his Heidelberglecture[44] at the 1904ICMand
in the course"LogischePrinzipiendes mathematischen Denkens"[Logicalprinciples
of mathematicalthought](see [45], [46]) thathe taughtafterthe Heidelbergcongress
at the Universityof Gottingen[81, pp. 92-94, 98-101]. Strictlyformalisticreasoning
cannotprovethe consistencyof an axiomaticsystem,becausethe necessaryformulas
for provingconsistencyare not derivablewithinthis system (G6del'ssecondincom-
pletenesstheorem[26]). In a differentsense,in his metamathematics, Hilbertintended
to establishsuch conceptsas consistencyby intuitivejustifications,i.e., by appealing
to self-evidentprinciplesof reasoningandby directmethodsinvolvingpurelyfinitary,
combinatorialinferences.Metamathematics mustrestrictitself to countingbeans, as
HansFreudenthal(1905-1990) sarcasticallycharacterized this attitude[20, p. 1056].
After 1904, Hilbert'sresearchtook an unexpectedturn,and a thirteen-yearbreak
from the circle of ideas underdiscussionhere ensued.These were the years during
whichHilbertwas developingthe theoryof integralequations(see the surveyof Ernst
Hellinger(1883-1950) in Hilbert[58:3, pp. 94-145] and [88, pp. 117-129]). In the
latteryearsof this period,WorldWarI took its toll on his abilityto conductresearch.
In the aforementioned lectureon axiomaticthinkingdeliveredin Zurichin 1917,how-
ever, Hilbertpicked up the problemof simplicityagain and presentedthe same ex-
ampleswe know from the twenty-fourthproblemin the notebook[38:3, pp. 25-26].
He later based an article,"AxiomatischesDenken"[48], on the Zurichtalk. Arend
Heyting(1898-1980) regardedthe discussionof simplicityin this articleas the most
important,becauseit demonstrated thatHilbertviewedproofsas mathematical objects
in themselves:"Init we perceivethe germ of the later 'ProofTheory'" [36, p. 36].
(See also [48, pp. 412-413], [58:3, p. 153].) As notedearlier,Hilbertheld this view
as earlyas 1900 (see [42, lecture37]). In the WinterTermof 1917, he returnedto it,
deliveringa course"Principiender Mathematik"[Principlesof mathematics],which
was workedout by PaulBerays (1888-1977) [47] andwhichfinallyled to the book
GrundlagenderMathematik[60]. Thebasicidea of Hilbert'sprooftheoryis to ensure
the validityof argumentsby reducingmathematicsto a finitenumberof rules of in-
ferencethatgovernthe manipulationof formulas.The set of derivableformulasis, of
course,infinite,butit is "generated" by a finitesubsetof formulas.Is suchan extended
set consistent?Orone mightask generally:Is this prooftheoryitself consistent?
In the 1920s, duringwhich quantumtheorywas rapidlyemerging,Hilbert,too,
was occupiedwith the physicaland mathematicalproblemsof quantummechanics.
Still, in this periodhe launcheda majoreffort,the so-calledHilbertprogram,to prove
that mathematicsis consistent (for the mathematicalstatements,not for Hilbert's
apartfromthis "transcendental"element,the proofsarecarriedout completelywithin
the frameworkof numbertheory.(Noteworthyin thisconnectionis the factestablished
by ChurchthatG6del'sresultscannotbe obtainedby finitemeans[11].)
In the axiomaticapproach,the "tree"of all possiblemathematicalformulasgrow-
ing from axioms is not only extremelyexpansivebut, as Godel pointedout, even
disconnected.However,froma finitarystandpoint,therestrictionto "meaningfulques-
tions" (the Hilberttree) would lead to a "humanmathematics"(see the interview
withMikhaelGromovin [82:2,pp. 1213]).True,G6del'sresultsdictatecertainlimits
to Hilbert'sfoundationsof mathematics,butthereremainsmuchof valuein continu-
ing Hilbert-likeprograms.Togive one importantexample:nonstandard analysis,in the
spiritof AbrahamRobinson(1918-1974), is a new branchof mathematicsthatgrew
out of model theoryaround1960 andowes muchto the ideas of Hilbert.In addition,
the adventof computerscienceled to a rebirthof Hilbert'sprooftheory.
against France with bows and arrows, although they too might have produced their
Regarding the diversity of proofs, I point to the history of the fundamental the-
orem of algebra as a celebrated example. There are two basic ideas: for an algebraic
proof, the approachespoused by LeonhardEuler (1707-1783), and for an analytic one,
the mode of attacked favored by Jean-Baptist Le Rond D'Alembert (1717-1783). Of
course, there is the research of Carl FriedrichGauss (1777-1855) that forms a link be-
tween the two. Despite his motto "Pauca, sed matura"[Few, but ripe], Gauss returned
to this subject many times and altogether gave four proofs of this importanttheorem.
For Gauss, the simpler and more elegant he could make the proof, the better.
Frequently, a mathematical theorem is regarded as "deep" if its proof is difficult.
The opposite of "deep" is "trivial,"a term suggesting that little or no proof is neces-
sary.Nevertheless, there is a constant movement in mathematics toward simplification,
toward finding ways of looking at a matter from an easier, more "trivial,"and hope-
fully more revealing vantage point. The simplicity of a proof depends on a multitude
of factors: the length of its presentation,the techniques used, one's familiarity with the
concepts involved, the proof's abstract generality, the novelty of ideas, and so forth.
We read these words in Hilbert's notebook [38:3, p. 101]: "Always endeavor to make a
proof with the least elementary means, for that way mastery of the subject comes best
to the fore (the opposite of Weierstrass and Kronecker and their imitators). 'Elemen-
tary' is the designation only for what is known and familiar."
As to the mathematician's temptation to undertake generalization for generaliza-
tion's sake, Hilbert declared [38:1, p. 45]: "The mathematicians' function should be to
simplify the intricate. Instead they do just the opposite, and complicate what is sim-
ple, and call it 'generalizing'. Even if a method or an elaboration achieves no more
than half, yet is two times simpler, I find that a great advantage." A simpler proof
makes us wiser; the simpler its premises and deductions are, the more convincing a
theory is. A proof is the most straightforwardway to justify mathematical reasoning.
"A mathematicalproof,"to quote G. H. Hardy,"should resemble a simple and clear-cut
constellation, not a scattered cluster in the Milky Way" [35, p. 113].
In contrast to such views, Solomon Feferman remarked [19, p. 20]: "A proof be-
comes a proof after the social act of 'accepting it as a proof.'" The social perspec-
tive thus becomes relevant to the informal concept of the simplest proof. From this
viewpoint complicated and long proofs, having features that might hamper or retard
acceptance, would fail the test of simplicity. A famous historical example is the work
of GirardDesargues (1591-1661) that was not well received in his time because De-
sargues invented too many "strange"new technical terms.
nite domainthatwas takento consistof meaningfultruepropositionsof mathematics
and theirjustifyingproofs (termed"realmathematics" by Hilbert)is legitimate,pro-
vided this extension(termed"ideal"by Hilbert)does not cause any contradictions.
Suchaccommodation was strictlyrejectedby LeopoldKronecker(1823-1891), andin
the beginningHilbertrefusedto acceptKronecker'sviews [38:1,p. 53, 79, 91]. From
Hilbert'spoint of view any branchof mathematicsdealingwith ideal conceptscould
be accepted,as long as therewas a proofthatsuchan extendedsystemwas consistent.
Hilbert'sjustificationrestedon a divisionof mathematicsinto two parts:the real
mathematicsto be regulatedand the ideal mathematicsservingas regulator.There-
fore, in Hilbert'sreasoning,the questionof how to establishthe reliabilityof the ideal
methods(theregulators)by finitemeansis given greatweight,andthe consistencyof
extendedsystemsprovesto be an item of centralimportance.Hilbertattemptedto se-
curethe ideal (i.e., infinitary)partsof mathematicsby formalizingthem,thencalling
for a proof of theirreliability.He believedthatthis could be done by finitarymeans
alone [52, pp. 170-171]. In pursuingthis objective(i.e., the justificationof infinite
deductions),HilbertfinallyapproachedKronecker'sfinitismto a certainextent:once
metamathematics was takento be a weakpartof arithmetic,it closely correspondedto
finitarymathematicsa la Kronecker[56, p. 487].
very hardto definethe simplicityof proofs,but we neverthelessrecognize"simplic-
ity"in proofswhen we see it. Differentcriteriafor assessingsimplicity(for example,
prooflength[27], totalnumberof symbolsin the proof,the absenceof certainterms,
the numberof basic operations)may becomerelevantas the contextchangesso that
differentfacetsof simplicitymaybe emphasizedby somecriteria,downplayedby oth-
ers (see [75:6,chap.7]). In an interestinghistoricalremarkon simplicityin geometry,
Rene Descartes(1596-1650) discussedin his La Geometrie(1637) the questionof
when one curveis simplerthananother(see [6, chap.25]). Keepingall these factors
in mind,whatfeaturesof simplicitycan we defineprecisely?
The introductionof measuresof simplicityfor proofsis, to be sure,a delicatebusi-
ness. As mentionedearlier,Hilbertwas guidedby his investigationsof invariants[1],
in which he madeuse of special algebraicobjectsknownas syzygies([74, pp. 163-
183] gives a comprehensivesurveyof the old theory).Geometricfacts that are in-
dependentof the coordinatesystem-in otherwords,invariants-can frequentlybe
expressedthroughthe requirementthatsome relatedalgebraicconditionbe satisfied.
Forexample,in Euclideangeometry,the relevantinvariantsareembodiedin quantities
thatare not alteredby geometrictransformations such as rotations,dilations,andre-
flections.In analyticalterms,the invariantsin questionareinvariantsof tensorsor, to
employthe terminologyof Hilbert'stime,invariantsof an n-aryformof degreem un-
derlineartransformations ([39], [42]; see also [74], [79], [89]). Oldpapersin invariant
theorytypically consisted of massesof endlessalgorithmiccomputations,whereasby
viewing invariantsin a broader frameworkHilbertprovedhis theoremsin a few pages,
almostwithoutcalculations(see [40], [74], [79], [89]).
In algebra,the term "syzygy"is used to signify a relationship.Startingwith a
polynomialring R = K[xl, x2 ..., xn] over a field K, Hilberthad shown-we use
modem terminology(see [61, chap. 8, sec. 4], [111, p. 251])-that the set of all
invariantsi forman idealI of R andanyinvarianti canbe representedby afinitebasis
il, i2, .. ., ik so that all invariantsare integral rational functions of the generators (ba-
sic invariants).However,at the sametime these basic invariantsare not algebraically
independent:theybelongto the zero-setsof certainpolynomialrelations,the syzygies
of the precedingparagraph.The collectionof syzygies is closed underthe operations
Parisaddress[37, p. 445] thatwas engravedon his tombstone(see [87, p. 220]):
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This paper is adaptedfrom a lecture delivered at the AMS-MAA meeting held in
New Orleans on January 13, 2001. It is a pleasure to thank David Zitarelli for his invitation to speak at the
special session and for his encouragementto publish this paper.I extend my thanks to the GermanAcademy
of Natural Sciences, Leopoldina (Halle), who supportedmy research (LPD 1996). Furthermore,I thank the
Niedersachsische Staats- und UniversitatsbibliothekGottingen, Handschriftenabteilung,the MathematicalIn-
stitute of the University of Gottingen,the Archive of the University of Freiburg,and the Institutefor Advanced
Study, Princeton,for the permission to quote from various unpublisheddocuments in their possession.
185; also in [57] from the 3rd to the 7th editions, pp. 263-279 (3rd ed., 1909), pp. 243-258 (4th to
6th ed., 1913, 1922, and 1923), pp. 247-261 (7th ed. 1930); English translations(by G. B. Halsted)
The Monist 15 (1905) 338-352 and (by W. Woodward) in From Frege to Godel. A Source Book in
Mathematical Logic 1879-1931, J. van Heijenoort, ed., HarvardUniversity Press, Cambridge, 1967,
pp. 130-138; 2nd ed., 1971; French translationL'EnseignementMathematique7 (1905) 89-103.
45. , Logische Prinzipien des mathematischenDenkens, lecture notes from Summer 1905 prepared
by E. Hellinger, Libraryof the MathematicalInstituteof the University of Gottingen.
46. , Logische Prinzipien des mathematischenDenkens, lecture notes from Summer 1905 prepared
by M. Born, Niedersachsische Staats- und UniversitatsbibliothekGottingen, Handschriftenabteilung,
Cod. Ms. D. Hilbert558a.
47. , Principien der Mathematik,lecture notes from Winter 1917 preparedby P. Berays, Library
of the MathematicalInstituteof the University of Gottingen.
48. , Axiomatisches Denken, Math.Annal. 78 (1918) 405-415; also in [58:3, pp. 146-156]; English
translations (by Ewald) [17:2, pp. 1105-1115] and (by Fang) [18, pp. 187-198]; French translation
L'EnseignementMathematique20 (1918) 122-136.
49. , Neubegriindungder Mathematik,Erste Mitteilung, Abhandlungenaus dem Mathematischen
Seminar der UniversitdtHamburg 1 (1922) 157-177; also in [58:3, pp. 157-177]; English translation
(by W. Ewald) [17:2, pp. 1115-1134].
50. , Wissen und mathematischesDenken, lecture notes from Winter 1922 preparedby W. Acker-
mann;revised reprint,C.-F. Bbdigheimer,ed., MathematischesInstitutGottingen, 1988.
51. , Die logischen Grundlagender Mathematik,Math. Annal. 88 (1923) 151-165; also in [58:3,
pp. 178-191]; English translation(by W. Ewald) [17:2, pp. 1134-1148].
52. , Uber das Unendliche, Math. Annal. 95 (1926) 161-190; also in [57, 7th ed., pp. 262-288],
shortened version in Jahresber Deutsch. Math. Verein.36 (1927) 201-215; English translation (by
S. Bauer-Mengelberg)in From Frege to Godel. A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879-1931,
J. van Heijenoort,ed., HarvardUniversity Press, Cambridge, 1967, pp. 367-392; 2nd ed., 1971; French
translation(by A. Weil), Sur l'infinie, Acta Math. 48 (1926) 91-122.
53. , Die Grundlagen der Mathematik, [Zweite Mitteilung], Abhandlungen aus dem Mathema-
tischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg6 (1928) 65-85; followed by Diskussionsbemerkungenzu
dem zweiten HilbertschenVortragby H. Weyl, pp. 86-88, and Zusatz zu HilbertsVortragby P. Bemays,
pp. 89-95; shortenedversion in [57,7th ed., pp. 289-312]; English translation(by S. Bauer-Mengelberg
and D. F0llesdal) in From Frege to Godel. A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879-1931, J. van
Heijenoort,ed., HarvardUniversity Press, Cambridge, 1967, pp. 464-479; 2nd ed., 1971.
54. , Probleme der Grundlegungder Mathematik,in Atti del Congresso Internazionale dei Mate-
matici, Bologna 1928, Tomo I, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1929, pp. 135-141; also in Math. Ann. 102 (1930)
1-9, [57,7th ed., pp. 313-323], and Hilbert. Gedenkband,K. Reidemeister,ed., Springer-Verlag,Berlin
1971, pp. 9-19.
55. , Naturerkennenund Logik, Naturwissenschaften(1930), 959-963; also in Gesammelte Ab-
handlungen [58:3, pp. 378-387]; English translations(by W. Ewald) in [17:2, pp. 1157-1165]; selected
partsin Reid [87, chap. 12]; English translationof the correspondingradio broadcastin Vinnikov [102].
56. , Die Grundlegung der elementaren Zahlenlehre, Math. Annal. 104 (1931) 485-494; short-
ened version in the GesammelteAbhandlungen[58:3, pp. 192-195]; English translation(by W. Ewald)
in [17:2, pp. 1148-1157].
57. , Grundlagen der Geometrie, Teubner-Verlag,Leipzig, 1899; from the 8th amended ed. by
P. Berays with supplements, Stuttgart,1956-1987; 14th ed., with contributionsby H. Kiechle et al.,
M. Toepell, ed., Stuttgart, 1999; first English translation The Foundations of Geometry by E. J.
Townsend, Open Court, Chicago, 1902; new translationby L. Unger, Open Court,La Salle, 1972. [The
first Germanedition of the Grundlagenwas a contributionto the Festschriftzur Enthullungdes Gauss-
WeberDenkmals in Gottingen, later editions were published separately.]
58. , GesammelteAbhandlungen,3 vols., Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1932-1935; 2nd ed., 1970.
59. D. Hilbert and W. Ackermann, Grundziige der theoretischen Logik, Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1928;
6th ed., 1972; English translationof the second edition Principles of Mathematical Logic, by L. M.
Hammond et al., Chelsea, New York, 1950; Chinese translationScience Press, Beijing, 1950; Russian
translationNauka, Moscow, 1979.
60. D. Hilbert and P. Berays, Grundlagender Mathematik,2 vols., Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1934-1939;
2nd ed., 1968-70; Russian translationNauka, Moscow, 1979-1982.
61. T. Hungerford,Algebra, 8th ed., Springer-Verlag,New York, 1974.
62. H. N. Jahnke, Hilbert, Weyl und die Philosophie der Mathematik,Math. Semesterberichte37 (1990)
63. T. Koetsier,Hilberts 24ste probleem, Nieuw Archiefvoor Wiskunde5 (2) (2001) 65-67. [The canceled
24th problem is reproducedin facsimile.]
97. R. Taylor and A. Wiles, Ring-theoretic properties of certain Hecke algebras, Ann. Math. 141 (1995)
98. R. Thiele, Hilbert and his twenty-four problems, in Mathematics at the Dawn of a Millennium, Pro-
ceedings of the Canadian Society for History and Philosphy of Mathematics, Hamilton, Ont., 2000,
vol. 13, M. Kinyon, ed., pp. 1-22. [Some documents including the canceled twenty-fourthproblem are
reproducedin facsimile.]
99. , Von der Beroullischen Brachistochrone zum Kalibratorkonzept. Untersuchungen zur
Geschichte der Feldtheorie bei einfachen Variationsproblemen,Habilitationsschrift,Universitat Ham-
burg, FachbereichMathematik,2001; Brepols, Turnhout,2003 (to appear).
100. , David Hilbert and French Mathematics,in Proceedings of the XXXI.International Congress
of History of Science, Mexico City, Mexico, 2001 (to appear).
101. D. Velleman, Fermat'slast theorem and Hilbert's program,Math. Intelligencer 19 (1) (1997) 64-67.
102. V. Vinnikov,We shall know: Hilbert's apology, Math. Intelligencer 21 (1) (1999) 42-46.
103. G. Vollmer, Geloste, ungeloste und unlosbare Probleme, in Fortschritt und Gesellschaft, E.-L. Win-
nacker,ed., Hirzel-VerlagStuttgart,1993, pp. 79-97; also in G. Vollmer, Wissenschaftstheorieim Ein-
satz, Stuttgart,Hirzel-Verlag,1993, pp. 183-210.
104. , Denkzeuge, in MannheimerForum90/91, E. P. Fischer, ed., Piper,Munchen, 1991, pp. 15-78.
105. A. Weil, The futureof mathematics,in Great Currentsof MathematicalThought,vol. 1, F. Le Lionnais,
ed. (translatedfrom the Frenchby A. Dresden), Dover, New York, 1971, pp. 320-336.
106. S. Weinberg,Dreams of a Final Theory,Vintage, London, 1993.
107. H. Weyl, Randbemerkungenzu Hauptproblemender Mathematik,Math. Zeitschrift20 (1924) 131-150.
108. , David Hilbert and his mathematicalwork, Bull. Amer Math. Soc. 50 (1944) 612-654.
109. , Obituary:D. Hilbert 1862-1943, American Philosophical Society YearBook (1944) 387-395;
also in GesammelteAbhandlungen,Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1968, pp. 121-129.
110. , A half-centuryof mathematics,this MONTHLY58 (1951) 523-553; also in GesammelteAb-
handlungen,Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1968, pp. 464-494.
111. , The Classical Groups. Their Invariants and Representations,2nd. ed., Princeton University
Press, Princeton, 1946.
112. A. Wiles, Modularelliptic curves and Fermat'slast theorem,Ann. Math. 141 (1995) 443-531.
113. L. Wos, Automatingthe search for elegant proofs, J. AutomatedReasoning 21 (g) (1998) 135-175.
114. L. Wos and R. Thiele, Hilbert'snew problem, Universityof L6dz,Bull. of the Section of Logic 30 (2001)
115. B. H. Yandell, The Honors Class. Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers, A. K. Peters, Natick, MA,
116. E. Zermelo, Lettersto K. Godel from September21, 1931, and October29, 1931, Universityof Freiburg
i. Br., Universitatsarchiv,C 129/36; reprintedin I. Grattan-Guinness,In memoriam Kurt G6del: His
1931 correspondencewith Zermelo on his incompletabilitytheorem,Historia Math. 6 (1979) 294-304;
see also the additionof J. W. Dawson, Completing the G6del-Zermelocorrespondence,Historia Math.
12 (1985) 66-70.
RUDIGER THIELE is a historianof mathematicswho studied both mathematicsand physics, receiving his
Ph.D. in mathematicsfrom Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg(Germany) and his habilitation in
the history of physical sciences from University of Hamburg.In 1996 he was awarded the Forder Prize of
the German Academy of Natural Sciences, Leopoldina. Since 1986 he has held a position as Privatdozent
in Mathematics at the University of Leipzig. He has been a visiting professor and research scholar at the
Universities of Bonn, Mainz, Muinster,andTorontoand is vice presidentof the Euler Society in the USA. While
having diverse researchinterests in the history of mathematics,his main field of researchis the history of the
calculus of variations.His publicationsinclude a biographyof LeonhardEuler and a booklet on mathematical
proofs. Recently he edited the Festschrift "Mathesis"in honor of M. Schramm. His other interests include
philosophy and, above all, music.
Karl-Sudhoff-Institut,Universityof Leipzig, Augustusplatz10-11, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany