Consumption, Saving, and Investment
Consumption, Saving, and Investment
Consumption, Saving, and Investment
Saving, and
Chapter Outline
Y Cd
Sd = Y – Cd – G
Yf Cd
Sd = Y – Cd – G since Y is constant
Wealth Cd
Sd = Y – Cd – G since Y is constant
• Fiscal policy
– Fiscal policy refers to government policies
related to taxes and government spending
– Affects desired consumption through changes in
after-tax current and expected future income
– Directly affects desired national saving,
Sd = Y – Cd – G
• Fiscal policy
– Government purchases
• A temporary increase in government purchases
• Higher G financed by higher current taxes reduces
current after-tax income, lowering desired consumption
– Desired consumption falls less than the increase in G (or
the fall in after-tax income) since 0<MPC<1
• Fiscal policy
– Government purchases
• Since Cd declines less than G rises in both cases,
national saving (Sd = Y – Cd – G) declines
Sd = Y – Cd – G
• Fiscal policy
– Taxes
• Lump-sum tax cut today, financed by higher future
• Decline in future after-tax income may offset increase
in current after-tax income; desired consumption could
rise or fall
• Fiscal policy
– Taxes
• Ricardian equivalence proposition
– If future income loss exactly offsets current income gain,
no change in consumption
– Tax change affects only the timing of taxes, not their
ultimate amount (present value)
– In practice, people may not see that future taxes will
rise if taxes are cut today; then a tax cut leads to
increased desired consumption and reduced desired
national saving
S d = Y – Cd – G