Photosynthesis Lab
Photosynthesis Lab
Photosynthesis Lab
Photosynthesis is the process of plants using the energy of sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide
into oxygen and high energy carbohydrates (Miller and Levine p204). It is an important process. This is because
this is how plants produce food for itself. Plants are the first trophic level in all food webs and chains. With out
the first link, none of the trophic levels would be able to survive. Also, photosynthesis creates oxygen, which
animals use to perform cellular respiration. Wavelengths of light are important for photosynthesis. White light
consists of many colors. Plants gather the suns energy with light absorbing molecules called chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll absorbs the blue and red regions of light very well. This light gives the plant energy in order to do
the first process of photosynthesis (Miller and Levine p207). Plants also use CO2 for photosynthesis. Plants use
CO2 in photosynthesis to create sugars by combining it with water, creating carbohydrates and oxygen, which is
Problems A and B:
Problem- How can we extract chlorophyll from a leaf and measure absorbance at different wavelengths?
Hypothesis: If the chlorophyll is extracted from the leaf, and absorbance of different wavelengths is measured,
A: In order to extract chlorophyll from a leaf, a spinach leaf was placed into a 100mL beaker. Ten
milliliters of ethanol was also added to the beaker. The beaker was then placed on a hot plate (heat set at 2), to
heat the solution. The heat was turned off when the ethanol solution turns green from the released chlorophyll.
This chlorophyll extract was poured into cuvette, about 2/3 of the way.
B. In order to compare the absorbance of three wavelengths of light by chlorophyll, the computer was
first prepared for data collection. The computer was attached to the colorimeter. A colorimeter was an
instrument that measures how much light of a particular wavelength was absorbed by a solution. In order to use
the colorimeter, it was calibrated. This was done by setting a base level for a measuring device by adjusting it to
match a dependably known standard (distilled water). After the colorimeter was calibrated, the cuvette with the
filled ethanol was placed into the colorimeter; in order to collect information on the absorbance of green light
cuvette was replaced into the colorimeter to collect information on the absorbance of red light wavelengths by
chlorophyll. The colorimeter was re-calibrated, and reset with the ethanol in order to collect information on the
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
The chlorophyll absorbed the red wavelength 1.627. The chlorophyll absorbed the blue wavelength
Problem: How can we test if light and carbon dioxide are needed for photosynthesis?
In order to demonstrate the use of CO2 during photosynthesis, bromthymol blue was first put into a
beaker. Carbon dioxide was blown into the beaker to turn it yellow. The bromthymol yellow was poured evenly
into three small test tubes. In the first test tube, an elodea plant was placed. This was the positive control.
Nothing was placed into the second test tube, which was the negative control. The third test tube had an elodea
plant placed inside, and covered with tin foil. The three test tubes were exposed to light. Color changes were
observed after the three test tubes were exposed to light as long as possible. If the bromthymol changed back to
The bromthymol yellow in the first test tube changed into blue. The Bromthymol yellow did not change in the
second test tube. The bromthymol yellow also did not change in the third test tube.
The chlorophyll absorbed the red wavelength the most. Closely after the red, the blue wavelength was absorbed
the second most. The green was absorbed the least. In a regular leaf, this is how much of each wavelength
would be absorbed. If the color was not absorbed a lot, then it was reflected. Because green, according to the
results, was absorbed the least, then it would be reflected the most. This is why we see leaves as a green color.
The green is reflected and that is what we see. Blue and red wavelengths are absorbed for energy (Miller and
Levine p207). The first test tube’s bromthymol yellow changed back to blue. This is because bromthymol
yellow will change back to blue in the presence of oxygen. The elodea plant preformed photosynthesis in the
test tube. Oxygen was released from the plant and into the bromthymol yellow, thus turning it blue. The second
test tube had no change because there was nothing to affect the amount of oxygen in the test tube. The third test
tube also did not change. Although there was a plant in it, like the first test tube, it could not perform
photosynthesis. This is because, the tin foil on the test tube disallowed light to go through, so photosynthesis
couldn’t be preformed, and oxygen was not released, so the bromthymol yellow did not change. This proves
that light is necessary in the process of photosynthesis (Miller and Levine p206). The project could have been
improved if the test tubes were under the sunlight for more time. Also, the colorimeter was not properly
calibrated the first time. If it was done properly the first time, the experiment could be improved
Works Cited
Miller, K. R., & Levine, J. S. (2003). Prentice Hall Biology. No, NJ: Prentice Hall.