Filho Et Al 2011 - Palynofacies Training Course Materials
Filho Et Al 2011 - Palynofacies Training Course Materials
Filho Et Al 2011 - Palynofacies Training Course Materials
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3 authors:
Mendonça J.O.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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João Graciano Mendonça Filho1, Taíssa Rêgo Menezes2, Joalice de Oliveira Mendonça1
Palynofacies and Organic Facies Laboratory (LAFO), Federal Universtry of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil
Petrobras Research Center (CENPES), Brazil
Combaz (1964) introduced the term palynofacies in an important period for creation of
Organic Petrology, because at beginning was Palynology and Coal Petrology. Following the work of
Combaz at Compagnie française des pétroles, the palynofacies means the total assemblage of
microscopic organic constituents presents in a rock that remain after maceration in hydrochloric acid
(HCl) for carbonates and by hydrofluoric acid - (HF) for silicates, concentration and mounting using
normal palynological preparation procedures. This author used the microscope technique to observe,
in organic debris isolated from sedimentary rocks after the destruction of their minerals regularities in
proportions of the different components: spores, pollens, wood fragments, plant cells, amorphous
organic matter. Combaz called palynofacies the diagram of the proportions of the different
components (Durand, 2003).
Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1967) proposed the term palynological facies in the same general
sense as "palynofacies" of Combaz (1964) to include all organic elements. These authors and Batten
(1973) also applied the term in the concept of Combaz to refer to the general aspect of kerogen
Quadros (1975) took the words Organopalynology and Organopalynofacies for the
investigation of organic matter in sedimentary rocks using techniques of microscopy towards Organic
Geochemistry in Petrobras Company.
Batten (1982a, 1982b) applied this concept not only for palaeoenvironmental and
biostratigraphic studies, as well as, for thermal maturity determination and source potential studies.
Leopold et al. (1982) showed that a palynofacies does not necessarily reflect the biologic
environment of the area near the basin of deposition but instead can be produced by a variety of
geological and geochemical taphonomic processes associated with sedimentation. This sort of
palynofacies is a product of the total sedimentary environment and is unlikely to be a palynobiofacies.
Powell et al. (1990) defined palynofacies as a “distinctive assemblage of HCl- and HF-insoluble
particulate organic matter (palynoclasts) whose composition reflects a particular sedimentary
Traverse (1988) defined a palynofacies as “the assemblage of palynomorphs taxa in a portion
of a sediment, representing local environmental conditions and not typical of the regional
Tyson in 1993 published a pioneering contribution in the area of palynofacies analysis.
Traverse (1994) reported that since 1960 used the term palynofacies to refer to a more or less
local concentration of particular palynomorphs, indicating a sort of biofacies. The author believes that
the application of the word since then has been geologically oriented, and palynofacies is used
primarily to indicate information about the enclosing rock, especially its environment of deposition
should be called palynolithofacies. Beside this, the several papers edited by Alfred Traverse in 1994
(Sedimentation of Organic Particles) ranging from general overviews to detailed sequence-
stratigraphic studies.
In transmitted white light microscopy, the three main groups of morphologic constituents
recognized within kerogen assemblage are: Palynomorphs (organic walled constituents that remain
after maceration using HCl and HF acids), Phytoclasts (fragments of tissues derived from higher plants
or fungi), and Amorphous Organic Matter - AOM (structureless material derived from non-fossilizing
algae, or advanced tissue biodegradation, phytoplankton or bacterially derived AOM, higher plants
resins and amorphous products of the diagenesis of macrophyte tissues).
The three classes of structured particles are: Palynomorphs (discrete, coherent, recognizable,
individual or colonial entities), Biostructured Clasts (fragments which at least partially preserve
definitive original botanical features that indicate the original type of tissue from which they were
derived), and (non-bio) Structured Clasts (coherent angular to irregular particles with distinct outlines
that although not clearly attributable to a specific biological source, have a definite structure, shape
or fabric which indicates they are fragment of larger organized bodies or tissues and they often larger
than palynomorphs and lacking organic inclusions).
In the case of structureless particles observed in transmitted white light microscopy they
present no botanical features, no organized internal structure or fabric, and no consistent shape. Now,
they may be internally heterogeneous or homogeneous, hyaline (as in resin) or non-hyaline (as in
"AOM"), and they may be fluorescent or non-fluorescent depending on source and preservation
(Tyson, 1995). Now in the case of phytoplankton-derived "AOM", the most common type of
structureless material in marine or lacustrine sediments, the particles (as observed in TWL) appear
typically heterogeneous and microparticulate when viewed under fluorescence, they may have
common inclusions (e.g. Pyrite), they may show a lack of regular shape or size, they may have no
internal structure or fabric, often somewhat diffuse edges (but varies), less angular than phytoclasts
or zooclasts, and a "gritty gel" appearance. “AOM" may sometimes show "craters" or imprints where
mineral grains were once located but have been removed by acid treatment and it may often adheres
to the outside of other particles (Tyson, 1995).
Tables 2, 3, and 4 show the detailed classification system of the individual palynological
components based on Tyson (1995), Vincent (1995), Mendonça Filho (1999), and Mendonça Filho et
al. (2002, 2010a, 2012), indicating the appropriate use of the nomenclature for the observation of
kerogen under transmitted white light.
5.1.1. Phytoclast Group (Table 2)
The phytoclast term was introduced by Bostick (1971) to describe all particles with size clay or
fine-sand derived from higher plants or fungi. They are fragments of tissues derived from higher plants
or fungi and its autofluorescence depends on derived tissue. Phytoclasts can be translucent (non-
opaque) or opaque (black) and non-biostructured, biostructured, structured or "pseudoamorphous“.
Most are derived from the highly lignified mechanical support tissue of higher plants, i.e. wood (xylem),
once lignin is highly resistant to decay and tends to become selectively preserved and therefore
concentrated during decay. According to Tyson (1993, 1995), the original lignin content is 25-35% in
softwood and 18-25% in hardwood, but up to 70% or more in subfossil (archaeological) wood. Lignin
decay is mainly through “mouldering” by “white rot” fungi; this process requires oxygen. Wherever
oxygen is in short supply, e.g. in water (26 times less 02 than air), especially disoxic-anoxic water,
lignin/wood preservation is enhanced. This is why coals are formed in wet swampy environments.
Because it is mainly only the lignin-rich secondary cell walls that survives, even anaerobic degradation
of wood produces a major weight loss (70-80%), due to degradation of the cellulosic tissues. Except in
coals, it is mainly dispersed tracheid and other woody tissues which form the bulk of the phytoclast
population. Other tissues may also be present, e.g. the thinner-walled material derived from “ray”
tissues, but these are produced in lower amounts, and are less well preserved (due to their lower lignin
content). Gymnosperm (softwood/conifer) xylem is composed largely of tracheids-elongate cylindrical
cells. These often show characteristic "bordered pits", pores in the cell wall by which adjacent cells
communicate. Their pores have membranes, but these rarely survive, leaving only holes. Now,
Table 2: Detailed classification system of the individual palynological components from Phytoclast Group
based on Tyson (1995), Vincent (1995), Mendonça Filho (1999), and Mendonça Filho et al. (2002, 2010a,
The darkening of particles through the burial and thermal maturation is not considered an
originating process of opaque phytoclasts. In this case, all the other organic particles will also be darker
in color as result of the increasing temperature. Subaquatic formation of black wood (from brown
wood) is now considered unlikely or rare.
Plate 1: Opaque Phytoclasts (TWL). Fig. 1: Equidimensional (equant) (TWL); Fig. 2: Lath (rectangular)
(TWL) and Fig. 3: Corroded (TWL).
Plate 2: Non-opaque Phytoclasts. Fig. 1: Fungal Hyphae (TWL); Fig. 2: Non-biostructured Phytoclasts
(TWL); Fig. 3: Cuticle (TWL); Fig. 4: Cuticle (under Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 5: Membrane (TWL); Fig.
6: Membrane (Fluorescence Mode).
Plate 3: Non-opaque Phytoclasts-Biostructured Phytoclasts. Fig. 1: Striate (TWL); Fig. 2: Striped (TWL);
Fig. 3: Banded (TWL); Fig. 4: Pitted (TWL).
Other types of patterns can also occur (Plate 4). “Nematoclasts” are helical “spring-like”
phytoclasts found early in the history of land plants (L. Ordovician-E Silurian); they represent primitive
tracheid-like structures, where only part of the cell wall was lignified. Similar things can occasionally
be seen in younger sediments (Tyson, 1993). Some thickening patterns (in secondary walls) in
individual tracheids (no lignified tissues) can appear in different forms, such as:
Spiral (Plate 4, Figures 1 and 2);
Helical (Plate 4, Figures 3 and 4);
Pitted (Plate 4, Figures 5 and 6);
Plate 4: Others types of patterns. Fig. 1: Spiral (TWL); Fig. 2: Spiral (Fluorescence mode); Fig. 3: Helical
(TWL); Fig. 4: Helical (Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 5: Pitted (TWL); Fig. 6: Pitted (Fluorescence Mode).
Pseudoamorphous and amorphous: They exhibit diffuse outline, it may light brown,
brown and dark brown in color. They start to show some features of AOM, but
homogeneous in appearance (flat fluorescence), no inclusions. They may exhibit
fluorescence. (Plate 5, Figures 3 and 4);
Sclereids (Plate 5, Figures 7 and 8): They are generally opaque (black), but may be
translucent (dark brown). They represent a sclerenchymatic tissue cells, with thickened
secondary wall and impregnated with lignin and they can be classified as opaque (blacks)
or non-opaque (brown) components (Mendonça Filho et al., 2007, 2012; Mendonça et al.,
2007). Sclereids can be found in different parts of the plant (root, stem and leaf) with the
sustentation function and mechanical resistance and they can appear total or partially
charred by charcoalification (Cope, 1981), as result of natural pyrolysis, where the effect
of high temperatures in the absence of oxygen that can occur in the middle of large natural
Plate 5: Particular Cases. Fig. 1: Structured Phytoclast: Cross-Hatch structure (TWL); Fig. 2: Structured
Phytoclast: Cross-Hatch structure (Fluorescence mode); Fig. 3: Pseudoamorphous/Amorphous (TWL);
Fig. 4: Pseudoamorphous/Amorphous (Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 5: In decomposition/Gelified (TWL);
Fig. 6: In decomposition/Gelified (Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 7: Sclereids (TWL); Fig. 8: Sclereids (TWL).
Plate 6: Amorphous Group. Fig. 1: AOM (TWL); Fig. 2: AOM (Fluorescence mode); Fig. 3: Bacterial AOM
(TWL); Fig. 4: Bacterial AOM (Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 5: Bacterial AOM (TWL); Fig. 6: Bacterial AOM
(Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 7: Plant Tissues AOM (TWL); Fig. 8: Plant Tissues AOM (Fluorescence Mode);
Fig. 9: Mucilage (Extracellular Polymeric Substance-EPS, TWL); Fig. 10: Mucilage (Extracellular
Polymeric Substance-EPS, Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 11: Pelicular Bacterial AOM (TWL); Fig. 12:
Pelicular Bacterial AOM (Fluorescence mode); Fig. 13: Plate Form Bacterial AOM (TWL); Fig. 14: Plate
Form Bacterial AOM (Fluorescence Mode); Fig. 15: Resin/Amber (TWL); Fig. 16: Resin/Amber
(Fluorescence Mode).
Table 4: Detailed classification system of the individual palynological components from Palynomorph Group
based on Tyson (1995), Vincent (1995), Mendonça Filho (1999), Mendonça Filho et al. (2002, 2010a, 2012).
1 Upwelling: the process of upward movement to the ocean surface of deeper cold usually nutrient-rich waters.
Plate 8: Palynomorph Group, Zoomorph and Zooclast Subgroups. Fig. 1: Zoomorph - Foraminiferal test
linings (TWL); Fig. 2: Zoomorph - Foraminiferal test linings (Fluorescence mode); Fig. 3: Zoomorph -
Scolecodonts (TWL); Fig. 4: Zoomorph - Chitinozoa (TWL); Fig. 5: Zooclast - Tintinnids (TWL); Fig. 6:
Zooclast - Crustacean egg (TWL).
Plate 9: Kerogen Concentrate strewn slide. Fig. 1: Frustule of centric diatom (TWL); Figs. 2 and 3:
Pyritized frustules of centric diatoms (TWL); Fig. 4: Pyritized frustule of pennate diatom (TWL) and Fig.
5: Pyritized frustule of pennate diatom (RWL).
Undifferentiated and Uncertain Palynomorphs:
In Palynofacies, the terms "undifferentiated palynomorphs" and "uncertain palynomorphs"
are used to define components that cannot be identified for different reasons:
Undifferentiated Palynomorphs: This category of palynomorphs includes organic particles, which
cannot be confidently assigned to any subgroup from palynomorph assemblage (e.g. sporomorphs or
organic-walled microplankton) because of their state of preservation or lack of diagnostic features.
The amount of undifferentiated particles tends to increase in frequency distally (Tyson, 1993, 1995;
Vincent, 1995; Mendonça Filho, 1999), i.e. ther term is used for those organic particles that not have
any distinguishing features (an undifferentiated mass), mainly due to their preservation state, but the
analyst knows that this is a palynomorph
Uncertain Palynomorphs: This category of palynomorphs includes organic particles, which cannot be
determined because of lack of analyst knowledge to recognize diagnostic features to identify the
organic particles (Tyson, 1993, 1995; Vincent, 1995; Mendonça Filho, 1999), i.e. the term is used for
those organic particles that cannot be identified by a complete lack of knowledge of the analyst to
recognize its distinctive features.
Figure 2: Palynofacies Counting (TWL and UV fluorescence mode). Only the particles which are in the
line of the crossed graduated reticule.
Tyson (1995) suggested that would need two totally separate counts to determine the
percentage assemblage compositions of the total kerogen and palynomorphs analysis by using the
total kerogen yield and the percentage of total palynomorphs within the kerogen count. It may need
to supplement the basics counts of 300-500 with additional counts of specific categories of special
interest if occur in low numbers. For key ratios, set a minimum target number for the sum of the two
categories involved (e.g. 50), and if this is not reached during the ordinary 300-500 total count, keep
counting alone until this target is attained. Although, according to Traverse (1988), 200-300
palynomorph counts might be viewed as sufficient for determining the overall nature of the
palynomorph population. The additional counts can be used to determine an optimum number of total
In the APP diagram applied to marine palynofacies (Tyson 1993, 1995) it is possible to define 9
fields using the percentages of the 3 main groups from the kerogen (Figure 5). These 9 fields represent
different environmental conditions, from a highly proximal shelf or basin environment to a distal shelf
or basin environment. Palynofacies assemblages 'start' at the proximal (phytoclast) corner as the
shallowest sediments are generally both proximal (high phytoclast supply) and oxic. The assemblages
then change in response to the above processes. Table 5 show a key to marine palynofacies fields
distinguished on ternary APP diagram according to Tyson (1993, 1995).
Figure 5: Ternary AOM-Phytoclast-Palynomorph kerogen plot and the palynofacies fields and
environments. Note: Palynofacies field IX could be related to carbonate shelf or restricted marine
environmental or lagoon environmental (modified Tyson, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1995; Menezes et al.,
2008; Mendonça Filho et al., 2010a, 2012).
Besides the APP diagram, there are several others diagrams to represent the palynofacies data
and to interpret its results. Suites of ternary diagrams can be used to highlight different aspects of
palynological organic matter assemblages, such as:
Total kerogen (palynological organic matter) population;
Total palynomorph population:
Total sporomorph population;
Total organic-walled microplankton population;
Total phytoclast population:
Total woody phytoclast population;
Total brown (non-opaque) biostructured woody phytoclast population;
More detailed explanations about the graphic representation of palynofacies data and other
ternary palynomorph plots can be found in Tyson (1993 and1995, Chapter 25, item 25.8).
Figure 6: Spore-Microplankton-Pollen Grain plot (Federova, 1977; Traverse, 1988; Duringer and
Doubinger, 1985; Tyson, 1993, 1995).
DSA (Figure 7): in this diagram the palynomorph assemblage is represented by the content of
dinocysts, sporomorphs and acritarchs to characterize shallow marine (neritic), brackish marine, or
non-marine to brackish depositional environments and to indicate the salinity conditions in the
deposition sites and the level of marine influence in marginal continental environments (Burger, 1980;
Tyson, 1993, 1995).
D+PCA (Figure 9): in this diagram the palynomorph assemblage is represented by the content of
dinocysts + prasinophytes, chlorococcales algae (Botryococcus + Pediastrum) and acritarchs and
indicates mainly the salinity conditions in the deposition sites and it can serve to distinguish different
environments (Tyson, 1993).
APB (Figure 11): in this diagram the palynomorph and AOM assemblages are represented by the
content of AOM, Pediastrum and Botryococcus and indicates the salinity conditions in the deposition
sites and it can serve to distinguish the trophic state in lacustrine environments (Mendonça Filho et
al., 2010a; 2011; 2012).
Figure 11: AOM-Pediastrum-Botryococcus plot (Mendonça Filho et al., 2010a; 2011; 2012).
According to Tyson (1995) the choice of palynofacies parameters depends upon the objectives
of the study and upon the kerogen and palynomorph classifications used to collect the data.
There are a number of kerogen and palynomorph parameters that are commonly used in
palaeoenvironmental studies, and their interpretation is based on just a few major variables, namely
proximal-distal variations (proximality), redox conditions, palaeosalinity, palaeoproductivity and
watermass stability (Tyson; 1993). The most important of these variables controlling the parameter
trends is the palynological concept of proximality (proximal-distal variations), which has been derived
from analogous concepts in sedimentology dealing with lateral variations in sediment character with
increasing distance from siliciclastic sediment source (or distance from the main sediment transport
path) (Tyson; 1995). According to Tyson (1993, 1995), the concept of proximality used in palynofacies
studies is a hybrid one involving a number of interrelated factors, such as: the actual proximity to the
fluvio-deltaic point source(s) of siliciclastic sediment and terrestrial organic matter (phytoclasts), the
magnitude (discharge rate) of the fluvio-deltaic point source(s), the magnitude and nature of terrestrial
primary productivity in the sediment source area, the relative total duration of transport (intermittent
or continuous) between the particle source area and its final site of deposition, and the gradient in
palaeoenvironment between the source area and site of final deposition (e.g. palaeoslope,
environmental energy, siliciclastic sediment accumulation rate). It is a summation of all the observed
changes in palynological organic matter assemblages that occur along a proximal (near source) to distal
(far from source) transect. Proximal-distal variation is best indicated by the terrestrial components (i.e.
sporomorphs and phytoclasts; also reworked palynomorphs and freshwater algae).
A proximal facies is one presumed to be deposited near (or nearest) to the fluvio-deltaic point
source(s) and it shows the highest siliciclastic sediment accumulation rate. These facies contain the
greatest degree of relative and absolute terrestrial influence and they have experienced the least
transport and thus least modification of their organic matter assemblage (size sorting, degradation,
fragmentation, or oxidation) prior to burial. Proximal facies are often, but not always, coarser
sediments deposited under higher energy conditions (greater mean size or higher silt or sand content).
The lateral proximal-distal changes that occur in these facies reflect the palaeogeography and bottom
topography and hence they influence the sediment transport path. Now, vertical proximal-distal
changes reflect transgressive-regressive trends and relative progradation or retrogradation of deltas.
Relative distal shifts in palynofacies may also reflect climatically driven changes in either the magnitude
of discharge at the sediment source or terrestrial primary productivity in the drainage basin (i.e. less
material produced or supplied). Sediments deposited adjacent to arid continental settings may thus
appear more distal than those deposited at equivalent distances from land under humid continental
settings. Redeposition processes may make offshore palynofacies (distal) to present characteristics of
a proximal facies (e.g. near submarine fans, in turbidites). Similarly, bypassing may make a proximal
site appear more distal than it really is Tyson (1993, 1995). A full explanation and a better description
for these parameters can be found in Tyson (1995).
High relative abundance (high supply) Low-moderate relative abundance (selective preservation)
The phytoclast assemblage changes in agreement with the increase of the distance from the
continental source area. There is a natural sequence of phytoclast destruction according to the lignin
content and inherent resistance to the destruction: the first component to disappear of the
assemblage are non-opaque non-biostructured after this there is a sequence of destruction of these
components (according to its content in lignin and its resistance to the destruction) and the last
components to disappear are opaque phytoclasts (Figure 13).
Non-opaque (translucent): opaque (black) phytoclast ratio
Opaque material can be produced by either the oxidation of non-opaque particles during
prolonged transport or even post depositionally, or as charcoal by natural pyrolysis (natural forest
fires) (Tyson, 1993). These particles are commonly reported as being dominant in coarse grained, high
energy, organic-poor facies such as distributary channel sands and point bars (Fisher, 1980; Denison
and fowler, 1980; Parry et al., 1981; Baten, 1982a and 1982b, Bustin, 1988; Tyson, 1989, 1993, 1995).
This realationship has lead to the development of the idea that opaque phytoclasts are
hydrodynamically equivalent to sand grade material (Fisher, 1980; Denison and fowler, 1980; Parry et
al., 1981; Tyson, 1989, 1993, 1995). According to Whitaker et al. (1992), blade-shaped opaque
phytoclasts are the most buoyant material in the kerogen assemblage; they are resistant to
degardation and can be concentrated in high energy environments. There is an increase offshore in
fine grained opaque phytoclasts relative to non-opaque material and the transition from non-opaque
to opaque phytoclasts is primarily a subaerial effect that happens before the particles enter the sea;
the subsequent ratio reflects relative preservation (opaque greater than non-opaque) and size sorting
(as opaque particles are generally smaller) (Tyson, 1989, 1995). Habib (1982), shows that the kerogen
assemblages of oceanic sediments are typically dominated by small (<20µm), equidimensional, opaque
to semi-opaque particles, especially during transgressive periods of low terrestrial organic matter
Equant: lath opaque phytoclast ratio
The morphological form of the opaque phytoclast is important to do some interpretations
about the phytoclast assemblage. According to Whitaker et al. (1992), lath-shaped black wood is
supposedly extremely buoyant and is selectively transported to more distal settings where it is
Figure 13: The proximal-distal relationship based on the phytoclasts types: selectively preserved
phytoclast types at different points on a relative proximal-distal gradient (after Tyson, 1993, 1995;
Vincent, 1995; Mendonça Filho 1999; Mendonça Filho et al., 2010a, 2010c, 2012).
Table 8: Some differences between proximal (deltaic) and distal (shelf/basin) environments based on
the sporomorph percentage. In this table it can be observed the behavior of the sporomorph
components with the variations in the environmental conditions (Tyson, 1993, 1995).
Table 9: A summary of main characteristics of the palynomorph (freshwater algae) assemblage (Tyson,
1993, 1995).
Environmental factor:
Parameters: Distal Upwelling
Proximal → Increasing
Anoxic Redeposition (with sand arid
Distal trend % Sand
Facies hinterland)
% Plankton/
low→high→low decreases decreases may increase increases
% Chlorococcales/
high→low decreases usually low may increase decreases
% Reworked may
high→low decreases increases decreases
Palynomorphs Increase
The marine plankton dominant percentage of total kerogen occurs in oxidizing environments
with low "AOM" preservation but high productivity and distal shelf areas removed from river inputs,
with adjacent land areas poorly vegetated (e.g. arid areas). The organic-walled plankton dominant
percentage of palynomorphs can be interpreted as shelf areas removed from active sporomorph input
(i.e. from active fluvio-deltaic sources), arid areas with poor vegetation and low runoff (i.e. low
sporomorph production and supply), or areas of high shelf productivity, e.g. coastal upwelling regimes
(Tyson, 1993, 1995).
Prasinophyte algae (pelagic organic bodies: phycomata) dominate the marine palynomorph
assemblage when production of other groups was suppressed, especially in dysoxic-anoxic facies. The
prasinophyte dominant percentage of organic-walled microplankton can be interpreted as a stably
stratified water masses with low in situ production of cyst-forming dinoflagellates, and low
redeposition of dinocysts from adjacent shelf areas, dysoxic-anoxic basinal sediments with low
sediment accumulation rates (e.g. condensed sections), and cold high latitude or glacially-influenced
waters (Tyson, 1993, 1995).
Significant percentages of acritarchs in Mesozoic sediments generally characterize shallow,
marginal marine where dinocyst production suppressed by brackish conditions. They are therefore the
most tolerant (euryhaline) of the marine plankton groups and have been used to recognize saline
influences in generally non-marine settings. They can occur in marginal, brackish, or hypersaline
depositional environments. The dominance of acritarchs long to short-spined (acanthomorph
acritarchs) of organic-walled microplankton can be interpreted as being from a relatively offshore,
lower energy, marine environments (Wall, 1965; Hancock and Fisher, 1981; Tyson, 1993, 1995).
In most marine situations dinocysts are the predominant form of fossilizing phytoplankton,
and they normally form a very high percentage of the total organic-walled microplankton assemblage.
This is particularly the case of areas of high primary productivity. The dinocysts dominant percentage
of organic-walled microplankton can be interpreted as deposition beneath, or redeposition from,
Table 10: a summary of main characteristics of the marine OWM assemblage (Tyson, 1993, 1995).
Environmental factor:
Parameters: Proximal → Distal Increasing % Distal Anoxic
Redeposition Upwelling*
trend Sand Facies
% Plankton/
low→high→low decreases decreases may increase increases
% acritarchs/ Marine
high→low may increase usually low may increase decreases
% Dinocysts/ Marine
low→high→low may decrease decreases may increase increases
% Prasinophytes/
low→high no data increases decreases decreases
Marine plankton
low→high decreases may increase decreases no data
% Chorates/ Dinocysts low→high decreases increases may decrease decreases?
high→low may increase may decrease may decrease increases
Gonyaulacoid dinocysts
Dinocyst species
high→low may increase increases may decrease increases
Absolute dinocyst
low→high→low decreases decreases may increase increases
% Reworked
high→low may Increase decreases increases decreases
* with sand arid hinterland
Total % of non-biostructured, non-opaque phytoclasts of the total non-opaque phytoclasts High Low
Total % of biostructured, non-opaque phytoclasts of the total non-opaque phytoclasts Low High
Total % of non-opaque tracheid tissues of the total non-opaque biostructured phytoclasts Low High
% of non-opaque undegraded tracheid tissues of the total non-opaque tracheid tissues High Low
% of opaque undegraded tracheid tissues of the total non-opaque tracheid tissues Low High
Parameter: Botryococcus:Pediastrum
Interpretation of high (relative) values
Inland water bodies with salinities ≥3.5% (≤35%);
Arid climatic regimes (high evaporarion:precipitation balance, low lake levels);
Oligotrophic (nitrate-poor) waters;
Low Ca or low pH waters.