Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Strength and
factors make structures
strong and stable?
stability cantilever
centre of gravity truss
beam arch
I-beam dome
corrugation structural failure
Reading Science and Technology
Modern Machinery
We were taken from the ore-bed and the mine,
'vVe were melted in the furnace and the pit-
We were cast and wrought and hammered to design,
We were cut and filed and tooled and gauged to fit.
Some water, coal, and oil is all we ask,
And a thousandth of an inch to give us play:
And now, if you will set us to our task,
We will serve you four and twenty hours a day!
("The Secret of the Machines," verse 1)
Making Inferences a In 1922, Herbert Haultain created a ceremony
Texts can have "literal" meanings or "inferred" for new engineers. What inference does this text
meanings. "Literal" means that the text means suggest for why he created this ceremony?
exactly what it says. "Inferred" means that a text says
something, but really means something more.
EI The words of the Obligation are secret. Kipling
wrote this example of a poem about something
Readers make inferences by thinking about what
that engineers would build. What can you infer
they have read in a text. Then, they make a connection
about the words in the real Obligation?
to what they already know to make an informed guess
about what a text really means. See if you can infer II The poem that is included in this text is from
the meaning of the text for each situation. The Secret of the Machines. This is verse 1.
What can you infer about the actual length of
this poem?
Stabil-ty of Structures
Imagine you are standing on a public bus (Figure 1). The bus is
speeding up and slowing down. You probably would feel more stable
with your feet flat on the floor and spread apart. Why is this so?
Figure 1 How do you keep from falling when you are standing on a moving bus?
Figure 4 Step 6
7. Make a second hole in the shape . Repeat step 6, but this
time, label the new plumb line CD (Figure 5).
Figure 2 Step 1
point of the shape, and mark it with a pencil.
B. Write your own definition for "horizontal balance point."
Be very careful when using sharp objects. C. Can the horizontal balance point of an object be outside
the object itself? How do you know?
(a) (b) (c)
If you bend forward and let your arms hang in front of you , you F
left foot right fo ot
may feel as though you are going to fall forward. Your body feels
less stable in this position because its centre of gravity has
moved in front of the centre of its base (your feet). In this activity,
you will learn how a structure's (your body 's) stability relates to A c E
its centre of gravity and its support base.
Equipment and Materials: object that can be lifted with one
hand (for example , a dumbbell or textbook)
If you have any problems in lifting objects or bending
over, be careful in deciding which steps to follow. These Figure 8
activities should be performed with a partner, with one
partner acting as a spotter. Work on a gym mat. 2. (a) Stand sideways against a wall with the side of one foot
pressed against the wall. Slowly raise the other foot off
1. Refer to Figure 8. The region enclosed by the footprints the floor. Describe what happens. Where is your body's
is shaded and represents the su pport base of a person centre of gravity relative to your support base?
standing upright. (b) Stand with your back to the wall and your heels
(a) Stand upright with your arms at your sides and your pressed against the wall. Slowly bend over to try to
feet about 50 cm apart. Have your partner look at you touch your toes. Describe what happens. Where is your
from a place in front of position F. Above which point, body's centre of gravity relative to your support base?
A to G, does your body's centre of gravity feel like it is A. Which provides greater stability, a high centre of gravity
positioned? or a low one? Support your answer with an example.
(b) Slowly raise your right foot off the floor. Above which B. Which provides greater stability, a small support base or
point, A to G, does your body 's centre of gravity feel a large one? What evidence supports your answer?
like it is positioned now?
C. Explain the observations you made in step 2. (Hint: Think
(c) Stand erect with your feet together. Hold a heavy (but of how your centre of gravity moved with each position
not too heavy) object in one hand near your stomach. that you attempted.)
With your partner still in front of position F, determine
what happens to your body, especially to your hips, as
you move the object out to one side (toward either A or
E). Where does your centre of gravity appear to lie now?
Unit Task How will you use what you learned about centre of gravity and
stability when designing your playground equipment?
1. Describe how you would find the approximate centre of 3. What two features of an object provide good stability?
gravity of 4. State the conditions needed for stability.
(a) a golf club (c) a coat hanger
(b) a framed painting (d) a tennis racquet
5. Which is more stable? Explain why in each case.
(a) a turtle or a giraffe
2. State the location of the centre of gravity of (b) the eN Tower or your school building
(a) a golf ball (b) a bagel
Figure 2 A steel I-beam is used to provide structural strength. Figure 3 The corrugation in a steel roof provides added strength.
Concrete beams are often strengthened with steel reinforcing rods.
Reading for Meaning A beam experiences compression on top and tension on the bottom.
Scientific words are defined or
Concrete can withstand a great deal of compression, but it is very
explained on this page: I-beam,
corrugation , and rebar. What weak when it experiences tension. Steel reinforcing bars called rebar
do these mean? How do these are placed in the concrete to help it resist the forces of tension.
explanations help you to better Concrete that contains rebar is known as "reinforced concrete" and
understand your reading?
is able to resist both compression and tension (Figure 4).
Unit Task How will you use what you learned about the beam in the design of
the playground equipment for the Unit Task?
1. Briefly describe four ways that a beam can be strengthened. 3. Provide two examples of cantilevers that you have seen in
2. How is a cantilever different from a fully supported beam? your neighbourhood.
Testable Question .-
How do the mass, shape, and form of a beam .. -.---
affect the beam's ability to support a load? . --. --
ruler or metre stick scissors spring scale
Read the Experimental Design and Procedure,
and examine the figures to see the different beam
designs you will be testing. Make and record
a hypothesis about which design will be the stools or movable pieces of file-folder masking tape
desks cardboard
strongest and which will be the weakest. Your
hypothesis should include a prediction
and reasons for your prediction.
The Truss
truss: a network of beams arranged A truss is a network of beams that form triangles. A truss can be
in triangles used as a bridge or a cantilever, and for many other applications.
In the following Try This activity, you will learn how trusses can be
strengthened and how their mass can be reduced.
In this activity, you will learn how to build trusses and reduce 4. Reduce the mass of your truss bridge by replacing beams
their mass while maintaining their strength. You will test for with pieces of string (Figure 2). Start by replacing one beam,
strength, not for failure, by gently pushing on your structures. and then two beams, and so on. Draw a diagram of your
In each step, record your observations. final design. Gently test its strength .
Equipment and Materials: 11-15 equal-sized strips of stiff
cardboard or large craft sticks with a small hole drilled near
each end ; paper fasteners (brads); string
1. Construct a four-piece structure using cardboard and
fasteners (Figure 1(a)). With the structure resting upright, Figure 2 Reduce the mass of a suspended truss
determine how sturdy it is.
2. Add a fifth component to create a bridge truss made of two 5. Turn over the truss you made in step 4. Describe what
triangles (Figure 1(b)) . Place the truss to span a small space happens to its sturdiness.
between two textbooks. Gently test how sturdy this truss is, 6. Put the long truss back together and support it at one end
but do not break it. only (as a cantilever). Discover how to reduce the mass of
3. Make a larger truss using the triangular design (Figure 1(c)). the cantilever by rep lacing at least one beam with string
(Figure 3) . Draw a diagram of the cantilever truss with the
(a) Test the sturdiness of the truss as a bridge spanning
least mass .
a space.
A. What basic form provides a truss with strength?
(b) Test the sturdiness of the truss when used as a
cantilever (over the edge of a book). B. How can a spanning truss be reduced in mass while
maintaining strength?
Figure 4 Trusses are used in the construction of many structures. Figure 5 Trusses provide strength to this Ferris wheel.
The Arch
An arch is a curved structure often used to support loads. Arches are arch: a curved structure used to span
used in spaces where supporting beams are not practical. Such spaces a space while supporting a load
NEL 11.4 Making Structures Strong: The Truss, Arch, and Dome 301
The Dome
dome: a shell structure that looks like A dome is a structure that looks like the top half of a sphere or an
the top half of a sphere egg. Like an arch, a dome directs compression force downward. In an
arch, the compression force occurs in only one plane of application
(Figure 8). However, in a dome, the compression force is directed
downward in many planes at once (Figure 9). You could consider a
dome to be a series of arches that have been connected at a centre point.
Figure 9 The compression force on this dome is directed downward in many planes at once.
Domes are popular structures because they are strong and can still
enclose a large volume of space. Planetariums, churches, mosques, and
Figure 8 The compression force on many stadiums use domes in their design (Figure 10).
this arch is directed downward in a
single plane.
Unit Task Will you be able to use trusses, arches, or domes in your playground
design for the Unit Task?
1. What are some advantages of using trusses? 3. Describe the similarities and differences between arches and
2. List four examples of structures that use trusses. domes.
4. Explain how compression forces are different in arches and
domes .
the level of the individual particles of matter. Nanotube Go to Nelson Science
technology has even been developed to make solar power
more efficient. Microscopic solar cells can be applied to LINK IN G TO LITERACY
flexible plastic sheets and stuck on windows, skylights, and
car windshields. Someday, even house paint may contain Synthesize
energy-collecting nanotubes! Readers synthesize information by summarizing what
they have read and making connections, or thinking
creatively to draw a conclusion, come up with a new
idea, or think about information in a new way.
Summarize your reading about carbon nanotubes.
Make a connection to a similar science text you have
read. What conclusions can you draw? How else might
nanotubes be used? How might nanotubes be similar to
or different from other technology?
Prepare a report to describe the final design of
your scaffold. Include a detailed diagram and any
calculations you made.
Figure 1 Structural failure of an umbrella from a gust of wind Figure 2 Structural failure of a drinking glass
Bad Design
Approximately 40 % to 60 % of all structural failures are due to bad
design. Bad designs can be caused by design errors such as failure to
account for load, specifying incorrect materials, or not conSidering
important factors and stresses.
On January 28, 1986, just 73 s after takeoff, the space shuttle
Challenger exploded (Figure 3) . All seven crew members were killed.
The explosion was caused by a gas leak when an O-ring failed. An
O-ring is a circular piece of plastic or rubber that stops water or gases
from escaping. An O-ring is usually in a connection between two
pipes (Figure 4). In the case of the Challenger, the weather in Florida
To learn about Challenger
was unusually cold. The cold O-ring failed and caused the gas leak
Learning Centers,
Go to Nelson Science that led to the explosion.
Figure 3 The explosion of the Challenger as a result of the failure Figure 4 Inside the end of a garden hose is a round washer.
of an O-ring This flexible washer works in a similar way to an O-ring.
Faulty Construction
Faulty construction is the second most common cause of structural
failure. Construction errors can result from the use of poor quality
materials, poor installation from either sloppiness or lack of expertise,
or a combination of these. For example, homeowners are aware of
how easily shingles are blown off a roof in windy conditions. This is
a bigger problem if the shingles were poorly installed by not securing
them correctly with the right type of nail (Figures 6 and 7). Using the
wrong nail for the job can mean the difference between a roof that
lasts for 20 years and one that fails on the first windy day.
Figure 6 A roofing nail is rustproof and has a large head and a Figure 7 A finishing nail has a smooth shank and smaller head
notched shank to hold down the shingles in windy conditions. that is less visible on wood trim around doorways or cabinets.
What would happen if a worker used finishing nails for roof
Go to Nelson Science charged with accepting bribes to conceal the building's flaws.
Extraordinary Loads
Extreme conditions can also result in structural failure. Often these
failures are not the result of poor design, but the result of unexpected
events that create extraordinary loads on structures.
In January 1998, North America experienced a massive ice storm.
For days, parts of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New York, and
Maine were drenched with freezing rain. The rain coated everything
with a 120 mm-thick layer of ice. About 130 transmission towers were
crushed under the weight of the ice (Figure 9). More than 4 million
people in Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick had no electricity.
To learn more about the
Some people had no electricity for more than a month. At least
1998 ice storm ,
Go to Nelson Science 25 people died, many of them from the cold.
Leaning Tower of Pisa,
returned it to the angle at which it was leaning in 1870. Go to Nelson Science
Unit Task How can you use what you have learned about structural failure in
your Unit Task?
1. (a) List four possible causes of structural failure. 2. A 12-year-old student sits on a child's tricycle and one of the
(b) Identify a structural failure that occurred on account of rear wheels breaks off.
each of the four causes. (a) What was the most likely cause of the structural failure?
(e) Suggest one way in which each of the structural failures (b) How could this failure have been prevented?
in (b) could have been prevented.
Design Brief
In this activity, you will work with a partner to electric fan calculator scissors
build the tallest, most stable structure possible.
Use only three sheets of newspaper and 75 cm of
masking tape to build a model. You must anchor
the structure to the ground. Your structure must party streamers
3 sheets of masking tape
be able to withstand the force of the wind from newspaper
a fan on high power that is placed 1 m from
the tower without falling over or irreversibly Be very careful when using sharp objects.
buckling. If the structure topples over then it
has failed the test. Your structure may buckle a Research and Consider
little bit, but if it buckles so much that the form Use the Internet and other resources to
of the structure changes permanently, then your investigate how
structure has failed. • wind tunnel testing is used to check a
Use several techniques to ensure the safety structure's integrity (The fan at 1 m will be
of your design. Create a sensor using a party acting as your wind tunnel.)
streamer to determine where your structure • structures are over-engineered with a factor of
might fail. safety so that they can withstand greater forces
than anticipated
• sensors can be used to detect early warnings of
o Structures have a
iii' The form of a structure
is dependent on its
iii' The interaction
between structures
and forces is
Beams, trusses, arches, and domes are used to help structures support
• The beam can be strengthened by changing its shape or
composition (for example, I-beam, corrugation, rebar) or by adding
supports (for example, tie, strut, gusset).
• The cantilever is a beam supported at only one end.
• In a truss, force is distributed through the structure at the points of
contact of the triangles.
• An arch's curved design transfers compression force downward into
the ground.
• A dome is a structural element that looks like the top part of a
sphere. Like an arch, a dome also transfers compression forces to
the ground.
Figure 2
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