Molecular Pathophysiology of Congenital Long QT Syndrome
Molecular Pathophysiology of Congenital Long QT Syndrome
Molecular Pathophysiology of Congenital Long QT Syndrome
Department of Pharmacology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York; and The New York
Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute, New York, New York
Bohnen MS, Peng G, Robey SH, Terrenoire C, Iyer V, Sampson KJ, Kass RS.
Molecular Pathophysiology of Congenital Long QT Syndrome. Physiol Rev 97: 89 –134,
2017. Published November 2, 2016; doi:10.1152/physrev.00008.2016.—Ion
channels represent the molecular entities that give rise to the cardiac action potential,
the fundamental cellular electrical event in the heart. The concerted function of these
(APDs), most often caused by decreased repolarizing IKs or encodes hERG), respectively, while LQT3 is associated
IKr activity, or persistent sodium influx that extends with mutations in SCN5A, the gene coding for the Nav1.5
through the plateau phase. A loss of IKs or IKr function, or a sodium channel alpha subunit. Disease association for vari-
gain of INa function, predisposes ventricular myocytes to ants in these three proteins is supported by genome-wide
early afterdepolarizations (EADs), and in some cases to de- association studies (300) and functional electrophysiologi-
layed afterdepolarizations (DADs) which may underlie de- cal characterization of mutant channels. In addition, LQTS-
generation into a characteristic sinusoidal wave pattern on associated mutations exist less frequently in other ion chan-
the ECG, referred to as torsades de pointes, which may nels, modulatory channel subunits, and signaling- or cyto-
further regress into ventricular fibrillation and sudden car- skeleton-associated proteins. Understanding the molecular
diac death. EADs are driven in large part by calcium entry mechanisms that cause LQTS allows for optimization of
via L-type calcium channels during prolonged action poten- genotype-specific treatments. In this review, we discuss the
tial plateau phases, whereas DADs, which occur over the molecular physiology, biology, and pathophysiology un-
diastolic range of potentials after action potential repolar- derlying congenital LQTS, and the cellular and molecular
ization, are caused by intracellular calcium overload, also a underpinnings of genotype-driven clinical management of
consequence of action potential prolongation (126). Addi- LQTS.
Table 1. Subtypes of congenital LQTS and their associated genes, proteins, and effects on cardiac currents
LQT Subtype Gene Protein Current
the molecular mechanisms of disease mutations have (minK) generates IKs (36, 358). While KCNE1 had previ-
greatly improved our understanding of LQTS pathophysi- ously been thought to be an independent potassium channel
ology and helped provide a first step to the future develop- (167, 412), it was confirmed that KCNQ1 is actually the ␣-
ment of targeted therapies. or pore-forming subunit of IKs while KCNE1 is a critical -
or modulatory subunit. Coexpression of KCNQ1 and
KCNE1 generates the hallmark IKs current with slow acti-
B. Physiology vation. KCNQ1 and KCNE1 have been shown to be ex-
pressed in all four chambers in the heart (45), as well as the
IKs is an outward potassium current with unique kinetics inner ear (301, 351), where IKs is thought to play a role in
and voltage dependence and plays a key role in the repolar- K⫹ secretion into the endolymph (68). This explains the
ization of the cardiac action potential (299). In 1969, the observation that congenital deafness is a key feature of
delayed rectifier potassium current in sheep Purkinje fibers JLNS. In addition, KCNQ1 and KCNE1 are expressed else-
was studied and shown to comprise two kinetically distinct where in the body, including the pancreas, the kidneys, and
components (305). These currents were later subjected to the brain (1).
pharmacological dissection in guinea pig ventricular myo-
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
FIGURE 3. Molecular biology of IKs and
Cytosol regulation by PKA-mediated signaling.
A: the IKs macromolecular complex, in-
cAMP cluding KCNQ1, KCNE1, and associated
1s 2s 1s
378, 479), the pore domain (84, 262, 311), as well as the 1988 it was shown that stimulation of PKA activity by a
CTD (161, 510). Previous crosslinking studies suggest that cAMP analog can upregulate the delayed rectifier current
KCNE1 is located in a cleft between the voltage-sensing (444). Later it was shown that the scaffolding protein
domain and pore domain of different KCNQ1 subunits (84, A-kinase anchoring protein 9 (AKAP-9), also known as
479), underlying its ability to modulate KCNQ1 gating. yotiao, plays a central role in adrenergic regulation of IKs
With respect to the stoichiometry of KCNE1 to KCNQ1, by compartmentalizing key elements of the PKA signal-
some studies suggest a fixed 2:4 ratio (278, 326), while ing pathway, allowing for spatiotemporal control.
others suggest a flexibility in stoichiometry (293, 456) that
AKAP-9 binds to the CTD of KCNQ1 and recruits sig-
allows for modulation of kinetics of assembled channels
naling proteins including protein kinase A (PKA), protein
to provide another level of flexibility in channel function.
phosphatase 1 (PP1) (255), adenylyl cyclase 9 (AC9)
Although three other members of the KCNE family,
KCNE2-KCNE4, also are expressed in the heart (45) and (238), and the phosphodiesterase PDE4D3 (419) (FIGURE
are capable of modulating KCNQ1 activity (45, 154, 3A). Together these proteins form the IKs macromolecu-
367, 422), whether they associate with KCNQ1 in vivo lar complex that can tightly control the phosphorylation
to contribute to potassium currents in the heart remains state of the channel in response to adrenergic stimula-
to be explored. tion. PKA phosphorylates KCNQ1 at the S27 residue,
adding a phosphate group and hence a change in charge
3. Molecular components of adrenergic stimulation to this residue, which leads to increased channel activa-
tion and slower deactivation (226, 255) (FIGURE 3D). In
There have been considerable efforts to elucidate the mo- addition, phosphorylation of AKAP-9 itself contributes
lecular pathway for the -adrenergic regulation of IKs. In to the PKA-mediated upregulation of IKs (78).
The lipid molecule phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate There are more than 530 disease-causing mutations associ-
(PIP2) is critical for KCNQ1 function. PIP2 is found in the ated with the IKs complex (15). While most of these are
inner leaflet of plasma membranes (260) and can regulate a missense mutations, they also include nonsense mutations,
variety of ion channels (51, 83, 172, 179, 250, 475). PIP2 splice site mutations, frameshifts, as well as deletions. The
mainly binds to KCNQ1 at its cytoplasmic loops and the vast majority are mutations in KCNQ1, which cause LQT1,
COOH-terminal region near S6 (80, 208, 498), which are but a number of LQTS-causing mutations have also been
thought to form the interface between the voltage-sensing found in KCNE1 and AKAP-9, which are classified as
domain and the pore domain (82, 497). PIP2 binding is LQT5 and LQT11, respectively. JLNS, an autosomal reces-
sive form of LQTS with severe bilateral sensorineural deaf-
mediated by electrostatic interactions between the an-
ness, has so far only been associated with mutations in
ionic lipid headgroup and positively charged channel res-
KCNQ1 or KCNE1 (423). Nonetheless, the majority of
idues (418). Rundown of PIP2 in the membrane leads to a
LQTS arising from mutations in IKs are autosomal domi-
drastically reduced IKs amplitude and accelerated deacti-
nant in a form known as Romano-Ward syndrome, which is
vation, suggesting that PIP2 stabilizes the open state of
LQT1 FIGURE 4. IKs dysfunction leading to con-
genital LQTS. A: ECG from a LQT1 patient
demonstrates a characteristic broad-
based T wave (unpublished data). B: simu-
AP lated action potential (top) and IKs (bottom)
G325R, have been shown to abolish channel conductance B) GATING DEFECT. LQT1 mutations that cause defects in
(13, 61). They exert dominant negative effects on wild-type KCNQ1 gating can be found in the pore domain (S5–S6).
(WT) IKs current in heterologous expression systems (61), Similar to other voltage-gated potassium channels, the
suggesting that mutant subunits coassemble with WT sub- COOH-terminal region of the S6 helix plays a key role in
units to form disrupted channels. Molecular dynamic sim- KCNQ1 gating (55, 157, 247). Scanning mutagenesis and
ulations suggest that these mutations disrupt the conforma- heterologous expression studies show that a number of
tion of the selectivity filter, leading to diminished K⫹ per- LQT1-linked residues in this region, such as F351 and
meation. A pair of adjacent LQT1 pore mutations, G314S L353, control KCNQ1 gating properties. For example,
and Y315C, located in the selectivity filter, dramatically F351A leads to a drastic slowing of channel activation and a
reduce IKs current amplitude and exert dominant negative depolarizing shift in voltage dependence of activation, while
effects on WT currents (52, 237). Immunofluorescence L353K leads to a constitutively open channel (55). To further
studies show that Y315C traffics to the membrane nor- elucidate the mechanism of F351A, a technique known as
mally, suggesting that the mutation results in trafficking of voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF), which utilizes fluorophore
non-conducting channels. labeling to allow simultaneous measurement of voltage sensor
S6 in the regulation of the phosphorylation state of brane. These results are consistent with the role calmodulin
KCNQ1. plays in channel assembly and trafficking (141, 379).
Mutations that lead to defective adrenergic stimulation of H) NON-MISSENSE MUTATIONS. Non-missense mutations can
IKs in LQT1 patients are suggested to be associated with also cause LQT1. For example, nonsense LQT1 mutations
higher risk of cardiac events during exercise and greater such as R518X and Q530X introduce a stop codon, leading
response to -blocker therapy. One study has identified to early termination of channel transcription and loss of IKs
missense mutations in the cytoplasmic loops between S2/S3 function (181). These mutations are mostly associated with
and S4/S5 of KCNQ1 to be associated with an elevated risk autosomal recessive LQTS, although autosomal dominant
of aborted cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death (39). cases have also been reported for R518X. One study shows
Four mutations in these cytoplasmic loops, G189R, that these mutant channels only mildly affect WT IKs cur-
R190Q, R243C, and V254M, all diminish IKs upregulation rent, consistent with their mostly recessive mode of inheri-
in response to forskolin, an activator of the PKA signaling tance (349). It is thought that the nonsense transcripts are
pathway, suggesting that patients with these mutations are selectively degraded and do not interfere with WT channel
expected to be especially susceptible to arrhythmic events production. Interestingly, the same study suggests that
G) DECREASED CALMODULIN AFFINITY. A number of LQT1 mu- Coassembly of KCNQ1 with the KCNE1 subunit is key to
tations have been found to weaken calmodulin binding to the generation of the IKs current. Thus it follows that
KCNQ1 as the underlying mechanism of disease. For ex- KCNE1 mutations can alter the physiologically critical cur-
ample, the mutations S373P and W392R, located in the rent of the assembled channel and lead to LQT5. Similar to
CTD, reduce calmodulin binding both in the absence and LQT1, the mode of inheritance for LQT5 can be autosomal
presence of KCNE1 (379). Both of these mutations cause dominant (RW) or recessive (JLNS) (107, 430). Mutations
decrease in surface channel expression and dramatic reduc- in KCNE1 can lead to defects in gating, trafficking,
tion in IKs amplitude. Overexpression of calmodulin is able KCNQ1-KCNE1 interaction, as well as adrenergic stimu-
to increase S373P mutant channel expression in the mem- lation (FIGURE 4D) (TABLE 3).
A) GATING DEFECT. One LQT5 mutation that affects channel interaction (166). Furthermore, the mutation P127T, lo-
gating is D76N. It is an autosomal dominant mutation in cated in the COOH-terminal region of KCNE1, appears to
the COOH terminus of KCNE1 that has been shown to disrupt the interaction of KCNE1 with helix C in the CTD
drastically suppress IKs amplitude, accelerate deactivation, of KCNQ1 (110). Interestingly, the mutation was also
and cause a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of found to diminish PKA-stimulated upregulation of IKs by
IKs activation when expressed in Xenopus oocytes and decreasing phosphorylation at the S27 residue. Since PKA
CHO cells (76, 405). Overexpression of the mutant KCNE1 phosphorylation at this site was previously shown to be
in guinea pig ventricular myocytes leads to APD prolonga- independent of KCNE1 (226), it is possible that the disrup-
tion and early afterdepolarizations (176). The mutant ap- tion in adrenergic stimulation by P127T is independent of
pears to traffic normally to the cell surface (53) and does not the mutation’s disruption of KCNQ1-KCNE1 interaction
disrupt KCNE1 binding to the COOH terminus of KCNQ1 (110).
(510). However, it reduces IKs upregulation secondary to
stimulation of the PKA signaling pathway, suggesting a role 3. LQT11
for the COOH terminus of KCNE1 in adrenergic stimula-
tion of IKs (226). AKAP-9 is a scaffolding protein and part of the IKs macro-
C) DISRUPTED KCNQ1-KCNE1 INTERACTION. LQT5 mutations -Blockers have been demonstrated as a particularly effec-
can disrupt the interaction between KCNE1 and KCNQ1 tive form of therapy for LQT1 patients, who are more sen-
required to generate IKs. For example, the double mutation sitive to stress- and exercise-induced arrhythmia than other
T58P/L59P, located in the transmembrane region of LQT subtypes (282, 371). Insufficient upregulation of IKs
KCNE1, results in near-complete loss of IKs amplitude but by adrenergic stimulation to counterbalance concomitant
has minimal effect when coexpressed with WT IKs in Xeno- rise in inward calcium current is thought to underlie APD
pus oocytes (181). The mutation leads to a diminished abil- prolongation in LQT1 during sympathetic activation (386).
ity for KCNE1 to associate with KCNQ1 in coimmunopre- -Blockers antagonize adrenergic receptors and helps pre-
cipitation studies, suggesting that the transmembrane re- vent this imbalance between potassium and calcium cur-
gion of KCNE1 is important for the KCNQ1-KCNE1 rents, decreasing predisposition for cardiac arrhythmic
2. Channel activators
Table 3. Representative LQT5-associated mutations classified
by mechanism
While IKs plays a critical role in cardiac repolarization, it is
Reference not a direct target of drugs currently used to treat LQTS.
Mechanism Mutations Nos.
However, conceptually, IKs activators could allow for more
precise rescue of disease phenotype. In this section we
Gating D76N 76, 405
briefly review IKs activators and refer readers to other stud-
Trafficking L51H 53
ies in which activators of the ATP-sensitive K⫹ channel,
KCNQ1-KCNE1 interaction T58P/L59P 166, 180
such as nicorandil, have been used in LQTS patients and
P127T 110
model systems (14, 388). Currently there are no IKs activa-
PKA-mediated signaling D76N, P127T 110, 226
tors being used in clinical trials or therapy, but a number of
small molecules that activate IKs have been identified at the 1), underlies congenital Long QT (LQT) syndromes type 2
benchside and may guide future development of therapeutic and 6, which arise from mutations in the KCNH2 and
agents. For example, the compounds DIDS and mefenamic KCNE2 genes, respectively. LQT2 is the second most com-
acid both increase IKs current amplitude (5). In addition, mon cause of congenital LQTS. KCNH2 mutations lead to
DIDS has been shown to drastically slow IKs deactivation. defective hERG protein, resulting in a decrease in IKr. Mu-
Interestingly, the effects of these drugs appear to be de- tations in KCNE2 cause defects in the KCNE2 (or MiRP1)
pendent on the presence of KCNE1. Compared with protein leading to LQT6, which also results in a decrease in
KCNQ1 alone, current augmentation by these com- IKr. Irrespective of the underlying cause, a decrease in IKr
pounds is much greater in the presence of KCNE1, sug- delays repolarization of the cardiac action potential pro-
gesting their effects are mediated by the -subunit. In- longs the QT interval on the ECG, and predisposes patients
deed, deletion of the residues 39 – 43 of KCNE1 leads to to lethal arrhythmia. This section reviews IKr dysfunction
a diminished response to these compounds. To demon- leading to congenital and IKr-mediated drug-induced
strate the potential for activators as a class of therapeutic LQTS. [For a detailed summary of hERG channel structure,
agents for LQTS in in vitro studies, DIDS and mefenamic molecular biology, and basic electrophysiology, see Van-
acid have been shown to rescue IKs function in a LQT5 denberg et al. (436).]
III. IKr DYSFUNCTION IN CONGENITAL Since hERG inactivation and recovery from inactivation
LQTS proceed more rapidly than activation or deactivation of
hERG (365, 394, 401), IKr contributes to prolongation of
the plateau phase duration and thus cardiomyocyte con-
A. Introduction traction, in addition to cardiac repolarization (361, 394).
As hERG recovers from inactivation during cell repolariza-
Alterations in IKr, the rapid component of the delayed rec- tion, the repolarization itself promotes greater hERG recov-
tifier current in the cardiomyocyte action potential (FIGURE ery from inactivation due to the voltage dependence of
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
FIGURE 5. hERG structure and electro-
Cytosol physiology. A: schematic of the IKr channel
complex. Four hERG1 subunits tetramer-
ize to comprise the pore-forming alpha
0.8 0.8
Channel availability
Relative current
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
–80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 –120 –80 –40 0 40
mV mV
hERG inactivation gating (359, 394, 427). As the cell con- URE 5E) acts to oppose cell depolarization (242, 394),
tinues to repolarize and return to its resting membrane po- which helps prevent premature heart beats from leading to
tential, the slower process of channel deactivation pro- an early action potential and a tachyarrhythmia. Loss of
gresses, leading to closure of hERG (436). The fraction of hERG function thus predisposes to arrhythmia in the set-
channels remaining open near the resting potential (see FIG- ting of premature beats(46).
C. Molecular Biology hERG subunit (see below) (94). Furthermore, the PAS do-
main and cNBD appear to bind, working in concert to
The KCNH2 gene, located on chromosome 7q35-36, en- modulate hERG gating by positioning the NH2-terminal
coding the human ether a go-go-related K⫹ channel pro- residues in close proximity to the cytosolic side of S6 (23,
tein (hERG), was first discovered in 1994 (460). Muta- 100, 160, 287).
tions in KCNH2 associated with congenital LQTS were
discovered a year later in 1995 (97), and soon after, it hERG can coassemble with two different -subunits in het-
was determined that hERG represents the ␣-subunits of erologous systems: KCNE1, encoded for by the KCNE1
the K⫹ channel responsible for IKr (359, 427). hERG may gene; and KCNE2 (or the MiRP1 protein), encoded for by
be referred to as “hERG1,” since other hERG proteins the KCNE2 gene (FIGURE 5A) (2, 259). KCNE1 and
(hERG2 and hERG3) have since been discovered (385). KCNE2 are single-pass transmembrane subunits that can
hERG1a, the main hERG isoform present in cardiomyo- interact with the hERG channel (2, 3, 20, 259). While the
cytes, is 1,159 amino acids in length, with a predicted molec- precise physiological role of the KCNEs in regulating hERG
ular weight of 127 kDa. As with most voltage-gated K⫹ chan- and IKr remains unclear (21, 257, 462), mutations in
nels, functional hERG channels are composed of four hERG KCNE1 and KCNE2 lead to LQT5 and LQT6, respectively,
Homozygous mutations in KCNH2 leading to LQT2 are NEGATIVE LOSS OF FUNCTION. Heterozygous mutation result-
extremely rare in humans, resulting in either death in utero, ing in defective KCNH2 gene expression or hERG protein
or very severe prolongation of the QT interval upon birth that does not impact normal functioning of the WT
(175, 194). Heterozygous mutation leading to one defective hERG protein that remains yields haplotype insuffi-
hERG copy is far more common and may result in signifi- ciency. Only the gene product from the mutant KCNH2
cant prolongation of the cardiac action potential duration allele is negatively affected, while WT hERG subunits
(see FIGURE 6B). hERG mutations leading to LQT2 occur still homomerize to form functional channels. In con-
by a variety of genetic mechanisms. To date, ⬃500 muta- trast, some hERG mutations have increased pathogenic-
tions in KCNH2 have been identified in association with ity by exerting a dominant-negative loss of channel func-
LQT2 (23). A study analyzing 226 different LQT mutations tion, wherein the mutant and defective KCNH2 gene
in genotype-confirmed LQT2 patients reported that 62% of product reduces function of the WT hERG protein en-
mutations were missense, 24% were frameshift, while 14% coded in the patient’s genome via heteromerization of
were a combination of nonsense mutations, inframe inser- mutant with WT channel, rendering the healthy hERG
tions/deletions, or splice site mutants in the KCNH2 gene. subunits nonfunctional when combined with mutant
Of the combined 226 mutations, 32% resided in transmem- hERG, either by decreasing forward trafficking of mutant
brane and pore-pore domains; 29% in the NH2 terminus, WT channels, or decreasing function of the heteromers at
including 8% in the PAS/PAC domains; and 31% in the the cell surface. In a study of LQT2 patients with 44 unique
N Y611H
Extracellular T10M
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
+ FIGURE 7. Topology of hERG and KCNE1
+ G628S in the plasma membrane, representative
+ LQT2- and LQT6-associated mutations
highlighted. Different mechanisms of loss
V65M + of function in hERG or KCNE2, including
gating (yellow-filled circle), K⫹ permeation
(black-filled square), trafficking (white-filled
triangle), or combined defects (green-filled
star) are categorized.
mutations in different regions of the hERG channel, it was tions, categorized by mechanism of loss of function (see
discovered that those patients harboring mutations in the TABLE 4). Representative LQT-associated hERG mutations
pore region of the channel were more susceptible to cardiac are divided into four general classes: I) decreased hERG
events than patients with non-pore region hERG mutations, synthesis, II) trafficking defect, III) gating defect, and IV)
likely due to a greater dominant-negative suppression of IKr
decreased K⫹ permeability (436).
current exerted by pore vs. non-pore mutations (187, 283).
Perhaps counterintuitively, more harmful mutations in one I) Decreased hERG synthesis. Defective biogenesis of
KCNH2 allele, resulting in a premature stop codon for hERG may occur via mRNA processing abnormalities or
instance, prevents formation of a hERG protein product mRNA instability (150, 504). The hERG R1014X mu-
from the mutant KCNH2 allele, leading to haplotype insuf- tant mRNA transcript is degraded by “nonsense-medi-
ficiency and the possibility of a less severe phenotype com- ated mRNA decay,” a cellular damage-control mecha-
pared with some dominant-negative mutations, as WT nism that destroys mRNA transcripts harboring non-
hERG remains unaffected(356). sense mutations (premature stop codons), which prevents
translation of a shortened hERG peptide (150, 356).
Studies of specific hERG mutants have greatly enhanced our Other nonsense-mediated decay mutants include
understanding of the underlying mechanisms of loss of W1001X (150) and Y652X (409). These mutations would
function leading to LQT2. FIGURE 7 provides a schematic of result in haplotype insufficiency, as there would be 50%
representative LQT-associated hERG and KCNE2 muta- loss of function while the remaining WT hERG channels
function normally. Nevertheless, a 50% reduction in IKr with a milder loss-of-function phenotype directly and solely
can lead to clinically significant LQTS. attributed to its effect on inactivation. This finding adds
further to the complexity of hERG mutant phenotypes as
II) hERG trafficking defects. Defective hERG trafficking is most other pore mutations cause increased arrhythmic
the most common mechanism of loss of hERG function (22, events compared with non-pore hERG mutations (283).
23, 436), and most KCNH2 missense mutations cause traf- Recently, the hERG T613A mutation in the outer region of
ficking defects in hERG (22). Trafficking mutants may re- the pore helix, a regulatory site for C-type inactivation, was
sult in either dominant negative loss of hERG function (22, found to cause greater than 80% inhibition of maximal
201) or haploinsufficiency (131). If WT hERG associates hERG current via a hyperpolarizing shift in channel inacti-
with trafficking-defective mutants to form heteromeric vation when expressed in Xenopus oocytes alone; coexpres-
channels in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or Golgi appa- sion of WT and mutant channel resulted in an intermediate
ratus, dominant negative suppression of IKr results: 93% loss of channel function, without dominant-negative sup-
reduction in IKr was observed by this mechanism (123). pression of current (329).
Defects in trafficking may be further subdivided by the un- Gating defects can arise from mutations across a wide range
KCNE2 (or MiRP1) protein, encoded for by the KCNE2 1. Drug-induced LQTS
gene, modulates hERG activity as an accessory -subunit
with a mechanism of action thought to entail modulation of have been found, each having specific binding residues that
KCR1 ␣-1,2-glucosyltransferase activity (291). mediate their mechanism of hERG activation within the
“type 2” paradigm.
2. Drug screening for hERG toxicity
Other compounds have predominating mechanisms of
hERG activation that do not fall into the “type 1” or
Given the propensity for clinically relevant pharmacologi-
“type 2” classes. For instance, mallotoxin and KB130015
cal agents to block hERG, leading to drug-induced arrhyth-
primarily enhance hERG activation while shifting the
mia, it is now a required practice for drugs early in devel-
voltage dependence of activation to more negative mem-
opment to undergo hERG toxicity screens. High-through-
brane voltages, likely by binding within the channel pore
put screening techniques, including radioligand binding,
(140, 499). Some compounds, such as A935142 (407),
ion flux and fluorescence assays, and hERG-Lite which
have both “type 1” and “type 2” characteristics. As ac-
measures cell surface density of hERG, detect candidate
tivators bind hERG at various locations within the chan-
drugs with strong hERG-blocking and/or traffic-altering
nel, efforts to correlate binding location and channel stoi-
properties (436). The development of automated patch-
chiometry with mechanism of hERG activation by small
clamp electrophysiology enhances the throughput of data
0nA 1.0
Normalized Current
O 0.8
–100 –100
10ms –140 –120 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40
Membrane Potential (mV)
C IFM motif
Syntrophin-α PDZ binding
N domain
FIGURE 8. Physiology and molecular biology of INa. A: consecutive recordings of single Na⫹ channels
recorded under cell-attached conditions in HEK293 cells transfected with Nav1.5 cDNA (unpublished data).
B: WT Na⫹ currents recorded under whole cell patch-clamp conditions and obtained by depolarizations from
⫺120 to ⫺30 mV (unpublished data). At high gain (inset), whole cell currents return nearly to 0 nA. C: voltage
dependence of activation (red-filled square) and inactivation (blue-filled circle) (unpublished data). D: topology of
Nav1.5 in the plasma membrane with accessory proteins implicated in LQTS.
membrane potential from its resting voltage to a peak of highly voltage dependent. The voltage dependence of inac-
⫹50 mV, near the Na⫹ equilibrium potential (FIGURE 1). tivation is independent of the voltage dependence of chan-
The rapid activation of Nav1.5 is therefore critical to main- nel activation, as inactivation may occur from either closed
taining the speed of cardiac conduction. This rapid depo- or opened states (66). Closed-state inactivation can be mea-
larization coordinates the stimulation of voltage-gated sured with subactivation threshold depolarizing pulses.
Ca2⫹ and K⫹ channels necessary for excitation-contraction When these pulses are sufficiently long to approach equilib-
coupling and, eventually, repolarization (299). rium, these experiments are referred to as “steady-state in-
activation” experiments. As the holding potential becomes
In a healthy human heart, the Na⫹ current is rapidly atten- more depolarized, channels enter a closed-inactivated state
uated in milliseconds as channels inactivate, a process that and are unavailable to open upon supra-activation thresh-
was first observed and defined in Hodgkin and Huxley’s old depolarization with a midpoint near ⫺70 mV (FIGURE
giant squid axon experiments (173). Inactivation is respon- 8C). Because this midpoint is in the range of the resting
sible for the refractory period in neurons and myocytes membrane potential in a ventricular myocyte (⫺85 mV),
during which the firing of new impulses is not possible. small changes in the V0.5 of steady-state inactivation caused
Similar properties are observed in Nav1.5, with inactivation by mutations or drugs, or small changes in resting mem-
progressing with a time to half peak current on the order of brane potential, can have a large impact on channel avail-
1 ms and a mean open channel duration of roughly 0.5 ms ability, Na⫹ current density, and conduction velocity (86).
(49) (FIGURE 8, A AND B).
The voltage dependence of inactivation from the open state
Na⫹ channel inactivation is a complex multistep process has been more difficult to dissect, as channel fast-inactiva-
that involves multiple channel components and is itself tion is a nonequilibrium process. The rate of decay of Na⫹
currents increases with increasing voltage over the physio- nature of eukaryotic voltage-gated Na⫹ channels allows the
logically relevant range, reaching half-inactivation in 1.5 voltage sensors to modulate different aspects of channel
ms at ⫺40 mV and 0.5 ms at ⫹20 mV (34). Recovery from gating. Mutagenesis (66, 384), cysteine accessibility (380,
inactivation has the opposite voltage dependence of the on- 381, 383), and voltage-clamp fluorometry (71, 72) have
set of inactivation: channels recover more rapidly at hyper- revealed distinct properties of each voltage sensor. Move-
polarized potentials, and very slowly at potentials more ments of the DIV voltage sensor have been shown to corre-
positive than activation threshold (approximately ⫺45 mV) late with the voltage dependence and kinetics of inactiva-
(508). The presence of multiple inactivation states is evident tion (71, 147), and DIV-S4 activation is necessary and suf-
in the time course of recovery from inactivation. Following ficient for inactivation gating (66). The putative docking
an initial depolarizing pulse to inactivate channels, channel site for the inactivation gate resides in the intracellular
recovery during a period at resting membrane potential fol- NH2-terminal loops of S4 in DIII and DIV, potentially
lows a biexponential time course, suggesting the existence bridging our understanding of voltage-sensing domains and
of two distinct populations of channels (508): one in the voltage-dependent gating transitions (268, 415).
fast-inactivated state and one in the slow-inactivated state.
1. Accessory proteins
Caveolin and Nav1.5 also both associate with the cytoskel- underlie tissue-specific phenotypes (185), as well as ar-
etal dystrophin complex (106). Syntrophin-␣1 is a member rhythmia risk stratification (32). Two mechanisms have
of the dystrophin-associated protein complex and is the been established for the generation of persistent INaL, and
most abundantly expressed syntrophin in the heart. Syntro- an additional set of mechanisms has been proposed for
phins mediate the interaction of dystrophin with the PDZ- aberrant Na⫹ conduction in the absence of INaL. TABLE 5
binding domain on the COOH terminus of Nav1.5 (135). lists a set of Nav1.5 mutations known to perturb channel
Isolated cardiomyocytes from dystrophin knockout mice function by specific mechanisms.
showed markedly decreased INa density, and ECGs showed
significant QRS prolongation, consistent with an interac- A) CHANNEL BURSTING. Channel bursting is best exemplified
tion between the dystrophin-associated protein complex by the ⌬KPQ mutation, a deletion of amino acids 1505–
and ion channels in the heart. 1507 in the DIII/DIV linker near the IFM motif. ⌬KPQ was
first identified in 1995 (453) and characterized that same
year (47). Like WT currents, currents passed by single
D. Molecular Pathophysiology
⌬KPQ channels typically activate and inactivate quickly.
However, during a small fraction of depolarizing pulses,
LQT3 is a disease of impaired Nav1.5 inactivation. Failure The inverse dependence on interpulse duration suggests
of the channel to inactivate or remain inactivated during the that transitions between background and burst gating
plateau or repolarization phases of the ventricular action modes occur predominantly at rest. At higher resting poten-
potential allows for a depolarizing current sufficient to pro- tials, a larger fraction of channels exist in closed-inactivated
long the action potential, leaving patients susceptible to states, leaving fewer channels available to transition into
asynchronous EADs or DADs (184, 240). In most cases, bursting states. Indeed, INaL is smaller during test pulses
impaired inactivation is manifest as a sustained noninacti- from more depolarized holding potentials (185). Taken to-
vating inward current, or late current (INaL) (FIGURE 9D). gether, Clancy and Rudy (85) were able to develop a com-
Rather than inactivating completely, many disease-associ- putational model of ⌬KPQ function by allowing transitions
ated mutations cause a persistent INaL during prolonged between background and burst modes only when channels
depolarizations. It should be noted that INaL of smaller exist in the closed state. This model was able to reproduce
magnitude has also been detected in tissue isolated from single-channel and whole cell gating properties, as well as
normal hearts (432); thus in pathology some INaL may re- prolongation of the ventricular action potential and the
sult from the failure to control or modulate normal activity. occurrence of EADs.
Nevertheless, while currents through these channels still
provide the rapid influx of Na⫹ necessary for cardiac con- B) LATE REOPENING. Following the identification of modal
duction, at high gain one can observe INaL that amounts to transitions in ⌬KPQ channels, other SCN5a mutations
as little as 1% of the magnitude of the peak. Because the were identified in patients with LQT3 that cause INaL by a
membrane impedance during the plateau phase of the ac- different mechanism. At the whole cell level, the N1325S
tion potential is high, this small depolarizing current has a and R1644H mutations had markedly different inactiva-
substantial effect on AP duration. tion (109) and recovery from inactivation time courses
(448). Single-channel records revealed that these gating de-
The mechanisms by which gain-of-function Na⫹ currents fects were in fact not due to bursting channels, but to dis-
may arise have been studied in depth, and recent computa- persed channel reopening that occurred during prolonged
tional work suggests that these divergent mechanisms may depolarizations (109). Additional studies revealed that
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
Cytosol I1768V
N S1904L
Normalized Current
–90 –60 –30
Voltage (mV)
FIGURE 9. INa dysfunction leading to congenital LQTS. A: topology of Nav1.5 in the plasma membrane.
Several representative LQT3-associated mutations were selected because there is strong evidence that they
induce INaL by channel bursting (red-filled triangle) or by late reopening (red-filled circle), or prolong the action
potential without INaL (red-filled square). B: ECG from a LQT3 patient (unpublished data). C: simulated action
potential (top) and INa (bottom) in WT (green) and heterozygous LQT3 (purple) conditions. INa peak current was
truncated to enhance view of INaL. D: representative current recordings from WT (purple) and F1473C
(orange) Nav1.5 expressed in HEK293 cells at low and high gain (inset) elicited by depolarization to ⫺10 mV
(35). E: steady-state channel availability for WT (green triangle) and F1473C (purple square). [D and E from
Bankston et al. (35).]
A computational model has been constructed to simulate mutation, D1790G, for which in vitro studies found INaL
late reopening currents at the single-channel and whole cell only arises after PKA-dependent phosphorylation (416).
level (34). Function of the S1904L mutation could be sim- D1790G channels showed marked INaL in response to
ulated by reducing the rate of transition into the slow inac- cAMP-dependent PKA stimulation and lacked INaL under
tivated states, allowing channels to reside for a prolonged basal conditions. Furthermore, the D1790E mutation
time in fast inactivated states from which they may reopen. showed no response to cAMP application, suggesting that
An interesting prediction of this model is that the amplitude the negative charge at residue 1790 is important in modu-
of INaL will not display the inverse rate dependence present lating PKA phosphorylation. Interestingly, alanine mu-
in bursting channels, and in fact the patient experienced tagenesis of consensus PKA phosphorylation sites showed
arrhythmic events that were not limited to periods of rest. that S38 and S525 are important in mediating INaL in
D1790G channels, despite residing in disparate parts of the
C) WINDOW CURRENT. In WT channels, the voltage depen- channel. These effects were found despite the fact that most
dence of channel availability (V0.5 ⫽ ⫺71 mV) and channel spontaneous arrhythmic events in LQT3 patients occur
during rest or sleep, suggesting perhaps a role of basal phos-
activation (V0.5 ⫽ ⫺25 mV) overlap only slightly. There-
phorylation of the Nav1.5 channel in D1790G patients
fore, there is a very small range, or “window,” of voltages in
which channels may activate but not completely inactivate.
This range may provide a small noninactivating current
known as “window current.” Typically, this window cur- 2. LQT associated with mutations to accessory
rent is very small and only exists at voltages at which repo- proteins
larizing currents through delayed rectifier K⫹ channels are
strong, and therefore contribute little to net membrane cur- In addition to mutations in SCN5A, mutations in the acces-
rent. sory proteins important in cardiac INa have been associated
with LQT (11), although there are few documented cases of E. Molecular Pharmacology
such diseases.
The pharmacology of Na⫹ channel-associated LQT has
3. LQT10 been difficult to navigate because the diversity in patient
phenotypes (392, 397) and risk of on- and off-target effects
of standard antiarrhythmic therapies (276) has limited their
Mutations in the 4 subunit give rise to LQT10. The L179F
use clinically. As a result, genetically identified LQT3 pa-
mutation was identified in a 21-mo-old girl with bradycar-
tients are the most likely to receive implantable cardio-
dia and severe QT prolongation (261). When coexpressed
verter-defibrillators (ICDs) as a precautionary measure de-
with Nav1.5 in HEK cells, this mutation caused both a
spite previously having been asymptomatic (372). There is
dramatic INaL and a depolarizing shift in the V0.5 of steady-
therefore a large unmet medical need for effective pharma-
state inactivation that increased the window current. Inter-
cological intervention, and our understanding of Na⫹ chan-
estingly, this -subunit mutation induced a larger INaL than
nel blockade and -adrenergic receptor blockade in LQT3
the ⌬KPQ deletion in the ␣-subunit. Mutations in SCN4B
continues to evolve.
have also been associated with Sudden Infant Death Syn-
drome (SIDS) (413). The SIDS-associated S206L caused a
Mexiletine Ranolazine
Percent Block
Mexiletine Ranolazine Flecainide
FIGURE 10. Representative recordings at low and high (insets) gain of F1473C inhibition by 50 M
mexiletine (A), 50 M ranolazine (B), and 10 M flecainide (C). D: mexiletine, ranolazine, and flecainide inhibit
INa with preference for INaL. [From Bankston et al. (35).]
lizes voltage-sensing units shown to provide the rate-limit- in patients suspected to have loss-of-function Na⫹ chan-
ing step in fast inactivation (27, 66, 382). Lidocaine has also nel mutations in Brugada Syndrome because of its ability
been studied at the single-channel level. In cell-attached to reduce peak INa and unmask latent disease phenotypes
patches, lidocaine reduced the propensity of ⌬KPQ chan- in a clinical setting (58). It has therefore been proposed
nels to burst, increased the number of depolarizing sweeps that an understanding of channel pathology and drug
with no channel openings, and had no effect on the mean properties may help guide a pharmacogenomic approach
open time of background or burst openings (31, 108). to disease management (88).
Taken together, these findings are consistent with stabiliza-
tion or promotion of inactivated channels. Ranolazine, on
2. -Blockers
the other hand, has no effect on steady-state inactivation
and has therefore been interpreted as an open-channel
blocker (275). There remains some debate over the clinical utility of
-blockers in treatment of LQT3. A mainstay therapy for
It is therefore not surprising that mutations that alter patients with QT prolongation, clinical data suggest that
channel gating by different mechanisms will produce prophylactic -blocker therapy in patients with LQT3 may
unique allosteric effects on drug binding. For example, be less effective at preventing cardiac events as it is in K⫹
flecainide (243) and mexiletine (347) have been shown to channel-associated LQT (282, 331). Interestingly, however,
more potently inhibit some mutations than others when -blocker therapy did not show evidence of arrhythmia
expressed in heterologous systems. Mutation-specific induction, as might be expected from the heart rate-slowing
variability is therefore a major hurdle in disease manage- effects of -blockade in LQT3 patients with elevated risk of
ment (88), as heightened sensitivity to Na⫹ channel arrhythmia at rest. This has prompted further investigation
blocking drugs can be pro-arrhythmic in certain settings into the mechanism of -blocker activity in models of
(112, 276). In fact, flecainide is a useful diagnostic agent LQT3.
Experiments in animal models of LQT3 (64, 333) showed a ankyrin-B (271). These mutations in general lead to disrup-
protective effect of sympathetic stimulation against APD tion of normal targeting and regulation of transporters as
prolongation and torsades de pointes (387), suggesting a well as ion channels, leading to disrupted calcium handling
deleterious effect of -blockade. However, experiments in that contributes to arrhythmia (272, 273). However, vari-
heterologous expression systems have shown that -block- ation in severity of cardiac phenotypes exists between dif-
ers have a direct effect on Na⫹ channels (33). -Blockers ferent mutations and can be correlated to the degree of loss
exhibit preferential inhibition of INaL and bind to the local of function observed in vitro (271).
anesthetic binding site, and at high doses have a similar
pharmaceutical profile as local anesthetics.
B. LQT7: Andersen-Tawil Syndrome Type 1
Ahrens-Nicklas et al. (12) constructed a computational
Andersen-Tawil syndrome type 1 arises from LQT7 muta-
model of ⌬KPQ-expressing ventricular myocytes stimu-
tions, which are loss-of-function mutations in the KCNJ2
lated by the -agonist isoproterenol and inhibited by the
gene (327). This gene encodes Kir2.1, an inward rectifier
-blocker propranolol. Isoproterenol shortened APD and
potassium channel that underlies the cardiac IK1 current
EADs, consistent with the inverse-rate dependence of INaL
(104, 248, 303, 496), which contributes to setting the myo-
VI. GENOTYPE-DRIVEN CLINICAL domains either directly or indirectly. Thus the location of
MANAGEMENT OF CONGENITAL LQTS the hERG mutation variably impacts susceptibility to com-
mon triggers in LQT2 patients.
A. Introduction In LQT3, rates of cardiac events are high, and risk is likely
related to the degree of channel dysfunction or late current.
Clinical management of congenital LQTS aims to minimize The canonical SCN5A ⌬KPQ mutation results in 2.4-fold
symptomatic arrhythmia and prevent life-threatening car- greater risk of experiencing cardiac events through age 40
diac events. As described in detail in the preceding sections, compared with the SCN5A D1790G mutation (244). Fur-
the three most common congenital Long QT syndromes thermore, while preliminary data suggest similar risk for
(LQT1 due to mutation in KCNQ1; LQT2 due to mutation mutations in the COOH-terminal versus transmembrane
in hERG; and LQT3 due to mutation in Nav1.5) result in region of SCN5A, a 2.5-fold risk of ACA and SCD is con-
lengthening of the APD in cardiomyocytes, leading to a ferred by mutations that cause both sodium late current and
prolonged QT interval on the ECG. window current, compared with mutations causing only
one such gain-of-function defect (38).
patients (40, 57, 373). Functional IKs current is pivotal to Given the diagnostic utility of stress testing, attempts at
normal QT adaptation, or shortening with heart rate. At using this test to guide genotype and mutation-specific risk
increased heart rates (and/or during -adrenergic stimula- stratification have been made. Laksman et al. (230) tested
tion of the heart), IKs facilitates cardiac repolarization and the hypothesis that exercise testing can predict QT interval
shortening of the QT interval: IKs has slow deactivation response and effect of -blockers in LQT1 patients with
kinetics, rendering the channel open for a longer period of mutations in the C-loops (which, as described above, rep-
time. Residual IKs channel activation from previous cardiac resent the site of final sympathetic regulation of KCNQ1).
stimulation can enhance repolarization in the setting of In this retrospective analysis, C-loop KCNQ1 missense mu-
short diastolic intervals (119). Indeed, a hallmark of LQT1 tations were not associated with an increased QTc interval
is the failure of the QT interval to adapt to increases in heart during exercise stress testing or response to -blocker ther-
rate, as often seen during diagnostic exercise stress testing apy (230). Despite the known limitations of retrospective
(29, 230, 470). This feature of IKs molecular physiology analysis, this study highlights the need for caution in the use
may also explain the predilection toward arrhythmias dur- of exercise stress tests for genotype-specific risk stratifica-
ing swimming and diving in LQT1, which can produce a tion.
complex autonomically-driven “diving reflex” with abrupt
These clinical observations suggest that sex hormones may specifically swimming and possibly competitive athletics.
impact propensity for arrhythmia formation in LQTS in a LQT2 patients would be well advised to limit loud star-
genotype-specific manner. Sex hormones are known to play tling noises in their surroundings, including alarm clocks
a role in cardiac ion channel regulation and arrhythmia. and telephones (38).
Estrogen has been shown to decrease IKr activity and pro-
long the QTc interval (227), and -estradiol inhibits hERG 2. -Blockers and targeting of the sympathetic
channel expression in cultured HEK293 cells (24). Proges- nervous system
terone modulates both IKs and L-type calcium channels,
leading to a shortened QTc interval (294). According to consensus guidelines (335), -blocker treat-
ment carries a class I recommendation in the setting of a
Animal models, including canine, mouse, rat, rabbit, and clinical diagnosis of LQTS. -Blockers reduce overall risk of
guinea pig, have been extensively employed to better under- cardiac events in children and adults, and treatment repre-
stand gender differences in cardiac electrophysiology (186), sents a class IIa indication in all individuals confirmed as
and strongly support the role for male sex hormones short- carriers of LQTS mutations (118).
ening the QT interval via enhanced IKr activity (129, 245,
intracellular calcium cycling that regulate L-type calcium settings and arrhythmic storm) and mexiletine (for suppres-
current, the ryanodine receptor, and sarcoplasmic reticu- sive therapy) are commonly clinically employed. Mexiletine
lum calcium uptake (18, 506). In LQTS, with impaired administration shortens the QT interval in LQT3 patients,
repolarizing currents (or enhanced depolarizing currents), and not in LQT2 patients (370). Mexiletine blocks mutant
-adrenergic stimulation can be pro-arrhythmic, regardless Nav1.5 channel function, diminishing the late sodium cur-
of the genotype producing the impaired repolarization. rent more than the peak sodium current by stabilizing the
-Blockers therefore are commonly prescribed to all LQTS inactivated state of the Nav1.5 channel (449). Ranolazine,
patients regardless of genotype. on the other hand, is thought to block Nav1.5 current via
open channel block (275). The utility of local anesthetic-
In selected cases, left cervicothoracic sympathetic denerva- like drugs is weighed against their off-target undesirable
tion (LCSD), which surgically interrupts adrenergic input to side effects. For example, flecainide inhibits peak INa and
the heart, can be considered. In a study of 147 high-risk has been reported to unmask Brugada syndrome-type pat-
LQTS patients, cardiac event rate dropped by 91% per terns on surface ECG (indeed, this class of agents is clini-
patient post-LCSD (369). When carried out at experienced cally utilized as a provocative challenge in the diagnosis of
centers, this treatment modality can be very effective in Brugada syndrome) (58). Various mechanisms of drug
and morphology. Compared with WT controls, LQT1 car- agents in the treatment of congenital LQTS. The experi-
diomyocytes demonstrate decreased IKs amplitude and pro- mental drug GS-967 preferentially inhibits late INa over
longed APD, consistent with LQT1 pathogenesis. More re- peak INa with considerable selectivity, and does so more
cently, Jouni et al. (199) derived iPSC-CMs from a LQT2 potently and efficaciously than flecainide and ranolazine,
patient harboring a hERG A561P mutation, to study the while also reducing arrhythmia burden in experimental rab-
electrophysiological consequences of hERG loss-of-func- bit cardiomyocytes (43). Computational modeling of GS-
tion in a patient-specific genetic background. Ventricular-, 967 suggests therapeutic benefit of late INa block by de-
atrial-, and nodal-like action potentials were recorded, and creasing arrhythmogenesis in the setting of LQTS (481).
a trafficking defect was characterized as the mechanism of Another experimental compound, F15845, selectively
loss of IKr, leading to a prolonged APD. Furthermore, a blocks late INa potently, preventing cardiac angina and ar-
study by Jones et al. (195) reported the use of mRNA silenc- rhythmia in animal models (324, 433). The benefits of any
ing in human iPSC-CMs to show that the hERG1b isoform selective late INa blocker must be weighed against the rela-
is a significant component of cardiac repolarization, and tive effects on peak INa, in addition to off-target effects that
that loss of hERG1b function provides a substrate for ar- include block of peak INa and IKr. Studies to date suggest
rhythmogenesis. Several additional studies have investi- that selective late INa blockers are not proarrhythmic; clin-
allow for screening of compounds in patient-specific con- Schulze-Bahr E, Semsarian C, Towbin JA, Watkins H, Wilde A, Wolpert C, Zipes DP,
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texts may help pave the way for future development of statement on the state of genetic testing for the channelopathies and cardiomyopa-
therapeutics. In addition, continued progress toward fun- thies: this document was developed as a partnership between the Heart Rhythm
damental understanding of mechanisms of ion channel Society (HRS) and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). Europace 13:
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opment of more effective, mechanism-based molecular 9. Ackerman MJ, Tester DJ, Jones GS, Will ML, Burrow CR, Curran ME. Ethnic differ-
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