Unit 4 Art Appropriation: Lesson: Definition and Kinds
Unit 4 Art Appropriation: Lesson: Definition and Kinds
Unit 4 Art Appropriation: Lesson: Definition and Kinds
This lesson provides students basic information about art appropriation in order to
broaden their perspective on the issue of plagiarism in art. It also familiarizes them on the
different kinds of appropriation in art.
Learning Outcomes
Warm Up
In Focus
In the visual arts, to appropriate means to properly adopt, borrow or recycle some
aspects (or the entire form) of man-made visual culture.
revision approximation
reevaluation supplementation
variation improvisation
Kinds of Appropriation
Content appropriation occurs when an artist reuses an idea first expressed in the
work of an artist from another culture.
Style appropriation is done when an artist produces works with stylistic elements
which are common with the works of another culture.
Motif appropriation occurs when artists are influenced by the art of a culture other
than their own without creating works in the same style. Basic forms are appropriated.
Make an appropriation of a popular artwork highlighting your original concept.
Take a photo of this and arrange it side by side with the original. Please indicate the
following in your appropriation:
kind of appropriation
title of the original artwork appropriated
its artist
title of your appropriation
your name as artist
Criteria: Points
Originality 10
Impact of the new concept 10
Choice of artwork (to be appropriated) 5
Layout 5
(Your appropriation)
(Original ) Title: (your own title)
Title: Chichester Canal Artist: (your name)