ENG1010, 81813 Syllabus
ENG1010, 81813 Syllabus
ENG1010, 81813 Syllabus
Instructor Information
Instructor: Dr. Barbara L. Pittman. I have a PhD in English and have taught composition since 1987. I currently work full-time for Tri-C, training faculty to use technology in teaching. I teach this course as an adjunct instructor.
Communication: We will use Messages in Blackboard for direct communication about course issues that are related to your grade. There will also be an open forum on the discussion board for general course questions. It is imperative that you login to Blackboard at least every other day to keep up to date. See the section on Netiquette below the syllabus. Ofce Hours: Adjuncts are not required to conduct ofce hours at Tri-C, and you may not visit me in my campus ofce, but we can arrange to meet online if necessary. I work full time during the day and can be available on some evenings for online meetings.
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75 100 90 75 60 30 100 80
Coursework* Writing Project 1: Using Patterns of Writing Writing Project 2: Analysis of Literature [includes short responses] Writing Project 3: Persuasive Argument Writing Project 4: Course Portfolio Discussion Board Forums or Blog (4 @ 15 pts. ea.) Peer Review of Drafts (2 @ 15 pts. ea) Quizzes (approx. 5 @ 20 pts. ea.) Reading Responses (approx. 8 @ 10 pts. ea.) *Check the Weekly Calendar for any changes to coursework.
Writing Assignments
Writing Project 1: Using Patterns Writing Project 2: Analysis of Literature Writing Project 3: Persuasive Argument Writing Project 4: Course Portfolio
Approximate Dates*
Weeks 1-3 Weeks 4-7 Weeks 8-12 Weeks 13-15
*See Weekly Calendar for specic due dates of all course work.
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Grading Scale
90-100% = A 80-89.99% = B 70-79.99% = C 60-69.99% = D 59.99% and below = F
There will be no rounding up of grades on the edges of the scale. This is a generous scale with wide ranges per grade, and no plus or minus grades.
Write informed critical analyses about works of ction. Apply proofreading, editing, and revising techniques to all writing assignments, written communication, and personal writing projects. Edit and proofread essays for syntax, organization, logic, development, coherence, and signicance. Recognize that writing on the level of this course is a process that requires constant revision and editing and utilize these steps in preparing compositions for class In addition to these college objectives, you must do all your work in a digital environment, which will enhance your digital literacy skills.
(2) failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks, and (3) failing to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words. (Hacker 415) (4) representing submitted work as yours that was written by someone else (5) submitting work written for another course and assignment without revising and without permission [if you wish to revise and submit writing that you have done in previous courses, you must ask your instructor for permission to do so and give evidence of the previous work] All of these methods of plagiarism include copying material from the Web, from print sources, and from other student papers. Accidental plagiarism means that you do not know how to give attribution correctly to anothers words or ideasyou can only claim that once. Then you need to avail yourself of instruction to prevent it happening again. I will allow one revision of accidental plagiarism, except in cases where an entire paper is the result of copying, even in chunks. Good writing makes minimal use of outside resources to support the writers ideas. If you nd that you need to use quotation marks and parenthetical documentation several times per paragraph, then there are not enough of your ideas in the writing.
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