Nihon Jishin (Japanese Earthquakes) 04-25-2011
Nihon Jishin (Japanese Earthquakes) 04-25-2011
Nihon Jishin (Japanese Earthquakes) 04-25-2011
Higashi Nihon Dai-Shinsai
Nihon Jishin
(Japan Earthquakes)
Copyright April 25 , 2011
2009.846, ideally November 7th, 2009. The By inputting the entire earthquake, weather
first shock came a bit early registering 6.9 in and volcano data into the computer, the
magnitude on June 14, 2008 at Iwate- correlations with the economy and
Miyagi, the known as the Nairiku Jishin. migration of man was uncanny. It seemed
While this was close to the next region that that it was Murphy’s Law – whatever could
was due, there has been 8 major Jishin go wrong, just did, shifting the vicissitudes
since this window opened in Japan. Yet 5 of fortune distinctly against empires,
have taken place in the Miyagi-Tōhoku nations, and city states. Thus, for these
region. For you see, there are quiet periods reasons, this was an interesting, and vital
and then there are intensely active periods input into our computer model. Japan was
with increased frequency of occurrences certainly no exception.
that are even wider distributed.
The Volcanic Eruption of Thera ca. 1628 BC
Modern Santorini
In ancient times, it was the eruption of There has been considerable speculation
Thera at modern Santorini that altered the surrounding this event during the eruption
course of history. It was this destruction of Thera (Santorini) ca. 1628 BC. Some have
that caused the fall of the Minoan society attributed to it the plagues recorded in
disbursing its power to Babylon and Greece. Exodus against Egypt in the Bible as being
The devastating volcanic eruption of Thera caused by this event, such as blocking the
has become the most famous single event sun. The Biblical dating of Moses in Egypt c.
in the ancient world and the Aegean before 1500 BC +/-50 has been regarded as closely
even the fall of Troy. It may have been one placed at about the same time period.
of the largest volcanic eruptions on Earth at There certainly would have been tsunamis
least within the last few thousand years. Its caused by the explosion that would dwarf
magnitude or force is estimated at 7 on the what took place in Japan. Thus, it has been
VEI (volcanic explosivity index). New argued that it was a tsunami that swept
archaeological discoveries in 2006 have away the army of Pharaoh in Exodus.
revealed that the Santorini event was truly Others have struggled to find this event at
massive expelling some 61 km of magma Thera that gave rise to the story of Atlantis.
and rock into the Earth's atmosphere Excavations resemble Plato’s description
producing an estimated 100 cubic and thus many believe this event was the
kilometers of tephra. This eruption blotted backdrop to Plato’s story of Atlantis. Others
the sun, altered the weather and shifted the still point to Antarctica at the South Pole.
political power of the day.
The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora
Pompeii Eruption 79AD
The great drought of the 14th century
contributed to the creation of Capitalism
helping to end serfdom along with the Black
Plague. There was the 20th century 7 year
drought creating the Dust Bowl during the
Great Depression. These are nearly
IDENTICAL in number and duration.
(3 * 8.6 = 25.8)
The Nature of CyclesTM
When one pictures cycles in their mind, the cycles. Spectrum analysis in chemistry and
pattern that emerges is that of the typical sine physics, a method of analyzing the chemical
and cosign waves. These are picture-perfect properties of matter from bands in their visible
structural formations for the flow of energy
spectrum, when applied to the economic data,
such as in a sound wave. The limited scope of
the symmetrically structure waves leads one this confirms the existence of long waves in
astray in their investigation and observation of economic activity. An spectrum analyzer in
cyclical activity. In a book I had written about 15 signal processing is a device/algorithm that
years ago but hadn’t published, The Nature of identifies a frequency domain representation of
CyclesTM, I dealt with this subject in detail (soon a time domain in a signal. This can be
to be released in E-Book). The sine wave or accomplished typically by means of Fourier
sinusoid is a mathematical function that
transform. Spectral analysis (Frequency Domain
describes a smooth repetitive oscillation. It
occurs often in pure mathematics, as well as Analysis) in statistics is a procedure that
physics, signal processing, and of course decomposes a given time series into a spectrum
electrical engineering. Unfortunately, it is NOT or matrix of cycles of different wavelengths.
the typical economic wave structure, which Because energy moves in a cyclical pattern
becomes a far more dynamic adaptive structure much as a snake moves without hands and feet
involving multiple inputs that collectively side-to-side, nuclear and particle physics also
produce a wave formation.
display characteristic features such as spectral
While Kondratiev Waves have been called line, edges, and various physical processes
supercycles, great surges, long waves, K-waves producing continuum shapes. Cycles come in
or the long economic cycle, none of these many different shapes in physics and in
descriptions go beyond the basic image of economics, there are also multiple shapes as
Here is an illustration of feeding numerous days
of tick data (intraday trade by trade) into the
sample for cyclical testing. Not merely are
cycles verified to exist, we also get different
wave shapes based upon intensity (volatility). In
other words, there can be low intensity
economic declines we would call a recession.
And then there is the Great Wave like that of
the Great Depression. Close analysis reveals
that these Great Waves are created by the
combination of numerous waves converging in The Japanese have long recognized the
the same time space coordinates. Thus, creating existence of tsunamis and this has been
a model on only one market may work nicely captured in the famous painting, the Great
during normal times, but when confronted by a Wave. It is the intensity of the event that
convergence, the Great Wave appears. creates the tsunami, not the event itself
It is this combination effect that produces great volcanoes, the wavelength is typically two to
waves that are monumental in scope and differ three times the wavelength between
structurally from a normal boom bust cycle. To earthquakes. This is why volcanoes eruptions
comprehend when these type of waves unfold, tend to be measured in 100s of years between
requires the multidiscipline approach of events. Earthquakes, on the other hand, are far
correlating all variable components. This is what more common just as recessions are far more
produces the Great Wave – the combination of common than Great Depressions economically.
factors converging upon the same time-space
These are important basic first steps into
coordinates. Consequently, the SHAPE OF
understand the Nature of Cycles TM for
THE WAVE is strikingly different between
comprehending HOW a wave will unfold is
individual variables. Both in economics as well
everything to understanding our environment
as events such a weather and earthquakes,
and what the future truly holds.
intensity plays a vital role. In events such as