Distance Relay

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Modeling and Testing of a Digital Distance Relay Using

Li-Cheng Wu, Chih-Wen Liu,Senior Member,IEEE, Ching-Shan Chen,Member,IEEE
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Abstract— This paper describes modelling and testing of a analysis tool [4]. This tool was modelled by using a
digital distance relay for transmission line protection using graphically Object-Oriented environment approach
MATLAB/SIMULINK. SIMULINK’s Power System Blockset integrated with the digital calculate technology that gives
(PSB) is used for detailed modelling of a power system more flexibility to create simulation system; therefore, we
network and fault simulation. MATLAB is used to implement can quickly develop a program of protective relay
programs of digital distance relaying algorithms and to serve algorithms, and a model of protection relays. Because they
as main software environment. The technique is an commonly exist in the same environment that involves
interactive simulation environment for relaying algorithm
design and evaluation. The basic principles of a digital
communication ability, it is very easy to develop a
distance relay and some related filtering techniques are also convenient graphical tool for building interactive relay test
described in this paper. A 345 kV, 100 km transmission line system.
and a MHO type distance relay are selected as examples for The above-mentioned excellent advantages that
fault simulation and relay testing. Some simulation results MATLAB/SIMULINK has make MATLAB/SIMULINK a
are given. convenient and interactive tool for both numerous analysis
and direct communications with relay’s test program. This
Index Terms—Digital relay 、 Digital distance relay 、 paper describes how to use MATLAB/SIMULINK for
Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) 、 Automatic automatic, interactive, and high performance testing relay
test。 system. Some examples and simulation results are also
provided in the paper.

For transmission lines protection, choosing a suitable
relay type or relay’s setting is essential. Generally Digital distance protection is a universal short-circuit
speaking, we may make the fault analysis and the test by protection. It’s mode of operation is based on the
the simulation software, and according to the actual measurement and evaluation of the short-circuit
system requirement, choose the suitable protective relay, impedance, which is named by the algorithm of digital
but for reliability and security considerations, the distance relay. This algorithm is used to input signals to
massive simulations tests are usually undertaken. This is a DSP by discrete voltage and discrete current to judge
quite numerous and diverse job; therefore, having a whether faults occur or not. However, this method is just a
superior simulated environment is important. program. MATLAB has the advantage of conducting
The EMTP [1](Electromagnetic Transient Program) massive calculation functions and its program can be
is the simulation tool that is used to simulate the easily developed. Therefore, it is a very suitable tool of
electromagnetic transient phenomenon, and power system protective relay designs and applications for protection
faults analysis, and it is one of the most widely used engineers.
programs in the electric utility since 1970. Generally It can’t be denied that graphics reach out to people
speaking, Protective relay performance has been tested better than texts do. In addition, we focus not only on the
with the waveform signals generated by the non real-time correction of relay operations, but also on the dynamic
simulator like EMTP. This approach has the disadvantage characteristics of relay. Therefore, if we can use graphics
that it’s difficult to provide real-time test for the relay to show the variance of impedances trace, then the
algorithm dynamically. In addition, we can’t finished most software of interface will become more user-friendly and
test tasks at the same time with the tool. convenient. MATLAB includes excellent graphics
In school and industry, simulation tools based on capacity and multi-dimension of graphic function, and can
MATLAB/SIMULINK [2] are becoming popular for change graphics parameters at the same time. Therefore,
engineering applications. The MATLAB involves many many graphs can be shown on the same window to make
high instructions and tools for some systems designing comparison with one another. This paper focuses on the
applications and developing algorithms and the model and test of digital distance relay. Therefore, the
SIMULINK provides excellent GUI (Graphical User principles and relating techniques of the distance relay will
Interface) interface and block module that will allow the be discussed first, followed by the description of the
users to rapidly and easily build and simulate system distance relay practice by MATLAB.
models and executive massive simulation tests at the same Distance relays are also named impedance relays.
time. Furthermore, since the MATLAB/SIMULINK They are used to calculate line impedance by measurement
contain Power System Block Set Toolbox [3], the software of voltages and currents on one single end. For example,
turn into a powerful power systems simulation and for MHO type distance relays, the relays compare the

setting impedance with the measurement impedance to be eliminated using low pass anti-aliasing filters with
determine if the fault is inside or outside the protected appropriate cut-off frequency, but the anti-aliasing filters
zone. They immediately release a trip signal when the cannot remove decaying dc components and reject low
impedance value is inside the zone 1 impedance circle of frequency components. This makes the phasors very
distance relay. For security protection consideration, the difficult to be quickly estimated and affects the
confirmation of a fault occurrence will not be made until performance of digital relaying. Therefore, we usually use
successive trip signals are released in one season. the mimic filter to removed the dc-offset components [6].
Different formulas should be adopted when The mimic filter can be developed by digital method. Here,
calculating the fault impedance due to different fault types. we want to pass the fundamental frequency signal (60Hz)
Table 1 indicates calculation formula for all of the fault by the filter. Then, assuming the gain K equals 1 and the
types [5]. Any three-phase faults can be detected from samples frequency is f s ( f s = 1 / Ts ), finally, we obtain a
every formula in Table 1. In order to reduce calculation formula (2)
burden, we design a fault detector and fault type selector.
K (1 + τf s ) − Kτf s cos ωTs + jKτf s sin ωTs =1 (2)
The fault detector can judge which fault type it is and then
calculate fault impedance by selecting a suitable formula Where ω = 2 * π * 60 , τ is time constant for user
from Table 1. If we don’t use fault type judgment first, definition.
then the distance relay of programs must be calculated by To solve equation (2) can get the gain K
all the six formulas in table 1 at the same time, which 1
causes much calculation burden. K = sqrt ( 2 ) (3)
M + N2
Table 1 fault impedance calculation formula on difference faults
2 * π * 60
Fault Type Formula M = 1 + τf s − τf s cos( ) (4-1)
AG VA/(IA+3kI0)
2 * π * 60
BG VB/(IB+3kI0) N = τf s sin( ) (4-2)
CG VC/(IC+3kI0) fs
AB or ABG (VA-VB)/ (IA-IB) When we use mimic filter to remove the dc-offset
BC or BCG (VB-VC)/ (IB-IC) components, MATLAB program is described as follows:
CA or CAG (VC-VA)/ (IC-IA)
Where A、B and C indicates number of phase, G is ground t=2*1/60; % assumed time constant = 2
fault ,V and I are phasor of voltage and current, k=(Z0-Z1)/Z1,Z0
and Z1 are line of impedance zero-sequence, positive- sequence cycles
respectively. I0 is zero-sequence current. f s = 32 * 60 ; % sampling frequency
When the distance relays receive discrete voltage and
current signal, it has to convert them to phasor. The
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is the most popular
b=[K*(1+t*fs) -K*t*fs];
method to estimate fundamental phasors for digital
relaying. The full-cycle DFT is described as following
equation (1):
N −1

∑x e
2 − j 2 πk / N As shown in the above equation, the current ia is
X = k
N through the mimic filter in order to remove the dc-offset
k =0
components. Finally, we get a fundamental frequency
Where X is complex phasor, xk is the sample discrete wave ia_mf .
data of the signal, and N is the number of samples per From the above discussion, we know that MATLAB
cycle. can easily finish all of algorithms for protective relays.
Equation (1) is the formula of full-cycle DFT. When a With the advantage that SIMULINK can easily simulate
signal is sampled with 32 samples per cycle, as an power system faults, the design and the test of protective
example, then MATLAB DFT program can be written as relays can be achieved with ease. Its major characteristic
follows: of integrating system fault simulation and protection relay
algorithms in a software system can enhance the efficiency
N = 32;
of protection relay test.
X = 0;
for k = 1:N
X = X + x(k)*exp(-j*2*pi/32*(k-1));
X = X*2/N;
In order to get exact simulation results, we must
In addition, when a fault occurs on transmission lines, establish accurate network model. SIMULINK/Power
the voltage and current signals are severely distorted. System Blockset (PSB) is used to create power system
These signals may contain decaying dc components, model for simulation. With the updated versions of
subsystem frequency transients, high frequency oscillation MATLAB/SIMULINK, the model development of power
quantities, and etc. The higher frequency components can system components is onward to perfection. Due to the

fast development of new technologies, which improve the possible to easily draw the power system network, but also
power transfer efficiency and the optimum utilization of to include its interactions with every electrical component.
system capability, power electronic equipment like In addition, the simulation system of block component can
TCSC、UPFC、STATCOM…and so on may be widely set relation electrical parameters from MATLAB
used in power systems In the future. Thus, the selection commands.
and the setting of protective relay should be evaluated and One thing should be noted is that SIMULINK is more
tested thoroughly [7]. Here, SIMULINK includes variant suitable for a small system for simulated tests. Execution
basic power components, which can be used alone or in speed of the simulation system will become slow when
combinative use to finish all kinds of power system simulating system is large. Luckily, the protective relays
network simulations. are for protection of one article of electrical equipment, so
It is very easy to create power system in SIMULINK we just focus on protected equipment. Other components
environment, which allows users to build a model by can be made in equivalent value. Therefore, by reducing
simple “click and drag’’ procedures. Because all of the the complexity of the simulation system, the simulation
electrical parts of the simulation interact with the system result will be in high performance.
SIMLLINK’S extensive modelling library, it is not just

Fig. 1. One-line diagram of simulation system

Fig. 2. SIMULINK/Power System Block constructs the simulation systems diagram

inductance, capacitor, and line length etc. This paper uses
distribution model for transmission line model of the
power systems simulation. In Fig. 2, the block for fault
type selection and fault resistances setting are located
below two distribution model blocks.
Here, we have finished the power system simulation
model as shown in Fig.2, but the graphic shown in
window is a bit messy. Thus the SUBSYSTEM block is
used by covering all of blocks to produce a single block,
as shown in Fig. 3. Fault simulation block. If we double
click the block, the interactive interface window on right
side of Fig. 3. will be shown again, in which the interface
window can renew some parameters for next time
simulation when the simulation is finished. In addition, we
can simulate many cases at the same time. As discussed
above, the protective relay simulation system has become
a system of easy use and with efficiency.

Fig. 3. Main window and parameter interface for simulation systems

This section describes the performance test and

verification of transmission line protection of distance
relays using MATLAB/SIMULINK. How to use
SIMULINK of the PSB to build transmission lines
systems model will be discussed as follows. With
reference to Fig. 1 One-line diagram of simulation system,
we can establish the simulation system diagram in Fig. 2.
The simulation system of each end source can be replaced
by the The’venin equivalent circuits. However, we can
completely finish all of the test circuits with the use of the
source and the model of coupling component. Each
element value of the test system can be set by power flow
data and short-circuit capacity data. Generally speaking,
we need to get voltages and current signal data by current
transformer (CT) and voltage transformer (VT) as shown
in Fig.2 CTS and VTS respectively because distance
relays need three-phase voltages and three-phase currents
for the impedance calculation. The design of digital
distance relays of algorithm is based on the component of
fundamental frequency (60Hz). When power systems fault
occurs, the signals may contain high frequency Fig. 4. Protective relay test systems based on MATLAB/SIMULINK
components. These higher frequency components must be
eliminated, so we adopt analogue low pass filters of block Here, when we compare MATLAB/SIMULINK with
in the simulation systems in SIMULINK. This block can EMTP/ATP, we will see which one is better for the
be defined as filter of types (Low pass, Band pass, and protective relay simulation systems. The following items
High pass), order, and cut-off frequency etc. by user. summarize their most important differences in protection
These are excellent characteristics. In addition, systems simulation:
SIMULINK provides some options like real-time display, 1. The EMTP/ ATP is specific software to simulate
storing data in WORKSPACE and hard disk after the power system transient problem, whereas the
signals data is released by filter. As shown in Fig.2, we MATLAB/SIMULINK can be used to simulate power
capture signals and store them in WORKSPACE from the system faults and protective relay algorithm at the
simulation systems, which is provided for using input of same time.
distance relay algorithm. About transmission lines model, 2. ATP/EMTP is designed to simulate the physical
SIMULINK provides Pi and distribution model, which can processes of transmission lines and transformers
sets parameters as numbers of phase, frequency, resistance, quickly and in a convenient way but

MATLAB/SIMULINK offers more possibilities in immediately. It is very convenient for designing protective
power electronics, signal processing and control. relay as well as for checking whether the setting of the
3. Users can easily create new relay model with interactive relay test environment is appropriate.
MATLAB/SIMULINK, whereas EMTP/ ATP doesn’t
have such capacity.
4. MATLAB/SIMULINK encompasses better graphic
function tools than EMTP/ATP of PCPLOT, PLOTXY Now that the theory and the structure of the
and so on. interactive relay test system are prescribed, the following
begins with an example of a power transmission line of
Therefore, this paper selects MATLAB/SIMULINK for fault simulation to test relay operation. Fig. 1 depicts the
interactive automatic relay test systems. 345 kV, 60 Hz simulated system one-line diagram. Fig. 2
is the simulated system model by SIMULINK. The other
related parameters of the simulated system are shown in
IV. INTERACTIVE RELAY TEST SYSTEMS Table 2. Zone 1 is setting 80% of the total line length. This
Based on the discussion made in the previous two example uses MHO type to explain the relay operation
sections, we can establish interactive relay test systems performance. The mimic filters with time constant 2 cycles,
based on MATLAB/SIMULINK as shown in Fig. 4. We the phase difference between ES and ER is 15 degrees,
can use MATLAB to write main program for protective and the sampling frequency is 1920 Hz. The transmission
relay test. The main program can not only start fault line length is 100 km. The phasor is estimated by
simulation systems with SIMULINK but also give full-cycle DFT.
commands and parameters to renew simulation systems at
the same time. As indicated in Fig. 3, we can change Table 2 The parameters of the simulation transmission system
parameters of simulation systems including fault locations,
Voltage Rating: 345 kV
fault resistances, fault time, and fault types etc., and then
the main program will execute setting and change value. System frequency: 60 Hz
Finally the main program controls SIMULINK execution Equivalent Voltage Per Unit:
dynamic of simulation as shown on Fig. 2. After the E S = 1∠15° (p.u.) , E R = 1∠0 ° (p.u.)
simulation is finished, the simulation result data will be
stored in WORKSPACE or hard disk, and its waveform Equivalent Source Impedance:
can be shown directly on screen through user’s command. ZS1 = 0.238 + 5.72(Ω) , ZS0 = 2.738 + 10(Ω)
So far we have finished fault simulation task, and then got Z R1 = 0.238 + 6.19(Ω) , Z R 0 = 0.833 + 5.12(Ω)
related input data for protective relay algorithm. As far as
Length of Transmission Line: 100 km
the distance relays in this paper are concerned, we need to
get three-phase voltages and three-phase currents from S Line Constant:
terminal (Fig. 1.). R 0 = 0.275(Ω) , L 0 = 3.725(mH) , C 0 = 6.711(nF)
In the next step, input the simulation result data to
R 1 = 0.0275(Ω) , L1 = 1.345(mH) , C1 = 9.483(nF)
protective relay algorithm by MATLAB to distinguish
whether the circuit breaker (C.B.) action occurs or not Filter:
from plan logic. When the fault impedance is calculated 2 Order of Butterworth Low Pass Filter , High Cut-Off
and it is satisfied in the protection zone 1, the protective Frequency 360(Hz)
relay operation then releases trip signal to C.B. without
additional delay. Here, MATLAB can easily show
impedance trace on screen for user’s verification, and store First, In order to prove digital distance relay of
the test records. So far we have only finished one fault performance, an internal fault is applied to the power
case for verification relay action. After this test is finished, system with the phase A to ground fault, the fault
the main program can automatically change parameters resistance is 1 ohm, the fault angle is zero degree (refer to
again to execute simulations, tests, and records continually. S terminal of phase A voltages waveform), and the fault is
With the inclusion of the loop function and the located sixty kilometers form S terminal. Therefore, the
modification of system parameters, the main program can fault currents will include dc-offset components.
finish hundreds and thousands of case tests at the same
time to meet the purpose of having automatic tests for Fig. 5 shows the phase A current waveform, the
protective relays. The reason why this function is so phase A voltage waveform, and the impedance trace for
powerful is that we integrate MATLAB/SIMULINK into the single phase to ground fault. Judging from Fig. 5-(a)
one single environment and make use of its easy and (b), filters can be eliminated high frequency
communication function. components form the fault waveform, but result in signals
In addition to the above-mentioned advantage of time delay. Therefore, the cutoff high frequency can’t be
automatic protective relay tests, MATLAB can empower set too low, otherwise, the relay operation time can be
us to modify and adjust the problems that the initial relay affected. As shown in Fig. 5 the mimic filter can
design may have. With the powerful graphic function by effectively remove the decaying dc component. If the filter
MATLAB we can use the program to obtain easily output is no use in the relay algorithm, then the current phasor
signal values and waveforms for relay algorithms results in unstable phenomenon and the impedance trace
verification. If the relay algorithm is bad, then modify it will be oscillated. The relay may malfunction when some

faults occur in near protection zone margin. In other words, adopts full-cycle DFT algorithm. Finally, the zone 1 fault
this is main reason why we want to remove the decaying of impedance trace is shown in Fig. 5-(e). Due to the
dc component. diagram we can find the impedance trace included by zone
1; therefore, the relay releases a trip signal to C.B because
the relay detects the fault belonging to zone 1.
Below is a phase A-B fault test case. The fault
location, ninety kilometers form S terminal, is in zone 2,
so it won’t affect the protective relay. The zone 2 usually
gives a time delay about twenty cycles as TPC’s (Twain
Power Company) power networks. The Fig. 6 shows the
impedance trace excluded in zone 1, so the relay operated
with a time delay. The above two cases are illustrated to
explain protective relays of operation and test by
MATLAB/SIMULINK. In fact, we can apply automatic
mode for more protective relay test.

This paper describes the automated protective relay test
system based on MATLAB/SIMULINK. The system
combines MATLAB with SIMULINK for the use of
MATLAB for main control programs and carry out relay
algorithms, and the use of SIMULINK of PSB for power
system constructed tools. Due to that fact that both
MATLAB and SIMULINK are in the same environment,
communications and convenient tests can be made easily.
Especially since the MATLAB has powerful capabilities
for numerical robust and graphic function. In addition, the
SIMULINK has powerful capabilities for GUI interface
and more and more modelling for the generation,
transmission, and distribution of electrical power etc...
These advantages can help protection engineer effectively
enhance the performance of the digital protective relay
design, selection, and elect setting. Its ability of massive
tests and result records is excellent and convenient for
saving time and costs.

[1] “Alternative Transient Program Rule Book”, European EMTP
Center, 1987.
[2] The Math Works, Inc., “Using MATLAB”, 1999.
[3] The Math Works, Inc., “Power System Blockset User’s Guide”,
[4] G. Sybille and L.-H. Hoang, “Digital Simulation of Power Systems
Fig. 5. The voltages 、the current and the impedance trace in internal and Power Electronics using the MATLAB/SIMULINK Power
fault System Blockset”, IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, 2000, pp.
[5] T. S. Sidhu, D. S. Ghotra, and M. S. Sachdev, “A Fast Distance
Relay Using Adaptive Data Window Filters”, IEEE/PES Summer
Meeting, July 2000, pp. 1407-1412.
[6] G. Benmouyal, “Removal of Decaying DC in Current Waveforms
Using Digital Mimic Filtering”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery,
Vol. 10, No. 2, April 1995, pp. 621-630.
[7] K. El-Arroudi, G. Joos, and D. T. McGillis, “Operation of
Impedance Protection Relays With the STATCOM”, IEEE Trans.
on Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 2, April 2002, pp. 381-387.

Li-Cheng Wu received his B.S and M.S. degrees in

Fig. 6. The impedance trace in zone 2 fault
electrical engineering from National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1997 and 1999,
The Fig. 5-(c) and (d) indicate the phasor estimation
respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at
results using conventional full-cycle DFT after the voltage
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Between 1997
and the current signals pass filters. If we want to get better
to 2002 he worked as an electrical engineer in the
accuracy for the phasor values, at least one cycle of the
Department of relay, Taiwan Power Company.
computation time should be adopted because this paper

His main research interests are power electronics, high
voltage test and power system protection.

Chih-Wen Liu (S’93-M’96-SM’02) was born in Taiwan,

in 1964. He received the B.S. degree in electrical
engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU),
Taipei, Taiwan, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
in 1987, 1992, and 1994, respectively.
Since 1994, he has been with NTU, where he is a
Professor of electrical engineering. His main research
interests include application of computer technology to
power system monitoring, protection, and control. His
other research interests include motor control and power

Ching-Shan Chen was born in Taichung, Taiwan, in 1976.

He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
Taipei, Taiwan, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, in 1998, 2000, and 2003, respectively.
At present, he works at Industrial Technology Research
Institute and his research interests include distributed
generation systems and computer relaying.

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