History of Cultures

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WIA: 9492.6456 9804203 0 0 [wiaservc.

dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9804203 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9804203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9804203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9804203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32772): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 56 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32772)

WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32772) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32772)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32772, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409960

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32772..

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message


WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32772) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE
WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]
DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device removal for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Processing

removal for device (OPPO A5s)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Device (OPPO

A5s) is marked inactive

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Generating

DISCONNECT event for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

208 bytes

WIA: 9492.6456 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceSession, Locally connected device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003), no Session ID found

WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32772)

WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9822031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32772) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9822047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

disable system initiated sleep to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnPEvent for (OPPO A5s)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

preparing to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver for (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

calling IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, (OPPO A5s)

completed IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9822047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

restore system initiated sleep...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::NotifySTIEvent, hr indicates FAILURE

(expected for Disconnect), but event is Connect/Disconnect
WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::UnregisterDeviceNotification, Unregistering
for PnP notifications on device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003).

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnloadDriver, The WIA service is preparing to

unload the driver for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnloadDriver, Driver for (OPPO A5s) is now

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not

shutting down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32772, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32772) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32772) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32772)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32772, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32772..

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message


WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device removal for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Processing

removal for device (OPPO A5s)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Device (OPPO

A5s) is marked inactive
WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, We are not
generating a DISCONNECT event for device (OPPO A5s), because it has already been done

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not

shutting down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32772, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32772) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9822063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

208 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32768)

WIA: 9492.10668 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32768) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32768)...

WIA: 9492.10668 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32768) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32768, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74065F0

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32768..

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]
DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device arrival for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper

settings for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings

for (OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, DevNode status for device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003): 0x0180200A, problem number: 0

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::MapCMStatusToDeviceState, DN_STARTED


WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
updated from 0x00000000 to 0x00000004

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001

means 'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of

(OPPO A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO
A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

state is currently marked 0x00000004

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

(re)signaled as arrived..

WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Attempting to

(re)load the driver for device (OPPO A5s)..
WIA: 9492.6456 9873359 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, PnP
Id: \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::STI_Initialize, (OPPO A5s) completed

IStiUSD::Initialize returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::STI_GetCapabilities, (OPPO A5s) completed

IStiUSD::GetCapabilities returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::StartDeviceNotifications, Driver for (OPPO

A5s) reported that it not capable of generating events

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::SetWiaDeviceTypeProperty,

DEVPKEY_WIA_DeviceType for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) set to 2

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Driver for (OPPO A5s) is currently

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Generating

CONNECT event for device (OPPO A5s) (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceSession, Locally connected device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003), no Session ID found

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

disable system initiated sleep to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnPEvent for (OPPO A5s)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

preparing to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver for (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

calling IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, (OPPO A5s)

completed IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

restore system initiated sleep...

WIA: 9492.6456 9873375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::CreateLockInfo, StiLockMgr::CreateLockInfo,

Lock holding time set to 0 for device {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003

WIA: 9492.6456 9873391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvGetCapabilities, (OPPO A5s)

completed IWiaMiniDrv::drvGetCapabilities on item (0000000000000000) returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9873391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival,


WIA: 9492.6456 9873391 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::RegisterDeviceNotificationW, Registered for

PnP notifications on device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
WIA: 9492.6456 9873391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32768, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9873391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32768) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9873391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32772): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 56 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32772)

WIA: 9492.10668 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32772) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32772)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32772, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409960

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32772..

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message


WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device removal for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Processing

removal for device (OPPO A5s)..
WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Device (OPPO
A5s) is marked inactive

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Generating

DISCONNECT event for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceSession, Locally connected device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003), no Session ID found

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

disable system initiated sleep to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnPEvent for (OPPO A5s)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

preparing to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver for (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

calling IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, (OPPO A5s)

completed IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

restore system initiated sleep...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::NotifySTIEvent, hr indicates FAILURE

(expected for Disconnect), but event is Connect/Disconnect

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::UnregisterDeviceNotification, Unregistering

for PnP notifications on device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003).

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnloadDriver, The WIA service is preparing to

unload the driver for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnloadDriver, Driver for (OPPO A5s) is now

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not

shutting down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32772, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32772) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9874000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32772) returning
WIA: 9492.10668 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
208 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32772)

WIA: 9492.10668 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32772) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32772)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32772, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74158B0

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32772..

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message


WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device removal for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Processing

removal for device (OPPO A5s)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Device (OPPO

A5s) is marked inactive

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, We are not

generating a DISCONNECT event for device (OPPO A5s), because it has already been done

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not

shutting down service because 1 devices are installed
WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32772, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32772) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9874016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32772) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

208 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32768)

WIA: 9492.10668 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32768) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32768) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32768)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32768, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7415220

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32768..

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message


WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
device arrival for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper

settings for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings

for (OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, DevNode status for device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003): 0x0180200A, problem number: 0

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::MapCMStatusToDeviceState, DN_STARTED


WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
updated from 0x00000000 to 0x00000004

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001

means 'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of

(OPPO A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO
A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

state is currently marked 0x00000004

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

(re)signaled as arrived..

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Attempting to

(re)load the driver for device (OPPO A5s)..

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, PnP

Id: \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::STI_Initialize, (OPPO A5s) completed

IStiUSD::Initialize returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::STI_GetCapabilities, (OPPO A5s) completed

IStiUSD::GetCapabilities returning hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::StartDeviceNotifications, Driver for (OPPO
A5s) reported that it not capable of generating events

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::SetWiaDeviceTypeProperty,

DEVPKEY_WIA_DeviceType for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) set to 2

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Driver for (OPPO A5s) is currently

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Generating

CONNECT event for device (OPPO A5s) (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceSession, Locally connected device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003), no Session ID found

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

disable system initiated sleep to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnPEvent for (OPPO A5s)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

preparing to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver for (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

calling IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, (OPPO A5s)

completed IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9880313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

restore system initiated sleep...

WIA: 9492.6456 9880328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvGetCapabilities, (OPPO A5s)

completed IWiaMiniDrv::drvGetCapabilities on item (0000000000000000) returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9880328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival,


WIA: 9492.6456 9880328 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::RegisterDeviceNotificationW, Registered for

PnP notifications on device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 9880328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32768, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9880328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32768) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9880328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 570 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9892250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9904297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 570 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9905891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9921844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 570 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9924891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9937609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50
WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9957656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 9974547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 9993297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.10668 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10021609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10035563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10065781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10092859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10121047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10148266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10173484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10196047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10217516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10248516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 928 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10275859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.10668 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10292797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10311484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10328375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50
WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10345359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 10370719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue
empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 932 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10395734 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10425938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 924 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10440625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 638 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10522125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 628 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.10668 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10524203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 632 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10526891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 624 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10528719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 808 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10530922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 808 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10615781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 712 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10640500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 612 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10640688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10640750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 956 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10640797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10640797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10640797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10640813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 944 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10640859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 980 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10665000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 980 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10665359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 868 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 10665469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue
empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 672 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.10668 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10669094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 612 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.10668 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10671344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10671391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 956 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10671438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 944 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10671484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 940 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10692453 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 940 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10692813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 868 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10696828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 724 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.10668 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10699281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 984 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10735672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10739250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 764 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409C50

WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10740609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.1136 10786766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CWiaDevMgr::CreateInstance, Created WiaDevMgr

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceSession, Locally connected device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003), no Session ID found

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Device internal

name: {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: FindInf, FindDeviceKey failed with 0x00000103

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Device INF:


WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Vendor

description: OPPO

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Device description:


WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Device type:


WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Port name: AUTO

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Device name:


WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, UI class identifier:


WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Hardware

configuration: 0

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Baud rate:

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Generic

capabilities: 0x0

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, Driver version:

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, PnP
identifier: \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 9492.1136 10786781 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::CreateDeviceInfoStorage, STI driver version:

2 (WIA 1.0)

**************** Started trace for Module: [sti.dll] in Executable [mspaint.exe] ProcessID: [4564] at
2021/08/06 12:34:56:613 ****************

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::OpenConnectionToServer, AsyncRPC

Connection established to server

WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 20 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiRpcSecurityCallBack, STI Security: We have a local client

WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] OpenClientConnection, Opened client connection for


WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::AddClient, => Added client

0000000000000001 to WiaEventNotifier

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::OpenConnectionToServer, Got my context

0000020D5EB3EE40 from server

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::Start, WiaEventReceiver Started...

WIA: 4564.6024 16 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::CloseNotificationChannel, Closing the async

notification channel...

WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventClient::RegisterUnregisterForEventNotification,

Added new registration:

WIA: 4564.6024 16 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::OpenNotificationChannel, Opening the async

notification channel...

WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000000,

guidEvent: {A28BBADE-64B6-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback:

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Sent RPC

Register/Unregister information.

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Added new registration:

WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] AsyncRPCEventClient::saveAsyncParams, Calling

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000000, guidEvent:
{A28BBADE-64B6-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback: 0x0000020D6083E6F0

WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventClient::RegisterUnregisterForEventNotification,

Added new registration:

WIA: 9492.1136 10786797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000000,

guidEvent: {143E4E83-6497-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback:

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Sent RPC

Register/Unregister information.

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Added new registration:

WIA: 4564.10168 16 0 0 [sti.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000000, guidEvent:

{143E4E83-6497-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback: 0x0000020D6083E6F0

WIA: 9492.10668 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 976 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10795828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 976 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10796203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 608 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10798422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 880 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10798516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10798609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 820 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10798719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 856 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.10668 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10798813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 844 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10799953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 864 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 860 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.10668 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0
WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 10800234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue
empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.10668 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 836 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 840 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10800594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.1136 10829047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventClient::RegisterUnregisterForEventNotification,

Removed registration:

WIA: 9492.1136 10829047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000000,

guidEvent: {A28BBADE-64B6-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback:

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Sent RPC

Register/Unregister information.

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Removed


WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000002, guidEvent:

{A28BBADE-64B6-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback: 0x0000020D6083E6F0

WIA: 9492.1136 10829047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventClient::RegisterUnregisterForEventNotification,

Removed registration:

WIA: 9492.1136 10829047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000000,

guidEvent: {143E4E83-6497-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback:

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Sent RPC

Register/Unregister information.

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::SendRegisterUnregisterInfo, Removed

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] EventRegistrationInfo::Dump, dwFlags: 0x00000002, guidEvent:
{143E4E83-6497-11D2-A231-00C04FA31809}, bstrDeviceID: *, callback: 0x0000020D6083E6F0

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::Stop, WiaEventReceiver is stopping ...

WIA: 9492.1136 10829047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] CloseClientConnection, Closed connection for


WIA: 9492.1136 10829047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] STI_CLIENT_CONTEXT_rundown, Rundown called for


WIA: 9492.1136 10829047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventClient::MarkForRemoval, Client

0000000000000001 marked for removal

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::CloseConnectionToServer, Closed Async

connection to server

WIA: 4564.10168 42266 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::CloseConnectionToServer, Closed

connection to server

WIA: 9492.10388 10829047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.10388 10829063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] AsyncRPCEventClient::~AsyncRPCEventClient, Calling


WIA: 9492.10388 10829063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] AsyncRPCEventClient::~AsyncRPCEventClient, Calling


WIA: 9492.10388 10829063 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::DecClientCount, Client reference

counter decremented to 0

WIA: 9492.10388 10829063 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not

shutting down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4564.6024 42282 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::EventThreadProc, Received notification to

shutdown event thread!

WIA: 4564.6024 42282 0 0 [sti.dll] WiaEventReceiver::EventThreadProc, Event Thread 0x00001788 is

now shut down

WIA: 4564.10168 42563 0 0 [sti.dll] DllEntryPoint, sti.dll (0x59B90000) received DLL_PROCESS_DETACH,

process terminating: 1

WIA: 4564.10168 42563 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::CloseNotificationChannel, Closing the

async notification channel...

WIA: 4564.10168 42563 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::CloseConnectionToServer, Closed

connection to server

WIA: 9492.3200 10829359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] STI_CLIENT_CONTEXT_rundown, Rundown called for

WIA: 9492.10388 10829359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling
WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.3200 10829359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] STI_CLIENT_CONTEXT_rundown, Rundown called for


WIA: 9492.10388 10829359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.10668 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 1100

WIA: 9492.10668 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10861781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 716 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10865828 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 612 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10869188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10869266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 956 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10869313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 944 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10869359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 980 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10888609 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 980 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10890078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 10890156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 868 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10890156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10890156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10890156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10890156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 10890172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue
empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 720 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10894891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.10668 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 992 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.10668 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10918672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 992 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10922078 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 868 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10923375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 716 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10925953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 612 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10926000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10926094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 956 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.10668 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10926188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 944 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10926250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 984 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10944359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 984 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10946859 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 868 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10947000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 820 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 10954016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 9492.10668 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 1016

WIA: 9492.10668 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 10998766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 1016

WIA: 9492.10668 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.10668 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11001531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11004250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 816 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11188438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 1028

WIA: 9492.10668 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11222266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 1028
WIA: 9492.10668 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.10668 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11223313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 608 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11227766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 864 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 860 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228203 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 820 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 864 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0
WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 852 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 11228578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue
empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 864 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.10668 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11228953 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 840 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 848 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 872 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 836 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229234 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 820 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229359 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 840 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0
WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 11229438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue
empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.10668 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229484 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 832 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.10668 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229578 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 840 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 820 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229656 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 828 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 9492.10668 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229703 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 812 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229781 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 812 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 836 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11229969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message
from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11230000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 720 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.10668 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11230047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 9492.10668 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,
SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 932 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11283891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 932 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11284328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 824 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0
WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11285031 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 570 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 9492.6456 11308109 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue
empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 1032

WIA: 9492.10668 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11340063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 736 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 9492.10668 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11348813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 738 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:
dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11353219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 746 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 9492.10668 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB74074B0

WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message

from PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,
Control request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11360063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT (control: 11, event type: 32769): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 56 bytes

WIA: 9492.10668 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32769)

WIA: 9492.10668 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32769) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32769) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32769)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32769, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7409960

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32769..

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message


WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device removal for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Processing

removal for device (OPPO A5s)..
WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Device (OPPO
A5s) is marked inactive

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Generating

DISCONNECT event for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceSession, Locally connected device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003), no Session ID found

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power

management: disable system initiated sleep to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnPEvent for (OPPO A5s)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

preparing to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver for (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

calling IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, (OPPO A5s)

completed IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power

management: restore system initiated sleep...

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::NotifySTIEvent, hr indicates FAILURE

(expected for Disconnect), but event is Connect/Disconnect

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::UnregisterDeviceNotification, Unregistering

for PnP notifications on device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003).

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnloadDriver, The WIA service is preparing to

unload the driver for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnloadDriver, Driver for (OPPO A5s) is now

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not

shutting down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32769, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32769) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11394172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push,

208 bytes
WIA: 9492.10668 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32772)

WIA: 9492.10668 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32772) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32772)...

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 11, dwEventType 32772, lpEventData: 0x0000021BB7417B80

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32772..

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message


WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Received a

WIA: 9492.10668 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32772) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr, Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device removal for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Processing

removal for device (OPPO A5s)..

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, Device (OPPO

A5s) is marked inactive

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceRemoval, We are not

generating a DISCONNECT event for device (OPPO A5s), because it has already been done

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not

shutting down service because 1 devices are installed
WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32772, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 11, event type: 32772) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 11394313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.10668 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 9492.10668 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 9492.10668 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 9492.6456 20423922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher
WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,


WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (0000021BB7405C10)

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,


WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,


WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(0000021BB7408660) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (0000021BB7406510)

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (0000021BB7406460)

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (0000021BB7406E70)

WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier,


WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService


WIA: 9492.5352 20423969 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 9492.10388 20424063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000
WIA: 9492.5352 20424063 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,

WIA: 9492.5352 20424063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...

WIA: 9492.6456 20424063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control


WIA: 9492.5352 20424063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating

service status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0

**************** Started trace for Module: [sti.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID: [9492] at
2021/08/06 12:34:56:608 ****************

WIA: 9492.10668 9637282 0 0 [sti.dll] DllEntryPoint, sti.dll (0x59B90000) received

DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, process terminating: 1

WIA: 9492.10668 9637313 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::CloseNotificationChannel, Closing the

async notification channel...

WIA: 9492.10668 9637313 0 0 [sti.dll] AsyncRPCEventTransport::CloseConnectionToServer, Closed

connection to server

**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:

[4120] at 2021/08/06 19:51:08:562 ****************

WIA: 4120.4208 16 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4120.4208 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4508

WIA: 4120.4508 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4120.4124 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 4120.4124 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4120.4124 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4120.4124 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4120.4508 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4120.4508 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4120.4508 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4120.4508 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x000001BEEA806C40

WIA: 4120.4508 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 4120.4508 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4120.4508 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 4524)

WIA: 4120.4524 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for


WIA: 4120.4524 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4120.4524 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 4120.4208 250 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4120.4508 297 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 4120.4508 328 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4120.4508 328 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4120.4508 328 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::LoadUnloadDrivers, Pending operation on

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 4120.4208 328 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)
WIA: 4120.4208 344 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for
device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4120.4208 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4120.4208 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4120.4208 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4120.4208 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4120.4208 344 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4120.4208 344 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4120.4508 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4120.4508 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4120.4508 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4120.4508 344 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4120.4508 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4120.4508 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'
WIA: 4120.4508 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO
A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4120.4508 344 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4120.4508 344 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

state is currently marked 0x00000000

WIA: 4120.4508 344 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s) is


WIA: 4120.4508 344 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4120.4508 344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 4120.4508 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4120.4508 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4120.4208 344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4120.4208 344 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 4120.4208 344 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4120.4124 23501141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 4120.4124 23501141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...
WIA: 4120.4124 23501141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 4120.4508 23501156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4120.4508 23501156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 4120.4508 23501156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 4120.4508 23501156 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 4120.4508 23501172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 4120.4508 23501172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4120.4508 23501188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 4120.4508 23501188 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4120.4508 23501188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 4120.4508 23501188 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,


WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,


WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (000001BEEA805C10)

WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,


WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,

WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all
Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4120.4208 23501188 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(000001BEEA808790) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (000001BEEA806510)

WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (000001BEEA806460)

WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (000001BEEA807530)

WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier,


WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService


WIA: 4120.4208 23501203 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 4120.4484 23501219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 4120.4208 23501219 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,


WIA: 4120.4208 23501219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...

WIA: 4120.4508 23501219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control


WIA: 4120.4208 23501219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating

service status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0

**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:

[3648] at 2021/08/07 14:46:13:135 ****************
WIA: 3648.3708 16 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 3648.3708 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 3956

WIA: 3648.3956 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 3648.3652 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 3648.3652 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 3648.3652 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 3648.3652 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 3648.3956 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 3648.3956 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 3648.3956 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 3648.3956 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x00000222AC007330

WIA: 3648.3708 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 3648.3708 47 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 3648.3956 94 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event, control code 13, event type 32787..

WIA: 3648.3956 94 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event control code 13, event type 32787, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 3648.3956 94 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 3648.3956 94 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 3648.3956 94 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 3984)
WIA: 3648.3984 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for

WIA: 3648.3984 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 3648.3984 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 3648.3708 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 3648.3708 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 3648.3708 110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 3648.3708 110 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 3648.3708 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 3648.3956 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 3648.3956 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 3648.3956 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 3648.3956 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 3648.3956 172 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 3648.3956 172 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 3648.3956 172 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 3648.3956 172 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-
WIA: 3648.3956 172 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 3648.3956 172 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 3648.3956 172 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 3648.3956 172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 3648.3956 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 3648.3956 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 3648.3708 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 3648.3708 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 3648.3708 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 3648.3708 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 3648.3708 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 3648.3708 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 3648.3708 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 3648.3708 172 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 3648.3708 172 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 3648.3652 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 3648.3652 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event
type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 3648.3652 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,


WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,


WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 3648.3956 6531406 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (00000222AC005C10)

WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,


WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,


WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager
WIA: 3648.3708 6531406 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper
(00000222AC008150) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (00000222AC006510)

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (00000222AC006460)

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (00000222AC006E70)

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier, (00000222AC006EE0)

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService (00000222AC002F90)

WIA: 3648.3708 6531422 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 3648.3924 6531438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 3648.3708 6531438 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,


WIA: 3648.3708 6531438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...

WIA: 3648.3956 6531438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control


WIA: 3648.3708 6531438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0

**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:

[4252] at 2021/08/07 20:59:04:856 ****************

WIA: 4252.4368 31 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4252.4368 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4648
WIA: 4252.4648 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4252.4256 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 4252.4256 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4252.4256 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4252.4256 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4252.4648 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4252.4648 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4252.4648 172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4252.4648 172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,
dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x000001F87E007330

WIA: 4252.4368 172 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4252.4368 172 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4252.4648 219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event, control code 13, event type 32787..

WIA: 4252.4648 219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event control code 13, event type 32787, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4252.4648 219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 4252.4648 219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4252.4648 219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 4700)

WIA: 4252.4700 219 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for

WIA: 4252.4700 219 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4252.4700 219 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...
WIA: 4252.4368 219 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-
425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 4252.4368 250 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4252.4368 250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4252.4368 250 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4252.4368 250 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4252.4648 250 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4252.4648 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4252.4648 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4252.4648 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4252.4648 281 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4252.4648 281 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4252.4648 281 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4252.4648 281 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4252.4648 281 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4252.4648 281 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices
WIA: 4252.4648 281 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4252.4648 281 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4252.4368 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4252.4368 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4252.4368 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4252.4368 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4252.4368 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 4252.4368 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 4252.4368 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4252.4368 281 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 4252.4368 281 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4252.4648 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4252.4648 281 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4252.4256 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 4252.4256 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 4252.4256 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue
WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,


WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,


WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (000001F87E005C10)

WIA: 4252.4648 15812266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,


WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,


WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4252.4368 15812266 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(000001F87E008150) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO
WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not
unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (000001F87E006510)

WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (000001F87E006460)

WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (000001F87E006E70)

WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier, (000001F87E006EE0)

WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService (000001F87E002F90)

WIA: 4252.4368 15812281 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 4252.4640 15812328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 4252.4368 15812328 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,


WIA: 4252.4368 15812328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...

WIA: 4252.4648 15812328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control


WIA: 4252.4368 15812328 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating

service status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0

**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:

[4212] at 2021/08/08 10:23:36:398 ****************

WIA: 4212.4368 16 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4212.4368 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4628

WIA: 4212.4628 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4212.4216 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes
WIA: 4212.4216 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4212.4216 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4212.4628 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4212.4628 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4212.4628 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4212.4628 31 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x0000027F40C06C40

WIA: 4212.4628 31 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 4212.4628 31 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4212.4628 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 4644)

WIA: 4212.4216 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4212.4644 31 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for


WIA: 4212.4644 31 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4212.4644 31 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 4212.4368 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4212.4628 110 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 4212.4628 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4212.4628 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4212.4628 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::LoadUnloadDrivers, Pending operation on

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
WIA: 4212.4368 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in
RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4212.4628 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4212.4628 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4212.4628 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4212.4628 156 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4212.4628 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4212.4628 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4212.4628 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4212.4368 156 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4212.4368 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4212.4628 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4212.4368 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'
WIA: 4212.4368 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO
A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4212.4628 156 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

state is currently marked 0x00000000

WIA: 4212.4368 156 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4212.4628 156 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s) is


WIA: 4212.4368 156 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4212.4368 156 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4212.4628 156 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4212.4628 156 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4212.4628 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4212.4628 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105
WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for
Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 4212.4368 156 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4212.4368 156 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 4212.4368 156 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4212.4216 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 4212.4216 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 4212.4216 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 4212.4628 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4212.4628 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 4212.4628 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 4212.4628 7553516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 4212.4628 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 4212.4628 7553516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4212.4628 7553531 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 4212.4628 7553531 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,


WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event
sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4212.4628 7553531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 4212.4628 7553531 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (0000027F40C05C10)

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,


WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,


WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(0000027F40C08A80) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (0000027F40C06510)

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (0000027F40C06460)

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (0000027F40C07530)

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier, (0000027F40C075A0)

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService (0000027F40C02F90)

WIA: 4212.4368 7553531 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 4212.4616 7553547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 4212.4368 7553547 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,

WIA: 4212.4368 7553547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the
control thread to terminate...

WIA: 4212.4628 7553547 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control


WIA: 4212.4368 7553547 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0

**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:

[4204] at 2021/08/08 14:09:54:803 ****************

WIA: 4204.4272 16 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4204.4272 32 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4640

WIA: 4204.4640 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4204.4208 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 4204.4208 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4204.4208 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4204.4208 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4204.4640 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4204.4640 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4204.4640 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4204.4640 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x0000017C2EA07330

WIA: 4204.4272 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4204.4272 47 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for
WIA: 4204.4640 79 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system
event, control code 13, event type 32787..

WIA: 4204.4640 79 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event control code 13, event type 32787, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4204.4640 79 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 4204.4640 79 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4204.4640 79 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 4668)

WIA: 4204.4668 79 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for


WIA: 4204.4668 79 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4204.4668 79 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 4204.4272 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 4204.4272 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4204.4272 110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4204.4272 110 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4204.4272 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4204.4640 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4204.4640 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4204.4640 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4204.4640 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)
WIA: 4204.4640 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for
device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4204.4640 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4204.4640 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4204.4640 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4204.4640 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4204.4640 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4204.4640 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4204.4640 157 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4204.4640 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4204.4640 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4204.4272 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4204.4272 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4204.4272 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4204.4272 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4204.4272 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 4204.4272 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader
WIA: 4204.4272 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for
Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4204.4272 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 4204.4272 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4204.4208 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 4204.4208 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 4204.4208 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4204.4640 4784782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (0000017C2EA05C10)

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,


WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,


WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(0000017C2EA08150) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (0000017C2EA06510)

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (0000017C2EA06460)

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (0000017C2EA06B80)

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier, (0000017C2EA06BF0)

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService (0000017C2EA02F90)

WIA: 4204.4272 4784782 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 4204.4600 4784797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 4204.4272 4784797 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,


WIA: 4204.4272 4784797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...
WIA: 4204.4640 4784797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control

WIA: 4204.4272 4784797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0

**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:

[4136] at 2021/08/08 20:14:22:866 ****************

WIA: 4136.4288 16 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4136.4288 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4604

WIA: 4136.4604 31 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4136.4140 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 4136.4140 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4136.4140 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4136.4140 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4136.4604 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4136.4604 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4136.4604 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4136.4604 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x0000021C82607330

WIA: 4136.4288 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4136.4288 47 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4136.4604 78 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event, control code 13, event type 32787..
WIA: 4136.4604 78 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system
event control code 13, event type 32787, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4136.4604 78 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 4136.4604 78 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4136.4604 78 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 4648)

WIA: 4136.4648 78 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for


WIA: 4136.4648 78 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4136.4648 78 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 4136.4288 78 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 4136.4288 94 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4136.4288 94 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4136.4288 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager is

done enumerating devices

WIA: 4136.4288 94 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems

to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4136.4604 94 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4136.4604 125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4136.4604 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4136.4604 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4136.4604 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,
WIA: 4136.4604 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4136.4604 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4136.4604 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4136.4604 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4136.4604 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4136.4604 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4136.4604 141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4136.4604 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4136.4604 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4136.4288 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4136.4288 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4136.4288 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4136.4288 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4136.4288 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 4136.4288 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 4136.4288 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4136.4288 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.
WIA: 4136.4288 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting
down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4136.4140 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 4136.4140 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 4136.4140 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,


WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,


WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4136.4604 23002297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (0000021C82605C10)

WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,

WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,


WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4136.4288 23002297 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(0000021C82608150) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 4136.4604 23002312 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (0000021C82606510)

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (0000021C82606460)

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (0000021C82606E70)

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier, (0000021C82606EE0)

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService (0000021C82602F90)

WIA: 4136.4288 23002312 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 4136.4588 23002328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 4136.4288 23002328 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,


WIA: 4136.4288 23002328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...

WIA: 4136.4604 23002328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control

WIA: 4136.4288 23002328 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating
service status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0

**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:

[4280] at 2021/08/09 12:44:40:137 ****************

WIA: 4280.4360 16 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4280.4360 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4624

WIA: 4280.4624 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4280.4284 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 4280.4284 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4280.4284 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4280.4624 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4280.4624 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4280.4624 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4280.4624 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x000001F20FA06F70

WIA: 4280.4284 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4280.4360 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4280.4360 47 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4280.4624 63 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event, control code 13, event type 32787..

WIA: 4280.4624 63 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event control code 13, event type 32787, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4280.4624 63 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power

WIA: 4280.4624 63 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4280.4624 63 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 4668)

WIA: 4280.4668 63 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for


WIA: 4280.4668 63 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4280.4668 63 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 4280.4360 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 4280.4360 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4280.4360 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4280.4360 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4280.4624 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4280.4624 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4280.4624 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4280.4624 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4280.4624 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4280.4624 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000
WIA: 4280.4624 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means
'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4280.4624 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4280.4624 141 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4280.4624 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4280.4624 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4280.4624 141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4280.4624 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4280.4624 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 4280.4360 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4280.4360 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 4280.4360 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed
WIA: 4280.4284 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 5, event type: 0)

WIA: 4280.4284 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control

thread to resume...

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4280.4284 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,


WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,


WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (000001F20FA05C10)

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(000001F20FA08150) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (000001F20FA06510)

WIA: 4280.4624 15673500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (000001F20FA06460)

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (000001F20FA07220)

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier, (000001F20FA07290)

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService (000001F20FA02F90)

WIA: 4280.4360 15673500 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 4280.4616 15673516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 4280.4360 15673516 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,


WIA: 4280.4360 15673516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...

WIA: 4280.4624 15673516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control


WIA: 4280.4360 15673516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating

service status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0
**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:
[4236] at 2021/08/09 21:39:08:422 ****************

WIA: 4236.4260 32 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4236.4260 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4568

WIA: 4236.4568 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4236.4240 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 4236.4240 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4236.4240 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4236.4240 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4236.4568 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4236.4568 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4236.4568 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4236.4568 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x00000141A7C07330

WIA: 4236.4260 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4236.4260 47 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4236.4568 79 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event, control code 13, event type 32787..

WIA: 4236.4568 79 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing system

event control code 13, event type 32787, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4236.4568 79 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 4236.4568 79 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4236.4568 79 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge
successfully initiated (thread: 4584)

WIA: 4236.4584 79 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for


WIA: 4236.4584 79 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4236.4584 79 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 4236.4260 94 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list

WIA: 4236.4260 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4236.4260 110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4236.4260 110 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4236.4260 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4236.4568 110 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4236.4568 141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4236.4568 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4236.4568 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4236.4568 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4236.4568 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4236.4568 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'
WIA: 4236.4568 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO
A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4236.4568 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4236.4568 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4236.4568 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4236.4568 157 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4236.4260 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4236.4260 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4236.4260 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4236.4260 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4236.4260 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 4236.4260 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 4236.4260 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4236.4260 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 4236.4260 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4236.4568 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4236.4568 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4236.4240 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 5, event type: 0)
WIA: 4236.4240 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control
thread to resume...

WIA: 4236.4240 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 5, event type: 0) returning

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 5, event

type: 0) detached from queue

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 5, event type: 0)...

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received:

dwControl 5, dwEventType 0, lpEventData: 0x0000000000000000

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 5, event type 0..

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 5, event type 0, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::ProcessEvent, The

ServiceEventHandler received a SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN and is now Stopping the service

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, StateCode=3, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest,

Control request (control: 5, event type: 0) deleted

WIA: 4236.4568 15840719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue

empty, control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventHandlers, Clearing all event

handlers from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::~PowerEventHandler,


WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] ServiceEventHandler::~ServiceEventHandler,


WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ClearEventSources, Clearing all event

sources from the Dispatcher

WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::~Dispatcher, (00000141A7C05C10)

WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] GenericEventSource::~GenericEventSource,

WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::~DeviceListManager,

WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearDevices, Clearing all

Devices from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4236.4260 15840719 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::~USDWrapper, ~USDWrapper

(00000141A7C08150) for {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003, with friendly name (OPPO

WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::UnAdvise, The DeviceClassWrapper could not

unregister for device notifications on (OPPO A5s) because we could not find the DeviceInfoSet object

WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ClearEnumerators, Clearing all

DeviceEnumerators from the DeviceListManager

WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::~RegistryDeviceEnumerator,


WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 1 0 [wiaservc.dll]

DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::~DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler, (00000141A7C06510)

WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::~DeviceInfoSet, (00000141A7C06460)

WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::~StiLockMgr, (00000141A7C06E70)

WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaEventNotifier::~WiaEventNotifier,


WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::~WiaService, ~WiaService


WIA: 4236.4260 15840735 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] ShutdownWSDChallenge, Shutting down WSD

Challenge: Unload DLL 1

WIA: 4236.4548 15840750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerThread, SchedulerThread after calling

WaitForMultipleObjects dwErr = 0x00000000

WIA: 4236.4260 15840750 1 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler,


WIA: 4236.4260 15840750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Waiting for the

control thread to terminate...

WIA: 4236.4568 15840750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Terminating control


WIA: 4236.4260 15840750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::~SCMControlHandler, Updating

service status. CurrentState=SERVICE_STOPPED, StateCode=1, WaitHint=0
**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID:
[4292] at 2021/08/10 19:57:40:303 ****************

WIA: 4292.4364 16 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] SchedulerInitialize, Work item scheduler initialized

WIA: 4292.4364 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::SCMControlHandler, Created control thread

Id 4632

WIA: 4292.4632 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

(control: 13, event type: 32787): 24 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 13, event type: 32787)

WIA: 4292.4296 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread to


WIA: 4292.4632 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4292.4632 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 13, event type:
32787) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 13, event type: 32787)...

WIA: 4292.4632 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl 13,

dwEventType 32787, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0606C40

WIA: 4292.4632 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from Power


WIA: 4292.4632 47 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] PowerEventHandler::ProcessEvent, Leaving Connected Standby...

WIA: 4292.4632 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::InitializeWSDChallenge, WSD Challenge

successfully initiated (thread: 4644)

WIA: 4292.4296 47 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function (control:

13, event type: 32787) returning

WIA: 4292.4644 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intializing WSD Challenge for


WIA: 4292.4644 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Intialize WSD Challenge...

WIA: 4292.4644 47 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] InitializeWSDChallenge, Load WSD Challenge DLL...

WIA: 4292.4364 79 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] StartFactories, StartFactories, Success

WIA: 4292.4632 125 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::isInList, Device ({EEC5AD98-8080-

425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) was not found in the device list
WIA: 4292.4632 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for
device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4292.4632 141 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4292.4632 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::LoadUnloadDrivers, Pending operation on

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 4292.4364 141 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] RegistryDeviceEnumerator::Refresh, An error occured in

RegistryDeviceEnumerator when enumerating the subkeys for

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4292.4364 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4292.4364 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4364 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4292.4364 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4292.4364 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::GetDevicesFromEnumerator,

DEV_MAN_ENUM_FLAG_STARTUP for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)
(OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4292.4364 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::Enumerate, The DeviceListManager

is done enumerating devices

WIA: 4292.4364 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded
WIA: 4292.4632 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings
for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4292.4632 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4292.4632 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4292.4632 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, CM_Get_DevNode_Status for

device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) failed, return code 0x0000000D,

WIA: 4292.4632 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
remains 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4292.4632 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4292.4632 157 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO A5s):

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101

WIA: 4292.4632 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

state is currently marked 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s) is


WIA: 4292.4632 157 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::DeviceCallback, The device (OPPO A5s) seems
to be inactive - its driver will not be loaded

WIA: 4292.4632 157 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::UpdateServiceStatus, Updating service

status. CurrentState=SERVICE_RUNNING, StateCode=4, WaitHint=0

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: @wiaacmgr.exe,-101
WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for
Device: NULL, Program: @WFSR.DLL,-25105

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Foxit Reader

WIA: 4292.4632 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 13, event type: 32787) deleted

WIA: 4292.4364 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] CEventNotifier::RestoreDevPersistentCBs, Restoring CBs for

Device: NULL, Program: Internal

WIA: 4292.4632 157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4364 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::Run, The WIA service is now running.

WIA: 4292.4364 157 80000000 0 [wiaservc.dll] WiaService::CheckForActivityAndShutdown, Not shutting

down service because 1 devices are installed

WIA: 4292.4296 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32768): DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE (5), 208 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32768)

WIA: 4292.4296 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control thread...

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32768) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4296 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32768) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control request

(control: 11, event type: 32768)...

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32768, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32768..

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from


WIA: 4292.4632 92938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr,

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::GetDeviceNameFromDevHdr,
Lookup on DEV_BROADCAST_HDR returned a device ID of ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

device arrival for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)..

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Refreshing USDWrapper settings

for (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Updating the current settings for
(OPPO A5s) from Registry

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, (OPPO A5s) is a WIA device

(internal type: 0x00000031)

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceStatus, DevNode status for device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003): 0x0180200A, problem number: 0

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::MapCMStatusToDeviceState, DN_STARTED


WIA: 4292.4632 92938 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state for (OPPO A5s)
updated from 0x00000000 to 0x00000004

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Device state 0x00000001 means

'disabled', 0x00000002 'removed', 0x00000004 'active'

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, Previous PnP identifier of (OPPO

A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::RefreshSettings, New PnP identifier for (OPPO
A5s): \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

state is currently marked 0x00000004

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Device (OPPO A5s)

(re)signaled as arrived..

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Attempting to

(re)load the driver for device (OPPO A5s)..

WIA: 4292.4632 92938 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, PnP

Id: \\?\usb#vid_22d9&pid_2765&mi_00#6&10f850f5&0&0000#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::STI_Initialize, (OPPO A5s) completed

IStiUSD::Initialize returning hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::STI_GetCapabilities, (OPPO A5s) completed
IStiUSD::GetCapabilities returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::StartDeviceNotifications, Driver for (OPPO A5s)

reported that it not capable of generating events

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::SetWiaDeviceTypeProperty,

DEVPKEY_WIA_DeviceType for device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003) set to 2

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Driver for (OPPO A5s) is currently

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 8 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival, Generating

CONNECT event for device (OPPO A5s) (OPPO A5s)

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::GetDeviceSession, Locally connected device

({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003), no Session ID found

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

disable system initiated sleep to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnPEvent for (OPPO A5s)...

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

preparing to call IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver for (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, The WIA service is

calling IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent from the driver (OPPO A5s) ...

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, (OPPO A5s) completed

IWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvNotifyPnpEvent, Power management:

restore system initiated sleep...

WIA: 4292.4632 93282 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] StiLockMgr::CreateLockInfo, StiLockMgr::CreateLockInfo, Lock

holding time set to 0 for device {EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003

WIA: 4292.4632 93360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] USDWrapper::WIA_drvGetCapabilities, (OPPO A5s) completed

IWiaMiniDrv::drvGetCapabilities on item (0000000000000000) returning hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 93360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceListManager::ProcessDeviceArrival,


WIA: 4292.4632 93360 4 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceInfoSet::RegisterDeviceNotificationW, Registered for PnP

notifications on device ({EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\0003)

WIA: 4292.4632 93360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32768, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 93360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32768) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 93360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 638 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F060A360

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 118485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 630 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607F90

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 123172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 130250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 130375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 130407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130454 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 130485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130532 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130532 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130625 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130657 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 130657 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130657 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130704 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 130719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130735 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 130782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130813 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 130985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 130985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4296 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 131063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 131094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 131329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 131407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131422 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131438 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 131438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131469 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131485 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131500 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131516 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131532 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131563 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131579 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 131594 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131594 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131610 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131641 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131672 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 131750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131750 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131766 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131782 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131797 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131829 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 131844 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131860 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 131875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131875 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131891 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131907 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131922 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 131938 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131938 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131969 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 131985 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 132000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132000 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132016 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132016 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132032 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132047 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132063 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 132079 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132079 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132094 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132110 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132110 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132110 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132125 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 132141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132157 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132172 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132219 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132235 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted
WIA: 4292.4632 132250 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,
control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...
WIA: 4292.4296 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function
(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...
WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl
11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000
WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)
WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread
to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132297 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue
WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control
request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message
WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132313 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes
WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue
(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132329 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..
WIA: 4292.4632 132344 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from
PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132344 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132360 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...
WIA: 4292.4296 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT
(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132375 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning
WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Processing control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774)...

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] Dispatcher::ProcessEvent, System event received: dwControl

11, dwEventType 32774, lpEventData: 0x00000212F0607180
WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing
system event, control code 11, event type 32774..

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 2 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Message from

PnP: Unknown PnP Message

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] DeviceClassEnumeratorHandler::ProcessEvent, Processing

system event control code 11, event type 32774, completed with with hr 0x00000000

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::ControlRequest::~ControlRequest, Control

request (control: 11, event type: 32774) deleted

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Requests queue empty,

control thread entering sleep...

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT

(control: 11, event type: 32774): DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE (6), 162 bytes

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Push, Adding control request to queue

(control: 11, event type: 32774)

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Signaling control thread

to resume...

WIA: 4292.4296 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlFunction, Control function

(control: 11, event type: 32774) returning

WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlHandler::ControlThread, Resuming control


WIA: 4292.4632 132407 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] SCMControlQueue::Pop, Control request (control: 11, event
type: 32774) detached from queue

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