Sturdy Bearing Assembly and Axial Heat Expansion: Pumps
Sturdy Bearing Assembly and Axial Heat Expansion: Pumps
Sturdy Bearing Assembly and Axial Heat Expansion: Pumps
for your industry
As plant and equipment supplier to the pulp and paper industry, ANDRITZ
provides a complete pump program. Our product portfolio comprises
medium-consistency pumps with an innovative fiber separation system, for
example, as well as headbox pumps with efficiencies of over 90% and
particularly low pulsation.
Premium pumping
ANDRITZ HIGH-PRESSURE PUMPS Balanced radial forces, lowest shaft excursion, and
FROM THE MP SERIES very smooth running are further highlights.
are designed according to a strict modular compact
system and sturdy bearing assembly for continuous FIELDS OF APPLICATION
operation in industrial plants. With this system different • Cold and hot water
design variants can be supplied according to the cus- • Condensate
tomer‘s requirements quickly, easily and economically, • Deionised water
without customizing and using a minimum number of • Oils
components. The entire performance range is cov- • Suspensions
ered with seven mechanical pump sizes housing nine
hydraulic systems. The axial heat expansion by the
pump rotor is absorbed internally without influencing PRODUCT FACTS*:
the coupling alignment. As the pump is designed for
easy maintenance, the bearings and shaft seal can be • Head up to 950 m
changed without dismantling the pump body. • Flow rate up to 400 m3/h
• Pressure up to 100 bar
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM • Temperature up to 160° C
The closed, radial impellers are equipped with sealing • Power up to 600 kW
strips on both sides. Axial thrust compensation by
means of relief bore holes ensure low bearing load and **These values are guidelines and may differ depending on project requirements
long service life. Diffusors are mounted separately in
the multi-stage casing and can be exchanged easily.
High-pressure pumps,
MP Series
Characteristic curve for MP 50Hz
Designation EN-GJL 250 1.4408 1.4021 1.4462
Multi-stage casing
Discharge casing
Suction casing
• Mechanical seals or
stuffing box glands
• A choice between the following positions:
delivery branch pointing upwards or to the
left or right (also adaptable at a later date)
• Drive-side axial bearing designed as
paired angular-contact bearing.
Radial bearing designed as grooved
bearing. Mechanical seals or stuffing
box glands.
• Can be mounted on the
discharge or suction side
Always a flow ahead -
Research and development
Our affiliate ASTROE enjoys an internationally renowned reputation for its hy-
draulic developments and investigations. The high efficiency of the ANDRITZ
pump series is ensured by Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) calculations
and extensive testing carried out in our company owned laboratory.
Continuously increasing demands by customers in our turbines at five locations in Austria, Germany, Switzer-
operating industries emphasize the significance of R&D land, and China. Our test stands are among the most
in the constant optimization of products and services. accurate in the world. By networking these research and
Today, efficiency, flexibility, and reliability over an ex- development centers, we provide a continuous transfer
tended lifetime are the major challenges of the market. of know-how within the ANDRITZ GROUP for the benefit
of our customers. The main tools for R&D are numerical
Our commitment to research and development forms simulation methods as well as experimental measure-
the basis for our advances in hydraulic machine manu- ments in the laboratory and on site. State-of-the-art
facturing. With ASTROE, center for hydraulic engineering equipment, highly precise measuring instruments as
and laboratory, we have an internationally renowned well as the latest simulation technologies, and powerful
institute for hydraulic development work at our disposal. software form the basis of the high technical quality of
We are currently developing and testing our pumps and the pumps and turbines from ANDRITZ.
Greater efficiency for a com-
petitive edge - Pumps service
Optimization / Modernization / Operating reliability
The conditions of your plant have changed, but your large potential for savings can already be achieved by
pumps are still operating as previously and therefore, improving the efficiency of 20 percent of the installed
wasting energy? Would you like to optimize your system pumps. Our service team provides prompt, professional,
to reduce costs? With ANDRITZ, you will have a compe- and reliable assistance – also for other manufacturers’
tent partner for these and numerous other services at products. Book our service package and you can be sure
your side. of the best operating reliability for your systems in the
long term. We conduct an expert assessment together
Service and maintenance have a long tradition at with you, thus creating transparency and making an opti-
ANDRITZ and complement the product portfolio. The mum solution possible that is tailored to your needs. After
century-long expertise is reflected not only in a ser- examining your plant, we determine its savings potential
vice portfolio with innovative solutions and advanced and realize it by improving the efficiency of the pumps
products that can be optimally adapted to the re- installed. Additionally, this individual solution lowers your
spective customer needs, but also in a specially trained maintenance costs. You do not have to think about per-
staff. ANDRITZ has specialized in the servicing of pumps sonnel, nor about maintenance schedules or utilities. As-
to achieve improved efficiencies and adaptations to sembly is conducted according to defined schedules and
changed operating points of the installed pumps. A with assistance from our trained personnel.
The internationally renowned ANDRITZ GROUP has been building pumps for
more than 165 years. We offer innovative and targeted solutions with pumps
and complete pumping stations. Our longstanding experience in hydraulic
machine manufacturing and complete process know-how form the basis
of the high standard of ANDRITZ pump engineering. Our quality and high-
efficiency products as well as our understanding of customer requirements
have made us a preferred partner for pumping solutions worldwide. ANDRITZ
offers everything from a single source – from development work, model
tests, engineering design, manufacture and project management, to after-
sales service and training. We also perform complete start-up on site and
guarantee our customers the best support. Our declared goal is
your complete satisfaction. See for yourself!
All data, information, statements, photographs and graphic illustrations in this leaflet are without any obligation and raise no liabilities to or
form part of any sales contracts of ANDRITZ AG or any affiliates for equipment and/or systems referred to herein. © ANDRITZ AG 2019. All rights
reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, modified or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in any database
or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ANDRITZ AG or its affiliates. Any such unauthorized use for any purpose is a violation
of the relevant copyright laws. ANDRITZ AG, Stattegger Strasse 18, 8045 Graz, Austria.