Layer Breeding Strategies: An Overview

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Layer breeding strategies: an overview

Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Veterinary College and Research
Institute, Namakkal-637 002,Tamil Nadu, India; 2Department of Animal Genetics
and Breeding, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal-637 002, Tamil
Nadu, India; 3Madras Veterinary College, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Chenai-600 051, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding author: drthirusiva

Layer breeding companies apply selection criteria to improve over 30 traits

important for commercial egg production. Intensive selection for egg production
over the decades has resulted in a significant reduction in genetic and phenotypic
variations in egg production, however the decrease in genetic variation observed in
commercial lines are not yet critical. Peak production now approaches the biological
limit of one egg a day, but in early production (at sexual maturity) and late
production (persistency) genetic variation is still high. Including these traits in
the selection criteria will improve the egg production in commercial birds. Due
to high heritability and the absence of any significant negative effects on
production parameters, residual feed consumption is used as selection criteria to
improve the feed efficiency. Considerable research has been carried out on egg
weight, eggshell strength and internal quality of the eggs and improvements have
been made as a result of selection. With the reintroduction of floor system and
increased consumer interest in processed eggs, in future more emphases have to be
given to the eggshell strength and internal quality of the eggs. Poultry production in
the unfavourable environmental conditions of the tropics is hindered by direct and
indirect heat stress leading to a general depression in performance. Results on the
utilisation of naked-neck and frizzle gene in high-ambient temperatures is
encouraging, and, in future, will play an important role in production of layer
lines suitable for overcoming such genotype-environment interaction. Feather
pecking is an undesirable behaviour, which causes major problems in non-cage
systems. Several authors have identified a hereditary basis of feather pecking
behaviour, which is suggested by strain differences. Hence, selection of birds with
no or very low tendency to perform feather pecking should reduce the incidence.
Recent molecular genetic studies resulted in identification of QTL affecting different
economic traits and identification of candidate genes causing variation in
performance among birds. In future these findings will play a major role in
further genetic improvement of layers without any negative effect.

Keywords: layer; breeding strategies; feed efficiency; feather pecking; molecular


© World's Poultry Science Association 2010

World's Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 66, September 2010
Received for publication August 20, 2009
Accepted for publication March 28, 2010 477
Layer breeding strategies: A.K. Thiruvenkadan et al.

In the early part of the 20th century, almost every small flock of chickens would have
self-reproduced and the farmers considered themselves breeders as well as producers.
Although they lacked most of the characteristics of today's primary breeders, these
individuals were involved in selling breeding stock rather than table eggs and
regarded their operations as a hobby. However, in the late 1940s, a few breeders
began to develop poultry breeding as a business. Later on, stock intended for
commercial egg production were selected according to a very specialized set of
criteria. Considerable research has been conducted into the general area of breeding
for egg production by different layer breeding companies. They applied quantitative
genetics to selection of birds for egg production.
Since 1950, breeding firms have become much fewer in number and much larger in
size. The reduction in number of breeding firms has been due to international competition
and to the high cost of maintaining breeding, marketing and distribution programmes in
comparison with potential income. However, following mergers, competition is still
intense, some of it among companies within the same groups and also very little
useful genetic variation was lost during the mergers. In fact, the current major players
have a broad spectrum of breed combinations on offer, and are less vulnerable to
changing demand than smaller companies with a limited range of products (Flock and
Preisinger, 2002; Arthur and Albers, 2003).
The three major layer breeding companies in the world are Erich Wesjohann (with
Lohmann Tierzucht (LTZ), Hy-Line and H & N (Heisdorf and Nelson Farms Inc.)),
Hubbard-ISA (with ISA, Shaver, Babcock and Hubbard) and Hendrix poultry (with
Hisex, Bovans and Dekalb) (Flock and Preisinger, 2002). Three- or four-way crossing
is commonly used to produce the commercial layer, with four way being the most
common. Hence, all the parent breeder males and females will be hybrids. Crossing is
carried out to exploit hybrid vigour. Generally, the fitness traits for production and
liveability are most likely to benefit from this maintained heterosis. The layer
breeding companies have utilised different breeding and selection programmes at
different periods of time. In this review strategies followed for the improvement of
egg production, feed efficiency, skeletal problems, internal quality of the eggs along
with recent molecular genetic studies on these economic traits are discussed.

Breeding goals
All breeding plans for commercial breeding companies have one major objective in
common: to increase the genetic potential of the stock to produce saleable, high
quality products at minimum cost in a given production system. Breeders of egg-type
chickens concentrate on four major objectives. They are:
• Maximum number of saleable eggs per hen housed
• Low feed cost per egg or per kg egg mass
• Optimal internal and external egg quality
• Low mortality and high adaptability to different environments

Layer breeding companies apply selection to improve over 30 traits important for
commercial egg production. In general, there are no worldwide or country wise
standardised breeding goals set. Differences in economic, social and ecological
production environments give rise to different approaches and needs in terms of
human welfare and well-being. Breeders today select for (or at least monitor) the age

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at sexual maturity, rate of lay, liveability, egg weight, body weight, feed conversion, shell
colour, shell strength, albumen height, egg inclusions (blood and meat spots) and
temperament. From the early 1980s percentage of solids and lipids in eggs have been
added as additional traits (Groen, 2003).

Selection strategies for egg production

Egg production has always been the cornerstone of the selection criteria applied to egg
laying stock. A variety of measures are known to contribute to lifetime egg production.
Because all hens placed in the laying house contribute to the cost of the flock, many
commercial operations base their judgements on hen-housed egg production data. This is
the total number of eggs produced divided by the number of hens placed. Hen-housed
egg production is a combination of age at first egg, rate of egg production and viability.
However, emphasis has been shifting to persistency of lay. As flocks maintain high rates
of lay for longer periods of time, they can be kept for advanced ages without being
moulted. In recent years there has been an increase in the use of induced moulting to
extend the laying life of the hen in many parts of the world.
Traditionally, ‘part production record’ selection has been advocated by several authors
(Bohren et al., 1970) as a means of shortening generation interval to increase genetic
progress. Because part record is an integral piece of annual egg production, resulting in a
substantial built-in correlation, greater genetic progress in annual egg production has
been generally predicted and, in some cases, observed. However, several authors have
raised doubts about the validity of this hypothesis (Gowe and Strain, 1963; Muir, 1990).
Hence, apart from part-production, annual production is also taken into account for
selection decision. However, use of whole production records will double the
generation interval. In order to optimise genetic gain per unit of time, multi-stage
selection is followed as it reduces the cost and efforts (by discarding inferior birds at
early age) and generation interval is minimised (Hicks et al., 1998).


A typical egg production curve for a flock increases rapidly during the first eight or
nine weeks of production, maintains a constant production for a certain time, and then
decreases slowly. A hen with a flatter egg production curve is considered to be more
persistent than a hen with a curve that decreases rapidly after peak production.
Persistency of egg production, therefore is an important determining factor for total
egg production. Hens with the same total production can exhibit different egg
production curves because of differences in persistency. Hens that are more persistent
can be more desirable because the producer can depend on a longer period of constant
production. The definition for persistency of egg production used in the literature seems
to vary. Persistency of production is defined explicitly as ‘average weekly or monthly
drop in egg production after peak’ or ‘number of weeks in production until the flock has
to be replaced, say 60 per cent of production’. The persistency of egg production is
defined commonly as the decline in egg production after peak production and is
measured, therefore, by slope of the decline (Grossman et al., 2000).
Grossman and Koops (2001) developed a model for individual egg production in
chicken using weekly egg production curve. They concluded that prediction of annual
(52-week) egg production based on part-record production (first 22 weeks) might lead to
over-prediction because persistency of production lasts longer than the part record.
Genetic gain from selection to improve annual production, therefore, might be

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increased if selection accounted for persistency of egg production curve, and if data were
summarised by 4-week intervals and cumulated.
Anang et al. (2001) and Anang et al. (2002) investigated the use of monthly production
records for genetic evaluation of laying hens using test day model with random
regression. The models were compared on the basis of Spearman rank correlations of
individual breeding values and sire breeding values estimated from sub-sets of full-
sibling split data. The hens which ranked highest on their estimated breeding values
from different models were compared phenotypically with their full records. Based on the
results, it was concluded that the genetic evaluation based on monthly production may be
better than using cumulative production and RRMAS (Random Regression with
covariates derived from the regression of Ali and Schaffer) appeared to be the best
among the models tested.

Selection for part or whole record egg numbers or laying rate is a normal approach for
improving egg production which has shown to yield positive genetic progress. In order to
better identify the genetic factors underlying egg production variability, some genetic
studies have focused on the time interval between consecutive ovipositions, the mean
time of oviposition and the intra-clutch mean lag of oviposition time, in which the view
for increasing egg production was ascribed to an increase in the rate of passage of egg
through the oviduct and to an increase in the follicular maturation rate. Chen and Tixier-
Boichard (2003) studied the correlated effect to long-term selection for clutch length. In
response to 16 generations of direct selection for increased average clutch length, other
egg production traits such as laying rate and total egg number have been indirectly
improved. The clutch length had genetic correlations with egg number (0.777), laying
rate (0.863) and clutch number (-0.845). They concluded that selection for clutch length
was an effective method for increasing the egg production in which the clutch length was
more heritable than laying rate and egg number.
In general, intensive selection for egg production over the decades resulted in a
significant reduction in genetic and phenotypic variations in egg number; however the
decrease in genetic variation observed in commercial lines are not yet critical. Peak
production is approaching the biological limit of one egg a day, but in early (at
sexual maturity) and late production (persistency) periods, genetic variation is still
high. Including these traits in the selection criteria could improve the egg production
in commercial birds. In addition studies have been focused on clutch length and
oviposition time. So, in future they will also play an important role in further genetic
improvement of layers.

Feed consumption and selection strategy

The trait with most impact on profitability is feed conversion. Feed expenses are the main
cost in egg production and account for more than 60% of the production costs in laying
hens. The conversion of feed into eggs is primarily a function of egg numbers. It is also
influenced by egg size and body weight. Breeders improved feed conversion throughout
the 20th century by selection on increased egg mass and smaller body size, and these
remain the most important traits involved in variation of the feed consumption (Arthur
and Albers, 2003). The most commonly used criteria for feed efficiency in laying hens
are daily feed intake per hen, feed intake per egg, feed conversion (kg feed per kg egg
mass) and egg income minus feed cost.

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Residual feed consumption is the difference between observed and predicted feed
intake and has been investigated quite extensively in poultry research with respect to
efficiency of feed usage of layers (Bordas et al., 1992; Schulman et al., 1994). RFC is
defined as the difference between observed feed intake and expected feed intake based on
metabolic body weight, body weight gain and egg mass production. Hence, RFC is the
feed consumption corrected for egg mass production, body weight and body weight gain.
It measures the remaining part of the variation in feed consumption not accounted for by
these three traits. To estimate RFC, feed consumption is measured for individual hens.
The expected feed consumption for each hen is calculated from the bird's egg mass and
body size using linear model. Hens with high levels of RFC are culled. The linear model
for calculating RFC to measure feed efficiency is as follows:
FI= b1+BWb2+b3+∆W+e
Where FI= Feed intake (g/wt), BW=Average body weight between two recordings (g),
∆W=Body weight gain (g/wt), b1, b2, b3 = Partial regression coefficients, e=Error (this is
considered to be residual feed intake) (Van Eerden et al., 2004b)
Bordas and Minvielle (1999) studied the pattern of growth and feed intake in divergent
lines of laying domestic fowl selected for residual feed consumption and reported that the
body weights of males at 28 weeks of age in low intake line (R-) and high intake line (R
+) were 2,974 and 2,893 g with feed consumption of 1,228 and 1,411 g respectively.
However, in R+ lines the length of wattles was 21% higher and the shanks were 8%
longer than those observed in R- line. Van Eerden et al. (2004a, b) carried out phenotypic
selection for RFC and found no difference in body weight between R- and R+ birds.
However, differences in feed intake were pronounced with R+ birds taking significantly
more feed than R-birds. Studies on humeral immune responses in growing laying hens
between lines revealed that R+ birds had a higher level of non-antigen specific
antibodies, as indicated by the higher antibody response to salmonella protein.

Genetic correlations
Luiting and Urff (1991) found a positive genetic correlation between RFC and feed
consumption. The genetic correlations between RFC and egg mass, number of eggs, egg
weight, age at first egg, body weight and weight gain were all reported to be close to
zero. This was further confirmed by Schulman et al. (1994). They reported that the
genetic correlation between RFC and feed consumption was 0.50 but, as expected,
correlations with body weight and egg production were not significant. They also
reported a small positive correlation between RFC and body weight gain (0.09) and a
small negative correlation between RFC and age at first egg (-0.11). The genetic
correlations between RFC and other traits reported by Tixier-Boichard et al. (1995)
are as follows:
Trait Genetic correlation (± S.E)
Egg number 0.11 ± 0.06
Age at first egg -0.21 ± 0.08
Egg weight (g) -0.03 ± 0.06
Body weight (g) -0.17 ± 0.04
Change in body weight (g) 0.07 ± 0.11
Wattle length (mm) 0.19 ± 0.04

Response to selection
Bordas et al. (1992) reported that after 14 generations of selection, the females of the
high versus low producers differed by 21g feed/day and the males by 28 g/day during a
test period of 33 to 37 weeks. Schulman et al. (1994) reported moderate genetic progress

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in RFC from 1983 to 1987 due to selection for this trait. The genetic progress was in total
-6.13 g/hen/day. This is approximately -1.53 g/hen/day/generation. Bordas et al. (1996)
reported that feed consumption decreased as a result of selection for RFC; however no
change could be found in egg mass, number of eggs, egg weight, age at first egg or body
weight. The body weight and egg production parameters of traits divergently selected for
RFC are presented Table 1.
Gabarrou et al. (1998) reported that divergent selection for RFC resulted in a large
difference in feed intake, i.e. 41 g/day between high and low lines without causing any
changes in body weight and egg production.
Table 1 Body weight and egg production parameters in high and low RFC lines (Bordas et al., 1996).

Trait Low RFC High RFC

Body weight -17 weeks (g) 1665.5 ± 24.7 1688.3 ± 22.7

Egg number 109.6 ± 4.5 112.3 ± 4.4
Clutch length (d) 4.3 ± 0.3 5.3 ± 0.4
Egg weight (g) 52.5 ± 0.5 50.4 ± 0.5
Albumen height (mm) 56.9 ± 1.2 51.5 ± 1.0
Shell thickness (mm) 32.9 ± 0.4 31.7 ± 0.3
Wattle length-43 week (mm) 16.9 ± 0.7 28.5 ± 0.6
Shank length (mm) 102.7 ± 0.5 108.7 ± 0.4
Egg mass (g) 1,150.7 ± 26.6 1,199 ± 30.0
Feed intake (g) 2,786.7 ± 59.3 3,656.7 ± 67.3
Residual feed consumption (g) -329.7 ± 23.6 +437.2 ± 39.7
Feed conversion (Feed intake/Egg mass) 2.44 ± 0.05 3.09 ± 0.07

Shortcuts to reduce feed consumption without direct measurements

Apart from selection for egg mass and body weight to reduce feed consumption,
several shortcuts have been suggested to improve feed efficiency without measuring
individual feed consumption in large numbers of hens. One of the shortcuts used to
reduce feed consumption is the use of sex-linked dwarf gene to lower metabolic body
weight and increase egg output per kg body weight. The advantage of using dwarf gene
on feed efficiency has been studied by several authors (Cole, 2000; Missohou et al.,
2003). The sex-linked dwarf gene (dw) reduces body weight by approximately 30 per
cent, as well as egg size primarily due to the reduction in body size. However dwarf
layers are more efficient than non-dwarf layers due to their low maintenance
When a comparison was made between non-dwarf and dwarf hens, enhanced feed
efficiency was obtained due to dw gene. A line of brown-egg dwarf layers was developed
at China Agricultural University by four repeated backcrosses of the meat type dwarf
ISA-Vedette to the female CAU brown-egg layer (Yang et al., 1996). Body weight of this
brown-egg dwarf commercial layer at 20 weeks of age was about 1,200g. Total egg
numbers up to 72 weeks was approximately 285 with an average egg weight of 56 g. The
comparative performance of dwarf (dw) versus brown-egg commercial line is presented
in Table 2. The brown egg dwarf layers were 30% smaller than the current standard size
(2.0-2.1 kg) but had better feed efficiency and shell strength. The possibility of one bird
more per cage or two more per m2 in floor housing system might be economically
important in future (Zhang et al., 2005).

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Table 2 Comparative performance of dwarf and non-dwarf strain of chicken (Zhang et al., 2005).

Strain Egg Egg Egg mass Body weight FCR) Feed Shell

number weight (g/day) 140 500 (kg/kg (g/day) strength

(g) day day (N)

Commercial 287 65.7 52.5 1.83 2.52 2.48 132 37.0

Dwarf 233 61.5 40.0 1.34 1.67 2.40 96 38.7

From majority of the selection experiments reported in the literature and parameters
estimated from large commercial populations, it is apparent that a significant residual
component of feed intake has been shown to exist, independent of body weight and egg
mass output, at different ages. In recent years, because of high heritability and absence of
significant negative effect on production parameters, residual feed consumption is used as
selection criteria to improve the feed efficiency. Measurement or subjective scoring of
correlated traits such as comb size, wattle length, body temperature or activity may
produce useful additional data for basic research, but their practical value for line
improvement is limited once individual feed consumption data are included (Flock,
1998). As a result of selection, feed conversion in the USA and Canada has improved
from 2.95 g feed/g of egg in 1960 to 2.01 g feed/g of egg in 2001. Further continued
improvement will be aided by better understanding of the factors influencing feed

Egg weight
In general egg size averaged 60-61 g across world; however there are regional
preferences for egg sizes that can influence the choice of genetic strain. In South
Africa, the market preference averages around 58.5 g, whereas Israel and Spain prefer
very large eggs (around 70 g and above). This indicates that the weight has been a
difficult target to meet, because of varying demand in different markets. Hence, selection
emphasis placed on these characteristics varies widely. Most breeders attempt to hold egg
weight at current levels and would apply slight upward selection pressure. This is done to
offset the tendency of natural selection to reduce egg weight. Because egg weight
changes with age, some attention has been given to the shape of the relationship
between egg weight and age. This is because, in almost all markets, the lower egg
weight categories are less in demand and uneconomic production of over-sized eggs
occurs late in the pullet year. Thus it would be advantageous if the age x egg weight
curve were altered. Sheldon (2000) reported that selection for reduced variability in egg
size would solve this problem. The author also reported that selection of birds with flatter
production curves yielded a correlated response of higher egg production. Francesch et
al. (1997) reported that heritability values for egg weight ranged between 0.20 and 0.33
among different breeds. However, Zhang et al. (2005) reported a high heritability value
of 0.63 for egg weight.

Breeding chickens to meet egg quality needs

Worldwide, egg customers prefer eggs which have a sound shell, uniform shell colour,
freedom from obvious blood and meat spots and a reasonably upright egg white.

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However, there are also regional preferences that can strongly influence the choice of
genetic type for particular market. The genetic strategies followed for improving different
egg quality are discussed below.

Eggshell quality has received added emphasis as a result of changing commercial
practices, with minimising cracked and broken eggs in commercial systems as the
eventual target. A variety of techniques have been used to measure the eggshell
thickness. Some breeders routinely use direct measurements of shell thickness on eggs
sampled from the flock. Other methods include specific gravity, breaking strength, non-
destructive deformation and puncture score.

Eggshell thickness
Non-destructive deformation is one of the indicators of eggshell strength. A smaller
value means stronger eggshell. Selection has been conducted in the White Leghorn
population for increased (weak line) or decreased (strong line) non-destructive
deformation. As a result of selection, in generation 10, non-destructive deformation
was reduced to 51.9 micro m/kg in the strong line and 100.6 micro m/kg in the weak
line. The breaking strength in strong and weak lines was 3.75 kg and 2.17 kg
respectively. Non-destructive deformation had a heritability value of 0.33 and genetic
correlations were -0.77, -0.89 and -0.94 with breaking strength, shell thickness and
percentage of shell in weak line. Selection for non-destructive deformation was
effective in improving eggshell strength and selection for strong shell could increase
the egg weight but reduce rate of lay (Nirasawa et al., 1998).
Recently, dynamic stiffness (acoustic test used to distinguish between cracked and
intact eggs) has been used for eggshell measurement. This trait has high heritability
and genetic and phenotypic correlations with other shell quality traits, including eggshell
breaking strength. The dynamic stiffness has a correlation of 0.60 with eggshell thickness
(De Ketelaere et al., 2000). In another study, De Ketelaere et al. (2002) reported that the
correlation between dynamic stiffness measurements and eggshell thickness as 0.78.
Dunn et al. (2005) studied a pedigree population of laying hens which had previously
undergone selection for breaking strength and found that the dynamic stiffness had high
heritability (0.53) and high genetic and phenotypic correlations with eggshell breaking
strength, with the values around 0.50. Bain (2005) reviewed recent advancements in
assessment of eggshell quality and reported that the measures including ultrastructural
analysis, crystallographic texture and Quasi-static compression tests are more difficult
and expensive and, of the methods currently being developed, only the dynamic stiffness
measurement could be immediately adopted as a tool in the commercial environment.
Zhang et al. (2005) reported a heritability value for eggshell index, eggshell thickness
(mm) and eggshell strength (kg/cm2 ) as 0.40, 0.34 and 0.24 respectively.
In Europe, as a result of proposed changes in legislation concerning laying hens that
will see a move from cage to more welfare friendly systems (probably non-cage system)
by 2012, there is an increased risk of eggshell breakage. Hence, research emphasis has
been focused on improved resistance to breakage using selection of Quasi-static
compression, specific gravity or dynamic stiffness measurement. Among these
dynamic stiffness measurements better reflect properties of the egg. In future,
identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and candidate gene will be helpful in
further genetic improvement of eggshell quality.

Shell colour
Shell colour is an important characteristic and completely separate breeding programme

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exists for the production of white and brown-shelled eggs. The brown-egg type dominates
the markets of most of Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and much of the
African and some of the South American countries. Francesch et al. (1997) reported that
heritability estimates for eggshell colour ranged between 0.27 and 0.49 among different
breeds. Zhang et al. (2005) reported a heritability value of 0.46 for eggshell colour, hence
selection is practised for improvement. Brown eggs are selected for a dark shell and
among white egg lines, any hen with tinting in the shell is removed to assure that the
commercial line continues to have pure white eggs. The genetic correlations between the
eggshell colour with external and internal egg quality traits were low ranging from -0.23
to 0.13, suggesting a minor relationship between shell colour and physical attributes of
the shell as well as internal egg quality in brown-egg dwarf layers.

All consumers prefer that the albumen in a broken-out egg is reasonably thick. In the
USA, standards are set for minimum acceptable Haugh unit level. The US Department of
Agriculture specified that AA quality eggs have a firm, white albumen with a Haugh unit
value of 72 or more. Zhang et al. (2005) estimated heritability at 0.51 for albumen height,
0.59 for albumen weight and 0.41 for Haugh units. Because of consistent selection for
albumen height, Haugh units have increased steadily over time.
As a result of selection for egg quality traits, improvement (Table 3) has been noticed
between selected (ISA Brown, Babcock) and unselected (Brown leghorn) populations
over the years (Silversides et al., 2006).
Table 3 Quality of eggs of three strains of layer (Silversides et al., 2006).

Trait Selected line Unselected line

ISA brown Babcock

Egg weight (g) 66.86 64.44 52.45

Albumen height (mm) 6.77 8.82 5.97
Albumen weight (g) 43.34 41.47 33.15
Yolk weight (g) 16.81 16.90 15.44
Shell weight (g) 6.66 6.02 4.79

Considerable research has been made on egg weight, eggshell strength and internal
quality of the eggs, and improvements have been made as a result of selection. With the
reintroduction of floor systems and consumer interest in processed eggs, in future more
emphases have to be given to the eggshell strength and internal quality of the eggs.

Genotype x environment interactions

Poultry production in the unfavourable environment conditions of the tropics mainly
suffers from direct and indirect heat stress leading to a general depression in performance,
which may not be uniform in all genotypes, revealing significant genotype-environment
interactions. A series of experiments was conducted at the Institute of Animal Production,
Berlin, over a period of 20 years to explore various aspects of such interactions in layers
(Mathur, 2003). Significant genotype-environment interaction may be caused not only by
specifically differentiated genotypes such as breed or lines, but also by single major gene
effects. Several major genes found in tropical local populations have revealed significant
genotype-environment interactions. The naked neck gene (Na) responsible for general

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reduction of feathers over the body surface and total loss of feather in the neck region has
shown very favourable results under heat stress . The heterozygous naked neck layers had
significantly higher egg number, egg weight, egg mass and body weight under constant
heat stress. The frizzle gene (F) also revealed its favourable effect on productivity but
they were less pronounced than the naked neck gene. The dwarf gene reduces body size
and thereby causes a reduction in egg number and egg size but there is a significantly
lower depression due to heat stress in dwarf layers than in the normal types. Thus the
dwarf gene improves productive adaptability to heat stress. An especially favourable
effect of this gene is improvement in feed efficiency.
Horst et al. (1995) studied the effect of three major genes (naked neck, frizzle and
dwarf) in commercial brown-egg layer line in Turkey, Egypt, Cuba, Burundi, Bolivia and
in Malaysia. The effect of naked neck gene was mainly observed on egg number, egg
weight, egg mass and productivity index (egg mass production in relation to metabolic
body weight). The frizzle gene showed favourable effect on egg production. The dwarf
gene had a mainly depressing effect on body weight (ranging from 24 to 36 per cent).
This was also associated with reduction in egg number, egg weight and egg mass
production. However, considering the productivity index, this gene seems to have
very favourable effects.
Chen et al. (2002) studied the performance of normally feathered and birds with naked
neck gene at high ambient temperature and are presented in Table 4. Egg numbers were
decreased by 35, 18 and 26% in normally feathered, homozygous naked neck and
heterozygous naked neck birds respectively. Both homozygous and heterozygous
naked neck genotypes performed better at high ambient temperature with respect to
egg number, egg weight, laying rate, clutch length and Haugh units.

Table 4 Performance of normally feathered and naked neck genotypes at two different ambient
temperatures (Chen et al., 2002).

Trait Temperature Normally Homozygous naked Crossbred

feathered neck genotype (Nana)
(nana) (NaNa)

Age at first egg (day) 22°C 135 142 139

32°C 134 142 137
Laying rate (%) 22°C 89.7 86.4 88.3
32°C 58.0 70.8 64.8
Clutch length (day) 22°C 11.8 9.5 11.3
32°C 4.1 5.3 5.8
Egg number (327 days) 22°C 173 161 167
32°C 113 132 124
Broken egg (%) 22°C 6.23 5.25 6.75
32°C 9.54 7.34 6.37
Egg weight (g) 22°C 46.5 49.5 49.4
32°C 40.0 44.3 42.8
Haugh unit 22°C 81.6 87.3 85.1
32°C 87.8 91.3 89.9
Shell thickness (mm) 22°C 3.35 3.53 3.49
32°C 3.11 3.32 3.16
Per cent shell 22°C 8.83 9.30 9.18
32°C 8.38 8.79 8.44
Yolk/albumen (per cent) 22°C 47.0 43.5 45.4
32°C 43.5 41.3 41.6
Blood spots (%) 22°C 16.95 9.68 6.98
32°C 10.64 6.67 7.50
Meat spots (%) 22°C 47.5 41.9 41.9
32°C 36.2 10.0 22.5

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Mahrous et al. (2003) studied the effect of naked neck and frizzle gene in hot
environmental conditions and reported that naked neck and naked neck frizzle
genotypes attained sexual maturity earlier than normally feathered females by about
4.3 and 3.4 days respectively. The presence of naked neck, frizzle and naked neck-
frizzle genes significantly increased egg mass, egg number, egg weight, eggshell weight,
eggshell percentage and eggshell thickness. They concluded that the effect of Na allele is
similar or greater than that of F allele and combination of the two alleles in heterozygous
state (NanaFf) results in better performance than those genes considered separately.
Chen et al. (2008) investigated the possibility of combining the naked neck gene with a
flock with a genetic background that has been optimised for feed efficiency of laying
hens in both temperate and sub-tropical environments. Growth performance, anatomical
traits, laying traits, and feed efficiency were recorded in each country. The study revealed
that the performance was generally lower and mortality of laying hens was higher in
Taiwan (11%) than in France (1%). Genotype × environment interactions were rare and
were only observed for body weight at 10 weeks of age, and were close to significance
for egg weight. Laying performance was significantly decreased in Taiwan by about 25%.
The naked neck genotype had a negative effect on body weight and a positive effect of
clutch length and egg weight. Based on results they concluded that the introduction of the
NA*NA mutation appeared to be favourable from the viewpoint of feed efficiency, but it
did not improve laying performance in a sub-tropical environment. Other factors rather
than temperature, such as diet composition and lighting regimen, may be involved.
Chen et al. (2009) compared the laying performance of dwarf laying hen lines
segregating for the naked neck mutation (NA locus) in two different environmental
conditions i.e. Taiwan and France. Genetic parameters for laying traits were estimated
in each environment and the ranking of sire breeding values was compared between
environments. The study revealed that the laying performance for dwarf laying hens was
lower and mortality was higher in Taiwan than in France. The line by environment
interaction was highly significant for body weight at 16 weeks, clutch length and egg
number, with or without using Box-Cox transformations. The selected line was more
sensitive to environmental change but in Taiwan it maintained higher egg numbers than
the control line. The rank correlations between sire breeding values were low within the
selected line and slightly higher in the control line. A few sire families showed good
ranking in both environments, suggesting that some families may adapt better to
environmental change.
In general, studies by different authors indicated that there is a reduction in
performance of layers under high ambient temperature. The results regarding
utilisation of the naked-neck and frizzle gene in high ambient temperatures are
encouraging. Hence, in future, these genes will play an important role in production
of layer lines suitable for high ambient temperature to overcome the genotype-
environment interaction.

Skeletal problems in layers and selection strategies

In laying strains, intensive selection for egg production has resulted in birds of low body
weight that laid a large number of eggs on low food intakes. Throughout the laying year,
the amount of calcium the bird deposit in their shells could be up to 20 times their total
body content. Bones act as a store for much of the calcium deposited in shells, and it is
perhaps not surprising that stresses in bone formation and resorption can result in skeletal
problems in these birds. Bone breakage in layers during production, depopulation and

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processing reduces egg production and the value of carcasses of spent hens. Two factors
are now causing a rethink in the commercial emphasis on intensive selection for egg
production; First, the economic cost of lost egg production in layers resulting from
skeletal defects and secondly, increasing concern in many countries regarding the
welfare implications of these disorders for the birds. As a result, there is now
renewed interest in determining the genetic basis for these disorders, establishing the
genetic link between these disorders and egg production and devising genetic or other
strategies for minimising the occurrence of severity of the disorders (Whitehead et al.,


The main skeletal problems in table-egg laying hens are associated with loss of bone
mineral during the laying period. The loss of bone mineral may have two causes. They
• Osteomalacia: This is characterised by defective mineralisation of bone tissue,
with a thick seam of poorly, mineralised organic matrix. It is primarily associated
with nutritional deficiency of calcium, phosphorus or vitamin D and has not been
shown to have a genetic component (Whitehead et al., 2003).
• Osteoporosis: It is defined as a decrease in the amount of fully mineralised
structural bone, leading to increased fragility and susceptibility to fracture.
Unlike osteomalacia, osteoporosis is an altogether more complex problem, has a
complex aetiology, with many factors involved (Whitehead and Fleming, 2000;
Whitehead et al., 2003). The hallmarks of the osteoporotic bones are increased
porosity, fragility and fracture susceptibility caused by a decrease in structural bone

Genetics of osteoporosis
Bone characteristics of osteoporosis were first described in caged laying hens by Couch
(1955), who reported a problem termed ‘cage layer fatigue involving bone brittleness,
paralysis and death’. Generally, osteoporosis is not so severe as to result in cage layer
fatigue, but widespread bone loss can lead to high incidence of fractures at various sites
throughout the skeleton. This loss has been shown to start when hens reach sexual
maturity and to continue throughout the laying period, so that osteoporosis is most
severe in hens at the end of lay. The origin of osteoporosis is not well-defined. It has
been suggested that the problem is partly genetic in origin, resulting from the breeding of
light weight, energetically efficient birds that maintain a high rate of lay over a prolonged
period on a low feed intake (Cransberg et al., 2001). Most modern hybrid strains seem to
be susceptible to osteoporosis. However, there is a wide individual variation, with some
hens retaining good bone quality at the end of lay. Hence, genetic selection seems to offer
the best prospects for improving bone quality and resistance to osteoporosis in hens.

Methods of assessing bone quality

The selection procedure used to date has involved retrospective selection on the basis
of hen post-mortem data, but this is not practical for application to commercial breeding
programmes. Recently, several newer techniques have been identified. One of the most
common techniques used in the past was the determination of bone mineral content by
ashing (Hall et al., 2003) followed by measurement of bone calcium content using atomic
adsorption spectrophotometry (Cransberg et al., 2001). Bone breaking strength (humerus
strength and tibia strength) is a common means of determining functional characteristics
of bone as a material. Radiography, digitised fluoroscopy, image analysis and quantitative
computer tomography have also been used (Fleming et al., 1998; Korver et al., 2004).

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Among the different techniques, ashing, Ca level and breaking strength are necessarily
done on post-mortem and radiography requires large doses of radiation and specialised
equipment and facilities. Measurement of bone mass using quantitative computer
tomography is a new technology, which gives precise answer regarding distribution of
mineral density within bone. In addition, amplitude-dependent speed of sound ultrasound
and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry have been used to assess bone quality (Fleming et
al., 2004; Hester et al., 2004).

Genetic parameters and response to selection

Bishop et al. (2000) studied the inheritance of traits related to osteoporosis over five
generations in a commercial pure line of White Leghorns previously selected for high egg
production. Measurements were made on a range of morphometric, radiological and
strength characteristics of different bones in hens at the end of the laying period to
determine the heritabilities for different traits. The heritability values for different traits
are as follows:
Character Heritability estimate
Humeral strength (HSTR) 0.34
Tibial strength (TSTR) 0.45
Keel radiographic density (KRD) 0.39

Restricted selection index was monitored to improve bone characteristics by keeping

body weight constant with the above three moderately heritable traits. The index was
Bone index= 0.27x KRD+0.37 x HSTR+0.61 x TSTR-0.25 x BW
The three body measurements in the index had moderate to high positive correlations
with each other and also with body weight. This indicated that selection for improved
strength characteristics alone, without the restriction placed on body weight would have
resulted in considerably heavier birds. They reported a heritability of 0.40 for bone index.
As a result of selection on bone index, the high and low lines differed by 17% for KRD,
30% for HSTR and 60% for TSTR, in hens after five generations (Table 5). Body weight
between lines did not differ in either sex. These results indicated that genetically
improving the bone strength would decrease the incidence of bone fracture.
Table 5 Bone characteristics and body weight at the end of the laying period in female and male chickens
divergently selected for high and low bone index (Bishop et al., 2000).

Character Female Male

High line Low line High line Low line

Body weight (kg) 1.80 1.79 2.25 2.21

KRD (mm AI equivalent) 0.41 0.35 0.70 0.62
Tibial strength (kg) 38.2 23.7 60.6 51.0
Humerus strength (kg) 17.9 13.6 36.8 29.2

Whitehead et al. (2003) reported that comparisons of tibial cortical thickness at

different ages showed that the superior thickness in the high bone index line at the
end of the lay was attributable to two factors, namely a greater amount of bone formation
during growth and, more importantly, less bone resorption during the laying period. High
bone index hens contained more medullary bone and fewer osteoclasts (Table 6).

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Table 6 Bone characteristics of hens selected for resistance and susceptibility to osteoporosis (Whitehead
et al., 2003).

Trait Age High bone index line Low bone index line
(week) (Resistant line) (Susceptible line)

Tibia cortical width (mm) 15 0.465 0.448

25 0.473 0.447
70 0.422 0.365
Medullary bone content of
proximal tarsometatarsus (%) 70 7.83 6.39
Osteoclasts per unit of
medulary bone 70 979 1170

Silversides et al. (2006) studied the effect of genetics on bone strength in layers and
reported that selection has decreased humeral breaking strength rather than tibial strength,
resulting in higher incidence of bone fracture in commercial layers.


Rennie et al. (1997) reported that the correlation between egg production and bone
strength ranged between 0.00 and 0.16 and suggested that egg production has little or no
effect on bone quality. Bishop et al. (2000) also observed no significant difference in
mean egg production or egg weight between the high and low bone index lines over a
laying year (Table 7).
Table 7 Egg production and shell characteristics of resistant and susceptible osteoporosis line.

Character Resistance line Susceptibility line

Rate of lay (%) 86.9 87.3

Egg mass (g/hen/day) 51.5 51.8
Feed intake (g/hen/day) 105.2 106.2
Candling cracks (%) 3.1 2.6
Shell weight (mg/cm2) 79.5 80.5

Various studies by different authors revealed a large individual difference in the bone
characteristics of hens at the end of the lay, phenotypically unrelated to egg production in
a flock of highly productive hens. This suggests that osteoporosis may be alleviated by
genetic selection perhaps without serious consequences for egg productivity (Whitehead
et al., 2003; Webster, 2004).

Selection for behaviour in poultry

The strong selection for improved egg production has brought about changes that seem to
reduce bird's adaptability. This together with the introduction of specialised production
systems has resulted in a range of behavioural problems that reduce well-being. Huber-
Eicher (1997) reported that feather pecking in commercial layers is due to redirection of
behaviour related to foraging by selection for high production and alteration in husbandry
practices. Vaisanen and Jensen (2004) studied behavioural characteristics in jungle fowl
and White Leghorns, and reported that the adaptability of the bird to their social and
physiological environment may have been influenced by means of selection for increased

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production capacity. Leghorns may have greater problems in adapting to new

environment. Bessei (1995) reported that selection for egg output might exacerbate
feather pecking problems.
Commercial layer lines have been selected in cages for many generations, where the
expression of behaviour was restricted. The genetic variation of the behaviour was of
little economic importance under these conditions. Increasing concern for animal welfare
has resulted in strict legislation concerning animal housing. In poultry industry there is a
shift from battery cages to large group housing systems. With the return of husbandry
systems for laying hens from conventional cages to floor or aviary systems, behaviour is
becoming more important not only with regard to welfare but also to economical aspects.
In layers, the major problem is injurious pecking behaviour. Selection for higher
production combined with lower body weight has led to higher levels of feather
pecking and cannibalism.

Feather pecking is characterised as picking and pulling of feathers of another bird. In a
group of chickens, most members will take part in feather pecking. In pullets and adult
hens, close to 50 per cent are observed to feather peck, and in layer chickens, feather
pecking has been reported as early as 7 days of age. One or more peaks in feather
pecking can be seen at 3 to 15 weeks of age. At the age of 15 weeks to sexual maturity,
the level of feather pecking is low. Pecking rises at the onset of laying and this is the time
when the risk of cannibalism is greatest. This rise has been attributed to an increase in
gonadal hormones (Kjaer and Mench, 2003). There are different forms of feather
pecking. The two common types are gentle pecks (mainly directed to tips of feather)
and severe feather pecks. Severe feather pecking causes damage to the bird, results in
bald patches and is painful. Feather pecking is a serious problem in layers besides
impaired animal welfare; feather loss due to feather pecking can lead to heat loss
resulting in higher energy requirement (Buitenhuis et al., 2004).

Cannibalism is an extreme form of feather pecking. Feather pecking can result in
severe damage of the integument including wounds to the skin. Wounded birds may
be pecked to death, which is regarded as cannibalism and is the final phase of feather
pecking. There has been a continuous increase in mortality caused by cannibalism in all
brown-layer strain crosses tested at the random sample test stations in Germany since the
late 1980s, suggesting that selection for higher egg production and lower body weight
has led to higher levels of cannibalism. Recent data from German random sample testing
stations (Table 8) illustrates differences in mortality and other characteristics with or
without beak trimming. The changes from conventional cages to floor pens may cost in
terms of more mortality and more feed (Flock et al., 2005).

Table 8 Mortality, egg production and feed conversion of commercial layers in different management
systems (Flock et al., 2005).

Management system Mortality Egg mass Feed conversion

system percentage (kg/Hen housed) (kg/kg)

Conventional cages 5.8 20.35 2.00

Floor (Beak trimmed) 6.9 18.16 2.28
Floor (untrimmed) 17.7 17.03 2.46

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Feather pecking in layers is a multi-factorial problem, which can be caused by
environmental, genetic or nutritional factors. Various measures have been made to
control this vicious behaviour. Since management measures (except beak trimming)
have failed to effectively control these problems, genetic selection has been put
forward as a potential means to improve the situation (Bessei, 2002; Buitenhuis and
Kjaer, 2008). Variation among breeds and hybrid lines for feather pecking behaviour and/
or feather damage have been reported by different authors (Ambrosen and Peterson,
1997; Kjaer and Sørensen, 1997).

Heritability estimates for different measures of feather pecking are presented in Table
9. The heritability for actively feather pecking ranged from 0.07 to 0.56 and for receiving
feather pecking from 0.15 to 0.25.

Table 9 Heritability estimates for feather pecking behaviour.

Trait Breed Method of Heritability References

Estimation estimates

Feather pecking - Sire component 0.06# Kjaer and

0.14## Sørensen (1997)
Being pecked Sire component 0.15# Kjaer and
Sørensen (1997)
Feather/Plumage condition White Leghorn Sire component 0.22 Kjaer and
Sørensen (1997)
Cannibalistic behaviour - - 0.65 ± 0.13$ Craig and Muir

* - Male, ** -Female; # - 6 weeks, ##-38 weeks , ###-69 weeks; + - 42 weeks, ++ - 59 weeks , +++- 67 weeks;
$- Realised heritability

Kjaer and Sørensen (1997) reported that the trait performing feather pecking behaviour
had an additive genetic variability, with heritability of low to moderate size.
Divergent selection for three generations of feather pecking resulted in a significant
difference between high and low lines with regard to feather pecking behaviour. The high
pecking hens were on an average heavier than low pecking hens at the age of 27 weeks
(1435 g vs. 1371 g). In general, plumage condition was better in low pecking line on the
neck, back, wings and tail as well as over the whole body. This indicated that feather
pecking could be reduced by selection (Kjaer, 1999; Kjaer, 2001; Kjaer et al., 2001). The
generation-wise feather pecking activity is as follows:
Generation High pecking line (bouts/hour) Low pecking line (bouts/hour)
Second 3.10 1.37
Third 4.56 0.63
(Source: Kjaer, 2001)

The diurnal rhythm of feather pecking seems to vary between strains. Kjaer (2004)
found a rise in feather pecking activity in the last hour of the day in brown shell strains.
However, White Leghorns behave significantly differently, with a more even distribution
of feather pecking during the day and no rise in feather pecking activity just before dark.
Strain differences in mortality due to cannibalism have been found (Sørensen and
Kjaer, 1999). Craig and Muir (1993), Muir and Craig (1998) and Muir (1996, 2003)

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were successful in selecting against cannibalistic behaviour in poultry. They reported that
group selection has been very effective in reducing the incidence of beak-inflicted
injuries in caged hens at high stocking densities and under condition of high social
stresses and competition. Commercial breeders have used similar approaches for a
number of years, but their results are less spectacular, because most of the
commercial strains have a lower initial incidence of cannibalism and selection for
multiple objectives requires more time to change additional traits.
So far limited selection pressure has been applied for feather pecking. Direct selection
has been shown to be feasible, using individual selection against feather pecking (Kjaer et
al., 2001) or group selection against mortality (Craig and Muir, 1993; Muir, 1996).

Measures of feather pecking

Both direct and indirect measures of feather pecking are available. Some of the direct
measures include visual observation of feather pecking and scores based on damage as a
result of pecking (Kjaer et al., 2001). Plumage condition is an indirect measure of feather
pecking and can be biased by abrasion.

Genetic correlations with performance traits

Kjaer and Sørensen (1997) found a negative genetic correlation between feather
pecking and body weight of hens at 51 weeks of age. It is a clear indication that
small body size, which is desirable in commercial breeding programmes, contributed
to the feather pecking problems in laying hens. Hence selection for largest birds will
indirectly select against feather pecking; but direct selection will presumably be more
Buitenhuis et al. (2004) found a negative phenotypic correlation between gentle feather
pecking and egg weight, however no significant genetic correlation was observed. They
reported significant additive genetic correlation (0.79) between feather pecking and
antibody response to Keyhole Limpet Haemocyanin.
Ground pecking showed a negative correlation with breaking strength of the eggshell at
the genetic level meaning that selecting for stronger eggs would reduce ground pecking
behaviour. The genetic correlation between ground pecking and eggshell strength at 35,
44 and 50 weeks of age were -0.86, -0.81 and -0.76 respectively. Ground pecking is a
foraging behaviour and the commercial laying lines showed less foraging behaviour
compared with lines not selected for egg production (Buitenhuis et al., 2004).
Feather pecking is an undesirable behaviour, which causes major problems in non-cage
systems. With the phasing out of conventional cages by 2012 (as per EU Council
Directive 99/74/EC), more producers are likely to adopt non-cage systems. While
national legislation in some countries in Western Europe will ban beak trimming as
well. This may lead to increased risk of feather pecking and cannibalism in laying
hens. So, methods of reducing the incidence and severity of pecking are urgently needed.
Several authors have identified a hereditary basis of feather pecking behaviour, which
is suggested by strain differences. Hence, selection of birds with no or very low tendency
to perform feather pecking should reduce the incidence. The trait for receiving feather
pecking is probably influenced more by group composition and social organisation, and
reported heritability values were low. Hence the trait for receiving feather pecking in
selection cannot be recommended. Recently QTL involved in gentle and severe feather
pecking have been identified on chicken chromosome two. In future, they may play an
important role in reducing feather pecking and cannibalism in commercial layer by way
of marker-assisted selection.

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Molecular genetic studies

In animal selection and breeding programmes, within each generation geneticists identify
and subsequently reproduce those individuals with the best traits. This selection
ultimately results in an increase in the frequency of those gene variants that cause
desirable effects on the traits under selection. The egg layer industry is particularly
challenged, as most of the traits of interest are measurable only in mature females
(‘female limited traits’). Egg production traits, including age at start of lay and
lifetime production, as well as egg quality traits, such as shell strength, shell colour,
albumen height, and egg solids can only be measured in females that lay eggs. Both
males and females have the gene variants for better egg production, but direct
measurement can only be done in females. Indirect selection is done by selecting
those males whose sisters or whose daughters have the best traits. This is much less
accurate than directly selecting based on individual performance. Molecular genetics
allows direct selection to be done in males even for female limited traits. In addition,
since the DNA that directs the trait expression is present in the chick at hatch, genetic
variation can be measured at day of age, instead of at sexual maturity or even later in life.
Thus selection based on DNA can be done at a much earlier age in the lifecycle of the
chicken. Accuracy of trait measurement is critical. Without accurate trait information,
data will reflect environmental variation.


Body weight
Studies dealing with QTL for body weight using different crosses, such as layer x layer
(Tuiskula-Haavisto et al., 2002), broiler x layer (Sewalem et al., 2002) and layer x Red
Jungle Fowl (Carlborg et al., 2003) have revealed a number of QTL controlling growth.
Tuiskula-Haavisto et al. (2002) detected a highly significant QTL on chromosome four
for body weight at 40 weeks of age, which mapped to the same area as the QTL for egg
weight. The QTL explained 25.8% of the phenotypic variance. Carlborg et al. (2003)
identified 22 significant loci contributing to the body weight in chickens. Epistasis was
more pronounced prior to 46 days of age. Whereas, additive genetic effects explained
major portion of the genetic variance later in life. Several of the loci affected either early
or late growth but not both. Very few loci affected the entire growth process, which
points out that early and late growth, at least to some extent, have different genetic
Siwek et al. (2004) identified three QTLs (On GGA2, GGA3 and GGA9 ) for body
weight at four weeks of age, three QTL (On GGA2, GGA3 and GGA6) for body weight
at six weeks of age , one QTL ( On GGA7) for body weight at eight weeks of age and
one QTL (on GGAZ) for body weight at 12 and 18 weeks of age by half-sibling analysis.
The different location of QTL indicated that different sets of genes are involved in the
early and late growth.
Jiang et al. (2004) reported that a single nucleotide polymorphism in chicken pituitary
specific transcription factor (POU1F1) resulted in alterations to codon 299 from AAC to
ATC, which substitutes asparagine to isoleucine. The allele (A and T) and genotype (AA,
AT and TT) frequencies differed significantly between meat-type chicken (higher
frequency of A allele (0.91) and AA genotype (0.84)) and layer-type chickens
(frequencies of A allele was ranged from 0.57 to 0.72 and AA genotype was 0.37 to
0.50). Bennett et al. (2006) reported that a significant association between IGF1 and
osteopontin (SPP1) and five week body weight and between insulin (INS) and 55-week
body weight.

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Egg production
Schreiweis et al. (2005) identified a QTL for egg production from 16 to 25 weeks of
age in chromosome four at 20 cm and it explained 6.2% of the phenotypic variation. A
QTL affecting age at first egg was found on chromosome Z and explained 4% of the
phenotypic variation (Tuiskula-Haavisto et al., 2002).

Feed intake and feed efficiency

Tuiskula-Haavisto et al. (2002) detected a QTL for feed intake at 32 to 36 weeks of age
in chromosome four and explained 5% of the phenotypic variance.
Chicken insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF1 and IGF2) are polypeptide hormones
that exert effect on body composition, growth rate and lipid metabolism in poultry.
Amills et al. (2003) studied the polymorphism in IGF1 and IGF2 and reported that a
suggestive associations were found between IGF1-SNP1 and average daily weight gain at
107 days and feed efficiency at 44, 73 an 107 days.

Egg quality traits

Quantitative trait loci affecting Haugh unit at 40 weeks and 60 weeks were detected on
chromosome two and they explained 7 and 6% of the phenotypic variance. In addition, a
QTL affecting egg white thinning (Haugh unit at 40 weeks) was detected on chromosome
four at 215 cm and on chromosome eight at 11 cm. For eggshell quality (breaking
strength) at 40 weeks, a QTL at the end of the chromosome Z was detected. It
explained 5% of the phenotypic variation and the 90% confidence interval ranged
from 97 to 142 cm. A QTL affecting specific gravity of eggs at 40 weeks was
detected in chromosome 5 and explained 4% of the phenotypic variation. QTLs for
egg weight were found on the chromosome 3, 4 and Z. The QTL at chromosome 4
explained 14.5 to 16% of the phenotypic variation (Tuiskula-Haavisto et al., 2002).
Honkatukia et al. (2005) also reported two QTL on Chromosome two each for egg
quality and egg white thinning.
Fishy-odour in eggs is caused by abnormally high amounts of excreted trimethylamine
(TMA). Usually TMA is not excreted because the liver enzyme flavin-containing mono-
oxygenase three (FMO3) catalyses oxidation of TMA to odourless trimethylamine N-
oxide. Fishy-odour is mainly a problem in brown egg layers. Honkatukia et al. (2005)
found a missence mutation (T329S) in the chicken FMO3 gene that has been associated
with elevated levels of TMA and fishy taint in egg yolks of commercial brown egg
layers. In another study, Honkatukia et al. (2006) reported that the egg taint disorder and
FMO3 gene map to the same location on chicken chromosome eight. Genotyping of the
SNP of the FMO3 gene revealed that TT homozygotes expressed high TMA-N content
and the AT and AA homozygotes expressed low TMA-N content in the egg yolk.
Schreiweis et al. (2005) detected two QTL (230 and 215 cm) on chromosome two for
eggshell colour and one QTL on chromosome four at 219 cm and they explained 5 to
5.3% of the phenotypic variation. In addition, chromosome four has multiple QTL for
egg weight (204 and 206 cm), albumen weight (206 and 209 cm) and one QTL for shell
percentage. The QTL for egg weight accounted for 10.3 to 17.5% of the phenotypic
variation. The QTL for albumen weight explained 16.1 to 18.5% phenotypic variation.
This indicated that chromosome four harbours multiple genes that contribute to the
extreme phenotypic divergence observed among layer, broiler and ancestral chicken
Chicken insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF1 and IGF2) are polypeptide hormones
that exert effect on body composition, growth rate and lipid metabolism in poultry.
Nagaraja et al. (2000) reported that an RFLP in 5’ end of the IGF1 gene was
associated to egg and eggshell weight in White Leghorn chicken. Sazanov et al.

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(2007) reported that the CR523443 (Gallus gallus finished cDNA, clone ChEST985k21)
was highly correlated with shell thickness and suggested that it was a candidate gene for
shell thickness at 53 weeks of age. This gene is highly correlated (0.85) with shell

Feather pecking behaviour

Buitenhuis et al. (2003 a, b) identified a suggestive QTL on GGA10 for gentle feather
pecking at six weeks of age. At 30 weeks of age suggestive QTL were detected on GGA1
and GGA2 for gentle feather pecking. The results indicated that feather pecking
behaviour at six weeks of age is regulated by different genes than feather pecking at
30 weeks of age. The results open the possibility to reduce the feather pecking problem
and improvement of poultry welfare using molecular genetics.

Skeletal traits
Bennett et al. (2006) found a significant association between vitamin D receptors and
bone mineral content of the humerus at 35 weeks of age. Bennet et al. (2007) found an
association between single nucleotide polymorphism in Transforming Growth Factor -β2
gene and bone traits (Table 10). In general the CC genotypes had higher bone mineral
content, bone mineral density and body weight.
Table 10 Association between Transforming Growth Factor -β2 and bone, egg production and body
weight traits (Bennet et al., 2007).

Trait Age of measurement Genotype

(Week) TT TC CC
Tibial mineral density (g/cm ) 35 0.238 0.240 0.252
Tibial mineral content (g) 35 4.09 4.17 4.39
Tibial mineral density (g/cm2) 55 0.316 0.311 0.334
Tibial mineral content (g) 55 5.7 5.7 6.1
Egg production (number of eggs) 46-55 42 39 37
Body weight (g) 1 86.7 88.6 90.1
2 179 188 190
3 319 331 339
4 504 523 537
5 734 752 770
6 937 972 990

Chicken lines had previously been successfully selected for shorter shanks because it
was considered that the longer shank was a source of leg problems in heavy-bodied
chickens. Yu et al. (2006) detected eight static QTL affecting shank length from 1 to 12
weeks of age. Strong evidences were found on chromosome two and 23 and explained
5.49 to 6.16% and 4.93 to 8.39% of the phenotypic variation respectively.
The locations of significant QTL for different traits have been reviewed in an elaborate
manner by Hocking (2005) and Abasht et al. (2006) and they concluded that the Despite
differences in experimental conditions and populations used for QTL mapping,
independent studies found QTL for similar traits in similar locations in several
instances. For millennia improvement of domestic animal species has been done by
selection and subsequent breeding of those animals with the more desirable traits.
Improvements in traits have been slow and steady. Within the 20th century, progress
in performance related traits has improved considerable as better breeding tools were
developed. Increased understanding of what controls the traits (i.e. genes), realisation of

496 World's Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 66, September 2010

Layer breeding strategies: A.K. Thiruvenkadan et al.

the environmental influences on gene expression, development of statistical analysis tools

and the evolution of rapid computational methods has resulted in the extremely efficient
breeding stock that are utilised in production today. Molecular genetics provides yet
another set of tools for even more enhanced selection progress and efficiency (Fulton,

Layer breeding companies have contributed immensely over the decades in the
improvement of egg production and feed efficiency. In addition, considerable research
has been made on egg weight, eggshell strength and internal quality of the eggs and
improvements have been made as a result of selection. Poultry breeding prior to this
decade was based mainly on what could be observed or measured at the phenotypic level.
Unfortunately those types of traits are also influenced by random environmental factors,
such as feed quality, pecking order, temperature and disease. Clearly, random
environmental factors are a hindrance to breeding superior genetic stock, however,
even greater problems include sex limited traits which can only be measured in one
sex, such as egg production, and traits which cannot be measured on either sex in live
animals, such as disease resistance and meat quality. In those cases the breeder must rely
entirely on information from relatives to make selection decisions. The desire of poultry
breeders has always been to get directly at the underlying genetic worth of the bird, free
from environmental effects, and on all poultry regardless of sex or ability to measure the
phenotype. Modern biochemical techniques allow scientists to probe directly into the
genetic code of life. These advances seem to provide the answer to selecting superior
animals without the complications of environmental efforts. Recent molecular studies
have provided complete genome sequencing, identification of several quantitative trait
loci affecting production and reproduction traits and identification of the genes
responsible for different phenotypic variation. In future, genomics could well play an
important role in unravelling the biological mechanism and supporting breeders in
selection programmes.

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