Ranger PC Class For DCC: Some Concepts Taken From, Published in
Ranger PC Class For DCC: Some Concepts Taken From, Published in
Ranger PC Class For DCC: Some Concepts Taken From, Published in
You are a scout, a woodsman, a survivalist more at home in the trackless wild than in any
town or city. You endure by virtue of both a strong body and a keen wit. You know the threats
of uncivilized lands all too well, and you know how to hit them where it hurts.
Weapon Training: Rangers are trained in use of the club, crossbow, dagger, dart, handaxe,
javelin, longbow, longsword, mace, shortbow, shortsword, sling, spear, and staff. Rangers do
not use a combination of shield and armor with a total Check Penalty of -6 or higher.
Combat Path: At 1st level, rangers must choose one of these two options:
Archer: Archers suffer no penalty to missile fire at medium range, and only receive a -2
modifier at long range. They ignore the 50% chance to hit an ally when firing into
Two-Weapon Fighter: Two-weapon fighters dual wield melee weapons as though their
Agility was a 16. The two weapons can be of equal size.
Wilderness Skills: A long life in the wilderness trains rangers to survive in hostile
environments. Rangers receive a bonus to these skills checks equal to ranger level plus ability
score modifier.
Climb (Agility): Rangers can climb natural slopes, steep hillsides, and trees. A tall tree
with few low branches is DC 10; a very steep cliff is DC 20.
Natural Traps (Agility): Rangers can detect, neutralize, and build simple natural traps.
A large, bulky trap is DC 10 (pit in the ground covered by brush or simple snares).
More subtle traps are DC 15, 20, or even higher. A natural 1 on such checks triggers the
Sneak and Hide (Agility): Rangers are very good at stealth in natural environments,
able to sneak silently and hide in natural cover. This can be used in the same manner as
a thief’s abilities.
Survival (Personality): This skill allows the ranger to find shelter and sustenance (food,
water), to start fire, to find direction and to give some local knowledge (geography,
animal, plants). The ranger can follow tracks of any creature, identify them and tell the
number. DC 10 is for familiar terrain, DC 15 if the ranger is not alone (between 2 and 8
people) and DC 20 if not familiar with the terrain or environment or if there are more
than 8 people.
Unofficial class by ageofruins.com intended for use with DCC RPG by goodman-games.com.
Favored Enemy: At 1st level, rangers must choose a type of monster as their favored enemy.
How specific or broad the definition of the favored enemy is left to the player and judge to
determine. When attacking the favored enemy, the ranger’s action die is improved by one step.
The ranger also gains a critical threat range of 19-20 on a d20, increasing to 21-24 on a d24. In
addition, the ranger uses an improved crit die and crit table versus the favored enemy, as
noted below.
Healing Herbs: Rangers have the ability to heal wounds using natural herbs and saps, which
they often carry with them. Using this ability takes 1 turn and functions as the cleric’s Lay on
Hands ability per the “Adjacent” column for all targets.
If a ranger rolls a natural 1 when healing, they have inadvertently poisoned the patient. The
target of the healing must make a Fortitude save versus DC 20 minus the ranger’s level. If the
save is successful, the patient only temporarily loses one point of Stamina. If the save fails, the
unfortunate soul permanently loses 1d6 Stamina.
Unofficial class by ageofruins.com intended for use with DCC RPG by goodman-games.com.