Maintenance BSR 2021

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Building Schedule of Rates


Urgent Special Repairs, Renovations, Additions and

Improvements, Minor Works and Maintenance to
Government Buildings- 2021

Department of Buildings

Chief Engineer Estimates,

Estimate Division,
Dept. of Buildings,
" Sethsiripaya",
Department of Buildings








E MASON S07-35















S07-2 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

1.0 Timber :
Unless otherwise specified in the respective Trades / Sections , the timber for all trades shall
be as specified in Carpentry and Joinery.
All timbers under exceptional Circumstances, any equivalent timber to the given Species
may be used with the approval of the Engineer.

(Group-1): Door, Window and Fanlight Frames

Satin Palu Milla Ketakala Tulang
Category A Halmilla Mee Hulanhik Wewarana Valdel.
Kohomba Jak Teak Path kela Kon
Category B Microcoris Grandis

(Group-2): Door , Window and Fanlight Sashes , Cupboards, Counters and Shelving
Satin Tulan Halmilla Sooriya mara Kohomba
Category A
Wewarana Hulanhik
Category B Ginisapu

(Group-3): Roof Framework

Madan Milla Palu Wewarana Tulang
Category A Mee Micro Kolon Etathimbiri Jak
Dun Velang
Category B Domba Grandis Saligna Ginisapu Alastonia
(Group-4): Ceiling Framework and Partitions
Satin Palu Milla Ketakala Tulang
Halmilla Mee Hulanhik Wewarana Valdel.
Category A
Kohomba Etathimbiri Teak Jak Dun
Category B Domba Grandis Cyprus Saligna Boron treated pinus

(Group-5): Valance Board and Valley Boarding

Kolon Tulang Val Del Kohomba Panakka
Category A Satin Hulanhik Wewarana Jak
Sooriya mara
Category B Ginisapu Grandis Toona Dawata

(Group-6): Beadings :
Alstonia Mahogany Lunumidella

(Group-7): Special Timber

Category A Teak Ebony Nedum
Category B Jak Satin milla

(Group-8): Beeralu
Category A Satin Kolon Mahogany Sooriyamara
Category B Saligna

(Group-9): Skirting
Category A Kolon Teak Panakka Coconut

Category B Saligna

S07 - 3 Estimate/ BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

2.0 Trade Names ;

Where trade names , brands and / or catalogue numbers are referred to sole preference to any
material or equipment is not intended . Any other material or equipment may be used,provided that the
characteristics of type, quality, appearance, finish, method of construction and / or performance is not
less than specified and provided also that approval is first obtained.

3.0 Method of Measurement

This Bill of Quantities has been prepared generally in accordance with the principles of "Standed
Method of Measurement of Building Works(First Revision) , Sri Lanka 573:1999"

4.0 Measurements :

Bidders are to note that the measurements are taken absolutely nett, unless otherwise stated and they
must , therefore, allow in their prices for all straight cutting and waste, laps,etc. throughout even though
not specifically mentioned.

5.0 Materials at site (Prime Cost of materials)

Material rates shall cover all the expenses of Contractor such as Loading, Delivery to site , Unloading,
storing and protecting etc.

6.0 Mark-Up:

Combining the factors for overheads and the profits factors 27% is obtained from the basic rate as the
Overhead and Profit factor, which is also called the " Mark-Up" on the Basic Rate. ie the Basic Rate is
multiplied by the factor 1.27 to obtain the working rate or the BSR rate.

7.0 Machinery Usage in Basic Rate

This basic rate analysis does not include for the use of heavy plant and equipment. This analysis
provide for a labour intensive method of work with a minimal use of machinery. The machinery allowed
in this analysis is the concrete mixture, the vibrator and a hoist in the case of a multi-storied building for
the lift of materials to the various floors.

8.0 Hiring of plant and equipment (Other than specified)

In case of hiring plant and equipment (Other than specified) in hourly basis. Plant shall be in good
working condition and include for the cost of fuel, Lubricants, Transport to and from the site, wages and
allowances of the operator, and any other expenses and charges etc.

9.0 Allowances for lifting work

The rates refer to works on the ground floor items in the BSR (other than specified),
Allowances to be made in the rates for lifting respect of work on upper floors.

(a). Ground and 3 upper floors

B.S.R is limited to work on the ground and 3 upper floors only. In cases, where the rates are not
specified beyound ground floor, upto 3rd floor level the percentages indicated in table below
should be added to the ground floor rates of relavant trades in the BSR, to obtain the rates
applicable to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors respectively & in which. Additions beyond the ground floor rates
cover the extra costs incured for raiseing scaffoldings and involment of labour for Lifting goods and etc.
(Acceptable floor to floor height may be around 12 feet)

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Department of Buildings

Ground to
Ground to 1st Ground to 2nd
Serial No. Item 3rd floor
floor % floor %
1 Concrete 3 5 7
2 9" Brickwork 5 7 9
3 9" Brickwork 5 7 9
4 4 1/2" Brickwork 5 7 10
5 Steel reinforcement 2.5 4.5 5
6 Plastering 5 10 15
7 Floor Tiling 2 4 6
8 Wall Tilling 2 4 6
9 Roof Calicut tile 3 6 9
10 Roof asbestos 3 5 7
11 Ceiling work 3 5 7
12 Painting 3 6 9

(b).Fourth floor and above

In case of a building, having more than four floors , It will necessary to be raise a separate scaffolding
system in an effective manner, to carryout the exterior works of the building.

The following products have been declared by the Government as products for which the "SLS" mark is
compulsory. Contractor must strictly comply with this requirement.

01). Cement Blocks SLS 855

02). Ordinary Portland Cement SLS 107

03). Masonry Cement SLS 515

04). Blended Hydraulic Cement SLS 1247

05). Portland Limestone Cement SLS 1253

06). Plain Steel Bar Reinforcement SLS 26

07). Ribbed Steel Bar Reinforcement SLS 375

08). Mild Steel Wire for General Engineering purposes SLS 139

09). Hot Rolled Steel Round Bars for Structural & General
Engineering purposes SLS 949 Part 1

10). Hot Rolled Steel Squre Bars for General Engineering

SLS 949 Part 2
11). Hot Rolled Steel Hexagonal Bars for Structural & General
SLS 949 Part 3
Engineering purposes

12). Hot Rolled Steel Flats for Structural & General Engineering
SLS 949 Part 5
13). Hot Rolled Structural Steel "U" Sections (Channel) SLS 907 Part 3

14). Hot Rolled Structural Steel "L" Sections (Equal or Unequal

SLS 907 Part 4

15). Hot Rolled Structural Steel "T" Sections (tee's) SLS 907 Part 5

16). Galnavized steel pipes and fittings SLS 829

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Department of Buildings

17). U PVC Pipes for portable cold water SLS 147

18). U PVC Pipe joints and fittings for portable cold water SLS 695

19). Clay Roofing tiles (flat tiles) SLS 2

20). Clay Ridge tiles SLS 2

21). Electric bulbs SLS 984

22). Household electric lamp holders SLS 138

23). Household electric plugs & socket outlets SLS948 & SLS734

24). Household electric switches SLS 1000

This requirements shall also apply to building products declared by the Government as products for which
"SLS" Mark is compulsory subsequent to 3rd of March 2012.

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Department of Buildings



a. The Bidder shall read and be conversant with the full description of workmanship and materials
as described in the Particular Specification and ICTAD Specification for the respective items of
work/ trades prior to the preparation of the Bid.

b. The Bidder shall refer to the relevant Clauses of Pricing Preamble when pricing composite item
of works.

c. The rate for each item must be comprehensive and must include for complying in all respects
with the requirements of the aforesaid specifications, these Pricing Preambles, cover all the
obligations under the Contract, and all matters and things necessary for the proper construction,
completion and maintenance of the Works. No claim for additional payment shall be allowed for
any error or misunderstanding by the Contractor of the work involved.

The rate for each item shall also include for all the following -

i. Labour and all connected costs ;

ii. Materials and goods including all connected costs;

iii. Preparatory works and setting out of particular item ;

iv. Complying with regulations of the Municipal Council and/or any other relevant authority under

which particular item of work is to be executed unless otherwise included in the Preliminaries ;

v. Fitting and fixing materials and goods in position, including hoisting to any height or lowering
to any depth and all temporary works, equipment and small tools ;

vi. Plant and equipment unless otherwise included in Preliminaries ;

vii. Handling of materials and working in situation where there is very restricted working space
or no working space ;

viii. Square cutting and Waste of materials ;

. ix Forming of ends, angles, miters and junctions between straight and raking or curved work ;

x. Protecting and cleaning ;

xi. All other incidental works and necessary works which are not described in the Maintenance
Programme, but described in the aforesaid specifications and or shown in the drawings for the
proper completion of the relevant item of work ;


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Department of Buildings

xii. Establishment charges and overheads( not included in preliminaries or anywhere in the Bill
Of Quantities), and profits.

e. In addition to above, the rates for items of work in Substructure shall include for the works at
depths extending below ground water table where applicable including excavation under water,
removal and disposal of mud and sand and preparation of place to a condition suitable for
proper execution of the works.


a. All works under this section are measured net and no working space is allowed.

b. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and execution of the excavation method
which is subject to scrutiny by the Engineer. However, scrutiny by the Engineer shall not in any
way relieve the contractor of his responsibilities and duty of care.

c. Existing ground levels shown in the Drawings have been taken at the surface of the ground,
with no particular differentiation to indicate buried foundations, pavings etc.

d. The Contractor shall note that the rate for compacted earth fill and granular fill, stone, gravel
and sand beds shall include for imported materials or materials from borrow areas.

e. Dewatering has been measured under Preliminaries.

f. Rates for Excavation & Earthwork shall include for -

i. Accepting site as found and preparing to condition suitable for proper execution of the Works

ii. Excavating by whatever means are necessary including excavation done manually or by
machine in any type of ground including ground with boulders (except rock) and excavation
around existing RCC. bored piles and jet grout piles ;

iii. Trimming sides, keeping clean and consolidating bottom of basement, sumps, pits and
trenches ;

iv. Backfilling and disposal of surplus excavated materials as specified and directed ;

v. Any necessary additional works required due to

a. Working space required by the Contractor ;
b. Earthworks supports ;
c. Formwork ;

vi. Any additional trimming or appropriate back- filling to provide specified or approved
formations and profiles necessitated by the uneven excavation of the earth, unless otherwise
measured separately ;


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Department of Buildings

f. Rates for compacted earth fill, granular fill and gravel and sand beds shall include for finishing
sub-grade to slopes and falls, depositing in layers, leveling, blinding, and machine or hand-
packing to form vertical or battered or level faces, and for forming sinking where required under
floor slabs or sub-floor layers.

g. Rates for approved damp-proof membrane shall include for laps, and straight, raking and
circular cutting, and for notching around all obstructions.


Rates for concrete work shall include for -

i. Mixing as per specification, depositing, handling, hoisting and placing at any height or depth ;

ii. In case of readymix concrete, transporting, admixtures, handling, pumping/hoisting and

placing at any height or depth ;

iii. Packing and tamping around reinforcement, including vibrating ;

iv. Contractor's designed kickers, construction joints and sealents ;

v. Finishing to slopes and falls, and preparing surface ready for screeds or paving, where

necessary, including cutting to sizes and temporary supports to form necessary grooves ;

vi. Curing ;

vii. Preparation of ground surface, grading to slope and falls, if any, and machine or hand
packing to form vertical or battered or level surface and all necessary formwork to edges of
blinding concrete in case of pile caps ground slab/ramps/beams.


a. Formwork for similar concrete members are measured together irrespective of the height or
depth and the shape or form.

b. Extra-over rate for a particular type of high quality formwork should be applied only for the areas
of formwork which requires such high quality type formwork as specified.

c. Formwork shall be properly designed and strictly as described in the specifications for the
particular type of concrete surface finish and it should be sufficiently strong and grout tight.

d. Faces of Jet grouting piles, masonry and concrete work which will be formed or used as
formwork shall not be measured as formwork and no payment shall be made for same.

e. Rate for formwork shall include for -

i. Fabricating setting up and erection at any height or depth ;


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Department of Buildings

ii. Strutting, supporting through lower floors and supporting at any level, including additional
propping, strutting and supporting decks ;

. iii Coating with shuttering oil and or lining ;

. iv Easing, striking and removing ;

v. Cleaning, preparing for reuse ;

vi. Removal when no longer required ;

vii. Props, stays, struts, wedges, bolts, incidental items and materials such as nails, screws
anchors hooks etc. ;

viii. All overlaps and passing at angles ;

ix. Labour at intersections and narrow widths ;

x. Rubbing down and making concrete surface good after removal of formwork ;

xi. All fillets, to form grooves, rebates and throats, splays or chamfers, raking and circular

cutting, and cutting around all pipes, sleeves, conduits, ducting, metal sections and fittings ;

xii. Providing samples as required by the Engineer of the different formed finishes specified.


a. i. Standard length of reinforcing bar for the purpose of measurement shall be 6.0 /12.0 m.

ii. Payment for bar reinforcement shall be to be nearest L.ft/ Cwt..

b. Rates for reinforcement shall include for -

i. Rolling margin ;

ii. Preparation of bar bending schedules (Including laps);

iii. Straightening as required and cleaning of bars ;

iv. Cutting, bending and binding ;

v. Hoisting and placing in position at any height or depth ;

vi. Binding wires, and cover blocks.

vii. Necessary supports such as chairs and spacers.

viii. Aligning and supporting in position during concreting.


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Department of Buildings


a. Rates for precast concrete works shall include for -

i. Moulds and for formwork with the required finish to all exposed surfaces in accordance with the
specifications, hacking surfaces to form key for rendering etc., and hoisting to any height or
depth including providing any lifting holes or other devices to the approval of the Engineer,
building in, including bedding and jointing in mortar as required, and any necessary strutting
and supporting.

ii. The requirements of the Pricing Preamble clauses which refer to Concrete Work,
Reinforcement and Formwork.

iii Loading, transporting to Site, unloading, handling and stacking.

iv. Hoisting and fixing in position at any height or depth.


a. In the calculation of the volumes of brick wall which are not multiples of the size of standard
bricks, the thickness of such walls shall be taken as the thickness of full bricks from which they
can be cut. The same principle of calculation of volume shall be used for all brickwork of which
the cross-sectional dimensions are not multiple of brick sizes.

b. Rates for brickwork/Block work shall include for -

i. Plumbing, angles, straight cutting, forming rebates, reveals and raking out joints for

ii. Splay cutting, rough cutting, fair cutting, forming chases or grooves for slabs, partitions,
staircases, roofs and the like, bonding ends of walls, building in or cutting and pinning in and
making goods on lintels, timber and steel works ;

iii. Building at any level or height of slabs or beams, additional labour in kerbs, isolated and
attached piers, all cutting, bonding at angles and intersections, building into or against adjacent
work, wedging and pinning up to soffits;

iv. Supplying and fixing metal clamps, Galvanized, steel boundary ties, and brick reinforcement

v. Necessary cutting required in walls which are not multiples of brick size ;

vi. Preparing existing walls for raising and pinning new brickwork ;

vii. Bonding new walls to concrete faces and old walls where necessary, and materials to be
used for such bonding.

c. Rates for Damp Proof Course shall include for -

i. Necessary leveling screed and trimming top of rubble/block/brick plinth wall ;


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Department of Buildings

ii. Fair edges, rounded edges, drips and arises, angle fillets ;

iii. Turning nibs of asphalt into grooves ;

iv. Cutting to line and jointing new to old asphalt.

c1 Rubble work

Rubble Stone masonry built of stones either irregular in shape as quarried or shaved and only
hammer dressed and having comparatively thick joints.

Rates for Rubble Masonry shall include for -

i. All joggles, cramps, dowels, ties, templates ;

ii. Plumbing, angles, fair returns, setting, jointing, eaves filling, pointing and fixing in position,
hoisting to any given height or depth ;

iii. Bonding ends of walls, rough cutting and fair cutting ;

iv. Leveling up in walling for Damp Proof Courses, sills, thresholds, string courses, copings and the
like ;

v. Forming straight vertical joints next to dressings, panels, brickwork etc. ;

vi. Forming openings and dressed margins ;

vii. Forming chases, throats, rebates, margin flutes, sinking, chamfered and rounded edges, and all
labour connected therewith.

c.2 Ashlar Stone masonry using dressed stone blocks of given dimensions having faces
perpendicular to each other and laid in courses.

Rates for stone work shall include for:-

i. Extra material for curved work
ii. All rough and fair cutting
iii. Dressing
iv. Forming rough and fair grooves, throats, mortices, chases, rebates, holes, stops and mitres.

v. Raking out joints for key

vi. Labours in eaves filling
vii. Dressed margins to rubble work
iix. Leveling uncoursed work
ix. Rough and fair square cutting
x. Centering
xi. Wedging up and pinning to concrete soffits and steel work
xii. Building in frames, flashing, damp proof courses including filling hollows of corner blocks with
xiii. Building in ties, lugs, plates, lintels, pipe sleeves, inserts, switch boxes and the like. As the
work proceeds.

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Department of Buildings

c.3 Stone Veneering work (Face rubble work)

i.Stone lining upto 80mm along planes parallel to natural bed. The natural bed may be masonry
of brickwork or rubble work, concrete surface.
ii. Stones cut into slabs of required thickness.
iii. Dressed to very close tolerances.


Rates for Water Proofing shall include for ;

a. For necessary leveling and trimming top of rubble/block/brick plinth wall ;

b. Fair edges, rounded edges, drips and arises, angle fillets ;

c. Forming internal and external angles, bonding bricks/blocks and the like ;

d. Turning nibs of asphalt into grooves and asphalting around brackets ;

e. Cutting to line and jointing new to old asphalt ;

f. Temporary screeds, ground and rules.


Rate shall include for :

All shop fabrication work, including cutting, drilling, bolting, riveting, welding, grinding,
delivering, unloading, hoisting, erecting and fixing.


General Notes for Metal works

a. Type and quality of steel to be used for metal work shall be as per drawings and relevant
specification clause and or shall conform to latest British Standards.

b. Contractor to prepare shop drawings for approval of the Engineer.

c. Rates for Metal Work shall include for anchors, screws, dissimilar metals and providing thermal
movement and the preamble clauses for Structural Steel Work where relevant and they shall
apply equally to relevant items of this section.

d. Fabrication & fixing of Aluminium components

Fabrication & fixing of Aluminium components shall be carried out by experienced tradesman.
The Contractor shall furnish particulars of Aluminium fabricator through the engineer for his

The Contractor will be required to furnish a guarantee on material and workmanship for a period
of 8 years from the date of handing over of Works in the form required by the employer, binding
the Aluminium manufacturer and the Contractor jointly and severally

All Aluminium sections shall be fully treated extruded Aluminium alloy sections in accordance
with BS 1470,1471, 1473, 1474 or latest relevant EN Standed

S07 - 13 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

All Aluminium sections shall present clear, straight and sharply defined lines. They shall be free
from defects impairing strength, appearance and durability.

All Aluminium extrusions shall be accordance with the Manufacturers Mill report.

All members shall be finished either by

(1 ) Anodizing or
( 2 ) Powder coating ( What ever specified in Aluminium Items )
Anodizing -Exposed surface of all members shall be anodized using two steps. Anodizing
process to an anodic thickness of not less than 10-15 microns and shall be free of any defects.

Powder coating - Powder coating shall be carried out using polyester coating with proper and
appropriate pre- treatment to a coating thickness of not less than 60-80 microns, measured on
all significant surfaces.

Rate for Aluminium doors and windows shall include for

i. Glass and glazing

ii. All necessary ironmongery (defined)

iii. Furnishing shop drawings

iv. Furnishing guarantee's as required by the employer

v. Sampling and submission of test reports to the engineer as directed

Screws and Hardware Items

Concealed screws, nuts, bolts, rivets and other fastening devices shall be of Aluminium, non-
magnetic stainless steel or other approved corrosive resistant materials. If visible, they shall
blend with the finish of the framing Aluminium sections.

Hardware items such as Hinges, Handles, Catches, fixtures etc., shall be minimum of grade
304 stainless steel.

Glazing shall be minimum of 5mm thick clear float glass. Glass shall be secured at all edges
with compression gaskets and glazing beads. When fixing glass, all glazing sealant shall be
carefully applied and cleaned off properly.
The fabrication and installation of all Aluminium work must be carried out by specialist

All dimensions shown on the drawings and the shop drawings must be verified by actual site
measurement before fabrication and installation. Any cutting to enlarge the size of openings and
approved practical method to fill the excess void behind frames required after installation shall
be executed by the Contractor at his own expense.

All Aluminium members shall be factory fabricated to the best standard of workmanship under
experienced factory supervision and control.

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Department of Buildings

Materials, method of fabrication, assembly, installation, fastenings, supports, braces, operating

parts and the like shall be in accordance with the approved shop drawings.

All joints in frames at corners, junctions and intersections shall be mechanically jointed and be
such that when assembled they are as strong and rigid as adjoining sections. Due care must be
taken to ensure that all joints are water tight and leak-proof. Joint lines should not be visible.

Provisions must be made for expansion and contraction in horizontal and vertical members
which are exposed to the weather or environments. Any distortion of members or any glass
cracked or broken as a result of inadequate provisions must be rectified by the Contractor at his
own expenses.

All works shall be securely installed and anchored in position, set plumb, square and level in
accurate alignment with other work, all in accordance with the approved shop drawings to the
Engineer's satisfaction.( The allowable tolerance in terms of specified dimensions shall be
plus/minus 1.5mm.)

The Contractor shall submit shop drawings showing the following information where appropriate
to the item ; layout (Sectional plan and elevation) of complete assembly

- full size sections of members

- methods of assembly
- methods of glazing
- methods of installation, including
fixings caulking, flashing
- provisions for vertical and horizontal
- junctions and trim to adjoining surfaces
- fittings and accessories

The Contractor shall submit certificates from the Aluminium manufacture and/or an approved
testing laboratory which attest that the coating thickness offered is as specified.

Doors & Windows

Frame and /or sash sections shall be of extruded EN-AW 6063-T5 Aluminium Alloy having a
normal thickness of 1.5mm ( Accepted commercial tolerance of tolerance of ± 0.15mm shall
apply )

Aluminium Louvers
Fixed louvers shall be of the weather proof type, suitable for overcoming water carried- over by
wind and the fixed louvers shall have free areas of not less than 50%

The Contractor shall provide a guarantee in respect of the weatherproof properties of the fixed

All powder coatings shall match the windows. Panels shall be so constructed as to be
completely weather proof at junctions with adjoin structures .

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Department of Buildings

The frames shall be properly machined no permit easy assembly and to form weather-tight
joints when caulked.
Partition members shall be minimum 76mm in depth and the thickness of 1.2mm.

Following dimensions are applied for the frame members of each assembly units

Assembly Unit Min. Member Depth Mini. Member Thickness

(mm) (mm)
Partition 76, 100 1.2
Casement Window, Fanlight 41, 60, 70 1.2
Sliding door/Window 70, 80, 100 1.2
Door 100 1.5

Rates shall include for all necessary hinges, screws, rubber beadings, Skelton bolts,
Aluminium louvers, pinhead stickers, etc.


a. Rates for roof covering and roof plumbing shall include for :

i. Hoisting, placing and fixing in position ;

ii. Straight cutting, raking cutting, circular cutting, notching, and working around obstructions
and waste ;

iii. Nails, screws and the like ;

iv. Drilling and making holes or opening and the like;

b. Rates for flashings shall include for the following in addition to the requirement of "a" above -

i. Bending and cutting to required shape and forming roll edges ;

ii. Angles, edges and ends ;

iii. Notching over roofing ribs or dressing into roof cover/concrete as the case may be ;

iv. Forming and dressing into or around walls at obstructions and the like ;

v. Stepping up ;

vi. Sealing with sealant materials.

9. CARPENTRY(Roof and ceiling frame)

a. Sizes of all timber given are finished sizes.

b. All timber shall be well seasoned and treated against insect and termite attack before
fixing in position

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c. Rates for carpentry shall include for -

i. Any type of cutting required, sawing, notching, drilling, trimming, framing, jointing, splayed
edges and the like, hoisting and fixing in position with nails, spikes, plugs, screws, and gluing
and priming to joints and ends ;

ii. Forming splayed edge, grooves, chamfers, scribed and rounded edge, beveling, molding
and the like ;

iii. Plugging, wedging, nuts and washers with bolts, sprockets and pins and the like ;

iv. Nogging or solid bridging, cut between studs or joints for structural timber.

v. Rebating, singings, grooving, mortising ;

vi. Additional timber lengths required for carpentry jointing ;

vii. Protection and keeping clean for staining, polishing or painting where applicable ;

d. Rates for roof decking shall include for machine sanding, protecting and preparing in addition to
the requirements c above.

e. Rates for walls and ceiling lining shall include for jointing and fixing to walls/ ceiling/ eaves etc.
all cover and joint strips, in addition to the requirements c above.

f. Rates for timber paneling/wall lining shall include for cover mouldings, sills, stiles and head
mouldings to openings as relevant.


a. Sizes of all timber given are finished sizes.

b. All timber shall be well seasoned and treated against insect and termite attack before fixing.

c. Timber used for joinery works shall be well seasoned well treated and in one species of special
class timber recommended for the particular class of Joinery works as specified in the
Specification.(Quality should be assured through Sampling and test reports)

d. Rates for Joinery shall include for -

i. Any type of cutting required, sawing, notching, drilling, trimming, planing, forming and
jointing and the like, fixing in position complete with nails, spikes, plugs, screws and gluing and
priming to joints and ends ;

ii. Forming splayed and tongued edges, rebates mortises, grooves, chamfers, scribed and

rounded edges, beveling, moulding, margin and the like and rounded corners, sinkings ;

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iii. Working to stated sizes, for all short lengths making mitres, joints and ends ;

iv. Necessary bolts, dowels metal clips, anchors, grips and fixing joinery ;

v. Glueing, dowelling, plugging, wedging pining and the like ;

vi. Punching heads and filling with approved filler if nails or pins are used for fixing ;

vii. Countersinking and filling heads with approved filler, if brass screws are used for fixing ;

viii. Painting rebates of frames before fixing glass ;

ix. Bedding in cement mortar filling and hanging to frame lining ;

x. Keeping clean for staining, polishing or painting;

xi. Painting, Lacquering or Varnishing as specified.

f. Preambles for Glazing section and a, b and c under Painting and Decorating section shall

equally apply to Joinery works.

g. Ironmongery

i. All cutting, fitting, sinking, boring, mortising ;

ii. Matching screws for ironmongery

iii Removing during decoration, refixing after decoration, leaving oil and in proper working order

on completion and supplying and labelling all keys and handing over to Employer.


a. i. All works under this trade shall be measured after deduction for voids, openings, doors and

ii. All other small quantities/panels/narrow widths/ arises/ reveals/ angles/ ends/short lengths
including those of tiling work on door and window jambs and reveals are measured together
with the respective tiling item and labour in such work shall be included in the rate for the main
finishing item and they shall not be measured/paid separately.

b. Rates for wall, floor, ceiling finishings and wall floor screed and bedding shall include for -

i. All temporary rules, screeds, templates and supports, curing and cleaning off on completion
and exact thickness required to finish ;

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Department of Buildings

ii. Caulked joints and making good and cutting around bolts, pipes conduits, sleeves, ducting,
fittings, sections, obstructions and the like ;

iii. Tamping and compacting ;

iv. Raking out joints of new brickwork/Block work or hacking concrete to form key, including
brushing, cleaning off and dampening ;

. v Forming internal and external angles and arises ;

vi. Any extra thickness required to finish to true levels ;

. vii Any additional dubbing out required to plastered surfaces of brickwork and to the finished
surface of concrete to obtain the requisite standard of finish ;

viii. Samples to be submitted for the approval of the Engineer.

c. Rates for tile slab or block finishing to floor and wall shall also include for the following in
addition to the above -

i. Straight raking and circular cutting ;

ii. Dubbing out or packing to concrete surface to correct deviations within specified tolerance ;

iii. Laying or finishing to falls or cross falls ;

iv. Expansion joints at perimeter and between bays where required in case of floor tile paving ;

v. Sand blasting, cleaning, waxing and appropriate floor finishings.

d. Rates for ceiling lining shall include for the following

i. Working to sides and soffits of attached or isolated beams and soffit of staircases where

ii. Additional forming required for lighting and air-conditioning grills ;

iii. Straight, raking and circular cutting ;

iv. Neoprene sealing for air tightness around hatches if any ;

v. Matching edges where cutting occurs and for filling the heads of fixings with approved filler
where relevant ;

vi Painted mild steel hanging rods.

S07 - 19 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

a .i. Type of Glazing shall be as specified.

ii. Thickness of glazing shall be as per the design of the approved specialist contractor who will
be engaged by the Contractor. However, the minimum thickness shall be 6mm, unless
otherwise stated.

b. Rates for Glazing shall include for -

i. Glazing, fixing, bedding priming and panel pins and other materials and labour for same and
cutting to size ;

ii. Templates, straight cutting, circular cutting, grinding edges or special type of edges required
and sand blasting ;

iii. Glazing beads, washlether or neoprene strip, glazing sealant, weather stripping, caulking
joint silicone joint ;

iv. Replacing cracked or broken glass ;

v. Making holes where necessary ;

vi. Samples to be submitted for the approval of the Engineer.


Colour and the quality of all paint and other painting materials shall be approved by the
Engineer prior to use.

a. Rates for painting shall include for -

i. Preparation of surfaces, cleaning down, smoothing, etc. ;

ii. Submission of samples for the approval of the Engineer ;

iii. Protection of floors, walls and fittings etc. ;

iv. Working to returns, painting in any colour, multi- colour works, cutting into line at junctions of
different colours at angles or plain surfaces, painting in small quantities ;

v. Cleaning down upon completion

b. Rates for work to isolated general surfaces shall include for working on door frames, linings,
window sub frames (where of a differing material to the window), skirting, rails, architrave's,
bars, posts, balusters and the like.


S07 - 20 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

c. Rates for work to glazed general surfaces, glazed windows and the like (measured both sides,
flat over glass, irrespective of size and panes) shall include for work to edges and glazing
rebates, returns and mouldings of frames, mullions, transoms, architaves and the like.

d. Rates for work to pipes and conduits (which shall include trunking, ducting and the like) shall
include for all work on hangers, supports, brackets and the like.


The rates for Plumbing shall include for :

a. Refer specifications for full description of materials and workmanship.

b. Screws, nails, sockets, connectors, backnuts, nipples, and standard pipe fixing or supporting
clips, saddles, brackets straps, screws, nails, solder rivets connectors, flanges pipe sleeves,
brackets, made bend holder bats and the like.

c. Short lengths, joints connections and couplers in running length.

d. Sealing, fixing and support with holder bats or pipe clips cut and pinned built in wall or slabs.

e. Plugging screwing to walls or ceiling

f. All laps, straight cutting and waste

g. The fittings including bends, tees, collars, reducers elbows, valve sockets, junctions, caps and
the like for pipe less than or equal 50mm dia pipe.

h. Jointing compound, solvent cement and incidental materials and labour.

j. Connecting pipes to sanitary fixtures and appliances.

k. Standard and special pipe fixing arrangement where necessary fittings, supporting clips,

saddles, brackets, holder bats straps ,rawl plugs, brackets, nails, anchor bolts etc.

l. All builders works such as chasing and forming holes through brick work/ blockwork/
foundations and concrete slabs beams columns floor slabs manholes and like and making good
all damages.

m. Testing and disaffection after completion.

Rates for sanitary fittings shall include for

a. Fittings such as taps, waste water outlet, flushing cistern, internal overflows and the like and
supporting brackets, incidental materials for fixing.


S07 - 21 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

b. Assembling, jointing together, fixing components parts and jointing to pipes including necessary
coupling and for leaving perfectly clean undamaged and in perfect working order as on

c. Jointing and or connecting pipes to sanitary fittings.

d Any special water supply and drainage fittings such as bends, tees, reducers etc. unless
otherwise specified separately in the Bill of Quantities, shall be deemed to have been included
in the relevant items and such items should accordingly be rated to include for such specials
etc. and for any extra work involved and the satisfactory completion of such items.

e Where pipes pass through walls or slabs these shall be wrapped with a layer of inert materials.
For pipes exceeding 50 mm dia sleeve pipes shall be used for the full thickness of slabs, walls
or beams through which the pipes pass.


a. The provisions and the clauses of precedence trades shall equally apply to relevant item of this

b. The rates for trench excavation for pipes shall include for depending and widening the trench as

necessary to enable the barrels of pipes of rest on firm and to facilitate jointing.

c. The rates for rock excavation in trench excavations shall include for importing selected
materials to replace any excavated rock which is unsuitable for back filling and for all additional
rock excavation and appropriate filling beyond the maximum measurable in accordance with the

d. The rates for concrete beds and surrounds to pipes shall include for flexible joints and any
necessary formwork where required by the specification.


a The execution of Electrical Installation shall every respect comply with the current Regulations
of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, London, requirements of Ceylon Electricity Board and the
area Authority.

b The rates for equipment and control area, distribution boards, meters, switches, fuses, etc. shall
include for connecting up, fixings and supports for the complete installation and for suitable
mounting boards, frames, supports, housings and cabinets where required.

c The rates for cables, tape, bus-bar trunking etc. (except where included in sub circuits or
electrical points) and the like shall include for joints in the running length, all allowances for
sagging snaking, for drawings through conduits, laying in trunking of surface fixing where
retired with cable supports, clears, hangers, channels, insulators and the like.


S07 - 22 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

d The rates for cables and the like laid in benches shall include for drawing through conduits or
ducts where required.

e The rates for cable terminations shall include for all connections point boxes, insulating and
jointing materials, cable terminations glands, lock nuts, bushes and the like.

f The rates for conduits trunking cable tray etc. (except where included in sub circuits of electrical
points) and the like shall include for all short lengths, joints and couplers in the running length,
and for all fixings and supports with approved saddles, crumpets, clips and the like cut and
pinned, built-in or plugged and screwed to walls or ceilings including chasing brick work, block
work, concrete slab beams walls columns and the like and make good.

g The rates for conduits and the like shall include for all bends, tees, socket and the like, cutting,

screwing, threading, jointing and providing all conduit boxes, junction boxes and the like.

h The rates for the installation of sub main circuits, lighting points switched points, socket outlets,
fused spur outlets, isolators, etc. (other than those applicable to the distribution switch gear)
shall include where applicable, for all conduit, trunking, cable tray, cabling, terminations, fixings
and connections from the distribution
switched gear to and including the point (accessories measured separately) and shall be
deemed to include for any item mentioned in the Electrical installation Specification but not
shown on the drawings and vice-versa.

j The rates for lighting fittings, fittings such as ceiling fans and extract fans, and for appliances
such as air- conditioning units shall include for assembly, fixing and connection from the spur
outlet or isolator to the fitting or appliance with all necessary additional wiring earthing and outlet
roses and leaving perfectly clean and undamaged on completion.

k The rates for fixing only fittings and appliances provided by the employer should include in
addition to the foregoing for accepting delivery, storing and handling the fittings and providing
any additional materials and internal wiring.

l The rates for connections only to fittings and appliances such as pumps, water heaters, air
conditioning units and extract fans shall include for connection from the isolator or spur outlet to
the fitting or appliance (these being measured separately) , with all necessary additional wiring,
earthing and outlet roses.

m The rates for power outlets shall include for mounting boxes and frames.

n The rates for power switched with remote outlets shall include for the additional outlet plates
and boxes.

p The rates for switched socket outlets shall include for 1 No fused plug top and 4 No fuse links.

q The preceding preambles shall apply equally to auxiliary installations such as TV installations,
telephone installations, and bell signal systems.

r Painting of timber work and metal work.


S07 - 23 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

s If the items of electrical installation are measured as sub circuit point wiring or in electrical
points, the rates for such items shall include for :

i. The preceding clauses of this trade where relevant.

ii. Preparation of asbuilt drawings to be submitted to Employer at the handing

over/ practical completion.

iii All items and accessories required for proper installation as per specification and
regulation up to load point and labour connected therewith.

iv. All wiring, conduiting and cables and labour connected therewith if not measured separately.

v Items specified in the specification but not shown in the drawings.

vi Disconnecting and refixing of electrical fitting and appliances as required for the convenience
of other trades.

vii Painting of timber work metal work executed under this trade.

p Rate to include submission of Megar Test report of the building Electrical Installation from
Charted Electrical Engineer

S07 - 24 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings


The preliminaries given below have been considered for the rates in the items of various
trades in the Building Schedule of Rates.

1 Giving notices to authorities etc. Payment of fees , compliance with by lows and regulations
lawfully imposed by local authorities.

2 Necessary protective fencing, lighting, watchmen and other precautions.

3 Erection of 1 Nr. Temporary office with sanitary and electricity facilities for the use of
person acting on behalf of the employer.

4 Erection of temporary sheds for protection and storage of materials and plants.

5 Temporary sheds and sanitary accommodations for workmen.

6 Setting out works

7 Insurance against workman's compensation.

8 Insurance against accidents and injury to workmen , property , material work .

9 Insurance of materials and work at site.

10 Cost of preparing bid.

11 Cost of stamps etc. for contract agreement.

12 Removal of all rubbish and debris, clearing up the site and leaving building clean
internally and externally.

13 Erection of Notice Board.

14 Supply of water for use in the work.

15 Charts , Schedules and the like showing time progress, organization of trades of similar

16 Temporary electricity to site

17 Payment of pay roll, sales , receipts and other taxes.

18 Temporary roads , tracks, crossings, planked footways and the like and maintenance.

19 Expenses in connection with general foreman and other site staff.

20 Expenses in connection with security bonds, performance bonds, guarantees, mobilization

fees, etc.

21 Extra Payment on labour losses in connection to workmen where required for special
conditions, distant camping, dirty work and the like.

22 Losses rising from restriction to site.

23 Attendant labour and Hire of plant and equipment such as Water pump with necessary
accessories for working order. Welding Plant, Hammer drill, Jack hammer, Compressor etc.


S07 - 25 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings

24 Erecting, maintaining and dismantling scaffolding.

25 Attendance upon, cutting away for and making good after all trades.

26 Protecting and safeguarding the works, materials and plant against the effect of the
weather and against damage, trespass or theft.

27 Duties of the builder on completion including such matters as cleaning and leaving all in
good order, labeling over keys, handing over certificates, guarantees and the like.

28 Liability of the builder for making good defects after practical completion.

29 Safety of workers - Safety nets, boots, helmets, head gears , safety goggles etc.

S07 - 26 Estimate / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

Department of Buildings, Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla.

Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

A001 Demolishing brickwork in cement stacking brick and clearing debris away Cube 2,438
A002 Demolishing brickwork in lime stacking brick and clearing debris away Cube 2,572
A003 Demolishing cabook masonry in lime mortar stacking cabook and clearing debris away
Cube 1,693
A004 Dismantling cadjan roofing or walling stacking timber and clearing debris Sqr 374
A005 Removing existing Ceiling, stacking materials and clearing debris Sqr 886
A006 Demolishing Cement concrete , and clearing debris in floors (Up to 6" thick) Cube 12,700
A007 Demolishing reinforced cement concrete in suspended floors of 4" thick, removing
reinforcement and clearing debris Sqr 8,890
A008 Removing and stacking corrugated sheets, iron, asbestos or Aluminum alloy from roof , or
walls Sqr 1,331
A009 Removing and stacking corrugated sheets, iron asbestos or Aluminum alloy from roofs or
walls of two storied buildings Sqr 1,447
A010 Removing and stacking Corrugated sheets, iron, asbestos or Aluminum alloy from roofs or
walls of three storied buildings Sqr 1,575
A011 Removing and stacking Door or Window, size up to 40 Sq.ft: from existing walls Nos 1,715
A012 Removing and stacking Door or Window, size over 40 Sq.ft from existing walls Nos 1,905
A013 Removing and stacking Door or Window, sash only up to 40 Sq.ft: from existing walls
Nos 270
A014 Removing and stacking Door or Window, sash only over 40 Sq.ft: from existing walls Nos 405
A015 Removing and stacking Down pipes, 4" to 6" dia: G.I. old or decayed, from existing building
L.ft 20
A016 Demolishing drains and clearing debris L.ft 38
A017 Removing and stacking Expanded Metal from existing frames Sq.ft 36
A018 Uprooting fence , rolling up and stacking barbed wire and all other materials . (Length of
fencing to be measured) L.ft 72
A019 Demolishing floors brick paved, and clearing debris away Sqr 1,048
A020 Removing and stacking gate sash after demolishing cement concrete blocks or removing posts
and separating pintols (Demolishing brickwork where necessary paid for separately).
Nos 1,429
A021 Removing and stacking Glass panes in doors and windows and fanlights Sq.ft 76
A022 Removing and stacking Gutter, eaves, from roofs of single storied buildings L.ft 12
A023 Removing and stacking gutter, eaves, from roofs of 2 storied buildings L.ft 22
A024 Removing and stacking gutter, eaves, from roofs of three storied buildings L.ft 29
A025 Removing and stacking partitions at site including making good to walls and floors Sq.ft 67
Chipping lime plastering
A026 Chipping lime plastering and clearing debris away Sqr 952
A027 Chipping rendering, cement, and clearing debris away from brick walls and floors Sqr 2,286
A028 Chipping rendering, cement, and clearing debris away from cement concrete floors and walls
Sqr 2,977

S07- 27 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Roof removing
A029 Roof removing tiles and timber, stacking serviceable materials and clearing debris in single
storied buildings Sqr 2,825
A030 Roof removing tiles and timber, stacking serviceable materials and clearing debris in two
storied buildings Sqr 3,365
A031 Roof removing tiles and timber, stacking serviceable materials and clearing debris in three
storied buildings Sqr 4,000
Demolishing rubble
A032 Demolishing rubble masonry in cement, stacking rubble and clearing debris Cube 3,857
A033 Demolishing rubble masonry in lime, stacking rubble and clearing debris Cube 2,413
A034 Demolishing tiles, glazed and clearing debris (Rate inclusive of removing tile bed) Sqr 4,445
Removing and stacking tiles
A035 Removing and stacking tiles Calicut or half round, from roof of single storied buildings
Sqr 953
A036 Removing and stacking tiles Calicut or half round, from roof of 2 storied buildings Sqr 1,442
A037 Removing and stacking tiles Calicut or half round, from roofs of three storied buildings
Sqr 1,921
Removing water proof, asbestos ceiling & Valance or Barge boards.
A038 Removing waterproof Treatment or hot bitumen from flat roof and clearing debris away
Sqr 2,382
A039 Removing ceiling asbestos including timber framework, stacking serviceable materials and
clearing debris away in single storied buildings Sqr 2,787
A040 Removing ceiling asbestos including timber framework, stacking serviceable materials and
clearing debris away in two storied buildings Sqr 4,806
A041 Removing and stacking Valance, Barge board materials and clearing debris away in single
storied building L.ft 12
A042 Removing and stacking Valance, Barge board materials and clearing debris away in two
storied building L.ft 19
Chipping cement plaster
A043 Chipping cement plaster, soffit and clearing debris away Sqr 2,081
Transporting debris
A044 Transporting debris cleared away from site by tractor (app 20 miles away). Rate to include
loading & unloading. Load 9,854
A045 Transporting debris cleared away from site by 3.5 cube capacity heavy vehicle and loading
with JCB machine ( app. 20 miles away ) Load 10,180
Preparatory work
A046 Clearing site vegetation including removal of bushes, shrub under growth hedges and tree
stumps up to 12" girth measured at height up to 3' 0" above ground level ,removing rubbish up
to a distance of 150 ft. beyond the outer walls of the proposed building.
Sqr 284
Felling Trees
A047 Removing trees and stumps size of girth varies from 1' 0" and up to 2' 0" and girths are
measured at 3' 0" height above ground level including cutting of trunks and branches,
grubbing up roots, staking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials.(
aveg. 6" dia. and aveg. ht 10') Nos 800
A048 Removing trees and stumps size of girth varies beyond 2' 0"" and up to 4' 0" and girths are
measured at 3' 0" height above ground level including cutting of trunks and branches,
grubbing up roots, staking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials. (
aveg. 12" dia. and aveg. ht 16' 6") Nos 3,215
A049 Removing trees and stumps size of girth varies beyond 4' 0" and up to 8' 0 " and girths are
measured at 3' 0" height above ground level including cutting of trunks and branches,
grubbing up roots, staking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials. (
aveg. 2' 0"dia. and aveg. ht 23' 0") Nos 18,047

S07- 28 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

A050 Removing trees and stumps size of girth varies beyond 8' 0 " and girths are measured at 3' 0"
height above ground level including cutting of trunks and branches, grubbing up roots, staking
of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials. ( aveg. 3' 4" dia. and aveg. ht
33' 0") Nos 23,938
Removing Top Soil
A051 Removing top soil to a depth not exceeding 6" & depositing as directed within site Sqr 1,155

S07- 29 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

B001 Excavation over site to reduce level in any material except rock requiring blasting including
depositing and levelling as directed up to a distance not exceeding 30ft Cube 1,715
B002 Excavation in trenches for walls/column pits in soft/loose soil from, 0 to 5ft deep and
depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30ft . (earth work support to be paid
separately). Cube 1,143
B003 Excavation in trenches for walls/column pits in ordinary soil from, 0 to 5ft deep and
depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30ft . (earth work support to be paid
separately). Cube 2,286
B004 Excavation in trenches for walls/column pits in hard dense soil from 0 to 5ft deep and
depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30ft . (earth work support to be paid
separately). Cube 3,620
B005 Excavation in trenches for walls/column pits in mud/wet soil from 0 to 5ft deep and depositing
excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30ft . (earth work support to be paid
separately). Cube 3,334
B006 Excavation in trenches for walls/column pits in soft disintegrated rock (not requiring blasting)
up to a depth of 5ft and depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30ft . (earth
work support to be paid separately). Cube 2,477
B007 Excavation in trenches for walls/column pits in hard rock requiring blasting up to a depth of
5ft and depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30ft . (earth work support to
be paid separately). Cube 5,275
B008 Benching rock in foundation in 3"-6" steps.(Blasting not allowed) Sq.ft 397
B009 Anti-termite treatment for the new construction with applying Biflex 10Tc or approved
equivalent as per manufacturer's specification including horizontal & vertical barriers with 10
years warranty on application. Sqr 3,559
B010 Backfilling & compacting pits and trenches with available earth . Cube 1,429
B011 Backfilling & compacting pits and trenches with imported earth. Cube 8,330
B012 Cutting turf sods loading to hand carts and transporting up to 30 yards laying and watering for
30 days .(Royalty for turf pegging and transport beyond 30 yards paid separately)
Sqr Deleted
B013 Drains, earth, in any soil except rock requiring blasting cut to gradient and shape as directed
and depositing soil within site Cube 2,211
B014 Excavation for foundation in any material except rock requiring blasting, part return fill in and
ram, and disposing surplus within site as directed.(not exceeding 5ft depth)
Cube 2,402
B015 Excavation & levelling site in any material except rock requiring blasting, including
depositing and levelling. Cube 1,776
Note:-For excavation beyond the depth of 5' 0" an additional unskilled labourer should be
added for every additional depth of 5' 0" or part thereof for each cube of excavation beyond
the original 5' 0" depth.
Filling Under floors & foundations
B016 Filling under floors with gravel or other approved quality of filling, spread, water and well
rammed in 3" layers with available earth Cube 1,831
B017 Filling under floors with gravel or other approved quality of filling, spread, watered and well
rammed in 3" layers with imported earth. Cube 9,398
B018 Sand filling in Column footing, under wall foundations, watered and well rammed. Cube 26,176
Earth work supports
B019 Earthwork support (open planking) in trenches up to a depth of 5ft 0" (2" thick class 2 Timber
) Sq.ft 131
B020 Earthwork support (close planking) in trenches up to 5ft 0" depth (2" thick class 2 Timber )
Sq.ft 224
B021 Earthwork support (Close planking ) in deep excavation in trenches up to 15ft 0" depth.
Consider trench of 15ft 0" width 5ft 0" at top and 3ft 6" at bottom. (2" thick class 2 Timber
)(area supported 2/15ft x 15ft) 450 Sq.ft Sq.ft 266

S07- 30 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Concreting Mass (Gr.15 Mix)
C001 Mixing and Placing of cement concrete 1:3:6 with 1" metal, hand mixing up to 1 cube, in
ground floor. (Shuttering paid for separately) Cube 47,555
C002 Mixing and Placing of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1½") using mixer, above one cube, in ground
floor. (Shuttering paid for separately) Cube 41,136
C003 Mixing and Placing of concrete 1:3:6 with 2" metal, using mixer, above one cube, in ground
floor. (Shuttering paid for separately) Cube 42,127
C004 Mixing and Placing of cement concrete 1:3:6 (2"), hand mixing up to one cube, in ground
floor.(Shuttering paid for separately) Cube 46,327
C005 Mixing and Placing of cement concrete 1:2 ½:5 (1") using mixer, above one cube, in ground
floor.(Shuttering paid for separately) Cube 46,954
C006 Mixing and Placing of cement concrete 1:2 ½:5 (1"), hand mixing up to one cube, in ground
floor. (Shuttering paid for separately) Cube 51,820
Concreting Drains (Gr.15 Mix)
C007 Drains semi-circular in cement concrete 1:3:6(1"), 9" wide and 9" average depth, 3" thick
sides and base, inclusive of 1/2" cement rendering 1:3 with necessary expansion joints and
excavation(shuttering paid separately), but without ramp. L.ft 818
C008 Drains semi-circular in cement concrete 1:3:6(1") 9" wide and 9" average depth, 3" thick sides
and base, inclusive of 1/2" cement rendering 1:3 with necessary expansion joints and
excavation(shuttering paid separately),but with 1ft 6" wide ramp . L.ft 1,576
Concrete (Grade 20 Mix)
C009 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") using mixer, above one cube. (R/F and Shuttering paid for
separately) Cube 52,423
C010 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4")using mixer, up to one cube. (R/F and Shuttering paid for
separately) Cube 52,876
C011 Channels 2" semi-circular, forming in cement concrete floors and 1/2" cement rendering 1:2
(Extra over concrete floors) L.ft 119
C012 Channels 4" semi-circular, forming in cement concrete floors and 1/2" cement rendering 1:2
(Extra over concrete floors) L.ft 185
C013 Supplying & laying corbel stone in cement concrete1:2:4(3/4") reinforced with 4 Nos: 3/8"
rods ( shuttering paid separately) Nos 861
C014 Supplying and laying curb in cement concrete 1:2:4 (3/4") 9" high 3" wide and cement
rendered 1/2" thick 1:2.(shuttering excavation paid separately) L.ft 476
Concreting Drains, semi-circular
C015 Supplying and laying Drains, semi-circular, in cement concrete 1:3:6(1") 9" wide and 9"
average depth, with 3" thick sides and base inclusive of 1/2" cement rendering 1:3 expansion
joints as necessary, including necessary excavation (Shuttering paid separately)
L.ft 739
Concreting Lintols (Gr. 20 Mix)
C016 Lintol, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 4 1/2" x 6" (Reinforcement paid for separately). Rate
inclusive of shuttering L.ft 328
C017 Lintol, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 9" x 6" (Reinforcement paid for separately). Rate
inclusive of shuttering L.ft 407
C018 Lintol, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 9" x 9" (Reinforcement paid for separately). Rate
inclusive of shuttering L.ft 521
C019 Lintol, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 12" x 9" (Reinforcement paid for separately). Rate
inclusive of shuttering L.ft 624
C020 Lintol, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 13 1/2" x 6" (Reinforcement paid for separately). Rate
inclusive of shuttering L.ft 534
C021 Lintol, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 13 1/2" x 9" (Reinforcement paid for separately). Rate
inclusive of shuttering L.ft 708

S07- 31 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

C022 Lintol, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 13 1/2" x 12" (Reinforcement paid for separately). Rate
inclusive of shuttering L.ft 843
C023 Pad stones in cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4" Metal) precast or in situ. Nos 798
Slabs over drains
C024 Slabs over drains ,cement concrete 3" thick 1:2 :4 (3/4) and 1/2" cement rendering 1:2
.(Reinforcement paid for separately ) Rate inclusive of shuttering Sq.ft 271
C025 Spur stones 8" x 8" x 6" in cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") for veranda posts supplying and
fixing(shuttering paid for separately) Nos 328
C026 Spur stones 4" x 3" x 2" in cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") for door posts supplying and
fixing(shuttering paid for separately) Nos 274
C027 Squatting plate for latrines , cement concrete 1:2:4( 3/4'') as per type plan. Nos 2,457
Concreting of Beams and Columns (Gr. 20 Concrete)
C028 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") in column shafts in ground floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 54,973
C029 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") in column shafts in first floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately). Cube 57,831
C030 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") in column shafts in second floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately). Cube 59,260
C031 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") in beams in ground floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 54,162
C032 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") in beams in first floor, using mixer and vibrator. (Reinforcement,
shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 57,020
C033 Cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") in beams in second floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 58,449
Concreting Slabs (Gr. 20 Mix)
C034 4" thick R.C.C 1:2:4(3/4") in 1st: floor slab using mixer and vibrator. (Reinforcement and
shuttering paid for separately) Sqr 18,439
C035 5" thick R.C.C. in 1st: floor slab using mixer and vibrator. (Reinforcement and shuttering paid
for separately) Sqr 24,924
Concreting Structural Elements (Gr. 25 Mix)
C036 Cement concrete 1:1½:3(3/4") in ground floor, using mixer and vibrator. Cube 56,042
C037 Cement concrete 1:1½:3(3/4") in column shafts in ground floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 57,471
C038 Cement concrete 1:1½:3(3/4") in column shafts in first floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately). Cube 58,899
C039 Cement concrete 1:1½:3(3/4") in column shafts in second floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately). Cube 60,328
C040 Cement concrete 1:1½:3(3/4") in beams in ground floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 58,899
C041 Cement concrete 1:1½:3(3/4") in beams in first floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 64,614
C042 Cement concrete 1:1½:3(3/4") in beams in second floor, using mixer and vibrator.
(Reinforcement, shuttering and finishes paid for separately) Cube 67,472
Ready mixed Concrete
C043 Supplying and laying redy mixed concrete grade 20. Cube 59,419
C044 Supplying and laying ready mixed concrete grade25 Cube 61,685
C045 Charges for hiring concrete pump Truck for pumping. Cube 2,286
Form work (Untreated Non-structural Category A)
C046 Shuttering for floor slab concrete including 4" x 2" (untreated non-structural category A)
timber joists and necessary props. up to 12ft height. (Rate to include for dismantling same
when required). Sqr 24,442
C047 Shuttering for column shaft 9" x 9" including (untreated non-structural category A) timber
joists and necessary props etc. (Rate to include for dismantling same when required)
Sq.ft 252

S07- 32 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

C048 Shuttering for beam sides & soffit in (untreated non-structural category B) timber, joists and
necessary props etc. (Rate to include for dismantling same when required) Sq.ft 190
C049 Shuttering for Ground beam sides in Class (II) timber, joists and necessary props etc. (Rate to
include for dismantling same when required) Sq.ft 168
C050 Shuttering for footings in Class (II) timber, joists and necessary props etc. (Rate to include for
dismantling same when required) Sq.ft 122
Form work (Using Timber planks)
C051 Form work with (untreated non-structural category B) timber planks for column shafts 9" x
9" including (untreated non-structural category B) timber joists and necessary props etc.
Rate to include for dismantling same when required. Sq.ft 184
C052 Form work with (untreated non-structural category B) timber planks for beam sides soffits
including (untreated non-structural category B) timber props etc. (Rate to include for
dismantling same when required). Sq.ft 145
Plywood form work (20mm tk.)
C053 Supplying and fixing of 3/4" or (20mm) thick plywood form work for concrete beams in
ground floor, including (untreated non-structural category B) timber planks , Battens & Joists
for beam sides, soffits etc. (Rate to include for dismantling the same when required).
consider 9"x12" beam to 20ft, long contact area 55sft. Sq.ft 350
C054 Supplying and fixing 3/4" or (20mm) thick plywood form work in column in ground floor,
including (untreated non-structural category B) timber joists and necessary props etc. Rate to
include for dismantling same when required. Consider area 15 Sq.ft. ( 5ft high 9"x9" col. ) Sq.ft 271
C055 Supplying and fixing 3/4" or (20mm) thick plywood timber formwork for underside of first
floor slab, including 4" x 2" (untreated non-structural category B) timber joists and
necessary props. up to 12ft height. (Rate to include for dismantling same when required).
consider 20 x 10 area - 200sft. Sq.ft 324

S07- 33 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

D001 Arch, Segmental, Brick in cement 1:3 including centering. Cube 64,476
Brickwork in (1:5) cement mortar
D002 Brickwork in cement mortar (1:5) above 1 cube, in ground floor. Cube 56,462
D003 Brickwork in cement mortar (1:5) up to 1 cube, in ground floor. (up to first floor level). Cube 59,669
D004 Brickwork in cement mortar 1:5 with bricks available at site including sorting and cleaning
bricks. Cube 26,279
D005 Brickwork 4 1/2" thick in cement mortar 1:5 above 1 square. Sqr 20,863
D006 Brickwork 4 1/2" thick in cement mortar 1:5 up to 1 square. Sqr 22,383
D007 Brickwork 4 1/2" thick in cement mortar 1:5 with available bricks including sorting and
cleaning. Sqr 10,917
D008 9" thick brick wall cement sand 1:5 in ground floor Sqr 40,364
D009 Brick work 13½ thick in cement sand 1:5 in superstructure in ground floor Sqr 60,442
Brickwork Wire cut)
D010 4½ thick brick wall (wire cut) in cement sand 1:5 in ground floor Sqr 26,004
D011 9" thick in cement and sand 1:5 with wire cut brick Sqr 49,572
D012 13½ thick brick wall (wire cut) in cement sand 1:5 in ground floor Sqr 77,323
D013 Extra over for brickwork ,from first floor level to second floor. ( for Item Nos. D002 to D005)
Cube 3,239
D014 Extra over for brickwork ,from second floor level to third floor. ( for Item Nos. D002 to
D005) Cube 6,938
D015 Extra over 4 1/2" brickwork ,from first floor level to second floor. ( for Item Nos. D006 to
D008) Sqr 1,096
D016 Extra over 4 1/2" brickwork , ,above second floor level. ( for Item Nos. D006 to D008) Sqr 2,652
D017 Coping, brick in cement 1:5, weathering and throating on 4 1/2" walls, cement rendering 1/2"
1:3 complete. L.ft 390
D018 Coping, brick in cement 1:5, weathering and throating on 9" walls, and 1/2" cement rendering
1:3 complete. L.ft 541
D019 Coping, brick in cement 1:5, weathering and throating on 14" walls, cement rendering 1/2" 1:3
complete. L.ft 802
D020 Coping, brick in cement 1:5, weathering and throating on 9" walls, and 1/2" cement rendering
1:3 with available brick. L.ft 407
D021 Cornices, brick in cement 1:5 and, cement rendering 1:3 up to 9" projection and 9" depth.
L.ft 824
D022 Door or Window inserting in existing walls including makings, openings and making good to
floors and walls (Lintol or Arch, and door or window paid for separately). Sq.ft 251
D023 Drains, brick in cement (1:5) 9" to 12" average depth, 12" wide and cement rendering 1/2"
thick 1:2 finished smooth complete with expansion joints as necessary including excavation.
(Apron paid for separately). L.ft 1,098
D024 Drains, brick in cement 1:5, 6"-9" average depth and 9" wide, cement rendering 1/2", 1:2
finished smooth complete with expansion joints as necessary including excavation (apron
paid for separately). L.ft 733
D025 Drains, scott's pattern, including apron formed of brick masonry in cement mortar 1:5 and 1/2"
cement rendered, finished smooth complete with expansion joints as necessary including
excavation (apron paid for separately) L.ft 799
D026 Steps, 12" wide and 6" to 9" high masonry or brickwork in cement mortar 1:3, rendering 1/2"
cement 1:2 with foundation 6" below ground. L.ft 565
D027 Vent opening up to 12" height and 6" width forming on existing walls and walls made good.
Nos 502
Brickwork in (1:8) cement mortar
D028 Brickwork in cement and sand 1:8 in foundation up to D.P.C. Cube 54,868
D029 Brickwork in cement and sand 1:8 in superstructure in ground floor. (9" thick) Cube 55,252
D030 Brickwork in cement and sand 1:8 in 1st: floor. (9" thick) Cube 56,785
D031 Brickwork in cement and sand 1:8 in 2nd: floor. (9" thick) Cube 60,357

S07- 34 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Random Rubble
E001 Random Rubble Masonry in cement Mortar 1:5, above 1 cube. Cube 38,176
E002 Random Rubble Masonry in cement Mortar 1:5, up to 1 cube. Cube 41,676
E003 Random Rubble Masonry in cement mortar 1:5 with available rubble including sorting out and
cleaning rubble. Cube 36,093
Cellular (Hollow) block masonry
E004 4" thick Cellular (Hollow) block masonry (AMTRAD or equivalent) in cement and sand
mortar 1:5 in ground floor cavities unfilled. ( size of each block 16"x8"x4") (Min com/st 3.0
N/mm2 ) Sqr 14,629
E005 6" thick Cellular (Hollow) block masonry (AMTRAD or equivalent) in cement and sand
mortar 1:5 in ground floor, cavities unfilled. ( size of each block 16"x8"x6") (Min com/st 3.0
N/mm2 ) Sqr 19,604
E006 8" thick Cellular (Hollow) block masonry (AMTRAD or equivalent) in cement and sand
mortar 1:5 in ground floor Cavities unfilled. ( size of each block 16"x8"x8") (Min com/st 3.0
N/mm2)10'x10' area Sqr 24,440
Solid block masonry
E007 4" thick solid block masonry (AMTRAD or equivalent) in cement and sand mortar 1:5 in
ground floor. ( size of each block 16"x8"x4") 10'x10' area (Min com/st 3.0 N/mm2 ) Sqr 16,679
E008 6" thick solid block masonry (AMTRAD or equivalent) in cement and sand mortar 1:5 in
ground floor.10'x10' area (size of each block 16"x8"x6") (Min com/st 3.0 N/mm2 ) Sqr 22,759
E009 8" thick solid block masonry (AMTRAD or equivalent) in cement and sand mortar 1:5 in
ground floor. 10'x10' area ( size of each block 16"x8"x8") (Min com/st 3.0 N/mm2 ) Sqr 28,383
Paste rubble masonry
E010 Supplying & Laying Paste rubble masonry in cement and sand 1:2 in ground Floor. Granite
minimum 40mm thick Sqr 113,348

S07- 35 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

F001 Expansion joints in brick floors, filling with bitumen and sand. L.ft 35
F002 Expansion joints in concrete floors filling with bitumen and sand (to full depth of concrete
and rendering).¼" tk and 4" deep. L.ft 71
F003 Floors, brick paving, 3" thick, set in lime mortar 2:5 and cement rendering 1/2"thick, 1:3
mixture. Sqr 24,205
F004 Floors, brick paving 3" thick, set in lime mortar 2:5 and cement rendering 1/2" thick, 1:3 with
available bricks, including sorting out and cleaning bricks. Sqr 17,918
F005 Floors, cement concrete 1:2½:5(1" metal) 3" thick cement rendering 1/2", 1:3 with expansion
joints filling with cement and sand. Sqr 19,238
F006 Floors, upper, cement concrete 1:2:4(3/4") 4" thick, cement rendering 1/2", 1:3 with lime putty
rendering to soffit and expansion joints filling with cement and sand (Reinforcement paid for
separately). Sqr Deleted
Floors, gravel
F007 Floors, gravel 4" thick, spreading, watering and ramming. Sqr 2,618
Floor tiles (Laying only)- with cement mortar
Fixing tiles on floors with all specials, including raking plaster and bedding in cement mortar
1:3 pointed with tile grout to match the tiles. (Tiles supplied by the client or paid separately.

F008 --Do-- for, tiles 8" x 8" in size. Sq.ft 186

F009 --Do-- for, tiles 12" x 12" in size. Sq.ft 185
F010 --Do-- for, tiles 16" x 16" in size. Sq.ft 176
F011 --Do-- for, tiles 24" x 24" in size Sq.ft 167
Floor tiles (Laying only)- with Tile adhesive
Fixing tiles on floors with all specials, including raking plaster and bedding in cement mortar
1:3 with approved Polymer based tile adhesive and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles.
(Tiles supplied by the client or paid separately.
F012 --Do-- for, tiles 8" x 8" in size. Sq.ft 195
F013 --Do-- for, tiles 12" x 12" in size. Sq.ft 194
F014 --Do-- for, tiles 16" x 16" in size. Sq.ft 185
F015 --Do-- for, tiles 24" x 24" in size Sq.ft 176
Floor tiles; (Gloss/Semi Gloss/Matt) - Vitreous Porcelain ( Homogenous/ Non
Homogenous)-Local - Laying with cement mortar
Porcelain Homogenous/ Non Homogenous Vitreous, floor tiles with all specials supplying
and fixing to floors including raking plaster and bedding in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed
with tile grout to match the tiles. ( Rocell or equivalent brand)
F016 --Do-- for, 12"x12" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 497
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.224 120130
F017 --Do-- for, 12"x12" GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 470
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.205 120131
F018 --Do-- for, 12"x12" SEMI GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 470
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" SEMI GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.205 120132
F019 --Do-- for, 16"x16" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 495
Prime Cost of, 16"x16" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.400 120133
F020 --Do-- for, 18"x18" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 598
Prime Cost of, 18"x18" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.669 120134
F021 --Do-- for, 20"x20" GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 540
Prime Cost of, 20"x20" GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.730 120135
F022 --Do-- for, 24"x12" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 514
Prime Cost of, 24"x12" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.483 120136

S07- 36 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

F023 --Do-- for, 24"x12" GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 477

Prime Cost of, 24"x12" GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.435 120137
F024 --Do-- for, 24"x16" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 536
Prime Cost of, 24"x16" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.684 120138
F025 --Do-- for, 24"x24" POLISH floor tile Sq.ft 651
Prime Cost of, 24"x24" POLISH floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.1374 120139
F026 --Do-- for, 24"x24" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 622
Prime Cost of, 24"x24" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.1293 120140
F027 --Do-- for, 36"x18" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 608
Prime Cost of, 36"x18" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.1363 120141
Floor tiles; (Gloss/Semi Gloss/Matt) - Vitreous Porcelain ( Homogenous/ Non
Homogenous)-Local - Laying with Tile Adhesive
Porcelain Homogenous/ Non Homogenous Vitreous, floor tiles with all specials supplying
and fixing to floors including raking plaster and bedding in cement mortar 1:3 with approved
Polymer based tile adhesive and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles. ( Rocell or
equivalent brand)
F028 --Do-- for, 12"x12" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 506
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.224 120130
F029 --Do-- for, 12"x12" GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 479
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.205 120131
F030 --Do-- for, 12"x12" SEMI GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 479
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" SEMI GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.205 120132
F031 --Do-- for, 16"x16" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 504
Prime Cost of, 16"x16" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.400 120133
F032 --Do-- for, 18"x18" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 607
Prime Cost of, 18"x18" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.669 120134
F033 --Do-- for, 20"x20" GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 549
Prime Cost of, 20"x20" GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.730 120135
F034 --Do-- for, 24"x12" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 523
Prime Cost of, 24"x12" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.483 120136
F035 --Do-- for, 24"x12" GLOSS floor tile Sq.ft 486
Prime Cost of, 24"x12" GLOSS floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.435 120137
F036 --Do-- for, 24"x16" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 545
Prime Cost of, 24"x16" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.684 120138
F037 --Do-- for, 24"x24" POLISH floor tile Sq.ft 660
Prime Cost of, 24"x24" POLISH floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.1374 120139
F038 --Do-- for, 24"x24" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 631
Prime Cost of, 24"x24" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.1293 120140
F039 --Do-- for, 36"x18" MATT floor tile Sq.ft 617
Prime Cost of, 36"x18" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.1363 120141
Floor tiles- Rustic Type ( Homogenous)-Local- Laying with cement mortar
Floor tiles- Rustic Type ( Homogenous), with all specials supplying and fixing to floors
including raking plaster and bedding in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match
the tiles. ( Rocell or equivalent brand)
F040 --Do-- for, 12" x 12" in size. Sq.ft 481
Prime Cost of, Tiles 12"x12" Rustic Type ( Homogenius) ( Rocell )=Rs.212 120087

S07- 37 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

F041 --Do-- for,16" x 16" in size. Sq.ft 451

Prime Cost of, Tiles 16" x 16"Rustic Type ( Homogenius) ( Rocell )=Rs.344 120088
Floor tiles- Rustic Type ( Homogenous)-Local- Laying with Tile Adhesive
Floor tiles- Rustic Type ( Homogenous), with all specials supplying and fixing to floors
including raking plaster and bedding in cement mortar 1:3 with approved Polymer based tile
adhesive and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles. ( Rocell or equivalent brand)

F042 --Do-- for, 12" x 12" in size. Sq.ft 490

Prime Cost of, Tiles 12"x12" Rustic Type ( Homogenius) ( Rocell )=Rs.212 120087
F043 --Do-- for,16" x 16" in size. Sq.ft 460
Prime Cost of, Tiles 16" x 16"Rustic Type ( Homogenius) ( Rocell )=Rs.344 120088
Tile Skirting - Laying with cement mortar
F044 Vitreous ceramic floor tiles Skirting 12"x4" supplying and fixing to bottom line of wall
including raking plaster bedding with cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match
the tiles. (Quality approved by the Engineer.) L.ft 257
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.224 120130
Tile Skirting - Laying with Tile Adhesive
F045 Vitreous ceramic floor tiles Skirting 12"x4" supplying and fixing to bottom line of wall
including raking plaster bedding with cement mortar 1:3 with approved Polymer based tile
adhesive and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles. (Quality approved by the Engineer.)
L.ft 270
Prime Cost of, 12"x12" MATT floor tile (Rocell or Equivalent)=Rs.224 120130
Terrazzo tile flooring
F046 Terrazzo tile flooring supplying and laying. Sqr 48,447
F047 Terrazzo, wall lining with precast walling slabs 1 1/2" thick supplying and fixing to
complete. Sq.ft 498
Wall tiles -glazed ( Approved Quality)- Laying with cement mortar
F048 Tiles, glazed with all specials, supplying and fixing to walls including raking plaster and
backing in cement mortar 1:3. and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles for available tiles
(Tiles supplied by the client or paid separately.) Sq.ft 177
Wall tiles -glazed ( Approved Quality)- Laying with Tile Adhesive
F049 Tiles, glazed with all specials, supplying and fixing to walls including raking plaster and
backing in cement mortar 1:3. with approved Polymer based tile adhesive and pointed with tile
grout to match the tiles for available tiles (Tiles supplied by the client or paid separately.)
Sq.ft 186
Wall tiles -Local- Laying with cement mortar
Tiles glazed with all specials , supplying and fixing to walls including raking plaster backing
in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or
equivalent brand)
F050 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 10 "x13" Sq.ft 451
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 10"x 13" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.177 120099
F051 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 8 "x8" Sq.ft 453
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 8 "x8" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.89
F052 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 8 "x12" Sq.ft 382
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 8"x12" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.100
F053 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 8 "x16" Sq.ft 429
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 8 "x16" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.163
F054 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 12 "x16" Sq.ft 476
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 12"x16" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.278

S07- 38 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

F055 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 12 "x24" Sq.ft 539

Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 12"x24" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.507
Wall tiles -Local- Laying with Tile Adhesive
Tiles glazed with all specials , supplying and fixing to walls including raking plaster backing
in cement mortar 1:3 with approved Polymer based tile adhesive and pointed with tile grout to
match the tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent brand)
F056 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 10 "x13" Sq.ft 460
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 10"x 13" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.177 120099
F057 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 8 "x8" Sq.ft 462
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 8 "x8" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.89
F058 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 8 "x12" Sq.ft 391
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 8"x12" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.100
F059 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 8 "x16" Sq.ft 438
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 8 "x16" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.163
F060 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 12 "x16" Sq.ft 485
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 12"x16" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.278
F061 --Do-- for Coloured, white or printed 12 "x24" Sq.ft 548
Prime Cost of, Glazed colour walls Tiles 12"x24" (Lanka Walltile or equi)=Rs.507
Wall tiles (Fixing only)- Laying with cement mortar
Fixing tiles on walls with all specials , including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3
and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles. (Tiles supplied by the client or paid separately.)

F062 --Do-- for size up to 8 "x16". Sq.ft 172

F063 --Do-- for size up to 12 "x24". Sq.ft 185
Wall tiles (Fixing only)- Laying with Tile Adhesive
Fixing tiles on walls with all specials , including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3
with approved Polymer based tile adhesive and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles.
(Tiles supplied by the client or paid separately.)
F064 --Do-- for size up to 8 "x16". Sq.ft 181
F065 --Do-- for size up to 12 "x24". Sq.ft 194
Border Tiles for Wall (Decorative)- Laying with cement mortar
F066 Boarder tiles glazed colour 8"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price : Rs80-149)
L.ft 419
F067 Boarder tiles glazed colour 8"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price Rs150-218)
L.ft 561
F068 Boarder tiles glazed colour 12"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price : Rs155-231)
L.ft 382
F069 Boarder tiles glazed colour 12"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price : Rs232-307)
L.ft 520

S07- 39 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Border Tiles for Wall (Decorative)- Laying with Tile Adhesive

F070 Boarder tiles glazed colour 8"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price : Rs80-149)
L.ft 421
F071 Boarder tiles glazed colour 8"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price Rs150-218)
L.ft 563
F072 Boarder tiles glazed colour 12"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price : Rs155-231)
L.ft 384
F073 Boarder tiles glazed colour 12"X3", with decorative patterns , supplying and fixing to walls
including raking plaster backing in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with tile grout to match the
tiles.(Lanka wall Tiles or equivalent, Range of a Tile Price : Rs232-307)
L.ft 522
Granite flooring-Local
F074 Granite floor tiles 12" x 12"x1/2" (Local) supplying and fixing to floors including raking
plaster bedding with cement mortar 1:3. Sq.ft Deleted
Prime Cost of, Granite floor tiles 12" x 12"x ¾" (Local, Range 1)=Rs.1313 120108
F075 Granite floor tiles 24" x 12"x3/4" (Local) supplying and fixing to floors including raking
plaster bedding with cement mortar 1:3. Sq.ft 1,926
Prime Cost of, Granite floor tiles 24" x 12"x¾" (Local, Range 2)=Rs.2625 120109
F076 Labour cost for fixing 12" x 4"x3/4" Granite skirting to bottom line of walls including cutting
,rounding & Forming edges polishing etc. L.ft 301
Glass block
F077 Glass block 8" x 8" with all specials supplying and fixing to walls including raking plaster
and bedding in cement mortar 1:3. Sq.ft 1,625
PVC carpeting
F078 Supplying and laying PVC carpeting with necessary adhesive etc. (Upto 150 Sq.ft only)
Sq.ft Deleted
Vinyl Sheet Flooring
F079 Supplying and laying 2mm thick Vinyl Flooring with necessary adhesive etc. (Mipolam 150
or equivalent) (Upto 150 Sq.ft only) Sq.ft 454
Vinyl Tile
F080 Supplying and laying 2mm thick Vinyl tile with necessary adhesive etc. (Mactile - Gerflor or
equivalent) (Upto 150 Sq.ft only) Sq.ft 368
Loop pile carpeting
F081 Supplying and laying Loop pile carpeting with 5mm thick with Mcfoam under layer , firmly
bonded to the existing floor. Carpet having primary & Secondary backings, namely
polypropylene & Classic back respectively. And having the minimum pile weight of 20 Oz
per sq. yard. & loop density of 6,100 Oz/Cu.yard. (Neyland II or equivalent) (Upto 150 Sq.ft
only) Sq.ft 219
Cut pile carpeting
F082 Supplying and laying 1/8 gauged, Wide Open Cut pile carpeting (USA or equivalent) with
5mm thick with Mac Form under layer , firmly bonded to the existing floor. Carpet having
primary & Secondary backings, namely woven polypropylene & Classic back polypropylene,
respectively. And having the minimum pile weight of 30 Oz per sq. yard. & loop density of
5320 Oz/Cu.yard. (Upto 150 Sq.ft only) Sq.ft 241

S07- 40 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Interlocking paving
F083 Supplying and Laying 80mm thick "Uni" type Coloured interlocking paving blocks
(AMTRAD/SMS or equivalent) having Compressive Strength of 40N/mm2, layed on plain
improved sub surface. Rate inclusive for Quarry dust bedding (Upto 150 Sq.ft only)
Sq.ft 338
F084 Supplying and Laying 80mm thick "Uni" type Natural cement colour interlocking paving
blocks (AMTRAD/SMS or equivalent) having Compressive Strength of 40N/mm2, layed on
plain improved sub surface. Rate inclusive for Quarry dust bedding. (Upto 150 Sq.ft only)
Sq.ft 372
Paving tile Slabs
F085 Supplying and Laying 300 x300 x50mm thick Non Reinforced, Natural cement colour,
Concrete paving Slab, layed on plain improved sub surface. Rate inclusive for Quarry dust
bedding. (Upto 150 Sq.ft only) Sq.ft 331
F086 Supplying and Laying 300 x300 x50mm thick Reinforced, Natural cement colour, Concrete
paving Slab, layed on plain improved sub surface. Rate inclusive for Quarry dust bedding.
(Upto 150 Sq.ft only) Sq.ft 455

S07- 41 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Corrugated sheets
G001 Corrugated sheets, iron, asbestos or Aluminium alloy fixed with hook bolts and nuts to
roofing or walling, (Corrugated sheets available). Sqr 3,557
Corrugated Aluminium sheets
G002 Corrugated Aluminium sheets 24 B.W.G roofing on (Group3,Category A) timber purlins
supplied and fixed with Aluminium hooks and nuts or Aluminium drive screws including
limpet washers etc.: complete with Aluminium ridging, including treating timber with wood
preservative Sqr 37,452
G003 Corrugated Aluminium sheet walling 24 B.W.G on 4" x 2" (Group3,Category A) timber
framework, sheets to have 4" end lap and 1" corrugation side lap. (Wall plate measured
separately). Sqr 40,092
G004 Corrugated Aluminium sheets 24 B.W.G supplied and fixed to roof or wall (on existing
framework) with hook bolts or drive screws etc.: Sheets to have 4" end lap and 1" corrugation
side lap. (Wall plate measured separately). Sqr 14,712
Corrugated Asbestos Sheets
G005 Corrugated asbestos sheet roofing on (Group3,Category A) timber purlins supplied and fixed
complete including treating timber with wood preservative (Ridging measured separately).
Sqr 40,061
G006 Corrugated asbestos sheet walling on 4"x2" (Group3,Category A) timber framework supplied
and fixed complete. Sqr 47,744
G007 Corrugated asbestos sheets supplied and fixed to roof or wall on existing framework with
necessary coach screws and limpet washers or hook bolts. Sqr 15,877
Corrugated Asbestos "Colorup" Sheets
G008 Corrugated asbestos "Colorup" Sheets supplied and fixed to roof or wall on existing
framework with necessary coach screws and limpet washers or hook bolts. Sqr 18,160
Zinc Aluminium Sheet Roofing
G009 Supplying and fixing Zinc Aluminium roofing sheets (0.47 gauge)on existing frame work
using nut & bolt / self tapping screws or fasteners. (Rhino Supermet or Equivalent.) Sq.ft 248
Corrugated galvanized iron Sheet Roofing
G010 Corrugated galvanized iron Roofing 24 B.W.G on (Group3,Category A) timber purlins
supplied and fixed complete with G.I ridging, washers, hook bolts or clips including treating
timber with wood preservative. (Sheets to have 6" end laps and 1ft 1/2" corrugation side )
Sqr 38,584
G011 Supplying and fixing 22 B.W.G Corrugated G.I walling on (Group3,Category A) timber
framework Sqr 44,595
G012 Corrugated G.I sheets 24 B.W.G supplied and fixed to roof, wall or fence with necessary cup
washers and hook bolts and screws. (Timber framework paid for separately).
Sqr 4,989
Leaks -on roofs
G013 Leaks (up to 5 in number) in Tiled roofs of single storeyed buildings made good. Nos 318
G014 Leaks (above 5 in number) in roofs of single storeyed buildings made good. Nos 80
G015 Leaks (Up to 5 in number) in roofs of buildings above one story made good). Nos 397
G016 Leaks (above 5 in number) in roofs of buildings above one story made good). Nos 159
G017 Leaks in corrugated sheet roofs made good with bitumen washers and G.I bolts and nuts.
Nos 338
G018 Leaks in corrugated sheet roofs patched with jute hesseain dipped in Asphalt and laid over
with cement and sand layer above. Nos 297

S07- 42 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

G019 Ridging, asbestos cement, Aluminium alloy, or G.I available, fixed with hook bolts or screws.
L.ft 150
G020 Ridging, Calicut pattern, bedded in cement and lime mortar 1:1:4, Coloured to match tiles.
L.ft 294
G021 Ridging, Calicut pattern bedded in cement and lime mortar 1:1:4, Coloured to match tiles,
(Tiles available at site). L.ft 194
G022 Ridging, Galvanized iron 24 B.W.G 18" wide overall supplied and fixed complete. L.ft 300
G023 Ridging with asbestos cement close fitting ridges (Mascons or equivalent.) supplied and
fixed complete with roofing screws or hook bolts. L.ft 494
G024 Ridging, half round tiles, bedded in lime, cement mortar 1:1:4 and Coloured to match tiles.
L.ft 393
G025 Ridging with half round tiles bedded in lime cement mortar 1:1:4 and Coloured to match tiles
(Tiles available at site). L.ft 224
G026 Ridging, half round or Calicut pattern removed and re-laid in cement lime mortar 1:1:4 and
Coloured to match tile. L.ft 264
Zinc Aluminium ridge capping
G027 Supplying and fixing Zinc Aluminium ridge capping (width 914mm ) 0.47 gauge, to existing
sheet roof, using new fasteners or st /screws. (Rhino Supermet or Equivalent.) L.ft 1,036
G028 Supplying and fixing Zinc Aluminium ridge capping(457mm girth) ( .47 gauge ) , to existing
sheet roof, using new fasteners or st /screws. (Rhino Supermet or Equivalent.) L.ft 749
Skylight glass
G029 Skylight glass 2ft 0"x2ft 0", 1/4" thick ribbed, supplied & fixed to roof including necessary
lime cement filleting. Nos 2,860
Tiles, Calicut pattern, flat
Note: Refer Item numbers From H100 & H101 for Roofs with Calicut pattern tiles on
(Group3, Category A) sawn timber framework
G030 Tiles, Calicut pattern, flat, supplied and laid up to 5 tiles in single storeyed buildings. Nos 140
G031 Tiles, Calicut pattern, flat, supplied and laid (above 5 and up to 25) in Single Storeyed
buildings. Nos 116
G032 Tiles, Calicut pattern, flat, supplied and laid up to 5 Tiles in buildings of more than one story.
Nos 180
G033 Tiles, Calicut pattern, flat, supplied and laid above 5 and up to 25 in buildings of more than
one story. Nos 132
G034 Tiles Calicut pattern, supplied and laid in any building. Sqr 13,455
G035 Tiles Calicut pattern laid in any building (tiles available at site). Sqr 953
G036 Tiles Calicut pattern, ventilator, supplied and laid in single storeyed building. Nos 277
G037 Tiles Calicut pattern, ventilator, supplied and laid in buildings of over one story. Nos 520
G038 Tiles, Fiber glass, laid in small quantities including fixing with G.I wire where necessary
(tiles available at site) Nos 120
G039 Tiles, Fiber glass, Calicut pattern, supplied and fixed. Nos 1,080
Tiles half round (DSI or equivalent)
Note: Refer Item numbers From H102 & H103 for Roofs with Half round tiles on
(Group3, Category A) sawn timber framework
G040 Tiles half round supplied and laid, up to 50, in single storeyed buildings. Nos 140
G041 Tiles half round supplied and laid, above 50 and up to 100 in single storeyed buildings.
Nos 137
G042 Tiles, half round, supplied and laid up to 50 on buildings of more than one story. Nos 146
G043 Tiles, half round above 50 and up to 100 in number supplied and laid on roof of buildings of
more than one story. Nos 143
G044 Tiles half round, supplied and laid in any building. Sqr 38,100

S07- 43 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

G045 Tiles, half round, laid in any building (Tiles available at site) Sqr 1,429
G046 Shifting and re-laying half round tiles. Sqr 1,072
G047 Shifting and re-laying Calicut pattern tiles. Sqr 477
G048 Supplying and laying half round tiles on the existing asbestos roof. Sqr 30,576
Structural Steel Purlins for Roof
Supplying & Fixing Structural & Mild Steel "C"" channel purling, together with
75mmx75mmx6mm L-Iron cleats on roof truss with 10mm dia. Bolt and nuts. (Painting Paid
for separately)
G049 --Do-- for (weight 6.7 Kg/m) & 76x38mm size "C" channel purling L.ft 322
G050 --Do-- for (weight 10.42 Kg/m) & 102x51mm size "C" channel purling L.ft 361
G051 --Do-- for (weight 14.9 Kg/m) & 127x64mm size "C" channel purling, L.ft 451
G052 --Do-- for (weight 17.88Kg/m) & 152x76mm size "C" channel purling, L.ft 921
High tensile Galvanized steel, C-channel purlins for Roof
Supplying & Fixing High tensile Galvanized Steel "C" channel purlins, having the member
thickness of 2.0mm (Tensile strength 450 N/mm2) standards complying with JISG 3302.
Each Purlins connected with 75mmx75mmx6mm L-Iron cleats on roof truss together with
10mm dia. Bolt and nuts. (Painting is not considered)
G053 --Do-- with the sectional dimensions of "C" channel , 100mmx50mmx15mm L.ft 317
G054 --Do-- with the sectional dimensions of "C" channel , 150mmx65mmx20mm L.ft 413
Heat and Sound insulation (Double side luminary Aluminium foil)
G055 1/2" thick heat and sound insulation sheet laying on 3"x3" GI mesh existing steel purling and
fixing with binding Sq.ft 115
Timber Members for Roofing
Note:- Please find Timber Reapers from Item No H095 to H099
G056 Supply and fixing 2''x2'' (Group3,Category A) timber Battons in roof work, with nails over
100' 0" L.ft 119
G057 Supply and fixing 4''x2'' (Group3,Category A) timber rafters for roof work. L.ft 256
G058 Supply and fixing 7''x2'' (Group3,Category A) timber ridge plate in roof work. L.ft 417
G059 Supply and fixing 4''x3'' (Group3,Category A) timber wall plate in roof work. L.ft 369
G060 Supply and fixing 5''x3'' (Group3,Category A) timber purling in roof work. L.ft 437
G061 Supply and fixing 4''x3'' (Group3,Category A) timber Struts, up to 6' height in roof structure,
including forming necessary Timber joints at both ends. 2' Timber bearer provided at Bottom.
L.ft 539

S07- 44 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021


H001 Beading, Burma Teak, 1 1/2" to 2" x1/2" plain chamfering, supplying and fixing complete
with brass screws. L.ft 165
H002 Beading, Burma Teak, 1"x 3/4" plain chamfering, supplying and fixing complete with brass
screws. L.ft 56
H003 Beading, Alstonia or local timber 1 1/2" to 2"x1/2" plain chamfering, supplying and fixing
complete with brass screws. L.ft 36
H004 Beading, Halmilla, 1 1/2" to 2" x 1/2", plain chamfering, supplying and fixing complete with
brass screws. L.ft 97
H005 Beading or filleting in Ginisapu or local timber for glass panes supplying and fixing complete
with brass springs or brass panel pins. L.ft 43
H006 Beading or filleting on underside of ceiling removing and re-fixing with brass screws
complete. L.ft 41
Boards, barge, valance, fascia
H007 Boards, barge, valance, fascia, 9" wide & 1" thick, in (Group 5,Category A), local timber
fixing complete with necessary screws new or renewing.(above one Cubic foot)
L.ft 237
H008 Boards, barge, valance, fascia, 9" wide & 1" thick, in (Group 5,Category A),local timber
supplying and fixing complete with necessary screws new or renewing, up to 1 Cu.ft.
L.ft 248
H009 Boards, barge, valance, fascia, 9" wide & 1" thick, in (Group 5,Category B), local timber
fixing complete with necessary screws new or renewing.(above one Cubic foot)
L.ft 274
H010 Boards, barge, valance, fascia, 9" wide & 1" thick, in (Group 5,Category B),local timber
supplying and fixing complete with necessary screws new or renewing, up to 1 Cu.ft.
L.ft 279
H011 Boards, barge, valance, fascia, available, fixing including cutting and minor repairs. Sq.ft 79
H012 Boards, barge, valance, fascia, 10" wide & 1" thick, in imported timber (Kempas or Tulan)
fixing complete with necessary screws new or renewing. L.ft 593
Ceiling / Partition
H013 Ceiling, asbestos (Mascons or equivalent.) , flat fixing with clout headed nails to 4"x2" joists
and 2"x2" bearers of (Group 4,Category A) timber, including 11/2"x1/2" cover fillets and 2
1/2" x1 1/2" coves of Alstonia or equivalent timber. Rate to include 2 coats of wood
preservatives to joists and bearers. Primer undercoating and 2 coats of emulsion paint to
Asbestos sheets. Sqr 50,876
H014 Flat asbestos (Mascons or equivalent.) horizontal eaves ceiling comprising 2" x 2" bearars in
(Group 4,Category A) timber, asbestos sheet supplied and fixed with beadings & cove
moulding, rate to include for applying wood preservative to timber frame, two coats enamel
paint for beadings, and two coats of emulsion paint to ceiling.
Sqr 37,193
H015 Ceiling, asbestos, plywood, available, cut and fixing on existing bearers, rafters or frames
(beading or cover fillets paid for separately) Sqr 1,999
H016 Ceiling or partition, asbestos supplying and fixing with clout headed nails to existing bearers,
rafters or frames (Beadings or cove fillets paid for separately) Sqr 8,405
H017 Ceiling board, 6" x 5/8" to 3/4", lunumedella, renewing in small quantities rate to include for
scaffolding (up to 30 L.ft.) L.ft 89
H018 Ceiling, Lunumedella, available at site, fixing with new wire nails. Sqr 3,438
H019 Ceiling or partition, Lunumedella, 1/2" planed, lapped and nailed to existing frames or
underside of rafters, above 1 square (Fillets and beadings paid for separately) Sqr 15,204
H020 Ceiling or partition, Lunumedella, 1/2"planed, lapped and nailed to existing frames or
underside of rafters, up to 1 square (Fillets and beadings paid for separately) Sqr 16,013
H021 Ceiling or partition, Lunumedella, 1/2" beading and rebating, nailing to underside of existing
joists, rafters or frames, above one square (Fillets and beadings, paid for separately)
Sqr 13,393

S07- 45 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

H022 Ceiling or partition, Lunumedella, 5/8" beading and rebating, nailing to underside of existing
joists, rafters or frames, up to one square (Fillets and beadings, paid for separately)
Sqr 15,970
H023 Ceiling openings 2ft 0" x 1ft 6" approx., forming complete with 2" x 2" bearers. (Glass tiles
or sheets paid for separately) Nos 2,600
H024 Ceiling, upper side cleaning and debris clearing away. Sqr 358
H025 Ceiling Lunumedella 1/2" planks, lapped and nailed to framework consisting of finished size
with 3 3/4" x 1 3/4" joists and 1 3/4" x 1 3/4" bearers in (Group 4,Category A) timber, Rate
to include for 2 coats of wood preservatives to joists and bearers.
Sqr 48,230
H026 Ceiling Lunumedella 3/4" thick planks, lapped and nailed to framework consisting of finished
size with 3 3/4" x 1 3/4" joists and 1 3/4" x 1 3/4" bearers in (Group 4,Category A) timber,
Rate to include for 2 coats of wood preservatives to joists and bearers.
Sqr 50,319
H027 Partitions paneling 7 ft 0" to 10 ft 0" with 1/2" thick chipboard with finished size 3 3/4" x 1
3/4" and 3 3/4" x 3 3/4" upright fixed at 3ft 0" interval and 4" x 2" as horizontal members in
(Group 4,Category A) timber. Rate to include for fixing chipboard to both sides. data 9ft
9"x7ft 0"=6 Sq.ft Deleted
H028 Partition - panelled with 3/8" chipboard with finished size 3' 3/4"x 1' 3/4"and 3' 3/4"x 3' 3/4"
uprights fixing at 3' 0" interval sand 4"x 2" as horizontal members in (Group 4,Category A)
timber. Rate to include for fixing chipboard to both sides. data 9ft 9"x7ft 0"=68.25 Sq.ft Sq.ft 840
H029 Partitions glazed 7ft -0" - 10ft -0" height 3/16" thick and paneling 1/2" thick plywood with
finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" and 3 3/4" x 3 3/4" upright at 3ft 0" intervals and 4" x 2" as
horizontal members in (Group 4,Category A) timber. Rate to include for fixing chipboard to
both sides of frame2"x1/2" (Group 4,Category A) timber boarding around glass pane.
Sq.ft 827
H030 Partitions glazed 7ft 0" - 10ft -0" height 3/16" thick and paneling 3/8" thick plywood with
finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" upright at 3ft 0" interval and 4" x 2" as horizontal members in
(Group 4,Category A) timber. Rate to include for fixing chipboard to both sides of frame 2"
x 1/2" Sq.ft 802
H031 Partitions available fixing, including making good to walls and floors. Sq.ft 85
H032 Partitions, fully paneling, or paneling and glazing 1 1/8" thick with 4" x 2" frames and 1" x
1" quadrant fillets supplying and fixing complete with brass screws in (Group 4,Category A)
local timber. Sq.ft 1,621
H033 Partitions, glazing and paneling with plywood panels in (Group 4,Category A) timber (main
posts 4" x 4" x 10ft 0" intermediate posts 4" x 2" x 7ft 0" approx., and 1 1/2" x 8" capping
complete) Sq.ft 1,669
Plywood Panels
H034 Plywood panels, 3 ply, supplying and fixing to existing frames (beadings to be paid for
separately) Sq.ft 179
Cove, mouldings
H035 Cove, mouldings, Halmilla 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" fixing with brass screws and plugs new or
renewing. L.ft 231
H036 Cove, mouldings, Alstonia or equivalent 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" fixing with brass screws and plugs
new or renewing. L.ft 183
Doors or windows
H037 Doors or windows, legging, bracing and battening with groove and tongue joints finished size
3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames and 3/4" to 7/8" thick sashes in (Group 2,Category A) local timber
complete with brass furniture(Rim lock, Hinges).( Door Size 2' 6"x6' 6" = 16¼s.ft) Sq.ft 1,773
H038 Doors or windows, legging, bracing and battening with groove and tongue joints finished size
3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames and 3/4" to 7/8" thick sashes in (Group 2,Category B) local timber
complete with brass furniture.( Door Size 2' 6"x6'x 6" = 16¼s.ft) Sq.ft 1,489

S07- 46 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

H039 Doors or windows ledging, bracing and battening, 3/4" to 7/8" thick sash only, in (Group
2,Category A) timber supplying and fixing with available (brass/Iron) furniture.
Sq.ft 1,006
H040 Doors or windows ledging, bracing and battening, 3/4" to 7/8" thick sash only, in (Group
2,Category B) timber supplying and fixing with available (brass/Iron) furniture. Sq.ft 1,084
H041 Doors or windows, framing and battening, with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames and 1" to
1 1/8" sashes in (Group 2,Category A) local timber complete with brass furniture.
Sq.ft 2,150
H042 Doors or windows, framing and battening, with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames and 1" to
1 1/8" sashes in (Group 2,Category B) local timber complete with brass furniture.
Sq.ft 1,725
H043 Doors or windows, framing and battening, with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames and 1 1/4"
to 1 1/2" sashes in (Group 2,Category A) local timber complete with brass furniture.
Sq.ft 2,197
H044 Doors or windows, framing and battening, with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames and 1 1/4"
to 1 1/2" sashes in (Group 2,Category B) local timber complete with brass furniture.
Sq.ft 1,815
H045 Doors or Windows, sash only 1" to 1 1/8" thick in (Group 2,Category A) timber supplying
and fixing complete with available (brass/Iron)furniture. Sq.ft 1,266
H046 Doors or Windows, framing and battening, sash only 1" to 1 1/8" thick in (Group 2,Category
B) local timber, supplying and fixing complete with available (brass/Iron)furniture.
Sq.ft 1,240
H047 Doors or Windows, sash only 1 1/4" thick in (Group 2,Category A) timber supplying and
fixing complete with available (brass/Iron)furniture. Sq.ft 1,280
H048 Doors or Windows, sash only 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" thick in (Group 2,Category B) local timber
supplying and fixing complete with available (brass/Iron) furniture. Sq.ft 1,288
H049 Doors for garages, framing and battening in (Category A) timber with 5" x 4" frames and 1
1/2" thick sashes supplying and fixing complete with iron pintols and strap hinges.
Sq.ft 1,541
H050 Doors or Windows, glazing and/or paneling with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames (Group
1,Category A) and 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" sashes in (Group 2,Category A) local timber supplying and
fixing complete with brass furniture. Sq.ft 2,405
H051 Doors or Windows, glazing and/or paneling with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames (Group
1,Category B) and 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" sashes in (Group 2,Category B) local timber supplying and
fixing complete with brass furniture. Sq.ft 1,604
H052 Doors or Windows, glazing and/or paneling, sash only 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" thick in (Group
2,Category A) timber with available (brass/Iron) furniture. Sq.ft 1,667
H053 Doors or Windows, glazing and/or paneling, sash only 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" thick in (Group
2,Category B) timber with available (brass/Iron) furniture. Sq.ft 1,346
H054 Doors paneling and trellising B.R.C. weld mesh No.32, with 4 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames (Group
1,Category A) and 1 1/8" thick sashes in (Group 2,Category A) timber, supplying and fixing
complete with brass furniture. Sq.ft 1,666
H055 Doors paneling and trellising B.R.C. weld mesh No.32 sash only 1 1/8",supplying and fixing
with available (brass/Iron)furniture. Sq.ft 974
H056 Doors, paneling and trellising/B.R.C. weld mesh No.32 sash only 1 1/4" thick in (Group
2,Category A) timber with available furniture. Sq.ft 1,243
H057 Doors paneling with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames (Group 1,Category A) and 1 1/8" - 1
1/4" sashes in (Group 2,Category A) timber supplying and fixing complete with available
(brass/Iron) furniture. Sq.ft 2,317
H058 Door or Window, removing, easing and re-fixing. Nos 810
H059 Door or Window, easing only. Nos 302
H060 Door or Window frames renewing in short lengths with (Group 2,Category A) timber. assume
3ft length of door frame renewed. 5' x3' L.ft 1,200
H061 Door or Window frame altering, existing rebate fillet using (Group 2,Category A) timber with
screws and sashes rehung on opposite side. Nos 4,548

S07- 47 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

H062 Door or Window, Glazing bars renewing in (Group 2,Category A) timber. L.ft 438
H063 Door Stops in (Group 2,Category A) timber 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 5" tapering, supplying and
fixing. Nos 463
H064 Door or Window sashes, available, fixing in position (sash and fittings available at site)
Nos 1,701
H065 Door sashes swing, removing and re-fixing in new position. Nos 1,080
H066 Doors, swing 1" thick in (Group 2,Category A) timber with ( ¾") width Ply wood panels
supplying and fixing complete with brass gravity hinges. Sq.ft 1,371
Door frame
H067 Door frame with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" in (Group 1,Category A) timber supplying &
fixing in position. (data 2' 6"x 6' 6" =16.25s.ft or 16.5' ft long) L.ft 578
H068 Door frame with finished size 3 3/4" x 1 3/4" in (Group 1,Category B) timber supplying and
fixing in position. (data 2' 6"x 6' 6" =16.25s.ft or 16.5' ft long) L.ft 386
H069 Door frame with finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" in (Group 7,Category A) timber supplying &
fixing in position. (data 2' 6"x 6' 6" =16.25s.ft or 16.5' ft long) L.ft 963
Window frame
H070 Window frame with finished size 3 3/4" x 1 3/4" in (Group 7,Category B) timber supplying
and fixing in position. (data6' x4' =24s.ft or28 ft long) L.ft 1,016
Plywood Door ** Note:(Brand - GINTOTA or equivalent)
H071 Door,1 1/4" thick plywood ordinary finish (Moisture Resistant) single sash, size 2' 9"x6' 9",
hung on finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frame in (Group 1,Category A) timber and complete
with brass furniture's. .(Door Lock paid Separately) Sq.ft 1,359
H072 Door,1 1/4" thick plywood ordinary finish (Moisture Resistant) single sash, size 2' 9"x6' 9",
hung on finished size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frame in (Group 1,Category B) timber and complete
with brass furniture's. .(Door Lock paid Separately) Sq.ft 1,174
H073 Supplying and fixing Door 1¼" thick, plywood, ordinary finish (Moisture Resistant), single
sash, size 2' 9"x6' 9",hung to the existing frame including necessary brass fittings.(Door Lock
paid Separately) data 2ft 9"x6ft 9"=18.56s.ft Sq.ft 690
H074 Supplying & fixing ,1 1/4" thick Ply wood door, Both Side Luxury finish (Moisture
Resistant) ,size 2' 9"x6' 9", single sash, hung to existing frame including necessary brass
fittings.(Door Lock paid Separately) data 2ft 9"x6ft 9"=18.56s.ft Sq.ft 1,272
Doors or windows framing and battening sash
H075 Doors or windows framing and battening finished size with 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" frames and 1
1/4" to 1 1/2" sashes in (Group 7, Category A) local timber complete with brass furniture.
Sq.ft 2,820
H076 Doors or windows framing and battening sash only 1" to 11/8" thick in (Group 7, Category
A) timber supplying and fixing complete with available furniture. Sq.ft 1,709
H077 Door or windows framing and battening sash only 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" thick in (Group 7,
Category A) timber supplying and fixing complete with available furniture. Sq.ft 1,938
Doors glazing and/or paneling
H078 Doors glazing and/or paneling finished size with 3 3/4"x2 3/4" frames and 1 1/8" to 1 1/4"
thick sashes in (Group 7, Category A) timber supplying and fixing complete with brass
furniture. Sq.ft 3,538
H079 Doors glazing and/or paneling sash only 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" thick in (Group 7, Category A)
timber special class with available ironmonger. Sq.ft 3,097
H080 Windows glazing and paneling finished size with 3 3/ 4" x 2 3/4" frame and 1 1/8" to 1 1/4"
thick sash in (Group 7, Category A) timber supplying and fixing complete with brass
furniture. Sq.ft 3,694
H081 Windows glazed and panelled, sash only 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" thick in (Group 2, Category A)
timber with available ironmonger. Sq.ft 2,068
Fillets, quadrant
H082 Fillets, quadrant 3/4" x 3/4" supplying and fixing with nails, in (Group 6) timber. L.ft 55
H083 Fillets, quadrant 1" x 1" in (Group 6) timber supplying and fixing with nails. L.ft 67

S07- 48 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Timber Gate
H084 Gate, 1 3/4" as per type plan for bungalow, 6 1/2" top rail, with 2 3/4" x 3/4" weather
capping, 8" lock and bottom rails and styles, splay meeting styles, 2" x 1 1/4" verticals at 3
1/2" centers in groups of 3, panels of 4" x3/4" groove and tongued boards fixed raking, and
1/2" dia. tension bars fixed complete using available fittings.(Group 1, Category A) local
timber. Sq.ft 1,839
H085 Gate 1 3/4" thick for bungalows, 4" top rails and styles, 8" bottom rails, 3" braces, 1 3/4" x 1
3/4" and 1" x 1 1/4" verticals at 4" centers supplying and fixing complete using available
fittings (Group 1, Category A) local timber. Sq.ft 1,472
H086 Gate 1 1/2" thick, with 4" top and bottom rails, styles and braces and 2" x 1" laths fixing at 4"
centers supplying fixing complete with available furniture (Group 1, Category A) local timber.
Sq.ft 991
H087 Gate 1 3/4" thick with 4" top and bottom rails, styles and braces, and 3/4" bars at 4" centers
supplying fixing complete with available fittings (Group 1, Category A) local timber.
Sq.ft 1,688
H088 Gate sash with gate posts available at site, fixing complete including fixing post (Gate and
Posts available). Nos 2,509
Louver blades
H089 Louver blades 3/8" minimum thickness in (Group 1, Category A) timber up to 4" width
supplying and fixing. L.ft 250
H090 Louver blades 3/8" minimum thickness in (Group 1, Category A) timber over 4" and up to 6".
L.ft 280
H091 Louver blades 3/8" minimum thickness in (Group 1, Category A) timber over 6" and up to 9".
L.ft 386
Wooden Posts
H092 Posts, veranda, 5" x 5" tapering to 4" x 4" in (Group3, Category A) timber, supplying and
fixing on spur stones (spur stones paid for separately) L.ft 1,361
H093 Posts, veranda 6" x 6" tapering to 5" x 5" in (Group3, Category A) timber supplying and fixing
on spur stones (spur stones paid for separately) L.ft 1,895
H094 Posts, Wooden, round jungle timber 5" minimum and average 6" dia. supplying and fixing.
L.ft 120
Reapers, timber
H095 Reapers 2" x 1" in (Group3, Category A) timber supplying and fixing new or renewing with
iron nails, up to 100 L.ft: (Shifting of tiles to be paid for separately) L.ft 50
H096 Reapers 2" x 1" in (Group3, Category B) local timber up to 100 L.ft: supplying and fixing.
L.ft 41
H097 Reapers 2" x 1/2" in (Group3, Category A) timber supplying and fixing, new or renewing,
with iron nails up to 100 L.ft: (Shifting of tiles to be paid for separately) L.ft 30
H098 Reapers 2" x 1/2" in (Group3, Category A) timber supplying and fixing new or renewing,
with iron nails over 100 L.ft: L.ft 25
H099 Reapers, available fixing with wire nails. L.ft 12
Roof with sawn timber framework & Laying Tiles on it
H100 Roof with Calicut pattern tiles on (Group3, Category A) sawn timber framework complete
with ridges, hips etc. as per manufactures specifications. Sqr 62,068
Prime Cost of, Calicut pattern tiles=Rs.79 70017
H101 Roof with Calicut pattern tiles on (Group3, Category B) sawn timber framework complete
with ridges, hips etc. as per manufactures specifications. Sqr 41,470
Prime Cost of, Calicut pattern tiles=Rs.79 70017
H102 Roof with half round tiles on (Group3, Category A) sawn timber framework complete with
ridges, hips etc. as per manufactures specifications. Sqr 128,984
Prime Cost of, Tiles, half round-roof=Rs.105 70009
H103 Roof with half round tiles on (Group3, Category B) timber framework complete with ridges,
hips etc. as per manufactures specifications. Sqr 109,837
Prime Cost of, Tiles, half round-roof=Rs.105 70009

S07- 49 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

H104 Shelving in (Group2, Category A) timber 1" thick on triangular brackets with 2 Nos.
Horizontals 1 1/2" x 3/4" and 1 1/2" x 1/2" verticals and struts, and 2" x 1" skirting as per
Type Plan 31638, supplying and fixing to walls with plugs. (Shelving area to be measured
separately. Sq.ft 824
H105 Shelving in (Group2, Category A) timber 1" thick framing with 2"x2" uprights and 2" x 2"
horizontals and 2" x 1/2" skirting supplying and fixing to wall as per type plan 17988 Shelving
area to be measured separately. Sq.ft 866
H106 Shelving of the types as per plan no 31638, 17988 removed and refixing new possession.
Sq.ft 69
H107 Supplying and fixing Skirting in (Group5, Category A) board 3"x¾" on walls. L.ft 255
H108 Supplying and fixing Skirting in (Group5, Category A) timber boards, 6"x ¾" on walls.
L.ft 338
Other Carpentry work.
H109 Timber available, sorted out, cut to required sizes and fixing in partitions and frames. per 10
L.ft 4x3 or 4x6 Cu.ft Cu.ft 1,852
H110 Timber, available, sorted out, cut to required sizes and fixing in roof and other carpentry work.
Cu.ft 1,090
H111 Timber, Milla, fixing or renewing in posts and frames. per .5 Cu.ft Cu.ft 9,806
H112 Timber (Group 4,Category A), (excluding Milla) supplying and fixing new or renewing in
partitions and frames, including panels and boards. Cu.ft 8,507
H113 Timber (Group 4,Category B) supplying and fixing new or renewing in partitions and frames,
including panels and boards. Cu.ft 5,076
H114 Timber (Group 4,Category A) supplying and fixing new or renewing in, other carpentry
work. Cu.ft 7,071
H115 Timber (Group 4,Category B) supplying and fixing new or renewing in, other carpentry work.
Cu.ft 3,639
H116 Trellis laths 1/2" x 1/2" renewing in (Group 2,Category A) local timber, in quantities (Over
100 L.ft) L.ft 19
H117 Trellis laths 1/2" x 1/2" renewing in (Group 2,Category A) local timber, in quantities ( Up to
100 L.ft) L.ft 21
H118 Trellis laths 1" x 1/2" renewing in (Group 2,Category A) local timber, in quantities over 100
L.ft: L.ft 34
H119 Trellis laths 1" x 1/2" renewing in (Group 2,Category A) local timber, in small quantities up to
100 L.ft: L.ft 38
H120 Trellis laths 1" x 1" supplying and fixing. L.ft 42
H121 Trellis latches 2" x 1/2" in (Group 2,Category A)timber, renewing. L.ft 42
H122 Trellis partition with 1/2" x 1/2" laths fixing 2" apart diagonally, horizontally or vertically, on
4" x 2" Milla timber framing. Sq.ft 1,045
H123 Trellis screens with laths 1 3/4" x 3/8" at 1 1/4" distance apart vertically and horizontally in
Milla timber frames 1 1/2" x 2 1/2"supplying fixing to walls complete. Sq.ft 710
H124 Trellis screens with laths 1" x 3/8" at 1 1/4" distance apart vertically and horizontally on Milla
frames 3" x 1" supplying and fixing to walls complete. Sq.ft 1,188

S07- 50 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Bolts and Nuts, Iron
J001 Bolts and Nuts, iron 1 3/4" x 1/4" with washers fixing complete. Nos 103
J002 Bolts and Nuts, iron 2 1/2" x 3/8" with washers fixing complete. Nos 155
J003 Bolts and Nuts, iron 5" x 3/8" with washers supplying and fixing complete. Nos 224
J004 Bolts and Nuts, iron 9" x 3/8" with washers supplying and fixing complete. Nos 343
J005 Bolts and Nuts, iron 5" x 1/2" with washers supplying and fixing complete. Nos 177
J006 Bolts and Nuts, iron 6" x 1/2" with washers supplying and fixing complete. Nos 185
J007 Bolts and Nuts, iron 12" x 5/8" with washers fixing complete. Nos 328
J008 Bolts tower, 3" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with Iron screws. Nos 451
J009 Bolts tower, 4" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with Iron screws. Nos 484
J010 Bolts tower, 5" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with Iron screws. Nos 558
J011 Bolts tower, 6" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with Iron screws. Nos 652
J012 Bolts tower, 2ft 9" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with Iron screws. Nos 2,950
Iron Brackets
J013 Brackets with 1 1/2" x 1/4" flat iron 3ft 6" long (approx.) fish tailed at ends, supplying and
fixing to walls and walls made good. Nos 1,280
Weld mesh
J014 2"x2" Weld mesh No.12, supplying and fixing to existing frames with staples (fillets and
beadings to be paid for separately) Sq.ft 161
J015 2"x2" Weld mesh No.10 supplying and fixing to window frames with 2" x 1/2" (Group 2)
timber beadings, and painting weld mesh with 2 coats anti-corrosive paint, and beadings with
primer, undercoat and 2 coats enamel paint to approved colour. Rate to include for making
openings for bolts, casement stays etc. Sq.ft 557
J016 2"x2" Weld mesh No.12 supplying and fixing to window frames with 2" x 1/2" (Group 2)
timber beading, and painting weld mesh with 2 coats anti-corrosive paint, and beadings with
primer, undercoat and 2 coats enamel paint to approved tint Rate to include for making
openings for bolts, casement stays etc. Sq.ft 626
Cabin Hooks
J017 Cabin Hooks and eyes, 2" Iron, supplying and fixing. set 91
J018 Cabin Hooks and eyes, 3" Iron, supplying and fixing. set 92
J019 Cabin Hooks and eyes, 6" Iron, supplying and fixing. set 149
J020 Cabin Hooks and eyes, 8" Iron, supplying and fixing. set 205
J021 Cabin Hooks and eyes, 9" Iron, supplying and fixing. set 213
Casement Stays
J022 Casement Stays, Iron 10" heavy quality, supplying and fixing. Nos 310
J023 Casement Stays, Iron 12" heavy quality, supplying and fixing. Nos 336
J024 Chimney flue pipe available, fixing only. L.ft 216
J025 Chimney flue pipe 6" dia. making and fixing with G.I sheets 22 B.W.G. L.ft 745
J026 Chimney flue pipe 8"-12" dia making and fixing with G.I sheets 22 B.W.G (Sheets to be
supplied by Department) L.ft 601
J027 Cowel G.I 24 B.W.G making and fixing for 6" - 9" flue pipes. Nos 3,131
J028 Cowel G.I available, fixing complete for 6" -9" dia. flue pipes. Nos 801
J029 Expanded metal No.8" B.R.C Fabric supplying and laying as reinforcement in floor and
foundation. Sq.ft 196
J030 Expanded metal, zinc sheet, wire gauge etc. fixing with iron screws to existing frames with
fillets or beadings ,fillets or beadings to be paid for separately, and expanded metal, zinc
sheet, or wire gauge (available at site / supplied by the client). Sq.ft 99

S07- 51 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

J031 Fly proofing, perforated zinc, 1/16" mesh, supplying and fixing to existing frames (fillets to be
paid for separately) Sq.ft 404
Gate, Iron
J032 Gate, iron, with 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1/4" angle iron framework including bracing and horizontal
centre member, with 5/8" dia. M.S bars at 6" centers complete with strap hinges, hasp and
staples. Sq.ft 1,732
Gutter Hooks
J033 Gutter Hooks or brackets 3/4" x 1/8" supplying and fixing complete with Iron screws. Nos 394
Hasp and staple
J034 Hasp and staple 4" iron, safety type of approved heavy quality, supplying and fixing with iron
screws. Nos 257
J035 Hasp and staple 6" iron, safety type of approved heavy quality, supplying and fixing with iron
screws complete. Nos 271
J036 Hasp and staple 12" x 2" iron, specially made out of 1/4" iron plate and fixing with 1/4" x 2"
bolts and nuts complete. Nos 3,798
Hinges (Iron)
J037 Hinges, butt, 2" iron of approved heavy quality supplying and fixing with iron screws.
pairs 614
J038 Hinges, butt, 3" iron of approved quality supplying and fixing with iron screws. pairs 695
J039 Hinges, butt, 4" iron of approved quality supplying and fixing with iron screws. pairs 744
J040 Hinges, butt, 5" iron of approved quality supplying and fixing with iron screws. pairs 1,035
J041 Hinges supplied by Dept. fixing complete with screws. pairs 306
J042 Hinges, strap iron 1 1/2" x 1/4" x 1ft 0" long supplying & fixing with necessary bolts and nuts
(excluding pintols) Nos 1,793
J043 Hinges, strap iron 2" x 1/4" 3ft 0" long supplying and fixing with necessary bolts and nuts
(excluding pintols) Nos 2,911
J044 Hinges, double strap, 2 1/2" x 3/8" x 3ft 6" flat iron bent to shape and fixing complete with
bolts and nuts as per plan 23097 Nos 4,729
J045 Hinges, double strap, 2 1/2" x 3/8" x 5ft 6" flat iron bent to shape and fixing complete with
bolts and nuts as per plan 23097 Nos 6,427
J046 Hinges T 6" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with iron screws complete. pairs 899
J047 Hinges, T 7" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with iron screws complete. pairs 1,055
J048 Hinges, T 8" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with iron screws complete. pairs 954
J049 Hinges, T 10" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with iron screws complete. pairs 1,301
J050 Hinges, T 12" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with iron screws complete. pairs 1,363
J051 Hinges, T 14" Iron, heavy quality supplying and fixing with iron screws complete. pairs 1,618
J052 Hinges, spring, Japanese Helical, door supplying and fixing with iron screws complete.
Nos 1,495
Hinges (Stainless Steel) for Timber Doors
J053 Supplying and fixing UNION Butt Hinges, , 102x76x 3mm (thick) 2BB stainless steel, for
wooden doors with brass screws. pairs 5,232
J054 Supplying and fixing UNION Butt Hinges, , 102x76x 2mm (thick) 2BB stainless steel, for
wooden doors with brass screws. pairs 4,030
J055 Holdfast 1/8" x 2" x 9" flat iron supplying and fixing complete. per No. Nos 508
J056 Iron rods supplying by the client, cut to correct lengths, inserted in window frames and
painted with 2 coats anti-corrosive paint. Nos 231
Locks (iron)
Note: Refer Item numbers From K039 to K058 for (Brass / Quality) Locks
J057 Keys, Iron for door locks making and supplying. Nos 767
J058 Keys, Iron for cupboards, making and supplying. Nos 601

S07- 52 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

J059 Locks, available, fixing with screws. Nos 466

J060 Locks, repairing and re-fixing. Nos 969
J061 Locks, rim, 4" iron, superior quality, heavy type supplying and fixing with iron screws
complete. Nos 1,889
J062 Locks, rim, 6" iron, superior quality, heavy type supplying and fixing with iron screws
complete. Nos 1,582
J063 Locks, Motice, 4" iron, superior quality, heavy type supplying and fixing with iron screws
complete. Nos 1,677
J064 Locks, Motice, 6" iron, superior quality, heavy type supplying and fixing with iron screws
complete. Nos 2,034
J065 Locks, Bird type supplying and fixing with iron screws complete. Nos 1,132
Prime Cost of, Bird night latch lock (china)=Rs.525 100199
Mild steel rods
J066 Mild steel rods in reinforcing lintols, beams, columns and slabs, bending to shape, laying in
position and tying with G.I wire as directed. cwt 16,080
J067 Mild steel rods in foundation bending to shape, laying in position and tying with G.I wire as
directed. cwt 15,000
J068 M.S rods available., bending to shape, tying with G.I wire and laying in position as directed in
reinforcing lintols beams and floors. cwt 4,492
J069 M.S rods available, bending to shape, tying with G.I wire and laying in position as directed
reinforcing foundations. cwt 3,412
J070 M.S bars 5/8" dia. supplying and fixing in window frames at 4" centers and painted with two
coats Aluminium or anti- corrosive paint. L.ft 157
J071 M.S bars 3/4" dia. supplying and fixing in window frames at 4" centers and painted with two
coats Aluminium or anti- corrosive paint. L.ft 206
J072 Pintols for gates and garage doors supplying and fixing in cement concrete (concrete to be
paid for separately) Nos 2,267
J073 Rag Bolts 4" x 5/8" with nuts and washers supplying and fixing complete. Nos 432
J074 Sheets, G.I plain, 24 B..W.G with hooked joints supplying and fixing to existing frames with
wire nails. Sq.ft 151
Wire mesh
J075 Wire netting, hexagonal mesh 1/2" supplying and fixing (beading to be paid for separately)
Sq.ft 76
J076 Wire mesh 1/2" galvanized, supplying and fixing with available fillets, including removing
existing. Sq.ft 325
J077 Wire mesh 1/4" galvanized, supplying and fixing with available fillets, including removing
existing. Sq.ft 408
J078 Wire mesh 1/16" galvanized, supplying and fixing with available fillets including removing
existing. Sq.ft 501
Reinforcement, with Tor steel rods
J079 Tor steel rods in reinforcing lintols, beams, columns and slabs bending to shape, laying in
position and tying with G.I wire as directed. cwt 16,067
J080 Tor steel rods in foundation or Floors, bending to shape, laying in position and tying with G.I
wire as directed. cwt 14,987
Chain-link fencing
Note: Refer Item numbers From S011 to S024 for Barbed wire fencing
J081 Supplying and fixing 2"dia. heavy duty GI pipe uprights for receiving chain-link fence. Rate to
include for painting one coat of anticorrosive and two coats of enamel paint and welding
6"x6"x1/4" thick MS plate to bottom of pipe and fixing fiberglass pipe cap 2" dia.(Rate
exclude cement concrete base & Excavation.) L.ft 1,371
J082 Supplying and fixing, open area 2"x2", 5' 0"ft. high (gauge 10) galvanized and PVC coated
Chain link fence . Fixed to existing GI post and including horizontal bracing with 5/8"x 1/4"
MS flat iron with GI J bolts and washers , PVC coated tying wires etc., Sq.ft 220

S07- 53 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

J083 Supplying and fixing, open area 2"x2", 5' 0"ft. high (gauge 12 galvanized and PVC coated
Chain link fence . Fixed to existing GI post and including horizontal bracing with 5/8"x 1/4"
MS flat iron with GI J bolts and washers , PVC coated tying wires etc., Sq.ft 216
J084 Supplying and welding 11/2"x11/2"x1/4"MS angle iron horizontal bracing to existing GI pipe
posts. Rate to include for painting one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of enamel
paint. L.ft 365
Mild Steel Grill work
J085 Fabricating and fixing of MS grills with 1"x1/4" flat iron frame and 1/4"dia.MS. rods welded
to diamond shape 3"centres both ways. Sq.ft 620
Guard rails ( Heavy duty GI-Pipe)
J086 Fabricating and fixing of 3' 0" high, heavy duty GI. Pipe Guard railing, consisting of
1½"dia.Vertical pipe (Balusters) raised at 6" intervals & firmly fixed to Concrete floor at
bottom & welded to 2"dia.heavy duty Horizontal GI. pipe top rail. Two rows of 1" dia. heavy
duty GI pipe bracings welded to Vertical pipes horizontally at mid way.( painting Paid
Separately)Considered 20' 0" long hand rail L.ft 3,049
Hand rails ( Heavy duty GI-Pipe)
J087 Fabricating and fixing of 3' 0" high, heavy duty GI. Pipe Hand railing, consisting of ¾" dia.
uprights at 12" centers. 1/4" thick 2"x2" M.S plate welded to the bottom end of uprights and
embedded in concrete floor. The top end of the upright welded to 1½"dia.G.I hand rail.
Considered 11' 2" long hand rail L.ft 2,783
Hand rails (Stainless Steel, 1.5mm thick Pipe- Grade 304 )
J088 Fabricating and fixing of 3' 0" high, stainless steel railing, consisting of ¾" dia 1.5mm Thick
stainless steel (Pipe) uprights at 12" centers. 1/4" thick 2"x2" M.S plate welded to the bottom
end of uprights and embedded in concrete floor, covered with stainless steel base cap. The top
end of the upright welded to Stainless Steel Pipes,1½"dia.x 1.5mm Thick , hand rail (All
stainless steel members are in Grade 304). Considered 11' 2" long hand rail
L.ft 3,240
0 0
Web Truss - (Angle between 15 - 45 )
J089 Fabricating & Fixing Steel web Truss , Span less than 8m consist of top chord, bottom chord
& bracings. Including all , gusset plates , cleats , rivets , nuts, washers, rag bolts, separators
etc.. (Rate shall include for painting of two coats of anticorrosive paint & one coat of enamel
paint.) (Hoisting charges paid separately) Kg 388

S07- 54 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

K001 Bolts, Casement fasteners or stays, removing and re-fixing including making good to holes in
frames and sashes. Nos 151
Bolts, barrel, brass
K002 Bolts, barrel, brass, polished, 2 1/2" heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 477
Prime Cost of, Brass-Barrel bolts, 2"=Rs.200 100394
K003 Bolts, barrel, brass, polished, 3" heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 504
Prime Cost of, Brass-Barrel bolts, 3"=Rs.263 100395
K004 Bolts, barrel, brass, polished, 4" heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 590
Prime Cost of, Brass-Barrel bolts, 4"=Rs.289 100396
K005 Bolts, barrel, brass, polished, 5" heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 603
Prime Cost of, Brass-Barrel bolts, 5"=Rs.341 100397
K006 Bolts, barrel, brass, polished, 6" heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 697
Prime Cost of, Brass-Barrel bolts, 6"=Rs.415 100330
K007 Bolts, brass, skeleton 8" supplying & fixing with brass screws. Nos 456
Prime Cost of, Brass- Skelton bolt 8"=Rs.159 100408
K008 Bolts, brass, skeleton 10" supplying & fixing with brass screws. Nos 494
Prime Cost of, Brass- Skelton bolt 10"=Rs.189 100409
K009 Bolts, brass, skeleton 12" supplying & fixing with brass screws. Nos 579
Prime Cost of, Brass- Skelton bolt 12"=Rs.256 100410
K010 Bolts, brass, skeleton 14" supplying & fixing with brass screws. Nos 689
Prime Cost of, Brass- Skelton bolt 14"=Rs.315 100411
Cabin Hooks (Brass)
K011 Cabin Hooks 2" polished, brass, heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 388
Prime Cost of, Cabin Hooks 2" =Rs.105 100177
K012 Cabin Hooks 3" polished, brass, heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 414
Prime Cost of, Cabin Hooks 3" =Rs.126 100178
K013 Cabin Hooks 6" polished, brass, heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws.
Nos 455
Prime Cost of, Cabin Hooks 6" =Rs.158 100179
K014 Cabin Hooks, 8", polished, brass heavy Quality supplying & fixing with brass screws. Nos 501
Prime Cost of, Cabin Hooks 8" =Rs.194 100180
K015 Cabin Hooks, 9", polished, brass heavy quality supplying & fixing with brass screws. Nos 581
Prime Cost of, Cabin Hooks 9" =Rs.257 100181
K016 Cabin Hooks, 10", polished, brass heavy quality supplying & fixing with brass screws.
Nos 734
Prime Cost of, Cabin Hooks 10" =Rs.378 100182
K017 Cabin Hooks, 12", polished, brass heavy quality supplying & fixing with brass screws.
Nos 755
Prime Cost of, Cabin Hooks, 12", polished, brass =Rs.394 100183

S07- 55 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Casement fasteners, brass

K018 Casement fasteners, brass with Motice plate, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with
brass screws. Nos 639
Prime Cost of, Casement fasteners, brass=Rs.289 100234
K019 Casement stays, polished 10" heavy quality supplying and fixing. Nos 650
Prime Cost of, Casement stays, polished 10" =Rs.357 100236
K020 Casement stays, polished 12" heavy quality supplying and fixing. Nos 677
Prime Cost of, Casement stays, polished 12" =Rs.378 100237
K021 Fanlight Catches, brass heavy quality, supplying and fixing with brass screws complete.
Nos 740
Prime Cost of, Fanlight Catches, brass =Rs.368 100235
K022 Handles, door, brass, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws complete.
Nos 589
Prime Cost of, Handles, door, brass, =Rs.368 100256
Hasp and staple, brass
K023 Hasp and staple, Safety type, 6" brass, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass
screws, complete. Nos 654
Prime Cost of, Hasp and staple, Safety type, 6" brass, =Rs.315 100232
K024 Hasp and staple, Safety type, 4" brass, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass
screws, complete. Nos 588
Prime Cost of, Hasp and staple, Safety type, 4" brass, =Rs.263 100233
K025 Hat Hooks, brass, supplying and fixing with brass screws. Nos 337
Prime Cost of, Hat Hooks, brass, =Rs.110 100184
Hinges, brass
K026 Hinges, butt, 2" brass, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws
complete. pairs 889
Prime Cost of, Hinges, butt, 2" brass, .=Rs.273 100150
K027 Hinges, butt, 3" brass polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws complete.
pairs 1,063
Prime Cost of, Hinges, butt, 3" brass, .=Rs.410 100151
K028 Hinges, butt, 3 1/2" brass polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws
complete. pairs 1,580
Prime Cost of, Hinges, butt, 3½" brass, .=Rs.457 100152
K029 Hinges, butt, 4" brass polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws complete.
pairs 1,600
Prime Cost of, Hinges, butt, 4" brass, .=Rs.473 100153
K030 Hinges, butt, 5" brass polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws complete.
pairs 1,706
Prime Cost of, Hinges, butt, 5" brass, .=Rs.557 100154
K031 Hinges centre pivoted (consisting of 2 pieces) brass, polished heavy quality supplying and
fixing with brass screws complete. pairs 1,043
Prime Cost of, Hinges centre pivoted 3"=Rs.252 100155
K032 Hinges, gravity, brass supplying and fixing with brass screws complete. pairs
10015 1,191
K033 Hinges, Parliamentary, 4" brass, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws
complete. pairs 2,012
Prime Cost of, Hinges, Parliamentary, 4" brass, =Rs.797 100157
K034 Hinges, Parliamentary, 5" brass, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws
complete. Nos 1,051
Prime Cost of, Hinges, Parliamentary, 5" brass, =Rs.867 100158

S07- 56 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

K035 Hinges, Parliamentary, 6" brass, polished heavy quality supplying and fixing with brass screws
complete. Nos 1,167
Prime Cost of, Hinges, Parliamentary, 6" brass, =Rs.1050 100159
K036 Hinges, Spring, available, repairing and re-fixing. Nos 916
K037 Hinges, spring, double acting, brass 4" supplying and fixing. Nos 2,374
Prime Cost of, Hinges, spring, double acting, brass 4" =Rs.551 100160
K038 fixing Hinges, available complete with brass screws. Nos 1,000
Locks (Brass)
Note: Refer Item numbers From J057 to J065 for Iron Locks.& Item numbers From
U743 to upward for Aluminium Door Locks.
K039 Keys, brass for door locks, making and supplying. Nos 918
K040 Knobs for door locks, polished brass, heavy quality, renewing with brass screws. set 629
Prime Cost of, P cupboard door knobs/ Handle=Rs.368 100257
K041 Locks, door, available, fixing with screws. Nos 575
K042 Locks, door repairing and re-fixing. Nos 1,010
K043 Locks, cupboards, 2 1/2" brass, 4 levers with brass screws supplying and fixing complete.
Nos 728
Prime Cost of, cupboard lock 2½"=Rs.299 100204
K044 Locks, cupboard, repairing and re-fixing. Nos 635
K045 Locks, rim 6" polished brass, 2 levers, superior quality and English make, supplying and
fixing. Nos 5,242
Prime Cost of, Locks, rim 6" polished brass, 2 levers, =Rs.3675 100205
K046 Locks, rim 5" single lever of best quality local manufacture, supplying and fixing. Nos 3,642
Prime Cost of, Locks, rim 5" single lever =Rs.2415 100206
K047 Supplying and fixing ,night latch/Rim Lock (Duplicate/Local), with duplicate keys. Nos 2,193
Prime Cost of, Night latch/Rim Lock (Duplicate/Local), with duplicate keys. =Rs.1155 100216
K048 Supplying and fixing , Yale or Union, night latch Lock (Rim Lock), with duplicate keys. (Nos:
80 or 89),(Imported, British or south African make) Nos 10,755
Prime Cost of, Lock, Yale night latch,(Imported,British or south African make)=Rs.7897 100207
K049 Supplying and fixing Union, night latch Lock (Rim Lock), with duplicate keys. (Nos:
1022,1027 or 1028),(Imported, British or south African make) Nos 14,147
Prime Cost of, Lock, Union, night latch,(Imported,British or south African make)=Rs.10568.25 100221
K050 Door rings, brass 1 3/4" to 1 1/2" supplying and fixing to doors and windows with brass
screws. Nos 371
Prime Cost of, Door rings, brass 1½" =Rs.205 100258
K051 Supplying & fixing Motice (local) single Lock. Nos 5,050
Prime Cost of, Lock Mortice (local) single =Rs.3026 100208
K052 Supplying and fixing Motice Lock (local) double. Nos 8,010
Prime Cost of, Lock Mortice (local) double, =Rs.4407 100209
K053 Supplying and fixing two Lever single door UNION Motice Lock (No2295),(Imported,
British or south African make). Nos 4,473
Prime Cost of, Lock, Mortice Union (No2295),(Imported,Original) single =Rs.2571 100210
K054 Supplying and fixing two Lever double door UNION Motice Lock (No2242), (Imported,
British or south African make). Nos 8,774
Prime Cost of, Lock, Mortice Union (No2242),(Imported,Original) Double =Rs.5009 100211
K055 Supplying and fixing UNION Cylinder Lock (No: PC 064 SC) ,(Imported, British or south
African make). Nos 9,241
Prime Cost of, UNION Cylindrical Motice Lock (No:X985),(Imported,British or south Africa)=Rs.6326

S07- 57 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

K056 Supplying and fixing UNION Nob set Lock (No:X96300) (Imported, British or south
African make). Nos 7,265
Prime Cost of, UNION Nob set Lock for a Door (No:X96300) (Imported,British or south African make). =Rs.4770
K057 Supplying and fixing UNION Nob set Lock for Toilets (No:X96350) (Imported, British or
south African make). Nos 6,490
Prime Cost of, Supplying and fixing UNION Nob set Lock for Toilet door (No:X96350) (Imported,British or south
African make). =Rs.4160 100218
K058 Supplying and fixing RANIYO-PADMA Handle - Black (On Plate) Nos 3,930
Prime Cost of, RANIYO-PADMA Handle - Black (On Plate)=Rs.2144 100220

S07- 58 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Plastering (walls)
L001 (5/8") thick plastering to wall in cement lime and sand 1:1:5 finished semi rough with
wooden float. Sqr 8,243
L002 (5/8") thick plastering to wall in cement lime and sand 1:1:5 finished smooth with lime putty
floating. Sqr 9,631
L003 (5/8") thick plastering 1:5 cement and sand semi rough Sqr 7,276
L004 5/8" thick plastering to wall in cement sand 1:5 including finished smooth with skim coat.
Sqr 13,134
Plastering (beams, slab soffits)
L005 3/8" thick plastering to R.C.C. beams, slab soffit in cement and sand 1:3 including floating
with lime putty. Sqr 10,953
L006 3/8" thick plastering to R.C.C. beams, slab soffit in cement and sand 1:3 including finished
soomth with Skim coat. Sqr 13,351
L007 Clay plastering and lime puttying smooth. Sqr 5,597
L008 Cove moulding 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" in cement mortar 1:2 built in existing wall. L.ft 130
L009 Repairing cracks in wall, plastered in cement mortar 1:3 after chipping 2" to 4" wide. L.ft 71
L010 Cresting with broken glass in cement mortar 1:4 on coping of boundary wall. L.ft 144
L011 Moulding 3" x 1/2" in walls in lime and cement mortar 1:1:4 only for replacements to match
existing or to be "extra" over rate for plastering. L.ft 139
L012 Moulding 6" x 1" in walls in lime and cement mortar 1:1:4 only for replacements to match
existing or to be "extra" over rate for plastering. L.ft 207
L013 Moulding 4" x 2" in cement and sand 1:2 built in existing wall. L.ft 271
L014 Flashing or plaster bands laid over tiles 4" to 6" wide on roof in cement and lime mortar
1:1:4. L.ft 88
L015 Letters embossed in plaster 3/4" thick up to 6" high in cement and sand 1:2 cement floated
and painted complete. Nos 391
L016 ( 5/8") thick plastering to walls in lime and sand 2:5 including floating, finished smooth with
lime putty. Sqr 9,574
L017 Pointing flush in cement 1:2 in surface cracks including raking out joints. L.ft 59
L018 Pointing, tuck, projected in cement 1:2 on brick masonry etc. Sq.ft 151
Rendering Cement
L019 Rendering, (1/2") thick, 1:2 cement and sand, above 1 square. Sqr 6,059
L020 Rendering, (1/2") thick, 1:2 cement and sand, up to 1 square. Sqr 6,491
L021 Rendering, (1/2") thick, 1:3 cement and sand, above 1 square. Sqr 5,503
L022 Rendering, (1/2") thick, 1:3 cement and sand, up to 1 square. Sqr 5,935
L023 Rendering, (3/4") thick, 1:2 cement and sand , above 1 square. Sqr 7,510
L024 Rendering, (3/4") thick, 1:2 cement and sand ,up to 1 Square. Sqr 8,252
L025 Rendering, (3/4") thick, 1:3 cement and sand , above 1 square. Sqr 7,160
L026 Rendering, (3/4") thick, 1:3 cement and sand ,up to 1 square. Sqr 7,606
Cement floating coat.
L027 Neat cement floating coat on already Layed rendering surface, finish smooth with Mason
trowel. Sqr 1,598
L028 Coloured cement (Red or Black) floating coat on already Layed rendering surface, finish
smooth with Mason trowel. Sqr 2,034
L029 Coloured cement (Brown or Green) floating coat on already Layed rendering surface, finish
smooth with Mason trowel. Sqr 2,034

S07- 59 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Cement Rendering and smooth Coloured floating coat

L030 Rendering (3/4") thick, 1:3 cement and sand and floating coat, using Coloured (Red/Black)
finished smooth with Mason trowel. Sqr 9,640
Rendering Cement with Pudlo
L031 Rendering cement 3/4" 1:2 with Pudlo, 5 lbs. to 100 lbs., cement. Sqr 11,273
Skirting in cement mortar
L032 Skirting in cement mortar 1:3, 1/2" x 4" projected or flushed with wall, and finished with neat
Cement smooth and including forming groove. L.ft 179
L033 Skirting in cement mortar 1:3, 1/2" x 4" projected or flushed with wall, and finished with Red
Cement floating, including forming groove. L.ft 194
D.P.C- 3/4"
L034 D.P.C- 3/4" thick in cement, sand 1:2 finished smooth with 2 coats of hot tar. Sqr 14,956
Plastering (Reveals)
L035 Plastering external reveals 4" wide finished rough. L.ft 208
L036 Plastering internal reveals 4" wide finished smooth. L.ft 260

S07- 60 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

GI-Down pipes / Hold fasts
M001 Making and fixing Down pipes 4" dia. Using G.I 22 B.W.G with holdfasts or plugs fixed to
walls in cement 1:3. L.ft 557
M002 Making and fixing Down pipes 6" dia. Using G.I 22 B.W.G with holdfasts or plugs fixing to
walls in cement 1:3. L.ft 816
M003 Making and fixing Down pipes, rectangular, using G.I 22 B.W.G. 4" x 3" with holdfasts or
plugs fixing to walls in cement 1:3. L.ft 787
M004 Making and fixing Down pipes 4" x 6", circular or Rectangular, with holdfasts or plugs fixing
to walls (G.I sheets available) L.ft 473
M005 Extra over Items 1 - 4 in Two storeyed buildings. L.ft 176
M006 Extra over Items 1 - 4 in buildings of Three or more storeys. L.ft 201
M007 Down pipes, loose or new, fixing with holdfasts or plugs including making good to walls
(down pipes available; Plugs or holdfast to be paid for separately. L.ft 62
G.I Flashing
M008 Flashing, G.I 22 B.W.G 1ft 6" wide, supplying and fixing with 6" turning up along, and top
edge tucking well into wall in cement and lime mortar, including removal of old flashing.
L.ft 514
M009 Flashing G.I refixing, including making good to walls in cement and lime mortar. L.ft 284
M010 Flashing, 0.47mm thick, Hi Tensile Zn/Al , 1'-6" wide, supplying and fixing with 0'-6" turning
up along, and top edge tucking well into wall and groove filled with silicon. L.ft 584
G.I semicircular Gutters
M011 Gutters, eaves 6" G.I semicircular 22 B.W.G making and fixing with hooks or brackets and
screws, and joints to be soldered complete. L.ft 635
M012 Gutters, eaves 6" G.I semicircular 22 B.W.G making and fixing with hooks or brackets and
screws, and joints to be soldered complete. (G.I sheets available). L.ft 416
M013 Gutter, eaves 6" moulded, G.I 22 B.W.G making and fixing complete including brackets.
L.ft 816
M014 Gutters, eaves and down pipes, cleaning in Single Storeyed Buildings. L.ft 10
M015 Gutters, eaves and down pipes, cleaning in Two Storey Buildings. L.ft 22
M016 Gutters eaves. re-grading in Single Storeyed Buildings. L.ft 12
M017 Gutters eaves. re-grading in Two Storeyed Buildings. L.ft 26
M018 Gutters, existing, making opening to receive 4" to 6" down pipe, attaching spigot piece, joints
to be soldered and making good. Nos 1,800
M019 Gutter heads, 10" x 10" x 2ft 0" making of G.I Sheets 22 B.W.G and fixing. Nos 6,768
M020 Gutter heads, 10" x 10" x 2ft 0" making of G.I Sheets 22 B.W.G and fixing. (Sheets
available) Nos 4,861
M021 Making and fixing Gutter heads, 9" x 9" x 1ft 0" of G.I Sheets 22 B.W.G . Nos 5,269
M022 Making and fixing Gutter heads, 9" x 9" x 1ft 0" of G.I Sheets 22 B.W.G . (Sheets available.)
Nos 3,510
M023 Gutter hooks or brackets 3/4" x 1/8" supplying and fixing complete with Iron screws. Nos 458
M024 Gutters, leaks repairing or joints to be soldered. Nos 560
M025 Gutters, parapet, G.I 3ft 0" overall, 22 B.W.G renewing on existing boards, joints to be
soldered and laid complete. L.ft 897
M026 Renewing gutters, valley, 18 B.W.G 36" wide, on existing boards, sheets to be tarred, joints
to be soldered and cement, lime filleting complete. L.ft 991
M027 Renewing gutters, valley, 18 B.W.G 36" wide, on existing boards, sheets to be tarred, joints to
be soldered and cement lime filleting complete (G.I sheets available) L.ft 315
M028 Renewing swan Neck approx. 3ft 4" long 4" dia. 22 B.W.G . Nos 3,887
M029 Making tank, Hot Water, 1ft 6" x 1ft 0" x 1ft 6" high with G.I Sheets, 22 B.W.G riveting and
soldering, supplying and fixing (Connecting U pipe and tap to be paid for separately)
Nos 779

S07- 61 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

M030 Gutters parapet - G.I 3ft 0" overall 22 B.W.G renewing including timber 1" boarding, joints to
be soldered and laid complete. L.ft 1,989
Valley gutter (G.I)
M031 Gutters valley, 18 B.W.G 36" wide, renewing including timber 1" thick boarding, sheet t be
tarred, joints to be soldered and cement lime filleting complete. L.ft 2,269
Zinc Aluminium Colour bonded valley gutter (0.47mm)
M032 Supplying and fixing Zinc Aluminium sheet valley gutter (0.47mm) thick ,width 914mm and
fixing to roof with self trapping screws.(Excluding timber boarding). Hi-tensile (Grade-550)
Colour L.ft 682
M033 Supplying and fixing Zinc Aluminium sheet valley gutter (0.47mm) thick ,width 457mm and
fixing to roof with self trapping screws.(Excluding timber boarding) Hi-tensile (Grade-550)
Colour L.ft 585
Zn/Alu high tensile down pipes
M034 Supplying, fixing 0.47mm tk., Zn/Alu Hi-tensile (Grade-550) Colour down pipe (914mm
girth) with brackets. L.ft 438
M035 Supplying, fixing 0.47mm tk., Zn/Alu Hi-tensile (Grade-550) Colour down pipe (457mm
girth) with brackets. L.ft 332
Zn/Alu gutters
M036 Supplying, fixing 0.47mm tk., Alu gutters (914mm girth) with brackets & specials. Hi-tensile
(Grade-550) Colour L.ft 525
M037 Supplying, fixing 0.47mm tk., Alu gutters (457mm girth) with brackets & specials. L.ft 369
Zn/Alu Down pipe Bends
M038 Supplying, fixing 0.47mm tk., Zn/Alu Hi-tensile (Grade-550) Colour. Down pipe Bend (for
914mm girth gutter) with brackets & specials. Nos 1,865
M039 Supplying, fixing 0.47mm tk., Zn/Alu Hi-tensile (Grade-550) Colour. Down pipe Bend (for
457mm girth gutter) with brackets & specials. Nos 1,172

S07- 62 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

N001 Glass panes fixing with (Group 6 category A) timber beadings (Glass available) Sq.ft 198
N002 Glass panes 3 mm clear supplying and fixing with (Group 6) timber beadings. Sq.ft 296
N003 Glass panes 5 mm clear, supplying and fixing with (Group 6) timber Beadings. Sq.ft 348
N004 Glass panes 5 mm pinhead or obscure supplying and fixing with (Group 6) timber beadings.
Sq.ft 420
N005 Glass panes 3 mm pinhead or obscure supplying and fixing with (Group 6) timber beadings.
Sq.ft 288
N006 Paint removing from painted glass panes with Caustic Soda Solution or other paint remover.
Sq.ft 73

S07- 63 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

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BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021


Scraping Walls
P001 Walls, scraped to original plaster, sand papering and lime putting cracks and defects,
preparing surface for Distemper, snowcem, paint or similar application. Sqr 1,214
P002 Walls, scraping and removing soot and levelling internally in Kitchen (extra over colour
washing) Sqr 477
Surface preparation (Old work) for Painting (Scraping /Patching /Smoothing)
P003 Surface preparation, old work of Internal faces of walls, scraped to original plaster, patching
up cracks and defects, with Acrylic wall putty, applying one coat of Acrylic wall Filler, sand
papering and preparation of surface for application of Emulsion or Enamel paint. ( Painting
Paid Separately) Sqr 3,000
P004 Surface preparation, old work of External faces of walls, scraped to original plaster, patching
up cracks and defects, with Acrylic wall putty, sand papering and preparation of surface for
application of Weather Shield or Enamel paint. ( Painting Paid Separately)
Sqr 2,531
P005 Surface preparation, old work of External faces of walls, scraped to original plaster, patching
up cracks and defects, with Acrylic wall putty, sand papering and preparation of surface for
application of Weather Shield or Enamel paint in Two Storied building.( Painting Paid
Separately) Sqr 3,233
P006 Surface preparation, old work of External faces of walls, scraped to original plaster, patching
up cracks and defects, with Acrylic wall putty, sand papering and preparation of surface for
application of Weather Shield or Enamel paint in more than Two Storied building. ( Painting
Paid Separately) Sqr 3,895
Skim coat
P007 Applying Skim Coat compound on walls or soffit two coats, finished smooth with sand
papering, and prepare for colour washing. Sq.ft 49
Cement washing to walls
P008 Cement washing to walls of single storeyed buildings, 1 coat, patching and preparing surface.
Sqr 497
P009 Cement washing to walls of single storeyed buildings, 2 coat, patching and preparing surface.
Sqr 854
P010 Cement washing externally to walls of building with upper floors, 1 coat. Sqr 643
White or colour washing walls
P011 White or colour washing walls of single storeyed buildings 1 coat, including patching up and
preparing surface. Sqr 506
P012 White or colour washing walls of single storeyed buildings 2 coats, including patching up and
preparing surface. Sqr 887
P013 White or Colour washing external walls of two storeyed buildings, 1 coat. Sqr 594
P014 White or Colour washing external walls in buildings, of more than 2 storeys, 1 coat. Sqr 682
P015 White or Colour washing external walls in Two storeyed buildings, 2 coats. Sqr 1,052
P016 White or Colour washing external walls in building with more than 2 storeys, 2 coats. Sqr 1,140
Snowcem paint
P017 Painting walls with snowcem or equivalent cement paint, 2 coats to new work. Sqr 4,603
P018 Painting walls with snowcem or equivalent cement paint, 2 coats to old walls after scraping
existing colour wash, sand papering and wiping down. Sqr 5,079
P019 Painting walls with snowcem or equivalent cement on old walls after scraping existing colour
wash, sand papering and wiping down one coat. Sqr 2,886
Acrylic wall Filler ( Primer for Interior)
P020 Painting walls with Acrylic wall Filler. Sqr 1,702
Alkali resisting primer
P021 Alkali resisting primer has good adhesion properties to the substrate. specially recommended
the walls need to paint before curing or less than 2 weeks after plastering.
Sqr 2,556

S07- 64 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Elastometic (Crack Bridging) filler Primer

P022 Applying Elastometic (Crack Bridging) filler primer for adverse weather condition like high
thermal variances in day and night to avoid existing hair line cracks and prevents further
cracks appearing. (Also Elastomeric primer should control algae and fungus and rich with
good elongation & colour retention properties.) Sqr 2,476
Alkali resisting water Proofing sealer
P023 Painting walls with one coat of Alkali resisting water Proofing sealer where necessary.
Sqr 2,757
Heat Resistant paint
P024 Applying Heat Resistant paint, one coat to all exposed surfaces on walls already prepared.
Sqr 7,516
Silicone masonry water repellent paint
P025 Painting Walls with one coat of Silicone masonry water repellent paint. Sqr 2,114
Bathroom paint
P026 Painting Walls with one coat of Bathroom paint. Sqr 2,643
Emulsion paint (Interior)
P027 Painting Walls with one coat of emulsion paint. (On New work or already prepared old work).
Sqr 2,140
P028 Painting on New walls with two coats of emulsion paint. (Primer coat paid separately) Sqr 3,892
P029 Painting Walls with Emulsion paint, One coat including preparing surface of old work. Sqr 2,678
P030 Painting Walls with Emulsion paint, Two coats including preparing surface of old work.
Sqr 4,463
Painting General Purpose weather shied ( Exterior)
P031 Painting external walls with One coat of weather shied paint. (Excluding Primer Coat). Sqr 2,773
P032 Painting external walls with Two coats of weather shied paint. (Excluding Primer Coat).
Sqr 5,160
Painting on old work with General Purpose weather shied (Exterior paint) , including
surface preparation.
P033 Painting walls with weather shied paint One coat including wire brushing and sand papering
of old work. Sqr 3,393
P034 Painting walls with weather shied paint Two coat including wire brushing and sand papering
of old work. Sqr 5,425
Painting on New work with, Two Coats of Acrylic Emulsion weather shied (Exterior
paint), and One coat of Elastomeric filler Primer (under Coat).
P035 Painting on New work, weather shied (Exterior paint) One Coat, with One Primer under Coat.
Sqr 4,769
P036 Painting on New work, weather shied (Exterior paint) Two Coats , with One Primer under
Coat. Sqr 7,420
Acrylic Emulsion (Exterior paint)
P037 Painting external walls with Two coats of Acrylic Emulsion (Exterior paint) paint resist
against algae, fungus and scrubs. (On New work or already prepared old work). Sqr 5,912
Painting asbestos sheet roof
P038 Painting over the asbestos sheet roof with Two coats of roof shield paint. Sqr 4,271
P039 Painting under side of asbestos roofing sheet with One coat of emulsion paint Sqr 2,978
P040 Painting under side of asbestos roofing sheet with Two coats of emulsion paint Sqr 4,510
P041 Painting under side of asbestos roofing sheet with One coat of primer after preparing surface
Sqr 5,012
Floor Painting
P042 Painting floors with One coat of quick drying Floor paint including washing, cleaning and
smoothing down the surface. Sqr 3,456

S07- 65 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

P043 Painting floors with Two coats of quick drying Floor paint including washing, cleaning and
smoothing down the surface. Sqr 6,697
Epoxy Floor Painting
P044 Painting floors with One coat of Epoxy Floor Paint including washing, cleaning and
smoothing down the surface. Sqr 5,135
P045 Painting floors with Two coats of Epoxy Floor Paint including washing, cleaning and
smoothing down the surface. Sqr 9,020
Anticorrosive paint
P046 Painting steelwork, One coat with anticorrosive paint including removing scale and wire
brushing. Sqr 2,654
P047 Painting steelwork, Two coats, with anticorrosive paint including removing scale and wire
brushing. Sqr 4,841
Painting on GI Surface
P048 Painting new galvanized iron GI Adhesion Promoter One coat and One coat of Dulux metal
primer Zink chromate or duco oil primer or equivalent including washing surface with water
after manufactures specification. Sqr 5,665
Aluminium paint
P049 Aluminium paint, One coat on metal surfaces. Sqr 2,186
P050 Aluminium paint, One coat, along 2" thick band. L.ft 16
P051 Aluminium paint, Two coats, along 2" thick band. L.ft 28
Enamel paint
P052 Painting One coat of Enamel paint, including washing and cleaning the surface. Sqr 2,970
P053 Painting Two coats of Enamel paint, including washing and cleaning the surface. Sqr 5,504
Removal of Paint from timber.
P054 Paint removed entirely with blow lamp to bare timber. Sqr 3,238
P055 Painting G.I pipes 3/4" to 1/2" with approved paint, 2 coats. L.ft 29
Wood preservative
P056 Wood preservative, (clear) applied to woodwork one coat (old work) Sqr 1,472
P057 Wood preservative, (clear) applied to woodwork two coats (New work) Sqr 2,763
Enamel paint with Wood primer Under coat
P058 Painting new woodwork, with primer, undercoat and Two coats of enamel paint. Sqr 9,431
P059 Painting new woodwork with approved primer, one coat. Sqr 2,324
Polishing wood work with Wax
P060 Polishing Woodwork with Wax, including thoroughly sand papering surface in new work
only of permanent fixtures. Sqr 7,074
Painting with Wood sheen
P061 Painting with Wood sheen paint including washing cleaning and smoothing down surface,
One coat. Sqr 3,021
P062 Painting with wood sheen paint including washing cleaning and smoothing down surface,
Two coats. Sqr 5,174
Polyurethane Varnishing
P063 Varnishing on old wood surface with one coat of polyurethane varnish-Gloss, after washing
down and sand papering. Sqr 3,726
P064 Varnishing on old wood surface with two coats of polyurethane varnish-Gloss, after washing
down and sand papering. Sqr 6,393
P065 Varnishing on New wood work with one coat of sanding sealer and two coats of
polyurethane varnish-Gloss, after sand papering. Sqr 8,910

S07- 66 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

polyurethane varnish-Matt
P066 Varnishing with polyurethane varnish-Matt, after washing down and sand papering, Two
coats. Sqr 6,808
P067 Varnishing on New wood work with one coat of sanding sealer and two coats of polyurethane
varnish-Matt, after sand papering. Sqr 9,326
Removing Varnish
P068 Varnishing, removing entirely to bare timber and preparing surface. Sqr 4,251
Painting with Sanding sealer / Woof finish Lacquer
P069 Applying new woodwork with Two coats of Sanding sealer and two coats of wood finish
Sqr 13,452
P070 Applying wood finish, one coat, including washing, cleaning and smoothing down surface.
Sqr 5,158
P071 Applying wood finish, one coat, including two coats of sanding sealer after washing,
cleaning and smoothing down surface. Sqr 11,651
Painting with Perque varnish
P072 Cutting, levelling ,polishing and applying two coats of Perque varnish for an existing timber
base floor. Sq.ft 162
P073 Applying masonry sealer for walls One coat. Sqr 3,115
Painting Letters on (Board / Wall)
P074 Lettering 1" to 1 1/2" painted in Sinhalese, English or Tamil, including painting background.
Nos 77
P075 Lettering 2" to 3" painted in Sinhalese, English or Tamil, including painting background.
Nos 274
P076 Lettering 4" to 5" painted in Sinhalese, English or Tamil, including painting background.
Nos 148

S07- 67 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Ball valve-UPVC
Q001 Supplying & fixing UPVC ball valve 1/2" dia. (S-Lon or equivalent) Nos 482
Prime Cost of, PVC-Ball valve, ½" (S-Lon or equivalent)=Rs.156 80038
Q002 Supplying & fixing UPVC ball valve 3/4" dia. (S-Lon or equivalent) Nos 624
Prime Cost of, PVC-Ballvalve, ¾" (S-Lon or equivalent)=Rs.268 80039
Q003 Supplying & fixing UPVC ball valve 1" dia. (S-Lon or equivalent) Nos 673
Prime Cost of, PVC-Ball valve, 1" (S-Lon or equivalent)=Rs.307 80040
Q004 Supplying & fixing UPVC ball valve 1 1/4" dia. (S-Lon or equivalent) Nos 1,018
Prime Cost of, PVC-Ball valve, 1¼" (S-Lon or equivalent)=Rs.471 80041
Q005 Fixing ball valve 1/2" to 1" (available.) Nos 284
Ball valve-Brass
Q006 Repairing & fixing ball valve. removing and refixing Nos 324
Q007 Supplying & fixing Brass Ball valve ½" or 20mm-(Peglar or equivalent.) Nos 1,324
Prime Cost of, Brass Ball valve ½" or 20mm-(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.787
Q008 Supplying & fixing Ball valve Brass ¾" or 25mm-(Peglar or equivalent.) Nos 1,991
Prime Cost of, Ball valve Brass ¾" or 25mm-(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.1313
Q009 Supplying & fixing Ball valve Brass 1" or 32mm-(Peglar or equivalent.) Nos 2,726
Prime Cost of, Ball valve Brass 1" or 32mm-(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.1785
Q010 Supplying & fixing Ball valve Brass 1½" or 50mm -(Peglar or equivalent.) with necessary
fittings. Nos 10,112
Prime Cost of, Ball valve Brass 1½" or 63mm -(Peglar or equi.) =Rs.7350 80058
Q011 Soldering & fixing ball to lever operating Valve (available) Nos 490
Concealed Taps/Valves-Chromium plated
Q012 Supply and fixing concealed valve 1/2"dia. Nos Deleted
Q013 Supplying and fixing Concealed valve 1/2"dia.(American Standard or Equivalent.) Nos 5,699
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated Concealed valve (Amarican Standerd)=Rs.4368 80869
Q014 Supplying & fixing Concealed Taps/Valves-Chromium plated ½" dia.(Plumber) Nos 5,545
Prime Cost of, Concealed Valve (plumber), ½"dia.=Rs.4021 80868
Flush valve
Q015 Supplying and fixing cobra flush valve Nos Deleted
Q016 Supplying and fixing wall Urinal Flush Valve(FM 3A903)-High Quality Nos 9,450
Prime Cost of, Urinal Flush Valve(Rocell)-High Qaulity=Rs.7195 80068
Q017 Supplying and fixing wall Urinal Sensor Flush Valve(FM 3L303)-High Quality Nos 18,834
Prime Cost of, Urinal Sensor Flush Valve(Rocell)-High Qaulity=Rs.14583 80069
Flush valve to existing Urinal (Imported )
Q018 Supplying and fixing wall Urinal Flush Valve(Cobra)-High Quality Nos 26,597
Prime Cost of, Urinal Flush Valve(Cobra)-High Qaulity=Rs.20475 80066
Q019 Supplying & fixing flush valve to existing Urinal (American Standard or Equivalent.) Nos 17,222
Prime Cost of, Flush valve to existing Urinal (American Standerd)=Rs.13093 80067
Gate valve brass for Max. 17.5 bars (Pegler 1065 or equivalent)
Q020 Supplying and fixing 3/8" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos 1,404
Prime Cost of, Gate valve,3/8" dia: brass, imported -(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.871 80075
Q021 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos 2,537
Prime Cost of, Gate valve,½" dia: brass, imported -(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.1764 80076

S07- 68 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q022 Supplying and fixing 3/4" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos 3,111
Prime Cost of, Gate valve,¾" dia: brass, imported -(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.2205 80077
Q023 Supplying and fixing 1" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos 4,311
Prime Cost of, Gate valve,1"dia. brass, imported -(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.3140 80078
Q024 Supplying and fixing 1 1/4" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos 7,925
Prime Cost of, Gate valve,1¼"dia: brass, imported -(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.5985 80079
Q025 Supplying and fixing 1 1/2" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos 7,955
Prime Cost of, Gate valve,1½"dia: brass, imported -(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.6103 80080
Q026 Supplying and fixing 2" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos 12,073
Prime Cost of, Gate valve,2" dia: brass, imported -(Peglar or equi.)=Rs.9345 80081
Gate valve brass for Max. 20 bars (Pegler 1068 or equivalent)
Q027 Supplying and fixing 1/4" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q028 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q029 Supplying and fixing 3/4" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q030 Supplying and fixing 1" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q031 Supplying and fixing 1 1/4" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q032 Supplying and fixing 1 1/2" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q033 Supplying and fixing 2" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q034 Supplying and fixing 2 1/2" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q035 Supplying and fixing 3" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Q036 Supplying and fixing 4" dia: gate valve brass imported (Pegler or equivalent, approved
quality). Nos Deleted
Float valve (Pegler 855 or equivalent)
Q037 Supplying & fixing 1/2" dia. brass float valve with necessary fittings Nos 2,965
Prime Cost of, 1/2" dia. brass float value with 5" Plastic Ball =Rs.1837
Q038 Supplying & fixing 3/4" dia. brass float valve with necessary fittings Nos 3,284
Prime Cost of, 3/4" dia. brass float value with 5" Plastic Ball=Rs.2363
Q039 Supplying & fixing 1" dia. brass float valve with necessary fittings Nos 5,086
Prime Cost of, 1" dia. brass float value with 5" Plastic Ball=Rs.3675
Q040 Supplying & fixing 1 1/4" dia. brass float valve with necessary fittings Nos 19,357
Prime Cost of, 1 1/4" dia. brass float value with 5" Plastic Ball =Rs.14805 80843
Q041 Supplying & fixing 1 1/2" dia. brass float valve with necessary fittings Nos 31,089
Prime Cost of, 1 1/2" dia. brass float value with 5" Plastic Ball=Rs.24150 80844
Q042 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. brass float valve with necessary fittings Nos 39,098
Prime Cost of, 2" dia. brass float value with 5" Plastic Ball =Rs.29925 80845

S07- 69 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Foot valve Brass

Q043 Supplying & fixing 1" dia. Copper foot valve with necessary fittings Nos 9,094
Prime Cost of, Copper Foot valve 1"=Rs.6300
Q044 Supplying & fixing 1 1/2" dia. Copper foot valve with necessary fittings Nos 15,762
Prime Cost of, Copper Foot valve 1 1/2"=Rs.11550
Q045 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. Copper foot valve with necessary fittings Nos 21,763
Prime Cost of, Copper foot value 2" dia.=Rs.16275
Foot valve PVC
Q046 Supplying & fixing 1" dia. PVC foot valve with necessary fittings (L/D or equivalent) Nos 1,493
Prime Cost of, 1" PVC foot valve (L/D Brand)=Rs.315 80858
Q047 Supplying & fixing 1 1/4" dia. PVC foot valve with necessary fittings (L/D or equivalent)
Nos 1,935
Prime Cost of, 1 1/4" PVC foot valve (L/D Brand)=Rs.662 80859
Q048 Supplying & fixing 1 1/2" dia. PVC foot valve with necessary fittings (L/D or equivalent)
Nos 2,043
Prime Cost of, 1 1/2" PVC foot valve (L/D Brand)=Rs.748 80860
Q049 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. PVC foot valve with necessary fittings (L/D or equivalent) Nos 2,423
Prime Cost of, 2" PVC foot valve (L/D Brand)=Rs.1047 80861
Q050 Supplying & fixing 2 1/2" dia. PVC foot valve with necessary fittings (L/D or equivalent)
Nos 6,294
Prime Cost of, 2 1/2" PVC foot valve (L/D Brand)=Rs.4095 80862
Q051 Supplying & fixing 3" dia. PVC foot valve with necessary fittings (L/D or equivalent) Nos 7,427
Prime Cost of, 3" PVC foot valve (L/D Brand)=Rs.4988 80863
Lavatory Basin
Q052 Fixing Lavatory Basin to wall, and connecting to existing water service and making good.
(Basin, brackets and fittings available). Nos 5,389
Q053 Fixing Basin, Lavatory, existing brackets. (Tap, Waste trap and Basin available). Nos 2,347
Q054 Supplying & fixing complete Basin, Lavatory, 22" x 16" with waste plug, new brackets, (tap,
trap, and outlet pipe will be paid for separately) Nos 14,966
Prime Cost of, Basin, Lavatory, 22" x 16" with waste plug, new brackets, =Rs.7807 80610
Q055 Supplying & fixing complete Basin, Lavatory, 22" x 16" with waste plug, existing brackets, (
tap, trap, and outlet pipe will be paid for separately). Nos 9,628
Prime Cost of, Basin, Lavatory, 22" x 16" with waste plug, =Rs.5733 80611
Q056 Supplying & fixing complete Basin, Lavatory, 25" x 18" with waste plug, new brackets, ( tap,
trap, and outlet pipe will be paid for separately) Nos 13,139
Prime Cost of, Basin, Lavatory, 25" x 18" with waste plug, new brackets, =Rs.6174 80612
Q057 Supplying & fixing complete Basin, Lavatory, 25" x 18" with waste plug, on existing
brackets, ( tap, trap, and outlet pipe will be paid for separately). Nos 10,761
Prime Cost of, Basin, Lavatory, 25" x 18" with waste plug, =Rs.6615 80613
Removing bath room Fittings
Q058 Removing basin, sink or urinal including all fittings, and making walls good. Nos 2,422
Q059 Baths, C.I enamel, removing and re-fixing in New position and making good to walls and
floors (Extra piping required will be paid for separately) Nos 7,866
Q060 Fixing bath, enameled, C.I. any size, including trap, tap outlet, pipes etc. complete (Bath and
fittings available). Nos 5,801
Q061 supplying and fixing bath, enameled, 3" roll edge, C.I 5ft 6" including trap, tap etc. (out-let
pipes will be paid for separately) Nos Deleted
Q062 Fixing bends, elbows, tees, crosses, G.I any size up to 2" (fittings available) Nos 190
Q063 Supplying and fixing bends, G.I 1/2". Nos 490
Q064 Supplying and fixing bends, G.I 3/4". Nos 623

S07- 70 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q065 Supplying and fixing bends, G.I 1". Nos 650

Q066 Supplying and fixing bends, G.I 1 1/4". Nos 851
Q067 Supplying and fixing bends, G.I 1 1/2". Nos 1,324
Q068 Supplying and fixing bends, G.I 2". Nos 1,724
Q069 Supplying and fixing bends, G.I 3". Nos 5,036
Closet-pedestal type
Q070 Fixing closet, pedestal type, available at site with cement concrete after breaking concrete
floor, and making good and making connections to soil and flush pipes. Nos 4,016
Q071 Closet, pedestal type, disconnecting and plugging sewer connection and making good all
affected walls and floors. Nos 2,833
Q072 Supplying & fixing ,pedestal closet (Indian make) ( seat and cover available) Nos 15,077
Prime Cost of, Pedestal closet (Indian make) ( seat and cover available) =Rs.8710 80655
Q073 Supplying & fixing closet, pedestal type, approved quality with low level glazed earthenware
flushing cistern, flush pipe double plastic seat cover, 1/2" stop cock, trap etc. (Indian make)
Nos 12,365
Plastic seat cover, imported
Q074 Supplying and fixing plastic seat cover, imported, approved quality. Nos 4,018
Close coupled water closet suite (white) -Imported
Q075 Supplying & fixing, close coupled water closet suite, white, (4/2.6 Lit ) with water closet Pan,
Cistern, Seat & Seat cover and trap etc.: complete (Twyford- Refresh brand or equivalent
approved quality). Nos Deleted
Q076 Supplying & fixing, close coupled water closet suite, white, (4/2.6 Lit ) with water closet Pan,
Cistern, Seat & Seat cover and trap etc.: complete. (BECA-American standards or equivalent)
Nos 80,449
Prime Cost of, Close coupled water closet suite,white (BECCA-Amarican standerds)=Rs.59220 80661
Close coupled water closet suite (white)-Manufactured in Sri Lanka.
Q077 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
(white / Colour) with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has a horizontal outlet and cistern
with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat, Seat cover and concealed trap etc. . (Make:
Rocell , Model: URBAN-D or equivalent ) Nos 37,095
Prime Cost of, Close coupled water closet suite,white (Urban D-Rocell)=Rs.25083 80662
Q078 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet)
suite(White/ Colour) with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has a horizontal outlet and
cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat, Seat cover and concealed trap etc. .
(Make: Rocell , Model: DUNE or equivalent ) Nos 45,307
Prime Cost of, Close coupled water closet suite,white (Dune-Rocell)=Rs.31549 80663
Q079 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat, Seat cover and
concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: INTENCE or equivalent )
Nos 60,802
Prime Cost of, Close coupled water closet suite,white (Intence-Rocell)=Rs.43750 80664
Q080 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat, Seat cover and
concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: Elements Aquaor equivalent )
Nos 56,628
Prime Cost of, Element aqua water closet with seat cover (Rocell)=Rs.40464 80666

S07- 71 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q081 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat, Seat cover and
concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: Aqua+ or equivalent )
Nos 70,297
Prime Cost of, Aqua + water closet with seat cover (Rocell)=Rs.51226 80667
Q082 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat, Seat cover and
concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: Summer Blue or equivalent )
Nos 121,798
Prime Cost of, Summer Blue closet with seat cover (Rocell)=Rs.91778 80668
Q083 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. In-Wall Tank Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat,
Seat cover and concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: Eternity or equivalent)
Nos 105,898
Prime Cost of, Eternity water closet with seat cover (Rocell)=Rs.76709 80669
Q084 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. In-Wall Tank Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat,
Seat cover and concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: Urbanity or equivalent)
Nos 107,873
Prime Cost of, Urbanity water closet with seat cover (Rocell)=Rs.78264 80670
Q085 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. In-Wall Tank Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat,
Seat cover and concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: Escape or equivalent)
Nos 94,909
Prime Cost of, Escape closet with seat cover (Rocell)=Rs.68056 80671
Q086 Supplying & fixing, Vitreous china floor standing close coupled, Water Closet (toilet) suite
with wash down 6/3 liter dual flushing. Has horizontal outlet and two lateral holes for bottom
water connection. Cistern with water inlet from bottom. Complete with Seat, Electric Seat
cover and concealed trap etc. . (Make: Rocell , Model: Sensofresh or equivalent)
Nos 200,820
Prime Cost of, Sensofresh closet with Electric seat cover (Rocell)=Rs.154000 80672
Close coupled water closet suite (colour)
Q087 Supplying and fixing closed couple water closet suit (Coloured) with flushing cistern ,flush
pipe, double plastic sheet cover ,stop cock, trap etc.(Twyford or equivalent approved quality)
Nos 79,740
Prime Cost of, Low level Closet suit (Twyford) with seat cover-white=Rs.57750 80659
Close coupled European type low level commode suit (white )
Q088 Supplying and fixing close coupled European type low level commode suit white colour with
9 liter capacity which vitreous China low level cistern.(Twyford -Refresh brand)
Nos 83,641
Prime Cost of, Commode Suit-Twyford or equi.=Rs.57750 80665
Bidet, pedestal type-Imported
Q089 Deleted Nos Deleted

S07- 72 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Bidet, pedestal type, Manufactured in Sri Lanka.

Q090 Supplying & fixing Vitreous china floor standing bidet (white colour), Nominal size ( 22" x
14 1/2") floor to Rim height 16", complete with overflow hole, deck mounted single hole
Nos 17,964
Prime Cost of, Floor standing bidet (white colour),( 22" x 14½") (Dune-Rocell)=Rs.12639 80726
Q091 Supplying & fixing Vitreous china floor standing bidet (white colour), Nominal size
(22"x151/2") floor to Rim height 16 1/2", complete with overflow hole, deck mounted single
Nos 17,964
Prime Cost of, Floor standing bidet (white colour),(22"x15½") (Urband D-Rocell)=Rs.12639 80727
Bath wear set (3-Pieces)-Fixing Only
Q092 Fixing pedestal wash basin pedestal low level cistern & bidet with necessary specials &
connecting to existing service line (Fittings are available.) Nos 11,137
Closet-squatting type
Q093 Supplying & fixing closet, squatting type, with trap. (Indian) Nos 7,688
Prime Cost of, Squatting pan and trap (Indian)=Rs.1837
Removing Closet-squatting type
Q094 Removing closet, squatting type, plugging sewer connections and floor made good. Nos 3,306
Fixing available Closet-squatting type
Q095 Fixing in cement concrete closet, squatting type, fixed, including breaking floor (closet
available) Nos 3,958
Q096 Fixing in cement concrete closet, squatting type, fixed including trap, including breaking floor
(closet and trap available) Nos 5,037
Q097 Fixing closet, squatting type, including flushing cistern and pipes complete. (Closet and all
fittings available) Nos 8,441
Squatting pan- European
Q098 Supplying and fixing foot rest squatting pan and trap white to working order.(Twyford or
equivalent approved quality) Nos 38,616
Prime Cost of, Squtting Pan & Trap (White)-Europion typeTwyford or equivalent=Rs.26250 80650
Q099 Supplying and fixing foot rest type squatting pan and trap colour to working order.(American
standards or equivalent) Nos 42,750
Prime Cost of, Squtting Pan & Trap -(American standerds)-S.No:100F=Rs.29505 80651
Squatting pan Ceramic ( Indian)
Q100 Supplying & fixing squatting pan with foot rest Ceramic (Indian or equivalent) Nos 8,365
Prime Cost of, Squatting pan with foot rest Ceramic ( Indian ) =Rs.4462 80652
Closet squatting type ( Indian or equivalent)
Q101 Supplying & fixing closet squatting type with trap complete with cistern plastic flush pipe etc.:
Indian or equivalent (approved quality). Nos 22,612
Prime Cost of, Closet squatting type with foot rest -Indian =Rs.3859 80657
Cistern high level (Plastic)- ( Indian or equivalent)
Q102 Supplying & fixing flushing cistern high level (Plastic). Nos 5,310
Prime Cost of, Flushing Cistern high level (Plastic).Indian=Rs.3675 80718
Cistern high level, ceramic-(Twyford or equivalent approved quality)
Q103 Supplying and fixing ceramic high level cistern with fittings white ,complete.(Twyford or
equivalent approved quality) Nos 35,524
Prime Cost of, High level Cistern ceramic (Twyford)=Rs.26250 80721
Cistern, high level, auto flush-Ceramic
Q104 Supplying & fixing high level ceramic automatic cistern Nos 18,931
Prime Cost of, High level ceramic automatic cistern=Rs.13125 80720

S07- 73 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Cistern, high level, auto flush-Plastic

Q105 Supplying & fixing high level cistern plastic auto flush (2 gallons capacity) complete with
flush pipe, sprinkler pipe, necessary fittings complete to working order. Nos 11,364
Prime Cost of, High level Cistern plastic auto flush (2 gallons capacity) complete with flush pipe, sprinkler pipe,
necessary fittings =Rs.7167 80717
Cistern low level, flushing- porcelain (Indian , approved quality).
Q106 Supplying & fixing flushing cistern low level porcelain Coloured, (Indian , approved quality).
Nos 12,263
Prime Cost of, Flushing cistern low level porcelain coloured (indian , approved quality).=Rs.7875 80719
Q107 Supplying and fixing siphon for existing cistern (Indian) Nos 1,590
Prime Cost of, Syphon System (Indian)=Rs.1048 80955
Q108 Supplying and fixing siphon for existing cistern (American Standard or Equivalent.) Nos 11,754
Prime Cost of, Syphon system (Amarican standerd)=Rs.9051 80956
Magic Bend
Q109 Supplying and Magic bend 4" dia. For existing W.C. set etc. Nos 2,367
Prime Cost of, Magic bend 4" dia. =Rs.1439 80210
Q110 Supplying & fixing urinal, wall type. Nos 8,881
Prime Cost of, Urinal wall type =Rs.4725 80698
Q111 Fixing available urinal, wall type. Nos 2,764
Urinal Imported- Twyford
Q112 Supplying and fixing bowl urinal white.(Twyford or equivalent approved quality) Nos 19,340
Prime Cost of, Urinal wall type (white)-Europion(Twyford)=Rs.13125 80699
Q113 Supplying and fixing bowl urinal colour.(Twyford or equivalent approved quality) Nos 18,807
Prime Cost of, Urinal wall type (Colour)-Europion(Twyford)=Rs.12705 80700
Q114 Supplying and fixing (New wash brook ) urinal.(American standards or equivalent) Nos 65,067
Prime Cost of, New wash brook urinal.(American standerds)=Rs.49130 80702
Q115 Supplying & fixing Wall urinal with brackets.(American standards or equivalent) Nos 20,463
Prime Cost of, Wall urinal with brackets.(American standerds)=Rs.15645 80703
Urinal - Manufactured in Sri Lanka.
Q116 Supplying & fixing Wall urinal with Flush Valve.(Flo Point Urinal - Rocell or equivalent)
Nos 43,439
Prime Cost of, Flo point urinal with F.V (Rocell)=Rs.33736 80704
Q117 Supplying & fixing Wall urinal with Flush Valve.(Dew Point Urinal - Rocell or equivalent)
Nos 36,113
Prime Cost of, Dew point urinal with F.V (Rocell)=Rs.27968 80705
Q118 Supplying & fixing Wall urinal with Sensor.(Flo Point Urinal - Rocell or equivalent) Nos 63,193
Prime Cost of, Flo point urinal withSensor (Rocell)=Rs.49291 80706
Q119 Supplying & fixing Wall urinal with Sensor.(Dew Point Urinal - Rocell or equivalent) Nos 49,612
Prime Cost of, Dew point urinal withSensor (Rocell)=Rs.38597 80707
Sink and fittings-Fixing Only
Q120 Fixing sink, any size, complete with waste plug, trap & brackets (sink and fittings available)
Nos 4,896
Q121 Supplying & fixing sink, glazed, earthenware 30" x20"x8" with waste plug, brackets etc.
complete. Nos 14,567
Prime Cost of, Sink, glazed, earthenware 30" x20"x8" waste plug, chain=Rs.8925 80760

S07- 74 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q122 Supplying & fixing sink, glazed, earthenware 30" x 18" x 8" with waste plug, on existing
supports. Nos 13,494
Prime Cost of, Sink,glazed,earthenware 30" x 18" x 8" with waste plug, chain=Rs.8925 80761
Q123 Supplying & fixing sink, glazed earthenware 24" x 18" x 8" with waste plug, brackets etc.,
complete. Nos 13,233
Q124 Supplying & fixing sink, glazed, earthenware 24" x 18" x 8" with waste plug, on existing
supports. Nos 12,161
Replacing Sink
Q125 Removing & refixing sink or basin, in new position. Nos 7,350
Q126 Sink built in brick in cement 1:5 & cement rendered 1/2" (1:2), 2ft 0" x 2ft 0" with 6" high
curb including making hole in wall and supplying & fixing 2" outlet pipe. Nos 5,605
Stainless steel kitchen sink
Q127 Supplying & fixing approved quality, stainless steel kitchen sink with single bowl & draining
board with necessary waste plug, brackets etc.: Nos 11,592
Prime Cost of, Stainless steel kitchen sink with single bowl & draining board with necessary waste plug, brackets
etc:=Rs.8269 80763
Q128 Supplying & fixing approved quality, stainless steel kitchen sink with double bowl & draining
board with necessary waste plug, brackets etc.: Nos 20,263
Prime Cost of, Stainless steel kitchen sink with double bowl & draining board with necessary waste plug, brackets
etc:=Rs.14884 80764
Q129 Supplying & fixing 800X510mm stainless steel kitchen sink with single bowl & draining
board with necessary waste plug, brackets etc.: (Teka or Equivalent) Nos 28,281
Prime Cost of, SS kitchen sink with single bowl teka=Rs.21410 80765
Q130 Supplying & fixing 1600X510mm stainless steel kitchen sink with double bowl & draining
board with necessary waste plug, brackets etc.: (Teka or Equivalent) Nos 44,417
Prime Cost of, SS kitchen sink with doubl bowl teka=Rs.33902 80766
Wash Basin
Q131 Supplying & fixing wash Basin 22"x16" white pedestal type with pillar tap, waste plug and
other necessary fittings.(Indian approved quality) Nos 11,937
Prime Cost of, Wash basin 22"x15" coloured with pedestal (Indian approved quality)=Rs.7166 80614
Q132 Supplying and fixing Wash Basin with pedestal 25"x18"white.(Twyford -Refresh Brand or
equivalent) Nos 35,697
Prime Cost of, Wash Basin white 25"x18"-Twyford or equi.=Rs.26250 80619
Q133 supplying and fixing Lavatory wash basin with pedestal 20"x18" (American Standerd-
Kimera) Nos 35,964
Prime Cost of, wash basin & pedastal (American Standerd)=Rs.26460 80620
Wash Basin (local Bath wear)
Q134 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) having nominal
side of ( 23"x 18" ) with universal height pedestal of floor to Rim height 33", over flow hole
and single tap hole in centre, including pedestal, Wash basin fixing kit. (Urband D-Rocell or
equivalent) Nos 20,641
Prime Cost of, Wash basin (white colour), (23"x 18" ) with universal height pedestal (Urband D-Rocell)=Rs.13806
Q135 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) having nominal
side of (241/2"x 19") with universal height pedestal of floor to Rim height 32 1/2", over flow
hole and single tap hole in centre, including pedestal, Wash basin fixing kit. (Dune-Rocell)
Cupling, pipe, paid separately Nos 21,134
Prime Cost of, Wash basin( 24½"x 19" ) with universal height pedestal (Dune-Rocell)=Rs.14195 80628
Q136 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) having nominal
side of (241/2"x 19") with universal height pedestal of floor to Rim height 32 1/2", over flow
hole and single tap hole in centre, including pedestal, Wash basin fixing kit. (Intense-Rocell
or equivalent) Nos 33,728
Prime Cost of, Wash basin (white), ( 24½"x 19" ) with universal height pedestal (Intense-Rocell)=Rs.24111

S07- 75 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q137 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) having nominal
side of (241/2"x 19") with universal height pedestal of floor to Rim height 32 1/2", over flow
hole and single tap hole in centre, including pedestal, Wash basin fixing kit. (Elements Aqua-
Rocell or equivalent) Nos 31,875
Prime Cost of, Element aqua wash basin with pedestal (Rocell)=Rs.22653 80630
Q138 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) having nominal
side of (241/2"x 19") with universal height pedestal of floor to Rim height 32 1/2", over flow
hole and single tap hole in centre, including pedestal, Wash basin fixing kit. (Aqua+ -Rocell
or equivalent) Nos 32,988
Prime Cost of, Aqua + wash basin with pedestal (Rocell)=Rs.23528 80631
Q139 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) wall mounted
brackets, over flow hole and single tap hole in centre, Wash basin fixing kit. (Summer Blue-
Rocell or equivalent) Nos 58,916
Prime Cost of, Summer Blue wash basin (Rocell)=Rs.43944 80632
Q140 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) wall mounted
brackets, over flow hole and single tap hole in centre, Wash basin fixing kit. (Eternity-Rocell
or equivalent) Nos 30,394
Prime Cost of, Eternity wash basin with wall mount kit(Rocell)=Rs.21486 80633
Q141 Supplying & fixing Vitreous China floor standing wash basin (white colour) wall mounted
brackets, over flow hole and single tap hole in centre, Wash basin fixing kit. (Urbanity-
Rocell or equivalent) Nos 40,519
Prime Cost of, Urbanity wash basin with wall mount kit(Rocell)=Rs.29459 80634
Q142 Supplying & fixing vitreous chaina wash basin 22"x15" Coloured with pedestal ( Equivalent
to Rocell) Nos 12,240
Prime Cost of, Wash basin 22"x15" coloured with pedestal (Indian approved quality)=Rs.7166 80614
Corner wash basin (Imported quality)
Q143 Supplying & fixing corner wash basin with one tap waste plug, new brackets etc.(Imported
quality) Nos 8,242
Prime Cost of, Corner wash basin with one tap waste plug, new brackets. (Imported quality)=Rs.3859
Corner wash basin (Indian, approved quality)
Q144 Supplying & fixing corner wash basin with one tap, waste plug, new brackets etc.(Indian,
approved quality) Nos 10,553
Prime Cost of, Corner wash basin with one tap, waste plug, new brackets etc.(Indian, approved quality)=Rs.5678
Corner wash basin (local Bath wear)
Q145 Supplying & fixing corner wash basin with one tap, waste plug, new brackets etc.(Aqua
Corner - Rocell or equivalent) Nos 14,702
Prime Cost of, Aqua Corner basing with wall mount kit(Rocell)=Rs.8945 80635
Vanity basin
Q146 Supplying and fixing Vanity basin 25"x16" white.(Refresh-Twyford or equivalent approved
quality) Nos 36,195
Prime Cost of, Vanity Basin 25"x16" White-Twyford or equivalent=Rs.26250 80625
Q147 Supplying and fixing Vanity basin 25"x16"colour.(Galerie-Twyford or equivalent approved
quality) Nos 32,024
Prime Cost of, Vanity Basin 25"x16" Colour-Twyford or equivalent=Rs.22965 80626
Rubber plugs
Q148 Supplying & fixing plugs, rubber 1" to 1 1/4" for wash basins and sinks. Nos 147
Q149 Supplying & fixing plugs, rubber 1 1/2" to 2" for wash basins and sinks. Nos 153
Wooden plugs
Q150 Bedding in cement mortar 1:2, plugs, wooden, in (Group 6 category A) timber 4" long,
tapered 3" to 2" square section, including making holes in walls, floor etc. Nos 259

S07- 76 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Bottle traps
Q151 Supplying & fixing 1 1/4" dia: plastic bottle trap (Indian or equivalent, approved quality).
Nos 885
Prime Cost of, Bottle trap,1¼"dia: plastic . (Indian or eqivalent, approved quality)=Rs.577 80479
Q152 Supplying & fixing 1 1/2" dia: plastic bottle trap (Indian or equivalent, approved quality).
Nos 1,018
Prime Cost of, Bottle trap,1½"dia: plastic (Indian or eqivalent, approved quality)=Rs.683 80480
Q153 Supplying & fixing 2" dia: plastic bottle trap (Indian or equivalent, approved quality). Nos 1,151
Prime Cost of, Bottle trap, 2" dia: plastic.=Rs.787 80481
Q154 Supplying & fixing 1 1/4" dia: bottle trap stainless steel approved quality. Nos 5,601
Prime Cost of, Bottle trap,1¼" dia: stainless steel =Rs.4291 80482
Q155 Supplying & fixing 1 1/2" dia: bottle trap stainless steel approved quality. Nos 6,452
Prime Cost of, Bottle trap, 1½"dia: stainless steel =Rs.4961 80483
PVC P-Trap (2" dia.)
Q156 Supplying and fixing PVC, P-Trap (2" dia. ) Nos 1,355
Fixing and Repairing , available Taps
Q157 Fixing cocks, brass any size, bib or push. (cock available) Nos 208
Q158 Removing cocks, brass bib, push or stop cock, 1/2" to 1 1/2". Nos 90
Q159 Repairing cocks, bib or stop by fixing leather washers. Nos 277
Q160 Repairing cocks, self closing by fixing leather washer. Nos 547
Bib Taps (Metallic)
Q161 Supplying & fixing brass, bib taps, 1/2" (Approved quality) Nos 2,813
Prime Cost of, Bib tap,½" dia: brass (Chinees or eqivalent, approved quality)=Rs.2047 80820
Q162 Supplying & fixing brass, chromium plated bib tap 1/2" . (Plumber or Equivalent.) Nos 4,880
Prime Cost of, Bib tap,½" chromium plated (Plumber)=Rs.3675 80886
Q163 Supplying & fixing 1/2" dia. Brass bib tap with long body chromium plated. (Plumber or
Equivalent.) Nos 3,236
Prime Cost of, Bib tap with long body,½"dia. chromium plated.=Rs.2310 80823
Q164 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia: chromium plated brass bib tap imported (Duro or equivalent)
Nos 8,895
Prime Cost of, Bib tap,½" dia: chromium plated (Dura life)=Rs.6860 80822
Bib Taps (Plastic)
Q165 Supplying & fixing Plastic Bib Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 505
Prime Cost of, Plastic Bib Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.) =Rs.253 80320
Q166 Supplying & fixing Plastic Bib Tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 610
Prime Cost of, Plastic Bib Tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.336 80321
Q167 Supplying & fixing Plastic Bib Tap ¾" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 666
Prime Cost of, Plastic Bib Tap ¾" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.380 80322
Q168 Supplying & fixing Plastic Bib Tap ¾" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 733
Q169 Supplying & fixing Plastic long, Neck Bib Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.)
Nos 499
Prime Cost of, Plastic Bib Tap long Neck ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.) =Rs.249 80324
Q170 Supplying & fixing Plastic Bib Tap, long Neck ½" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 591
Prime Cost of, Plastic Bib Tap long Neck ½" dia. (Round- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.321 80325

S07- 77 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Swan-Neck tap-(Metallic)
Q171 Supplying & fixing chromium plated swan-neck tap ½" (Plumber) with necessary specials.
Nos 5,905
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated swan-neck tap ½" (Dura Life Plumber)=Rs.4305 80829
Swan-Neck tap-(Plastic)
Q172 Supplying & fixing Plastic Swan- tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 2,024
Prime Cost of, Plastic Swan Tap ½" dia. (S-Lon or Equi.)(T- Handle)=Rs.1250 80338
Q173 Supplying & fixing Plastic Swan-Neck tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.)
Nos 2,024
Prime Cost of, Plastic Swan Neck Tap ½" dia. (S-Lon or Equi.) (Round- Handle)=Rs.1250 80339
Chromium plated angle Taps/Valves 1/2"
Q174 Supplying & fixing chromium plated brass angle tap 1/2" with necessary specials, imported,
approved quality. (Duro or equivalent). Nos 1,571
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated Angle valve ½" (Duro)=Rs.893 80832
Q175 Supplying & fixing chromium plated brass angle tap 1/2" with necessary specials, imported,
approved quality. (Indian or equivalent). Nos 3,550
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated Angle valve ½" (Plumber) nectar=Rs.2451 80833
Angle Taps/Valves (Plastic)
Q176 Supplying & fixing Plastic Angle Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 920
Prime Cost of, Plastic Right Angle Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.380 80334
Q177 Supplying & fixing Plastic Angle ½" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 987
Prime Cost of, Plastic Right Angle Tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.) =Rs.433 80335
Chromium plated basin tap 1/2"
Q178 Supplying and fixing basin tap.(Twyford or equivalent approved quality) Nos 10,293
Prime Cost of, Basin tap ½" dia.(Twyford or equi)=Rs.7875 80618
Push taps
Q179 Supplying & fixing push taps 1/2" Brass, Becks, or equivalent approved quality. Nos 13,494
Q180 Supplying & fixing push taps, 1/2" Brass, light pattern. Nos 10,880
Stop tap. (Imported approved quality)
Q181 Supplying & fixing 1/2" dia. Brass chromium plated stop tap. (Imported approved quality,
concealed type) Nos 3,833
Prime Cost of, Stop tap. ½" dia. chromium plated,concealed type (Indian make)=Rs.2625 80870
Stop Taps (Plastic)
Q182 Supplying & fixing Plastic Stop Taps ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 852
Prime Cost of, Plastic Stop Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.277 80328
Q183 Supplying & fixing Plastic Stop Taps ½" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 982
Prime Cost of, Plastic Stop Tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.380 80329
Q184 Supplying & fixing Plastic Stop Taps ¾" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,037
Prime Cost of, Plastic Stop Tap ¾" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.423 80330
Q185 Supplying & fixing Plastic Stop Taps ¾" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 982
Prime Cost of, Plastic Stop Tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.380 80329
Q186 Supplying & fixing Plastic Stop Taps 1" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,241
Prime Cost of, Plastic Stop Tap 1" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.584 80332
Q187 Supplying & fixing Plastic Stop Taps 1" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,438
Prime Cost of, Plastic Stop Tap 1" dia. (Round- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.739 80333
Bath tub tap
Q188 S/F 3/4" dia. bath tub tap brass chromium plated, imported approved quality. Nos 22,661
Prime Cost of, Bath tub tap ¾" dia. Chromium plated =Rs.17656

S07- 78 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Garden Taps (brass)

Q189 Supplying & fixing garden tap 1/2" dia: brass, heavy quality, with necessary specials,
imported, approved quality. Nos 3,850
Garden Taps (Plastic)
Q190 Supplying & fixing Plastic Garden Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 629
Prime Cost of, Plastic Garden Tap ½" dia. (T- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.) =Rs.351 80326
Q191 Supplying & fixing Plastic Garden Tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.)
Nos 733
Prime Cost of, Plastic Garden Tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle) (S-Lon or Equi.)=Rs.433 80327
Pillar cocks
Q192 Repairing pillar cocks, fixing to Basin carefully without making any damage to Basin. Nos 493
Q193 Supplying & fixing pillar cocks 1/2" brass Chromium plated, to basins. (Plumber or
equivalent) Nos 4,234
Prime Cost of, Pillar cocks ½" Chromium plated, =Rs.2989 80898
Pillar taps
Q194 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia: chromium plated Pillar tap. (American Standard or Equivalent.)
Nos 7,398
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated Pillar tap, ½" dia:. (Amarican Standerd)-4604=Rs.5681 80900
Q195 Supplying & fixing 3/4" Chromium plated pillar Cock, to baths. ,(Plumber or equivalent)
Nos 5,945
Prime Cost of, Pillar cocks ¾"Chromium plated,(Plumber or eqivalent) =Rs.4337 80899
Basin Piller Taps (Plastic)
Q196 Supplying & fixing Plastic Basin Piller tap ½" dia. (Round- Handle)(S-Lon or Equivalent.)
Nos 1,395
Prime Cost of, Plastic Basin Piller Tap ½" dia. (S-Lon or Equi.) =Rs.754 80336
Stop cock
Q197 Supplying & fixing stop cock, brass 1/2" dia. Nos 1,969
Prime Cost of, Brass-Stop cock, ½" =Rs.1313 80885
Q198 Supplying & fixing stop cock, brass 3/4" dia. Nos 2,743
Prime Cost of, Stop cock, brass ¾" =Rs.1921 80887
Q199 Supplying & fixing stop cock, brass 1" dia. Nos 4,156
Prime Cost of, Stop cock, brass 1" =Rs.3035 80888
Q200 Supplying & fixing stop cock, brass 1 1/4" dia. Nos 4,636
Prime Cost of, Stop cock, brass 1¼"=Rs.3413 80889
Q201 Supplying & fixing stop cock, brass 1 1/2" dia. Nos 5,230
Prime Cost of, Stop cock, brass 1½" =Rs.3859 80890
Q202 Supplying & fixing stop cock, brass 2" dia. Nos 6,731
Prime Cost of, Stop cock, brass 2" =Rs.4987 80891
Q203 Supplying & fixing stop cock, chromium plated 1/2" dia . Nos 4,970
Prime Cost of, Bib tap,½" chromium plated (Plumber)=Rs.3675 80886
Connector, G.I
Q204 Supplying and fixing connector G.I 1/2". Nos 431
Q205 Supplying and fixing connector, G.I 3/4". Nos 498
Q206 Supplying and fixing connector, G.I 1". Nos 564
Q207 Supplying and fixing connector G.I 1 1/4". Nos 632
Q208 Supplying and fixing connector G.I 1 1/2". Nos 698
Q209 Supplying and fixing connector G.I 2". Nos 923
Q210 Supplying and fixing connector G.I 3". Nos 1,456

S07- 79 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q211 Fixing connector, any size up to 1 1/2" (Fixing only) Nos 298
Q212 Fixing connector, above 1 1/2" and up to 3" (Fixing only) Nos 388
Q213 Supplying and fixing cover and seat for pedestal closets in Teak including polishing. Nos Deleted
Q214 Supplying & fixing cover and seat for pedestal closets in plastic. Nos 2,747
Elbow, G.I
Q215 Supplying and fixing elbow, G.I 1/2". Nos 309
Q216 Supplying and fixing elbow G.I 3/4". Nos 363
Q217 Supplying and fixing elbow G.I 1". Nos 416
Q218 Supplying and fixing elbow G.I 1 1/4". Nos 496
Q219 Supplying and fixing elbow G.I 1 1/2". Nos 596
Q220 Supplying and fixing elbow G.I 2". Nos 816
Q221 Cleaning flushing cistern C.I 2 gallons and painting one coat of anti-corrosive paint
internally. Nos 1,108
Q222 Supplying & fixing flushing cistern, C.I 2 gallons, existing flush pipe and brackets etc.
including ball valve. Nos 4,770
Q223 Fixing flushing Cistern complete (cistern & brackets available) Nos 3,327
Q224 Supplying & fixing flushing Cistern, low level, porcelain ,approved quality complete. Nos 13,522
Q225 Fitting in position in cistern flushing cistern lever forged out of wrought iron, 1" x 3/16"
approx. 1ft 6" long bent to shape, drilled at both ends. Nos 3,020
Q226 Flushing cistern, disconnecting and plugging water connection and making good all damage
to wall floors etc. Nos 2,264
Q227 Flushing cistern, removing and re-fixing in new position including necessary plugs, and
making good to walls. Nos 5,590
Q228 Flush pipe of pedestal closets, re-joining with yarn and putty after removing old putty etc.
Nos 551
Q229 Flush pipe G.I fixing, including soldering joints, (Fixing only) Nos 1,243
Q230 Flush pipe, G.I supplying and fixing complete. Nos 3,386
Hooks for pipes
Q231 Hooks for 1/2" pipes, supplying and fixing. Nos 52
Q232 Hooks for 3/4" pipes, supplying and fixing. Nos 52
Q233 Hooks for 1" pipes, supplying and fixing. Nos 58
Q234 Hooks for 1 1/4" pipes, supplying and fixing. Nos 64
Q235 Hooks for 1 1/2" pipes, supplying and fixing. Nos 65
Q236 Hooks for pipes, available, fixing. Nos 31
Jam Nuts
Q237 Jam Nuts, G.I 1/2" supplying and fixing. Nos 121
Q238 Jam Nuts, G.I 3/4" supplying and fixing. Nos 135
Q239 Jam Nuts, G.I 1" supplying and fixing. Nos 161
Q240 Jam Nuts, G.I 1 1/4" supplying and fixing. Nos 175
Q241 Jam Nuts, G.I 1 1/2" supplying and fixing. Nos 188
Q242 Jam Nuts, G.I 2" supplying and fixing. Nos 301
Q243 Jam Nuts, any size up to 2" fixing (Jam Nut available). Nos 68
Nipples, G.I
Q244 Nipples, G.I 1/2" Supplying & fixing. Nos 189
Q245 Nipples, G.I 3/4" Supplying & fixing Nos 215
Q246 Nipples, G.I 1" Supplying & fixing. Nos 269
Q247 Nipples, G.I 1 1/4" Supplying & fixing. Nos 335
Q248 Nipples, G.I 1 1/2" Supplying & fixing. Nos 389

S07- 80 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q249 Nipples, G.I 2" Supplying & fixing. Nos 562

Q250 Nipples, any size up to 2" fixed. (Nipple available). Nos 95
Pipes G.I
Q251 Pipes G.I 1/2" supplying and fixing (fittings to be paid for separately) including any necessary
trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls (pipe hooks to be paid for
separately) L.ft 297
Q252 Pipes G.I 3/4" supplying and fixing (fittings to be paid for separately) including any necessary
trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls (pipe hooks to be paid for
separately). L.ft 356
Q253 Pipes, G.I 1" supplying and fixing (fittings to be paid for separately) including any necessary
trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls. (Pipe hooks to be paid for
separately) L.ft 438
Q254 Pipes, G.I 1 1/4" supplying and fixing (fittings to be paid for separately) including any
necessary trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls. (Pipe hooks to be paid
for separately) L.ft 585
Q255 Pipes, G.I 1 1/2" supplying and fixing (fittings to be paid for separately) including any
necessary trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls. (Pipe hooks to be paid
for separately) L.ft 684
Q256 Pipes, G.I 2" supplying and fixing (fittings paid for separately) including any necessary
trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls. (Pipe hooks to be paid for
separately) L.ft 928
Q257 Pipes, G.I 2 1/2" supplying and fixing (fittings paid for separately) including any necessary
trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls. (Pipe hooks to be paid for
separately) L.ft 1,219
Q258 Pipes, G.I 3" supplying and fixing (fittings to be paid for separately) including any necessary
trenching, backfilling and making good, or fixing to walls. (Pipe hooks to be paid for
separately) L.ft 1,525
Q259 Pipes, G.I 1/2" to 2" fixing complete with specials such as bends, elbows etc. (pipes and
specials available) L.ft 72
Q260 Pipes, G.I 2 1/2" to 3" fixing complete with specials such as bends, elbows etc. (pipes and
specials available) L.ft 98
Q261 Pipes, G.I any size up to 2" removing and trench filling in. L.ft 60
Q262 Pipes, G.I 4" dia. removing, and walls floors etc. making good. L.ft 164
Q263 Pipes, G.I existing, taking out, cleaning and relaying, any size up to 2" including backfilling.
L.ft 102
Q264 Pipes, G.I 2 1/2" to 3" taking out, cleaning & relaying including backfilling. L.ft 138
Q265 Pipes, G.I existing, any size up to 2" taking out, cleaning and relaying in new position,
including backfilling. L.ft 145
Q266 Pipe joints, lead making good including soldering. Nos 954
Q267 Pipes, outlet, up to 8ft 0" cleaning, (removing & relaying where necessary will be paid for
separately) assume 2ft 0" length L.ft 60
Q268 Pipes, underground, leaks repairing, including necessary trenching and backfilling (pipes or
fittings to be used in repairs paid for separately) Nos 2,197
Q269 Plugs, G.I any size fixing (Plug available) Nos 45
Q270 Plugs, G.I 1/2" supplying and fixing. Nos 139
Q271 Plugs, G.I 3/4" supplying and fixing. Nos 152
Q272 Plugs, G.I 1" supplying and fixing. Nos 193
Q273 Plugs, G.I 1/4" supplying and fixing. Nos 246
Q274 Plugs, G.I 1 1/2" supplying and fixing. Nos 286
Q275 Plugs, G.I 2" supplying and fixing. Nos 379
Socket G.I
Q276 Socket G.I 1/2" plain supplying & fixing. Nos 240
Q277 Socket, G.I 3/4" plain supplying and fixing. Nos 267

S07- 81 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q278 Socket, G.I 1" plain supplying and fixing. Nos 333
Q279 Socket, G.I 1 1/4" plain supplying and fixing. Nos 427
Q280 Socket, G.I 1 1/2" plain supplying and fixing. Nos 480
Q281 Socket, G.I 2" plain supplying and fixing. Nos 560
Q282 Socket, G.I 3" plain supplying and fixing. Nos 1,314
Q283 Socket, G.I reducing 3/4" to smaller sizes supplying and fixing. Nos 359
Q284 Socket, G.I reducing 1" to smaller size supplying and fixing. Nos 386
Q285 Socket, G.I reducing 1 1/4" to smaller sizes supplying and fixing. Nos 559
Q286 Socket, G.I reducing 1 1/2" to smaller sizes supplying and fixing. Nos 613
Q287 Socket G.I reducing 2" to smaller sizes, supplying and fixing. Nos 768
Q288 Sockets G.I reducing 3" to smaller sizes supplying and fixing. Nos 1,781
Q289 Socket G.I any size fixing (socket available). Nos 93
R.S.J 's as supports for tanks
Q290 Supplying & fixing in position steel work in R.S.J ' s as supports for tanks, up to 20' 0" height
and painting 2 coats anti-corrosive paint. cwt 15,046
Removing tank G.I
Q291 Removing tank G.I, 25 to 200 gls. on existing supports up to 20' 0" height and connecting to
existing pipes including disconnecting and taking down old tank and painting new tank 2
coats anticorrosive paint. (Tank available and scaffolding paid separately)
Nos 6,992
Q292 Removing tank G.I. 250 to 400 gls. on existing supports up to 20' 0" height and connecting to
existing pipes including disconnecting and taking down old tank and painting new tank 2
coats anticorrosive paint. (Tank available and scaffolding paid separately)
Nos 9,558
Fixing tank, G.I
Q293 Fixing tank, G.I 25 - 250 gals. with overflow washout and stop cock, fixed on R.S joists and
painted 2 coats of anticorrosive paint & connecting to supply and delivery pipes, (Tank
fittings, pipes and R.S.J will be paid for separately). Nos 8,110
Q294 fixing tank, G.I. 250 - 400 gals. with overflow washout and stop cock, fixed on R.S joists and
painting 2 coats of anticorrosive paint connecting to supply and delivery pipes, (Tank fittings,
pipes and R.S.J will be paid for separately). Nos 8,847
Clearing & washing tank
Q295 Clearing & washing tank, storage, up to 400 gals capacity. Nos 1,078
Q296 Cleaning & washing tank, storage, over 400 gals. Capacity. Nos 2,031
Q297 Removing tank, storage, G.I and walls made good (scaffolding will be paid for separately
where necessary). Nos 2,940
Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank (Arpico or Equivalent)
Q298 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank 250 liter capacity. (fittings paid for
separately). Nos 11,605
Prime Cost of, Water tank 250 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer)=Rs.6806 80562
Q299 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Single Layer) water tank 500 liter capacity. (fittings paid for
separately). Nos 15,183
Prime Cost of, Water tank 500 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer)=Rs.9623 80563
Q300 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank 750 liter capacity. (fittings paid for
separately). Nos 21,636
Prime Cost of, Water tank 750 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer)=Rs.14328 80564
Q301 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank 1000 liter capacity. (fittings paid
for separately ). Nos 24,303
Prime Cost of, Water tank 1000 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer)=Rs.16428 80565

S07- 82 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q302 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank 2000 liter capacity. (fittings paid
for separately). Nos 42,711
Prime Cost of, Water tank 2000 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer)=Rs.31299 80566
Q303 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank 5250 liter capacity. (fittings paid
for separately). Nos 89,068
Prime Cost of, Water tank 5250 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer)=Rs.67425 80567
Plastishell (Hybrid / Triple Layer) water tank (Arpico or Equivalent)
Q304 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank, 500 lit. capacity. (fittings paid for
separately). Nos 15,309
Prime Cost of, Water tank 500 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer) Hybrid=Rs.8949 80569
Q305 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank, ( 1000 liter) capacity. (fittings paid
for separately). Nos 24,543
Prime Cost of, Water tank 1000 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer) Hybrid=Rs.15750 80570
Q306 Supplying and fixing Plastishell (Triple Layer) water tank,2000 liter capacity. (fittings paid for
separately). Nos 44,755
Prime Cost of, Water tank 2000 liter Plastishell.( 3 layer) Hybrid=Rs.31290 80571
Floater switch
Q307 Supplying and fixing floater switch with necessary fittings to over head water tank. Nos 5,104
Prime Cost of, Floater switch =Rs.2218 150167
Q308 Tees, G.I 1/2" equal supplying and fixing. Nos 296
Q309 Tees, G.I 3/4" equal supplying and fixing. Nos 350
Q310 Tees, G.I 1" equal supplying and fixing. Nos 576
Q311 Tees, G.I 1 1/4" equal supplying and fixing. Nos 616
Q312 Tees, G.I 1 1/2" equal supplying and fixing. Nos 709
Q313 Tees, G.I 2" equal, supplying and fixing. Nos 883
Q314 Trap, lead fixed in position with one wipe joint (Trap available). Nos 3,139
Q315 Trap lead, 1 1/4" supplying and fixing with one wipe joint. Nos 3,872
Q316 Trap lead 1 1/2" supplying and fixing with one wipe joint. Nos 4,757
Q317 Trap, lead 2" supplying and fixing with one wipe joint. Nos 6,739
Q318 Trap, lead 1" to 2" soldering and refixing. Nos 3,957
Bath room accessories (Total Set)
Q319 Supplying & fixing set of bath room accessories such as toilet paper holder, soap tray, tooth
brush holder, towel bar and rings ,Bath room glass shelves etc. with necessary materials,
approved quality. Nos Deleted
Tumbler holder
Q320 Supplying & fixing tumbler holder, chromium plated, to wall with rawl plugs. Nos 3,687
Prime Cost of, Tumbler holder, chromium plated, (Indian)=Rs.2625 80806
Soap tray/dish
Q321 Supplying & fixing soap tray, white porcelain, to wall with rawl plugs. Nos 2,754
Prime Cost of, Soap tray, white porcelain,(indian) =Rs.1890 80785
Q322 Supplying and fixing chromium plated soap tray. Nos 11,071
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated soap tray.(American Standerd)-2501=Rs.8358 80786
Q323 Supplying and fixing soap dish (American Standard or Equivalent.) Nos 6,831
Prime Cost of, Soap dish (American Standerd)-6582=Rs.5019 80788

S07- 83 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Soap dispenser
Q324 Supplying & fixing soap dispenser (American Standard or Equivalent.), white porcelain, to
wall with rawl plugs. Nos 58,632
Prime Cost of, Soap dispenser 800cc (Amarican Standerd)=Rs.45948 80787
Shelves, plate glass
Q325 Supplying & fixing shelves, plate glass 24" x 5" with chromium plated brackets to wall with
Rawl Plugs. Nos 2,669
Prime Cost of, Shelves, plate glass 24" x 5" with chromium plated brackets =Rs.1733 80914
Towel rail
Q326 Supplying & fixing chromium plated towel rail (Indian), 2ft 0" long and , ¾" dia. with
necessary rawl plugs and screws. Nos 5,899
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated towel rail (indian) , 2ft 0" long and , ¾" dia. Width rawl plugs and
screws.=Rs.4245 80800
Q327 Supplying & fixing chromium plated Towel rail (American Standard or Equivalent.-S.
No:6588) , 2ft 0" long and , ¾" dia. with necessary rawl plugs and screws. Nos 11,123
Prime Cost of, Towel rail (American Standerd)-6588=Rs.8358 80799
Paper holder SEVA
Q328 Supplying & fixing SEVA paper holder (American Standard or Equivalent.) complete to
working order. Nos 9,401
Prime Cost of, SEVA paper holder (American Standerd)=Rs.7245 80793
Tooth brush holder
Q329 Supplying & fixing tooth brush holder, Chromium plated to wall with rawl plugs. Nos 2,818
Prime Cost of, Tooth brush holder, Chromium plated (indian)=Rs.1940 80805
Q330 Supplying & fixing tooth brush holder (American Standard or Equivalent.) complete to
working order. Nos 6,574
Prime Cost of, Tooth brushr holder (American Standerd)-6582=Rs.5019 80808
Robe hook (SEVA)
Q331 Supplying & fixing SEVA Robe hook (American Standard or Equivalent.) complete to
working order. Nos 6,214
Prime Cost of, SEVA Robe hook (American Standerd)=Rs.4735 80602
Bath room mirror,
Q332 Supplying & fixing mirror, bevelled, bath room type, oval shape, 20" x 16" Max. and min.
dimensions, to wall with Rawl plugs and chromium plated fittings. Nos 7,573
Prime Cost of, Mirror with fittings 20"x16"(ovel shaped)=Rs.5040 80645
Q333 Supplying & fixing 24" x 18", 5mm thickness bevelled rectangular mirror, to wall with Rawl
plugs, noton tape and chromium plated fittings. Nos 6,506
Prime Cost of, Mirror with fittings 24"x18"(Rectanguler shaped)=Rs.4200 80646
Q334 Supplying and fixing toilet mirror cabinet with necessary rawl plugs and screws etc.( D 1003
s/s) Nos 39,942
Shower rose-Fixing Only
Q335 Fixing shower rose, any size (shower rose Paid separately). Nos 167
Shower rose
Q336 Supplying & fixing Shower rose, 6" copper. Nos Deleted
Q337 Supplying & fixing shower Rose 7" chromium plated. Nos 567
Q338 Soldering and refixing shower Rose. Nos 706
Q339 Supplying & fixing PVC- 6" x 1/2" shower rose. Nos 574
Plastic Jet Shower rose
Q340 Supplying & fixing Plastic Jet Shower Rose ½" dia. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,226
Q341 Supplying & fixing Jet shower complete(American Standard or Equivalent.) Nos 10,113
Prime Cost of, Jet shower (Amarican Standerd)(modle 6060/6022)=Rs.7801 80772

S07- 84 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Shower head
Q342 Supplying & fixing Shower head with arm. (American Standard or equivalent) Nos 14,436
Prime Cost of, Shower head with arm (Amarican Standerd) CF 9026=Rs.11140 80777
Bidet spray imported
Q343 Supplying and fixing bidet spray imported Indian or equivalent. Nos 6,863
Prime Cost of, Bidet spray imported ( Plumber )=Rs.5040 80735
Q344 Supplying and fixing bidet spray imported (Grohe or equivalent). Nos 9,113
Prime Cost of, Bidet spray ( Grohe or equivalent )=Rs.6804 80736
Q345 Supplying & fixing chain, chromium plated, for bath or basin, with plug. Nos 285
Q346 Supplying & fixing chain pulls, chromium plated, for flushing cistern. Nos 2,210
Fixing bends, elbows and tees- Workmanship only
Q347 Fixing bends, elbows and tees and other specials of P.V.C size 3".(Workmanship only).
Nos 81
Bends P.V.C
Q348 Supplying & fixing bends P.V.C 1/2". Nos 130
Q349 Supplying & fixing bends P.V.C 3/4". Nos 152
Q350 Supplying & fixing bends P.V.C 1". Nos 180
Q351 Supplying & fixing bends P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 297
Q352 Supplying & fixing bends P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 421
Q353 Supplying & fixing bends P.V.C 2". Nos 656
Q354 Supplying & fixing bends P.V.C 3". Nos 2,360
Elbows P.V.C
Q355 Supplying & fixing elbows P.V.C 1/2". Nos 110
Q356 Supplying & fixing elbows P.V.C 3/4". Nos 136
Q357 Supplying & fixing elbows P.V.C 1". Nos 149
Q358 Supplying & fixing elbows P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 185
Q359 Supplying & fixing elbows P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 280
Q360 Supplying & fixing elbows P.V.C 2". Nos 365
Q361 Supplying & fixing elbows P.V.C 3". Nos 909
Reducing sockets & Tees P.V.C
Q362 Supplying & fixing sockets reducing P.V.C (3/4"x1/2" ) to smaller sizes. Nos 125
Q363 Supplying & fixing sockets reducing P.V.C (1" x3/4") to smaller sizes. Nos 146
Q364 Supplying & fixing sockets reducing P.V.C (1 1/4"x1") to smaller sizes. Nos 190
Q365 Supplying & fixing sockets reducing P.V.C (1 1/2" x1 1/4") to smaller sizes. Nos 245
Q366 Supplying & fixing sockets reducing P.V.C (2" x1") to smaller sizes. Nos 291
Q367 Supplying & fixing sockets reducing P.V.C (2" x1 1/2") to smaller sizes. Nos 304
Reducing Tees P.V.C
Q368 Supplying & fixing tees reducing P.V.C (3/4"x1/2" ) to smaller sizes. Nos 146
Q369 Supplying & fixing tees reducing P.V.C (1" x3/4") to smaller sizes. Nos 152
Q370 Supplying & fixing tees reducing P.V.C (1 1/4"x1") to smaller sizes. Nos 246
Q371 Supplying & fixing tees reducing P.V.C (1 1/2" x1 1/4") to smaller sizes. Nos 347
Q372 Supplying & fixing tees reducing P.V.C (2" x1 1/2") to smaller sizes. Nos 520
Q373 Supplying & fixing tees reducing P.V.C (3" x 2") to smaller sizes. Nos 1,236
Q374 Supplying & fixing reducing tee P.V.C. ( 4" - 2") Nos 2,555

S07- 85 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Repair Sockets & Tees P.V.C

Q375 Supplying & fixing repair socket P.V.C 1/2". Nos 109
Q376 Supplying & fixing repair socket P.V.C 3/4". Nos 125
Q377 Supplying & fixing repair socket P.V.C 1". Nos 145
Q378 Supplying & fixing repair socket P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 176
Q379 Supplying & fixing repair socket P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 225
Q380 Supplying & fixing repair socket P.V.C 2". Nos 268
Q381 Supplying & fixing repair socket P.V.C 3". Nos 644
Valve Socket P.V.C
Q382 Supplying & fixing valve socket P.V.C 1/2". Nos 164
Q383 Supplying & fixing valve socket P.V.C 3/4". Nos 186
Q384 Supplying & fixing valve socket P.V.C 1". Nos 347
Q385 Supplying & fixing valve socket P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 535
Q386 Supplying & fixing valve socket P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 559
Q387 Supplying & fixing valve socket P.V.C 2". Nos 779
Q388 Supplying & fixing valve socket P.V.C 3". Nos 5,126
Faucet Socket P.V.C
Q389 Supplying & fixing faucet sockets P.V.C 1/2". Nos 114
Q390 Supplying & fixing faucet sockets P.V.C 3/4". Nos 136
Q391 Supplying & fixing faucet sockets P.V.C 1". Nos 149
Q392 Supplying & fixing faucet sockets P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 204
Q393 Supplying & fixing faucet sockets P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 245
Q394 Supplying & fixing faucet sockets P.V.C 2". P Nos 304
Q395 Supplying & fixing faucet sockets P.V.C 3". Nos 761
Tapered union without thread P.V.C
Q396 Supplying & fixing tapered union without thread P.V.C 1/2". Nos 789
Q397 Supplying & fixing tapered union without thread P.V.C 3/4". Nos 1,275
Q398 Supplying & fixing tapered union without thread P.V.C 1". Nos 1,375
Q399 Supplying & fixing tapered union without thread P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 2,282
Q400 Supplying & fixing tapered union without thread P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 2,949
Q401 Supplying & fixing tapered union without thread P.V.C 2". Nos 3,815
Q402 Supplying & fixing tapered union without thread P.V.C 3". Nos 4,215
Q403 Supplying & fixing tapered union with thread for P.V.C and metal pipe connection 1/2".
Nos 549
Q404 Supplying & fixing tapered union 3/4" with thread for P.V.C & metal pipe connections.
Nos 721
Q405 Supplying & fixing tapered union 1" with thread for P.V.C & metal pipe connections. Nos 1,015
Q406 Supplying & fixing tapered union 1 1/4" with thread for P.V.C & metal pipe connections.
Nos 1,115
Q407 Supplying & fixing tapered union 1 1/2" with thread for P.V.C & metal pipe connections.
Nos 1,275
Q408 Supplying & fixing tapered union 2" with thread for P.V.C & metal pipe connections. Nos 1,349
Q409 Supplying & fixing tapered union 3" with thread for P.V.C & metal pipe connections. Nos 3,682
Equal tees-P.V.C
Q410 Supplying & fixing tees equal P.V.C 1/2". Nos 117
Q411 Supplying & fixing tees equal P.V.C 3/4". Nos 149
Q412 Supplying & fixing tees equal P.V.C 1". Nos 184

S07- 86 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q413 Supplying & fixing tees equal P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 254
Q414 Supplying & fixing tees equal P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 372
Q415 Supplying & fixing tees equal P.V.C 2". Nos 459
Q416 Supplying & fixing tees equal P.V.C 3". Nos 1,232
Plugs, sockets-P.V.C
Q417 Supplying & fixing plugs P.V.C 1/2". Nos 120
Q418 Supplying & fixing plugs P.V.C 3/4". Nos 130
Q419 Supplying & fixing plugs P.V.C 1". Nos 146
Q420 Supplying & fixing plugs P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 176
Q421 Supplying & fixing plugs P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 212
Q422 Supplying & fixing Plugs P.V.C 2". Nos 254
Q423 Supplying & fixing plugs P.V.C 3". Nos 757
Q424 Supplying & fixing sockets plain P.V.C 1/2". Nos 109
Q425 Supplying & fixing sockets plain P.V.C 3/4". Nos 125
Q426 Supplying & fixing sockets plain P.V.C 1". Nos 146
Q427 Supplying & fixing sockets plain P.V.C 1 1/4". Nos 176
Q428 Supplying & fixing sockets plain P.V.C 1 1/2". Nos 225
Q429 Supplying & fixing sockets plain P.V.C 2". Nos 268
Q430 Supplying & fixing sockets plain P.V.C 3". Nos 671
Pipes P.V.C
Q431 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 1/2" dia.(PNT14)- PE.(Fittings paid separately). L.ft 29
Q432 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 3/4"dia.(PNT11)- PE (Fittings paid separately). L.ft 54
Q433 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 1"dia. (PNT11)- PE(Fittings paid separately). L.ft 136
Q434 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 1 1/4"dia. (PNT11)- PE(Fittings paid separately). L.ft 174
Q435 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C 1 1/2"dia. (PNT11)- PE (Fittings paid separately). L.ft 225
Q436 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 2"dia. (PNT11)- PE (Fittings paid separately). L.ft 445
Q437 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C 3". (PNT11)- PE (Fittings paid separately). L.ft 800
Fixing pipes
Q438 Fixing pipes P.V.C, 1/2" to 2" dia. Complete with specials. (pipes & specials paid separately).
L.ft 62
Q439 Fixing pipes P.V.C, 2 1/2" to 3"dia. complete with specials. (pipes & specials paid separately).
L.ft 80
Q440 Forming bends or jointing pipes by heating without fixing specials in rigid P.V.C, 1/2" to
1"dia. (Workmanship only). Nos 95
Q441 Forming bends or jointing pipes by heating without fixing specials in rigid P.V.C 1 1/4" to 2"
dia.(Workmanship only). Nos 139
Q442 Forming bends or jointing pipes by heating without fixing specials in rigid P.V.C, 2 1/2" to
3"dia. (Workmanship only). Nos 174
Pipes P.V.C (25% pipe cost included for Specials)
Q443 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 1/2" dia. (PNT14) including specials. (25% pipe cost
included for Specials) L.ft 36
Q444 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 3/4"dia. (PNT11) including specials. (25% pipe cost included
for Specials) L.ft 68
Q445 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 1"dia. (PNT11) including specials. (25% pipe cost included
for Specials) L.ft 162
Q446 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 1 1/4"dia. (PNT11) including specials. (25% pipe cost
included for Specials) L.ft 208
Q447 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 1 1/2"dia. (PNT11) including specials. (25% pipe cost
included for Specials) L.ft 271

S07- 87 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q448 Supplying & fixing pipes P.V.C, 2"dia. (PNT11) including specials. (25% pipe cost included
for Specials) L.ft 546
Flexible cord (S--Lon or Equivalent))
Q449 Supplying and fixing flexible cord -12" (S-lon or equivalent) Nos 430
Q450 Supplying and fixing flexible cord -18" (S-lon or equivalent) Nos 530
Q451 Supplying and fixing flexible cord -24" (S-lon or equivalent) Nos 622
Q452 Supplying and fixing flexible cord -48" (S-lon or equivalent) Nos 838
Q453 Supplying and fixing flexible cord -60" (S-lon or equivalent) Nos 887
Flexible cord (Imported European)
Q454 Supplying and fixing flexible cord 1ft -6" imported, approved quality. (Italy or equivalent). ½"
dia. Nos 865
Q455 Supplying and fixing flexible cord 1ft -0" imported, approved quality. (Italy or equivalent). ½"
dia. Nos 898
Flexible hose
Q456 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia: Flexible hose (American Standard or Equivalent.) 1ft -6" long
Nos 1,618
Prime Cost of, Flexible hose (Amarican Standerd) - 18"=Rs.1134 80751
Garden Watering Hose ½" dia.
Q457 Supplying Garden Hose ½" dia. & 15m long (S-Lon or equivalent). Nos 1,483
Q458 Supplying Garden Hose ½" dia. & 30m long (S-Lon or equivalent). Nos 2,965
Water pump
Q459 Installing available 3/4"-1" water pump with necessary fittings, foot valve, concrete base, rag
bolts etc.(concrete paid for separately) Nos 13,763
Q460 Installing available 1 1/2"-2" dia. water pump with necessary fittings, concrete base and rag
bolts.(concrete paid for separately). Nos 20,862
Q461 Supplying and installation of "Jinasena" 1/2" dia. Water pressure pump Nos 36,739
Prime Cost of, Pressure pump (Br - 50)=Rs.20947 80976
Q462 Supplying and fixing 1" dia. pressure pump 110/A 18/1 (Centric type pumping unit) Nos 70,096
Prime Cost of, Presure pump,1" dia. ( 110/A 18/1)=Rs.46935 80975
Electric water geyser/Hot water Systems
Q463 Supplying and fixing 15mm dia polybutaline hot water pipe(fittings paid seperately). L.ft 336
Q464 Supplying & fixing Tee Polybutylene 15mm. Nos 1,124
Q465 Supplying & fixing Elbow Polybutylene 15mm. Nos 892
Q466 Supplying & fixing Lugged elbow Polybutylene 15mm. Nos 1,008
Q467 Supplying & fixing coupling Polybutylene 15mm. Nos 892
Q468 Supplying & fixing Female adaptor Polybutylene 15mm. Nos 822
Q469 Supplying & fixing plugged nipple Polybutylene 15mm. Nos 660
Q470 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia. Basin mixer tap chromium plated, imported approved quality.
Nos 14,593
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated Basin mixer ½" (Rocell) =Rs.9722 80834
Q471 Supplying abd fixing 1/2" dia. Shower mixer tap with hand shower chromium plated, imported
approved quality. Nos 18,544
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated exposed shower mixer ½" with hand shower (Rocell) =Rs.12833
Q472 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia. Concealed shower mixer chromium plated, imported approved
quality. Nos 11,630
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated concealed shower mixer ½" (Rocell) =Rs.7389

S07- 88 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Q473 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia. Exposed shower mixer with hand shower and rain shower
chromium plated, imported approved quality. Nos 55,957
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated exposed shower mixer ½" with hand shower and rain shower(Rocell) =Rs.42292
Q474 Supplying and fixing 1/2" dia. Swan neck mixer tap chromium plated, imported approved
quality. Nos 14,593
Prime Cost of, Chromium plated swan neck mixer tap ½" (Rocell) =Rs.9722 80838
Q475 Replacing available Electric water Geyser , making hot water Supply in order. Nos 4,605
Q476 Supplying and fixing 50 Liter Electric water Geyser ( approved quality) on a wall or existing
brackets and connected to the hot water supply system.(hot water piping system paid
separately) Nos 58,802
Prime Cost of, Water greezer (water heater 50 lit.)-Ariston or equi=Rs.44100 80965
Q477 Supplying and replacing of Electric water geezer (water heater 30 lit.) imported quality. Nos 49,718
Prime Cost of, Water greezer (water heater 30 lit.)Ariston or equi=Rs.37800 80966
Q478 Supplying and fixing of instant water geezer (water booster pump) imported quality. Nos Deleted
Prime Cost of, Instant water greezer (without booster pump.)=Rs.17034 80967
Q479 Supplying and fixing of instant water geezer (Without water booster pump) imported quality.
Nos 24,909
Prime Cost of, Instant water greezer (without booster pump.)=Rs.18476 80968
Q480 Supplying and fixing of instant water geezer (with water booster pump) imported quality.
Nos 38,487
Prime Cost of, Instant water greezer (with booster pump.)=Rs.29167 80969
Plastic gully
Q481 Supplying & fixing plastic gully grating 6"x6". Nos 297
Q482 Providing Catch pit 6"x6"x3" in cement mortar. Nos 939
Shower tray fiberglass
Q483 Supplying & fixing shower tray fiberglass 30" x 32" including waste plug & specials Nos 12,216
Prime Cost of, Shower tray fiberglass 30" x 32" including waste plug & specials=Rs.8400 80773
Elbows for down pipe.
Q484 Supplying & fixing or replacing, only a 3 1/2" P.V.C. elbows for down pipe. Nos 606
Running head.
Q485 Supplying & fixing or replacing, only a P.V.C. running head. Nos 813
Gutter end.
Q486 Supplying & fixing or replacing, only a square type P.V.C. gutter ends. Nos 565
Gutter Joint.
Q487 Supplying & fixing or replacing, only a square type P.V.C. gutter joints. Nos 583
Eves gutters (PVC)-Square type
Q488 Supplying and fixing eves gutters square type PVC with necessary specials, including running
heads, miter joints, gutter joints, gutter brackets, gutter ends etc. L.ft 330
Q489 Supplying & fixing eave gutters 6" half-round P.V.C with P.V.C brackets. L.ft 348
Down pipes 3½" dia. P.V.C
Q490 Supplying & fixing rain water down pipes 3 ½" dia. P.V.C to wall, with necessary specials,
including elbows, sockets, clips etc. L.ft 267

S07- 89 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Interceptor, Earthenware
R001 Interceptor, earthenware, 4" supplying and fixing. Nos 9,600
R002 Interceptor, earthenware, 6" supplying and fixing. Nos 12,746
R003 Interceptor, earthenware, 4" supplying and fixing. (Fixing only). Nos 1,599
Manhole- brick in cement
R004 Manhole 2'-0" x 2'-0" and up to 2'-0" deep, 9" thick brick in cement 1:3 walls and cement
rendering 1/2" (1:2) with 6" cement concrete foundation 1:3:6(2" metal) including forming
channels, but without cover. Nos 17,297
R005 Manhole 3'-6" x 2'-3" and 2'-0" to 4'-0" deep 9" thick brick in cement 1:3 walls and cement
rendering 1/2" (1:2) with 6" cement concrete foundation 1:3:6(2" metal) including forming
channels, but without cover. Nos 28,532
R006 Manhole 3'-6" x 2'-3" and 4'-0" to 6'-0" deep, 9" thick brick in cement 1:3 walls and cement
rendering 1/2" (1:2) with 6" cement concrete foundation 1:3:6 (2" metal) including forming
channels, but without cover. Nos 48,905
RCC Manhole (Type A)- [As per Drg.No 2013-TP-ST06 & ST07]
R007 RCC Manhole type A, Internal dimensions 475 x 625mm (depth up to 450mm) wall thickness
150mm & base Slab thickness 150mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet / Outlet Connections Paid for
Separately) Single R/F Nos 31,743
R008 RCC Manhole type A, Internal dimensions 475 x 625mm (Depth is greater than 450mm & up
to 600mm) wall thickness 187.5 mm & base Slab thickness 175 mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet /
Outlet Connections Paid Separately) Double R/F Nos 39,708
R009 RCC Manhole type , Internal dimensions A- 475 x 625mm (Depth is greater than600mm &
upto750 mm) wall thickness 187.5mm & base Slab thickness 175 mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet /
Outlet Connections Paid for Separately) Double R/F Nos 46,563
R010 RCC Manhole type A, Internal dimensions 475 x 625mm (Depth is greater than 750mm &
up to 900mm) wall thickness 187.5mm & base Slab thickness 175mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet /
Outlet Connections Paid for Separately) Double R/F Nos 57,683
RCC Manhole (Type B)- [As per Drg.No 2013-TP-ST06]
R011 RCC Manhole type B ,Internal dimensions 475 x 750mm (depth up to 450mm)wall thickness
150 mm & base Slab thickness 150 mm.(Cover Slab & Inlet / Outlet Connections Paid
Separately) Single R/F Nos 36,315
R012 RCC Manhole type B - 475 x 750mm internally (Depth is greater than 450mm & up to
600mm) wall thickness 175 mm & base Slab thickness 175mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet / Outlet
Connections Paid Separately) Double R/F Nos 46,920
R013 RCC Manhole type B- 475 x 750mm internally (Depth is greater than600mm & upto750 mm)
wall thickness 175 mm & base Slab thickness 175mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet / Outlet
Connections Paid Separately) Double R/F Nos 56,923
R014 RCC Manhole type B, Internal dimensions 475 x 750mm internally (Depth is greater than
750mm & up to 900mm) wall thickness 175 mm & base Slab thickness 175mm. (Cover Slab
& Inlet / Outlet Connections Paid Separately) Double R/F Nos 61,220
RCC Manhole (Type C)- [As per Drg.No 2013-TP-ST06]
R015 RCC Manhole type C- 475 x1050mm internally (Depth up to 450mm) wall thickness 100 mm
& base Slab thickness 150 mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet / Outlet Connections Paid Separately)
Single R/F Nos 47,324
R016 RCC Manhole type C , Internal dimensions 475 x1050mm (Depth is greater than 450mm & up
to 600mm) wall thickness 175 mm & base Slab thickness 175 mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet /
Outlet Connections Paid Separately) Double R/F Nos 56,671
R017 RCC Manhole type C, Internal dimensions 475 x1050mm internally(Depth is greater
than600mm & upto750 mm) wall thickness 175 mm & base Slab thickness 175mm.. (Cover
Slab & Inlet / Outlet Connections Paid Separately) Double R/F Nos 69,895
R018 RCC Manhole type C , Internal dimensions 475 x1050mm (Depth is greater than 750mm &
up to 900mm) wall thickness 175 mm & base Slab thickness 175mm. (Cover Slab & Inlet /
Outlet Connections Paid Separately) Double R/F Nos 72,658

S07- 90 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Manhole cover, reinforced concrete

R019 Manhole cover, reinforced concrete 3" thick 2ft 0" x 2ft 0" approx. supplying and fixing,
reinforced with 1/4" dia. M.S. rods at 3" centers, both ways. Sq.ft 588
Manhole cover, Cast Iron
R020 Manhole cover C.I rectangular, above 1 cwt. supplying and fixing. Nos 15,127
R021 Manhole cover Ductile iron rectangular 2'X2', supplying and fixing. (heavy duty) 12.5 TON
(Prime cost Rs.21457) Nos 28,429
Cast iron grating
R022 Grating C.I, 6" x 6" supplying and fixing. Nos 668
Wire dome (Steel)
R023 Wire domes for 2" pipes supplying and fixing. Nos 316
R024 Wire domes for 4" pipes supplying and fixing. Nos 543
Wire dome (PVC)
R025 Supplying & fixing PVC wire dome for 2" dia. P.V.C drainage pipes. Nos 343
R026 Supplying & fixing PVC wire dome for 4" dia. P.V.C drainage pipes. Nos 409
Drainage Fittings 4" (110mm) dia-(Local make)
R027 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C plain socket (Local make) Nos 1,084
R028 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage elbow with single Door, approved quality with
rubber ring joint.(Locally made) Nos 1,506
R029 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 45 degree. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,189
R030 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 45 degree ,with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 1,314
R031 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 89 degree. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,105
R032 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 89 degree. With single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 1,429
R033 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage Tee. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,485
R034 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage Swept Tee. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,618
R035 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage Tee. with single Door (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,726
R036 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage Swept Tee. with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 1,878
R037 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage "Y" junction (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,674
R038 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage "Y" junction with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 1,536
Drainage Fittings 2" (63mm) dia.
R039 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 45 degree. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 684
R040 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 45 degree, with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 780
R041 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 89 degree. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 813
R042 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 89 degree, with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 1,153
R043 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage Tee. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 872
R044 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage Swept Tee. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 938
R045 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. P.V.C drainage Tee. with single Door (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,060
R046 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage Swept Tee. with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 966
R047 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage "Y" junction (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 882
R048 Supplying & fixing 2" dia. P.V.C drainage "Y" junction with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 1,089

S07- 91 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Drainage Fittings 1½"or (50mm) dia

R049 Supplying & fixing 1½" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 45 degree. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 644
R050 Supplying & fixing 1½" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 45 degree with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 720
R051 Supplying & fixing 1½"" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 89 degree. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 652
R052 Supplying & fixing 1½"" dia. P.V.C drainage bend 89 degree, with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 728
R053 Supplying & fixing 1½"" dia. P.V.C drainage Tee. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 813
R054 Supplying & fixing 1½"" dia. P.V.C drainage Swept Tee. (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 1,018
R055 Supplying & fixing 1½"" dia. P.V.C drainage Tee. with single Door (S-Lon or Equivalent.)
Nos 940
R056 Supplying & fixing 1½"" dia. P.V.C drainage Swept Tee. with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 1,046
R057 Supplying & fixing 1½" dia. P.V.C drainage "Y" junction (S-Lon or Equivalent.) Nos 858
R058 Supplying & fixing 1½" dia. P.V.C drainage "Y" junction with single Door (S-Lon or
Equivalent.) Nos 942
Pipes P.V.C, 4"(110mm) dia, (Class 2.5)-(Vent pipes fixed to walls)
R059 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. (Class 2.5) P.V.C pipes as vent pipes fixed to walls with necessary
wooden plugs and P.V.C saddles at 4ft centers. L.ft 711
Pipes P.V.C, 4"(110mm)dia, (Class 4.0)-(Vent pipes fixed to walls)
R060 Supplying & fixing 4" dia. (Class 4.0) P.V.C pipes, as drainage pipes fixed to walls with
necessary wooden plugs, brass screws & saddles at 4ft centers. L.ft 848
Pipes P.V.C, 4"(110mm) dia, (Class 4.0)- lay in Trenches
R061 Pipes P.V.C, 4" dia, (Class 4.0) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding up to 2ft 0" depth
of invert including excavation and cement concrete hunching (1:3:6(1")). L.ft 1,031
R062 Pipes P.V.C, 4" dia, (Class 4.0) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding over 2 ft. up to 4
ft. depth of invert including excavation and cement concrete hunching (1:3:6(1")).
L.ft 1,246
R063 Drains P.V.C, 4" dia, (Class 4.0) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding over 4ft -0" up
to 6ft -0" depth of invert including excavation and cement concrete hunching (1:3:6(1")).
L.ft 1,336
Drain Pipes P.V.C, 4" dia, (PNT7)- lay in Trenches
R064 Drains, P.V.C, 4" dia: (PNT7) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding up to 2ft 0" depth
of invert including excavation, back filling and cement concrete hunching 1:3:6(1").
L.ft 1,390
R065 Drains P.V.C, 4" dia. (PNT7) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding over 2 ft. up to 4 ft.
depth of invert including excavation back filling and cement concrete hunching 1:3:6(1").
L.ft 1,491
R066 Drains P.V.C, 4" dia. (PNT7) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding over 4 ft. up to 6 ft.
depth of invert including excavation back filling and cement concrete hunching 1:3:6(1").
L.ft 1,788
Drain Pipes P.V.C, 6" dia, (PNT7)- lay in Trenches
R067 Drains PVC, 6" dia. (PNT7) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding up to 2ft. depth of
invert including excavation , backfilling and cement concrete hunching 1:3:6 (1").
L.ft 1,991
R068 Drains PVC, 6" dia.( PNT7 ) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding over 2ft. up to 4ft.
depth of invert including excavation backfilling and cement concrete hunching 1:3:6 (1" ).
L.ft 2,096
R069 Drains PVC, 6" dia.( PNT7 ) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding 4ft. up to 6ft. depth
of invert including excavation backfilling and cement concrete hunching 1:3:6 (1") .
L.ft 2,390

S07- 92 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Drain Pipes P.V.C, 12" dia, (PNT7)

R070 Drains PVC, 12" dia.( PNT7 ) laying on cement concrete 6" thick bedding over 2ft. up to 4ft.
depth of invert including excavation backfilling and cement concrete hunching 1:3:6 (1" ).
L.ft 5,874

S07- 93 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

S001 Bamboo barricade 3ft 0" high composing of whole bamboos with one horizontal runner and
uprights 6ft 0" apart, supplying and fixing and removing as and when required, (Salvaged
materials to be contractor s property) L.ft 106
S002 Bamboo barricade 4ft 0" high with 2 horizontal runners and uprights 6ft 0" apart, supplying
and fixing and removing as and when required, (Salvaged materials to be contractor s
property). L.ft 127
S003 Bamboo supplying only at site. L.ft 21
S004 Bamboo supplying and fixing in position. L.ft 29
S005 Bamboos removing and refixing with coir strings. L.ft 8
Scaffolding of Bamboos
S006 Erecting scaffolding of Bamboos and planks for lifting or lowering of storage tanks to a height
of 15ft to 30ft and removing same after completion of work (salvaged materials to be
contractor's property). Nos Deleted
S007 Erecting scaffolding of Bamboos and planks for lifting or lowering of storage tanks to a height
of 30ft to 50ft and removing same after completion of work (salvaged materials to be
contractor s property). Nos Deleted
Steel scaffolding Sets
S008 Hiring a steel scaffolding set per day at site. Nos 64
S009 Labour for handling, Erecting & dismantling a steel scaffolding set . (up to 30' feet height )
Nos 58
Garden lamp
S010 Supplying and fixing garden lamp (Mushroom type) (Prime Cost Rs.3675) Nos 5,832
Note: Refer Item numbers From J080 to JO82 for chain-link fencing
S011 Fence, G.I barbed wire( gauge 14), four needles per each node & 4" apart with three curls of
wire, supplying & fixing on existing timber posts with G.I staples. (Min Tensile Strength of
B.wire 310 N/mm2) L.ft 17
S012 Fence, G.I barbed wire( gauge 14), four needles per each node & 4" apart with three curls of
wire, supplying & fixing on existing concrete posts with available hook bolts. (Min Tensile
Strength of B.wire 310 N/mm2) L.ft 18
S013 Fence, G.I barbed wire( gauge 14), four needles per each node & 4" apart with three curls of
wire, supplying & fixing in renewing short lengths on timber posts. (Min Tensile Strength of
B.wire 310 N/mm2) L.ft 18
S014 Fence, G.I barbed wire( gauge 14), four needles per each node & 4" apart with three curls of
wire, supplying & fixing on concrete posts with available hook bolts, (Min Tensile Strength of
B.wire 310 N/mm2) L.ft 20
S015 Fence, PVC coated barbed wire, four needles per each node & 3" apart with three curls of
wire, supplying & fixing on concrete posts with available hook bolts. L.ft 30
S016 Fence barbed wire fixing with G.I staples on existing timber posts (Barbed wire available).
L.ft 7
S017 Fixing barbed wire fence with G.I staples on concrete posts with available hook bolts.(barbed
wire available). L.ft 9
S018 Fence, barbed wire, straining only and refixing with staples, (barbed wire available) L.ft 8
S019 Fence, barbed wire, straining only and refixing on concrete posts with available hook bolts.
L.ft 11
S020 Fence posts or struts, Milla, Na, Palu or Satin 4" to 6" average dia. supplying and fixing in
ground complete, inclusive of sharpening and tarring. L.ft 296
S021 Intermediate fence posts or struts, cement concrete 1:1 1/2: 3 (3/4") reinforced with 4 Nos.
1/4" dia. M.S rods, 5ft 7" high square section 4" to 6" supplying and fixing complete as per
drawing No. 68 of 22.07.1936. Nos 2,377
S022 Intermediate fence posts or structs, cement concrete 1:1 1/2: 3 (3/4") reinforced with 4 Nos.
1/4" dia. M.S rods, 7ft 6" high square section 4" to 6" supplying and fixing complete as per
drawing No. 68 of 22.07.1936. Nos 2,771

S07- 94 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

S023 End post and strut for Type barbed wire fence supplying and fixing complete in cement
concrete as per drawing No: 68 of 1936. Nos 13,435
S024 Fence, bared wire, 5 strands, 12 1/2 B.W.G with 4 points at 3" centers and R.C. posts (1:2:4)
3/4" metal, reinforced with 4 Nos. 1/4" rods with No. 14 B.W.G stirrups at 8" centers. Post to
be fixed at 8ft 0" centers including excavation, cement concrete L.ft 562
S025 Straining Bolts, 18" long 1/2" dia. making and fixing (approx.). Nos 1,236
S026 Stoneware pipes, 4" dia, over fume cupboards, supplying and fixing along wall with iron
brackets and plugs. L.ft 857
Well, bailing out water
S027 Well, bailing out water, 5ft -7" dia. up to 20ft depth including cleaning well. say 5ft 0" depth
of water L.ft 572
S028 Well, bailing out water, 5ft -7" dia. up to 21ft to 30ft depth including cleaning well. say 5ft
0" depth of water L.ft 762
S029 Well, bailing out water, 8ft -10ft dia. and 20ft -30ft depth. say 5ft 0" depth of water L.ft 953
S030 Dewatering from excavated foundation pits or Trenches using submersible pump. Day 5,513
Water proofing (Treatment)
S031 Concrete waterproofing treatment by using Crystallization technology according to
Manufacturers specification's. ("Xypex" or equivalent approved product excluding
preparation of surface) Sq.ft 177
S032 Waterproofing treatment using cement based, micro-porous (breathing), coating according to
Manufacturers Specifications. ("Thoroseal" or equivalent approved product excluding
preparation of surface) Sq.ft 192
S033 Waterproofing treatment by using flexible polymer cement slurry according to Manufacturers
specification's. ("Masterseal 540"(Barralastic) or equivalent approved product excluding
preparation of surface) Sq.ft 121
S034 Waterproofing and crack isolation membrane type treatment to slab less than 300m2 according
to Manufacturers specification's. ("Mapelastic" or equivalent approved product excluding
preparation of surface) Sq.ft 210
S035 Waterproofing treatment to external walls by using acrylic elastomeric high flexible
bituminous coating according to Manufacturers specification's. ("Synroof" or equivalent
approved product excluding preparation of surface) Sq.ft 119
Water proofing (Membrane)
S036 Supply & Laying 1000 gauge Polythene membrane. Sq.ft 19
Timber treatment
S037 Structural Timber treated by Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Technique with approved wood
preservatives such as CCB that are registered by register of pesticides, for protection against
wood destroying agents such as wood bores, fungi and termites. (Execution according to the
Manufacturers specifications) (By "Finlay Celurised treated " or equivalent system) Rate per
Cubic Foot = Rs. 459/- excluding VAT
Cu.ft 583
S038 Supplying and fixing PVC step nosing to stairway step edges using approved adhesive.
L.ft 211
Laying turf sods
S039 Supplying & laying turf sods of approved type including bedding material, pegging and
watering. (buffalo grass) Sq.ft 115
Road Construction
S040 Supplying and pilling approved 4" aggregate for road construction, at site excluding hire
charges. Cube 5,950
S041 Supplying and pilling approved 1 1/2" aggregate for road construction, at site excluding hire
charges. Cube 7,477
S042 Supplying and pilling approved 3/4" aggregate for road construction, at site excluding hire
charges. Cube 8,942

S07- 95 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

S043 Supplying and pilling approved 1/2" aggregate for road construction, at site excluding hire
charges. Cube 8,176
S044 Spreading ,watering & rolling 4" aggregate including hire charges of roller. Cube 8,441
S045 Spreading ,watering & rolling 2"- 3/4" aggregate including hire charges of roller. Cube 9,898
S046 Bitumen(80/100) surfacing first coat using 2Ltr/Sq.m including blinding with sand at the rate
of 125 Sq.m/Cu.m. Sqr 3,195
S047 Bitumen(80/100) surfacing 2 nd subsequent coat using 1 Ltr/Sq.m including blinding at the
rate of 125 Sq.m/Cu.m Sqr 2,109
S048 Emulsion /Cold bitumen (CRS-1) surface treatment 1st coat with 3.5 Ltr/Sq.m including
blinding with sand,@125 Sq.m/Cu.m(Manual) Sqr 3,834
S049 Emulsion /Cold bitumen (CRS-1) surface treatment subsequent coat using 0.075 Ltr/Sq.m
including blinding with sand,@125 Sq.m/Cu.m(Manual) Sqr 1,335
Providing Labour Services
S050 Providing Labour services in Un Skilled trades of any type of manual work on day work basis.
Day 1,905
S051 Providing Labour services in semi Skilled trades, on day work basis. Day 2,159
S052 Providing Labour services in Skilled trades such as Mason, Carpenter, Bar bender ,Painter,
polisher, Plumber, Simple Machines operator etc. on day work basis. Day 2,413
S053 Providing Labour services in Skilled trades such as Fitter, Electrician, Welder, Tiller, Glazier,
Tinker, Mechanic, Aluminium fabricator, Heavy equipment operator, Sign board Painter etc.
on day work basis. Day 2,667
S054 Cords, woven, or picture, supplied and fixed. L.ft 30
S055 Cords, flag, 1/4" dia. supplied and fixed. L.ft 36
S056 Cords, flag mast, 3/8" dia. supplied and fixed. L.ft 31
S057 Cords, flag mast, 1/2" dia. supplied and fixed. L.ft 33
S058 Flags, average size 6ft x 3ft hung up on buildings as directed and removed when required.
(Flags available - any poles used are to be paid for separately) Nos 120
S059 Flags, small (Burges) hung up on buildings as directed and removed when required. (Flags
available - any poles used are to be paid for separately) (up to 100) Nos 12
S060 Flags, small (Burges) hung up on buildings as directed and removed when required. (Flags
available - any poles used are to be paid for separately) (over 1000) Nos 10
S061 Flag poles (available) planted as directed removed when required, and ground made good.
Nos 149

S07- 96 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021


Recommended makes of Electrical Accessories

MCCB:- Schneider, ABB, Terasaki, Siemens or equivalent.

MCB’S & RCCB’S:- Schneider , Siemens, Crabtree, Eaton, Hager, Moeller, Legrand, F &
G (Austria),LS or equivalent.

Cable :- ACL, Kelani, Sierra or equivalent.

Ceiling Fan:- K.D.K., National-Japanese origins

Exhaust Fan:- K.D.K., National-Japanese origins

Switch & socket outlet :- Tenby, Clipsal, MK, Crabtree, PDL, Kevilton, Orange or

LED Fittings/ Tube:- The light should be good quality, Philips, DIMO, OSRAM or approved
equivalent. Minimum efficacy at scotopic condition should be above 100 lumen/W Corelate
colour temperature (CCT) should be above 4000K, (Cool White). Colour rendering index
(CRI) should be above 80. Rated life time should be above 50,000 hrs.

Distribution Board:- Shall be in surface mount metal enclosure fabricated With Zinc
coated sheet metal of gauge not less than 1.8 mm total enclosed, with hinged door with
protective cover plate for terminals, finished with powder coating of approved colour and
components as specified in the BOQ.

Energy Saving Bulbs:- CFL Builbs should be 5 stars.

Recommended Fabricators of Switch boards and Enclosures.

K.I.K. Lanka (Pvt) Ltd
Pubudu Engineering (pvt) Ltd
Richardsons Projects (pvt) Ltd
Bentota Power Generators (Pvt) Ltd
Aklan International (Pvt) Ltd.
OS Project (Pvt) Ltd. (Orange)
Or similar product

S07- 97 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

In PVC conduit
Point wiring to be carried out with 2x1mm2 Cu/PVC/PVC + 2.5mm2 Cu/PVC earth cable
terminated in a 3 terminal ceiling rose and sunk switch, wired in concealed conduit in wall
and above ceiling to be supplied and installed to working order.
T001 Lamp point wiring Nos 3,711
T002 Water tight lamp point wiring Nos. 3,700
T003 Indoor Braacket lamp point wiring Nos. 3,626
T004 Stair way lamp point wiring controlled by 2 No. two way switches Nos. 5,906
T005 Ceiling fan point wiring complete with hook and sunk switch Nos. 4,595
wiring to be carried out with 2C,2.5mm2 PVC/PVC/CU + 2.5mm2 PVC/CU earth cable
wired in concealed conduit in wall and above ceiling to be supplied and installed to working
T006 13 AMP switch socket outlet Nos. 5,330
T007 15 AMP switch socket outlet Nos. 6,064
T008 15 AMP switch socket outlet c/w 20A DP Switch with Neon Indicator Lamp Nos. 8,265
In PVC Casing
point wiring to be carried out with 2x1mm2 PVC/PVC/CU + 2.5mm2 PVC/CU earth cable
terminated in a 3 terminal ceiling rose and sunk switch, wired with PVC casing on wall and on
soffit to be supplied and installed to working order.
T009 Lamp point wiring Nos. 3,654
T010 Water tight lamp point wiring Nos. 3,643
T011 Indoor Bracket lamp point wiring Nos. 3,569
T012 Stair way Lamp point wiring controlled by 2 No. two way switches. Nos. 5,914
T013 Ceiling fan point wiring complete with fan hook and sunk switch. Nos. 4,538
Wiring to be carried out with 2C,2.5mm2 PVC/PVC/CU + 2.5mm2 PVC/CU earth cable
wired in concealed conduit in wall and above ceiling to be supplied and installed to working
T014 13 AMP switch socket outlet (Radial Circuit) Nos. 5,269
T015 15 AMP switch socket outlet Nos. 6,059
T016 15 AMP switch socket outlet c/w 20A DP Nos. 8,533
Distribution Boards
Supply, Wiring and Installation of distribution board in surface mount plastic enclosure with
the undermentioned switch gears to working order.
T017 6 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 12,616
T018 8 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 14,037
T019 10 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 16,602
T020 12 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 18,563
T021 14 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 21,484
T022 16 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 30AMP 2P MCB and 40A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 23,420
T023 6 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 17,058
T024 8 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 18,479
T025 10 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 21,584

S07- 98 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

T026 12 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 23,361
T027 14 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 26,441
T028 16 way SP & N Distribution board complete with 60AMP 2P MCB and 60A 2P RCD(30mA)
Nos. 27,862
T029 Suppling and Installation of TP & N Distribution board complete with 60 A 4P MCB(10 kA)
and 2 No. 32 A 3P MCB (10kA) in surface mount plastic enclosure. Nos. 25,391
T030 Suppling and Installation of TP & N Distribution board complete with 60 A 4P MCCB (25
kA) and 4 No. 16 A 3P MCB(10 kA) in surface mount metal enclosure. Nos. 48,480
T031 Suppling and Installation of TP & N Distribution board complete with 100 A 4P MCCB 925
kA) and 2 No. 30/60AMP 3P MCCB (kA) in surface mount metal enclosure.
Nos. 78,878
T032 Suppling and Installation of TP & N Distribution board complete with 125 A 4P MCCB (25
kA) and 4 No. 30/60AMP 3P MCCB (25 kA) in surface mount metal enclosure.
Nos. 124,812
T033 Suppling and Installation of 20-100AMP 4P MCCB in surface mount metal enclosure Nos. 31,022
T034 Suppling and Installation of 30AMP 2P isolator complete with plastic enclosure. Nos. 4,313
T035 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 2P isolator complete with plastic enclosure. Nos. 5,051
T036 Suppling and Installation of 30AMP 4P isolator complete with plastic enclosure. Nos. 8,832
T037 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 4P isolator complete with plastic enclosure. Nos. 8,895
T038 Suppling and Installation of 40AMP 2P RCCB (30mA) complete plastic enclosure. Nos. 7,723
T039 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 2P RCCB (30mA) complete plastic enclosure. Nos. 9,622
T040 Suppling and Installation of 40AMP 4P RCCB (30mA) complete plastic enclosure. Nos. 12,257
T041 Suppling and Installation of 60AMP 4P RCCB (30mA) complete plastic enclosure. Nos. 10,833
Cabling in conduits
Cable shall be PVC/PVC/CU unless other wise specified to be supplied and installed in
conduit to working order.
T042 2x1 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 260
T043 2x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 439
T044 2x4 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 591
T045 2x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable m 911
T046 2x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable m 1,379
T047 2x16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 2,042
T048 2x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 2,919
T049 4x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 654
T050 4x4 sq. mm + 4 sq. mm E cable m 967
T051 4x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable m 1,379
T052 4x10 sq. mm +10 sq. mm E cable m 2,195
T053 4x16 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable m 3,068
T054 4x25 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable m 4,698
T055 4x35 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable m 6,137
Unarmoured Cabling
Cable shall be Cu/PVC/PVC OR Cu/XLPE/PVC supplied and installed in conduit or presure
pipe (type 1000) to working order.
T056 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 1.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 609
T057 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 792
T058 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 4 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 1,377
T059 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable m 1,823
T060 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable m 2,451

S07- 99 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

T061 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 3,397

T062 2C Cu/PVC/PVC 25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 4,291
T063 4C Cu/PVC/PVC 10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable m 3,330
T064 4C Cu/PVC/PVC 16sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 4,303
T065 4C Cu/PVC/PVC 25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 5,476
T066 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 35 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 6,468
T067 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 50 sq. mm + 25 sq. mm E cable m 8,875
T068 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 70 sq. mm + 35 sq. mm E cable m 12,663
T069 4C Cu/XLPE/PVC 95 sq. mm + 50 sq. mm E cable m 16,916
Armoured Cabling
Cable shall be Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC (BS 5467 : 1997 600/1000V) supplied and installed in
cable tile with necessary accessories & materials to working order.
T070 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 25 sq. mm m 6,436
T071 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 35 sq. mm m 7,579
T072 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 50 sq. mm m 9,786
T073 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 70 sq. mm m 12,627
T074 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 95 sq. mm m 16,627
T075 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 120 sq. mm m 19,970
T076 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 150 sq. mm m 24,371
T077 4C Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC 185 sq. mm m 35,248
Cabling in PVC Casing
Cable shall be PVC/PVC/CU unless other wise specified to be supplied and installed in PVC
casing to working order.
T078 2x1 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 301
T079 2x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 448
T080 2x4 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 693
T081 2x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable m 901
T082 2x10 sq. mm +10 sq. mm E cable m 1,285
T083 2x16 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable m 1,886
T084 2x25 sq. mm +16 sq. mm E cable m 3,126
T085 4x2.5 sq. mm + 2.5 sq. mm E cable m 744
T086 4x4 sq. mm + 4 sq. mm E cable m 1,087
T087 4x6 sq. mm + 6 sq. mm E cable m 1,633
T088 4x10 sq. mm + 10 sq. mm E cable m 2,489
T089 4x16 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 3,490
T090 4x25 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 4,986
T091 4x35 sq. mm + 16 sq. mm E cable m 6,286
Lightning Protection System
T092 Supplying and Installation of earth Electrode c/w 50 mm dia. Of 2 LM to working order
complete with forming of a gulley around the pipe. Nos. 9,285
T093 Supplying and Installation of 16 mm dia.solid copper earth rod with inspection pit of 300mm
x 300mm x 300mm Nos. 40,273
T094 Supply and Installation of 25mm x 3mm Cu tape in Air termination system Nos. 2,771
T095 Supply and Installation of 25mm x 3mm Cu tape in Down conductor system Nos. 2,895
T096 Supply and Installation of test joint mounted in a yellow PVC enclosure Nos. 4,697
T097 Supply and Installation of finial type air terminal with minimum 1000mm height and 12mm
diameter Nos. 21,009

S07- 100 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Luminaire and Fixtures

Supplying and Installation of Luminaire and fixtures complete with all fixing accessories, G.I.
Chains cup hook 2/3 core cable, conector suspension holder etc. to working order.

T098 Pendent Lamp C/W 250 mm dia. Conical plastic shade and 15W CFL bulb (Prime cost for
plastic shade -Rs. 232) Nos. 2,280
T099 Pendent Lamp C/W 200 mm dia. Glass globe and 15W CFL bulb (Prime cost for pendant
lamp c/w 200mm dia. Glass globe -Rs.788) Nos. 2,867
T100 Indoor Bracket lamp C/W ornament shade and 15W CFL bulb (Prime cost for bracket lamp
c/w ornament shade -Rs.2315) Nos. 4,731
T101 Water tight bracket lamp C/W Clear glass ornament shade and 15W CFL bulb(4 star rated)
(Prime cost for water tight bracket lamp c/w ornament shade -Rs. 2963) Nos. 5,499
T102 Recessed type, T8 LED tube light fitting 1200mm x 300mm complete with polished
aluminium double parabolic louver and 2x18W LED tube. (Prime cost for complete lamp
fitting set with all accessories -Rs. 6721) Nos. 8,954
T103 Recessed type, T8 LED tube light fitting 1200mm x 600mm complete with polished
aluminium double parabolic louver and 3x18W LED tube. (Prime cost for lamp fitting set
with all accessories -Rs.9407) Nos. 13,036
T104 Recessed type, T8 LED tube light fitting 600mm x 600mm complete with polished aluminium
double parabolic louver and 4x9W LED tube. (Prime cost for lamp fitting set with all
accessories -Rs. 7487) Nos. 10,537
T105 Recessed type, T8 LED tube light fitting 600mm x 600mm complete with polished aluminium
double parabolic louver and 3x9W LED tube. (Prime cost for lamp fitting set with all
accessories -Rs.6660) Nos. 9,460
T106 1200mm battern type T8 LED tube light (1x18W tube) fitting.(Prime cost for lamp fitting set
with all accessories -Rs. 2091) Nos. 3,311
T107 1200mm battern type T8 LED tube light (2x18W tube) fitting. (Prime cost for lamp fitting set
with all accessories -Rs. 4181) Nos. 6,210
T108 600mm battern type T8 LED tube light (1x9W tube) fitting. (Prime cost for lamp fitting set
with all accessories -Rs. 1648) Nos. 2,906
T109 1200mm Suspension type T8 LED tube light complete with prismatic diffuser and (1x18W
tube) (Prime cost for lamp fitting set with all accessories -Rs.2985) Nos. 4,653
T110 600mm Suspension type T8 LED tube light complete with prismatic diffuser and (1x9W
tube)(Prime cost for lamp fitting set with all accessories -Rs. 2319) Nos. 3,690
T111 1200mm Suspension type T8 LED tube light complete with prismatic diffuser and (2x18W
tube) (Prime cost for lamp fitting set with all accessories -Rs. 4565) Nos. 6,613
Recessed type 6W LED panel light fitting (Prime cost for Recessed down light -Rs.1500) Nos. 2,528
Recessed type12W LED panel light fitting (Prime cost for Recessed down light -Rs. 2000) Nos. 3,179
Recessed type 18W LED panel light fitting (Prime cost for Recessed down light -Rs. 2500) Nos. 3,830
T115 Recessed mounted 6W Down light (Prime cost for Recessed down light -Rs. 2500) Nos. 3,843
T116 Recessed mounted 12W Down light (Prime cost for Recessed down light -Rs. 3250) Nos. 4,820
T117 Bulk head lamp water tight C/W 18W CFL bulb (4 star rated) (Prime cost for Recessed down
light -Rs. 2315) Nos. 5,088
T118 10W IP 65 flood light Nos. 4,903
T119 20W IP 65 flood light Nos. 6,856
T120 50W IP 65 flood light Nos. 11,412
T121 100W IP 65 flood light Nos. 17,921

S07- 101 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Switch socket outlet

Switch socket outlet 13AMP/15AMP to be supplied and installed complete with screws etc. to
working order. ( Excluding wires & conduits )
T122 13 AMP switch socket outlet Nos. 1,429
T123 15 AMP switch socket outlet Nos. 1,467
Replacing sunk switch
Replacing sunk switch complete with plastic sunk box to be supplied and installed to working
T124 Replacing 1 gang sunk switch Nos. 686
T125 Replacing 2 gang sunk switch Nos. 833
T126 Replacing 3 gang sunk switch Nos. 1,072
T127 Replacing 4 gang sunk switch Nos. 1,385
T128 Replacing 5 gang sunk switch Nos. 1,618
T129 Replacing fan regulator dimmer type Nos. 1,759
T130 Replacing Ceiling fan regulator Nos. 2,147
T131 Replacing 20 AMP DP switch with Neon indicator Nos. 2,708
T132 Replacing sunk Bell push Nos. 2,030
T133 Replacing Cell Bell Ding Dong type excluding wires Nos. 2,371
Supply & Installation of Ceiling fan 1400mm dia. Complete with 3 speed regulator (Excluding
T134 13,503
wiring) Nos.
Exhaust Fans
T135 Supply & Installation of 200mm dia. Exhaust fan with auto shutter (K.D.K or equvalent)
(Excluding wiring) Nos. 12,548
T136 Supply & Installation of 250mm dia. Exhaust fan with auto shutter (K.D.K or equvalent)
(Excluding wiring) Nos. 18,696
T137 Supply & Installation of 300mm dia. Exhaust fan with auto shutter (K.D.K or equvalent)
(Excluding wiring) Nos. 32,693
T138 Supply & Installation of 450mm dia. Exhaust fan with auto shutter (K.D.K or equvalent)
(Excluding wiring) Nos. 111,833
Wall Fans
T139 Supply & Installation of wall fan 450mm dia. Complete with 3 speed regulator (Excluding
wiring) Nos. 19,245
Conduit Pipe
Supplying & installation of conduit pipe clipped in surface
T140 18mm conduit pipe m 151
T141 20mm conduit pipe m 155
T142 25mm conduit pipe m 170
T143 30mm conduit pipe m 249
T144 40mm conduit pipe m 316
T145 50mm conduit pipe m 414
PVC Casing
Supplying and Installation of PVC casing
T146 10mmx20mm PVC Casing m 148
T147 14mmx24mm PVC Casing m 167
T148 16mmx40mm PVC Casing m 220
T149 25mmx40mm PVC Casing m 275
T150 50mmx25mm PVC Casing m 347
T151 50mmX50mm PVC Box Casing m 556

S07- 102 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

T152 50mmX75mm PVC Box Casing m 707

T153 100mmX50mm PVC Box Casing m 959
T154 100mmx27mm PVC Box Casing m 745
Supply and Installation of main cables
T155 2x1 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 180
T156 2 x 2.5 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 355
T157 2 x 4 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 500
T158 2 x 6 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 683
T159 2 x 10 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 982
T160 2 x 16 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 1,442
T161 2 x 25 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 2,262
T162 2 x 35 sq. mm Cu/PVC/PVC Cable m 2,809
Supply and Installation of Earth cables
T163 2.5 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 170
T164 4 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 268
T165 6 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 421
T166 10 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 632
T167 16 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 908
T168 25 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 1,403
T169 35 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 1,788
T170 50 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 2,274
T171 70 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 3,079
T172 95 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 3,918
T173 120 sq. mm Cu/PVC Earth cable m 5,045
T174 Single phase DOL starter for 5.5kW motor (without overload) Nos. 26,190
T175 Three phase DOL starter for 5.5kW motor (without overload) Nos. 71,805
Supply and installation of Cat6 Data Outlet for Data points including Cat6 cables, Cat6
T176 Keystone Jacks, Single face plates, Sunk Box, PVC Conduits/Trunking, Floor Trunking and
all other accessories to be supplied and installed to working order Nos. 9,279
Supply and Laying of Solid Pure Copper CAT 6 Cable from a relevant Patch Panel to each
T177 Camera point 6,358
MM OM3 6-Core Outdoor Armed Fiber Optic Cables supplied and installed in a trench
T178 including all required civil works and installation charges 3,619
MM OM3 8-Core Outdoor Armed Fiber Optic Cables supplied and installed in a trench
T179 including all required civil works and installation charges 3,767
MM OM3 12-Core Outdoor Armed Fiber Optic Cables supplied and installed in a trench
T180 including all required civil works and installation charges 4,063

T181 Supply and Installation of 12 Core Optic Fiber indoor MM 50/125 OM3 through securely
fixed PVC Pipes and casings ( runs per floor Access switches, starting from Core switches) Nos. 3,403

T182 Supply and Installation of 8 Core Optic Fiber indoor MM 50/125 OM3 through securely fixed
PVC Pipes and casings ( runs per floor Access switches, starting from Core switches) Nos. 2,783

T183 Supply and Installation of 6 Core Optic Fiber indoor MM 50/125 OM3 through securely fixed
PVC Pipes and casings ( runs per floor Access switches, starting from Core switches) Nos. 2,311
T184 Supply and Laying of Solid Pure Copper CAT 6 Cable Nos. 1,533

S07- 103 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

T185 Supply and installation of fiber patch cords ( 1m ) Nos. 3,101

T186 0.5m Solid Pure Copper CAT 6 Slim Boot Patch Cords. Nos. 681
T187 1m Solid Pure Copper CAT 6 Slim Boot Patch Cords. Nos. 827
T188 3m Solid Pure Copper CAT 6 Slim Boot Patch Cords. Nos. 1,121
Supply and Installation of 16U 19" wall mounting, glass door, fully loaded rack with the
T189 following accessories. 84,514

4 way power bar with 13A socket outlets. Thermostatically controlled 3 nos 100mmx100mm
size 230Vac, cooling fan plate with finger guard, Vertical & Horizontal cable trays,Gland
plates top & bottom, Fixed trays, UK Plug etc.( As per specifications )
Supply and Installation of 25U 19" wall mounting, glass door, fully loaded rack with the
following accessories. Nos. 126,084

4 way power bar with 13A socket outlets. Thermostatically controlled 3 nos 100mmx100mm
size 230Vac, cooling fan plate with finger guard, Vertical & Horizontal cable trays,Gland
plates top & bottom, Fixed trays, UK Plug etc.( As per specifications )

Supply and installation of 12 Port POE 185W, Non blocking, Manageable Switch with 12 x
T191 RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Ports, 2 No. SFP ports as uplinks ,SFP transceivers
and any other connecting equipments for uplinks. having auto Crossover Function Nos. 389,668

Supply and installation of 24 Port POE 370W, Non blocking, Manageable Switch with 24 x
RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Ports, 2 No. SFP ports as uplinks ,SFP transceivers
and any other connecting equipments for uplinks. having auto Crossover Function Nos. 451,949

Supply and installation of 48 Port POE 370W, Non blocking, Manageable Switch with 48 x
T193 RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Ports, 2 No. SFP ports as uplinks ,SFP transceivers
and any other connecting equipments for uplinks. having auto Crossover Function Nos. 712,185
Supply and installation of 16 Port Unmanageable Switch with 16 x RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps
T194 Gigabit 39,212
Supply and installation of 24 Port Unmanageable Switch with 24 x RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps
T195 Gigabit 57,713
Supply and installation of 48 Port Unmanageable Switch with 48 x RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps
T196 Gigabit 146,260
T197 Supply and Installation of 12 port duplex SC port fiber Patch Panel Nos. 40,443
T198 Supply and Installation of 12 port Copper Patch Panel Nos. 9,900
T199 Supply and Installation of 24 port Copper Patch Panel Nos. 17,514
T200 Supply and Installation of 48 port Copper Patch Panel Nos. 29,696

S07- 104 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Boards and Glass Pans
One Side Fabric Pasted 3mm thick Ply Wood Boards for Partitions
U001 Supplying & Fabricating of Panel Boards consist of fabric cloths (Alabama or equivalent.) and
sponge sheets pasted on one side of the ply wood board (3mm thick) and fix to existing
partition frame work. (Rate Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary rubber beadings,
fasteners & etc. Sq.ft 232
Both Sides Fabric Pasted 3mm thick Ply Wood Boards for Partitions, Doors or
U002 Supplying & Fabricating of Panel Boards consist of fabric cloths (Alabama or equivalent.) and
sponge sheets pasted on BOTH sides of the ply wood board (3mm thick) and fix to existing
partition frame work. (Rate Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary rubber beadings,
fasteners & etc. Sq.ft 382
PVC Laminated Ply Board for Partitions, Doors or Windows
U003 Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 3mm thick PVC Laminated Ply Boards to existing partition
frame work. (Rate Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary rubber beadings, fasteners &
etc.) Sq.ft 86
One Side Coloured Al. Composite Cladding Boards for Partitions only
U004 Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing of 4mm thick Al. Composite Cladding Boards (One side
Coloured) to existing partition frame work. (Rate Exclusive of Aluminium beadings,
necessary rubber beadings, fasteners & etc.) Sq.ft 260
One Side Coloured Al. Composite Cladding Boards for Doors and Windows
U005 Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing of 4mm thick Al. Composite Cladding Boards (One side
Coloured) to existing door or window frame work with necessary rubber beadings.
Sq.ft 290
Both Sides Coloured Al. Composite Cladding Boards for Partitions only
U006 Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing of 4mm thick Al. Composite Cladding Boards in SINGLE
SIDE of the existing partition frame work. (Rate Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary
rubber beadings, fasteners & etc.) Sq.ft 315
Both Sides Coloured Al. Composite Cladding Boards for Doors and Windows
U007 Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing of 4mm thick Al. Composite Cladding Boards in SINGLE
SIDE of the existing door or window frame work with necessary rubber beadings.
Sq.ft 345
Clear Glass 5mm thick for Partitions only
U008 Supplying and Fixing of 5mm thick clear glass pan to existing partition frame work. (Rate
Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary rubber beadings, fasteners & etc.) Sq.ft 146
Clear Glass 5mm thick for Doors and Windows
U009 Supplying and Fixing of 5mm thick clear glass pan to existing door or window frame work
with necessary rubber beadings. Sq.ft 176
Float Glass 5mm thick for Partitions only
U010 Supplying and Fixing of 5mm thick float glass pan to existing partition frame work. (Rate
Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary rubber beadings, fasteners & etc.) Sq.ft 146
Float Glass 5mm thick for Doors and Windows
U011 Supplying and Fixing of 5mm thick float glass pan to existing door or window frame work
with necessary rubber beadings. Sq.ft 176
Tinted Glass 5mm thick for Partitions only
U012 Supplying and Fixing of 5mm thick tinted glass pan to existing partition frame work. (Rate
Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary rubber beadings, fasteners & etc.) Sq.ft 221
Tinted Glass 5mm thick for Doors and Windows
U013 Supplying and Fixing of 5mm thick tinted glass pan to existing door or window frame work
with necessary rubber beadings. Sq.ft 251

S07- 105 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Clear Glass 6mm thick for Partitions only

U014 Supplying and Fixing of 6mm thick clear glass pan to existing partition frame work. (Rate
Exclusive of Aluminium beadings, necessary rubber beadings, fasteners & etc.) Sq.ft 181
Clear Glass 6mm thick for Doors and Windows
U015 Supplying and Fixing of 6mm thick clear glass pan to existing door or window frame work
with necessary rubber beadings. Sq.ft 211
Sand Blast Stickers
U016 Supplying cutting and pasting of sand blast stickers in position. Sq.ft 93
Note: Refer figures for more details
Typical Aluminium Louvers
Aluminium Louvers with Louver Frame (52.5mm high 34.6mm wide Louver blades;
Alumex DG 01 or equivalent)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.2mm thick 52.5mm high 34.6mm wide Louver blades
(Alumex DG 01 or equivalent) to 20.0 X 37.0mm louver frame (Alumex DG 101 or
equivalent) and fix to existing door, window or partition frame work including necessary
U017 Matt Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 1,676
U018 Natural Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 1,673
U019 Bronze Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 1,737
U020 Powder Coated Louver blades Sq.ft 1,915
U021 Wood Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 2,995
Aluminium Louvers with Louver Frame (60.0mm high 28.5mm wide Louver blades;
Alumex DG 03 or equivalent)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.2mm thick 60.0mm high 28.5mm wide Louver blades
(Alumex DG 03 or equivalent) to 17.0 X 31.0mm louver frame (Alumex DG 103 or
equivalent) and fix to existing door, window or partition frame work including all accessories.

U022 Matt Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 1,568

U023 Natural Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 1,627
U024 Bronze Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 1,656
U025 Powder Coated Louver blades Sq.ft 1,855
U026 Wood Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 2,627
Aluminium Louvers with Louver Frame (34.5mm high 28.5mm wide symmetrical "Y"
type Louver blades; Alumex DG 04 or equivalent)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.2mm thick 34.5mm high 28.5mm wide symmetrical "Y"
type Louver blades (Alumex DG 04 or equivalent) to 17.0 X 31.0mm louver frame (Alumex
DG 103 or equivalent) and fix to existing door, window or partition frame work including all
U027 Matt Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 2,230
U028 Natural Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 2,316
U029 Bronze Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 2,364
U030 Powder Coated Louver blades Sq.ft 2,652
U031 Wood Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 3,927
Aluminium Louvers (39.5mm high 37.4mm wide asymmetrical "Y" type Louver blades;
Alumex DG 06 or equivalent) with Louver Frame
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.2mm thick 39.5mm high 37.4mm wide asymmetrical "Y"
type Louver blades (Alumex DG 06 or equivalent) to 17.0 X 40.0mm louver frame (Alumex
DG 104 or equivalent) and fix to existing door, window or partition frame work including all
U032 Matt Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 2,265
U033 Natural Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 2,401

S07- 106 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U034 Bronze Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 2,442

U035 Powder Coated Louver blades Sq.ft 2,755
U036 Wood Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 3,921
Aluminium Louvers (120.0mm high 37.4mm wide Louver blades; Alumex DG 05 or
equivalent) with Louver Frame
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.5mm thick 120.0mm high 37.4mm wide Louver blades
(Alumex DG 05 or equivalent) to 17.0 X 40.0mm louver frame (Alumex DG 104 or
equivalent) and fix to existing door, window or partition frame work including all accessories

U037 Matt Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 1,564

U038 Natural Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 1,657
U039 Bronze Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 1,687
U040 Powder Coated Louver blades Sq.ft 1,897
U041 Wood Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 2,695
Aluminium SUN Louvers with Louver Frame (Alumex ALU 180 or equivalent)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.5mm thick 107.3mm high 26.0mm wide sun Louver
blades (Alumex ALU-180 or equivalent) to 25.0 X 125.0mm louver frame (Alumex ALU-181
or equivalent) and fix to existing frame or wall. (Fix to existing frame or wall with accessories
paid separately)
U042 Matt Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 4,391
U043 Natural Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 4,900
U044 Bronze Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 4,992
U045 Powder Coated Louver blades Sq.ft 5,887
U046 Wood Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 7,035
Aluminium SUN Louvers (Alumex ALU 180 or equivalent) with BIRD'S MOUTH
BRACKETS (Alumex ALU 282 or equivalent)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.5mm thick 107.3mm high 26.0mm wide sun Louver
blades (Alumex ALU-180 or equivalent) to Bird's mouth brackets (Alumex ALU-282 or
equivalent) and fix to existing frame, Door, Window or wall with all accessories.
U047 Matt Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 4,513
U048 Natural Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 4,966
U049 Bronze Anodized Louver blades Sq.ft 5,060
U050 Powder Coated Louver blades Sq.ft 5,916
U051 Wood Finished Louver blades Sq.ft 7,312
Single Row Aluminium Partition Frame Work with Boards/Glass
Single row Aluminium Partition Frame Work(1.2mm thick ) with Fully Board Panels
(max. Height 1200mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing of single row frame work with FULLY BOARDED
panels in both sides for ALUMINIUM PARTITION consist of 1.2mm thick,76mm deep
(width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions. And GI channel stiffener frame work
enclosed in Aluminium frame work with an appropriate grid pattern not exceeding 1200mm in
both vertical & horizontal directions suited to the available space and additional GI channel
bracings placed in 600mm centers at vertical direction. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings
(including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (PANNLE BOARDS PAID
SEPERATLY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

U052 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 552

U053 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 553
U054 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 558
U055 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 585
U056 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 730

S07- 107 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Single row Aluminium Partition Frame Work(1.2mm thick ) Fully Glass Pans (max.
Height 1200mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing single row panel frame work with Fully Glass
ALUMINIUM PARTITION consist of 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or
eq.) Aluminium extrusions to form an appropriate grid pattern not exceeding 1200mm in
both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the available space consist of glass pans. Rate
inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners
etc. (GLASS PANS PAID SEPERATLY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers-
U057 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 734
U058 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 740
U059 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 752
U060 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 801
U061 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,102
Single Row Aluminium Partition Frame Work with Louvers
Single Row Aluminium Partition Frame Work (1.2mm thick) Fully Louvered (max.
Height 1200mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing single row panel FULLY ALUMINIUM LOUVER
PARTITION with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium
extrusions to form an appropriate grid pattern not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical &
horizontal directions, suited to the available space and consist of Aluminium louver framed
panel. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary
SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

U062 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 575

U063 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 577
U064 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 584
U065 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 616
U066 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 833
2 Row Aluminium Partition Frame Work with Boards/Glass
Two Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work (1.2mm thick) Fully Board
Panels (max. height 2400mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing two rows of panel frame work with FULLY BOARDED
panels in both sides for(Top & Bottom rows) ALUMINIUM PARTITION consist of 1.2mm
thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions. And GI channel
stiffener frame work enclosed in Aluminium frame work with an appropriate grid pattern not
exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions suited to the available space and
additional GI channel bracings placed in 600mm centers at vertical direction. Rate inclusive of
Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (PANEL
BOARDS PAID SEPERATLY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
U067 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 493
U068 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 495
U069 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 499
U070 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 522
U071 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 628

S07- 108 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Two Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work (1.2mm thick) - One Row with
Boards & other Row with Glass Pans (max. height 2400mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing GLASS & BOARD two rows of panel ALUMINIUM
PARTITION frame work with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.)
Aluminium extrusions. And one row consist of BOAD panels in both sides of the partition
frame work and GI channel stiffener frame work enclosed in appropriate grid pattern not
exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the available space and
additional GI channel bracings to be placed in 600mm centers at vertical direction and other
row consist of glass pans, span not exceeding 1200mm in both directions. Rate inclusive of
Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (GLASS
PANS & PANEL BOARDS PAID SEPERATLY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards,
U017 to U051 for louvers-

U072 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 535

U073 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 537
U074 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 543
U075 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 569
U076 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 722
Two Row compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work (1.2mm thick) - with Fully Glass
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing two rows of panel frame work with Fully Glass pans for
(Top & Bottom rows) ALUMINIUM PARTITION consist of 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep
(width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions to form an appropriate grid pattern
not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the available space.
Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary
fasteners etc. (GLASS PANS PAID SEPERATLY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass &
boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-
U077 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 667
U078 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 674
U079 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 684
U080 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 727
U081 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 986
2 Row Aluminium Partition Frame Work with Louvers & Boards/Glass
Two Row compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work (1.2mm thick)-One Row with
Louvers and other Row with Boards (max. height 2400mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing of LOUVER & BOARD two rows of panels
ALUMINIUM PARTITION frame work with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm)
(Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions, One row consist of BOARD panels in both sides of
the partition frame work and GI channel stiffener frame work enclosed in Aluminium frame,
with appropriate grid pattern not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions,
suited to the available space and additional GI channel bracings placed in 600mm centers at
vertical direction. Other row consists of LOUVER framed panels. Rate inclusive of
Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (SUPPLY
SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

U082 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 495

U083 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 497
U084 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 501
U085 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 523
U086 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 654

S07- 109 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Two Row compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work (1.2mm thick)-One Row with
Louvers and other Row with Glass (max. height 2400mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing LOUVER & GLASS two rows of panels ALUMINIUM
PARTITION frame work with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.)
Aluminium extrusions to form an appropriate grid pattern not exceeding 1200mm in both
vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the available space and one row consist of glass
pans. Other row consists of LOUVER framed panels. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings
(including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (SUPPLY & FIXING OF
U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

U087 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 571

U088 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 575
U089 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 582
U090 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 614
U091 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 819
Two Row compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work (1.2mm thick) - Fully Louvered
(max. height 2400mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 2 rows of panel FULLY Aluminium LOUVER Partition
with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions to
form an appropriate grid pattern not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal
directions, suited to the available space and both rows consist of Aluminium louver framed
panels. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings)
SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

U092 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 498

U093 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 500
U094 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 505
U095 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 529
U096 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 696
3 Row Aluminium Partitions
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work (max. height 3600mm) - with Fully
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 3 Row Compiled panel frame work with FULLY
BOARDED panels in both sides for (Top middle & Bottom rows); ALUMINIUM
PARTITION consist of 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.)
Aluminium extrusions and GI channel stiffener frame work enclosed in Aluminium frame
work with an appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical &
horizontal directions suited to the available space and additional GI channel bracings placed in
600mm centers at vertical direction. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including
necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (PANEL BOARDS PAID SEPERATLY)
- Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) extrusions

U097 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 518
U098 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 520
U099 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 525
U100 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 549
U101 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 651

S07- 110 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

2.0mm thick,100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions

U102 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 659
U103 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 690
U104 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 697
U105 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 747
U106 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 840
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work - 2 Rows with Boards & Other Row
with Glass Pans (max. height 3600mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing GLASS & BOARD 3 row Compiled panel
ALUMINIUM PARTITION frame work with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm)
(Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions. And two rows consist of BOAD panels in both sides
of the partition frame work and GI channel stiffener frame work enclosed in appropriate grid
pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the
available space and additional GI channel bracings placed in 600mm centers at vertical
direction. Other row consists of glass pans, span not exceeding 1200mm in both directions.
Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary
fasteners etc. (GLASS PANS & PANEL BOARDS PAID SEPERATLY) - Refer U001 to
U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) extrusions

U107 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 561
U108 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 564
U109 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 570
U110 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 598
U111 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 743
2.0mm thick,100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) extrusions
U112 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 813
U113 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 865
U114 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 875
U115 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 948
U116 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,080
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work - 1 Row with Boards & Other 2
Rows with Glass Pans (max. height 3600mm)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing GLASS & BOARD 3 row Compiled panel
ALUMINIUM PARTITION frame work with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm)
(Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions. And one row consists of BOAD panels in both sides
of the partition frame work and GI channel stiffener frame work enclosed in appropriate grid
pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the
available space and additional GI channel bracings placed in 600mm centers at vertical
direction. Other two rows consist of glass pans, span not exceeding 1200mm in both
directions. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings)
necessary fasteners etc. (GLASS PANS & PANEL BOARDS PAID SEPERATLY) - Refer
U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) extrusions

U117 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 587
U118 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 591
U119 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 597
U120 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 624
U121 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 796

S07- 111 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

2.0mm thick, 100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) extrusions

U122 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 927
U123 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 997
U124 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,009
U125 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,098
U126 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,252
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work - (max. height 3600mm) fully Glass
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 3 Row Compiled panel frame work with FULLY
GLAZE pans for (Top middle & Bottom rows) ALUMINIUM PARTITION consist of 1.2mm
thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions and glass pans, to
form an appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal
directions suited to the available space. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including
necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (GLASS PANS PAID SEPERATLY) -
Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) extrusions

U127 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 698
U128 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 705
U129 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 714
U130 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 755
U131 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,004
2.0mm thick, 100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) extrusions
U132 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,205
U133 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,308
U134 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,326
U135 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,456
U136 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,681
3 Panel Aluminium Louver Partitions
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work - (max. height 3600mm) one row
with Louvers, Another row With Boards & Remaining row with Glass.
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 3 Row Compiled panel frame work with GLASS, BOARD
& ALUMINIUM LOUVER PARTITION consist of 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width
23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions. And one row consists of BOAD panels in
both sides of the partition frame work and GI channel stiffener frame work enclosed in
appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions,
suited to the available space and additional GI channel bracings placed in 600mm centers at
vertical direction. Another row consists of necessary LOUVER framed panels & remaining
row consists of glass pans suited to the available space. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings
(including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (SUPPLY & FIXING OF
SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U137 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 510
U138 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 512
U139 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 518
U140 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 543
U141 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 701

S07- 112 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

2.0mm thick, 100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U142 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 825
U143 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 889
U144 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 901
U145 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 983
U146 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,126
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work - (max. height 3600mm) one row
with Louvers, Remaining two rows with Boards.
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 3 Row Compiled panel frame work with BOARD &
ALUMINIUM LOUVER PARTITION consist of 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm)
(Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions. And two rows consist of BOAD panels in both sides
of the partition frame work and GI channel stiffener frame work enclosed in appropriate grid
pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the
available space and additional GI channel bracings placed in 600mm centers at vertical
direction. Other remaining row consists of necessary LOUVER framed panels. Rate inclusive
of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc.
SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U147 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 471
U148 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 473
U149 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 477
U150 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 497
U151 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 617
2.0mm thick, 100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U152 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 694
U153 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 740
U154 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 748
U155 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 809
U156 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 917
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work - (max. height 3600mm) one row
with Louvers, Remaining two rows with Glass.
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing LOUVER & GLASS 3 Row Compiled panel Aluminium
Partition frame work with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.)
Aluminium extrusions to form an appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in
both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the available space. Two rows consist of glass
pans. Other row consists of LOUVER panel frame with appropriate grid pattern suited to glass
panels. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings (including necessary rubber beadings)
necessary fasteners etc. (SUPPLY & FIXING OF LOUVER BLADES WITH CAGE &
GLASS PANS PAID SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers-
1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U157 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 565
U158 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 569
U159 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 577
U160 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 609
U161 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 820

S07- 113 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

2.0mm thick, 100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U162 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 997
U163 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,084
U164 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,100
U165 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,210
U166 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,400
3 Row Compiled Aluminium Partition Frame Work - (max. height 3600mm) Fully
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 3 Row Compiled panel FULLY ALUMINIUM
LOUVERED PARTITION with 1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.)
Aluminium extrusions to form an appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in
both vertical & horizontal directions, suited to the available space and all rows consist of
Louvers enclosed with Aluminium louver frame. Rate inclusive of Aluminium beadings
(including necessary rubber beadings) necessary fasteners etc. (SUPPLY & FIXING OF
for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-
1.2mm thick, 76mm deep (width 23.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U167 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 476
U168 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 478
U169 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 483
U170 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 507
U171 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 675
2.0mm thick, 100mm depth (width 50.0mm) (Alumex or eq.) Aluminium extrusions
U172 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 825
U173 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 895
U174 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 908
U175 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 995
U176 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,148
Aluminium 76mm Shop front
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.2 mm thick,76mmAluminium Shop front, frame work
fixed as an appropriate grid pattern not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal
directions, suit to the available space including necessary rubber beadings, fasteners etc.
SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

U177 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 730

U178 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 731
U179 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 740
U180 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 790
U181 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,048
Aluminium 100mm Shop front
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing 1.5 mm thick,100mmAluminium Shop front, frame work
fixed as an appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in both vertical & horizontal
directions, suit to the available space including necessary rubber beadings, fasteners etc.
SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

U182 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 976

U183 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 999
U184 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,018

S07- 114 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U185 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,093

U186 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,438
Aluminium Curtain Wall (2.0mm thick)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing Aluminium Curtain Wall with 2.0mm thick,98mm depth
extrusions, frame work fixed as an appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in
both vertical & horizontal directions, suit to the available space including necessary rubber
BOARDS PAID SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051
for louvers-
U187 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,795
U188 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,968
U189 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 2,003
U190 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 2,217
U191 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 2,928
Aluminium Curtain Wall (1.5mm thick)
Supplying, Fabricating and Fixing Aluminium Curtain Wall with 1.5mm thick,85mm depth
extrusions, frame work fixed as an appropriate grid pattern, span not exceeding 1200mm in
both vertical & horizontal directions, suit to the available space including necessary rubber
BOARDS PAID SEPERATELY) - Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051
for louvers-
U192 Matt Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,196
U193 Natural Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,293
U194 Bronze Anodized Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,324
U195 Powder Coated Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,418
U196 Wood Finished Aluminium extrusion frame work Sq.ft 1,757
Aluminium doors
Aluminium Double Sashed Swing Door (sash only) for 1.6mm thick 100mm Deep Door
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing of Aluminium Double sashed Swing Door (sash only)
for 1.6mm thick 100mm deep door frames with suitable wool felt. Rate inclusive of necessary
fasteners and hinges (Union or equivalent 102x76x2 mm) etc.( Glass/ Board, Door closers,
door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. 100D-102, 100D-103,
100D-201, 100D-301, 100D-401, 100D-501 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass
& boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U207-U241 for outer
U197 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,676
U198 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,691
U199 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,713
U200 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,845
U201 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,461
Aluminium Single Sashed Swing Door (sash only) for 1.6mm thick 100mm Deep Door
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing of Aluminium Single sashed Swing door (sash only) for
1.6mm 100mm deep door frames with suitable wool felt. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners
and hinges (Union or equivalent 102x76x2 mm) etc.( Glass/ Board/ Louver Panels, Door
closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) door sash only.(Alumex extrusion No's
100D-101, 100D-103, 100D-201, 100D-301, 100D-401, 100D-501 or equivalent) -Refer
U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories,
U207-U241 for outer frame-
U202 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,706

S07- 115 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U203 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,721

U204 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,743
U205 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,878
U206 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,490
Door Outer frames
Outer Door Frame (Frame Only) with1.6mm thick 100mm deep Extrusion for
Aluminium Double Sashed Swing Door
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.6mm thick 45mm X 100mm (depth) Aluminium outer
door frame for double sash Swing door. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners and etc.( Door
sashes, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion No.
100D-3004H or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U197-U206 for door sash-

U207 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,073

U208 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium L.ft 1,085
U209 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium L.ft 1,099
U210 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium L.ft 1,206
U211 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,431
Outer Door Frame (Frame Only) with1.5mm thick 100mm deep Extrusion for
Aluminium Single Sashed Swing Door
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 45mmX100mm (depth) Aluminium Single
sashed Swing door outer frame only. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners and etc.( Door
sashes, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion No.
100D-3005 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U197-U206 for door sash-

U212 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,400

U213 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium L.ft 1,499
U214 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium L.ft 1,522
U215 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium L.ft 1,677
U216 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium L.ft 2,170
Outer Door Frame (Frame Only) with 1.2mm thick 76mm deep Extrusion for
Aluminium Single Sash Swing door
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.2mm thick 45mmX76.2mm (depth) Aluminium Single
sashed Swing door outer frame only. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners and etc.( Door
sashes, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion No.
76D-3102 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers,
U743-U764 for accessories, U197-U206 for door sash-

U217 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium L.ft 897

U218 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium L.ft 892
U219 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium L.ft 882
U220 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium L.ft 985
U221 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,173

S07- 116 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Outer Door Frame (Frame Only) with 1.5mm thick 100mm Deep SHOP FRONT
Aluminium Extrusions
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 100mm (depth) Aluminium Swing door
outer frame for SHOP FRONT. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners and etc.( Door sashes,
Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. SPR-
205, SPR-211or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U197-U206 for door sash-

U222 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,165

U223 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium L.ft 1,194
U224 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium L.ft 1,225
U225 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium L.ft 1,309
U226 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,878
Outer Door Frame (Frame Only) with 1.2mm thick 76mm Deep SHOP FRONT
Aluminium Extrusions
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.2mm thick 76mm (depth) Aluminium Swing door
outer frame for SHOP FRONT. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners and etc.( Door sashes,
Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. SPR-
105, SPR-211 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U197-U206 for door sash-

U227 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium L.ft 851

U228 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium L.ft 853
U229 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium L.ft 864
U230 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium L.ft 939
U231 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,258
Outer Door Frame (Frame Only) with 1.2mm thick 76mm Deep Partition Frame
Aluminium Extrusions
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.2mm thick 76mm (depth) Aluminium Swing door
outer frame with Aluminium Partition extrusions. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners and
etc.( Door sashes, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex
extrusion Nos. PT-5159 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U197-U206 for door sash-

U232 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium L.ft 851

U233 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium L.ft 855
U234 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium L.ft 861
U235 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium L.ft 908
U236 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,204
Outer Door Frame (Frame Only) with 1.2mm thick 76mm Deep Aluminium Extrusion
for Single Sash Plywood door
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.2mm thick 76mm (depth) Aluminium door outer frame
for single sashed plywood door. Rate inclusive of necessary fasteners and etc.( Door sashes,
Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. 76D-
3101 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers,
U743-U764 for accessories, H069-H072 for plywood door-

U237 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium L.ft 849

U238 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium L.ft 872
U239 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium L.ft 882
U240 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium L.ft 956
U241 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium L.ft 1,282

S07- 117 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Aluminium Sliding Doors

80mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Sliding Door (Undivided plane Paneled Sashes)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 33.7mmX80mm (depth) Aluminium
framed two sliding door sashes (Undivided plane Paneled Sashes) with suitable rubber
beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers, door
locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. 80S-2001, 80S-2002,
80S2101 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U242 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,336
U243 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,374
U244 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,394
U245 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,524
U246 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,082
80mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Sliding Door (Undivided plane Paneled Sashes) with
top fixed panels
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 33.7mmX80mm (depth) Aluminium
framed two sliding door sashes (Undivided plane Paneled Sash) with top fixed panels. Rate to
include for suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel
boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos.
80S-2001, 80S-2002, 80S2101 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass &
boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U247 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,359

U248 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,401
U249 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,422
U250 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,558
U251 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,110
100mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Sliding Door (Undivided plane Paneled Sashes)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 30mmX98mm (depth) Aluminium framed
one half fixed & Single Sliding Door sash (Undivided plane Paneled Sashes) with suitable
rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers,
door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. SD-1001, DS-1101,
SD1501 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U252 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,374
U253 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,413
U254 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,442
U255 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,748
U256 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,082
100mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Sliding Door (Undivided plane Paneled Sashes) with
top fixed panel
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 30mmX98mm (depth) Aluminium framed
one half fixed & Single Sliding Door sash (Undivided plane Paneled Sashes) with top fixed
panels. Rate to include for suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass
pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex
extrusion Nos. SD-1001, DS-1101, SD1501 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for
glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U257 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,580

U258 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,537
U259 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,552

S07- 118 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U260 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,714

U261 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,298
100mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Sliding Door (Sashes Divided to two Panels)
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 30mmX98mm (depth) Aluminium framed
one half fixed & Single Sliding Door sash (Sashes Divided to two Panels) with suitable
rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers,
door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. SD-1001, DS-1101,
SD1501 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U262 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,532
U263 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,579
U264 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,611
U265 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,753
U266 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,344
100mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Sliding Door (Sashes Divided to two Panels) with top
fixed panel
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 30mmX98mm (depth) Aluminium framed
one half fixed & Single Door sash (Sashes Divided to two Panels) with top fixed panels. Rate
to include for suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel
boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos.
SD-1001, DS-1101, SD1501 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards,
U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U267 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,547

U268 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,596
U269 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,628
U270 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,767
U271 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,397
80mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium 3 track Sliding Door (Undivided plane Paneled
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 33.7mmX119.5mm (depth) Aluminium
framed 80mm 3 track (one sash fixed & other two sliding) sliding Door sashes (Undivided
plane Paneled Sashes) with suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass
pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex
extrusion Nos. 80S-2001A, SS-2101, 80SFL-1001 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to
U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U272 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,300

U273 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,215
U274 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,232
U275 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,349
U276 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,797
80mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium 3 track Sliding Door (Sashes Divided to two Panels)

Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 33.7mmX119.5mm (depth) Aluminium

framed 80mm 3 track (one sash fixed & other two sliding) sliding Door sashes (Sashes
Divided to two Panels) with suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.(
Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately)
(Alumex extrusion Nos. 80S-2001A, SS-2101, 80SFL-1001 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer
U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U277 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,291

S07- 119 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U278 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,328

U279 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,348
U280 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,475
U281 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,951
100mm (1.6 mm thick) Aluminium 3 track Sliding Door (Undivided plane Paneled
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.6mm thick 35mmX146.5mm (depth) Aluminium
framed 100mm 3 track (one sash fixed & other two sliding) sliding Door sashes (Undivided
plane Paneled Sashes) with suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass
pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately) (Alumex
extrusion Nos. SD-1001A, SD-1101A, SD-1302 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016
for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U282 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,384

U283 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,341
U284 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,400
U285 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,531
U286 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,913
100mm (1.6 mm thick) Aluminium 3 track Sliding Door (Undivided plane Paneled
Sashes) with top fixed panel
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 35mmX146.5mm (depth) Aluminium
framed 100mm 3 track (one sash fixed & other two sliding) sliding Door sashes (Undivided
plane Paneled Sashes) with top fixed panel. Rate to include for suitable rubber beadings,
necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and
door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. SD-1001A, SD-1101A, SD-1302 and
etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-
U764 for accessories-
U287 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,573
U288 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,582
U289 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,605
U290 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,761
U291 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,248
100mm (1.6 mm thick) Aluminium 3 track Sliding Door (Sashes Divided to two Panels)

Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.6mm thick 35mmX146.5mm (depth) Aluminium

framed 100mm 3 track (one sash fixed & other two sliding) sliding Door sashes (Sashes
Divided to two Panels) with suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.(
Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately)
(Alumex extrusion Nos. SD-1001A, SD-1101A, SD-1302 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001
to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U292 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,629

U293 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,639
U294 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,782
U295 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,827
U296 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,310

S07- 120 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

100mm (1.6 mm thick) Aluminium 3 track Sliding Door (Sashes Divided to two Panels)
with top fixed panel
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.6mm thick 35mmX146.5mm (depth) Aluminium
framed 100mm 3 track (one sash fixed & other two sliding) sliding Door sashes (Sashes
Divided to two Panels) with top fixed panel. Rate to include for suitable rubber beadings,
necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and
door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. SD-1001A, SD-1101A, SD-1302 and
etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-
U764 for accessories-
U297 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,623
U298 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,634
U299 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,659
U300 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,821
U301 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,328
100mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Double Glazed Sliding Door (Sashes Divided to two
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 42.5mmX100mm (depth) Aluminium
framed Double Glazed one half fixed & Single Sliding Door sash (Double Glazed Sashes
Divided to two Panels) with suitable rubber beadings, necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.(
Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and door handles paid separately)
(Alumex extrusion Nos. SDG-2001, SDG-2101, SDG-2401 and etc. or equivalent) -Refer
U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U302 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium 1,577

U303 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium 1,703
U304 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium 1,731
U305 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium 1,897
U306 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium 2,309
100mm (1.5 mm thick) Aluminium Double Glazed Sliding Door (Sashes Divided to two
Panels) with top fixed panel
Supplying, Fabricating and Installing 1.5mm thick 42.5mmX100mm (depth) Aluminium
framed Double Glazed one half fixed & Single Sliding Door sash (Double Glazed Sashes
Divided to two Panels) with top fixed panels. Rate to include for suitable rubber beadings,
necessary fasteners, rollers & etc.( Glass pans or panel boards, Door closers, door locks and
door handles paid separately) (Alumex extrusion Nos. SDG-2001, SDG-2101, SDG-2401
and etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers,
U743-U764 for accessories-
U307 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,610
U308 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,744
U309 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,773
U310 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,948
U311 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,354
Aluminium Casement Windows
Casement Window Frames Only
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 41mm deep Aluminium Casement window
frame only. Rate to include for rubber beadings, rawl plugs, fasteners etc. Window sash, Fixed
Panels, Louver Panels, hinges, locks paid separately. (Alumex extrusion Nos. CA-1007, CA-
1008 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers,
U743-U764 for accessories, U647-U676 for window sashes-

S07- 121 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash (Frame Only)
U312 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 613
U313 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 635
U314 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 642
U315 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 695
U316 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 952
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Top Fixed Panel
(Frame Only)
U317 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 749
U318 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 779
U319 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 790
U320 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 851
U321 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,189
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Both Side Fixed
Panels (Frame Only)
U322 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 805
U323 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 836
U324 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 847
U325 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 902
U326 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,236
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Top and Both Side
Fixed Panels
U327 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 761
U328 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 796
U329 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 810
U330 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 872
U331 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,258
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash (Frame Only)
U332 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 581
U333 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 601
U334 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 607
U335 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 654
U336 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 903
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top Fixed Panel
(Frame Only)
U337 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 689
U338 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 717
U339 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 727
U340 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 783
U341 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,114
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Both Side Fixed
Panels (Frame Only)
U342 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 596
U343 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 623
U344 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 633
U345 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 685
U346 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 995

S07- 122 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top & Both Side
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U347 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 733
U348 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 765
U349 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 778
U350 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 837
U351 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,208
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes (Frame Only)
U352 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 567
U353 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 585
U354 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 592
U355 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 637
U356 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 883
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Top Fixed Panel (Frame
U357 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 684
U358 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 711
U359 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 721
U360 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 776
U361 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,104
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both Side Fixed Panels
(Frame Only)
U362 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 633
U363 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 657
U364 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 667
U365 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 717
U366 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,013
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both Sides and Top
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U367 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 718
U368 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 749
U369 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 761
U370 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 819
U371 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,180
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes (Frame Only)
U372 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 563
U373 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 580
U374 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 587
U375 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 631
U376 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 875
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Top Fixed Panel (Frame
U377 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 674
U378 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 701
U379 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 711
U380 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 765
U381 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,091

S07- 123 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both Side Fixed Panels
(Frame Only)
U382 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 618
U383 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 641
U384 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 650
U385 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 698
U386 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 985
41mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both Sides and Top
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U387 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 708
U388 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 738
U389 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 750
U390 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 807
U391 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,161
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 60mm deep Aluminium Casement
window frame only. Rate to include for rubber beadings, rawl plugs, fasteners etc. Window
sash, Fixed Panels, Louver Panels, hinges, locks paid separately. (Alumex extrusion Nos. CA
1009 & CA 1010 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U647-U676 for window sashes-

60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash (Frame Only)
U392 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 747
U393 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 799
U394 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 820
U395 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 879
U396 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,225
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Top Fixed Panel
(Frame Only)
U397 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 866
U398 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 926
U399 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 948
U400 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,017
U401 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,433
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Both Side Fixed
Panels (Frame Only)
U402 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 879
U403 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 932
U404 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 950
U405 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,013
U406 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,395
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Top & Both Side
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U407 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 820
U408 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 879
U409 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 898
U410 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 967
U411 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,393

S07- 124 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash (Frame Only)
U412 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 670
U413 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 714
U414 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 729
U415 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 783
U416 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,090
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top Fixed Panel
(Frame Only)
U417 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 762
U418 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 815
U419 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 833
U420 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 897
U421 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,276
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Both Side Fixed
Panels (Frame Only)
U422 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 661
U423 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 711
U424 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 727
U425 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 786
U426 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,140
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top & Both Side
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U427 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 784
U428 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 840
U429 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 857
U430 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 924
U431 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,329
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes (Frame Only)
U432 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 640
U433 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 682
U434 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 695
U435 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 747
U436 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,042
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Top Fixed Panel (Frame
U437 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 742
U438 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 794
U439 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 809
U440 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 871
U441 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,238
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both Side Fixed Panels
(Frame Only)
U442 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 693
U443 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 740
U444 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 755
U445 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 812
U446 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,149

S07- 125 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both Sides and Top
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U447 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 765
U448 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 819
U449 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 835
U450 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 900
U451 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,293
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes (Frame Only)
U452 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 628
U453 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 669
U454 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 681
U455 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 732
U456 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,020
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Top Fixed Panel (Frame
U457 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 725
U458 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 775
U459 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 790
U460 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 852
U461 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,213
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both Side Fixed Panels
(Frame Only)
U462 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 675
U463 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 721
U464 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 735
U465 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 790
U466 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,116
60mm Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both Sides and Top
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U467 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 752
U468 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 805
U469 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 820
U470 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 884
U471 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,269
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 70mm deep single sashed Aluminium
Casement window frame only. Rate to include for rubber beadings, rawl plugs, fasteners etc.
Window sash, Fixed Panels, Louver Panels, hinges, locks paid separately. (Alumex extrusion
Nos. CA 1011 & CA 1012 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U647-U676 for window sashes-

70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash (Frame
U472 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 932
U473 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,003
U474 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,004
U475 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,111
U476 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,589

S07- 126 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Top
Fixed Panel (Frame Only)
U477 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,071
U478 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,151
U479 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,159
U480 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,272
U481 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,834
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Both
Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U482 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,064
U483 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,135
U484 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,149
U485 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,241
U486 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,753
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Top &
Both Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U487 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,025
U488 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,102
U489 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,123
U490 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,218
U491 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,785
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash (Frame
U492 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 855
U493 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 917
U494 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 924
U495 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,013
U496 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,450
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top
Fixed Panel (Frame Only)
U497 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 969
U498 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,041
U499 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,056
U500 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,151
U501 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,673
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Both
Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U502 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 847
U503 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 913
U504 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 927
U505 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,014
U506 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,497
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top &
Both Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U507 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 992
U508 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,066
U509 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,087
U510 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,177

S07- 127 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U511 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,725

70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes (Frame Only)

U512 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 826

U513 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 884
U514 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 894
U515 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 976
U516 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,399
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Top Fixed
Panel (Frame Only)
U517 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 950
U518 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,019
U519 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,037
U520 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,125
U521 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,635
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both Side
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U522 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 879
U523 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 943
U524 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 957
U525 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,040
U526 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,505
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both Sides
and Top Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U527 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 973
U528 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,045
U529 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,066
U530 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,154
U531 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,688
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes (Frame Only)

U532 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 814

U533 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 871
U534 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 882
U535 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 960
U536 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,377
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Top Fixed
Panel (Frame Only)
U537 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 933
U538 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,001
U539 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,020
U540 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,105
U541 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,609
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both Side
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U542 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 861
U543 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 923
U544 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 937

S07- 128 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U545 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,018

U546 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,472
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both
Sides and Top Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U547 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 960
U548 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,031
U549 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,052
U550 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,138
U551 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,664
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.5mm thick 70mm deep single sashed Aluminium
Casement window frame only. Rate to include for rubber beadings, rawl plugs, fasteners etc.
Window sash, Fixed Panels, Louver Panels, hinges, locks paid separately. (Alumex extrusion
Nos. CA 1013,CA 1014 & CA 1015 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards,
U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U647-U676 for window sashes-

70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash (Frame
U552 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,100
U553 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,099
U554 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,116
U555 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,207
U556 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,766
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Top
Fixed Panel (Frame Only)
U557 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,149
U558 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,145
U559 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,162
U560 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,261
U561 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,840
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Both
Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U562 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,069
U563 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,063
U564 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,077
U565 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,148
U566 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,635
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Single Sash with Both
Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U567 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 981
U568 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 974
U569 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 988
U570 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,070
U571 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,574
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash (Frame
U572 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 988
U573 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 984
U574 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 999
U575 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,075

S07- 129 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U576 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,580

70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top
Fixed Panel (Frame Only)
U577 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,012
U578 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,006
U579 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,021
U580 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,107
U581 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,629
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Both
Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U582 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 875
U583 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 869
U584 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 883
U585 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 951
U586 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,429
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for Double Sash with Top
& Both Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U587 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 959
U588 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 952
U589 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 966
U590 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,045
U591 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,540
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes (Frame Only)

U592 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 947

U593 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 942
U594 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 956
U595 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,027
U596 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,514
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Top Fixed
Panel (Frame Only)
U597 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 981
U598 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 975
U599 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 989
U600 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,070
U601 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,574
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both Side
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U602 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 921
U603 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 915
U604 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 928
U605 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 996
U606 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,468
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 3 Sashes with Both
Sides and Top Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U607 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 948
U608 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 941
U609 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 955

S07- 130 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U610 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,033

U611 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,522
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes (Frame Only)

U612 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 930

U613 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 924
U614 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 937
U615 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,006
U616 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,484
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Top Fixed
Panel (Frame Only)
U617 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 959
U618 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 952
U619 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 966
U620 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,045
U621 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,540
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both Side
Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U622 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 913
U623 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 906
U624 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 919
U625 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 986
U626 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,454
70mm (1.5mm thick) Aluminium Casement Window Frame for 4 Sashes with Both
Sides and Top Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U627 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 941
U628 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 934
U629 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 947
U630 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,024
U631 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,510
Aluminium Casement & Pivot Window (Frame Only)
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 70mm deep single sashed Matt Finished
Aluminium Casement & Pivot window frame only. Rate to include for rubber beadings, rawl
plugs, fasteners etc. Window sash, Fixed Panels, Louver Panels, hinges, locks paid separately.
(Alumex extrusion Nos. CA-1011,CA-1012 & PV-1001 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016
for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U647-U676 for
window sashes-
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement & Pivot Window Frame for Single Sash
(Frame Only)
U632 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,173
U633 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,300
U634 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,335
U635 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,460
U636 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,018
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement & Pivot Window Frame for Single Sash with
Top Fixed Panel (Frame Only)
U637 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,281
U638 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,416
U639 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,455

S07- 131 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U640 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,589

U641 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,230
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement & Pivot Window Frame for Single Sash with
Both Side Fixed Panels (Frame Only)
U642 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,213
U643 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,339
U644 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,375
U645 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,497
U646 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,089
Casement Window Sash Only
Aluminium Casement Window Sash (Sash Only) for 41mm, 60mm or 70mm (1.2mm tk.)
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 40mm X 35mm (depth) Aluminium
Casement window sash only. Rate to include for weather strips, casement locks, fasteners etc.
Glass pans or Window panel boards paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. CA-2005 or
equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764
for accessories, U677-U741 for window outer frame-
U647 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,083
U648 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,146
U649 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,159
U650 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,245
U651 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,575
Aluminium Casement Window Sash (Sash Only) for 70mm (1.5mm tk.) frame work
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.5mm thick 54.5mm X 35mm (depth) Aluminium
Casement window sash only. Rate to include for weather strips, casement locks, fasteners etc.
Glass pans or Window panel boards paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. CA-2007 or
equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764
for accessories, U677-U741 for window outer frame-

U652 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,328

U653 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,296
U654 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,312
U655 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,418
U656 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,954
70mm (1.5mm tk.) Divided Casement Window Sash Only
Aluminium Casement Divided Window Sash (Sash Divided to 2 portions) for 70mm
(1.5mm tk.) frame work
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.5mm thick 62mm X 35mm (depth) Aluminium
Casement Divided window sash consist of two portions. Rate to include for weather strips,
casement locks, fasteners etc. Glass pans or Window panel boards paid separately. (Alumex
extrusion Nos. CA-1116, CA-2008 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards,
U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U677-U741 for window outer frame-

U657 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,841

U658 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,867
U659 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,896
U660 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 2,075
U661 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,763

S07- 132 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Aluminium Casement Divided Window Sash (Sash Divided to 4 portions) for 70mm
(1.5mm tk.) frame work
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.5mm thick 62mm X 35mm (depth) Aluminium
Casement Divided window sash consist of 4 portions. Rate to include for weather strips,
casement locks, fasteners etc. Glass pans or Window panel boards paid separately. (Alumex
extrusion Nos. CA-1116, CA-2008 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards,
U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U677-U741 for window outer frame-

U662 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,305

U663 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 2,336
U664 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 2,375
U665 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 2,614
U666 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 3,599
Aluminium Casement Divided Window Sash (Sash Divided to 6 portions) for 70mm
(1.5mm tk.) frame work
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.5mm thick 62mm X 35mm (depth) Aluminium
Casement Divided window sash consist of 6 portions. Rate to include for weather strips,
casement locks, fasteners etc. Glass pans or Window panel boards paid separately. (Alumex
extrusion Nos. CA-1116, CA-2008 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards,
U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories, U677-U741 for window outer frame-

U667 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,540

U668 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 2,574
U669 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 2,618
U670 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 2,888
U671 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 4,020
70mm (1.2mm thick) Aluminium Casement & Pivot Window Sash Only
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.5mm thick 42.5mm X 40mm (depth) Aluminium
Casement & Pivot window sash only. Rate to include for weather strips, casement locks,
fasteners etc. Glass pans or Window panel boards paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. PV-
2001 or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers,
U743-U764 for accessories, U677-U741 for window outer frame-

U672 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,184

U673 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,349
U674 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,370
U675 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,512
U676 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,760
Aluminium Sliding windows
1.3mm thick 70mm Aluminium Sliding windows
1.3mm thick 70mm 1 Sash Fixed, Single Sash Aluminium Sliding window
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window 1.3mm thick ,70mm depth Aluminium
Framed (max. width 33.4mm) and Signal sash(max. width 56.2mm) Sliding Window. Glass
pans, Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. 70S-
1002, 70S-1202 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U677 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 832
U678 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 845
U679 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 855
U680 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 899
U681 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,103

S07- 133 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

1.3mm thick 70mm Double Sashed Aluminium Sliding window

Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium window with 1.3mm thick ,70mm depth
Aluminium framed (max. width 32.0mm) Double sash(max. width 36.2mm)Sliding Window
including necessary beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver
Panels paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. 70S-1001, 70S-1201-1, 70S-1101-1, 70S-
1401, 70S-1501, 70S-1601, 70S-1701 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass &
boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U682 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 963
U683 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 982
U684 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 997
U685 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,061
U686 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,362
1.3mm thick 70mm Double Sashed Aluminium Sliding window with 2 Fixed Panels at
Top or Bottom
Supplying, Fabricating & Aluminium Window with 1.3mm thick ,70mm depth Aluminium
Framed (max. width 61.0mm) Double sash (max. width 56.2mm) Sliding Window with Two
fixed panels on top to the window including necessary beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans,
Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately.(Alumex extrusion No. 70S-1012, 70S-
1201-1, 70S-1101-1, 70S-1401, 70S-1501, 70S-1601, 70S-1701 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer
U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U687 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,007

U688 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,040
U689 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,055
U690 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,123
U691 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,428
1.3mm thick 70mm 4 Sashed Aluminium Sliding window
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window with 1.3mm thick ,70mm depth
Aluminium Framed (max. width 32.0mm) and Four Sliding Sashes(max. width 30.0mm)
including necessary beadings, sliding locks etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver
Panels paid separately.(Alumex extrusion No. 70S-1206, 70S-1001-1, 70S-1101-1, 70S-1401,
70S-1501, 70S-1601, 70S-1701 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass &
boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U692 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 971
U693 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 994
U694 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,009
U695 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,074
U696 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,362
1.3mm thick 70mm 4 Sashed Aluminium Sliding window with 4 Sliding Panels at Top or
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window with 1.3mm thick ,70mm depth
Aluminium Framed (max. width 60.0mm) Four Sliding Sashes(max. width 30.0mm) with
Four Sliding panels on Top or Bottom of the Window including necessary beadings, sliding
locks etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately.(Alumex
extrusion No. 70S-1201-1, 70S-1001-1, 70S-1006, 70S-1914, 70S-1401, 70S-1501, 70S-
1601, 70S-1701 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U697 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,033
U698 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,065
U699 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,081
U700 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,153

S07- 134 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U701 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,439

1.5mm thick 80mm Aluminium Sliding window
1.5mm thick 80mm 1 Sash Fixed Single Sash Aluminium Sliding window
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window with 1.5mm thick ,80mm depth
Aluminium Framed (max. width 43.5mm) Signal Sash (max. width 58.0mm) Sliding Window
including necessary beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver
Panels paid separately.(Alumex extrusion No. 80S-2001, 80S-2601, 80S-2602, 80S-2501, 80S-
2102 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U702 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,118
U703 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,143
U704 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,156
U705 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,241
U706 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,595
1.5mm thick 80mm Double Sashed Aluminium Sliding window
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window 1.5mm thick, 80mm depth Aluminium
Framed(max. width 37.6mm) Double Sash(max. width 58.0mm) Sliding Window including
necessary beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid
separately.(Alumex extrusion No. 80S-2002, 80S-2101, 80S-2601, 80S-2501, 80S-2701 &
etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-
U764 for accessories-
U707 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,307
U708 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,339
U709 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,356
U710 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,466
U711 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,924
1.5mm thick 80mm Double Sashed Aluminium Sliding window with Fixed Panels at Top
or Bottom
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Natural Anodized Aluminium Window with 1.5mm thick,
80mm depth Aluminium Framed (max. width 48.2mm)and Double Sash (max. width 58.0mm)
Sliding Window with Two fixed panels on top or Bottom to the window including necessary
beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately.
(Alumex extrusion No. 80S-2001, 80SFL-1001, 80SFL-1002, 80SFL-1003, 80S-2101, 80S-
2501, 80S-2601, 80S-2701 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards,
U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U712 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,430

U713 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,468
U714 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,488
U715 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,614
U716 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,133

S07- 135 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

1.5mm thick 80mm Double Sashed Aluminium Sliding window with 2 Fixed Panels at
Both Sides
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window 1.5mm thick, 80mm depth Aluminium
Framed (max. width 66.0mm) Double sash (max. width 55.0mm) Sliding Window with Two
fixed panels at sides of the window including necessary beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans,
Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. 80S-2001,
80SFL-1001, 80SFL-2102, 80SFL-1003, 80S-2101, 80S-2501, 80S-2601, 80S-2701, 80S-
2302 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for
louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U717 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,334
U718 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,367
U719 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,385
U720 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,497
U721 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,877
1.5mm thick 80mm Double Sashed Aluminium Sliding window with 2 Top Hang Sashes
at Top or Bottom
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window 1.5mm thick, 80mm depth Aluminium
Framed(max. width 48.2mm) Double sash (max. width 58.0mm) Sliding Window with Two
Hung panel sashes on top or bottom to the window including necessary beadings, sliding lock
etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately. (Alumex extrusion
No. 80S-2001, 80SFL-1001, 80SFL-1002, 80SFL-1003, 80S-2101, 80S-2501, 80S-2601,
80S-2701, 80S-2101 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U722 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,546

U723 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,576
U724 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,596
U725 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,731
U726 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,302
1.5mm thick 80mm 4 Sashed Aluminium Sliding window with 4 Sashes Sliding Panels at
Top or Bottom
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window with 1.5mm thick, 80mm depth
Aluminium Framed (max. width 62.0mm) Four Sliding Sashes(max. width 58.0mm) with Four
Sliding panels on top or bottom of the Window including necessary beadings, sliding locks
etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately. (Alumex extrusion
No. 80S-2001, 80SFL-1001, 80S-2201, 80S-2301, 80S-2101, 80S-2501, 80S-2601, 80S-
2701, 80S-2101 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to
U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-
U727 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,321
U728 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,354
U729 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,371
U730 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,483
U731 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,941

S07- 136 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

1.5mm thick 80mm 4 Sashed Aluminium Sliding window with 2 Fixed Panels at Both
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window with 1.5mm thick ,80mm depth
Aluminium Framed (max. width 63.0mm) Four Sliding Sashes(max. width 55.0mm) with two
fixed panels at both sides Window including necessary beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans,
Window panel boards or Louver Panels paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. 80S-2001,
80SFL-1001, 80S-2201, 80S-2301, 80S-2101, 80S-2501, 80S-2601, 80S-2701, 80S-2101 &
etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-
U764 for accessories-
U732 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,449
U733 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,487
U734 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,507
U735 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,638
U736 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,993
1.5mm thick 80mm 6 Sashed Aluminium Sliding window
Supplying, Fabricating & Fixing Aluminium Window with 1.5mm thick ,80mm depth
Aluminium Framed (max. width 37.6mm) Six Sashes Sliding Window(max. width 63.0mm)
including necessary beadings, sliding lock etc. Glass pans, Window panel boards or Louver
Panels paid separately. (Alumex extrusion No. 80S-2001, 80SFL-1001, 80S-2201, 80S-2301,
80S-2101, 80S-2501, 80S-2601, 80S-2701, 80S-2101 & etc. or equivalent) -Refer U001 to
U016 for glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers, U743-U764 for accessories-

U737 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,448

U738 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,485
U739 -DO-Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,505
U740 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,633
U741 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 2,107
Aluminium composite cladding
U742 Supplying, fabricating and installing of 4.0mm thick Aluminium composite cladding panel
(Alucobond or equivalent European make) with open joint tray panel system using non
corrosive 50x81x3mm tk. Aluminium "T" channel section (al 217), non corrosive 50x50x3mm
pressed Aluminium "U" wall bracket sub frame and AL 201 & AL 202 profiles on tray panel,
Rate to include for ss nut and bolts, ss screws, blind rivets, U channels, Nylon resistant,
Anchor bolts, and other necessary accessories. Bird mesh to be provided in side of vent areas,
all complete as per manufacture's specifications.
Sq.ft 1,528
Door lock for Aluminium Doors
U743 Supplying and Fixing UNION Door lock (No-X 920,X925 or X930) for Aluminium Door
with necessary accessories to working order Nos 7,449
Prime Cost of, UNION Door lock (No-X 920,X925 or X930) for Aluminium Door=Rs.5381 100219
U744 Supplying and Fixing Door lock (No-VR50101B) for Aluminium Door with necessary
accessories to working order. Nos 7,749
Prime Cost of, Door lock-VR50101B=Rs.5618 160001
U745 Supplying and Fixing Door lock (No-VR50101C) for Aluminium Door with necessary
accessories to working order. Nos 8,282
Prime Cost of, Door lock-VR50101c=Rs.6038 160002
U746 Supplying and Fixing Door lock (Alpha) for Aluminium Door with necessary accessories to
working order. Nos 1,681
Prime Cost of, Alpha lock=Rs.840 160324
U747 Supplying and Refixing Door lock Cylinder (Alpha) for Aluminium Door with necessary
accessories to working order. Nos 1,147
Prime Cost of, Alpha lock cylinder=Rs.420 160325

S07- 137 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Sliding lock for Aluminium door

U748 Supplying and Fixing Sliding lock for Aluminium door with necessary accessories . Nos 1,917
Prime Cost of, Sliding door Lock=Rs.1193.85 160306
Stainless Steel Door Handle for Aluminium Doors
U749 Supplying and Fixing Stainless Steel Door Handle for Aluminium door with necessary
accessories . Nos 2,468
Prime Cost of, Stainless Steel Door handle=Rs.1628 160315
Floor hinge
U750 Supplying and Fixing of UNION floor hinges (No: 8300) with necessary accessories
.(Imported, British or south African make), Nos 35,512
Prime Cost of, UNION floor hing (No: 8300)=Rs.25948 100245
U751 Supplying and fixing imported floor hinges (new star) of approved quality including
chipping of existing floors and making good after completion. Nos 26,170
Prime Cost of, Floor hinge=Rs.18323 160168
U752 Supplying and Fixing of VVP floor hinges with necessary accessories .(Imported, British or
south African make), Nos 19,494
Prime Cost of, VVP floor hing=Rs.13335 160327
Hinges (Stainless Steel) for Aluminium Doors
U753 Supplying and fixing UNION Butt Hinges, , 4"x3"x 2mm (thick) stainless steel, for
Aluminium doors with pop rivets. pairs 2,821
Prime Cost of, UNION Butt Hinges, , 4"x3"x 2mm (thick) stainless steel, for Aluminium doors=Rs.2050
Door Closer
U754 Supplying and fixing door closer (new star) with necessary accessories Nos 7,044
Prime Cost of, Door closer (new star)=Rs.5355 160157
U755 Supplying and fixing door closer (Union or Yale) with necessary accessories Nos 11,578
Prime Cost of, Door closer (Union or yale) (Max 80 kg)=Rs.8925 160328
U756 Supplying and fixing 8" bar hingers for casement windows with necessary accessories
pairs 810
Prime Cost of, Bar hinger 8"=Rs.445 160318
U757 Supplying and fixing 10" bar hingers for casement windows with necessary accessories
pairs 1,296
Prime Cost of, Bar hinger 10"=Rs.828 160319
U758 Supplying and fixing 12" bar hingers for casement windows with necessary accessories
pairs 1,760
Prime Cost of, Bar hinger 12"=Rs.1194 160320
U759 Supplying and fixing 14" bar hingers for casement windows with necessary accessories
pairs 1,858
Prime Cost of, Bar hinger 14"=Rs.1271 160321
U760 Supplying and fixing 16" bar hingers for casement windows with necessary accessories
pairs 2,354
Prime Cost of, Bar hinger 16"=Rs.1661 160322
U761 Supplying and fixing 18" bar hingers for casement windows with necessary accessories
pairs 3,638
Prime Cost of, Bar hinger 18"=Rs.2329 160323
U762 Supplying and fixing Casement Handel (04 hole) for windows with necessary accessories
pairs 672
Prime Cost of, Casement window handle (4 hole)=Rs.231 160316
U763 Supplying and fixing Crescent Lock for sliding windows with necessary accessories pairs 571
Prime Cost of, Crescent lock (sliding window)=Rs.152 160317

S07- 138 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

U764 Supplying and fixing Magnetic Door Catcher (Plastic) with necessary accessories pairs 471
Prime Cost of, Door Catcher (plastic)=Rs.179 160326
Hot dip GI interlocking ceiling frame work only
U765 The frame members for suspended ceiling are in a standard kit (CKM or equivalent). Main
runners ( 38mmx24mmx3660mm) are fixed at 1220 centers securely suspended using 4mm
dia. GI hanging rod to the structural soffit or timber roof, using an appropriate suspension at
1220mm centers, Cross Tees (27mmx24mmx1220mm) of 1220mm length to be fixed between
the main runners at 610mm centers and another cross tees (27mmx24mmx610mm) fixed at
mid span between 610mm to form a grid structure of 610mmx 610mm in size. wall angles
(24mmx24mmx3050mm) are fixed at wall edges. ( Edge molding and painting paid
Sq.ft 849
Mineral fiber suspended ceiling
U766 Supplying & fixing of 2' 0"x2' 0"& 15mm thick (Mineral fiber) ceiling boards lay on hot dip
GI pre engineered interlocking ceiling frame work. The frame members for suspended ceiling
are in a standard kit (CKM or equivalent). Main runners ( 38mmx24mmx3660mm) are fixed
at 1220 centers securely suspended using 4mm dia adjustable GI hanging rod with spring clips
to the structural soffit or existing roof structure, using an appropriate suspension at 1220mm
intervals along each Main runners. Cross Tees (27mmx24mmx1220mm) of 1220mm length to
be fixed between the main runners at 610mm centers and another cross tees
(27mmx24mmx610mm) fixed at mid span between 610mm to form a grid structure of
610mmx 610mm in size. wall angles (24mmx24mmx3050mm) are fixed at wall edges.
Sq.ft 691
Mineral fiber Suspended ceiling
U767 Supplying & fixing 4' -0"x 2' -0"x 1/2"thick Mineral fiber ceiling boards lay on Existing
interlock type ceiling frame work , forming a panel side of 2' 0" X 2' 0", and at the average
elevation of 12' 0" from the working floor, (for 12 nos or 96 ft2) Sq.ft 174
U768 Supplying and installing mineral fiber Japanese make suspended exposed ceiling system,
using 4' 0" x 2' 0"' X 15 mm thick ceiling boards, lay on white colour interlock type, hot dip
GI grid system , forming a panel side of 4' 0" x 2' 0"',and suspended on 4mm dia. adjustable
rods with spring clip to soffit of concrete or timber roofs. ( Edge molding paid separately)
Sq.ft 1,014
U769 Supplying and installing mineral fiber Japanese make suspended exposed ceiling (Reveal
edge) system, using 605 mm X 605 mm X 15 mm white colour ceiling boards lay on white
colour interlock type hot dip GI grid system , forming a panel side of 610mmx610mm,and
suspended on 4mm rods with spring clip to soffit of concrete or timber roofs. . ( Edge
molding & Painting paid separately) Sq.ft 1,192
Super Flex Suspended ceiling
U770 Supplying and installing Super Flex (Plain) suspended ceiling system, using 8 ft X 4 ft X 4.5
mm ceiling boards lay on white colour interlock type hot dip GI grid system , forming a panel
side of 2ft X2 ft , and suspended on 4mm rods with spring clip to soffit of concrete or timber
roofs. ( Edge molding & Painting paid separately) Sq.ft 409
U771 Supplying and installing Super Flex (with design) suspended ceiling system, using 4 ft X 4 ft
X 3.2 mm ceiling boards in white colour interlock type hot dip GI grid system , forming a
panel side of 2ft X2 ft, and suspended on 4mm rods with spring clip to soffit of concrete or
timber roofs ( Edge molding & Painting paid separately) Sq.ft 368
Gypsum board suspended ceiling
U772 Supplying and fixing gypsum board suspended ceiling . using 2 ft x 2ft X 9 mm. thick ceiling
boards in white colour interlock type hot dip GI grid system , forming a panel side of
610mmx610mm, and suspended on 4mm GI hanging rods with spring clip to soffit of
concrete or timber roofs ( Edge molding & Painting paid separately) Sq.ft 1,039

S07- 139 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

Metal ceiling
U773 Supply and installation of concealed type metal false ceiling, at an average elevation of 12'
from the working floor Including revel edge of 2' 0" X 2' 0" size 0.7mm minimum thickness,
epoxy powder painted steel Tiles (paint film thickness of average 80microns ) suspended to
the roof frame work with, 0.3 mm thick pre painted hot dip galvanized, 15mm x 38mm plain
TEE-grid bars and 20mm x 24mm wall angles, suspended with adjustable burrerfly clip, 4mm
dia. surface treated galvanized steel hanger rods, complete with necessary anchor bolts and
any other accessories. (All in accordance with the approved shop drawings, to the Engineers'
Sq.ft 1,843
satisfaction. )
Prime Cost of, Concealed type metal false ceiling, 600mm x 600mm size 0.7mm minimum thickness, epoxy powder
painted steel Tiles.=Rs.2696 70045
U774 Supply and installation of lay in type "E-Metallic Aluminium ceiling, at an average elevation
of 12' from the working floor, Including revel edge of 2' 0" X 2' 0"mm size 0.7mm average
thickness, 80 microns high quality powder coated Aluminium perforated or plain ceiling
panels, suspended to the roof frame work with hot dip galvanized "T" bars of 14mm x 38mm
and wall angles of 19mm x 24mm suspended with, adjustable burrerfly clip, 04mm GI
hanging roads, anchor bolts and all other accessories. (All in accordance with the approved
shop drawings, to the Engineers' satisfaction. )
Sq.ft 1,843
Prime Cost of, E-Metalic Aluminum ceiling, 0.7mm tk. 600mm x 600mm size, high quality powder coated Aluminum
perforated or plain ceiling Tiles.=Rs.2696 70046
Partitioning (Gypsum board)
U775 Supplying and fixing gypsum board partitioning with GI channel member frame work fixed
onto walls and floors , 1/2" thick gypsum board fixed to both sides of frame work complete
with making joints using joint tape and gypsum compound to get wall finish. Rate to include
for applying one coat of acrylic wall filler to boards. Sq.ft 1,449
Removing and fixing an Aluminium door
U776 Removing existing Aluminium door with frame and fixing at new position. Sq.ft 505
Aluminium, Ceiling panels (Pinholes)
U777 Supplying, fixing Aluminium 2'-0" x2'-0" ceiling panels (Pinholes) with Aluminium frame
work and adjustable. Sq.ft 608
Prime Cost of, Aluminium Pinholes Ceiling tile 2' x 2'=Rs.733 160280
Aluminium, partitions with available extrusions
U778 Fixing available Aluminium partition with using new GI channels and new rubber beadings,
prop rivets, screws, nails, etc.. Sq.ft 350
Aluminium Fixed Glass Windows
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 41mm deep Aluminium Fixed Glass
window frame only. Rate to include for rawl plugs, fasteners etc. Glass Panels, Louver Panels,
paid separately. (Alumex extrusion Nos. CA-1007 or equivalent) - Refer U001 to U016 for
glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-
41mm Aluminium Fixed Glass Window Frame Only
U779 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 681
U780 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 716
U781 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 729
U782 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 789
U783 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,136
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 60mm deep Aluminium Fixed Glass
window frame only. Rate to include for rawl plugs, fasteners etc. Glass Panels, Louver Panels,
paid separately. (Alumex extrusion Nos. CA-1009 or equivalent)- Refer U001 to U016 for
glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-

S07- 140 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

Department of Buildings Maintenance BSR for 2021

This Building Schedule Rate(BSR) is the property of Department of Buildings (DOB). Reproducing, using of commercial purpose is prohibited. This BSR is produced for the purpose of estimation only. Using this
BSR for directly awarding works are prohibited. DOB is not responsible for using the BSR without the consultation of the DOB

Item BSR Rate

Description Item Unit
Code 2021

60mm Aluminium Fixed Glass Window Frame Only

U784 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 789
U785 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 848
U786 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 872
U787 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 937
U788 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,359
Supplying, Fabricating & Installing of 1.2mm thick 70mm deep Aluminium Fixed Glass
window frame only. Rate to include for rawl plugs, fasteners etc. Glass Panels, Louver Panels,
paid separately. (Alumex extrusion Nos. CA-1011 or equivalent)- Refer U001 to U016 for
glass & boards, U017 to U051 for louvers-
70mm Aluminium Fixed Glass Window Frame Only
U789 -DO- Matt Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 946
U790 -DO- Natural Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,021
U791 -DO- Bronzed Anodized Aluminium Sq.ft 1,028
U792 -DO-Powder Coated Aluminium Sq.ft 1,135
U793 -DO-Wood Finished Aluminium Sq.ft 1,672


S07- 141 Estimate Branch / BSR 2021

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