Simulation of Perovskite Based Solar Cell and Photodetector Using
Simulation of Perovskite Based Solar Cell and Photodetector Using
Simulation of Perovskite Based Solar Cell and Photodetector Using
© International Research Publication House.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.
In this section we explain the simulation of the proposed -4
perovskite device as a solar cell. Here we have also explained (eV) 4.4eV PVK
the principle of operation of the perovskite device solar cell -5
and the analysis of simulation results.
FTO 1.55 eV Au
II.I. Device Structure and Simulation Parameters -6 3.5 eV
Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the structure of the device used in the
simulation and the energy band diagram corresponding to this -7
device. The device consists of a thin film of perovskite
CH3NH3PbI3-xClx sandwiched between FTO (Fluorine doped -8
Tin Oxide) coated glass and gold electrode. Light enters the
device from the FTO side and large number of photons are Fig.1(b). Energy band diagram of device
absorbed in the perovskite layer (due to high optical (Perovskite is shown as PVK).
absorption coefficient of the perovskite material). The photons
energy is utilized to generate free electrons and holes in the
perovskite absorber layer. These electrons and holes are Table 1. Material Parameters used in simulation.
separated and then collected on the two electrodes to give rise
to photocurrent. Due to large diffusion length of the Parameters FTO Perovskite
perovskite material, loss of photogenerated carriers due to
recombination is very small in the perovskite absorber layer ND(1/cm3) 2×1019 1013
which helps to increase the power conversion efficiency of the
εr 9.0 6.5
perovskite device.
The material parameters of each layer are chosen from the χ (eV) 4.0 3.9
literature [2,16] and are listed in Table 1. ND is donor Eg (eV) 3.5 1.55
concentration, εr is relative permittivity, χ is electron affinity,
Eg is bandgap, µn and µp denote electron and hole mobility, Nt µn/µp(cm2/V-s) 20/10 2.0/2.0
is defect density and NC and NV are effective density of states
of conduction band and valence band, respectively. Other Nt(1/cm3) 1015 2.5×1013
simulation parameters are: thermal velocity of electron and Nc(1/cm3) 2.2× 1018 2.2× 1018
hole is 107 cm/s, capture cross section of electron and hole is
2× 10-14 cm2. Defect energy level is centre of Eg and defect Nv(1/cm3) 1.8× 1019 1.8 ×1019
type is neutral. Gaussian energetic distribution with the
characteristic energy equal to 0.1 eV is used in the simulations.
The light source illuminates the device from FTO side. The II.II. Results and Discussion: Fig. 2 shows the current
thickness of FTO is 500 nm. Optical absorption coefficient α, density-voltage (J-V) curve of the device under dark and
is calculated by α= A[ hν - Eg ]1/2 where constant A is taken to illuminated conditions. The standard AM 1.5 G spectrum has
be equal to 105. SCAPS software has been used for simulation been used for illumination in the simulations. The J-V curve
work. resembles a typical solar cell characteristic where power can
be generated by operating the device in the fourth quadrant of
J-V curve.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.
In order to optimize the performance of solar cell we have J-V curve is non rectifying and passes through the origin.
investigated the effect of different parameters on the device Hence it is not suitable for solar cell application. This result
performance. Effect of perovskite thickness and effect of can be explained by the fact that a metal/n-type semiconductor
using different transparent electrode and metal electrode is junction forms a non rectifying ohmic junction when the work
evaluated with the help of simulations and the results are function of metal is less than the work function of
discussed below. semiconductor which is the case here as the workfunction of
aluminium (4.1eV) is smaller than the workfunction of
II.II.I. Effect of front and back electrode on Solar Cell
These results are also consistent with the fact that most of the
reported perovskite solar cells use FTO and gold as front and
The Table 2 compares the performance parameters of back electrode. From the above discussion it is clear that
perovskite solar cell by using FTO and ITO (Indium Tin combination of FTO and gold electrode is best for this
Oxide) as the front transparent electrode. The perovskite perovskite device therefore in the rest of the simulations we
absorber thickness is 500 nm and gold has been chosen as the have used FTO and gold as front and back electrodes.
back electrode in this analysis.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.
Fig. 4(b). Variation of Power Conversion Efficiency with Fig. 5(a & b). Graphs showing variation of Power Conversion
perovskite absorber thickness. Efficiency and Open circuit voltage with the bulk
defect density.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.
parameters used in this case are same as used in the solar cell
simulation of perovskite device as reported in section 2.1.
Fig. 6(a & b). Variation of Power Conversion Efficiency and
Open circuit voltage with operating temperature.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.
the dark J-V characteristic is highly rectifying (similar to a value of about 0.45 A/W and there is no major increment in
diode characteristic) which makes the perovskite device the responsivity as the wavelength is further increased.
suitable for many other electronic applications.
Fig. 8. Quantum Efficiency versus wavelength. Fig. 9. Variation of Responsivity with wavelength.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.
III.II. Comparison with other photodetectors: Fig.11. Responsivity variation with wavelength for different
values of bulk defect density.
Table 4 shows the comparison of the perovskite photodetector
parameters with some of the other types of photodetectors
reported in literature. It can be observed from the table that
the simulated device has better performance as compared to
the other mentioned photodetectors.
Moreover there are only few reports of perovskite based
photodetectors till date in the literature. This is the first report
of simulation study of perovskite photodetector as per our
knowledge. It is expected that this work will help to motivate
further research for the development of better perovskite
based photodetectors.
Finally we mention some sources of error in the simulation of
perovskite device as solar cell and photodetector reported in
this paper. Firstly we have not taken the actual value of
transmission coefficient of FTO and assumed it to be 100
percent. Although in practice the transmission coefficient is
lesser than one. Secondly we have not considered reflection
from each layer and interface and additional series resistance Fig.12. Responsivity variation with wavelength for different
from FTO and back contact assuming it to be very small. values of interface defect density.
Therefore in order to get more precise results these factors
should also be incorporated into the simulations.
Table 4 Comparison
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.