Simulation of Perovskite Based Solar Cell and Photodetector Using

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp.

© International Research Publication House.

Simulation of Perovskite based Solar Cell and Photodetector using

SCAPS Software

Mohammad Kaifi1† and S.K.Gupta2†

Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad-211004, India
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9172-8432

Abstract substrates. This makes the perovskite based devices

economical and also allows them to be used in flexible
A CH3NH3PbI3-xClx perovskite based device has been
electronic devices.
simulated to analyze its performance as solar cell and
photodetector. The device shows high power conversion Device simulation is an effective medium to gain more insight
efficiency and open circuit voltage as a solar cell. It is shown into the principles of operation of electronic devices which
that the thickness of perovskite absorber and the choice of help to further improve their performance. In this paper we
electrode material have significant impact on the performance have simulated CH3NH3PbI3-xClx based perovskite device to
of the perovskite solar cell. The maximum power conversion analyze its performance as a solar cell and photodetector using
efficiency of 22.7% and open circuit voltage of 1.13V is SCAPS (Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator) software. SCAPS
obtained after optimization of the device parameters. The is a 1-dimensional simulation software which calculates
same device also shows impressive response as a energy bands, current-voltage characteristics and spectral
photodetector. It achieves maximum responsivity of 0.45 A/W response (Quantum Efficiency) by solving continuity
at a wavelength of 600 nm and a detectivity of 6.01×1011 equations for electron and hole and Poisson’s equation.
Jones for perovskite absorber thickness of 500 nm. Effect of SCAPS has been extensively used for the simulation of CIGS
bulk and interface defects of perovskite absorber film on the and CdTe solar cells and the results are in good agreement
performance of photodetector has also been studied. The with experimental results [12-14]. In the last few years many
results show that the perovskite device is a suitable candidate works of SCAPS simulation of perovskite solar cells have
for both the solar cell and photodetector applications. been reported [15-17]. Since the excitons in the perovskite
material are of Wannier-type with binding energy of 50 meV,
Keywords: Perovskite, Solar Cell, Photodetector.
we can deal with their photo-excited carriers in the same way
as in the case of inorganic materials like CIGS and CdTe [18-
Firstly the performance of the perovskite device as a solar cell
Organometal halide perovskite materials like CH3NH3PbI3
has been explained in the section II of the paper and secondly
and CH3NH3PbBr3 have been widely explored for the performance analysis of the same perovskite device as a
photovoltaic applications in the last few years. Perovskite photodetector has been presented in the section III of the
refer to the class of materials which can be represented by a
paper. The perovskite device presented in this paper has
general formula ABX3, where A is a big size cation, B is a simpler structure than many other commonly reported
small size divalent metallic cation and X is a halide ion. perovskite solar cell device structures. Simulations have been
Presently extensive research is ongoing in the development of
done to optimize the performance of the device. The device
perovskite based photovoltaic devices. Kojima et al reported exhibits fairly high Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE)
the first application of perovskite as a photosensitizer in making the device suitable for solar cell applications.
2009[1]. This work motivated many other researchers to
explore perovskite materials for various photovoltaic Although many works of simulation of perovskite based
applications. Since then huge progress has been made in the devices have emerged in the last few years [20-22], but still
field of perovskite based photovoltaic applications. Various there is lack of simulation study of perovskite based
types of structures have been proposed for the perovskite solar photodetectors. Here we have performed simulation study
cell [2-5]. Due to these efforts perovskite solar cells currently which shows that the perovskite based device proposed in this
outperform many other solar cells based on organic and work can be an economical and efficient candidate for
inorganic materials in terms of power conversion efficiency photodetector applications. Current-voltage characteristic
[6-7]. Perovskite materials possess some special properties obtained by simulation is used for the determination of
like high optical absorption coefficient, large carrier mobility responsivity of the device. The responsivity is high over a
and large carrier diffusion lengths that make them very wide range of wavelength. Effect of perovskite thickness on
attractive for photovoltaic applications [8-11]. Moreover the the responsivity of device has been investigated to determine
perovskite thin films can be synthesized using low the optimum thickness of perovskite. The perovskite device
temperature solution processing techniques and it is also exhibits high light current to dark current ratio along with
possible to deposit the thin films of perovskite on flexible high detectivity. Finally the photodetector parameters are

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.

compared with other organic and inorganic photodetectors

reported in the literature. -2

In this section we explain the simulation of the proposed -4
perovskite device as a solar cell. Here we have also explained (eV) 4.4eV PVK
the principle of operation of the perovskite device solar cell -5
and the analysis of simulation results.
FTO 1.55 eV Au
II.I. Device Structure and Simulation Parameters -6 3.5 eV
Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the structure of the device used in the
simulation and the energy band diagram corresponding to this -7
device. The device consists of a thin film of perovskite
CH3NH3PbI3-xClx sandwiched between FTO (Fluorine doped -8
Tin Oxide) coated glass and gold electrode. Light enters the
device from the FTO side and large number of photons are Fig.1(b). Energy band diagram of device
absorbed in the perovskite layer (due to high optical (Perovskite is shown as PVK).
absorption coefficient of the perovskite material). The photons
energy is utilized to generate free electrons and holes in the
perovskite absorber layer. These electrons and holes are Table 1. Material Parameters used in simulation.
separated and then collected on the two electrodes to give rise
to photocurrent. Due to large diffusion length of the Parameters FTO Perovskite
perovskite material, loss of photogenerated carriers due to
recombination is very small in the perovskite absorber layer ND(1/cm3) 2×1019 1013
which helps to increase the power conversion efficiency of the
εr 9.0 6.5
perovskite device.
The material parameters of each layer are chosen from the χ (eV) 4.0 3.9
literature [2,16] and are listed in Table 1. ND is donor Eg (eV) 3.5 1.55
concentration, εr is relative permittivity, χ is electron affinity,
Eg is bandgap, µn and µp denote electron and hole mobility, Nt µn/µp(cm2/V-s) 20/10 2.0/2.0
is defect density and NC and NV are effective density of states
of conduction band and valence band, respectively. Other Nt(1/cm3) 1015 2.5×1013
simulation parameters are: thermal velocity of electron and Nc(1/cm3) 2.2× 1018 2.2× 1018
hole is 107 cm/s, capture cross section of electron and hole is
2× 10-14 cm2. Defect energy level is centre of Eg and defect Nv(1/cm3) 1.8× 1019 1.8 ×1019
type is neutral. Gaussian energetic distribution with the
characteristic energy equal to 0.1 eV is used in the simulations.
The light source illuminates the device from FTO side. The II.II. Results and Discussion: Fig. 2 shows the current
thickness of FTO is 500 nm. Optical absorption coefficient α, density-voltage (J-V) curve of the device under dark and
is calculated by α= A[ hν - Eg ]1/2 where constant A is taken to illuminated conditions. The standard AM 1.5 G spectrum has
be equal to 105. SCAPS software has been used for simulation been used for illumination in the simulations. The J-V curve
work. resembles a typical solar cell characteristic where power can
be generated by operating the device in the fourth quadrant of
J-V curve.

Fig.1(a). Perovskite device structure.

Fig. 2. J-V characteristic of Perovskite Solar Cell.

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.

In order to optimize the performance of solar cell we have J-V curve is non rectifying and passes through the origin.
investigated the effect of different parameters on the device Hence it is not suitable for solar cell application. This result
performance. Effect of perovskite thickness and effect of can be explained by the fact that a metal/n-type semiconductor
using different transparent electrode and metal electrode is junction forms a non rectifying ohmic junction when the work
evaluated with the help of simulations and the results are function of metal is less than the work function of
discussed below. semiconductor which is the case here as the workfunction of
aluminium (4.1eV) is smaller than the workfunction of
II.II.I. Effect of front and back electrode on Solar Cell
These results are also consistent with the fact that most of the
reported perovskite solar cells use FTO and gold as front and
The Table 2 compares the performance parameters of back electrode. From the above discussion it is clear that
perovskite solar cell by using FTO and ITO (Indium Tin combination of FTO and gold electrode is best for this
Oxide) as the front transparent electrode. The perovskite perovskite device therefore in the rest of the simulations we
absorber thickness is 500 nm and gold has been chosen as the have used FTO and gold as front and back electrodes.
back electrode in this analysis.

Table 2. Performance comparison of solar cell for different

front electrodes.

Solar Cell Parameters FTO ITO

PCE(%) 18.01 13.64

Open Circuit Voltage(V) 0.933 0.889

Short Circuit Current(mA/cm2) 24.25 24.37

Fill Factor (%) 79.60 62.95

It can be seen that the performance of the perovskite solar cell

is much better in the case of FTO as front electrode. The
Table 3 compares the performance of perovskite solar cell by Fig. 3. J-V characteristic of Perovskite solar cell with Silver
using silver and gold as back electrode material while keeping as back electrode.
FTO as front electrode. It is clear from the table that gold
electrode is a better choice than silver electrode for this
perovskite device as solar cell. II.II.II. Effect of Perovskite Thickness: The thickness of
perovskite absorber film plays a very important role in the
functioning of solar cell as the perovskite film absorbs the
Table 3. Performance comparison of solar cell for different photons from the solar illumination and generates electric
back electrode. carriers. If the thickness is very small then the number of
photons absorbed in the film is very low which results in the
Gold(Au) back Silver(Ag) back low power conversion efficiency and if the perovskite
Solar Cell Parameters thickness becomes too large the recombination of
contact contact
photogenerated carriers increases which also results in the
PCE (%) 18.68 3.06 reduction of power conversion efficiency of the solar cell.
Hence to find the optimum thickness of perovskite film the
Open Circuit Voltage(V) 0.9646 0.24 solar cell has been simulated for different thickness of the
perovskite absorber. Fig. 4(b) shows the variation of power
conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cell with the
Short Circuit
24.25 23.70 thickness of perovskite film and Fig. 4(a) shows the J-V
characteristics of solar cell corresponding to the maximum
power conversion efficiency. It can be seen from the plots that
Fill Factor (%) 79.85 53.26 at a perovskite absorber thickness of 2.3 µm maximum power
conversion efficiency of 22.7% and open circuit voltage (Voc)
of 1.13 V is obtained. Hence it can be said that the thickness
The performance of the perovskite device using aluminium as of perovskite absorber should be set to 2.3 µm in order to
back electrode was also studied. Fig. 3 shows the J-V achieve best performance from the solar cell.
characteristic of the perovskite device using aluminium as
back electrode under illumination condition. It shows that the

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.

Fig. 4. (a) J-V curve for optimum perovskite absorber (a)

thickness of 2.3 µm.

Fig. 4(b). Variation of Power Conversion Efficiency with Fig. 5(a & b). Graphs showing variation of Power Conversion
perovskite absorber thickness. Efficiency and Open circuit voltage with the bulk
defect density.

II.II.III. Effect of Bulk defect density: Fig. 5 shows the effect

of bulk defect density of the perovskite film on the power II.II.IV. Effect of Temperature: Solar cells are used in
conversion efficiency and open circuit voltage of the different geographical regions under different weather and
perovskite solar cell. It can be seen that both the PCE and Voc climates over the year which changes the operation
gets reduced sharply as the bulk defect density increases. This temperature of the Solar cell. To find the effect of temperature
is in concurrence with the report that increasing the variation on the performance of the perovskite solar cell,
crystallinity of the perovskite film reduces the trap density simulations have been performed for different operating
which leads to better performance of perovskite solar cells temperatures. Fig. 6 shows the effect of operating
[26]. This happens because the defect sites act as temperature variation on the solar cell performance. It is
recombination centres which reduces the number of observed from the plots that the PCE and Voc decreases with
photogenerated carriers. This shows that special care should the increase in temperature. Thus it can be said that the
be taken of the surface morphology of the perovskite film perovskite device gives better performance as solar cell at
during fabrication of solar cell in order to improve the PCE. lower operating temperatures.

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.

parameters used in this case are same as used in the solar cell
simulation of perovskite device as reported in section 2.1.

III.I. Results and Discussion:



Fig. 6(a & b). Variation of Power Conversion Efficiency and
Open circuit voltage with operating temperature.

Thus it can be said from the above discussion that the

proposed perovskite device shows high performance as a solar
cell through proper optimization of various device parameters.
In the next section we present the analysis of the same device
as a photodetector.


In this section we present the simulations which have been 7(b)
performed to evaluate and analyze the performance of the Fig. 7. J-V curve under dark and illumination condition (a)
perovskite device as a photodetector. Fig. 1(a) shows the Logarithmic plot (b) Linear plot.
structure of the device simulated as a photodetector. The light
input is from the FTO (front electrode) side and gold has been
used as the back electrode. The perovskite absorber is Fig. 7(a) and (b) show the logarithmic and linear plots of
sandwiched between the two electrodes. The light used for current density-voltage (J-V) curve of the device under dark
illumination in the simulations has a wavelength of 600 nm and illumination conditions. The reverse current density as
and intensity of 100 mW/cm2. The other simulation obtained from the J-V curve under dark condition is estimated
to be equal to 2 µA/cm2. It is also observed from the plot that

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.

the dark J-V characteristic is highly rectifying (similar to a value of about 0.45 A/W and there is no major increment in
diode characteristic) which makes the perovskite device the responsivity as the wavelength is further increased.
suitable for many other electronic applications.

Fig. 8. Quantum Efficiency versus wavelength. Fig. 9. Variation of Responsivity with wavelength.

Under illumination condition the reverse current across the

device gets increased significantly due to the presence of
photo generated carriers. Photocurrent to dark current ratio as
calculated from the J-V curve is found to be 9.16×106 at +/-
1V which is a fairly high value of photocurrent to dark current
ratio for a thin film photodetector. Fig. 8 shows the quantum
efficiency of the device obtained by simulation. Very high
quantum efficiency is achieved which is due to the excellent
optical properties of perovskite film. For higher wavelengths
there is a fall in the quantum efficiency as the absorption
coefficient of the material decreases at higher wavelengths.
Responsivity of the device has been calculated from the
following equation
R (1)
where R is the responsivity of photodetector, η is the quantum Fig.10. Responsivity variation with wavelength for different
efficiency, λ is incident light wavelength, h=6.634×10-34 values of perovskite absorber thickness.
Joule-second is the Planck's constant, c = 3×108 m/s is the
speed of light and q=1.6×10-19C is the electronic charge.
Fig. 9 shows the responsivity of the device as a function of The detectivity as a function of voltage is estimated using the
wavelength. High value of responsivity is achieved over a following equation:
wide range of wavelength which suggests the possible use of R
this device for practical photodetection applications. D (2)
Thickness of the perovskite absorber film is an important 2qJ
parameter of the device which affects the overall performance
of photodetector. Fig. 10 shows the variation of responsivity where R is the responsivity of photodetector and J is the
curve for different thickness of perovskite film. Responsivity reverse saturation current density.
of the device increases as the thickness of the perovskite film The detectivity of the perovskite photodetector as calculated
is increased from 200 nm to 900 nm. For shorter wavelengths, from the above equation turns out to be equal to 6.01×1011
responsivity almost saturates beyond 500 nm thickness. For a Jones which makes the device suitable for practical
perovskite thickness of 500 nm and the input light wavelength photodetector applications.
of 600 nm, the responsivity of the photodetector reaches a

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.

Defects in the semiconductor can affect the performance of a

semiconductor device to a large extent. Therefore in order to
evaluate the effect of defect density on the responsivity of the
device we have compared the responsivity of the device for
various values of bulk and interface defect densities as shown
in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 respectively. It can be observed that the
responsivity of the perovskite device photodetector gets
reduced as the defect density increases. It is also observed that
the effect of bulk defects is more prominent as compared to
the interface defects. Thus it can be said that the quality of the
perovskite film is a critical parameter for the performance of
perovskite device photodetector.

III.II. Comparison with other photodetectors: Fig.11. Responsivity variation with wavelength for different
values of bulk defect density.
Table 4 shows the comparison of the perovskite photodetector
parameters with some of the other types of photodetectors
reported in literature. It can be observed from the table that
the simulated device has better performance as compared to
the other mentioned photodetectors.
Moreover there are only few reports of perovskite based
photodetectors till date in the literature. This is the first report
of simulation study of perovskite photodetector as per our
knowledge. It is expected that this work will help to motivate
further research for the development of better perovskite
based photodetectors.
Finally we mention some sources of error in the simulation of
perovskite device as solar cell and photodetector reported in
this paper. Firstly we have not taken the actual value of
transmission coefficient of FTO and assumed it to be 100
percent. Although in practice the transmission coefficient is
lesser than one. Secondly we have not considered reflection
from each layer and interface and additional series resistance Fig.12. Responsivity variation with wavelength for different
from FTO and back contact assuming it to be very small. values of interface defect density.
Therefore in order to get more precise results these factors
should also be incorporated into the simulations.

Table 4 Comparison

Device Responsivity Iph/Idark Detectivity

1 Perovskite Based [This device] 0.45 A/W 9.16×106 6.01×1011 Jones

2 ZnO/Polymer based [24] 0.18A/W 10000 -

3 Perovskite/Conjugated-Polymer Composite[25] 0.154 A/W - 8.8×1010 Jones

4. Organic Bulk Heterojunction [23] 0.11 A/W - 3.15×1011 Jones

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 12, Number 10 (2019), pp. 1778-1786
© International Research Publication House.

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