Final Script
Final Script
Final Script
1st slide:
Good Morning, I am Paulo Gabriel I. Rivera, and my partner is Francis Marcus J. Garcia, we will be
presenting Maintenance Safety.
2nd Slide:
What is safety?
Safety is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical, psychological, or material harm are
controlled in order to preserve the health and well-being of individuals and the community. It is an
essential resource for everyday life, needed by individuals and communities to realize their aspirations.
3rd Slide:
Maintaining a safe working environment means employees can perform their tasks in a safe place
without health risks. It's important to produce an environment that makes production more efficient,
but it should not be at the risk of an employee's safety and health. To achieve this, any solutions
introduced in the TPM process should always consider safety, health and the environment. Aside from
the obvious benefits, when employees come to work in a safe environment each day, their attitude
tends to be better, since they don't have to worry about this significant aspect. This can increase
productivity in a noticeable manner. Considering safety should be especially prevalent during the early
equipment management stage of the TPM process.
-In the role Health and Safety of leadership is crucial; therefore, it is critical that all levels of
management clearly understand their responsibilities and are held accountable for health and safety
-All leaders should display visible felt leadership, being committed, and demonstrating by
example the best Health and Safety practices to ensure their team performs safely every time.
-this is where a leader should not only talk about safety, the leader should demonstrate and
discuss the details in safety. Like you should always follow the rules, you should emphasize the proper
PPE. You should also launch safety programs.
- Employees should be present in the meetings and safety programs that every company launch,
and they should listen. And after the program they should clarify if they misunderstood and they should
know it by heart the safety procedures to prevent accidents.
keypoints: Orientation, toolbox meetings
People, Training and Behavior
-The workforce in the organization shall be familiar with the hazards that may be encountered in
their job and their workplace.
- Effective training and assessment programs shall develop the abilities and competencies of our
workplace so they can perform assigned work in a healthy and safe manner.
Contractors Management
- We all know that the Contractors provide valuable services for the organization. The work
performed by contractors is often non-routine, unlike regular employees, they are always present there
from 8 am to 5 pm. Contractors are only on call when they are needed.
- the organizations in committed to ensuring that contractors work safely and have equal priority
as employees in respect to Health and Safety. this is critical since there are a lot of new contractors going
in so, orientation, qualification of contractors, and assigning roles for the contractors are needed.
Occupation Health
-In our everyday operations some employees may have the potential to be exposed to
occupational health hazards; in chemical, and especially the dust which is common in a cement plant,
Fuel since they can smell and they can be burn due to its temperature.
-therefore, it is of paramount importance that effective control measures are in place to
safeguard those potentially exposed. So, they need to evaluate the hazard in health.
Risk Management
- An effective risk management system is essential to providing and maintaining a healthy and
safe working environment. Everyone in the organization is obliged to play a part in identifying hazards,
assessing the risks, and putting controls in place to prevent incidents and harm to people.
- Identifying the risk is a must, then there should be procedures and it should be written for
others can read and avoid.
Standard Operating System
The risk management that we discussed earlier is Identifying risk, In this Standard Operating
System, the procedure would be written in the document and will be handout to the workers for them
to follow. For them to be safe and be aware for the risk.
- So here they will be going to do a necessary root cause analysis or a prevention that can be
used someday. Communication with one another in a workplace is also the key to guaranteed that a
problem can be actioned as soon as possible.
Operation Control
- All business operations are to have Operational Controls place to minimize health and safety
risks and impacts.
- it is included here the programs and procedure on how to operate the plant, and you will also
be alerted here if there is a problem in the machines since there is a sensor in each machines. For
example, in a Cement Plant you will know if there is a problem in the Crusher and it should be fix in an
instant to avoid more accidents.
Regular Policies
- The organization’s Health and Safety Policy commits to preventing incidents and safeguarding
the H&S of the workforce and others who may be affected by the activities. In meeting the commitment,
we must comply with company policies and procedures and all applicable local and national laws.
-there are basic laws that are set by the department of labor and employment, that it is needed
to comply or the other government agencies that is covered in the manufacturing like in mining,
department of energy, so aside from the company laws, there are still government laws to follow.
Emergency Management
- Emergency response plans provide valuable information and resources to prevent or minimize
injuries, environmental impacts and material losses in case of incidents and natural or manmade
In simple terms These are the accidents that you don’t want, but if it happens, you should be
ready, and the people should know what to do.
Driving Safety
- Driving-related incidents are one of the largest causes of fatalities for the organization. The
organization should be committed to eliminate driving-related injuries and fatalities by implementing
best practice into all the road safety activities to reduce risk to anyone who may be affected by their
operations such as employees, visitors, contractors, and others.
- Manufacturing plants have internal vehicles, like forklift and they also have external vehicles
such as deliveries. So, driving safety is very crucial since it will implement and monitor compliance with
policies and procedures for safe driving behaviors.
- Lastly, they also need to have a qualification of the driver to perform the duty well.
Document control
- Documents and records are necessary for the effective planning, operation, control, and
management of health and safety risk within the organization. For effectiveness and efficiency,
documentation should be kept to a minimum, and proportionate to the level of complexity, hazards, and
risk concerned.
This document should be readable because this would use as official document, and this will
serve as a guide for the employees in the operation, production, and maintenance of a plant.