Assessment works effectively when the purpose is clear. In planning or
deigning an assessment it is difficult when the purpose of it is not clear, it
would come out inefficient and ineffective. In classrooms, it is important to
know the goals and the learning outcomes that will inform teachers on how
they will design and execute their assessment. The purpose of assessment in a
classroom may be classified as:
a) Assessment OF Learning- assessment use to determine the learners
acquired knowledge and skills from the instruction and to know if
the learners are able to achieve the curriculum outcome. It is
summative in nature.
b) Assessment FOR Learning- assessment use to identify the needs of
the learners in order to adjust the instruction or the activities in the
classroom and it is meant to identify the gaps in the learning
experience of the learners for them to be able to achieve the
curriculum outcome. It is formative in nature.
c) Assessment AS Learning – assessment use to help the learners
become self-regulated. It is meant to use assessment task, result,
and feedback to help learners practice their decision making and
self-regulation to achieve the curriculum outcome. It is also
formative in nature.
What is assessment in learning?
Assessment plays an important role in the process of learning. Assessment in
learning is the process of gathering the qualitative or quantitative data of the
students for the purpose of making decisions. Assessment in learning is a
systematic and purpose-oriented collection, analysis, and interpretation of
evidences of the students learning in order to make decisions relevant to the
learners. Assessment is more than grading, it is about the measuring of the
progress of the students learning.
Why is classroom assessment important in the teaching- learning process?
It occurs as a part of everyday teaching and learning and uses information
from ongoing assessment to shape classroom teaching and learning.
Assessment as learning puts the students in active role as learners, using
assessment information to self-assess, regulate and monitor their learning
progress. A decent classroom assessment plan collects the evidences of
learners that informs the teachers’ instructional decisions. It provides teachers
with data regarding on what learners know and can do. To plan and design an
effective instruction, teachers need to know what the learners misunderstand
and where the confusions lie. As well as assisting teacher with planning the
next teaching steps, a good classroom assessment plan gives a guide to
learners. Students ought to, consistently, have the access to the assessment so
they can utilize it to inform and guide their learning.
How similar/different is assessment from measurement, evaluation, testing
and grading?
in an educational setting, assessment, measurement, evaluation, testing and
grading are all used to measure how much of the assigned materials students
are mastering, how well student is learning the materials, and how well
student is meeting the stated goals and objectives or learning outcome. But it
also differs from one another;
Assessments aim is to use evidence on the students learning to further
promote and manage the learning;
Measurement is the process of quantifying the attributes of an object;
Evaluation is the process of making judgments based on criteria and
Testing is the use of a test to collect information on how well the students
learn over a specific period of time; and
Grading is the process of assigning values to the performance or achievement
of a learner based on specified criteria and standard.
What is the difference between instructional objectives and learning targets?
Instructional Objectives are a detailed list of what you intend to teach,
whereas Learning targets are broad statements of what students will
achieve at the end of the class. Learning Target specifies and unpacks the
objective and spells out what students will be able to do during and after the
lesson or lesson series. Learning Targets are in student friendly language and
are specific to the lesson for the day, or span of days, and directly connected
to assessment.
Why is it important that learning targets and assessment tasks/activities are
Alignment is when there is consistency across the program with precise connections
between evaluations, course goals and learning tasks. It is important to align learning
targets and assessments to ensure that everyone involved is aware of the expectations.
Both teachers and students should have a consistent understanding of what is going to
be taught and how it will be evaluated.
What is the main difference between classical test theory and the item
response theory?
CTT assumes that an examinees observe score in a given measure is the sum
of the examinees true score and some degree or error in the measurement
caused by some internal and external condition. While on the other hand, IRT
analyzes test items by estimating the probability that an examines answers an
item correctly or incorrect. The main difference of the two, is IRT assumes
that the characteristics of an item can be estimated independently of the
characteristic or ability of the examinee and vice-versa.
What are the different types of assessment?
The different types of assessment are;
Formative assessment, Summative assessment, Diagnostic assessment and
Give three core principles in assessing learning
1. Assessment should have a clear purpose.
2. Assessment is both process and product-oriented.
3. Assessment should be as authentic as possible.
Why are different kinds of assessment classified?
The reason for all the different terms is to give greater meaning to the methods,
by providing an indication about what, how and when students will be assessed.
Most things are classified so that people can tell the difference between them even in
How does the knowledge of the classifications of assessment help improve
Assessment in learning has many types of classification. The knowledge in
classifying assessment helps improve the teaching in giving the student right
assessment that they are going to take according to the instructional objective
and learning outcome of a certain lesson or topic. Assessment also allows
teacher to understand what students know, what they can do, and
what they still need to learn.
How does the knowledge of the classifications of assessment help improve
The knowledge of the classification of assessment helps improve learning
because the teacher will know how to assess the students based on their skills
ability and knowledge about a certain topic or lesson. Teacher will gather
information about the students and will give them the right form of
assessment for the students to improve and achieve the learning targets.
Which classification of assessment is commonly used in the classroom
settings and why?
Formative assessment is the most commonly used assessment in the
classroom settings because it is used to know the prior knowledge of the
learners. It also acquires the current status and level of students’ knowledge,
skills, and competency to achieve the learning target/outcome.
The Science teacher at the end of the lesson on the phases of matter provided
a 20 item test to record how much learners have learned? What kind of
assessment is used?
The learners who got a perfect score in the science achievement test were
invited to join a science club. In this way, how was the scored use?
The teachers in mathematics wanted to determine how well the learners have
learned about mathematics curriculum at the end of the school year. The
IOWA test for basic skills on the mat was administered. What kind of
assessment was administered?