Lab Report Phy150 Electricity and Magnetism
Lab Report Phy150 Electricity and Magnetism
Lab Report Phy150 Electricity and Magnetism
PHY 150
GROUP: A4AS1203_13
1. To satisfy Coulomb’s law experimentally
2. To study the parameters that affect the electric force
3. To find experimentally the electric constant k
Theoretical Background:
Coulomb’s Law: “The magnitude of the electric force that a particle exerts on another is directly
Proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
Between them.” Mathematically, the magnitude of this electrostatic force FE acting on two charged
Particles (q1, q2) is expressed as:
𝑭 = 𝐤
Where r is the separation distance between the charged objects and k is a constant of proportionality,
called the Coulomb constant, k= 9.0×109 Nm2/C2.
Part 1:
To satisfy the objectives do the following steps.
1. The charge q1 and q2 was fixed and their values was filled in the table 1 after clicking the following
2. The distance between the two charges was changed as shown in the table1.
3. The force value for each distance was recorded.
4. The value of r2 and 1/r2 was found and filled in the Table 1
Part 2:
To satisfy the objectives do the following steps.
1. The charge q1 and the distance, r was fixed and their value are filled in the table 1 after clicking the
following link.
2. q1 was controlled and was fixed at 5μC while the distance was fixed between the two objects at 6cm.
Both the results are recorded in table 2.
3. The charge of object 2 was changed as shown in the table 2. The electric force between the two
objects was recorded and recorded in Table 2 for each q2.
q1=5μC r= 6cm
q2 (μC) FE (N)
10 124.827
9 112.344
8 99.862
7 87.379
6 74.896
5 62.414
4 49.931
3 37.448
Data Analysis
Part 1:
1. Uses excel software and plot a graph relates FE and r. comments on the graph.
-10.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11
r (m)
From the data recorded, curve graph was obtained. It shows a decreasing curve line as the square of
distance, r was increasing will affect electrostatic force, FE which is it will decrease. The graph continues
to decrease until the end r at 0.10m. It is an inversely proportional graph.
2. Uses excel and plot one more graph relates FE and1/r2. Use the graph to find the
Electric constant k.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
1/r2 (1/m2)
FE(N) Linear ( FE(N))
y2 − y1
x2 − x1
(79.889 − 7.190)
(1111.111 − 100.00)
𝑚 = 0.0719
𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝐶
𝐹𝐸 = 𝐾𝑞1𝑞2 (𝑟2 ) + 𝐶
m= kq1q2
(2 × 10−6 )(4 × 10−6 )
(8 × 10−12 )
𝐾 = 8.99 × 109 #
Part 2:
1. Uses excel software and plot a graph relates FE and q2. Comments on the graph.
FE (N)
FE (N)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Q2 (ΜC)
From the data recorded, liner or straight graph was obtained. It shows an increasing line as charge of
object 2, q2 was increasing along with electrostatic force, FE. It is directly proportional graph as when
charge of object 2, q2 was increasing, electrostatic force, FE also increasing.
Y= mx+ c
𝐹𝐸 = +𝐶
𝐾 = ( 2 ) 𝑞2 + 𝐶
𝑚𝑟 2
= (1.248 × 107 )(0.06)2
5 × 10−6
= 8.99 × 109 #
Based on experiment and data in part 1, the charge of q1 and q2 was fixed which is q1 was 2μC and q2
was 4μC. The distance, r was provided to identify electrostatic force, FE. From the graph in question 1,
the curve graph was obtained and it is an inversely proportional graph as when the square of the
distance, r increases, the electrostatic force, FE will start to decrease. This is because the charges are
repelling with each other. This also the reason why q1 and q2 was fixed into 2μC and 4μC as it will
make the charges repels as both charges are positive. This situation is known as the inverse-square law
and there is repulsive force. It is also will take more energy to moves the charges together. So that is
why the electrostatic force are decrease.
For question 2 in part 1, the electric force will increase as the distance between each sphere are in 1/𝑟 2 .
It shows a linear or a straight-line graph and are directly proportional graph. The charges will attract with
each other as there are attraction force.
For part 2 of the experiment, the charge, q1 and distance, r is being fixed to 5μC and 6 cm. This is to
study the relationship between the charges and electric forces. Based on the data collected, liner or
straight graph was obtained. It is directly proportional graph as when charge of object 2, q2 was
increasing, electrostatic force, FE also increasing. This is because, when the charge is greater, the force
which is in this situation is electric charges will exert greater charge too for example when q2 when to
charges changes from 3μC to 10 μC, the electric charges also increase from 37.448 N to 124.827 N
The electric constant can be identified in both part which using this formula:
𝑭 = 𝐤
And the error percentage of electric constant in part 1 and 2 are both 0.11% which is acceptable which
is the theoretical value is 9.0 × 109 while the experimentally value is 8.99 × 109. The value is less that
1% which proving that this experiment satisfies the Columb’s law.
From the experiment, all the objective are determined and it satisfy Columb’s law. The formula for
Columb’s law is 𝐹 = k q1q2
. For part 1, we can conclude that the square of the distance, r is
inversely proportional to electric force, FE while charges of objects, q2 are directly proportional with
electric forces, FE. This also can be identified by the graph that are being plot in part 1 and part2. There
are repulsive and attraction force occur between objects that can be identified by the sign of the
products. The electric constant can be identified in this experiment by the data recorded in the table 1
and 2. All the data recorded also satisfy with all the condition and related to what Columb’s law stated.
1. Khan academy, 2019,
2. Coulomb’s Law,(n.d.)
3. Inverse Square Law, (n.d.)
Experiment 2: Capacitance
To study the capacitance varies with the separation between the plates.
To study the capacitance varies with the area of the plates.
To study the dielectric effects on the stored charge, energy, and voltage between
the plates of the capacitor, when it is connected or disconnected from the
PART I: Capacitance
1. “Paper” was selected from the choice of dielectrics in the menu on the right-hand
side. Insert the dielectric completely inside the capacitor. Check the “Capacitance”
to see the capacitance meter. The battery could be either connected or
disconnected for this part.
2. The values of the plates’ area A0 (initially, it should be the smallest possible), distance
between the plates d0 (initially, it should be the largest possible), and corresponding
capacitance was recorded.
3. The plates’ area was slowly increased and measure the corresponding capacitance 4
more times. Record your results in the table. It is recommended to use SI units for all
5. Restore the area to initial. Slowly decrease the separation between the plates and
measure the corresponding capacitance 4 more times. Record your results in the
table below, along with the reciprocal of the separation.
6. Excel or other software was used of your choice to plot capacitance as dependent
variable against the reciprocal of the separation between the plates. Then, use linear
regression to draw the best-fit line (also called trendline) to approximate the data
with the linear model. Insert the screenshot of your graph below. It should contain:
Labeled axes and units
Data points and best-fit line (remember that the best-fit line does not
necessarily go through all the points, but approximates the trend)
Equation of the best-fit line
1) The values of the plates’ area and the plate separation was reverted to the original and
remove the dielectric entirely from the capacitor. The capacitance, charge, voltage, and
energy meters were showed by checking off approximate boxes on the right side of the
simulator. (We will have to “connect” the voltmeter – the red electrode was placed on the
plate with the positive charge, and the black electrode on the plate with the negative
2) The battery was connected the battery voltage was turned on to about 1 V. We had to
zoom in or out the scale of some of the meters to measure the values effectively.
3) The dielectric was slowly inserted inside the capacitor. As the dielectric fills more
space in the capacitor, observe and record the changes in.
i. Capacitance
ii. Charge
1) The dielectric was removed entirely and the battery disconnected. Step 3 was
repeated and the changes was recorded in
i. Capacitance
ii. Charge
A (mm2) C (F)
4.00E-13 1/d(m2)
5.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.50E-02 2.00E-02 2.50E-02
2. If the battery is disconnected, does the energy stored in the capacitor remain constant as
the dielectric is inserted? Explain the changes of energy, if any
- Yes, the energy is stored in the capacitor remain constant because a charged capacitor
stores energy in the electrical field between its plates. As the capacitor is being charged,
the electrical field builds up. When a charged capacitor is disconnected from a battery, its
energy remains in the field in the space between its plates
This experiment is based on the hypothesis. The graph bases and the outcome of the
experiment in Part 1 indicate that the value of Area and Capacities is measured in the table. Area
and capacity are derived from equation C=K€0A/d. As seen in the graph, the relationship between
area and capability is directly proportional. It has shown that these two formulas are connected to
each other, since as the region is increasing, the power is also increasing. The value of constant
K, which is 3.39 x 10^3, is extracted from the slope of the line. There is a flaw that is 3.83 x 10^16
in this experiment to make this experiment not ideal so the value is not the same.
Although it has been shown in the graph of part two that the relationship between the
capacities and the reciprocal separation between the plates is directly proportional. If the mutual
separation between the plates (1/d) increases, the capacities also increase. There is a flaw in this
section of the experiment since the value of K, which is 3.39 x 10^-1, is not the same as the
theoretical value.
There is a cause of error in this experiment that may happen and affect the outcome. Most
of the reasons for this is the human mistake in attempting to get the answer. The outcome can be
erroneous because the data is poorly written and transmitted. The other mistake was an error
where the content was not correctly handled. This will happen when the substance has a zero
defect, which is for example the cell voltage machine.
Based on the first experiment, the objectives are to study the capacitance varies with
the separation between the plates and the area of the plates. The graph proves that
the capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor really depends on area of the plates. If the
amount of area of the plate increases, the capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor also
increases. Besides, the separation between the plates is inversely proportional to the
capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor. If the value of distance between plates gets
higher, the capacitance will drop. The value of K, dielectric constant was determined
using the slope of area versus capacitance.
The other experiment was conducted to observe the dielectric effects on the stored charge,
energy, and voltage between the plates of the capacitor, when it is connected or disconnected
from the battery. Law of Conservation of Charge is neither created nor destroyed, it can only
be transferred from one system to another. Conductor, materials that allow electrons to pass
freely through them, most of them metals. When the capacitor is discharged via the resistor,
the voltage around the capacitor and the charge on the capacitor decreases. In the meanwhile,
when the capacitor is charged into a resistor, the voltage increases exponentially.
Experiment 3: DC Circuit
1. to measure the current and voltage for simple DC circuit
2. To study series connection of resistors
3. to study parallel connection of resistor
1. Phet interactive simulation website visited by clicking on the link below
2.the time was spent on the simulation to get familiar with the function of each part
3. battery symbol was clicked in the bottom right of the screen, and the show current (conventional) was
clicked then a simple DC circuit conducted with contains of a battery, resistance, switch and wire as
shown in figure (4)
4.The voltmeter from the right second box was selected and the two terminals with the end points of
resistor were connected.
Figure (1)
5. The Ammeter was dragged and connected with the circuit in series
6. The reading of the voltmeter v1 was recorded in data analysis, table 1
7. The reading of the Ammeter I1 was recorded in table 1
8. The values was clicked and the resistance R was recorded in table 1
9. The battery was clicked and the voltage changed to 20v
10. The steps 6,7 and 8 were repeated and the results V2, I2, R were recorded in table 1.
11. The voltage was changed to 30 v and steps 6,7 and 8 were repeated. The results were recorded in
12. A screen shot circuit was made and pasted in the report.
Figure (5)
2. The power supply output was adjusted to 120 volts. The two resistance to be R1= 20Ω, R2=
3. The voltmeter was connected across resistance, R1 to measure the voltage drop V1 (took
4. The voltmeter was connected across the resistance, R2 to measure the voltage drop V2
(screenshot taken).
5. The voltmeter was connected across the power supply (or across the resistance) to measure the
total voltage, Vtotal.
6. V1 + V2 was calculated and it was compared to the total voltage across R1 and R2 (step 5).
7. The electric current, I was measured using the Ammeter before R1 between R1 and R2.
8. The product of I x R1 was compared with the value V1.
9. The product of I x R2 was compared with the value V2.
10. The screenshot was pasted in the lab report.
2. The voltage of the power supply (battery) was adjusted to 120 volts.
3. The voltage V1 was measured across R1 using the voltmeter.
4. The voltage V2 was measured across R2 using the voltmeter.
5. V1 and V2 were compared to the output from the power supply Vtot (battery).
6. The current I1 through R1 was measured using the Ammeter.
7. The current I2 through R2 was measured using the Ammeter.
8. The total current in the circuit Itot was measured.
9. I1 + I2 was calculated and it was compared to what we got in 8.
10. The data recorded in the lab report.
Table 1
2. Comments on results.
This is a basic DC circuit that contains a battery, resistance, switch, and wires. A 9.00V battery and a
10Ω resistor were used in this circuit. The voltage supply of the battery at 9.00V value and I 1 recorded a
current of 0.90A while for resistor R1 recorded as 10.0Ω. Then, the voltage was changed to 20.0V and
recorded the value of I2, 2.00A and the resistance value was 10.0Ω. Again, the voltage was changed to
higher value which is 30.0V and the I3 recorded a current of 3.00A while the resistor R3 recorded as 10.0Ω.
Theoretically, using the equation I=V/R (where V is 9.0V, 20.0V and 30.0V), the resistor is expected to be
10.0Ω. The two current records were determined in the same way as the formula R=V/I since the circuit
is connected in series. Resistors connected in series have current flowing in and out of them, but different
Table 2
V1 V2 Vtotal I1 I2 Itotal
(V1 + V2)
2. Comments on results.
In this series circuit, two resistors of 20Ω and 30Ω were connected in series. Theoretically, since the
average resistance was 50.0Ω, the total voltage was expected to be 120.00V, which is the same as what
we got. Experimentally, V1 recorded a voltage of 48.00V across the resistance R1 of 20.0Ω while V2,
recorded a voltage of 72.00V across the second resistor R2 of 30.0Ω. So, the total voltage in the circuit
has the same value as the addition of V1 and V2, since the total voltage was determined across the two
resistors, R1 and R2. This proves Ohm’s law that voltage and resistance are proportional towards each
other. Also, the amount of current flowing in and out of the resistors are the same as they are connected
in series.
This is a series DC circuit. The values of current were not changed and the current was the same
throughout the circuit. Although the values of current were determined at different locations (before R1,
between R1 and R2 and after R2), the current that flows through the resistors was still the same and a
current of 2.40A was recorded.
The formula of voltage in series circuit is V=IR. The current of Itotal in series circuit is same current
value as I1 and I2 but the voltage values are different depends on the resistor in the circuit. The V1 recorded
a voltage of 48.00V across the resistor R1. The calculation of I x R1 will have the same value as V1 across
R1 and I x R2 also got the same value as V2 across the R2. Theoretically, V value is proportional to the
current and resistor in a circuit.
120 y = 50x
60 Vtotal
Linear (Vtotal)
0 1 2 3
Table 3
V1 V2 Vtotal I1 I2 Itotal
(I1 + I2)
2. Comment on results.
This is a parallel circuit in which each value of V1, V2 and Vtotal is the same, although the resistance is
different. Both voltmeters showed the same value of voltage across R1 and R2. The value of V1 was
obtained when the voltmeter was connected across the first resistor R1 of 20.0Ω and recorded a voltage
of 120.00V in the parallel series. While for V2, recorded a voltage of 120.00V also across the second
resistor of 30.0Ω.
Table 4
I1 I2 Itotal I1 + I 2
= 10.00
Voltage (V)
60 Vtotal
40 Linear (Vtotal)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Current (A)
This experiment is based on the hypothesis. Based on the graph and result in the experiment part 1, it
shows that the value of Current and Voltage are calculated in the table. The current and the voltage are
derived from the equation R=V/I . As seen in the graph, the relationship between current and voltage are
directly proportional. It is shown that these two formulas are connected to each other. From the slope in
the graph, the value of constant R is 10 . There is no error in this experiment because the value of
experimental value and theoretical value are the same making this experiment perfect.
Thus, it is shown in the graph of part two, the relationship between the voltage and current is also
directly proportional. If the current increases, the voltage also increases. There is error in this part of
the experiment since the value of K, which is 50 is not the same as the theoretical value. The result
makes this experiment inaccurate due to the difference in values.
Graph part 3 shows that the lines for graphs are directly proportional between voltage versus current.
The value of R is 11.998 making it 19.98% of error percentage.
In this experiment, there are few factors that can lead to the error which could change the result. One
of the factors is the error made by the experimentor in obtaining the result. The result might be wrong
if the data are wrongly written or transferred. The other factor is the systematic error that could happen
because the material or apparatus as example zero error in the ammeter.
Based on the experiment, all the objective are determined. The graph that are obtained is a straight
graph that shows that the voltage are depends on value of the current. When the value of current
increases, the value of voltage also increases. So, the graph that are obtained for part I until Part III is a
directly proportional graph.
Another experiment to observe the dielectric effects on the current, resistance, and voltage deposited
between the capacitor plates when attached or detached from the battery. Ohm's law states that the
voltage ratio of the electrical unit to the current through that device is a constant called the electrical
resistance of that device. Conductor, materials that allow electrons to travel freely through them, most of
which are metals such as aluminum. When the capacitor is discharged via the resistor, the voltage around
the capacitor and the charge on the capacitor decreases. In the meanwhile, when the capacitor is charged
into a resistor, the voltage increases exponentially. The current also plays a role in this DC management.
Experiment 4: Magnetism
Theoretical background
Permanent magnets are made from ferromagnetic materials in which the electrons circulating around
the nuclei behave much like current-carrying wire loops. The field from a single atom is extremely small,
but when a large number are put together, the magnetic field can get quite large. To make a
ferromagnetic material into a permanent magnet, the individual atoms or “current-loops” must be
preferentially aligned in one direction. The magnetizing process is usually done by putting the material in
strong magnetic field.
The field lines continue inside the magnet but appear to emerge from one end and re-enter at the other
end. The end from which they originate is traditionally called the north end of the magnet and the other
is called the south end. For a solenoid or coil, the end from which the field lines appear to originate is
also called the north end and the end toward which they point is called the south end.
This north-south naming convention arises from the behavior of such magnets in the earth’s magnetic
field. In playing with magnets you have probably noticed that when identical magnets are placed near
each other they may be attracted or repelled depending on their relative orientation. The north end of
one magnet will attract the south end of the other. Similarly, two north ends (or south ends) placed close
together will repel each other.
A compass needle is simply a small permanent magnet mounted so that it is free to turn. When a
magnet such as a compass needle is placed in a field of constant strength, there is no net force; each
and experiences an equal but opposite force that tends to turn the magnet so that the north end points in
the direction of the field. In the earth’s field the north end of the magnet points towards the earth’s north
3. to study the relationship between voltage and field strength in the electromagnet.
5. the box “Show Field Meter” in the right menu was checked. A blue box appeared. This measures the
Magnetic Field around the magnet (which is known as ‘B’). The Magnetic field is measured in Gauss(G).
The field meter was moved around the bar magnet.
6. the meter was moved so that it is about one inch away from the north end of the magnet.
Figure 3.0 the meter moved one inch away from North end
7. The meter was moved the same distance away from the South end of the magnet.
8. At the top left of the simulation window, the “Electromagnet” tab was clicked and saw a battery
connected to wire with loops that has current running through it. The compass was moved around the
11. The meter placed about one inch from the left side of the electromagnet
12. in the right menu the number of the loops was adjusted in the electromagnet. For each number of
loops (1-4) and the field strength was written down in the table show.
13. The number of the loops was set for electromagnet back to 4 and make sure the field meter is still
one inch from the left side of the coils. The battery has sliding bar on it that lets to adjust the voltage in
the electromagnet. The table below was completed by adjusting the voltage on the battery and the field
strength wrote down at each voltage.
1 2.35
2 4.71
3 7.06
4 9.42
0 0.00
2 1.88
4 3.77
6 5.65
8 7.53
10 9.42
The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of field strength in relation to the different
number of the loops and voltage of the battery. For the first experiment, the compass used and was
moved around the bar magnet. When the compass moved around the bar magnet, we found that the red
needle of the compass pointed towards the South pole of the magnet. When the polarity of the magnet
was flipped, the compass red needle still points towards the same pole which is the South pole. It is
because the red part of the needle is the North pole. The value of the field strength increases as we
move the meter closer to the magnet. Then, the meter moved about one inch away from the North of the
magnet and the magnitude (B) in Gauss is 1.41G. The amount of the magnetic field for both North and
South ends of the magnet is not the same as the amount of magnetic field for the South pole is 2.07G.
For the next experiment which is for electromagnet, we found that the left side is South end because
from the magnet bar experiment the compass red needle attracts to the South end of the magnet as the
red part of the needle is North pole. When the meter moves closer to the electromagnet, the field
strength increases. Based on the data above, the amount of the field strength increases as the loop
number in electromagnet increases. The more the number of loops added, the stronger the field will
become. The more loops are removed, the weaker the field will become. This is because electricity and
magnetism are related. The movement of electrons causes both, and every electric current has its own
magnetic field. when electrical current moves around the loops, it makes a magnetic field like the small
bar magnet. When the number of voltages increases, the number of field strengths also increases. It can
be seen from the result that if the resistance remains constant in the circuit, or when the voltage
increases the current will also increase. Since the strength of the magnetic field is directly related to the
current in the wire, the magnitude of the magnetic field would increase as the voltage in the circuit
Based on the experiment, the objectives which satisfy the properties of the magnetism had been
achieved because the direction of the red needle of the compass points the same direction for magnet
bar and electromagnet which is the South pole. The result of this experiment also shows that when the
meter moves closer to the electromagnet, the amount of field strength increases as the loop number
increases. The greater number of the loops were added, the stronger the field became and when the
voltage increases, the current in the circuit increases.
· Build an Electromagnet
· The Electromagnetic,2017