Kami Export - Name That Bird Handout
Kami Export - Name That Bird Handout
Kami Export - Name That Bird Handout
Taxonomic keys, also called dichotomous keys are used to help scientists
identify unknown specimens.
Taxonomic keys are broken down into a series of steps. Each step presents two
choices based on the possible characteristics of your unidentified organism.
Each step eliminates possible organisms until one remains that matches all the
characteristics of the unknown specimen.
Starting at step 1, pick the choice offered that best matches your organism and
proceed . After you make your choice you will be directed to another step.
Continue to follow the directions given to you until you find the correct name.
Ex: Use the key provided to identify the birds shown to you:
#1. _______________________________
#2. _______________________________
#3. _______________________________
#4. _______________________________
#5. _______________________________
#6. _______________________________
#7. _______________________________
#8. _______________________________
#9. _______________________________
#10. _______________________________
#11. _______________________________
#12. _______________________________
“Name that Bird” Taxonomic Key
1a. Bird has long yellow and white feathers… Bird of Paradise
1b. Bird lacks long yellow and white feathers…go to 2