The head of HR department, Atty. Mila Bravo was directed by the company president to act as
leader of a committee whose task is to revise and update the current compensation scheme of the
1. the accountant
During the first meeting, the seven members were all present. The president made a briefing
regarding the purpose of the group, the circumstances that lead to the formation of the group and
The group proceeded to determine the various factors relevant to the determination of the
rates of the various jobs. Most of the members of the committee, however cannot devote the time
required to finish the job within the time frame indicated by the president. It turned out later that
it was not only time that hinders the committee’s effectiveness. The first two meetings were held
without much fuss. Everybody wasa given the opportunity to air his or her views about the
For one reason or another, the accountant failed to appear in the succeeding meetings. He
never attempted to explain his position to the committee leader or to any member, but his body
language indicated that he was too busy doing more important concerns for the president and the
board of directors. He tried to communicate with the public representative asking for information
about developments in the committee work. Outside of the meetings, he indicated to one member
his objection to some of the matters that were deliberated and approve by the committee. As the
meetings progressed and without his active participation, he made piecemeal reports to the
When the committee submitted its final report, the president was satisfied and he voiced his
The other members of the group were dismayed about the actions of the accountant and they
vowed not to participate again in whatever committee work here the accountant is assigned as a
1. What errors have been committed by the committee members? By the members?
The error I found in this case that commited by the committee members was their disunity and imbalance
empowerment. Yes, they have the skills and brains but they don't have a good conduct and they failed to
communicate effectively to each other. They just wanted to do their jobs according to their wants and not
consulting for the developments. I mean, I've read in this case that, yes they shared their thoughts, opinions, and
information but then the unity is not there. They are just planning for "what I should do" and not for "what I must
do" as a member. The human empowerment will be great if they combined each others strengths and that will help
them to build a better teamwork. It will be easy for them to achieve their goals if they are willing to work as a
family, set aside the positions they have but act as a professional one in the field. Respect each others position and
be responsible for what they have. It will give them a good relationship towards each other, I guess.
All of them are irresponsible, the errors' arise beacuse it was them who treat each other as a superior to
one another and even though they have the same goal, they don't act as "one". It's better to have a teamwork than
to have a "just do it by myself". They are all stubborn, especially the president beacuse he did not give motivations
to everyone for them to achieve more and participate as a team.
1. What could be the reason why Ernie is not very successful in his current position?
2. What must Ernie do?
Ernie is not successful in his current position because first of all, he is not trying to
approach his concerns for every members. He has the power but he do not know how to deal
with it. He doesn't have the courage to use his authority for him to gain the trust from everyone.
Of course, as a new member of one field, your co-member doesn't know you much so you have
to plan to get them and be friend with them. You have to show what you've got to be worth it.
Take actions for your responsibilities and accountabilities and be proud for what you achieve.
Remember that you won't get that position if you didn't have the skills. I will relate here the
Acquired Needs Theory by David McClelland, the need of power because it refers to the desire
of the manager to control others, to influence their behavior, or to be responsible for others.
Talk to his members with authority is a must do. Not in the point that he took it as an
advantage but it's an act of responsibility of having a higher position. He's like a leader in that
firm so he needs to manage everything that is most concerns and he is capable of influencing
them as having a good background. Ernie must plan every detail to have the trust of the members
and make them cooperate with you. You are not an effective leader if you can't handle your
Mr. Rudy Castelo was hired by Swallow Marketing Corporation as counter sales person of San
Fernando branch six months ago. His official working hours begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 5:00
PM from Monday to Friday. It is almost always that he serves customers till 6:00 PM. He does
not complain and he feels happy that his unit is performing.
An evaluation of the number of units sold by Rudy’s unit indicated a 50 percent increase for the
past six months. That period coincides with the period that Rudy had been working for the
There were four sales person in the branch who were able to sell 80 units of the company’s
product during the six months prior to Rudy’s hiring. When Rudy came in, he sold 40 units and
the other four duplicated their previous six months’ output. This brought the total sales of the unit
to 120
The four sales person have been working for the company for over two years and each receives
monthly salary of P20,000. As a new recruit, Rudy’s salary is pegged at P11,000 per month.
Rudy can only hope for an increase after salary reviews which are made by top management
every 2 years
After six-month stint, Rudy has only become entitled to the only benefit, the 13th month pay. He
has yet to earn his vacation and sick leave benefit
Rudy’s supervisor is happy that his unit was able to sell more with Rudy’s help. His concern now
is to keep Rudy fully motivated and to keep the competitors away from hiring him.
As Rudy's supervisor, I want to motivate him first by giving an increase with his salary and
praise his work for him to always have a good performance. I will apply here the ERG Theory by
Clayton Alderfer, Existence because it refers to needs that satisfied by such factors as food, air,
water, pay, and working conditions. And also the recognition of his work because it is said that, it
was the great motivator. But of course, I will be a fair manager, I won't focuse for him only but
for all of my employees. I will treat them as a family to give them a comfortable workplace and
guide them if they have a problem. I will talk to them so often to have a good relationship and
build a better communication.
2. Accounting department, auditing department and finance department with a total personnel
complement of 208 employees. All three departments are manage by the comptroller.
3. Treasury department wih 199 employees headed by the company treasurer. Attached to this
department are the auxiliary units like security and housekeeping.
Each branch maintains its own sales unit but there is no marketing department at the higher level
to oversee the sales activities of all branches.
The head of the various department situated in the head office, the five senior managers and the
60 branch managers are responsible for recruiting and training employees at their perspective
units. There is no central HR department to oversee such activities. Recruitment and training are
done with minimal paperwork. Employees are hired without the benefit of job description and
job specification. Communication is mostly verbal.
The structure adapted by the firm has produced good result however, this organizational
approach is responsible for making the company grow from a single branch operation to its
present status. The company’s operations are generally regarded as profitable.
Employee turnover reach an average of 30% buy Mr. Nicolas is not much concerned because of
the sufficient number of applicants applying for work in the company.
1. What do you think of the organizational structure of the firm?
2. What difficulties may be anticipated if the current structure is maintained?
I think, the organizational structure that they have won't be effective because they have
too many employees and they assigned a few members that will lead every department. It will be
hard for them to cope up with their responsibilities immediately and the manpower will be
affected but, if every members will cooperate with the assigned leader it will be good for them
because of the teamwork.
The difficulties for the organizational structure they have is that, they don't have the
marketing department which may affect the company's performance. They can't market the
product they have and they won't figure out what will be the problem inside the marketing as
soon as possible because of lack of designated position. They are not planning to hire someone
who's capable of and they just hiring people who don't have experience or skills because they
needed more personnel. They focus on something that is not badly needed and that will give
them a hard time to maintain the structured they have. They need to have another form of
organizational structure to help them to develop and improve more.
Perfect taste bakery products is a company that is already on its 12th year operation. A line of
bakery products manufactured by the company is delivered to the different marketing outlets
located in five provinces of Luzon.
To facilitate delivery of its product, the company maintains fifteen mini truck. Each delivery van
is manned by a driver and a helper who are both salaried employees. Products are delivered
twice a week on each outlet
For the past 12 years the company appeared not to have been affected by any conflict either
between management and employees or between employees. This has been so until just recently
the drivers and the helpers of then delivery vans went to see the general manager. They
denounced the manner by which the dispatcher makes delivery assignments. They complained
about the easy routes assigned to drivers whom they thought to be the favorites of the dispatcher.
One of the complaining drivers mentioned that he discovered that the five drivers and the
dispatcher are members of a certain fraternity, another driver is also complained that the newer
vans were assigned to the favorites. Some other issues were also mentioned. One of these is the
questionable performance report of the dispatcher which indicated high ratings for the favorites.
The complaints are agitated and they became more more angry when they were inform of the
performance-based salary adjustments scheduled within 30 days
The general manager promised that he will do something. After a month, there was no indication
that the general manager did anything about their complaints. The complainants, however
noticed that the dispatcher has changed his behavior towards them. He became more strict with
them. It was then that they began to harbor ill feelings toward dispatcher. They began to talk
about how to get even with him
1. Do you think a conflict is already existing?
2. What should have been done by the dispatcher? By the general manager?
The conflict did exist but it turns out into burst. It just like, every important details that
needed to solve was stack and the drivers waited to reveal all of it in just one snap. The problem
there was a big misunderstanding. They didn't explain their own sides so the problem still
became a problem, it didn't solve anything. The fraternity is out of their concerns, they just needs
to do their job as an employee and stop being immature. Avenge will lead to avenge. It's a
continuous process and have no ending if the drivers will start it.
For the dispatcher, he/she doesn't have to be that strict for what happened because it's
unintentional. No one wants to ruined the relationship between the company and the dispatcher.
As for the general manager, he/she needs to take the responsibility in decision-making. He/She
needs to hear the employees concerns/complaints for them to keep their good work and it's
general manager's responsibility to fix the problem between the drivers and dispatcher. It will be
easy for them to continue if they are responsible enough to handle their duties.