EE5019&EE5629 Assignment ISSUED For Oct 2021
EE5019&EE5629 Assignment ISSUED For Oct 2021
EE5019&EE5629 Assignment ISSUED For Oct 2021
The assignment is to develop an appraisal of an engineering firm’s current situation in the first part
through analysing company reports (using their currency) and market information. The second and third
parts concern business planning relating to the development of next-generation ‘Smart Home’ systems
for home automation that may include some AI (Artificial Intelligence for learning user habits).
Assumptions are to be clearly stated.
Prepare a Word document and write formally (i.e. avoid use of “I” or casual terms). Greater
representation (e.g. graphically); discussion; interpretation and evaluation is expected for higher grades
(e.g. giving insights into the firm’s situation; the management implications and making sector
comparisons), as well as appropriate use of business/financial terms and evidence of wider reading.
To assist you with your coursework preparation please refer to the Marking Guidelines provided on the
final page.
Select a Case Study firm which is a major manufacturer of consumer electronics (such as Logitech for
example) or of household electrical products (known as ‘white goods’ such as fridges etc..).
Note: Include their most recent full year financials (Income Statement etc…) in your report.
a) Conduct some research (using the internet) into your chosen Case Study firm and its products -
become familiar with the firm’s main operations (in their home country and overseas facilities) and
their activities in key markets from the perspective of a customer and competitive situation analysis:
i) Review their recent market performance: assess the Case Study firm’s recent results of
operations in key markets (revenue sources for example, by product type/region).
ii) Assess their ability to compete in key markets by examining (and commenting on) profit margins
and other ratios for the last 2 years (preferably tabulated).
iii) Comment on whether the firm has sufficient funds to finance R&D expenditure to develop new
products which includes technologies with which they are not familiar.
b) Evaluate their recent innovation approaches: review recent product developments by your Case
Study firm (using course theory and wider reading). What ‘competences’ did they need to develop or
acquire? How were any technology ‘gaps’ overcome? What innovation strategies did they use?
b) Discuss how R&D spending on next-generation projects would be more competitive (in key markets)
if they use a structured process to develop next-generation products such as (for example), the
Stage-Gate process where projects must pass ‘checkpoints’ as shown in the figure below. Make
proposals and recommendations for the development of ‘Smart Home’ systems (with AI) using a
project management approach of your choice (to be justified).
Note: Utilise ‘wider reading’ from academic sources (journal papers) to demonstrate your
appreciation/critique of an approach to managing high technology product development.
Stage-gate process:
b) Examine the effect on the original forecast (as part 3ai) should the project development phase
overrun and the project launch is delayed by 2 years with a reduction in Market Share of 4
percentage points. Comment on this and other ‘Risks’ (commercial/technical etc..) when planning
innovation projects such as New Product Development (NPD).
Reminder: List your References (the majority to be academic sources – books/journal articles).
Grade A+/A++
Work of exceptionally high quality based on research into the industry including advancements in the sector.
Clearly demonstrates a sophisticated, critical and thorough understanding of the firm’s context with well-
developed business proposals appropriate to the firm’s competitive position and value provision. Provides clear
evidence of originality and clearly demonstrates the ability to develop an independent, highly systematic and
logical or insightful argument or evaluation. Demonstrates exceptional ability in the appropriate use of the
relevant course concepts, methodologies, practices and tools to analyse and synthesise at Masters Level. Shows
exceptional clarity, focus and cogency in communication.
Grade A
Clearly demonstrates a sophisticated, critical and thorough understanding of the firm’s context with well justified
business proposals appropriate to the firm’s competitive situation and value creation. Provides evidence of
originality of thought and clearly demonstrates the ability to develop an independent, highly systematic and
logical or insightful argument or evaluation. Demonstrates excellence in the appropriate use of the relevant
course concepts, methodologies, practices and tools to analyse and synthesise at Masters Level. Shows excellent
clarity, focus and cogency in communication.
Grade B
Clearly demonstrates a well-developed, critical and comprehensive understanding of the firm’s context with well
supported business proposals appropriate to the firm’s business situation and relevant issues. Clearly
demonstrates the ability to develop an independent, systematic and logical or insightful argument or evaluation.
Demonstrates a high degree of competence in the appropriate use of the relevant course concepts,
methodologies, practices and tools to analyse and synthesise at Masters Level. Shows a high level of clarity,
focus and cogency in communication.
Grade C
Demonstrates a critical and substantial understanding of the firm’s context with some pertinent proposals
appropriate to the firm’s resources and its environment. Demonstrates the ability to develop an independent,
systematic and logical or insightful argument or evaluation. Demonstrates a significant degree of competence in
the appropriate use of the relevant course concepts, methodologies, practices and tools to analyse and synthesise
at Masters Level. Provides evidence of clarity, focus and cogency in communication.
Grade D
Provides evidence of some critical understanding of the firm’s context with limited proposals appropriate to the
firm’s business activities and product portfolio. Demonstrates some ability to develop a structured argument or
evaluation. Demonstrates an acceptable degree of competence in the appropriate use of the relevant course
concepts, methodologies, practices and tools to analyse and synthesise, but not at Masters Level. Provides
evidence of effective communication.
Grade E
Work that demonstrates significant weaknesses, but which provides strong evidence that Grade D is within the
reach of the student.
Grade F
Work that is unacceptable.