Hearing. Hearings by Any Committee Shall Begin Not Later Than One (1) Week After Receipt of
Hearing. Hearings by Any Committee Shall Begin Not Later Than One (1) Week After Receipt of
Hearing. Hearings by Any Committee Shall Begin Not Later Than One (1) Week After Receipt of
committee. The challenge shell state briefly the grounds thereof, accompanied with an affidavit
establishing a prima facie case against the challenged committee member, who shall there
upon proceed with the investigation or withdraw there from, In accordance with his own
determination of the validity of the challenge. His decision shall be made forthwith it writing
and filed with the other papers in the case, but there shall be no appeal of or stay from or by
reason of his decision in favor of his membership of the committee.
In no case shall any individual be allowed to stir as chairman or member of the inter-
college disciplinary committee more than once within the same academic year.
Hearing. Hearings by any committee shall begin not later than one (1) week after receipt of
the respondent's answer or after the expiration of the period within which the respondent
should answe.
Frequency and duration of hearing. In the interest of speedy justice, the committee shall
hold a hearing at least once a week until the case has been resolved. In the case of failure to
adhere to this rule, a written explanation in every case shall be submitted by the committee
chairman to the chancellor through the director, student affairs. No hearings on any case shall
last beyond two(2) calendar months.
Notice of hearing. All parties concerned shall be notified of the date set for hearing at least
two(2) days before such hearing. The respondent may defend himself personally or by counsel
or representative of his own choice. If complaint or respondent should desire buy is unable to
secure the services of counsel, he should manifest such fact to the committee two(2) days
before the date set for hearing and the committee shall designate counsel for him from among
the members of the university constituency.
Failure to appear at Hearing. Should either complainant or respondent fail to appear for the
initial hearing after due notice and without sufficient cause, the Disciplinary Committee shall
note this fact and thereafter proceed to hear the case ex parte without prejudice to his
appearance in subsequent hearings.
Postponement. The committee,on the application of either the complainant or the respondent
or on either no own motion, made in it's discretion and for good cause postpone the hearing
for such period of time as the and's o Justice and the right of the parties for speedy hearing
require. In every case postponement report there of shall be made to the direction on Student
Comment and recommendations. The complete record of the case, with the report of findings
thereon and the recommendation signed by a majority of the members of the committee shall
be forwarded to the dean's concerned or to the Director on Student affairs, as the case may be,
within fifteen (15) days after the termination of the hearing. The recommendation shall state
the findings of fact and the specifics on which it is based.
Action by the Dean of the unit or the Director on Student Affairs. The Dean or Director of the
unit to which the respondent belong or the director on Student Affair's, as the case may be,
shall submit within ten (10) days after receipt of the committee report, together with his action
or recommendation to the chancellor of the university.
Action by the President on Appeal. The decision of the President on any appeal from any
decision taken shall be randered within ten (10) days after receipt of the appeal. In all cases of
expulsion, the President shall consult the Executive Committee Council. The Decision of the
President may be appealed to the Board of Regents within ten (10) days after the respondent
receives a copy of such decision.
Action by the Board of Regents. If the Board deems the appeal meritorious, it shall refer the
partinent records to a committee of its members for review. Said committee shall submit a
reports thereon with recommendation at the next meeting of the Board.
Motion for Reconsideration. If the respondent had filed a petition for Reconsideration is
President, and such petition for Reconsideration is denied by the president, he may still file
appeal to the Board of Regents, provided the same is submitted within ten (10) days following
notice of denial of the recommendation.
B) The complainant or the one making the official reports shall be heard first. The burden or
proof shall rest upon the person's bringing the charge. Findings must be based on substantial
C) All matters upon which Decision may be based must be introduced in evidence at the
proceedings before the disciplinary committee. The decision shall based solely upon such
evidence and shall clearly state the reasons thereof. Improperly acquired evidence shall not be
D) pending final decision on any charge, the status of a student shall not be altered nor shall his
right to be present on campus and to attend classes be suspended.
Effect of decision. In case final decision involving suspension or dismissal is rendered within
thirty (30) days prior to any final examination, the penalty shall take effect during the
subsequent semester, except when the respondent is graduating in which case the penalty shall
immediately take effect.
Records. All proceedings before any committee shall be set down in writing by a component
stenographer. All original records pertaining to student descipline shall be under the custody of
the Director on Student Affair's. Such records are hereby declared confidential and no person
shall have access to the same for inspection or copying unless he is involved therein, or unless
he has a legal right which cannot be protected or vindicated without access or copying of such
record. Any university official or employee who shall violate the confidential nature of such
records shall be subject to disciplinary action.
A) Disciplinary action may take the form of explusion, suspension from the University, with
holding graduation and other privileges, exclusion from any class, reprimand, warning or
required expression of apology. The gravity of the offense committed and the circumstances
attending it's commission shall determine the nature of disciplinary action or penalty to be
B) The Dean or Director of the unit may impose the penalty of suspension for a period not
exceeding one calendar year. If he deems suspension for a longger period or explusion as
warranted he shall so recommend to the president, who shall refer the case to the executive
committee, for final decision. An appeal may be made to the president within five (5) day from
C) Any disciplinary action taken against a student shall be reported to his parents or guardians.
D) Refusal to submit to the jurisdiction of the university by any person not enrolled at the time
a charge against him is filed shall prejudice his future enrollment in any unit of the University.
Summary Action. Any provision of these rules to the contrary not with standing, a Dean or
Director may immediately suspend for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days any students in
his unit for any breach of order or discipline. The order of suspension shall state the ground, the
circumstances showing the responsibility of the student and the period of suspension and shall
take effect two (2) days after if shall have been served on the student copies thereof shall be
furnished the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Director on Student
Affair's. The order of suspension mya be appealed to the President.
No student shall be recommended for graduation unless he has satisfied all academic and other
requirements prescribed for graduation.
During the first three(3) weeks after the opening of classes in each semester, each Dean or Direction or
his duly authorized representative, shall certify to the registrar a list of candidates for graduation at the
next commencement. The latter is consultation with the chairman of divisions or department
concerned, in the case of student majoring in their respective department or divisions, shall then inquire
into the acedemic record of aech candidate with a view a ascertain whether any candidate in such a list
has any deficiency to make up for and whether he has fulfilled all other requirements which quality him
to be a candidate for graduation;
Provided, however, that if there should be any question regarding a candidate, his name Should not
be deleted from the list of candidates for graduation, but footnotes to that effect should be given. Ten
weeks before the end of a semester, the reqistrar shall publish a complete list a duly qualified
candidates for graduation for the semester.
All candidates for graduation must have their deficiencies made up and their records cleared not later
that five weeks before the end of thier last semester, with the exception of those academic subjects
and work in physical education, military science and Civic and social training in which the student in
currently enrolled during that semester.
No student shall be considered for the award of a bachelor's degree in any of the colleges unless he
shall have a completed no less that 50% of the academic units required oh his curriculum in Mindanao
state University.
No student shall be conferred any title or degree who fails to pay the required graduation fee within
the spicified period set by the reqistrar. Such student may, whoever, upon his request and payment of
the necessary fees, be given a certified copy of his credentials without specifying his complete of the
requirements toward Any title or degree.
No student shall be granted a baccalaureate degree unless he has satisfactory completed the
reguirement of work- experience as prescribed by his college and certified by his Dean or Director,
provided, that any student who uses his baccalaureate degree for admission to the law or medical
courses shall be exempted from requirement upon presentation of certificate of admission in the said
course. Student on work experience, whether on or off the campus, shall be subject to university rules
and regulations pending completion of the said work experience and conferment of the bachelor's
Student must file formal application as candidates for graduation in the offices of the Dean or
Director of their respective colleges. The office of the registrar shall be furnished a copy of the said
application for graduation.