Flood Risk Assessment in Urban Areas of Southern Taiwan: Sustainability
Flood Risk Assessment in Urban Areas of Southern Taiwan: Sustainability
Flood Risk Assessment in Urban Areas of Southern Taiwan: Sustainability
Flood Risk Assessment in Urban Areas of Southern Taiwan
Wen-Cheng Liu * , Tien-Hsiang Hsieh and Hong-Ming Liu
Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, National United University, Miao-Li 36063, Taiwan;
leo2601673@gmail.com (T.-H.H.); dslhmd@gmail.com (H.-M.L.)
* Correspondence: wcliu@nuu.edu.tw; Tel.: +886-37-382357
Abstract: A flood risk assessment of urban areas in Kaohsiung city along the Dianbao River was
performed based on flood hazards and social vulnerability. In terms of hazard analysis, a rainfall-
runoff model (HEC-HMS) was adopted to simulate discharges in the watershed, and the simulated
discharges were utilized as inputs for the inundation model (FLO-2D). Comparisons between the
observed and simulated discharges at the Wulilin Bridge flow station during Typhoon Kongrey
(2013) and Typhoon Megi (2016) were used for the HEC-HMS model calibration and validation,
respectively. The observed water levels at the Changrun Bridge station during Typhoon Kongrey
and Typhoon Megi were utilized for the FLO-2D model calibration and validation, respectively.
The results indicated that the simulated discharges and water levels reasonably reproduced the
observations. The validated model was then applied to predict the inundation depths and extents
under 50-, 100-, and 200-year rainfall return periods to form hazard maps. For social vulnerability,
the fuzzy Delphi method and the analytic hierarchy process were employed to select the main factors
affecting social vulnerability and to yield the weight of each social vulnerability factor. Subsequently,
a social vulnerability map was built. A risk map was developed that compiled both flood hazards
and social vulnerability levels. Based on the risk map, flood mitigation strategies with structural and
nonstructural measures were proposed for consideration by decision-makers.
Citation: Liu, W.-C.; Hsieh, T.-H.;
Liu, H.-M. Flood Risk Assessment in Keywords: flood risk; hazard; social vulnerability; hydrological and hydrodynamic model; analytic
Urban Areas of Southern Taiwan. hierarchy process; fuzzy Delphi
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180.
and remote sensing and geographic information systems [31,32]. Different approaches
display corresponding advantages and disadvantages [26]. Cai et al. [26] employed a
one-dimensional pipe network and a two-dimensional surface-coupled model and a multi-
index fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to build flood disaster risk. Wang et al. [23]
utilized a fuzzy synthetic evaluation method based on combined weight to generate flood
risk maps in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebi urban area. Geng et al. [33] proposed a coupled one-
and two-dimensional hydrodynamic model to simulate inundation as a hazard indicator,
and social and economic characteristics were analyzed as vulnerability indicators. The
analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to compute the weights of the assessment
indices. Afterwards, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation approach was adopted to assess
urban flood risk. However, these studies did not clearly describe that how the social
vulnerability was selected for further analysis.
Taiwan is located on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by the sea; it
is an island country. The river slopes are steep and winding. It is often exposed to extreme
rains and typhoons during the rainy season and in summer and autumn. In the wet season,
southwesterly winds and typhoons bring frequent heavy rains, resulting in failures of
regional drainage systems in the middle and lower reaches of rivers; these failures cause
levees to break or overflow, resulting in flooding and threatening the lives of the people in
the middle and lower reaches of the rivers. The property and economic losses associated
with these floods are serious. In the future, rainfall patterns will change as a result of
climate change. There may be more rainfall during the wet season, and flooding situations
in urban regions and low-lying areas will become more serious. Therefore, the government
must take preventive measures with flood control projects such as constructing urban
drainage systems, riverbanks, and rainwater sewers as early as possible to ensure the safety
of people and property.
In addition to establishing flood warning systems and improving existing drainage
systems, governments are now gradually moving toward flood prevention and disaster
mitigation planning; these goals are realized through the formulation of laws and regula-
tions, the implementation of disaster preventative measures, and mitigation education and
training aimed at achieving effective risk reduction. Flood risk assessments are composed
of hazards and vulnerability. Among these, hazards are associated with occurrences of
natural disasters that humans cannot eliminate or change through existing technology. To
effectively reduce risk, we must decrease the level of vulnerability.
The objective of the present study is to utilize the hydrological model HEC-HMS and
the inundation model FLO-2D to explore the areas that are prone to flooding in the urban
region of the Dianbao River watershed in southern Taiwan and draw a flood potential
map using the degree of hazard. The fuzzy Delphi method and the hierarchical analysis
approach were utilized to analyze and calculate the degree of vulnerability. By combining
the degree of hazard and the degree of vulnerability, an urban area flood disaster risk map
was produced. Based on the risk map, adaptation strategies were proposed for disaster
prevention and mitigation planning.
The hypotheses of this study include that (1) the minimum unit for flood risk assess-
ment is village. It means that flood risk level in a village is same; (2) no engineering works
is executed to reduce the flood hazard; and (3) the social vulnerability for different rainfall
return periods is also same.
2. Data Collection
This study collected rainfall data at eight rain gauge stations, flow data at the Wulilin
Bridge flow station, and water level data at the Changruu water level station (see Figure 1a).
The collection period of the rainfall, flow, and water level data was from August 2012 to
March 2018.
of this pond is approximately 425,000 m3, while the area of the flood detention pond in
Area B is 42 hectares and its flood detention volume is approximately 1.05 million m3. In
this study, the data of rainwater sewers and flood detention ponds in the middle and
lower reaches of the Dianbao River were taken from the Taiwan Experimental Watershed
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 Information Platform (Figure 1d). 3 of 22
Apart from the data collection used for the rainfall-runoff model and inundation
model, data related to social vulnerability were also collected for further analysis.
Figure 1. (a) The study area in the Dianbao River watershed and the urban region, (b) land use classification, (c) elevation,
and (d) rainwater
Figure sewerarea
1. (a) The study system andDianbao
in the detention ponds.
River watershed and the urban region, (b) land use classification, (c) elevation,
and (d) rainwater sewer system and detention ponds.
The land use data were obtained from the Taiwan Experimental Watershed Infor-
mation Platform established by the Taiwan Typhoon Flood Research Institute and the
Water Resources Agency. The land use types can be classified as agriculture, forest, traffic,
hydraulic, construction, public, recreation, mineral, or others (Figure 1b).
For the elevation data of the Dianbao River watershed, 20-m DTM data released from
the information disclosure platform of the Ministry of the Interior were adopted (Figure 1c).
A model was utilized to generate grids using DTM data to obtain the numerical elevation
of the terrain, which was further used to determine the accuracy of the model simulations.
The cross-sectional river data were collected from the Taiwan Experimental Watershed
Information Platform.
In urban areas, cities are frequently flooded due to heavy rainfall events with short
durations and the rapid collection of water resulting from urban development. Therefore,
the construction of rainwater sewer systems and flood detention ponds would help urban
areas drain excessive rainwater quickly. In the Dianbao River watershed, there are flood
detention ponds in zones A and B, located on both banks of the Daliao drainage area. The
area of the flood detention pond in zone A is 17 hectares, and the flood detention volume
of this pond is approximately 425,000 m3 , while the area of the flood detention pond in
Area B is 42 hectares and its flood detention volume is approximately 1.05 million m3 .
In this study, the data of rainwater sewers and flood detention ponds in the middle and
lower reaches of the Dianbao River were taken from the Taiwan Experimental Watershed
Information Platform (Figure 1d).
Apart from the data collection used for the rainfall-runoff model and inundation
model, data related to social vulnerability were also collected for further analysis.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 4 of 24
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 4 of 22
3.2. MethodologicalOutline
The procedure followed
followed in thisinresearch
this research includes
includes two parts: two parts:
hazards hazards and
and vulnerability.
Before starting Before
vulnerability. the research,
the research,data, includingdata,
fundamental terrain and land
including classification,
terrain and land
urban drainage networks,
classification, basin geography,
urban drainage networks, meteorological and hydrological
basin geography, observations,
meteorological and
hydrological social economy, population,
observations, rescue equipment, and special
social economy, agency
rescue data, wereand
equipment, gathered.
terms data,
of hazards, the research
were gathered. steps were
In terms to establish
of hazards, the hydrological
the research steps wereand inundation
to establish the
models, perform model calibration and validation, predict the flooding
hydrological and inundation models, perform model calibration and validation, predict extents and depths
under differentextents
the flooding rainfall and
return periods,
depths and different
under finally complete
rainfallthe hazard
return map. In
periods, terms
and of
social vulnerability,
complete the hazardthe map.research
In termssteps were vulnerability,
of social to select socialthevulnerability
research stepsfactors,
were design
to select
questionnaires, applyfactors,
social vulnerability the fuzzy Delphi
design method to determine
questionnaires, apply thethe mainDelphi
fuzzy factorsmethod
social vulnerability, use the AHP to determine the weights of the main social
determine the main factors affecting social vulnerability, use the AHP to determine the vulnerability
weights calculate the social
of the main socialvulnerability
vulnerability index (SVI),
factors, and finally
calculate the establish a social vulnera-
social vulnerability index
(SVI), and finally establish a social vulnerability map. According to these twooutline
map. According to these two maps, the risk map was built. The research maps, theis
illustrated in Figure 2.
risk map was built. The research outline is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure Outlineofofthe
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 5 of 22
The recession base flow method, which uses an exponentially decayed algorithm, was
employed to separate the base flow. In a rainfall event, the recession base flow strongly
affects the volume and timing of the base flow. In this study, the recession constant and
ratio to the peak were set in the ranges of 0.2–0.35 and 0.01–0.1, respectively.
The rainfall method was used to establish a meteorological model in this study. In the
module, the time-series rainfall data of each subcatchment and the total rainfall of each
subcatchment are given. The main parameters to be set in the control specification are the
start time and end time of the simulation and the time step. In this study, the computational
time step was set to one hour.
The FLO-2D model divides the DEM (digital elevation model) into fixed-size square
grids. Each grid can be input with a surface elevation value, Manning roughness
infiltration infiltration
coefficient, coefficient,
area reduction factor,area reduction
outflow, inflow, factor, outflow,
and other inflow,and
hydrological and other
hydrological and geological data to simulate the real flood flow in
geological data to simulate the real flood flow in the study area. This model starts with the study area. This
model starts with basic two-dimensional surface overland
basic two-dimensional surface overland flow, and many data parameters can be added; flow, and many data
parameters can be added; users can freely choose to turn on or off the additional
users can freely choose to turn on or off the additional functions, including the presence of functions,
river channels, theroads,
dikes, presence of urban
streets, river channels, dikes,rainfall,
area reduction, roads, debris
urban area reduction,
rainfall, debris
and rainwater sewers. flow, infiltration, and rainwater sewers.
3.3.3. Establishment
3.3.3. Establishment of HEC-HMS
of HEC-HMS and FLO-2D
and FLO-2D Models Models
To save To save computational
computational time, thetime, the simulation
simulation domain domain of the FLO-2D
of the FLO-2D model ismodel
smalleris smaller
than that thatHEC-HMS
of the of the HEC-HMS model; therefore,
model; therefore, connectingconnecting
these two these two modeling
modeling domainsdomains
is is
necessary. Figure 3a
necessary. illustrates
Figure the connection
3a illustrates of the HEC-HMS
the connection and FLO-2D
of the HEC-HMS models. models.
and FLO-2D It It
shows that the whole domain of the Dianbao River watershed is used
shows that the whole domain of the Dianbao River watershed is used for HEC-HMS, for HEC-HMS, while
the urban areathe
while is adopted
urban area for is
adopted for FLO-2D.
Using geomorphological
Using geomorphological analysis with the input
analysis with function
the inputoffunction
the HEC-HMSof the model
HEC-HMSand model
the output
the output of HEC-GeoHMS can achieve thecan
function of HEC-GeoHMS purpose
achieveof automatically
the purpose of building
watersheds. The watersheds.
building Dianbao River Thewatershed
Dianbao Riverwas built for thewas
watershed HEC-HMS
built formodel as shownmodel as
in Figure 3b and includes 7 subcatchment units, 16 channel units,
shown in Figure 3b and includes 7 subcatchment units, 16 channel units, and 16 and 16 confluence
point units.
confluence point units.
To simulate the inundation
To simulate extent and
the inundation depth
extent andofdepth
urbana areas,
numerical grid wasgrid was
a numerical
established in the FLO-2D
established model. The
in the FLO-2D DTM
model. Thedata
dataimported into the into
were imported FLO-2D model, model,
the FLO-2D
and using
and the grid the
using generation module,module,
grid generation a grid with a size
a grid with m×
of a20size of20
20m min themhorizontal
× 20 in the horizontal
plane was generated.
plane The newThe
was generated. version
new of FLO-2D
version has beenhas
of FLO-2D enhanced and can and
been enhanced be combined
can be combined
with thewith
EPA-SWMM model. Therefore, the grid system
the EPA-SWMM model. Therefore, the grid system calculations calculations can be used
can beto used to
the drainage of rainwater sewer nodes and the overflow of full pipes.
the drainage of rainwater sewer nodes and the overflow of full pipes. Figure 3c Figure 3c
the gridthe generation of the FLO-2D
grid generation model, which
of the FLO-2D model,contains a total ofa 142,608
which contains grids. grids.
total of 142,608
Figure 3. Cont.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 7 of 22
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 7 of 24
3.4. Fuzzy
3.4. Fuzzy DelphiDelphi
(FD) (FD)
The Delphi
The Delphi method method
proposedproposed by Dalkey
by Dalkey and Helmer
and Helmer [49] is[49] is a procedural
a procedural method method
used toused to express
express expertexpert
opinionsopinions in a systematic
in a systematic manner. manner. However,
However, the Delphi
the Delphi method method
has has
some some shortcomings;
shortcomings; it is time-consuming,
it is time-consuming, and the and theofcost
cost of collecting
collecting expertexpert
opinions opinions
can can
be high.
be high. The so-called
The so-called consistency
consistency of expert
of expert opinions opinions onlywithin
only falls falls within
a certaina certain
range range
of of
expertexpert opinions
opinions but doesbut not
does not determine
determine the point
the point of impact.
of impact. Therefore,
Therefore, this law thisimplies
law implies
ambiguity, so the so theresults
final final results
cannotcannot truly reflect
truly reflect the opinions
the opinions of experts.
of experts. To resolve
To resolve these these
shortcomings,the fuzzy DelphiDelphi
the fuzzy method was developed.
method was developed. Murray et al. [50]
Murray et al.first
first combined
the fuzzy set with
the fuzzy setDelphi, and then
with Delphi, andIshikawa [51] proposed
then Ishikawa the max-min
[51] proposed the max-minmethod and the
method and the
integration method to integrate the opinions of experts into fuzzy
integration method to integrate the opinions of experts into fuzzy numbers, which numbers, which
is called the fuzzy
is called Delphi
the fuzzy (FD) method.
Delphi (FD) method.In theIn first
first of the of
stage expert questionnaire,
the expert the the
method proposed
method by Jeng
proposed by[52]
was adoptedto select important
to select socialsocial
important vulnerability factors.
vulnerability factors.
The expert questionnaire
The expert is mainly
questionnaire filled out
is mainly filledbased on theon
out based judgment
the judgment of each ofexpert’s
each expert’s
professional literacy
professional and the
literacy andimportance
the importance of each evaluation
of each factor.
evaluation The The
factor. evaluation
evaluation scale
scale is
is divided into levels from 0–10. The higher the evaluation score is,
divided into levels from 0-10. The higher the evaluation score is, the more representative the more represen-
the factor
factor is is of
ofthe theresearch
trend.AnAn option
column waswas added at the
added at end
the ofendtheof the
questionnaire. If the experts felt that there were deficiencies, their
questionnaire. If the experts felt that there were deficiencies, their opinion can be opinion can be supple-
mented, making the questionnaire
supplemented, more completemore
making the questionnaire and in line with
complete thein
and meaning
line with of the
the meaning
fuzzy of
Delphi questionnaire. The consensus value can be yielded by triangular
the fuzzy Delphi questionnaire. The consensus value can be yielded by triangular fuzzy fuzzy number
method [50]. The
number results
method using
[50]. The FD to obtain
results usingimportant
FD to obtain social vulnerability
important factors can befactors
social vulnerability
foundcan in Section 4.4.1.
be found in Section 4.4.1.
3.5. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
3.5. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Saaty [53] proposed the analytic hierarchical process (AHP) method. Through the
Saaty [53] proposed the analytic hierarchical process (AHP) method. Through the
establishment of a hierarchical structure with mutual influence, the AHP can be used
establishment of a hierarchical structure with mutual influence, the AHP can be used to
to solve multiple evaluation criteria and decision-making problems associated with un-
solve multiple evaluation criteria and decision-making problems associated with
certainty; through quantitative judgments and comprehensive evaluation, the AHP can
uncertainty; through quantitative judgments and comprehensive evaluation, the AHP can
provide decision-makers with sufficient information to choose appropriate options and
provide decision-makers with sufficient information to choose appropriate options and
reduce the risk of making mistakes. The purpose of the development of the hierarchical
analysis the risk
method is toofsystematize
making mistakes.
complexThe purpose
issues, of thehierarchical
provide development of the hierarchical
analysis method is to systematize complex issues, provide hierarchical
from different levels, organize the levels in a quantitative manner, and comprehensively decomposition
evaluate different
them levels,decision-makers
to provide organize the levels
a quantitative
withmanner, and comprehensively
which they can choose
evaluate them
appropriate solutions. to provide decision-makers with information with which they can choose
appropriate solutions.
The AHP builds complex multi-objective decision-making problems into hierarchical
systems withThe dendritic
AHP builds complex multi-objective
structures; decision-making
each layer is composed problems
of different into hierarchical
elements. The
systems with dendritic structures; each layer is composed of different elements. The
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 8 of 22
complex problems are changed from high-level problems to low-level problems as they
are gradually decomposed, and each level in the framework only affects one other level
and, at the same time, is only affected by one other level. Before establishing the AHP
framework, one thing must be confirmed: each factor must be independent of the other
factors. The hierarchical structure method can be used to confirm a hierarchical relationship,
but there is no specific construction method in the actual construction process. The AHP
uses the characteristic vector method to calculate the weights of the elements and obtains
the priority value of each scheme. The larger the value is, the higher the priority of the
adopted scheme is.
Therefore, this study adopts the AHP method to design expert questionnaires, which
are completed by experts in related fields, and the weights of each vulnerability factor are
determined based on the results of the questionnaire. The results using AHP to obtain the
weight of social vulnerability factors can be found in Section 4.4.2.
SV I = ∑ k j Zj (6)
j =1
where k is the weight value, Z denotes the standardized value, and N indicates the total
number of vulnerability factors.
The next step is to normalize the SVI value and convert it to a value between 0 and
1 (=ISVI ). When the ISVI value is closer to 1, the vulnerability is higher; in contrast, when
the ISVI value is closer to 0, the vulnerability is lower. The normalization formula can be
represented as follows:
SV I − SV Im
ISV I = (7)
where SVIm represents the minimum SVI value and D denotes the full range of SVI values,
which is the maximum SVI value minus the minimum SVI value.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 9 of 22
After calculating the ISVI value and dividing the social vulnerability into 5 grades,
including extremely low, low, medium, high, and extremely high (see Table 1) based on
every 0.2 increment [55], ArcGIS software was utilized to draw the social vulnerability map.
Table 1. Grades and levels of the social vulnerability index (SVI) normalization (ISVI ) values, inundation depths, and
risk values.
Risk = H × V (8)
Because hazards and social vulnerability are each graded in five levels, the approach
of a semiquantitative risk assessment can be defined as the risk (Water Resources Agency,
2015). The risk value does not represent what actually happened but only stands for the
relative relationships between districts. Figure 4 depicts the 5 × 5 semiquantitative matrix
used for the risk assessment. Based on the matrix, the classifications of the risk assessment
can also be graded, as shown in Table 1. Different risk values can be attributed to different
degrees of risk.
Sustainability 13,3180
2021,13, 3180 1010ofof24
Figure4.4.55××5 5matrix
3.9. IndicesofofModel
To ascertain
To ascertain the
the simulated
simulated discharge
discharge values values using
using the
HEC-HMS model
model and
and the
simulated waterlevel
FLO-2Dmodel, model,threethreeindices,
(EY floodpeak
error(ET (ETp),p ),and
were employed for model performance. These indices can
were employed for model performance. These indices can be calculated as follows:be calculated as follows:
(Yp ) sim (−Y(pY)sim
p ) obs
− (Yp )obs (9)
EY p =EYp =
× 100 % × 100% (9)
(Y ) (Yp )obs
p obs
ETp = ( Tp ) − ( Tp ) (10)
sim obs
ET p = (T p ) sim − (T p ) obs (10)
∑ [Yobs (ti ) − Ysim (ti )]
NSE = 1[Y− i= 1
) − Ysim (ti )]2
obs (t iN 2
NSE = 1 − i=1 ∑ [Yobs (ti ) − Y obs ]
N i =1 (11)
where N denotes the total number
[Y (t ) − Y ] obs i obs
of observational/simulation data, (Yp )
i =1 obs
and (Yp )sim
represent the observed and simulated peak discharge/water level, respectively, ( Tp )obs and
where N denotes the total number of observational/simulation data, ( Y p ) obs and ( Y p ) sim
( Tp )sim indicate the observed and simulated peak arrival time for the discharge/water level,
represent theYobserved
respectively, and simulated peak discharge/water level, respectively, ( T plevel
obs ( ti ) and Ysim ( ti ) denote the observed and simulated discharge/water ) obs
and (Ttpi), sim
at time respectively, theY obs
indicate and is the average
observed and value of the observations
N ∑ Yfor
peak arrival(=time obs ( ti the
i =1
The NSE value
discharge/water ranges
level, from negative
respectively, Y obs (infinity
t i ) and toY1, and when
sim ( t i )
denote NSEobserved
is close toand1, it
simulated discharge/water level at time ti, respectively, and Y obs is the average valuethe
indicates that the model is of good quality and that the model has high reliability. If of
NSE value is close to N0, the simulation result is close to the average level of the observed
the observations
values; Yobsresult
(= overall
that is, the
(ti ) ). is credible, but the error in the simulation process is large.
If the NSE value is fari=1less than 0, the model is not credible.
The NSE value ranges from negative infinity to 1, and when the NSE is close to 1, it
4. Results that the model is of good quality and that the model has high reliability. If the
NSE value is closethe
To ascertain to 0, the simulation
availability of theresult
models, is close
twoto the average
typhoon level
events, of the observed
Typhoon Kongrey,
which occurred from August 27 to 2 September 2013, and Typhoon Megi, which hitiscentral
that is, the overall result is credible, but the error in the simulation process large.
the NSE value is far less than 0, the model is not credible.
in the period of 25–28 September 2016, were adopted for the calibration and
validation of the models, respectively. The validated models, HEC-HMS and FLO-2D,
then applied to predict inundation extents and depths, and these values were used to
To ascertain
evaluate theindices
the hazard availability of the models,
for different two typhoon events, Typhoon Kongrey,
return periods.
which occurred from August 27 to September 2, 2013, and Typhoon Megi, which hit
central Taiwan in the period of September 25–28, 2016, were adopted for the calibration
and validation of the models, respectively. The validated models, HEC-HMS and FLO-
2D, were then applied to predict inundation extents and depths, and these values were
used to evaluate the hazard indices for different return periods.
Figure 5. Comparison of the simulated and observed discharges at the Wulilin Bridge (a) during
Figure 5. Comparison of the simulated and observed discharges at the Wulilin Bridge (a) during
Typhoon Kongrey (2013), used for the model calibration, and (b) during Typhoon Megi (2016),
Typhoon Kongrey (2013), used for the model calibration, and (b) during Typhoon Megi (2016), used
used for the model validation.
for the model validation.
4.2.AFLO-2D Model Calibration and Validation
comparison of the simulated and observed discharges during Typhoon Megi (2016),
used forThe
theobserved water levels
model validation, at the
is shown Changrun
in Figure Bridge
5b. The figureflow station
indicates during
that Typhoon
the computed
Kongrey (2013) and Typhoon Megi (2016) were used to calibrate and validate the
water levels faithfully reproduced the observations. Based on the analysis of statistical FLO-2D
errors, therespectively.
EYp and ETpAvalues
comparison of the
were 4.6% andsimulated and observed
2 h, respectively. The NSE water
valuelevels during
was 0.91.
Typhoon Kongrey, used for the model calibration, is presented in Figure 6a. The figure
4.2. FLO-2D Model Calibration and Validation
The observed water levels at the Changrun Bridge flow station during Typhoon
Kongrey (2013) and Typhoon Megi (2016) were used to calibrate and validate the FLO-2D
model, respectively. A comparison of the simulated and observed water levels during
Typhoon Kongrey, used for the model calibration, is presented in Figure 6a. The figure
shows twin peaks in the water level as a result of runoff discharge. The statistical errors
represented by the EYp values at peak water level 1 and peak water level 2 were 13.5% and
shows twin peaks in the water level as a result of runoff discharge. The statistical errors
represented by the EYp values at peak water level 1 and peak water level 2 were 13.5%
and 23.1%, respectively, while the ETp values were 1 hr and 4 hrs, respectively. The
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180
simulated water level indicated an underestimation of the observed water level at peak 12 of 22
water level 1, while the simulation overestimated the observation at peak water level 2.
The NSE value was 0.69.
Figure 6b illustrates a comparison between the computed and observed water levels
during respectively,
Typhoon Megi,while the ET
as used values
forp the were
model 1 h and 4 The
validation. h, respectively. The simulated
computed water levels
water level
matched indicated an
the tendencies underestimation
of the observations.ofThe
p and ETwater level
p values at peak
were 4.7%water
and 0level
hr, 1,
while the simulation overestimated the observation at peak water level 2.
respectively, and the NSE value was 0.79. The model performance observed during theThe NSE value
was validation
model 0.69. was better than that observed during the model calibration.
Figure 6. Comparison of the simulated and observed water levels at the Changrun Bridge (a)
Figure 6. Comparison of the simulated and observed water levels at the Changrun Bridge (a) during
during Typhoon Kongrey (2013), used for the model calibration, and (b) during Typhoon Megi
Typhoon Kongrey (2013), used for the model calibration, and (b) during Typhoon Megi (2016), used
(2016), used for the model validation.
for the model validation.
4.3. Inundation Disaster and Hazard Map
Figure 6b illustrates a comparison between the computed and observed water levels
4.3.1. Inundation
during Typhoon Depths
Megi,andas Extents
used forunder Different
the model Return Periods
validation. The computed water levels
matched the tendencies
To obtain of the observations.
rainfall information The EYpreturn
under different and ET p values this
periods, werestudy
4.7% and
used0 h,
historical rainfall data from eight rainfall stations in the catchment area from 2012 to 2017the
respectively, and the NSE value was 0.79. The model performance observed during
formodel validation
frequency wasapplied
analysis, better than that observed
the Horner equationduring the model
to establish thecalibration.
frequency curve [43], and finally employed the alternating group method to obtain the
4.3. Inundation Disaster and Hazard Map
designated rainfall of each rainfall station under different return periods. The designated
rainfall Inundation
then input Depths andvalidated
into the Extents under
HEC-HMS Different
model Return Periods
to obtain the runoff discharges
To obtain rainfall information under different return
in the upstream catchment area; then, the runoff discharges served asperiods, this study usedinto
inputs historical
rainfall data from eight rainfall stations in the catchment area from
validated FLO-2D model, and inundation disasters under different return periods 2012 to 2017 for fre-
quency as
regarded analysis,
hazards applied
were the Horner equation
obtained. For example,to establish the intensity-duration-frequency
the analysis result for the rainfall
curve [43],
hyetograph and finally
under employed
a 200-year return the alternating
period group
is illustrated inmethod
Figure 7.to obtain the designated
rainfall of each rainfall station under different return periods. The designated rainfall
was then input into the validated HEC-HMS model to obtain the runoff discharges in the
upstream catchment area; then, the runoff discharges served as inputs into the validated
FLO-2D model, and inundation disasters under different return periods regarded as haz-
ards were obtained. For example, the analysis result for the rainfall hyetograph under a
200-year return period is illustrated in Figure 7.
6.37 m, respectively. The maximum flooding site is located in the Yanchao District,
resulting from the low-lying area around the riverside in the middle reach. There are 9
villages in the 50-year rainfall return period, 11 villages in the 100-year rainfall return
period, and 12 villages in the 200-year rainfall return period with inundation depths
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 greater than 3 m. Because most flooding zones are located downstream of the areas 13 ofofthe
river where the flooding depth exceeds 0.3 m, the possible impacts on hazards are not
Figure 7. Rainfall hyetograph under a 200-year return period at stations (A–F) used as inputs for the HEC-HMS model.
The simulated results of the inundation depths and extents for 50-, 100-, and 200-year
rainfall return periods are displayed in Figure 8. It can be seen from the figure that the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 14 of 22
flooding extent gradually expands from the 50-year rainfall return period to the 200-year
rainfall return period, and the flooding depth gradually deepens. The maximum flooding
depths under the 50-, 100-, and 200-year rainfall return periods are 5.50 m, 5.97 m, and
6.37 m, respectively. The maximum flooding site is located in the Yanchao District, resulting
from the low-lying area around the riverside in the middle reach. There are 9 villages in
the 50-year rainfall return period, 11 villages in the 100-year rainfall return period, and
12 villages in the 200-year rainfall return period with inundation depths greater than 3 m.
Because most flooding zones are located downstream of the areas of the river where the
Figure 7. Rainfall hyetograph under a 200-year
flooding depthreturn period
exceeds 0.3 at
m,stations (A–F) used
the possible as inputs
impacts for the HEC-HMS
on hazards model.
are not negligible.
Figure 8. Inundation
8. Inundation predictions
predictions under
under (a) (a) 50-year,
50-year, (b) 100-year,
(b) 100-year, and (c) 200-year
and (c) 200-year rainfall return
rainfall return
periods. Note Note thatmaximum
that the the maximum flooding
flooding site issite is indicated
indicated with awith a circle.
Figure 9. Hazard
9. Hazard map under
map under (a) 50-year,
(a) 50-year, (b) 100-year,
(b) 100-year, and200-year
and (c) (c) 200-year rainfall
rainfall return
return periods.
4.4. Analysis of Social Vulnerability and the Social Vulnerability Map
4.4. Analysis of Social Vulnerability and the Social Vulnerability Map
This study used two questionnaires to calculate social vulnerability. The first was
This study used two questionnaires to calculate social vulnerability. The first was the
the fuzzy Delphi questionnaire, which was adopted to screen the vulnerability factors.
Delphi this
questionnaire,which was
experts adopted
were asked totoidentify
screen the
vulnerability factors.social
factors affecting
Through this questionnaire, experts were asked to identify the main factors affecting
vulnerability in urban areas. The second was the AHP questionnaire. The main purpose of
vulnerability in urban
questionnaire was to areas.
set theThe second
weight valuewas the AHP
of each questionnaire.
selected The main
social vulnerability factor.
purpose of this questionnaire was to set the weight value of each selected social
vulnerability factor. Because some factors had a greater degree of influence than others, it
was necessary to determine the weight value of each factor through the AHP method.
Because some factors had a greater degree of influence than others, it was necessary to
determine the weight value of each factor through the AHP method.
Table 2. Social vulnerability factors and consensus values according to the expert questionnaire.
Assessment Element (A) Social Vulnerability Factor Weighting (B) Cascade Weighting of Hierarchy (C = A × B)
Over 65 years old 0.1812 0.0717
Under 14 years old 0.2170 0.0859
Elderly living alone 0.2675 0.1058
Disability 0.3343 0.1323
Rubber boat 0.2276 0.0679
Rescue equipment
Mobile pump 0.2780 0.0830
Firefighter 0.4944 0.1476
Refuge shelter 0.3316 0.1014
Special agency School (kindergarten,
0.3168 0.0969
(0.3059) elementary, and high school)
Nursing home for the elderly 0.3516 0.1076
Figure 11. Risk
11. Risk mapmap under
under (a) 50-year,
(a) 50-year, (b) (b) 100-year,
100-year, andand (c) 200-year
(c) 200-year rainfall
rainfall return
return periods.
5. Discussion
5. Discussion
Flood-related disasters in urban areas are subject to several factors, such as urban
Flood-related disasters in urban areas are subject to several factors, such as urban
development, construction of transportation facilities, extreme weather and climate change,
development, construction of transportation facilities, extreme weather and climate
change, and anthropogenic changes that alter vulnerability, hazards, and risks [59]. To
control the impacts of disasters caused by extreme rainfall events, an adaptation strategy
must be adopted to reduce these disasters. To cope with the impacts of extreme rainfall
events on urban areas, this study formulated adaptation strategies for villages with high
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 19 of 22
and anthropogenic changes that alter vulnerability, hazards, and risks [59]. To control the
impacts of disasters caused by extreme rainfall events, an adaptation strategy must be
adopted to reduce these disasters. To cope with the impacts of extreme rainfall events on
urban areas, this study formulated adaptation strategies for villages with high risks levels.
Generally, two measures, including nonstructural measures and structural measures, are
recommended to mitigate disasters [25,60].
According to the flood risk assessment, the social vulnerability and hazards under
different rainfall return periods reach extremely high levels, resulting in extremely high
risk levels yielded for a village in Nanzi District. This village possesses a large population
over 65 years old and under 14 years old as well as many nursing home facilities for elderly
individuals. This study suggests that when planning escape routes with nonstructural
measures, complex routes should be avoided, and the routes should be as simple and
clear as possible to avoid dispersion in the escape process. In addition, the inundation
depths are relatively high at this village, so it is recommended that a flood detention pond
is added with structural measures to relieve the flooding load of the channel and reduce
the flood disasters.
The social vulnerability of a village in Qiaotou District is calculated to be at level 3
(i.e., medium level), and the risk in this village for each return period is level 3 for the
50-year return period, level 3 for the 100-year return period, and level 4 for the 200-year
return period. The number of mobile pumps in this area is lower than those of others area;
therefore, this study proposes that mobile pumps are purchased in this area to reduce the
damage caused by flooding.
The method used to reduce the social vulnerability index is a nonstructural measure,
while the method employed to reduce hazards is a structural measure. To reduce the risk
of flooding, it is necessary to first examine the sources of high risk from social vulnerability
or hazards, as measures taken to reduce the risk must be adapted to the local conditions.
In any case, the social vulnerability map, the hazard map, and the risk map can provide
decision-makers with a reference that can be considered for risk management.
Most studies that have discussed hazard assessments applied a combination of hy-
drologic and hydrodynamic models for flood simulations [27,29,54,61]. Additionally, there
are different research methods used to discuss vulnerability [23,33,62]. Further, two expert
questionnaires were used to determine the main social vulnerability factors and the weights
of the social vulnerability factors in the study area. This kind of research method is rarely
proposed or discussed, but is specific and feasible, and the methodology can be applied to
other urban areas affected by floods.
The limitation of this study is that because 20-m DTM data are available, the regional
flooding simulation cannot display the flooded state of the street and because the data of
the social vulnerability factor are not detailed enough, so the flood risk map can only be
presented in the village.
6. Conclusions
Typhoon-induced extreme rainfall frequently results in flood damage that threatens
the lives and property of people and causes economic losses in urban areas in Taiwan.
Apart from structural measures that prevent flood damage, risk assessments play important
roles in disaster management. To explore the flood risk map for disaster mitigation, the
hypotheses of this study include the flood risk level in a village to be same, no engineering
works executed to reduce hazard level, and social vulnerability for different rainfall return
periods also to be same.
The flood risk assessment conducted in this study was established based on rainfall-
runoff (HEC-HMS) and flooding simulation (FLO-2D) models applied for the hazard
analysis and the fuzzy Delphi (FD) method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) applied
for the social vulnerability analysis. The HEC-HMS and FLO-2D models were calibrated
and validated with observational data. The results indicated that the model performances
during both the model calibration and validation were acceptable. The validated HEC-HMS
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3180 20 of 22
and FLO-2D models were utilized to predict inundation depths and extents in urban areas
under different rainfall return periods, and these factors were used to build hazard maps.
Furthermore, to explore social vulnerability, first, the fuzzy Delphi method was used
to select the main social vulnerability factors, and then the AHP was adopted to determine
the weight of each social vulnerability factor and to calculate the SVI to build a social
vulnerability map.
By means of a semiquantitative risk matrix, the social vulnerability map and hazard
map were combined into a risk map, and the risk map was divided into 5 levels to
comprehend the risk status of urban areas in the Dianbao River watershed under different
rainfall return periods.
Most studies did not clearly state that how the social vulnerability was selected
for flood risk analysis. The main contribution of this study was that the hydrological-
hydrodynamic model, the fuzzy Delphi, and the analytic hierarchy process were proposed
to build the flood risk map in urban areas of southern Taiwan. Based on the flood risk
map, the nonstructural measures and structural measures were recommended to mitigate
disasters according to the regional disaster characteristics.
Due to the impacts of climate change, urban flooding caused by extreme rainfall is
worsening. In future research, we will explore a risk assessment of urban flood disasters
caused by climate change.
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