Lecture of Hadith Department, The Theme Is: Takhrijul Hadits
Lecture of Hadith Department, The Theme Is: Takhrijul Hadits
Lecture of Hadith Department, The Theme Is: Takhrijul Hadits
Let’s thank to the almighty Allah SWT who has given us some mercies and blessings so that
we attendeten this Guestgest lecture of hadith department , the theme is Takhrijul Hadits
without any troubles and obstacles.
Sholawat and salam may always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided
us from the darkness to the lightness life till we can discriminute between right and wrong,
and also his family and friends until the end of time.
The honorable the deandin of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thoughttakch Faculty, Prof Dr.Ris’an
Rusli, M.Ag
The honorable to the vice dean 1 of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought Faculty, Dr. Pathur
Rahman, M.Ag
The honorable to the vice dean 2 of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought Faculty, H.John
Supriyanto, MA
The honorable to the vice dean 3 of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought Faculty, Dra. Anisatul
Mardiah, M.Ag, PH.D
The honorable the head of hadith department Almunadi, MA
The honorable the secretary of hadith department Adriansyah NZ, MA
The honorable all lectures and all staff of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought Faculty
Specially for the speaker today is Dr. Masyan M.Ag
And also for all participants of this Guestgesth lecture
Alright, before continuingkentinyuweng he next event, let's open this event by reading basmalah.
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim.
The second is the Reciting holy Qur’an by ………………………, time is yours
Thankyou for ………………… who has recited the holy Qur’an for us, may Allah SWT
always given us his guidance. Aamiin
The third ajenda is singing the national song Indonesia Raya, Mars UIN who will be led by
…………. . Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up.
Ladies and gantleman, please be seated.
The next Agenda is speech that will be delivered by Almunadi, MA as the head of hadith
department . Time is yours
The next Agenda is speech that will be delivered by Prof. Dr. H. Ris'an Rusli, M. A as Dean
of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought. Time is yours.
The next event is a prayer reading which will be led by ……………………… time is yours
Alhamdulillah, finally we get to the last session in this ceremony that is closing.
Let's close this event by reading hamdalah.
I'm Ardhy M Aziz and I’m Aninda Sari. We as the Master of ceremony of the event said
goodbye. Thank you for your attention, sorry for the mistakes, and to Allah SWT we ask
forgiveness. forgivness.
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