LCAof Sodium Hydroxide
LCAof Sodium Hydroxide
LCAof Sodium Hydroxide
30 2,079
1 author:
Letchumi Thannimalay
Petroliam Nasional Berhad
All content following this page was uploaded by Letchumi Thannimalay on 06 January 2020.
Abstract: Chemicals play an important role in human’s life as well as in their daily activities. These
are one of the major contributors to the national economy, too (Mokhtar et al., 2010). As today’s
consumers are more environment conscious, the industries need to meet challenges and cope with
consumers demand. An analysis was carried out to appraise the environmental affects from the
production of an important chemical, sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The results obtained can be used as a
benchmark in the production of more environmental-friendly sodium hydroxide. Both the data and the
information of the inputs used throughout the production processes were collected from a major
manufacturer of sodium hydroxide in Malaysia. On the basis of unit weight (i.e. per Kilogram) of
sodium hydroxide, the environmental impacts and the hotspots were determined employing the
Endpoint Modelling method equipped in JEMAI LCA Pro software. From this analysis, among the
significant environmental impacts for the production of one kilogram sodium hydroxide are fossil
energy consumption (3.5 MJ), global warming (0.6329 kg of CO2 equivalents), aquatic ecotoxicity
(1.298 g of 1, 4 dichlorobenzene equivalents), acidification (0.706 of SO2 equivalents) and human
toxicity (carcinogenicity) (0.4927 g of 1, 4 dichlorobenzene equivalents). Most of the environmental
impacts are found to be engendered due to the consumption of electrical energy as well as natural gas.
The results of the study have successfully represented the Malaysian scenario which could be
employed as a resource of investigations in other parts of the world.
Key words: Climate Change; Sodium Hydroxide; Environmental Impacts, Life Cycle Assessment
In Malaysia, chemicals and chemical products are regarded as the second highest among manufactured
exports, after electrical and electronic products (MITI, 2011). Export for chemical and chemical products
increased about 16.0% from RM41.65 billion in the year 2010 to RM47.19 billion in the year 2011. Whereas,
import of chemical and chemical products increased about 13.5% from RM 45.04 billion to RM 51.12 billion in
that period.
Based on the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Ranking 2010, Malaysia has improved its position
to become the 24th leading trading country globally in 2010 compared to 26th place in 2009. Ministry of
International Trade and Industry Malaysia (MITI) reported that export has increased in the chemical industry
sub sectors, such as fertilizers, soap and cleaning agents, organic, inorganic and other chemical products
between 10 and 30% (MITI, 2011).
Nevertheless, Malaysia has already addressed many environmental challenges and the challenge in
managing chemicals is one of the issues that require immediate attention. Chemicals are important in our daily
life as it enhances the quality of life in term of maintaining and improving our health and comfort level.
However, chemicals or chemical products may pose potential adverse effects to human health and the
environment during their stages of life cycle (Mokhtar et al., 2010).
The utilization of chemicals is important in modern life. These play a significant role mostly in overall
human activities as well as contribute effectively to the national economic strengthening. Chemicals were used
in many sectors such as in the production of products, such as in producing of life protecting medicines,
purifying agents to treat essential drinking water supply, agricultural chemicals which boost to farm
productiveness as well as chemicals used in the packaging. There may be an involvement of significant risk to
human health as well as environment if good chemical management is not practiced (UNDP, 2009). Hence, if
the chemicals are not managed properly it will lead to health and environmental impacts such as increase
healthcare costs, damage to fisheries and watersheds and reduced crop output.
It is important to understand and evaluate the environmental impacts of chemicals’ production if we are to
develop a more sustainable production system. In order to determine the environmental burden associated with
laundry detergent production, it is necessary to consider all important encroachments by employing the Life
Cycle assessment (LCA). The products’ complete life cycle is dealt by the LCA; i.e. starting from the extraction
Corresponding Author: Letchumi Thannimalay, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 7(2): 421-431, 2013
processes of resources to the production, utilization, to disposal of the unexpended waste. This study has been
confined to the production of sodium hydroxide. [Note:]
Fig. 1: ISO 14040 Life Cycle Assessment Framework (ISO 14040, 2006a)
On the basis of ISO 14040 (Fig. 1), the LCA study encompasses four phases: Defining the Goal as well as
the Scope, Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI), Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) and Interpretation. The
definition of both the goal and the scope include the goals intended to be achieved through execution of the
analysis, the intended utilization, and the purported audience (ISO 14040, 2006a, ISO 14044, 2006b). The
boundaries in the system of conceived analyses were described; the parameters of the functions were defined,
too. The functional parameters are the quantitative measures of those functions which are provided by the goods
(or service).
Goal and Scope:
The objective of this analysis is to provide the quantitative information of functional effect on environment
of sodium hydroxide over its life cycle. This is due to the increased concern of global warming potential and
other related environmental impacts of construction materials/ products among stakeholders. The results can be
used as guidance for future improvement for the industries, support tools in achieving sustainable development
for the government, and the environmental information for the consumers. The study is not intended to support
comparative assertions among different types of sodium hydroxides.
Functional Unit:
Defining the functional unit is regarded as one of the important steps in the LCA study; the definition is
concerned about the functions which are provided by their product or the services obtained from the products.
The functional unit will be utilized as a fundamental assumption to select one or more alternative product
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systems which should deliver these functions. It enables various systems to be dealt as equivalent with respect to
the functions. Consumptions of all type of energy as well as the raw materials and their related emissions to the
environment are computed based on the functional unit. The analysis of average life cycle assessment normally
quantifies the impacts for either a unit of the product or mass of the product.
The functional unit considered in conducting the assessment is 1 kg of sodium hydroxide.
Inventory Analysis:
The second phase of LCA, inventory analysis, consists of data collection and analysis (Green, 2002). The
definition of the product system is provided in this phase of LCA. In this circumstance, the definition process
includes setting up the boundaries of the system, flow diagram designing accompanying with unit processes,
accumulating the data from all the processes individually and executing the final computations. Its main output
is listed in the inventory table from the quantified inputs as well as the outputs to the environment related to the
functional unit, expressing in terms of kegs of carbon dioxide, cubic metres of natural gas etc (Guinée, 2002).
This LCA phase, inventory analysis, involved the collecting of relevant data on the unit processes and thereby
quantifies all the flows which are linked to those unit processes.
Product System:
The “cradle-to-gate” approach has been used as the system boundary in the production process of sodium
hydroxide. In this approach, the entering and exiting of both the raw materials and the energy flows in the
manufacturing facilities were considered together with their raw materials’ extraction, production and
transportation of the raw materials to the plant. Packaging process together with the materials is not included in
this system boundary. The product system boundary and unit processes are summarized in fig. 2.
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information and data. For the other sections, all available data collected from the related industry has been used
in the computational works without applying any cut-off rules.
Allocation Procedure:
As per the ISO 14040 (ISO, 2006a), allocation could be defined as a procedure where the input flows or the
output flows are partitioned in a process’s product system under analysis. And it is one of the critically
considered issues in the LCA analyses in case of the involvement of more than one products in production
processes. Since the manufacturing process has four products: Liquid chlorine (11%), sodium hydroxide (31%),
sodium hypochlorite (13%) and hydrochloric acid (45%); it behooved the allocation in the analysis to
apportion the total electricity, water and other raw materials. The mass allocation process was considered on
average yearly production basis.
Data Requirements:
Site data were used as foreground data for raw materials, transportation of raw materials and utilities
consumption. Emissions and conversion factor were based on the literature, Jemai LCA database and SIRIM
National LCA database. The data source is shown in Table 1.
Data Management:
The collection of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) was based on questionnaire form provided by SIRIM Berhad.
Since there is only one data provider in this study, assumption has been made that there is no deviation in
process technology and materials used in manufacturing of sodium hydroxide in this country in order to make
the data represent national average.
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records and results of laboratory analysis. The inventory analysis of one kg of sodium hydroxide is presented in
Table 2.
Calculation Procedures:
The calculation procedure was based on input/output data provided by sodium hydroxide manufacturer. The
data of raw material consumption, utilities and transportation were unitised to every one kg of sodium hydroxide
produced according to the functional unit used in this study. The calculation of LCI assessment for selected
impact category has been carried out using relevant conversion factors from databases or literatures.
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There are three types of impact assessment results found using LIME. Characterization results (Indicator
results), LIME damage assessment results and single index aggregated LIME results. According to ISO 14040
standards, characterization is a mandatory element of an impact assessment. LIME characterization results for
the selected impact categories, using the selected characterization models is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Fig. 3: Result of environmental impact assessment (characterisation results) for one kg of sodium hydroxide
using LIME
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Fig. 5: Hotspots identification with respect to GHG emission for production of one kg sodium hydroxide
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Eutrophication Potential:
Excess of phosphates released into the lake and river stimulates the growth of algae faster than the normal
rate (Uri Zoller, 2004). This blooming of algae interrupts water ecosystem and engenders many troubles to the
acquatic organisms (Smayda, 2008, Heisler et al., 2008). The high level of algae may cause serious oxygen
depletion bringing on death of many aquatic organisms, especially fish. The algal bloom can hinder the sunlight
to perform the photosynthesis of the marine plants underneath the water; moreover, few species of algae even
give rise to toxins which are harmful to the more prominent forms of life (Struijs et al., 2010). This can generate
problems on the food chain and also affect any of the animals that feed upon them. Therefore, it causes
deterioration of overall water quality and affects the potential drinking water. This environmental phenomenon
is called eutrophication (Saarinen et al., 2012).
Eutrophication is assessed in terms of PO4 equivalent (Saarinen et al., 2012). All the impacts towing to
excessive degrees of macronutrients in the environment are included which are caused due to emanations of
nutrients to air, water and soil (Saarinen et al., 2012). Electricity has been recognized as lead responsible for the
eutrophication emissions (about 88%) obtained from the yield of the sodium hydroxide. Natural gas contributes
about 6% and the disposal stage contributes about 4% (Fig. 8). NOx is the principal contributor pertaining to the
contributive substances and leads about 3.15e-05 kg PO4equivalent and BOD from the water emission
contributes about 1.33e-06 kg PO4 equivalent.
Fig. 8: Hotspots identification with respect to eutrophication potential for production of one kg sodium
Acidification Potential:
The acidification process refers to the emanation of acidifying compounds that causes an impact on the soil,
groundwater, ecosystems, and materials (Peters et al., 2011). In this analysis, acidification is evinced in
equivalent amount of SO2 emissions for each functional unit. Mostly the deposition of acid compounds derives
from SO2 and NOx which are generated through agricultural as well as industrial processes’ actions. The
emanation of these compounds combines with other atmospheric substances to yield acids as well as other
compounds, especially acid rain which can attenuate the pH of both soil and water, ensuing in adverse affects on
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the ground water, fishes and forests. In this case, electricity was found responsible for contribution of about 91%
of the total acidification potential succeeded by natural gas (6%). Main contributors for the acidification are
NOX , SO2 and SOX. In this analysis, total SO2 is equivalent to 7.06e-04kg SO2 (Fig. 9).
Resource Consumption:
Electricity contributes about 76% to the resource consumption category followed by water, 7% as shown in
figure 10 (Fig. 10). As shown in the figure 11 (Fig. 11), the main contributors for resource consumption are
coal, crude oil and oil reserves. Most of these contributors are from electricity usage in production of one kg
sodium hydroxide.
Fig. 10: Hotspots identification with respect to resource consumption potential for production of one kg sodium
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Fig. 12: Hotspots identification with respect to fossil energy resource consumption (MJ) for one kg of sodium
In general fossil fuel, respiratory inorganic and global warming potential are the main sources in life cycle
analysis of sodium hydroxide from cradle-to-gate. These sources of environmental impact come from
consumption of electricity and natural gas.
Impact category has been calculated using Malaysia’s primary scopes’ data for one kg of sodium hydroxide
and the results are briefly noticed as follows:
0.6329 kg of CO2 eq that represents Global Warming Potential
0.4927 g of 1, 4 dichlorobenzene eq. that represents Human Toxicity Potential (Carcinogenicity)
1.298 g of 1,4 dichlorobenzene eq. that represents Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential
0.035 g of PO4 eq.that represents Eutrophication Potential
0.706 g of SO2 eq. that represents Acidification Potential
3.5 MJ that represents Fossil Energy Resource Consumption
However there are several limitations associated with the interpretation of the obtained results in this study
and those are:
Although only one company participated in this project but the company is one of the major producers of
sodium hydroxide in Malaysia. The inventory data for the foreground system consisted of average annual data
obtained by on-site measurements in the company.
Novelty of this study is that the life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted using Malaysia’s background
data which was established under National LCA project in Malaysia. Background data or primary data such as
natural gas and crude oil, electricity, water, transport and landfill were established and used in this study.
Before this all the LCA conducted in Malaysia used European data (Vijaya, 2009, Yusoff, 2006, Sumiani
Yusoff and Hansen, 2007). Most of the European data is not applicable for Malaysian scenario. For example
source of electricity, crude oil and natural gas production are different from country to country based on the
actual practice in the country. So it is critical to develop primary data for these areas. Primary data or foreground
data were also collected for transportation of raw materials to Malaysia, raw materials manufactured in
Malaysia, transportation of finished goods. Our SIRIM LCA database do not have enough information on raw
materials and chemicals used in the production, therefore JEMAI LCA Pro database was used to fill up the data
gap. The advantage of using the Jemai LCA Pro software is Malaysian data on electricity, water and natural gas
were used and represents Malaysian senario.
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