Humanitarian Logistics - 4
Humanitarian Logistics - 4
Humanitarian Logistics - 4
There are several factors affecting coordination in
emergencies linked to the very nature of the environment
and the stakeholders involved
1 By:Roba Zayed
2 By:Roba Zayed
Donors are increasingly considering inter-agency
coordination as a key performance indicator, but the
current efforts are only initial steps. Historically, donors
have not promoted clear incentives for agencies to
collaborate and coordinate. Instead, they have indirectly
promoted competition by funding individual agencies
based on their standalone performance (in addition to
earmarked donations), capacity, and, to some extent,
branding. In addition, the media places high pressure on
the agencies to compete for air time
3 By:Roba Zayed
4 By:Roba Zayed
Collective topics from students projects
The below contains of slides selected from students
projects as complementary material included in the final
5 By:Roba Zayed
6 By:Roba Zayed
United Nations Jordan
The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization
responsible for maintaining international peace and
security, developing friendly relations among nations and
achieving international cooperation.
8 By:Roba Zayed
UN 19 agencies
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)
9 By:Roba Zayed
UN 19 agencies
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian
Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
World Bank, World Food Programme (WFP)
World Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
The United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV)
The World Bank (WB).
10 By:Roba Zayed
In addition to these 19 resident agencies, the UNCT in
Jordan works closely with a number of non-resident UN
agencies including: the United Nations Economic and
Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA), International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD), Office of High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), United
Nations Environment, and the United Nations
Information Centre (UNIC)
11 By:Roba Zayed
NEPAL Case Study
12 By:Roba Zayed
Warehouse Location Decision Factors in
Humanitarian Relief Logistics
The key factors considered for selecting humanitarian
relief warehouse location:
1. Tailoring of Messages
2. Translation of Messages
3. Trust
Information and Communication
1. Tailoring of Messages
Tailoring of Messages the need for tailoring of disaster
warnings and messages is one that is recurring in disasters.
certain factors should be considered, including the individual's
past experience with natural disaster; level of knowledge and
expectations; timing of the warning; psychological, physical,
geographical, social and economic factors
2. Translation of Messages
In supporting communication during emergencies, several
researchers have emphasized the need to provide tailored
materials that are conveyed in the native languages of the
Information and Communication
1. Mobile phones
2. The Internet
3. Direct contact
Ways of Informing during Disasters
1. The Internet
The Internet was very useful in mostly urban areas. After the earthquake,
Facebook and Twitter were flooded with requests for help. Moreover, The
International Red Cross and tech companies introduced tools to check the
safety of people online
2. Direct contact.
Around 20% of people considered direct contact as their main source of
information before the earthquake. After the earthquake, it was very slow;
however, it was the most trusted form of communication in rural
Distributing Health Commodities
Distribution is the backbone of an effective logistics
management system. The Logistics Management Division was
established under the Department of Health Services to
oversee commodity distribution in the supply system, including
two central stores, five regional stores, and 75 district stores