Review of Sensors For Air Quality Monitoring
Review of Sensors For Air Quality Monitoring
Review of Sensors For Air Quality Monitoring
EUR 29826 EN
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Name: Federico Karagulian and Michel Gerboles
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EUR 29826 EN
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How to cite this report: Karagulian, F., Gerboles, M., Barbiere, M., Kotsev, A., Lagler, F., Borowiak, A., Review
of sensors for air quality monitoring, EUR 29826 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,
2019, ISBN 978-92-76-09255-1, doi:10.2760/568261, JRC116534.
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2
2. Sources of available information, method of classification and evaluation ................. 3
2.1 Origin of data .............................................................................................. 3
2.2 Classification of low-cost sensors ................................................................... 4
2.3 Recent tests per pollutant and per sensor type ................................................ 6
3. Method of evaluation.......................................................................................... 9
4. Evaluation of sensor data quality ....................................................................... 11
4.1 Calibration of sensors ................................................................................. 11
4.2 Comparison of calibrated low-cost sensors with reference measurements.......... 15
5. Cost of purchase ............................................................................................. 18
6. Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 21
Appendix A ......................................................................................................... 24
Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 43
A growing number of companies started commercialising low-cost sensors (LCS) that are
said to be able to monitor air pollution in outdoor air. One benefit of the use of LCS is the
increased spatial coverage when monitoring air quality in cities and remote locations.
Today, there are hundreds of LCSs commercially available on the market with a cost
ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand euro. At the same time, the scientific
literature currently reports independent information about the performance of sensor
systems against reference measurements for about 110 sensor systems. In fact, the data
quality of low-cost sensors is often questionable. It is affected by atmospheric conditions,
pollutant concentration levels and therefore by the site location where the measurements
are carried out.
This report presents the collected results of quantitative studies of the performance of
low-cost sensors against reference measurements. The information collected was an
attempt to assess the following issues:
Agreement between sensor and reference measurements;
Availability of raw data, transparency of data treatment and possibility of a-
posteriori calibration;
Capability to measure multiple pollutants;
Affordability of sensor systems taking into consideration the number of provided
This information gathered in this report comes from research institutes having a LCS
testing programme in place, e.g. the California Board - Air Quality Sensor Performance
Evaluation Center (AQ-SPEC), the European Union Joint Research Centre (EU JRC) and
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Other information was
drawn from peer-reviewed journals that tested different types of sensors in research
studies. Finally, this information has been linked with scripts able to perform a statistical
analysis in the form of an electronic report. This work represents an important review to
classify commercial sensors based on their agreement with reference systems.
There are only a few available commercial sensor systems that are consistent with all
issues mentioned above that show a good agreement with reference measurements
(coefficient of determination, R², higher than 0.75 and slope of regression line within
1±0.5) and total price lower than 3 k€. The conclusion from this market analysis is that
the only sensor system satisfying the requirements of multipollutant, availability of raw
data, transparency of all applied data treatment, availability of evaluation of the
performance of sensor system in literature with high coefficient of determination (>0.85)
has been found to be the AirSensEUR v.2.
1. Introduction
The widening of the commercial availability of micro-sensors technology is contributing to
the rapid adoption of low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring by both citizen science
initiatives and public authorities45.In general, public authorities want to increase the
density of monitoring measurements and often want to rely on low-cost sensors because
they cannot afford sufficient reference Air Quality Monitoring Stations (AQMS)27.Low-cost
sensors can provide real time measurements at lower cost allowing higher spatial
coverage than the current reference methods for air pollutants measurements.
Additionally, the monitoring of air pollution with reference measurement methods
requires skilled operators for the maintenance and calibration of measuring devices that
are described in detailed Standard Operational Procedures 14–18. Conversely, it is expected
that low-cost sensors can be operated without human intervention, making it possible for
unskilled users to monitor air pollution without the need of additional technical
knowledge. Plenty of institutes in charge of air quality monitoring for regulatory
purposes, as well as local authorities, are considering including low-cost sensors among
their routine methods of measurements to supplement monitoring with reference
measurements. However, the lack of exhaustive and accessible information in order to
compare the performance of low-cost sensors and the wide commercial offers make it
difficult to select the most appropriate low-cost sensors for monitoring purposes. For
classification and understanding of sensor deployment, one should distinguish between
the sole sensor detector produced by Original Equipment Manufacturer (hereafter such
sensors are called OEM, or OEM sensors) and sensor systems (SSys), which include OEM
sensors together with a protective box, sampling system, power system, electronic
hardware, and software for data acquisition, analogue to digital conversion, data
treatment and data transfer49.Hereafter, OEM and SSys are referred to as low-cost
sensors (LCS). From a user point of view, SSys are ready to use out of the box systems,
while OEM users need to add hardware/software components for protection from
meteorological conditions, data storage, data pushing, interoperability of data and
generally the calibration of LCSs. The use of LCSs is of major interest for citizen-science
initiatives. Therefore, Small and Medium Enterprises make SSys available which can be
deployed by citizens who want to monitor the air quality in a chosen environment.
Although a number of reviews of the suitability of LCS for ambient air quality have been
published1,12,38,45,63,85,86,91, quantitative data for comparing and evaluating the agreement
between LCS and reference data are mostly missing from the existing reviews.
Additionally, there is no commonly accepted protocol for testing LCS87 and the metrics
reported are generally diverse making it difficult to compare the performance of LCS in
different evaluation studies. Among the available tests of LCS, there are clear indications
that the accuracy of LCS measurements can be questionable3,68 when comparing LSC
values and reference measurements. LCS data can be of variable quality, and it is
therefore of fundamental importance to evaluate LCS in order to choose the most
appropriate ones for routine measurements or other case studies 49. However, only a few
independent tests are reported in academic publications. Hereafter, the results of the
exhaustive review of existing literature on LCS evaluation that is not available elsewhere
are presented. The main purpose of this review was to estimate the agreement between
LCS data against reference measurements both with field and tests under controlled
conditions carried out by laboratories and research institutes independent of sensor
manufacturers and commercial interest. It can provide all stakeholders with exhaustive
information for selecting the most appropriate LCS. Quantitative information was
gathered from the existing literature about the performance of LCS according to the
following criteria:
1. Agreement between LCS and reference measurements
2. Availability of raw data, transparency of data treatment making a-posteriori calibration
3. Capability to measure multiple pollutants
4. Affordability of LCSs taking into consideration the number of provided OEMs
2. Sources of available information, method of classification
and evaluation
2.1 Origin of data
The research was focused on LCS for Particulate Matter (PM), ozone (O3), nitric dioxide
(NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), the pollutants that are included into the European
Union Air Quality Directive27 References were also included for nitrogen monoxide LCSs.
About 1423 independent laboratory or field tests of LCS versus reference measurements
(called ‘Records’ in the rest of the manuscript) were gathered from peer-reviewed studies
of LCS available in the Scopus database, the World Wide Web, the AirMontech website
(, ResearchGate, Google search, and
reports from research laboratories. Sensor validation studies provided by LCS
manufacturers or other sources with concern of a possible conflict of interest were not
taken into consideration. In total, 64 independent studies were found from different
sources including reports and peer-reviewed papers. Additionally, a significant number of
test results came from reports published by research institutes. In fact, the rapid
technological progress on LCS, the difficulty to publish LCS data that do not agree with
reference measurements and the time needed to publish studies in academic journals
makes the publication of articles not the preferred route. Instead, a great part of the
available information is found in grey literature, mainly in the form of reports. A
substantial quantity of presented results come from research institutes having a LCS
testing program in place, e.g. the Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center (AQ-
SPEC)3, the European Union Joint Research Centre (EU JRC) 1,34,41,66–72 and the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)79,86–89.
A significant portion of the data comes from the first French field intercomparison
exercise (Crunaire23) for gas and particle LCS carried out in January/February of 2018.
This exercise was carried out by two members of the French Reference Laboratory for Air
Quality Monitoring (LCSQA). The objective of the study was to test LCS under field
conditions at Air Quality Monitoring Station of urban type sited at the IMT Lille Douai
research facilities in Dorignies. A large number of different SSys and OEM were installed
in order to evaluate their ability to monitor the main pollutants of interest in the ambient
air: NO2, O3 and PM2.5/PM10. This exercise involved nearly 5 French laboratories in
charge of air pollution monitoring and 10 companies (manufacturers or
distributors/sellers), 23 SSys and OEM of different design and origin (France,
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Poland, United States), for a total of more
than sixty devices, when taking into account replicates.
Within another project, called AirLab (, many LCSs were
tested through field and indoor tests. Results are reported based on the Integrated
Performance Index (IPI) developed by Fishbain et al.32 which is an integrated indicator
of correlation, bias, failure, source apportionment with LCS, accuracy and time series
variability of LCSs and reference measurements. Since the IPI is not available in other
studies and cannot be compared with the metrics used in the current review, it was
decided not to include the AirLab results in the current work.
A shared database of laboratory and field test results and its associated scripts for
summary statistics were created using the collected information. It will be possible to
update the database with future results of LCS tests. The purpose of this development
was to setup a structured repository to be used for comparing the performances of LCSs.
Each database ‘Record’ describing laboratory or field LCS test results was included into
the database only if comparison against a reference measurement (hereinafter defined as
“comparison”) was provided. The comparison data allowed to evaluate the correlation
between LCS data and reference measurements. Most of the reviewed studies reported
only regression parameters obtained from the comparison between LCS and reference
measurements, generally without more sophisticated metrics like Root Mean Square
Error and measurement uncertainty (see section 3).
2.2 Classification of low-cost sensors
For each model of SSys, the OEM manufacturer was identified and the manufacturer of
the SSys as well. Overall, we found 112 models of LCS including both OEMs (31) and
SSys (81) manufactured by 77 manufacturers (16 OEM and 61 SSys). In addition, 19
projects evaluating OEMs and/or SSys and reporting quantitative comparisons of LCS
data and reference measurements were identified. They include the Air Quality Egg, Air
Quality Station, AirCasting3,9,31,57, Carnegie Mellon31,92, CitiSense89 Cairsense39, Developer
Kit3, HKEPD/14-0277174, making-sense.eu55, communitysensing.org79, MacPoll.eu68,
OpenSense II8,56, Proof of Concept AirSensEUR41, SNAQ Heathrow54,62). Out of the 1423 r
Records collected from literature, we identified 1192 Records (201 OEM and 991 SSys)
from 90 alive sensors (25 OEM and 65 SSys) and 231 Records (119 OEM and 112 SSys)
from 22 “non active” (or discontinued) LCSs (6 OEM and 16 SSys). “Low-cost” refers to
the purchase price of LCS48 compared to the purchase and operating cost of reference
analysers54 for the monitoring of regulated inorganic pollutants and particulate matter
that can easily be an order of magnitude more costly. More recently, ultra-affordable
OEMs are starting to appear on the market for PM monitoring. 5,11,47. For the detection of
𝑃𝑀2.5 , some of these sensors are starting to achieve performances comparable to low-
cost OEMs manufactured in the Western world. Many of them are designed to be
integrated in Internet of Things (IoT) networks of interconnected devices. Currently, for
PM detection it is possible to purchase optical sensors that cost between a few tens and a
few hundreds of euro. Those devices are manufactured in emerging economies such as
the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea 76. Some of these LCS can achieve similar
performance to more expensive OEMs 3,32,37,79,86–89. The data treatment of LCSs can be
classified in two distinct categories:
1. Processing of LCS data performed by “open source” software tuned according to
several calibration parameters and environmental conditions. All data treatments
from data acquisition until the conversion to pollutant concentration levels is known
to the user. There were 234 Records identified comprising 108 OEMs and 126 SSys
using open source software for data management. These 234 Records came from 34
unique LCSs. Usually, outputs from these LCS are already in the same measurement
units as the reference measurements. In this category, LCS devices are generally
connected to a custom-made data acquisition system to acquire LCS raw data.
Generally, users are expected to set a calibration function in order to convert LCS raw
data to validate against reference measurements.
2. LCS with calibration algorithms whose data treatment is unknown and without the
possibility to change any parameter have been identified as “black boxes”. This is due
to the impossibility for the user to know the complete chain of data treatment. 1189
Records made up of 212 and 977 SSys not using open source software for data
treatment were identified. These 1189 Records came from 34 unique LCSs. In most
cases, these SSys are pre-calibrated against a reference system or, the calibration
parameters can be remotely adjusted by the manufacturer. Finally, we should point
out that some LCSs used for the detection of Particulate Matter (such as the OPC-N2;
OPC-N3 by Alphasense and the PMS series from Plantower) could be used as open
source devices if users compute PM mass concentrations using the available counts
per bin. However, these PM sensors are mostly used as a “black box” with mass
concentration computed by unknown algorithms developed by manufacturers.
Clear definitions and examples of the principles of operation used by the different types
of sensor (electrochemical, metal oxides, optical particulate counter, optical sensors) are
reported in a recent work by WMO48. This work also describes observed limitations of
each type of sensor such as, interference by meteorological parameters, cross-
sensitivities to other pollutants, drifts and aging effect. To date, there is a larger number
of active and commercially available LCS (Figure 2). However, while most of the OEMs
are open sources, allowing end-users to integrate them into SSys, most of the SSys
themselves were found to be “black-box” devices. This is a limitation as the SSys might
need a-posteriori calibration other than the one provided by the manufacturer, but raw-
data are unavailable. LCS are also classified according to their commercial availability.
LCSs were assigned to the “Commercial” category if they could be purchased and
operated by any user. LCSs fell under the “Non-commercial” category when it was not
possible to find a commercial supplier selling them. Typically, this type of LCS is used for
research and publication and it is difficult for any user to repeat the same sensor setup.
Figure 1 shows the number of LCSs, either OEM or SSys, that were found still active or
discontinued, with open or “black box” type of data treatment and that are commercially
Figure 1. Number of sensor models gathered from the literature review. Sensors has ben classified
by their type of technology, availability, openness and commerciality.
2.3 Recent tests per pollutant and per sensor type
Table 1 reports the number of ‘Records’, by pollutant and sensor technology, gathered in
literature about validation and testing of LCSs against a reference system. Records were
collected from laboratory (133) and field tests (1290). The majority of records refer to
commercially available OEMs and SSys, even though a few references about non-
commercial LCS were also picked up.
Table 1. Agreement between sensor and reference measurements Table 1. Number of analysed
records for OEMs/Sensor Systems by pollutant and by type of technology.
pollutant type Field/Lab records references
𝑪𝑶 electrochemical FIELD 51 AQ-SPEC[3], Jiao[38], Sun[74], Wastine[82],
Zimmerman[92], Marjovi[53], Karagulian[41], Popoola[62],
Castell[12], Borrego[10], Cross[22], Gillooly[34]
𝑪𝑶 electrochemical LAB 9 Sun[74], Mead[54], Castell[12], Gerboles[33], Wei[84],
𝑪𝑶 MOs FIELD 27 AQ-SPEC[3], Spinelle[69], Borrego[10], Piedrahita[60]
𝑪𝑶 MOs LAB 2 AQ-SPEC[3], Piedrahita[60]
𝑵𝑶 electrochemical FIELD 44 AQ-SPEC[3], Jiao[38], Bigi[8], Wastine[82], Spinelle[69],
Karagulian[41], Mead[54], Popoola[62], Castell[12],
Borrego[10], Cross[22], Gillooly[34], LCSQA[47]
𝑵𝑶 electrochemical LAB 6 Castell[12], Gerboles[33], Wei[84]
𝑵𝑶𝟐 electrochemical FIELD 137 AQ-SPEC[3], Jiao[38], Sun[74], Mijling[55], Spinelle[68],
Mueller[56], Bigi[8], Marjovi[53], Cordero[20],
Karagulian[41], Wastine[82], Wastine[83], Mead[54],
Popoola[62], Borrego[10], Castell[12], Cross[22],
Duvall[27], Gillooly[34], Zimmerman[92], LCSQA[47]
𝑵𝑶𝟐 electrochemical LAB 21 Williams[87], Sun[74], Vaughn[79], Castell[12],
Spinelle[66], Gerboles[33], Wei[84], Sun[75],
𝑵𝑶𝟐 MOs FIELD 28 AQ-SPEC[3], US-EPA[78], Borrego[10], Piedrahita[60],
Spinelle[68], Lin[50], LCSQA[47]
𝑵𝑶𝟐 MOs LAB 10 Vaughn[79], Williams[87], Piedrahita[60]
𝑶𝟑 electrochemical FIELD 65 Jiao[38], Spinelle[68], Mueller[56], Karagulian[41],
Wastine[82], AQ-SPEC[3], Borrego[10], Castell[12],
Cross[22], Duvall[27], Feinberg[30], LCSQA[47]
𝑶𝟑 electrochemical LAB 10 Spinelle[66], Castell[12], Gerboles[33], Wei[84]
𝑶𝟑 MOs FIELD 54 AQ-SPEC[3], Jiao[38], Marjovi[53], Borrego[10],
𝑶𝟑 MOs LAB 3 AQ-SPEC[3], Spinelle[67], Vaughn[79]
𝑶𝟑 UV LAB 1 Sun[74]
𝑷𝑴𝟐.𝟓 Electrical FIELD 6 AQ-SPEC[3]
𝑷𝑴𝟐.𝟓 nephelometer FIELD 129 Borghi[9], Jiao[38], Feinberg[30], US-EPA[78],
Williams[86], AQ-SPEC[3], Zikova[91], Chakrabarti[19],
Borrego[10], Olivares[59], Holstius[36], Gao[32],
Karagulian[40], LCSQA[47]
𝑷𝑴𝟐.𝟓 nephelometer LAB 24 Manikonda[52], AQ-SPEC[3], Wang[81], Alvarado[2],
Sousan[64], Holstius[36], Kelly[42], Austin[4]
𝑷𝑴𝟐.𝟓 OPC FIELD 428 AQ-SPEC[3], Mukherjee[57], Feinberg[30], Jiao[38],
Cavaliere[13], Williams[86], Borrego[10], Viana[80],
Northcross[58], Holstius[36], Steinle[73], Han[35],
Jovasevic[39], Gillooly[34], Sun[74], Dacunto[23],
Crilley[21], Di-Antonio[25], Badura[5], Pillarisetti[61],
Kelly[42], Zheng[90], Laquai[46], Budde[11], Liu[51],
𝑷𝑴𝟐.𝟓 OPC LAB 27 AQ-SPEC[3], Cavaliere[13], Manikonda[52],
Northcross[58], Sousan[65], Pillarisetti[61], Kelly[42]
𝑷𝑴𝟏 Electrical FIELD 6 AQ-SPEC[3]
𝑷𝑴𝟏 nephelometer FIELD 1 LCSQA[47]
𝑷𝑴𝟏 OPC FIELD 102 AQ-SPEC[3], Williams[86], Crilley[21], Di-Antonio[25],
𝑷𝑴𝟏 OPC LAB 8 AQ-SPEC[3], Sousan[65]
𝑷𝑴𝟏𝟎 nephelometer FIELD 26 AQ-SPEC[3], Borrego[10], LCSQA[47]
𝑷𝑴𝟏𝟎 nephelometer LAB 1 Alvarado[2]
𝑷𝑴𝟏𝟎 OPC FIELD 176 AQ-SPEC[3], Cavaliere[13], Borrego[10], Feinberg[30],
Han[35], Jovasevic[39], Williams[86], Crilley[21],
Budde[11], LCSQA[47]
𝑷𝑴𝟏𝟎 OPC LAB 11 AQ-SPEC[3], Cavaliere[13], Manikonda[52], Sousan[64],
For the detection of Particulate Matter, the largest number of LCS tests were carried out
for Optical Particle Counters (OPC) with 752 Records followed by Nephelometers with 181
Both systems detect particulate matter by measuring the light scattered by particles,
with the OPC being able to directly count particles according to their size. On the other
hand, nephelometers estimate particle density that is subsequently converted into
particle mass. For the detection of gaseous pollutants such as 𝑁𝑂2 , 𝑁𝑂, 𝐶𝑂 and 𝑂3 ,the
largest number of tests were performed using electrochemical sensors with 343 Records,
followed by metal oxides sensors (MOs) with 343 records, followed by metal oxides
sensors (MOs) with 125 Records (see Table 1). Electrochemical sensors are based on a
chemical reaction between gases in the air and the working electrode of an
electrochemical cell that is dipped into an electrolyte. In a MOs, also named resistive
sensor, semiconductor, gases in the air react on the surface of a semiconductor and
exchange electrons modifying its conductance.
Table A2 reports the OEMs models currently used to monitor Particulate Matter and
gaseous pollutants (𝑁𝑂2 , 𝑁𝑂, 𝐶𝑂 and 𝑂3 ) according to their type of technology. SSys
models measuring concentration of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants are
reported in Table A3. We want to point out that several SSys can use the same set of
OEMs. In a few cases, the same model of SSys was tested using different types of OEMs
when performing validation tests34,41 .
“Living” LCS are devices that are currently available for commercial or research
purposes. Considering only the “living” LCSs of Table A2 and Table A3, one may observe
that there are fewer OEMs (24) than SSys (65) and therefore different SSys are using
the same sets of OEMs. Additionally, there is a lack of laboratory tests for the OEMs
compared to SSys. Among the reviewed ‘Records’ only ~ 11% were attributed to
laboratory tests. Most LCS (~ 90%) were tested in the field, where it is not possible to
isolate the effect of single pollutants and/or meteorological parameters, since in the
ambient air many of these parameters are correlated with each other. Establishing
calibration models relying only on field results might lead to the situation where
parameters that have no effect on the sensor data, but that are correlated with other
variables that do have an effect, are taken into account in the calibration. The
performance of such calibration models can be poor when LCSs are used at sites other
than the ones used for calibration where the relationship between the parameter used for
calibration and the ones having an effect on the response of LCSs may change 29,51,56. The
research covered the period between 2010 and 2019 (year of publication). As shown in
Figure 2, only a few preliminary studies about the evaluation of performance of LCSs
were published between 2010 and 2014. In 2015, we recorded the largest number of
references with 27 different works publishing results about performances of LCS for air
quality monitoring. For the test studies carried out by AQ-SPEC3, Records were evaluated
per model of LCS.
Overall, 34 references reporting field tests with LCSs co-located at urban sites were
found, as well as 7 references for rural sites, and 10 references for traffic sites. Most of
the laboratory and field tests reported hourly data (610 Records for 86 models of LCSs).
We also found 248 Records for 42 LCSs using daily data. Therefore, hourly data were
considered statistically more significant.
3. Method of evaluation
The European Union Air Quality Directive27 indicates that measurement uncertainty shall
be the main indicator used for the evaluation of the data quality objective of air pollution
measurement methods27.However, the evaluation of this metric is cumbersome30 and it is
not included in the majority of sensor studies (see Table 2). For the performance criteria
used to evaluate air quality modelling applications77, the set of statistical indicators
includes the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), the bias, the Standard Deviation (SD) and
the correlation coefficient (R), of which RMSE is thought to be the most explicative one.
The statistical indicators can be better visualised in a target diagramme68.Unfortunately,
Table 2 also shows that RMSE is mainly unreported in the literature. As already
mentioned above, integrated indicators like the IPI 32 would breach our objective to use
solely quantitative and comparable indicators. Additionally, it is impossible to compute
IPIs a posteriori since time series are mainly not available in literature.
We therefore had to rely on the most common metrics, i. e., the coefficient of
determination R², the slope and intercept of linear regression line between LCS data and
reference measurement. 𝑅2 can be viewed as a measure of goodness of fit (how close
evaluation data is to the reference measurements) and the slope of the regression as
level of accuracy. 𝑅2 measures the strength of the association between two variables but
it is insensitive to bias between LCS and reference data, either relative bias (slope
different from 1) or absolute bias (intercept different from 0). 𝑅2 is a partial measure of
how much LCS data agree with reference measurements according to a regression
model6. A larger 𝑅2 reflects an increase in the predictive precision of the regression
model. An increase of 𝑅2 may not be the result of an improvement of LCS data quality
since 𝑅2 may increase when the range of reference measurements increases 1 or
according to the seasonality of sampling reported in different studies. Moreover, since
LCS are affected by long time drift and ageing, longer field studies are more likely to
report lower 𝑅2 than shorter ones.
Nearly all published studies report the coefficient of determination (𝑅2 ) between
reference and LCS data (see Table 2). Fortunately, the majority of these studies also
report the slope and intercept of the regression line between LCS data and reference
measurements that describe the possible bias of LCS data. A few studies also report the
Root Mean Square of Error, RMSE8,12,20,22,31,35,37,41,51,55,60,68,90 which clearly indicates the
magnitude of the error in LCS data unit and is also sensitive to extreme values and
outliers. Only a few studies report the measurement uncertainty12,41,47,68,84,88,93.
Therefore, for the purpose of this work, we only focused on the analysis of the
comparison of laboratory and field tests of LCSs.
Table 2 also gives the number of R² of calibration that was found in literature. Generally,
these studies also present the model equations used for calibration. The number of
studies reporting the R² of calibration represent about 10 % of the studies reporting R²
of comparison of calibrated LCSs and reference data using linear regressions.
Although the data set of R² for calibration is limited in size, we have investigated if the
type of calibration has an influence on the agreement between calibrated LCSs data and
reference measurements.
In order to estimate the efficiency of calibration models, the reported coefficient of
determination R2 was used as an indicator of the amount of total variability explained by
the model (see Calibration of LCSs). This can be used as an indication of performance of
the calibration model chosen to validate the LCS against a reference system.
Using the highest R² of comparison together with the slope of comparison line near to
1.0, a shorter set of best performing LCS will be drawn together with their sensor
technology. It was decided to drop the analysis of intercepts different from 0, accepting
that LCS may produce unscaled data with bias provided that LCS data would vary in the
same range as reference measurements due to the slope being close to 1. In any case,
Table 4 and Table A4 show that the extent of deviation from 0 of the intercepts did not
contribute significantly to the bias of LCS data for the best performing LCSs.
4. Evaluation of sensor data quality
Table 3. Types of calibration models used for the calibration of sensors at different time
resolutions (ANN: artificial neural network, exp: exponential; log: logarithmic; MLR: multilinear
regression; quad: quadratic; RF: random forest; SVM: support vector machine; SVR: support
vector regression)
calibration n. Median Median
pollutant model records references R2 calib R2
CO RF 1 Zimmerman[92] 0.91 NA
NO RF 2 Bigi[8] NA 0.9
NO2 ANN 7 Spinelle[68], Cordero[20], Wastine[82], 0.87 0.94
When 𝑅2 is both available for calibration and comparison, the median of 𝑅2 is higher for
calibration (mean of 𝑅2 = 0.70) than for comparison (median of 𝑅2 = 0.58). This is to be
expected, since it is easier to fit a model on a short calibration dataset than correctly
forecast LCSs data using the calibration model at later dates. For gaseous LCSs,
calibration using a linear model gives the worst 𝑅2 for field comparison. Linear calibration
should thus be avoided for gas LCSs. For 𝐶𝑂 and 𝐶𝑂, the calibration method giving the
highest 𝑅2 ² (about 0.90) is the MLR method using temperature or relative humidity as
covariates. The use of supervised learning techniques (ANN, RF or SVR) either did not
improve performance for CO, or gave similar results than MLR for NO. This is in slight
contradiction with other studies about the performance of supervised techniques 25,40. In
the majority of cases, these tested LCSs consisted of electrochemical sensors. For 𝑁𝑂2 ,
supervised learning techniques (ANN, RF, SVM or SVR) performed slightly better than
MLRs looking at the 𝑅2 of comparison tests in field, except for SVR, which is in slight
contradiction with other studies25. However, the number of records is much higher for
MLR than for supervised learning techniques. MLR was applied to both MOs sensor and
electrochemical sensors which resulted in scattered R² when looking at individual studies.
Additionally, supervised learning techniques may be more sensitive to re-location than
For 𝑂3 , ANN and MLR calibration gave similar 𝑅2 of comparison (median value about
0.90). As for 𝑁𝑂2 , the higher number of studies makes the 𝑅2 of the MLR method more
significant than the one of ANN.
For PM, the 𝑅2 for comparison tests are very scattered over the calibration methods.
Some high values (𝑅2 higher than 0.95) were reported for studies using a linear
calibration while MLR did not perform well (𝑅2 < 0.5). These results are misleading, since
the good results with linear calibration are generally obtained by discarding LSCs data
obtained with relative humidity exceeding a threshold between 70 and 80% above which,
humidity is responsible for particle growth21,26. This effect is more important for 𝑃𝑀10
than for 𝑃𝑀1 and 𝑃𝑀2.5 . Other studies did not discard high relative humidity, they took
into consideration the particle growing factor either on mass concentration with an
exponential calibration model (4,24,43) with a median 𝑅2 of 98 or using the Kölher theory
on PM mass concentration36 or directly for the particles beans of each OPC bin [100]
leading to 𝑅2 about 0.80.
Figure 3 shows a summary of all mean 𝑅2 obtained from the calibration of SSys against
reference measurements. Results were grouped by model of SSys and averaged per
reference work. For the same SSys we can observe 𝑅2 ranging between 0.40 and 1.00.
This shows the variability of the performance of SSys depending on the type of
calibration, type of testing sites and seasonality, making it difficult to compare the results
of the different studies. Calibration of LSC against a reference analyser was found to be
carried out using different averaging times. Test results with hourly data are presented in
Figure A1 and test results with minute data time are given in Figure A2. The best
performance, according to the time average availability in literature and tests in
laboratory and/or in the field, were found for:
● For the measurement of 𝑃𝑀2.5 , 𝑅2 ~ 1 close to 1 were found for hourly data of
PMS1003 by Plantower43 and for the PMS3003, Dylos DC1100 PRO and
DC1700 by Dylos for minute data3,73,90.Strangely, higher 𝑅2 were reported for
the Plantower and Dylos when calibrated with minute data than for hourly data.
The OPC-N2 by AlphaSense3 reported values of 𝑅2 falling within the range of 0.7
- 1.0. The same OEM sensor OPC-N2, reported values of 𝑅2 just above 0.7 when
measuing 𝑃𝑀1 while it did not show a good performance when measuring
𝑃𝑀10 3.We need to stress that optical sensors, such as OPCs and nephelometers,
are somewhat limited in coping with gravity effects when detecting coarse
particulate matter, because of the low-efficiency of the sampling system. Most of
the regression models used for the calibration of LCSs used hourly data.
● For the calibration of 𝑂3 LCS, the highest values of 𝑅2 for hourly data was reported
for FIS SP-61 by FIS and O3-3E1F by CityTechnology (Figure A1)66. On the
other hand, for minute data, values of 𝑅2 close to 1 were found for AirSensEUR
(v.2) by LiberaIntentio41 as well as for the S-500 by Aeroqual3 (Figure A2).
AirSensEUR used a built-in AlphaSense OX-A431 OEM. We want to point out that,
most of the MLR models used for calibrating 𝑂3 LCSs needs 𝑁𝑂2 to correct for the
strong 𝑁𝑂2 cross-sensitivity.
● For the calibration of 𝑁𝑂2 LCSs, we found values of 𝑅2 for hourly data within the
range 0.7 - 1.0 for the NO2-B42F (by Alphasense84), AirSensEUR (v.2) by
LiberaIntentio41 and for the minute values MAS74 (see Figure 3). The NO2
measurement of the AirSensEUR (v.2) are carried out using the NO2-B43F OEM
by AlphaSense.
● Most of the Records about the calibration of 𝐶𝑂 LCSs showed high values of 𝑅2 . As
shown in Figure A1, the OEMs CO 3E300 by City Technology34 and CO-B4 by
Alphasense84 reported 𝑅2 ~ 1 for hourly data. High values of 𝑅2 were also
reported for the SSys AirSensEUR (v.2), when calibrating CO minute data41
(Figure A2). Other LCSs reporting values of 𝑅2 within the range 0.7 - 1.0 for
hourly data consisted of the MICS-4515 by and SGX Sensortech60, the Smart
Citizen Kit by Acrobotic3 and the RAMP93
Figure 3. Mean 𝑅2 for obtained from the calibration of sensor systems against reference
4.2 Comparison of calibrated low-cost sensors with reference
In this review, Records describing the comparison of LCS data with reference
measurements came from “open source” and “black box” LCSs. As for the Records
collected from the calibration of LCS, comparison with reference system was carried out
at different time-resolutions. Here we only report comparisons of hourly data with 565
and 151 Records from SSys and OEMs, respectively. In Figure 4 we have reported the 𝑅2
values for SSys per reference averaged for all pollutants measured by each SSys. One
can observe scattered of 𝑅2 for a few SSys that are tested in several references in
different locations, seasons and durations.
Figure A3 and Figure A4 show the distribution of 𝑅2 of LCSs hourly and minute values
measuring 𝑃𝑀2.5 , 𝑃𝑀10 , 𝑃𝑀1 , 𝑂3 , 𝑁𝑂2 and 𝐶𝑂 against reference measurements:
● For the SSys, PA-II by PurpleAir3 and PATS+ by Belkley Air61 showed the
highest 𝑅2 with values between 0.8 and 1.0. Other LCSs with 𝑅2 values ranging
between 0.7-1.0 included the PMS-SYS-1 by Shinyei, the Dylos 1100 PRO by
Dylos, the MicroPEM by RTI, the AirNUT by Moji China the Egg (2018) by
Air Quality Egg, the AQT410 v.1.15 by Vaisala, the AirVeraCity by
AirVeraCity, the NPM2 by MetOne23 and, the Air Quality Station by AS LUNG3.
Nevertheless, we need to point out that the performance of LCSs measuring
PM10, on average, was very poor.
● For the hourly PM measurements of OEMs (Figure A5), the OPC-N2, OPC-
N33,5,21,31,57 the SDS011 by Nova Fitness5 showed 𝑅2 values in the range 0.7 -
1.0. For the daily PM measurements of OEMs (Figure A6), we found 𝑅2 within the
range 0.7 - 1.0 for the OPC-N2, OPC-N33.
● For the daily PM measurements of SSys (Figure A7), PA-II,3 AirQUINO by CNR13
showed 𝑅2 values close to 1 for 𝑃𝑀2.5 .
● For gaseous pollutants, high 𝑅2 ranging between 0.7 and 1.0 were found for the
following multipollutant LCSs: AirSensEUR (v.2) by LiberaIntentio41, the
AirVeraCity, the AQY and S-500 by Aeroqual and the SNAQ of the University of
Cambridge (Figure A3).
● For the hourly gaseous measurements (Figure A5), we found very few OEMs with
𝑅2 in the range 0.7 - 1.0. These included the CairClip O3/NO2 by
CairPol28,31,68,89, the Aeroqual Series 500 (and SM50)31, the O3-3E1F by
CityTechnology31,34,68,70 and the NO2-B43F by Alphasense75,93. On the other
hand, we found very few Records for SSys using daily data. Additionally, one can
notice, comparing Figure A4 and Figure A5, that the performance of OEMs is
generally enhanced when they are integrated inside a SSys, except for 𝑃𝑀10 .
Figure A8 and Figure A10 show selected SSys that gave a slope of linear regression line
of hourly LCS data versus reference measurement from 0.5 to 1.5 and 𝑅2 higher than
0.7. This selection includes the AirSensEUR, the AirVeracity, and the S-500 for
gaseous pollutants and the AirNut, AQY v0.5, Egg v.2 (PM), the NPM2 for hourly data
and AIRQuino, AQY v0.5, Egg v.2 (PM) and the PA-I for daily data. Figure A9 and
Figure A11 show the same selection as Figure A8 but for OEMs. This list includes the
SM50, the CairClip O3/NO2, the S-500 (𝑂3 , 𝑁𝑂2 ), the NO2-B4F (𝑁𝑂2 ) for gaseous
measurements and the Nova Fitness SDS011 for 𝑃𝑀2.5 , measurements for hourly data
and the OPC-N2 by Alphasense and the DataRAM for daily data.
Figure 4. Mean 𝑅2 for obtained from the comparison of sensor systems against reference
Figure 5. Prices of SS grouped by model. (Numbers in bold indicates the number of pollutants
measured by each sensor. x-axis uses logarithmic scale). Numbers in bold indicate the number of
open source (blue) and black box (black) records. Names of ‘living’ & ‘updated’ and ‘non-living’
sensors are indicated in black and red colour, respectively. 𝑁𝐶 indicates non-commercially available
5. Cost of purchase
For the evaluation of the price of LCSs, we considered all SSys manufactured by
commercial companies. Operating costs such as calibration, maintenance, deployment
and data treatment are not included in the estimated price of SSys. Figure 5 shows the
commercial price of LCSs by model and number of measured pollutants and Figure A13
shows the prices for OEMs. There are a large number of SSys measuring one pollutant
and only a few measuring multiple pollutants. Most OEMs are open source devices
(Figure A13). On the other hand, most of the SSys are “black boxes” (Figure 5).
Therefore, most of the SSys cannot be easily re-calibrated by users. In fact, most SSys
are intended to be ready-to-use air quality monitors. In Figure 6 we have shortlisted the
best SSys according to their level of agreement with reference systems. Figure 6 includes
SSys with hourly and daily data showing 𝑅2 higher than 0.85 and slopes ranging between
0.8 and 1.2. The Figure shows the price, the number of pollutants being measured, the
averaging time and the data openness of the selected SSys. Table 4 reports the SSys
shortlisted in Figure 6 with the R² and slope mean values, the list of pollutants being
measured, the openness of data, their commercial availability and price. Among “open
source” SSys, we could identify the AirSensEUR by LiberaIntentio and the AIRQuino by
CNR. The remaining shortlisted SSys were identified as “black box”. The AirSensEUR
(v.2) resulted in a mean 𝑅2 value of 0.90 and a slope of 0.94 while the AIRQuino
resulted in a mean 𝑅2 value of 0.91 and a slope of 0.97. We need to point out that, to
date, the AIRQuino can be used for the detection of up to five pollutants (𝑁𝑂2 , 𝑁𝑂, 𝐶𝑂, 𝑂3
and 𝑃𝑀). However, only data for PM were available at the time of this review.
Table 4. Shortlist of sensor systems showing good agreement with reference systems (𝑅2 > 0.85;
0.8 < slope < 1.2) for 1hour time averaged data.
mean mean mean price
pollutant 𝑹𝟐 slope intercept open/close living commercial (EUR)
AirNut 𝑃𝑀2.5 0.86 0.88 8.6 black box Y commercial 132
PA-I 𝑃𝑀1 0.95 0.92 0.52 black box N commercial 132
PA-II 𝑃𝑀1 0.99 0.82 1.8 black box Y commercial 176
Egg (2018) 𝑃𝑀1 0.87 0.85 0.095 black box Y commercial 219
PATS+ 𝑃𝑀2.5 0.96 0.92 0.05 black box Y commercial 440
S-500 𝑁𝑂2 , 𝑂3 0.87 1 0.27 black box Y commercial 440
CairClip 𝑂3 0.88 0.88 12 black box Y commercial 600
Portable AS- 𝑃𝑀1 0.89 0.87 1 black box Y non 880
LUNG commercial
AirSensEUR 𝑁𝑂2 , 𝑂3 , 0.91 0.98 5.7 open source Y commercial 1600
(v.2) 𝐶𝑂, 𝑁𝑂
Met One 𝑃𝑀2.5 0.86 1.1 2.8 black box Y commercial 1672
Air Quality 𝑃𝑀1 0.88 0.9 0.85 black box Y non 1760
Station commercial
AQY v0.5 𝑃𝑀2.5 0.87 0.97 4 black box updated commercial 2640
Vaisala 𝐶𝑂 0.87 0.97 0.23 black box Y commercial 3256
2B Tech. 𝑂3 1 1 0.74 black box Y commercial 3960
AQMesh 𝑁𝑂 0.87 0.88 0.76 black box N commercial 8800
Figure 7 shows the relationship between the mean R² of SSys and the decimal logarithm
of the price of LCSs. In Figure 7 only the “living” LCSs are compared. It shows that for
OEMs there is not a significant linear relationship between the price of OEMs and the
value of R². Conversely, there is a significant increase in 𝑅2 with the logarithm of the
price of SSys. The regression equations indicated in Figure 7 shows that R² can increase
of 14 ± 6% for a 10-fold increase of the prices of SSys which is a limited increase at high
cost. Figure 7 also shows a higher scattering of 𝑅2 at the low end of the price scale with
SSys price lower than 500 euro with more fluctuation of the SSys performance.
Figure 7. Relation between prices of OEMs/Sensor Systems (SS) and 𝑅2 for field test only.
Logarithmic scale has been set for both axis. Open source and black box models are indicated with
open and full circles, respectively. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black
and blue colour, respectively. 𝑅2 refers to data averaged over 1 hour. Grey shade in the fit plots
indicate a pointwise 95% confidence interval on the fitted values.
6. Conclusions
According to the European Air Quality Directive, a sensor system can be considered
“Equivalent” when it meets the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) set for data capture and
uncertainty. In order for sensor system measurement to be incorporated into the legal
framework set by the Air Quality Directive in Europe, they shall satisfy one of the data
quality objectives (DQOs) of the Directive. DQOs, defined as the maximum allowed
relative uncertainty, are defined either for reference and indicative measurements or for
objective estimations. For inorganic gaseous pollutants, they correspond to 15, 25 to 30
and 75 %, respectively. Although, the objective of sensor systems is to provide the most
accurate air pollution measurements, it is most likely that the DQO for reference
measurements is out of reach while it is believed that by improving the sensor calibration
procedures the DQO of “Indicative Measurements” could be met at fixed monitoring sites.
There is little information available in the literature regarding calibration of LCSs.
Nevertheless, it was possible to list the calibration methods giving the highest 𝑅2 when
applied to the results of field tests. For 𝐶𝑂 and 𝑁𝑂 our review showed that the MLR
models were the most suitable for calibration. ANN gave the same level of performance
than MLR only for NO. For 𝑁𝑂2 and 𝑂3 , supervised learning models such as, SVR, SVM,
(not for 𝑂3 ), ANN, and RF followed by MLR models showed to be the most suitable
method of calibration. Regarding Particulate Matter, the best results were obtained with
linear models when calibrating 𝑃𝑀2.5 . However, these models were applied only to 𝑃𝑀2.5
when high relative humidity data (> 75-80%) were discarded. For higher relative
humidity, models accounting for the growing of the particulates must be further
developed. So far, the calibration using the Khöler theory seems to be the promising
A list of SSys with 𝑅2 and slope close to 1.0 were drawn from the whole database of
Records of comparison tests of LCSs data versus reference measurements that indicates
the best performance of SSys as shown in Figure 8. In fact, Figure 8 evidences a best
selection region for SSys with blue background. The best SSys would be the one which
reaches the point with coordinates 𝑅2 = 1 and slope = 1. Within the blue background
region, the following SSys can be found: the 2B Tech. (POM), the PA-II, the
AirSensEUR (v.1), the PA-I, the S-500, the AirSensEUR (v.1), the SNAQ, the
Vaisala AQT410 v.15, the MetOne (NM), the Egg (v.2), the AQY v0.5, the CairClip
O3/NO2, the AQMesh v3.0, the AQT410 v.11 and the AirVeraCity. Additionally,
Figure 8 shows that there are more SSys underestimating reference measurements with
slopes lower than 1 than SSys overestimating reference measurements. Analysing the
price of SSys and their R², it was found that 𝑅2 increases of 14 % for a 10-fold increase
of the prices of SSys, a limited improvement for a large price increase.
Figure 8. Correspondence between 𝑅2 and slope for sensor systems (SS) for 1 hour averaging
time. Only sensor models with 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑅2 > 0.75 and 0.5 < 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 < 1.2 are shown. Names of
‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black and blue color, respectively.
Although this report gives an exhaustive survey of the independent LCS evaluations, the
concept of comparing LCS field tests from different studies can be difficult and may result
in misleading conclusions. It is difficult because of the lack of uniformity in the metrics
representing LCS data quality between studies makes them difficult to compare.
Comparing field tests of LCS may also be misleading, since in order to take into
consideration the highest number of studies it was necessary to mainly rely on the
coefficient of determination 𝑅2 . However,𝑅2 is too dependent on the range of reference
measurements, on the duration of test field and on the season and location of the tests,
making change of 𝑅2 not completely dependent on LCS data quality or of calibration
methods. This shortcoming makes the standardisation of a protocol for evaluation of
LCSs at international level a high priority, while intercomparison exercises where LCSs
are gathered at the same test sites and at the same time are also greatly needed.
Finally, among open source sensor systems we could identify the AirSensEUR (v.2) by
LiberaIntentio and the AIRQuino by the CNR for the detection of 𝑁𝑂2 , 𝐶𝑂, 𝑂3 , 𝑁𝑂 and
𝑃𝑀, respectively. As we can see, the AirSensEUR (v.2) resulted in a mean 𝑅2 value of
0.90 and a slope of 0.94 while the AIRQuino resulted in a mean 𝑅2 value of 0.91 and a
𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 of 0.97. We need to point out that, the AIRQuino can measure up to five pollutants
(𝑃𝑀2.5 , 𝑃𝑀10 , 𝑁𝑂2 , 𝑂3 , 𝐶𝑂 and 𝑁𝑂, 𝐶𝑂2 and 𝑉𝑂𝐶𝑠), however, only data fror 𝑃𝑀 were
available at the time of this review. On the other hand, the AirSensEUR (v2) is a
complete sensor system that can also measure PM beside gaseous pollutants including
“𝐶𝑂2 and 𝑅𝑛 (radon)”. This sensor system is already operative and has undergone
multiple calibrations and field tests where measurements of gaseous pollutants showing
good agreement with reference measurements.
To conclude this market analysis, the only sensor system satisfying the requirements of
multipollutant, availability of raw data, transparency of all applied data treatment,
availability of evaluation of the performance of sensor system in literature with high
coefficient of determination (>0.85) has been found to be the AirSensEUR v.2.
Appendix A
Table A1. Number of analysed records and sensor models by averaging time.
Averaging time n. records n. OEMs & SS
1 hour 610 86
5 min 253 40
24 hour 248 42
1 min 214 33
OPC-N3 PM1, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 338
PMS1003 PM2.5 OPC Kelly[42] black box Y 20
PMS3003 PM2.5 OPC Zheng[90], Kelly[42] black box Y 30
PMS5003 PM2.5 OPC Laquai[46] black box Y 15
PMS7003 PM2.5 OPC Badura[5] black box Y 20
PPD42NS PM2.5, nephelometer Wang[81], open source Y 15
PM3, PM2 Holstius[36],
Gao[32], Kelly[42],
SDS011 PM2.5, OPC Budde[11], black box Y 30
PM10 Badura[5], Liu[51],
SM50 O3 MOs Feinberg[30] open source Y 500
TGS-5042 CO MOs Spinelle[69] open source Y 40
TZOA-PM PM nephelometer Feinberg[30] open source Y 90
ZH03A PM2.5 OPC Badura[5] black box Y 20
Table A3. Models of Sensor Systems by pollutant, type, openness and price.
model pollutant type reference open/close living price
2B Tech. O3 UV AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 4500
Aeroqual- O3 MOs Jiao[38] black box Y 2000
AGT ATS-35 NO2 MOs Williams[87] black box N
Air Quality PM1, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 2000
Station PM2.5,
AirAssure PM2.5 nephelometer Feinberg[30], black box Y 1500
AirBeam PM2.5 OPC, Mukherjee[57], black box Y 200
nephelometer Feinberg[30],
Borghi[9], Jiao[38],
AirCube NO2, O3, electrochemical Mueller[56], Bigi[8] black box Y 3538
AirMatrix PM1, nephelometer LCSQA[47] black box Y 60
AirNut PM2.5 OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 150
AIRQino PM2.5, OPC Cavaliere[13] black box Y 1000
AirSensEUR CO, NO, electrochemical Wastine[82], open source, Y 1600
(v.1) NO2, O3 Wastine[83], black box
AirSensEUR CO, NO, electrochemical Karagulian[41] open source Y 1600
(v.2) NO2, O3
AirSensorBox NO2, CO, electrochemical, Borrego[10] black box Y 280
O3, PM10 MOs,
AirThinx PM1, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 1000
AirVeraCity CO, NO2, electrochemical, Marjovi[53] black box Y 10000
O3 MOs
AirVisual Pro PM2.5, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 270
AQMesh v.3.0 CO, NO electrochemical Jiao[38] black box N 10000
AQMesh v.4.0 CO, NO2, electrochemical, AQ-SPEC[3], black box Y 10000
NO, O3, OPC Cordero[20],
PM1, Castell[12],
PM10, Borrego[10],
PM2.5 LCSQA[47]
AQT-410 O3 electrochemical AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 3700
AQT-420 NO2, O3, electrochemical, LCSQA[47] black box Y 5000
AQY v0.5 PM2.5, OPC, AQ-SPEC[3] black box updated 3000
NO2, O3 electrochemical,
ARISense NO2, CO, electrochemical Cross[22] black box Y
NO, O3
Atmotrack PM1, OPC LCSQA[47] black box Y 2500
BAIRS PM2.5-0.5 OPC Northcross[58] open source N 475
Cair PM2.5, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 200
CairClip NO2- NO2 electrochemical Spinelle[66], black box Y 600
F Spinelle[68],
CairClip O3, NO2 electrochemical Jiao[38], black box Y 600
O3/NO2 Spinelle[66],
CairClip PM2.5 OPC Williams[86] black box Y 1500
CAM PM10, OPC, Borrego[10] black box Y
PM2.5, electrochemical
NO2, CO,
CanarIT PM OPC Williams[86] black box N 1500
Clarity Node PM2.5 OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 1300
Dylos PM2.5-0.5 OPC Jiao[38], black box, Y 300
DC1100 Williams[86], open source
Dylos PM2.5-0.5, OPC AQ-SPEC[3], black box, Y 300
DC1100 PRO PM10-2.5, Jiao[38], open source
PM10 Manikonda[52]
Dylos PM2.5-0.5, OPC Manikonda[52], open source Y 475
DC1700 PM10, Sousan[64],
PM10-2.5, Northcross[58],
PM3, PM2, Holstius[36],
PM2.5 Steinle[73],
e-PM PM10, OPC LCSQA[47] black box Y 2500
E-Sampler PM2.5 OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 5500
ECN_Box PM10, nephelometer, Borrego[10] black box Y 274
PM2.5, electrochemical
NO2, O3
Eco PM PM1 OPC Williams[86] black box N
ECOMSMART NO2, O3, electrochemical, LCSQA[47] black box Y 4650
Egg (2018) PM1, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 249
Egg v.1 CO, NO2, MOs AQ-SPEC[3] black box N 200
Egg v.2 CO, NO2, electrochemical AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 240
Egg v.2 (PM) PM2.5, nephelometer AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 280
ELM NO2, MOs, AQ-SPEC[3], US- black box N 5200
PM10, O3 nephelometer EPA[78]
EMMA PM2.5, CO, OPC, Gillooly[34] black box Y
NO2, NO electrochemical
ES-642 PM2.5 OPC LCSQA[47] black box Y 2600
Foobot PM2.5 OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 200
Hanvon N1 PM2.5 nephelometer AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 200
Intel NO2, O3 electrochemical, Vaughn[79] open source N
Berkeley MOs
ISAG NO2, O3 MOs Borrego[10] black box N
Laser Egg PM2.5, nephelometer AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 200
M-POD CO, NO2 MOs Piedrahita[60] black box N
MAS CO, NO2, electrochemical, Sun[74] black box, N, Y 5500
O3, PM2.5 UV, OPC open source
Met One - PM10 OPC Williams[86] black box Y 2050
Met One PM2.5 OPC AQ-SPEC[3], black box Y 1900
(NM) LCSQA[47]
MicroPEM PM2.5 OPC AQ-SPEC[3], black box Y 2000
NanoEnvi NO2, O3, electrochemical, Borrego[10] black box Y
PA-I PM1, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box N 150
PA-I-Indoor PM2.5, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 180
PA-II PM1, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 200
Partector PM1, Electrical AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 7000
PATS+ PM2.5 OPC Pillarisetti[61] black box Y 500
Platypus NO2 NO2 MOs Williams[87] black box Y 50
PMS-SYS-1 PM2.5 nephelometer Jiao[38], AQ- black box Y 1000
Portable AS- PM1, OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 1000
Pure Morning PM2.5 OPC AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 170
RAMP CO, NO2 electrochemical Zimmerman[92] open source Y
S-500 O3, NO2 MOs AQ-SPEC[3], black box Y 500
SENS-IT O3, CO, MOs AQ-SPEC[3] black box N, Y 2200
SidePak PM2.5 nephelometer Karagulian[40] open source N 3000
Smart Citizen CO MOs AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 200
SNAQ NO2, CO, electrochemical Mead[54], black box Y
NO Popoola[62]
Spec CO, NO2, electrochemical AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 500
Speck PM2.5 nephelometer Feinberg[30], US- black box Y 150
Zikova[91], AQ-
UBAS PM2.5 nephelometer Manikonda[52] black box N 100
uHoo PM2.5, O3 nephelometer, AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 300
Urban AirQ NO2 electrochemical Mijling[55] open source N
Vaisala CO, NO2 electrochemical AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 3700
Vaisala CO, NO2 electrochemical AQ-SPEC[3] black box Y 3700
Waspmote NO, NO2, MOs, OPC LCSQA[47] open source Y 1270
Watchtower NO2, PM1, electrochemical, LCSQA[47] black box Y 5000
1 PM10, OPC
PM2.5, O3
Table A4. Shortlist of sensor systems showing good agreement with reference systems (𝑅2 >
0.85; 0.8 < slope < 1.2) for daily data.
mean mean mean price
model pollutant 𝑹𝟐 slope intercept open/close living commercial (EUR)
PA-I 𝑃𝑀1 0.99 0.91 0.47 black box N commercial 132
PA-II 𝑃𝑀1 0.99 0.83 1.8 black box Y commercial 176
Egg (2018) 𝑃𝑀1 0.88 0.81 0.33 black box Y commercial 219
Egg v.2 𝑃𝑀2.5 0.94 1 3.3 black box Y commercial 246
AirThinx 𝑃𝑀1 0.89 0.85 1.3 black box Y commercial 880
Portable 𝑃𝑀1 0.93 0.88 1.5 black box Y non 880
AS-LUNG commercial
AIRQino 𝑃𝑀2.5 , 0.93 1 1.1 black box Y non 1000
𝑃𝑀10 commercial
Air Quality 𝑃𝑀1 0.94 0.89 1.1 black box Y non 1760
Station commercial
AQY v0.5 𝑃𝑀2.5 0.91 0.94 4 black box updated commercial 2640
Vaisala 𝐶𝑂 0.86 0.91 0.25 black box Y commercial 3256
Figure A1. Distribution of 𝑅2 for OEMs and sensor systems obtained from the calibration against
the reference. Records were averaged over a time-scale of 1 hour. Dashed lines indicate the value
of 0.7 and 1.0. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source (blue) and black box (black)
records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black and red colour,
Figure A2. Distribution of 𝑅2 for OEMs and ensor systems obtained from the calibration against the
reference. Records were averaged over a time-scale of 1 minute. Dashed lines indicate the value of
0.7 and 1.0. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source (blue) and black box (black)
records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black and red colour,
Figure A3. Distribution of 𝑅2 from the comparison of sensor systems against reference systems.
Records were averaged over a time-scale of 1 minute. Numbers in bold indicate the number of
open source (blue) and black box (black) records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are
indicated in black and red colour, respectively.
Figure A4. Distribution of 𝑅2 from the comparison of sensor systems against reference systems.
Records were averaged over a time-scale of 1 hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open
source (blue) and black box (black) records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated
in black and red colour, respectively.
Figure A5. Distribution of 𝑅2 from the comparison of OEMs against reference systems. Records
were averaged over a time-scale of 1 hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source
(blue) and black box (black) records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in
black and red colour, respectively.
Figure A6. Distribution of 𝑅2 from the comparison of OEMs against reference systems. Records
were averaged over a time-scale of 24 hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source
(blue) and black box (black) records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in
black and red colour, respectively.
Figure A7. Distribution of 𝑅2 from the comparison of sensor systems against reference systems.
Records were averaged over a time-scale of 24 hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open
source (blue) and black box (black) records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated
in black and red colour, respectively.
Figure A8. Distribution of slopes from the comparison of sensors systems against the reference.
Only records with 𝑅2 > 0.7 and 0.5 < slope < 1.5 are shown. Records were averaged over a time-
scale of 1 hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source (blue) and black box (black)
records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black and red colour,
Figure A9. Distribution of slopes from the comparison of OEMs against the reference. Only records
with 𝑅2 > 0.7 and 0.5 < slope < 1.5 are shown. Records were averaged over a time-scale of 1
hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source (blue) and black box (black) records.
Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black and red colour, respectively.
Figure A10. Distribution of slopes from the comparison of sensors systems against the reference.
Only records with 𝑅2 > 0.7 and 0.5 < slope < 1.5 are shown. Records were averaged over a time-
scale of 24 hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source (blue) and black box (black)
records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black and red colour,
Figure A11. Distribution of slopes from the comparison of OEMs against the reference. Only
records with 𝑅2 > 0.7 and 0.5 < slope < 1.5 are shown. Records were averaged over a time-scale
of 24 hour. Numbers in bold indicate the number of open source (blue) and black box (black)
records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’ sensors are indicated in black and red colour,
Figure A12. Mean 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 for obtained from the comparison of OEMs and sensor systems against
reference measurements.
Figure A13. Prices of OEMs available on the market (Numbers in bold indicates the number of
pollutants measured by each sensor. x-axis uses logarithmic scale). Numbers in bold indicate the
number of open source (blue) and black box (black) records. Names of ‘living’ and ‘non-living’
sensors are indicated in black and red colour, respectively.
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