Spec Ed Inclu - Week 11
Spec Ed Inclu - Week 11
Spec Ed Inclu - Week 11
1. How might the effects of an acute health condition on a student's classroom participation and
educational progress differ from those of a chronic condition?
Many conditions and diseases can significantly affect a child’s health and ability to function
successfully in school
Most physical disabilities and health impairments that result in a child receiving special
education services are chronic conditions, meaning they are long lasting or permanent
A child with a chronic condition is likely to require long-term services of appropriately
intensive supports
Acute conditions may be severe and debilitating; however, they are typically short term
A child who has an acute condition may have limited participation and educational progress,
but only temporarily
Acute illness may need remediation to help the child catch up
2. What does a classroom teacher need to know about physical disabilities and health impairments
in children?
Teachers should have knowledge of physical impairments, assistive technology, teaching
strategies, and necessary accommodations and modifications
Teachers will find a general knowledge of various conditions and how they affect children
Assistive technology can level the effects of these impairments by allowing students to
participate in classroom activities more easily and independently
Specific classroom and instructional strategies, as well as accommodations and
modifications, also assist students in achieving their best individual educational outcomes
3. Why do you think ADHD is not included as a separate disability category in IDEA?
ADHD is one of those conditions which directly impacts learning, yet fails to meet the
criteria to be classified as a learning disability under federal guidelines
Those affected by this disorder have a hard time controlling their behavior and paying
ADHD does not meet the federal definition of learning disability because it impacts all areas
of learning and all cognitive functions rather than any isolated one
Is a medical condition and must therefore be diagnosed by medical professionals rather
than school system personnel
4. How might the visibility of a physical disability or health impairment affect a child's self-
perception, social development, and level of independence across different environments?
How children think about themselves and the degree to which others accept them are often
affected by the visibility of their condition
Some children use a variety of orthopedic appliances that make their physical impairments
more noticeable and make the child with disabilities look even more different from their
classmates without disabilities
The visibility of some disabilities may cause others to underestimate the child’s abilities and
limit their participation opportunities
By contrast, many health conditions that are not as visible may decrease the inclination of
others to provide the student with needed special education services
5. What are some of the problems that members of transdisciplinary teams for students with
physical disabilities and multiple health needs must guard against?
Members of transdisciplinary teams must guard against anything that interferes with open
communication with one another
No other group of exceptional children comes into contact, both in and out of school, with
as many different teachers, physicians, therapists, and other specialists
Because the medical, educational, therapeutic, vocational, and social needs to the
6. Of the many ways that the physical environment, social environment, and instruction can be
modified to support the inclusion of students with physical disabilities, health impairments and
ADHD, which are most important?
Teachers who teach children with physical and health impairments often adapt equipment,
schedules, or settings so that their students can participate more fully in educational and
recreational activities
These issues revolve around determining the extent to which teachers and schools should
realistically be expected to care for students with physical and health-related disabilities.
Concerning the safety of all students must be made
The most important classroom modification is creating an atmosphere so that the student
with disabilities feels socially accepted and comfortable enough to learn and contribute