47 Critical Hit Tables To Spice Up Your Game

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To Spice Up Your Game

DECEMBER 6, 2014
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 1
Melee Combat – Small Edged Weapon: Roll 1d20
1-3 You strike your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your strike severs your foe’s face, disfiguring them permanently.
6 You cut through your foe’s armor, diminishing the effectiveness of the armor until it is repaired.
7 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
10 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
11 You strike your foe’s eye, reducing his or her sight or related stats.
12 Your strike is expertly placed; all subsequent strikes against the same foe gain a bonus to hit.
13 Your strike hits perfectly; automatically cause maximum allowable damage to your foe.
14 You manage to find a weak spot in your foe’s armor/defenses. All subsequent hits ignore armor/defenses.
15 You automatically win initiative/strike first against this foe for the rest of the fight.
16 You cause 1.5X damage to your foe.
17 You gain an additional attack against your foe. Subsequent critical hits automatically do triple damage.
18 Your slash/stab causes moderate bleeding damage over the next 2 rounds.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 You completely disarm your foe with your brilliant strike.

Table 2
Melee Combat – Medium Edged Weapon: Roll 1d20
1-3 You strike your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your weapon impales your foe, causing heavy additional damage the next round.
6 You cut through your foe’s armor, diminishing the effectiveness of the armor until it is repaired.
7 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
10 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
11 You strike your foe’s eye, reducing his or her sight or related stats.
12 You permanently scar your foe’s face, reducing his or her charisma/appearance stats.
13 You knock your foe to the ground, forcing them to make a stat or skill check to rise the next round.
14 If other foes are in the area, you strike one additional foe, dealing normal damage to each.
15 If other foes are in the area, you expertly maneuver two of them to strike one another.
16 You put your foe on his or her heels, imposing a combat penalty on the following round.
17 Your strike staggers your foe, imposing stat penalties on the following round.
18 Your strike causes profuse bleeding, doing light to moderate additional damage over 1d6 rounds.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 You completely disarm your foe with your brilliant strike.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 3
Melee Combat – Large Edged Weapon: Roll 1d20
1-3 You strike your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your weapon impales your foe, causing heavy additional damage the next round.
6 You cut through your foe’s armor, diminishing the effectiveness of the armor until it is repaired.
7 You partially maim one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You partially maim one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You severely maim one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee/physical stats and disarming them.
10 You severely maim one of your foe’s legs, reducing movement/physical stats and knocking them down.
11 Your strike hits perfectly; automatically cause maximum allowable damage to your foe.
12 If other foes are in the area, you strike one additional foe, dealing normal damage to each.
13 If other foes are in the area, you expertly maneuver two of them to strike one another.
14 You completely ruin your foe’s armor/defenses. All subsequent hits ignore armor/defenses.
15 You automatically win initiative/strike first against this foe for the rest of the fight.
16 You cause quadruple damage.
17 Your slash causes severe bleeding damage over the next 4 rounds.
18 Your strike causes triple damage.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 You completely disarm your foe with your brilliant strike.

Table 4
Melee Combat – Small Blunt Weapon: Roll 1d20
1-3 You strike your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your foe is stunned for 1 round by your blow.
6 Your strike hits perfectly; automatically cause maximum allowable damage to your foe.
7 You partially crush one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You partially crush one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You severely crush one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee/physical stats and disarming them.
10 You severely crush one of your foe’s legs, reducing movement/physical stats and knocking them down.
11 You gain an additional attack against your foe. Subsequent critical hits automatically do triple damage.
12 Your strike causes additional knockout damage.
13 Your strike automatically knocks your foe to the ground.
14 You hit your foe’s head, stunning them for 1-2 rounds.
15 You damage your foe’s weapon/shield, causing it to suffer to-hit/damage/defense penalties until repaired.
16 You strike your foe’s hip, reducing their movement by ½ or more until healed.
17 You crush your foe’s hand, making it incapable of wielding a weapon until healed.
18 Your strike hits your foe’s head, reducing physical senses, as well as mental stats until healed.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 You completely disarm your foe with your brilliant strike.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 5
Melee Combat – Medium Blunt Weapon: Roll 1d20
1-3 You strike your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your weapon crushes your foe, causing heavy additional damage the next round.
6 You destroy your foe’s weapon or shield with your savage blow.
7 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
10 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
11 You strike your foe’s head, causing a possible knockout.
12 You bash your foe’s torso, winding them severely. Possible knockout -OR- stat loss for duration of fight.
13 You knock your foe to the ground, forcing them to make a stat or skill check to rise the next round.
14 If other foes are in the area, you strike one additional foe, dealing normal damage to each.
15 If other foes are in the area, you expertly maneuver two of them to strike one another.
16 You put your foe on his or her heels, imposing a combat penalty on the following round.
17 Your strike staggers your foe, imposing stat penalties on the following round.
18 Your strike breaks a bone, imposing heavy combat penalties until healed.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 Your strike causes triple damage.

Table 6
Melee Combat – Large Blunt Weapon: Roll 1d20
1-3 You strike your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your weapon crushes your foe, causing heavy additional damage the next round.
6 You destroy your foe’s weapon or shield with your savage blow.
7 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You partially incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
10 You severely incapacitate one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
11 You strike your foe’s head, causing a possible knockout and double damage.
12 Your foe is stunned for 2 rounds by your blow.
13 Your strike hits perfectly; automatically cause maximum allowable damage to your foe.
14 You completely crush your foe’s armor/defenses. All subsequent hits ignore armor/defenses.
15 You automatically win initiative/strike first against this foe for the rest of the fight.
16 You cause quadruple damage.
17 Your strike causes triple damage.
18 Your strike levels your foe, knocking them backwards through the air.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 You completely disarm your foe with your brilliant strike.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 7
Bows and Crossbows Option 1: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your missile strikes your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your missile hits one of your foe’s eye, causing blinding effects.
6 Your missile impales your foe, pinning them to an object or the ground. Reduced/inhibited movement.
7 You pierce one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You pierce one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You pierce one of your foe’s hands, reducing stats and forcing them to drop anything held.
10 You pierce one of your foe’s feet, causing knockdown and inhibiting movement.
11 You strike near your foe’s heart, causing 2.5X damage.
12 You force your foe to seek cover, inhibiting movement and possible forcing them to move away from you.
13 You strike your foe in the throat, inhibiting speech (including spell casting) until healed.
14 You strike your foe’s head, causing triple damage.
15 Your missile flies perfectly true, ignoring all cover/armor/obstacles. Bonus to subsequent shots against foe.
16 Your missile goes through your foe, striking an additional foe nearby, if any; otherwise double damage.
17 Your strike staggers your foe, imposing stat penalties on the following round.
18 Your shot causes profuse bleeding, doing light to moderate additional damage over 1d6 rounds.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 You completely disarm your foe with your brilliant shot.

Table 8
Bows and Crossbows Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your missile strikes your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your missile hits one of your foe’s eye, causing blinding effects.
6 You pierce one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s damage.
7 You pierce one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
8 You pierce one of your foe’s hands, reducing stats and forcing them to drop anything held.
9 You pierce one of your foe’s feet, causing knockdown and inhibiting movement.
10 For the next 1d6 rounds, you ignore ½ of the cover/armor gained by all foes in range.
11 Your next 1d6 missile hits cause additional damage.
12 Your next 1d6 missiles gain a bonus to hit.
13 Your shots cause 1d6 foes ahead of you to slow to ½ of their movement rate.
14 Your shots severely lower the morale of all struck for 1d6 rounds.
15 Your next successful missile strike is automatically a crit.
16 Bleeding effects from your shot causes additional damage over 1d6 rounds.
17 You disarm your foe with your brilliant shot.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 Missile skill increased moderately for 1d6 rounds; gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 9
Bows and Crossbows Option 3: Roll 1d20
1-3 Strike causes basic damage; moderate bonus to next missile to hit and damage.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of missile skill rolls each round for the next 1d6 rounds.
6 For 1d3 rounds, all missile cover gained by foes is reduced by ¾.
7 Your next regular success against ANY roll is considered a critical success.
8 The next foe to strike you in the same fight automatically fails his or her attack.
9 Your strike causes double damage.
10 You pierce one of your foe’s feet, causing knockdown and inhibiting movement.
11 You pierce one of your foe’s hands, reducing stats and forcing them to drop anything held.
12 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
13 Your next subsequent successful missile attack causes maximum allowable damage.
14 Your strike causes triple damage.
15 You strike your foe in the throat, inhibiting speech (including spell casting) until healed.
16 You force your foe to seek cover, inhibiting movement and possible forcing them to move away from you.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Skill/damage increased moderately for 1d6 rounds; gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 10
Javelins and Thrown Weapons – Option 1: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your missile strikes your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your missile strikes your foe perfectly, and you are granted a bonus for all subsequent throws at that foe.
6 Your missile impales your foe, pinning them to an object or the ground. Reduced/inhibited movement.
7 You pierce one of your foe’s arms, reducing that foe’s melee or physical stats.
8 You pierce one of your foe’s legs, reducing that foe’s movement or physical stats.
9 You pierce one of your foe’s hands, reducing stats and forcing them to drop anything held.
10 You pierce one of your foe’s feet, causing knockdown and inhibiting movement.
11 You strike near your foe’s heart, causing triple damage.
12 You force your foe to seek cover, inhibiting movement and possible forcing them to move away from you.
13 You strike your foe in the throat, inhibiting speech (including spell casting) until healed.
14 You strike your foe’s head, causing triple damage.
15 Your missile flies perfectly true, ignoring all cover/armor/obstacles.
16 Your missile goes through your foe, striking an additional foe nearby, if any; otherwise double damage.
17 Your strike staggers your foe, imposing stat penalties on the following round.
18 Your shot causes profuse bleeding, doing moderate to severe additional damage over 1d6 rounds.
19 Your foe must roll an immediate morale-related check or flee/surrender to your obvious skill.
20 You completely disarm your foe with your brilliant strike.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 11
Javelins and Thrown Weapons – Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your missile strikes your foe for double damage.
4-5 Your missile strikes your foe for 2.5X damage.
6 Your missile destroys your foe’s shield/armor; all subsequent attacks against that foe ignore both.
7 Your missile strikes your foe for triple damage.
8 Your missile impales your foe to 1d3 other foes; each foe takes basic damage plus impaling effects.
9 The foe is struck, immovable due to impaling for 1d3 rounds, and must remove it before he can escape.
10 Your foe has a 50% chance of being stunned for 1d6 rounds.
11 Your next missile attack success is automatically considered a critical success.
12 Your next missile attack critical failure is downgraded to a normal failure.
13 You have a 50% chance of causing 50% extra damage with your next shot.
14 The next hit against the foe, from any source, automatically causes maximum allowable damage.
15 Your missile impales your foe, and until removed imposes significant stat and movement penalties.
16 Your missile knocks your foe down.
17 Your missile stuns your foe for 1d6 rounds.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 12
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 1: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your strike causes basic damage. Moderate bonus to hit the same foe on the following round.
4-5 Your strike causes 1.5X damage.
6 Your strike causes double damage.
7 Your strike causes triple damage.
8 Your strike doubles your critical hit chance on the following round.
9 You gain a moderate to-hit bonus against the same foe for the next 2-3 rounds.
10 Your foe is stunned for 1d3 rounds.
11 Your foe is stunned for 1d6 rounds.
12 Your next hit against the same foe is an automatic crit.
13 Your combat senses heighten greatly; the next time a foe critical you, it is counted as a normal hit.
14 Your combat senses heighten greatly; your next critical failure is counted as a normal failure.
15 Your nearby allies are inspired by your great skill; all gain a light to moderate to-hit bonus for 2 rounds.
16 Your foe is weakened by your blow, reducing that foe’s to-hit and damage for the entire fight.
17 Your foe is demoralized by your blow, causing them to automatically fail their next morale check.
18 You disarm your foe.
19 Your strike reduces the foe’s armor/defenses significantly for the rest of the fight.
20 Your strike causes additional damage from bleeding effects over the next 1d6 rounds.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 13
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your strike causes basic damage. Moderate bonus to damage the same foe on the following round.
4-5 Your strike causes double damage.
6 Your strike causes 2.5X damage.
7 Your strike causes triple damage.
8 Your strike increases your critical hit chance and damage on the following round.
9 You gain a moderate to-hit bonus against the same foe for the next 2-3 rounds.
10 Your foe is stunned for 1d2 rounds.
11 Your foe is stunned for 1d10 rounds.
12 Your next hit against the same foe is an automatic crit.
13 Your combat senses heighten greatly; your armor/defenses increase significantly for 2 rounds.
14 Your combat senses heighten greatly; your saving throws/defenses increase significantly for 5 rounds.
15 Your nearby allies are inspired by your great skill; all gain a moderate damage bonus for 2 rounds.
16 Your foe is weakened by your blow, reducing that foe’s stats for the next 2 rounds.
17 Your foe is demoralized by your blow, forcing them to flee the next round until rallied/the fight is over.
18 You disarm your foe.
19 You terrify a nearby foe, lowering their morale by ½ for the remainder of the fight.
20 Your combat-related stats increase moderately for the rest of the fight.

Table 14
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 3: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your strike causes basic damage. Moderate bonus to hit the same foe on the following round.
4-5 Your strike causes 1.5X damage.
6 Your strike causes double damage.
7 Your strike causes triple damage.
8 Your allies gain a morale/stat bonus for the next 2 rounds.
9 Your foe’s defenses/armor is halved for the next 2 rounds.
10 You ignore your next critical failure and the next critical success of a foe against you.
11 You gain an additional attack per round for the next 2 rounds.
12 Your foe loses the ability to attack for 2 rounds.
13 Your nearby allies gain an initiative bonus for 1d6 rounds due to your inspired skill in combat.
14 All nearby foes suffer an initiative penalty for 1d6 rounds due to your terrifying display of skill.
15 You gain the ability to reroll any single failed/low combat roll for the next 1d6 rounds.
16 You gain the ability to reroll any single failed/low stat or saving throw for the next 1d6 rounds.
17 Your armor/defenses increase significantly for the next 2 rounds.
18 Your armor/defenses increase significantly for the next 5 rounds.
19 Your foe does ½ damage for the next 2 rounds.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 15
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 4: Roll 1d20
1-3 Your foe automatically critically fails on the following round.
4-5 Any damage taken by you this round is reduced by ½.
6 Any damage taken by you next round is reduced by ½.
7 You gain an additional attack per round for the next 2 rounds.
8 Your next normal success does 1.5X damage.
9 Your foe must roll against knockdown for the next 2-3 rounds.
10 Any attack failures by your foe for the next 1d6 rounds cause him/her to be disarmed.
11 Attack succeeds; high bonus to next 1d3 to-hit rolls.
12 Your foe is stunned for 1d2 rounds.
13 Your foe is stunned for 1d6 rounds.
14 Your strike causes double damage.
15 Your strike causes triple damage.
16 Your nearby allies gain a damage bonus for 1d6 rounds due to your inspired skill in combat.
17 All nearby foes suffer a damage penalty for 1d6 rounds due to your terrifying display of skill.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 16
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 5: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next 1d6 to-hit rolls.
4-5 Your foe’s weapon/shield breaks.
6 Your foe’s strength-related physical stats are moderately penalized for the next 1d3 rounds.
7 Your strike causes maximum normal damage.
8 Your strike causes double damage.
9 Your nearby allies gain an initiative bonus for 1d6 rounds due to your inspired skill in combat.
10 All nearby foes suffer an initiative penalty for 1d6 rounds due to your terrifying display of skill.
11 Your strike causes triple damage.
12 Your foe is stunned for 1d2 rounds.
13 Your foe must roll against knockdown for the next 2-3 rounds.
14 Any attack failures by your foe for the next 1d6 rounds cause him/her to be disarmed.
15 Your foe must roll versus serious wounds/saving throws or die immediately.
16 Your strike causes normal damage; you immediately gain another attack.
17 Your strike knocks the enemy back a moderate distance; knockdown may apply.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 17
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 6: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next damage.
4-5 Your foe’s weapon/shield breaks.
6 Your foe’s dexterity-related physical stats are moderately penalized for the next 1d6 rounds.
7 Your strike causes maximum normal damage.
8 Your next 1d6 hits cause additional damage.
9 You reduce your foe’s movement and dexterity-related statistics by ½ for 1d6 rounds.
10 The next 1d6 hits you take do decreased damage.
11 Your strike causes double damage.
12 The next hit you take causes no damage.
13 Your strike causes quadruple damage.
14 Your foe’s to-hit is lowered for 1d6 rounds.
15 Your strike causes triple damage.
16 Your foe’s damage is halved for 1d6 rounds.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Strength increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 18
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 7: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next to hit and damage roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next melee-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 You gain an additional attack each round for 1d6 rounds.
8 Your strike causes double damage.
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 Your strike severely lowers the morale of all struck for the next 1d6 rounds.
11 Bleeding effects from your strike causes additional damage over 1d6 rounds.
12 Your next regular success against ANY roll is considered a critical success.
13 The next foe to strike you in the same fight automatically fails his or her attack.
14 Your foe’s to hit and damage are reduced by ½ the following round.
15 Your strike moderately lowers the strength and dexterity-related stats of your foe for 1d6 rounds.
16 Your next 3 strikes cause additional damage.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Damage increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 19
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 8: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next to hit and damage roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next melee-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 Your foe’s to hit and damage are reduced by ½ the following round.
8 Your foe’s next success is considered a failure.
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 Your next regular success against ANY roll is considered a critical success.
11 The next foe to strike you in the same fight automatically fails his or her attack.
12 Your strike causes double damage.
13 Bleeding effects from your strike causes additional damage over 1d6 rounds.
14 Your foe’s next failure is considered a critical failure.
15 Your next 1d6 strikes ignore ½ armor/defenses.
16 Your foe’s next critical success is a regular success.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Damage increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 20
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 9: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next to hit and damage roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next melee-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 You have a 50% chance on the next round to ignore all damage taken.
8 Your next strike ignores all armor/defenses.
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 You ignore 1/3 of the damage taken from all sources for the next 1d6 rounds.
11 Your strike causes double damage.
12 Your foe’s to hit and damage are reduced by ½ the following round.
13 Your strike causes triple damage.
14 Bleeding effects from your strike causes additional damage over 1d6 rounds.
15 Your next regular success against ANY roll is considered a critical success.
16 The next foe to strike you in the same fight automatically fails his or her attack.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Damage increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 21
Miscellaneous Melee Combat Critical Option 10: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next to hit and damage roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next melee-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 Your strike causes double damage.
8 Your next 3 strikes ignore ½ armor/defenses.
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 Your next regular success against ANY roll is considered a critical success.
11 The next foe to strike you in the same fight automatically fails his or her attack.
12 Your foe’s morale and to hit skill are moderately lowered for the remainder of the fight.
13 All damage done by this foe for the next 1d3 rounds is ignored.
14 Your foe must roll against morale or immediately flee.
15 Your strike causes quadruple damage.
16 Your foe’s to hit and damage are reduced by ½ the following round.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Damage increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 22
Hand to Hand Combat Critical Option 1: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next to hit and damage roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next melee-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 The next hit you take causes no damage.
8 Your next 1d3 unarmed attacks cause maximum allowable damage.
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 Your foe’s armor/defenses reduced by ½ next round.
11 All unarmed attacks against this same foe have a moderate to hit bonus.
12 Double damage.
13 Foe is knocked unconscious.
14 All damage done to you by this foe for the next 1d3 rounds is ignored.
15 Your foe must roll against morale or immediately flee.
16 Triple damage.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Unarmed skill increased moderately for 1d6 rounds; gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 23
Hand to Hand Combat Critical Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next to hit and damage roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next melee-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 Throws or holds cause additional harmful effects to the foe.
8 Foe is automatically knocked down.
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 All damage done by this foe for the next 1d3 rounds is ignored.
11 The next foe to strike you in the same fight automatically fails his or her attack.
12 Double damage.
13 The foe’s constitution or health-related stats reduced significantly.
14 Gain a single die reroll which can be used at any point in the fight for any roll.
15 You reduce your foe’s movement and dexterity-related statistics by ½ for 1d6 rounds.
16 Triple damage.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Unarmed skill increased moderately for 1d6 rounds; gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 24
Hand to Hand Combat Critical Option 3: Roll 1d20
1-3 Attack succeeds; moderate bonus to next to hit and damage roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next melee-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 Your unarmed strike causes 1.5X damage.
8 You gouge your foe’s eye out, causing a severe vision penalty.
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 Your unarmed attack stuns your foe for 1d6 rounds.
11 The next foe to strike you in the same fight automatically fails his or her attack.
12 Double damage.
13 Your next critical success allows you to automatically choose your desired critical effect from this table.
14 Your unarmed attack stuns your foe for 1d3 rounds.
15 Your unarmed attacks gain a moderate damage bonus for 1d6 rounds.
16 Triple damage.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Unarmed skill increased moderately for 1d6 rounds; gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 25
Strength-Related Statistical Feat: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next Strength-related roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next Strength-related roll.
6 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
7 Your Strength increases by a moderate amount for 1d6 rounds.
8 Your Strength has a 10% chance of permanently increasing by a small amount (GM/DM Discretion)
9 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
10 You gain a small amount of experience/skill points from your critical Strength roll.
11 Your Strength increases by a small amount for the next 24 hours.
12 You gain a high bonus to damage on your any damaging attack in the next 10 rounds.
13 Your ability to open doors, bend or lift things increases by one category for a day.
14 Your Strength doubles for this feat.
15 Roll three times of this table. Choose the best of three effects.
16 Feat succeeds brilliantly, whatever action or effect desired grants a huge bonus.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Strength increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 26
Dexterity-Related Statistical Feat: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next Dexterity-related roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next Dexterity-related roll.
6 You gain a small amount of experience/skill points from your critical Dexterity roll.
7 Your ability to move/climb/jump/evade/sneak increases by one category for a day.
8 Your next 1d6 Dexterity-related rolls receive a moderate bonus.
9 You automatically win initiative/act first in your very next combat encounter.
10 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
11 Your next melee or missile strike has a 50% chance of automatically being considered a critical success.
12 You take ½ damage from the next damaging attack to hit you.
13 You gain a high bonus to your next Dexterity-related roll.
14 You have a 50% chance of dodging/saving against the next damage-causing attack to hit you.
15 Your Dexterity has a 10% chance of permanently increasing by a small amount (GM/DM Discretion)
16 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Dexterity increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 27
Health/Constitution-Related Statistical Feat: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next Health-related roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next Health-related roll.
6 You gain a small amount of experience/skill points from your critical Health roll.
7 Your Health has a 10% chance of permanently increasing by a small amount (GM/DM Discretion)
8 You gain a moderate bonus to your next 1d3 Health related rolls.
9 You ignore ½ of the next damage source you take.
10 You gain a moderate armor/defensive bonus for 1 hour due to heightened vitality.
11 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
12 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
13 You ignore ½ of the damage caused by the next poison/wound/illness you suffer.
14 You gain a moderate bonus against the next poison/wound/illness effect you suffer.
15 The next critical strike against you is downgraded to a normal success.
16 Your health score/hit points increase by a moderate amount a full day.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Health/Constitution increased moderately for 1d6 rounds; gain one more critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 28
Sight or Spot-Related Statistical Feat: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next Sight-related roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next Sight-related roll.
6 You gain a small amount of experience/skill points from your critical Sight roll.
7 All sneaking/hidden/invisible foes/items are visible to you for 1d6 rounds.
8 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
9 Your heightened senses grant you a moderate bonus to reaction/initiative for the entire encounter.
10 Your senses are heightened; gain a bonus to armor/defenses/dodging for the next 1 hour.
11 Your next 1d6 Sight-related rolls are automatic successes.
12 All Sight penalties due to darkness/injuries/obscuring are removed from you for the entire encounter.
13 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
14 You are able to see with unnatural acuity; all possible information about your target is provided in detail.
15 For 1d6 rounds your dexterity-related rolls are moderately increased due to your acuity.
16 Your Sight has a 10% chance of permanently increasing by a small amount (GM/DM Discretion)
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Sight increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 29
Hearing or Awareness-Related Physical Feat: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next Hearing-related roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next Hearing-related roll.
6 You gain a small amount of experience/skill points from your critical Hearing roll.
7 You are able to pick up auditory details with uncanny accuracy for 1d6 rounds.
8 Sneaking/stealth rolls of all foes are penalized moderately against you for 1 day.
9 Your Hearing has a 10% chance of permanently increasing by a small amount (GM/DM Discretion)
10 Your heightened Hearing grants you a bonus to all dodges/saves for the entire encounter.
11 For 1d6 rounds your armor/defenses are increased moderately.
12 You are granted a slight bonus to all hearing and combat-related rolls made in the next 1d6 rounds.
13 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
14 Your Hearing is so attuned all other sense-related rolls are given moderate bonuses for the encounter.
15 Roll three times on this table, choose the best of three effects.
16 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Hearing increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and you gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 30
Intelligence or Knowledge-Related Feat: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next Intelligence-related roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next Intelligence-related roll.
6 You gain a small amount of experience/skill points from your critical Intelligence roll.
7 Your Intelligence has a 10% chance of permanently increasing by a small amount (GM/DM Discretion)
8 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
9 You have a slight chance to permanently increase any Intelligence-related skill rolled by a small amount.
10 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
11 Your attempted feat/spell/academic far surpasses the basic level of success, granting additional bonuses.
12 Your perceptiveness allows you to automatically win initiative the very next time you’re in combat.
13 The spell/feat/academic roll automatically does double normal damage/effect.
14 The next spell/feat/academic roll attempted automatically succeed/do maximum damage/effect.
15 Roll three times on this table, choose the best of three effects.
16 Your attempted feat/spell/academic roll is so successful as to grant a bonus to subsequent rolls for 1 day.
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Intelligence increased moderately for 1d6 rounds and gain an additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 31
Charisma/Appearance/Bearing-Related Feat: Roll 1d20
1-3 Feat succeeds; moderate bonus to next Charisma-related roll.
4-5 Gain a single reroll for the success of your next Charisma-related roll.
6 You gain a small amount of experience/character points from your critical Charisma roll.
7 You have a slight chance to permanently increase any Charisma-related skill rolled by a small amount.
8 Your Charisma success guarantees trust/faith/belief from your intended target(s).
9 Your next critical failure is considered a normal failure.
10 Your Charisma success causes the target to favor you moderately in all subsequent dealings.
11 You are able to glean far more info/discounts/trust from your target than intended.
12 Your negotiation/social/appearance roll grants you a moderate amount of experience/character points.
13 Your next regular success is considered a critical success.
14 Due to your social skills, your Charisma/Appearance increases by a moderate amount for 1 day.
15 Your critical success has the effects of a low-mid level charm-type spell, at GM/DM’s discretion.
16 Your Charisma has a 10% chance of permanently increasing by a small amount (GM/DM Discretion)
17 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
19 Charisma increased moderately for 1d6 rounds, and gain one additional critical effect roll on this table.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 32
Spell-Related Critical – Single Target Direct Damage – Option 1: Roll 1d20
1-3 Spell does double normal damage.
4-5 Spell does triple normal damage.
6 Spell/mana/spell points are not erased from the caster’s memory/pool.
7 Target is stunned by the spell for 1d6 rounds.
8 The target becomes vulnerable to this spell for 1d6 rounds; saves/resistance is reduced moderately.
9 The caster’s next spell becomes an instant cast/has a dramatically reduced casting time.
10 The next direct damaging spell has its damage increased moderately.
11 The caster’s next 1d3 spells have their casting time reduced moderately.
12 Target is rendered unconscious by the damaging spell for 2d6 rounds.
13 Target’s saves/resistance against the caster significantly reduced for 1d6 rounds.
14 The spell’s effects continue for 1d3 rounds, causing moderate additional damage.
15 Target is knocked down by the damaging spell.
16 The target is knocked down and back a significant distance.
17 The caster’s next 1d6 spells are resisted/saved against at a reduced rate by all targets.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 33
Spell-Related Critical – Single Target Direct Damage – Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-4 Spell causes double damage.
5-6 The caster’s next spell becomes an instant cast/has a dramatically reduced casting time.
7 The spell causes damage equal to ½ of its maximum base effect over the next 1d6 rounds.
8 Target’s saves/resistance entirely removed/negated next round against the caster.
9 Spell has a 50% chance of causing its base damage again next round.
10 The target has their resistance/saves lowered against the caster’s subsequent spell.
11 Nearby allies of target have 50% chance of taking ½ the damage of the original spell.
12 Caster absorbs an amount of magical damage equal to the damage caused by this spell for up to 1 day.
13 Caster receives a moderate bonus to the range of his next 1d6 spells.
14 Target of this spell is knocked down; 50% chance of being stunned for 1d3 rounds.
15 Target of this spell has a 75% chance of being stunned for 1d2 rounds.
16 Caster’s next 1d6 spells have a 25% chance of doing maximum allowable damage.
17 One nearby ally of target has a 50% chance of taking the full damage of the original spell.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 34
Spell-Related Critical – Multiple Target Direct Damage – Option 1: Roll 1d20
1-3 Spell causes moderate additional damage to all targets.
4-5 Spell causes maximum allowable damage to all targets.
6 All target are stunned by the spell for 1d2 rounds.
7 The spell’s area/number of targets is increased by 1d6x10%.
8 Spell does quadruple normal damage to one target, and double damage to remainder.
9 The caster’s next 1d3 spells have their casting time reduced moderately.
10 Targets of spell are knocked down by the force of the magic.
11 All targets have their resistance/saves lowered against the caster’s subsequent spell.
12 All targets have their morale lowered moderately.
13 All targets are pushed back a moderate distance by the force of the spell.
14 The area of effect of the spell is doubled.
15 All targets have their morale lowered moderately; ½ of the targets must then roll morale immediately.
16 The caster’s next 1d2 spells have their range or area doubled.
17 The spell’s effects continue for 1d3 rounds, causing moderate additional damage.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 35
Spell-Related Critical – Multiple Target Direct Damage – Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-4 Spell causes double damage.
5-6 The caster’s next spell becomes an instant cast/has a dramatically reduced casting time.
7 Caster’s next 1d6 spells have a 25% chance of doing maximum allowable damage.
8 Targets take a small amount of damage each round they remain within this spell’s original AoE.
9 Caster absorbs an amount of magical damage equal to the base damage of by this spell for up to 1 day.
10 Caster’s resistance/saves increased by a significant amount for 3d6 rounds.
11 The area of effect of the spell is doubled.
12 Spell causes triple damage.
13 Targets of this spell have a 25% chance of being stunned for 1d2 rounds.
14 All targets of this spell are knocked down.
15 All targets of this spell are knocked down and have a 10% chance of being stunned for 1d6 rounds.
16 The area of effect of the spell is tripled.
17 All targets have their resistance/saves lowered against the caster’s subsequent spell.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 36
Merciless Carnage Critical – Melee Option 1: Roll 1d20
Only the most bloodthirsty of GMs/DMs are encouraged to use these tables, and then only in the unforgiving
maelstrom of epic battle. All of the below critical successes are considered automatic kills for the unlucky victim.
You have been warned…

1-5 Victim is utterly destroyed, and can never be resurrected/healed/reincarnated.

6-8 Victim eviscerated violently; nearby foes stunned by flying entrails for 1d2 rounds!
9 Victim’s teeth/skull shards strike nearby foes, causing light damage to all within 10 feet.
10 Victim’s head flies 3d6 feet, moderately lowering the morale of all foes who see it.
11 You wrap your victim’s entrails around his neck, choking him to death over the next 1d3 rounds.
12 You impale your victim’s head on your weapon; you force morale checks from the 1d3 nearest foes.
13 Your strike kills your foe, and flying shards of flesh and bone moderately damage all foes within 6 feet.
14 You slam your foe’s lifeless corpse to the ground, causing knockdown effects for foes within 10 feet.
15 You cut your foe in half, and rip his spine from his corpse with your bare hands!
16 Your blow causes ½ your basic damage to all foes within 5 feet.
17 Blood rushes out of your foe like a geyser, blinding nearby foes within 10 feet.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 37
Merciless Carnage Critical – Melee Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-5 You decapitate your foe, forcing all foes within 30 feet to roll their morale or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.
6-8 Your strike kills your foe, and flying shards of flesh and bone moderately damage all foes within 6 feet.
9 You sever your foe’s arm from his body, and strike him with it, causing double normal damage.
10 You cut your foe’s legs off at the knee, and watch him suffer in agony for 1d2 rounds.
11 You drive your weapon through your foe’s body, impaling a nearby foe for full damage.
12 You rip your victim’s beating heart from his chest; gain moderate damage bonus from it for 1d6 rounds.
13 You decapitate your foe so violently that his head strikes the nearest foe for ½ of your total damage.
14 All foes within 10 feet must make a morale or flee from your brutality!
15 1d6 nearby foes are knocked down by your savage victory over your foe.
16 The morale of all foes within 20 feet is reduced by 1 level per round for every round you fight.
17 You take your foe’s weapon from his own hand and slay him with it, leaving it in his quavering corpse.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 38
Merciless Carnage Critical – Melee Option 3: Roll 1d20
1-5 Your strike drives straight through the foe’s skull, leaving them to jerk and spasm upon your weapon.
6-9 You sever your foe’s head, and kick their lifeless body into nearby foes, knocking 1d3 of them down.
10 The blood spatter from your killing blow blinds 1d3 nearby foes for 1d2 rounds.
11 Victim’s teeth/skull shards strike nearby foes, causing light damage to all within 10 feet.
12 Your foe’s dying scream grants a moderate bonus to 1d6 nearby allies’ to hit and damage for 1d6 rounds.
13 Your blow causes ½ your basic damage to all foes within 5 feet.
14 You take your foe’s weapon from his own hand and slay him with it, leaving it impaled in his corpse.
15 You eviscerate your foe, and rip his bowels out of his abdomen with your bare hands!
16 All of your successful strikes in melee have a 50% chance of becoming a critical success for 1d6 rounds.
17 Your savage blow cuts your enemy in two.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 39
Merciless Carnage Critical – Melee Option 4: Roll 1d20
1-5 You slay your foe with his own weapon, and gain a moderate bonus to damage for the next 1d6 rounds.
6-9 Your blow causes ½ your basic damage to all foes within 5 feet.
10 All of your successful strikes in melee have a 50% chance of becoming a critical success for 1d6 rounds.
11 Your next critical failure becomes a critical success!
12 Your foes suffer severe to hit and damage penalties for 1d6 rounds before to your unquenched rage.
13 Your unstoppable slaughter causes maximum allowable damage each subsequent round for 1d2 rounds.
14 Your triumphant victory grants a bonus to allies’ to hit and damage within 30 feet for 1d6 rounds.
15 Your rage fills your enemies with dread; all foes who face you do ½ damage for 1d6 rounds.
16 Your inspiring courage grants allies within 30 feet a 25% chance to roll a critical success for 1d6 rounds.
17 Victim’s teeth/skull shards strike nearby foes, causing light damage to all within 10 feet.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 40
Merciless Carnage Critical – Melee Option 5: Roll 1d20
1-5 All of your successful strikes in melee have a 50% chance of becoming a critical success for 1d6 rounds.
6-9 All of your foes must roll morale to face you for 1d6 rounds, or flee in terror.
10 Your foe’s death grants a morale penalty to all enemies for 1d6 rounds.
11 Your blow causes ½ your basic damage to all foes within 5 feet.
12 Your inspiring courage grants allies within 30 feet a 50% chance to roll a critical success next round.
13 Your rage fills your enemies with dread; all foes who face you do ½ damage for 1d6 rounds.
14 Your blow causes ½ normal damage to 1d3 nearby foes.
15 Victim’s teeth/skull shards strike nearby foes, causing light damage to all within 10 feet.
16 Your merciless triumph grants all allies within 30 feet a huge bonus to hit and damage for 1d2 rounds.
17 Your victory fills your foes with fear; for 1d6 rounds all who face you have their to hit severely penalized.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 41
Humorous Critical – Option 1: Roll 1d20
Not to be used by gloomy, morose, sparkly vampire/easily-offended types. At no point shall these tables
be used by children, clowns, fainting goats, or dogs that can fit in purses.

1-5 Your strike causes a swarm of flying rabbits to whirl around your foe for 1round, causing light damage.
6-9 You strike your foe for double damage, but you are both knocked down by the impact
10 Your brilliant display causes 1d6 nearby foes to sheaths their weapons and clap politely.
11 Your brilliant display causes 1d6 nearby allies to sheathe their weapons and clap politely.
12 You carve your initials into your foe, only to realize you’ve misspelled them. You are moderately embarrassed.
13 Your foe is staggered by the blow, and is stunned for 1d2 rounds. You politely allow him to catch his breath.
14 Your next 1d3 failures are critical failures, and your next one success is a critical success.
15 Your next 1d3 successes are failures, but your next 1d3 failures are critical successes… wait…
16 Double Damage! However, your weapon disappears entirely inside your foe. Spend 1d6 rounds digging it out.
17 3X Damage! However, your weapon, along with that of your nearest ally disappear inside your foe. See above.
18 Your allies go deaf for 1d6 rounds, due to not being able to hear you over the sound of how awesome you are.
19 Your skin sparkles, causing 1d3 nearby foes to flee, but leaves a nasty rash that can only be cured magically.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 42
Humorous Critical – Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-5 Your brilliant display causes 1d6 nearby foes to sheaths their weapons and clap half-heartedly.
6-9 Your brilliant display causes 1d6 nearby allies to sheathe their weapons and clap sarcastically.
10 Your foe is offended by your blow, and refuses to fight you any longer as a matter of principle.
11 A chicken pecks your foe’s eyes out, blinding him. The chicken, with basic stats, then turns on you.
12 Your foe takes 3X damage; if this kills him, he spends the next 3d6 rounds dying on your weapon.
13 Your foe’s armor, as well as all clothing except for his embarrassingly inappropriate boxers falls off.
14 Your foe is eaten by a dragon, who rudely departs soon after, not having paid you for his meal.
15 Your foe falls off the cliff that nobody saw at the beginning of this battle. The cliff may or may not stay.
16 Your foe is run over by a herd of fainting goats, taking trampling and relatively gentle falling damage.
17 Your DM removes the foe’s figurine from the table, and writes something rude on your character sheet.
18 You do 10X damage IF you can sing the lyrics to ‘I am the Walrus’ by the Beatles.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 43
Humorous Critical – Option 3: Roll 1d20
1-5 Your critical success causes your foe to become mildly infatuated with you for 1d6 rounds.
6-9 Your critical success causes a nearby ally to become mildly infatuated with you for 1d6 rounds.
10 Your critical success causes your next 1 ½ blows to do moderately more damage.
11 Your strength-related stats quadruple for 1 round.
12 Your foe’s helmet and pants turn around, inhibiting sight and movement for 1d3 rounds.
13 The foe becomes an offensive stereotype, making everyone uncomfortable for as long as the DM chooses.
14 Your charisma-related stats quadruple for 1 round.
15 Gain 6 levels for 1 round; your DM has to take the time to do the math for 1 ROUND’s worth of combat.
16 Your left leg becomes a sword for 1 round, granting you a single extra swing.
17 Your victory causes you to glow very brightly for 1 round. All foes and allies are temporarily blinded.
18 All foes go deaf for 1d6 rounds. They cannot hear you over the sound of how awesome you are.
19 Your savage blow causes all foes within 10 feet to evacuate – their bowels. Immediately.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 44
Turn the Tables – Option 1: Roll 1d20
Instead of your critical success benefiting your character, sometimes they may force your foe to
critically fumble his, her, or its attack against you that round, - even nullifying one that has already
occurred, at your GM/DM’s discretion.
1-5 Your foe drops his or her weapon.
6-9 Your foe falls to the ground.
10 Your foe accidentally strikes a nearby ally of his instead of you for full damage.
11 Your foe accidentally strikes a nearby ally of his instead of you for double damage.
12 Your foe gets terribly disoriented in battle, granting you a free attack on the next round.
13 Your enemy causes himself his own full basic damage from a terribly executed attack.
14 Your foe rams his head into something, stunning himself for 1d6 rounds.
15 Your foe begins to run the wrong way, confusing his own allies and causing 1d6 of them to roll morale.
16 Your foe disarms himself, and practically puts his weapon into your hands.
17 Your foe falls over backwards, tripping up 1d3 of his own allies.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game
Table 45
Turn the Tables – Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-3 Foe gets something in his eye; disoriented or blinded for 1d2 rounds, lowering defenses/armor.
4-5 Your foe hits himself for basic weapon damage.
6 Your foe hits himself for 1.5X weapon damage.
7 Your foe hits himself for double weapon damage.
8 Foe must succeed at all rolls made that round three times; any single failure is treated as a total failure.
9 Foe drops his weapon, and is unable to retrieve it for 1d2 rounds.
10 Foe stuns himself with his own incompetence; disoriented for 1d3 rounds.
11 Foe mistakes one of his own allies for you for 1d6 rounds.
12 Foe loses grip on his weapon and shield, and practically hands them to you.
13 Foe’s armor comes loose, lowering his defenses/armor/movement/dexterity for 1d6 rounds.
14 Foe’s weapon breaks.
15 Foe’s weapon breaks, and he falls into one of his own allies, causing knockdown.
16 Foe backs into one of his own allies, and both are knocked down.
17 Foe strikes himself in the head, and is knocked out.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 You may choose any single critical effect on this table.

Table 46
Random Critical Effect – Option 1: Roll 1d20
The catch-all for critical successes that don’t fall into any of the above tables.

1-5 Experience gained for the deed/accomplishment is tripled.

6-7 Experience gained for the deed/accomplishment is multiplied 5 fold.
8 The skill/stat/roll grants 1-2 additional benefits than normal to the character.
9 The next skill/stat/roll made has a 50% chance of automatically being considered a critical success.
10 The next critical failure of any sort has a 50% chance of being downgraded to a normal failure.
11 The character gains a significant bonus to 1-2 related stats/senses/skills for a short period of time.
12 The character gains temporary health/hit points.
13 The character’s efforts are doubly successful in scope, damage, or effect.
14 The character may become slightly better at the skill/stat permanently, at the DM/GM’s discretion.
15 The character’s allies benefit in some way from the skill/stat/roll, or the scope/damage/effect is doubled.
16 Roll once on each Random Critical Effect table, choose the best of the two effects.
17 The next 1d3 related skill/stat/rolls have a 25% chance of automatically being critical successes.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 Choose any single critical effect on this table.
47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game

Table 47
Random Critical Effect – Option 2: Roll 1d20
1-5 Experience gained for the deed/accomplishment is doubled.
6-9 10X Experience gained for the deed/accomplishment.
10-12 The next critical failure of any sort is automatically downgraded to a normal failure.
13 The next 1d3 related skill/stat/roll failures have a 50% chance of being upgraded to successes.
14 The character gains the maximum allowable effect of this and the next successful related roll.
15 The character gains temporary health/hit points.
16 The character’s skill/stat/roll can be increased at significantly reduced cost/free when they level/advance.
17 Roll once on each Random Critical Effect table, choose the best of the two effects.
18 Roll twice on this table, choose the best of two effects.
19 Roll twice on this table, apply both effects.
20 Choose any single critical effect on this table.

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