ASSIGNMENT, Anjelic Permejo
ASSIGNMENT, Anjelic Permejo
ASSIGNMENT, Anjelic Permejo
BSCA -3101
All of us can be a parent even animals can be a parent but not all
parents are alike. If I will be a mother someday, I want to be like a warrior
parent, why? Every parent will sacrifice his or her life for their child or
children even its dangerous that life can changed it. I want to be a parent
who will fight for her life and give all his/her needs but have a limit. I don’t
want to spoil my future son/ daughter. Like in the stories that I read,
parents will do anything for the sake of his/her child. I will raise them kind,
confident, industrious and God fearing. Like my parents, they are kind in all
aspects, that’s what I want to be in the future. I will love my future son/
daughter in all my heart. “We never know the love of a PARENT till we
become parents ourselves”by Henry Ward Beecher.