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Design Basis Report for Road VUP & Minor bridges


Table of Contents

1. Project Brief ........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Brief scope of services: ....................................................................................................... 3
3. Salient features of Underpass: .......................................................................................... 3
4. Scope of Design Basis Report (DBR) ................................................................................ 5
4.1 Standards and Codes of practice: .......................................................................................... 5
4.2 Durability Requirements ........................................................................................................ 6
4.3 Materials:.................................................................................................................................. 6
4.3. 1 Concrete ............................................................................................................................ 6
4.3. 2 Reinforcing steel .............................................................................................................. 7
4.4 Miscellaneous features ............................................................................................................ 7
4.4. 1 Wearing Coat ................................................................................................................... 7
4.4. 2 Expansion Joint ............................................................................................................... 8
4.4. 3 Drainage Arrangements.................................................................................................. 8
4.4. 4 Approach Slab ................................................................................................................. 8
4.4. 5 U-Trough .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.4. 6 Pavement .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Design loading: ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.6. 1 Dead Load (DL) ............................................................................................................... 9
4.6. 2 Superimposed dead load (SIDL) .................................................................................... 9
4.6. 3 Live loads (LL) ................................................................................................................. 9
4.6. 4 Dynamic Incremental .................................................................................................... 11
4.6. 5 Water Currents & Buoyancy ....................................................................................... 13
4.6. 6 Earth Pressure (EP) ...................................................................................................... 13
4.6. 7 Temperature loads (TL) ............................................................................................... 14
4.6 Load combination .................................................................................................................. 14
4.7 RCC Box (VUP), U-trough & Approach Retaining Structure Analysis ......................... 14
4.8 Design of temporary Excavation Support: ......................................................................... 15
4.9 Methodology for Construction: ............................................................................................ 15

1. Project Brief:
The RUB & minor bridges are proposed on NH-75 near Kunigal via Nelamangala to Hassan. The
length of the RUB & minor bridges are governed by the available road lengths.

2. Brief scope of services:

Major activities for design development are given below:

Vehicular Underpasses "VUP" (RCC Box double cell having approach retaining

Minor bridges. 

3. Salient features of Underpass:

Salient features includes following details i.e. proposed span arrangement, type of proposal,
proposed length of Vehicular Underpass (RCC Box).

 Vehicular underpass near Kunigal : -

S.no. Feature Description

1 Type of proposal New-construction -4 lane VUP

2 Proposed span arrangement 2 x 9.60 mtr

3 Total width proposed 21.25mtr = 9.60mtr (New 2-lane VUP) + 0.60 mtr.
Intermediate wall + 9.60 mtr (New 2-lane VUP) +
2X0.70mtr. Side walls

4 Width of New 2 lane VUP (LHS Total Slab width (9.60mtr.) = 7.00mtr carriageway
& RHS) on Main-carriageway. +1.50mtr. Utility box/footpath + 1.1mtr.

S.no. Feature Description

5 Minimum clearances a) Lateral clearance- 9.60mtr

b) Vertical clearance-5.50mtr

6 Type of structure RCC double cell box type VUP.

4. Scope of Design Basis Report (DBR):

This Design Basis Report is intended to satisfy design standards that have been identified and
enumerated for evolving a comprehensive design philosophy, which covers all aspects of
design for various components of the VUP RCC Box and approach retaining structures. The
design philosophy is primarily based on relevant IRC codes of practice (prescribed for design,
execution, maintenance and safety during construction and service), IRC specifications. For
aspects not covered by IRC and BIS Standards and relevant recommendations of the
International Standards, sound engineering practices are followed. The design standard
includes but is not limited to the following:

 Standards and Codes of practice

 Durability Requirements
 Material
 Miscellaneous features
 Dead load
 Super-imposed dead load
 Live loads and Longitudinal forces
 Centrifugal force
 Settlement
 Dynamic Increment
 Water currents and Buoyancy
 Earth pressure
 Load Combinations
 Design criteria for structure analysis
 Design of Temporary Excavation Support
 Methodology adopted for construction
4.1 Standards and Codes of practice: -
Design of all components of structures shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions
of the following Standards / Codes of Practices: -

Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges /

IRC:5 – 2015
Section: I – General Features of Design
Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges /
IRC:6 – 2017
Section: II – Load and Stresses
Standard specification and code of practice for construction of
IRC:15 – 2002
concrete roads
Code of Practice of Concrete Road Bridges (Limit State Design)
IRC:112 – 2011

Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges /

IRC:78 -2014
Section: VII – foundations and substructures
Guidelines for design and construction of river training and control
IRC:89 – 1997
works for road bridges
Section: IV – Brick Stone & Block masonry

Guidelines for the Design of Plain jointed rigid pavements for

IRC:58 - 2002
Guidelines and Specifications for Expansion Joints
IRC: SP:69 – 2005

4.2 Durability Requirements

Required bridges design life will be 100 years. Structures will be designed as per durability
criteria specified in section 14.0 of IRC-112.

4.3 Materials: -
All dimensions and units are in SI units. When required to use data from the code which is in
MKS units, the same will be used by applying a conversion factor 1 kg = 9.81 N.

4.3. 1 Concrete

4.3.1. 1 Minimum Grade of Concrete

Following Minimum Grade of Concrete shall be followed for Various Components:

Sub-structure  M35
Crash Barrier  M40

4.3.1. 2 Minimum Clear Concrete Cover

The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided:

Location Cover
1 Top Slab Outer (Earth) face 75
2 Top Slab Inner (Non Earth) face 45
3 Bottom Slab Outer (Earth) face 75
4 Bottom Slab Inner (Non Earth) face 75
5 Side Walls Inner (Earth) Face 75
6 Side Walls Inner (Non Earth) Face 45
 Where bundled or paired bars are used then the equivalent diameter shall be
considered in determining cover requirements.

4.3.1. 3 Young’s Modulus

Young’s Modulus of Concrete (Ec) shall be as below:
M40 Grade - 33000MPa
M35 Grade - 32000MPa

Modular Ratio shall be considered as Es/Ec, where Es is Young’s Modulus of reinforcing


4.3.1. 4 Density
Reinforced Concrete - 2.5 t/m3
Plain Concrete - 2.4 t/m3

4.3.1. 5 Poisson’s Ratio

Poisson’s Ratio for all Concrete shall be 0.2 as per IRC: 112 - 2011.

4.3.1. 6 Thermal Expansion Coefficient

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion shall be 1.2 x 10-5 /°C

4.3. 2 Reinforcing steel

Thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) reinforcing bars confirming to IS: 1786 shall be

4.3.3. 1 Grade of Steel

Grade of Steel shall be Fe 500D/550D.

4.3.3. 2 Young’s Modulus

Young’s Modulus of Steel shall be taken as 200000 MPa.

4.3.3. 3 Yield Stress

Yield Stress shall be 500 MPa.

4.3.3. 4 Density

Density of Steel shall be taken as 7.85 t/m3

4.4 Miscellaneous features

4.4. 1 Wearing Coat

Wearing coat shall be 65mm thick comprising 40mm thick Bituminous concrete in two layers
of 20mm each overlaid with 25mm thick mastic asphalt.

4.4. 2 Expansion Joint

In new VUP strip seal type expansion joint to cater movement for simply supported span of
up to 30m units shall be adopted. For bridges with higher span modular type expansion joint
shall be adopted of 25mm as per IRC-15 2002 Clause 3.3.7. These shall confirm to and be
installed as per requirements of the contractor.

4.4. 3 Drainage Arrangements

Cross gradient shall be provided for drainage and drainage spouts shall be provided at regular
intervals on one side or both sides of carriageway depending upon cross slope/ super elevation.

4.4. 4 Approach Slab

M35 grade of concrete approach slab of 3.5m minimum length and 300 mm thickness shall
be provided on both sides of the structure with one end resting on structure and the other
resting on the compacted backfill soil as per clause 214.2 of IRC: 6 - 2017. The approach slab
is provided over lean concrete of 150mm thickness in RCC M15 grade of concrete as
stipulated in MORTH (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) specifications.

4.4. 5 U-Trough

Ramp if any will be constructed using U-Trough.

4.4. 6 Pavement
Rigid pavement of ramp in Underpass shall be designed as per IRC standard (MORTH).

4.5 Design loading: -

4.6. 1 Dead Load (DL)

Dead Load is defined as the self-weight of the structure. Self-weight of reinforced concrete
and pre-stressed concrete will be taken as 2.5 t/m3 as specified in para above. All
other loads shall been taken as per the table provided in IRC 6-2017.

4.6. 2 Superimposed dead load (SIDL)

SIDL is defined as self-weight of non-structural component such as surfacing and other

utilities carried by the bridge / structure.

4.6.2. 1 Wearing coat

For design purposes 65mm thick of asphalt wearing course shall be considered. Its weight is
considered as 0.22 T/m2. This load shall be applied as a uniformly distributed load over the
entire carriageway area.

4.6. 3 Live loads (LL)

4.6.3. 1 Design Vehicular Loading

The carriageway of the proposed bridges / structures will be designed for governing effect of
IRC loadings (Class 70R and Class A) with appropriate lane reduction factor as specified in
IRC: 6-2017. The above loads will be increased by appropriate impact factors of IRC: 6-

The Class A trains are spaced every 20m whereas Class 70R are spaced every 30m between
axles for wheeled vehicles, and every 30 m from tail to nose for tracked vehicles. An
appropriate reduction factor is applied as per the loading combination.

Class A Train of Vehicles

Class 70R Train of Vehicles

4.6.3. 2 For Local Live Load Analysis (LL)

Load cases of single axle of 20t and a bogie of 40 t (two axles spaced at 1220 mm) are to be
considered for the local analysis of the deck. Transverse spacing of the wheels of the axle or
the bogie, and wheel impact shall be as per the following sketch:

Transverse spacing of the wheels.

4.6.3. 3 Live Load combinations:

The following live load combinations shall be considered for the design and analysis as per
provision of Cl: 208 of IRC: 6

4.6.3. 4 Impact load: -

Vertical impact for Class A loading shall be as per figure given below:

Vehicle Impact percentage for Class A

For Class 70 R – wheeled vehicles, impact shall be taken equal to 25 % for spans less
than12m, and in accordance with above figure for spans in excess of 12 m. For Class 70 R –
tracked vehicles, impact shall be taken equal to 25 % for spans upto 5 m, in early reducing to
10 % for spans of 9 m. 10 % for spans up to 40 m and in accordance with above figure for
spans in excess of 40 m.

4.6.3. 5 Braking force :

As per Clause - 214.2, IRC - 6 : 2017 , the braking force shall be 20% for the first two lanes
plus 5% for the lanes in excess of two.

4.6. 4 Dynamic Incremental

The performance of retaining wall during earthquake is very complex. Due to repetitive
nature of dynamic load of earthquake, there is need to determine displacement of wall due to

earthquake forces and distribution of backfill soil mass. Laboratory test and analysis of such
walls by Kramer (1996) indicated the following:

 Retaining walls can move by translation or rotation. The relative amount of

translation and rotation depends on geometry, types of retaining walls and sub soil
 The magnitude and distribution of dynamic wall pressure are influenced by the mode
of wall movement, e.g translation and rotation about base.
 The maximum soil thrust acting on a wall generally occurs when the wall has translated
or rotated towards the backfill whereas the minimum soil thrust acting on a wall
generally occurs when the wall has translated or rotated away from the backfill.

The BIS code IS:1893-1984 gives direct formula for treatment of dynamic
increment of earth pressure. The distribution factor (Kd) is given by ratio of lateral
dynamic increment in active pressures to the vertical pressures at various depths
along the height of wall H as shown in Fig.2. The pressure distribution of dynamic
increment in active earth pressure may be obtained by multiplying the vertical effective
pressures by the coefficient Kd at corresponding depths.

Fig.2 shows the typical earth pressure diagram showing static and dynamic increment
pressures. These diagrams with generic formula will help designers to draw

pressure diagrams for even layered soils with different soil properties along the
height of wall.

Seismic zone for Hassan is (II) as per IS-1893

4.6. 5 Water Currents & Buoyancy

As per IRC:6- 2014 clause no.213.3, In the design submerged masonry or concrete
structures, the buoyancy effect through pore pressure may be limited to 15 percent of
full buoyancy.
The design of the submerged RCC structures shall be done considering design ground
water table.
The Ground water table (Base value) shall be considered as maximum (in terms of RL)
of Ground water table data published by
(a) Central Ground water board (CGWB),
(b) Ground water table reported in Geotechnical report provided in tender documents,
(c) Ground water table reported in Geotechnical report provided by Design & Build
The design Ground water table shall be taken as 4.0m higher than the Base value for
evaluation of effects for design purposes.

Design GWT shall be taken for evaluation of effects for design purposes so that
Buoyancy calculation also shall be calculates assuming ground water level at the same
water table. (F.O.S.) should be greater than 1.1 of the ratio of total downward vertical
pressure and uplift water pressure.

4.6. 6 Earth Pressure (EP)

 Underground vertical elements that are in direct contact with the ground shall be
designed as permanent retaining walls to resist the lateral earth pressure. The earth

pressure coefficients shall be calculated based on formula given below.

For Coefficient of earth pressure at Rest


For Walls and retaining structures to be design for active earth pressure.

 Where live load is present behind retaining structures a live load surcharge equivalent
to a minimum of 1.2 meter of soil shall be considered.

 An appropriate drainage layer shall be provided behind all retaining structures.

 Density of cohesion less backfill material shall be taken as 20kN/m3

 Backfill parameters proposed to be taken for the backfill material behind abutments and
other earth retaining wall are:

> 300, = 20.0, d = 20kN/m3, sub= 10kN/m3

4.6. 7 Temperature loads (TL)

 Temperature loads shall be considered in two ways as below Maximum & Minimum
air shade temperature for project region shall be 47.5°C & - 2.5°C respectively.
Hence, Structures shall be designed for a temperature variation of ±35°C. The
temperature effect of rise and fall takes place over a season and hence the long-term
value of Modulus of Elasticity shall be considered in the analysis, E shall be estimated
by considering a creep coefficient of 2.
 The superstructures shall also be designed for effects of distribution of temperature
across the deck depth as per Clause 215.3 of IRC: 6 - 2017.

4.6 Load combination

All members shall be designed to sustain safely the most critical combination of various loads
and forces that can coexist. The Combinations for Limit State Design shall be considered as
per Annexure B of IRC: 6 – 2017.

4.7 RCC Box (VUP), U-trough & Approach Retaining Structure Analysis
The RCC Box & U-Trough Structures shall be analysed using STAAD Pro. By line
modelling. Gross sectional properties of members ignoring reinforcement shall be used for
modelling the structure. The members shall be idealized as line elements connected at centroid


Dead Loads & SIDL shall be applied as discussed above. Live loads with impact factors shall
be applied on the line model as a moving load. From analysis, maximum forces shall be taken
for the selected sections.

Shear check shall be checked for ultimate loads as per IRC: 112 - 2011. Capacity of section
for both cracked and un-cracked sections shall be checked against the provided shear

For retaining wall design will be carried out as per IRC code with the help of spread sheet.

4.8 Design of temporary Excavation Support: -

Design of temporary Excavation support to be done if applicable.

4.9 Methodology for Construction: -

All foundations and other substructure works are cast-in-situ. This includes:
 Excavation up to certain depth.

 Temporary protection arrangement if required as per site condition

 Base slab to be cast considering dimensions as shown in approved drawings.

 Side walls to be cast considering dimensions as shown in approved drawings.

 Top slab to be cast considering dimensions as shown in approved drawings.

 Approach retaining structures to be cast after 20-25mm expansion joint as per

approved drawings.

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