This document contains 12 problems related to transport phenomena. The problems cover a range of topics including heat transfer through plates and cylinders, temperature distributions, heat generation and loss, time required for heating and cooling, thermal conductivity, and critical insulation thickness. The student must solve each problem and submit their work by November 22, 2021.
This document contains 12 problems related to transport phenomena. The problems cover a range of topics including heat transfer through plates and cylinders, temperature distributions, heat generation and loss, time required for heating and cooling, thermal conductivity, and critical insulation thickness. The student must solve each problem and submit their work by November 22, 2021.
This document contains 12 problems related to transport phenomena. The problems cover a range of topics including heat transfer through plates and cylinders, temperature distributions, heat generation and loss, time required for heating and cooling, thermal conductivity, and critical insulation thickness. The student must solve each problem and submit their work by November 22, 2021.
This document contains 12 problems related to transport phenomena. The problems cover a range of topics including heat transfer through plates and cylinders, temperature distributions, heat generation and loss, time required for heating and cooling, thermal conductivity, and critical insulation thickness. The student must solve each problem and submit their work by November 22, 2021.
1. A stainless steel plate of 2cm thickness is maintained at a temperature of 550 0C at one face and the other at 50 0 C. Thermal conductivity of stainless steel is 19.1W/mK at 3000C. Obtain the heat transferred through the material per unit area. 2. A hollow cylinder of 5 cm ID and 10 cm OD has an inner surface temperature of 2000 C and outer surface temperature of 1000 C. Determine the temperature of the point half way between the inner and the outer surfaces. If the thermal conductivity of material of cylinder is 70 W/mK, then determine the heat flow through the cylinder per linear meter. 3. Compute the heat loss per square meter surface area of a 40cm thick furnace wall having surface temperatures of 3000C and 500C, if the thermal conductivity of material of plane wall is given as 𝑘=0.005𝑇−5𝑥10 -6𝑇2: T= temperature in 0C. 4. An aluminum alloy plate of 0.1 m2surface area and 4 mm thickness at 2000C is suddenly quenched into liquid oxygen at -1830C.Find the time required for the plate to reach temperature of -700C. Given 𝛒=2700 kgm/m3, Cp = 890 J/kg 0C and h = 500 W/m2 0C. 5. The temperature distribution in a long rod can be approximated as θ=θ0e-mx where m2= Ph/KAc: Ac is cross sectional area. One end of a long rod is inserted into a furnace and other end projects outside. Under steady state condition, the temperatures of rod projecting out were measured at points 15 cm apart are 150 0C and 950C. The ambient temperature was 300C, diameter of the rod = 25mm and h = 20 W/m2 0C. Find out the thermal conductivity of rod. 6. An electrical current of 34000 Amps flows along a flat steel plate 1.25 cm thick and 10 cm wide. The temperature of one surface of the plate is 800C and that of the other is 950C. Find out the temperature profile/distribution across the plate and hence find the value and position of maximum temperature. Also calculate total amount of heat generated per unit length (m) of plate and flow of heat from each surface of the plate. Given resistivity of steel = 12x10 -6ohm-cm and K = 54 W/mK. 7. A steel plate of 20 mm thickness is heated to 5000C is exposed to atmosphere at 200C. Find the time interval when the plate will acquire a temperature, different from the ambient temperature by not more than 1%. Given for steel K = 45.5W/m0C, Cp = 0.46 kJ/kg 0C, h= 35 W/m2 0C and 𝛒=7900 Kgm/m3. 8. Calculate the critical radius of insulation for asbestos ( k = 0.17 W/m0C) surrounding a pipe and exposed to room temperature at 20 0C with h = 3.0 W/m2 0C. Calculate the heat loss from a 2000C , 5.0 cm diameter pipe when covered with the critical radius of insulation and without insulation. 9. The pressure vessel of a nuclear reactor can be assumed to be as a large flat plate of thickness L. The inside plate surface is insulated at x =0 whereas plate surface at x = L is maintained at temperature of Tw . The ϒ ray heating of the plate can be assumed to generate thermal energy in the plate in the form as 𝑞𝐺 = 𝑞0 𝑒 −𝛽𝑥 ; 𝑞0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 β are constants and x is measured from the insulated inner surface. Develop expressions for (i) temperature distribution in the plate (ii) temperature of insulated surface of the plate and (iii) heat flux at x = L. 10. A spherical steel ball 100 mm in diameter was initially at 5300C and placed in an oil bath for quenching at 300C with a convective heat transfer co efficient of 500 W/m2K. How long it will take for the center of the sphere to reach a temperature of 1050C. Also show that Heisler chart can be used for solving this problem Given ksteel= 50 W/m-K, and thermal diffusivity of steel is 1.5 x 10-5 m2s-1. 𝑇 −𝑇 Referring to the Heisler chart for x/L = 0 , 0 ∞ = 0.15 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑁𝐵𝑖 = 𝑇𝑖 −𝑇∞ 0.50 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 1.5. 11. Calculate the thermal conductivity of CCl4, a monoatomic liquid having following physical properties as (i) ϒ i.e ratio of specific heat = 1, density = 1.595 gm cm -3, β i.e isothermal compressibility = 90.7 x 10-6 atm-1 and Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 10-16 erg mol-1K-1. 12. A heat treating furnace 7 meter in length and an ingot of 0.1-meter diameter and 0.3-meter length passes through the furnace. Ingot has an initial temperature of 350 K and it must reach 1200K. The furnace gas is maintained at 1600 K. The convective heat transfer coefficient between the ingot and gas is 100 W/m2K. Calculate the speed of the ingot to reach the required condition as aforesaid. Assume; k= 200 W/m-K, ρ i.e density = 900 Kg m -3 and Cp = 400 J/Kg-K. xxxxx0xxxxx