Academic (1-Board of Studies) Section: If Ji D

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layfXur egkfo|ky;karhy foKku o
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f}rh; o"kkZps CBCS Pattern uqlkjps
vH;klØe 'kS{kf.kd o"kZ 2020&21
iklwu ykxw dj.;kckcr-
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fo"k;kaps C.B.C.S. (Choice Based Credit System) Pattern uqlkjps vH;klØe 'kS{kf.kd o"kZ
2020&21 iklwu ykxw dj.;kr ;sr vkgsr-
1. M.Sc.-II Year-Botany 2. M.Sc.-II Year-Herbal Medicine
3. M.Sc.-II Year-Analytical Chemistry 4. M.Sc.-II Year-Biochemistry
5. M.Sc.-II Year-Organic Chemistry 6. M.Sc.-II Year-Physical Chemistry
7. M.Sc.-II Year-Computer Management 8. M.Sc.-II Year-Computer Science
9. M.Sc.-II Year-Information Technology 10. M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications)-II Year
11. M.Sc.-II Year-Software Engineering 12. M.Sc.-II Year-System Administration & Networking
13. M.Sc.-II Year-Dairy Science 14. M.Sc.-II Year-Environmental Science
15. M.Sc.-II Year-Applied Mathematics 16. M.Sc.-II Year-Mathematics
17. M.Sc.-II Year-Microbiology 18. M.Sc.-II Year-Physics
19. M.Sc.-II Year-Zoology 20. M.Sc.-II Year-Biotechnology
21. M.Sc.-II Year-Bioinformatics
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M.A. /M. Sc. (Second Year)

(Mathematics) Revised Syllabus

Effective from June-2020 onwards

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
University, Nanded.
M.A. /M. Sc. (Second Year) (Mathematics) (CBCS) Syllabus
Semester Paper No. Name of the paper Hrs./Week Cred Max. Marks
its IA EA Total
III XIII Functional Analysis 4 4 25 75 100
XIV Topology 4 4 25 75 100
Elective-III Choose any one 4 4 25 75 100
XV(A) Analytical Number Theory
XV(B) Theory of Linear operators-I
XV(C) Fuzzy Sets and their
Elective-IV Choose any one 4 4 25 75 100
XVI(A) Fluid Mechanics-I
XVI(B) Difference Equations-I
XVI(C) Mathematical Softwares-I
(Theory and Practical)
Elective-V Choose any one 4 4 25 75 100
XVII(A) Integral Transforms
XVII(B) Financial Mathematics
XVII(C) Fractional Calculus and its
XVIII Tutorial-III (Compulsory) 2 Hrs./ Batch / 5 125 125
Max-25, Min-20
IV XIX Numerical Analysis 4 4 25 75 100

XX Abstract Algebra-II 4 4 25 75 100

(Field Theory)
Elective–VI Choose any one 4 4 25 75 100
XXI(A) Classical Mechanics
XXI(B) Theory of Linear operators-II
XXI(C) Fuzzy Sets and their
Elective-VII Choose any one 4 4 25 75 100
XXII(A) Fluid Mechanics-II
XXII(B) Difference Equations-II
XXII(C) Programming in C++
(Theory and Practical)
Elective-VII Choose any one 4 4 25 75 100
XXIII(A) Integral Equations
XXIII(B) lattice Theory
XXIII(C) Fractional Calculus and its
XXIV Project Work (Compulsory) 5 125 125
Total 50 1250
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.
M.A./M. Sc. (Second Year) (Mathematics) (CBCS) Revised Syllabus
Effective from June-2020

Third Semester Fourth Semester

Paper No. Name of the paper Paper Name of the paper


XIII Functional Analysis XIX Numerical Analysis

XIV Topology XX Abstract Algebra-II

One paper to be chosen from each of the following groups which are taught in the department.

XV(A) Analytical Number Theory XXI(A) Classical Mechanics

XV(B) Theory of Linear operators-I XXI(B) Theory of Linear operators-II

XV(C) Fuzzy Sets and their Applications-I XXI(C) Fuzzy Sets and their Applications-II

XVI(A) Fluid Mechanics-I XXII(A) Fluid Mechanics-II

XVI(B) Difference Equations-I XXII(B) Difference Equations-II

XVI(C) Mathematical Softwares-I XXII(C) Programming in C++
(Theory and Practical)

XVII(A) Integral Transforms XXIII(A) Integral Equations

XVII(B) Financial Mathematics XXIII(B) Lattice Theory

XVII(C) Fractional Calculus and its XXIII(C) Fractional Calculus and its
Applications-I Applications-II

XVIII Tutorial-III (Compulsory) XXIV Project Work (Compulsory)

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.
M.A./M. Sc. (Second Year) (Mathematics) (CBCS pattern)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1: To equip students with knowledge, abilities and insight in mathematics

and related fields.
PEO2: Have the ability to pursue interdepartmental research in Universities in
India and abroad.
PEO3: To develop the ability to utilize the mathematical problem solving
methods such as analysis, modeling, programming and mathematical
software applications in addressing the practical and heuristic issues.
PEO4: To enable them to work as a mathematical professional or qualify for
training as scientific researcher.
PEO5: To enable students to recognize the need for society and the ability to
engage in life-long learning.


After the completion of the program, students will able to:

PO1: Identify, formulate, and analyze the complex problems using the
principles of Mathematics.
PO2: Solve critical problems by applying the Mathematical tools.
PO3: Apply the Mathematical concepts, in all the fields of learning including
higher research, and recognize the need and prepare for lifelong
PO4: Able to crack competitive examinations, lectureship and fellowship
exams approved by UGC like CSIR-NET and SET.
PO5: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics,
responsibilities and norms in the society.
PO6: Gain the knowledge of software which will be useful in Industry


PSO1: To understand the basic concepts of advanced mathematics.

PSO2: To develop the problems solving skills and computational skills.
PSO3: To enhance self learning and improve own performance.
PSO4: To formulate mathematical models.
M.A. / M.Sc. (Second Year) Mathematics Programme: Course objectives and

Paper No. Name of Course Objectives Course Outcomes (CO)

Paper After the completion of the program, students will
able to:
XIII Functional This course introduce the CO1: Identify Normed Linear Space, Banach
Analysis concepts and develop Space, continous Linear transformations,
working knowledge on Conjugate space, Banach Algebra, Graph of
Banach Space, Norm of L.T.,Hahn-Banach Theorem and it’s
continuous Linear applications, Open Mapping and Closed
Transformations, continous Graph Theorems.
Linear functional, Conjugate CO2: Analyze Hilbert space, Orthogonal and
space, Banach Algebra, Orthonormal vectors and sets, Orthogonal
Inner Product Space, Hilbert Compliments and conjugate space
Space, Orthogonal vectors, H*.,Schwart Lemma, Bessel’s Inequality and
Orthonormal vectors and Riesz representation theorem.
sets, conjugate space H*, CO3: To Identify, Self Adjoint, Normal, Unitary
self adjoint, normal and and Positive operators and to analyze the
unitary operators, invariant subspace and reducible
Projections, eigen value and transformations.
eogen vectors, eigen space CO4: To Provide information on Eigen and
and Spectrum of T. Vectors, Eigen Spaces and Spectrum of T.
XIV Topology The goal of the course is to CO1: Understand basics of Topological Spaces and
provide in depth knowledge their properties.
of this fundamental core CO2: Study Continuous functions, Metric Topology
course in mathematics to Connected Spaces, Limit Point,Compactness,
show various techniques Local Compactness,Limit point compactness.
from analysis, set theory, CO3: Achieve the zenith in treating Countable
logic that are used in Axioms, Separable, Regular and Normal
topological spaces to obtain spaces.
their properties, to demon- CO4: Understand the Urysohn’s Lemma, Urysohn’s
strate application in physics. Metrization Theorem and their applications.
XV(A) Analytical Number This course introduce the CO1: Understand the concepts of congruence and
Theory concepts of congruence’s their properties, solve systems of linear
and their properties, Chinese congruence’s with different moduli using the
Remainder theorem, Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Primitive roots & indices, CO2: Analyze primitive roots and indices.
Euler’s criterion, Legendre CO3: Discuss Legendre symbol and its properties,
symbol, Quadratic recipro- Quadratic reciprocity law.
city, arithmetical functions CO4: Study arithmetical functions and Dirichlet
and dirichlet multiplication. multiplication.
XV(B) Theory of Linear This course introduce the CO1: Understand the Spectral properties of
Operators-I concepts of spectral theory bounded linear operators, Resolvent and
of linear operators in Spectrum.
normed, spaces, compact CO2: Analyze the concept of Linear Operators on
linear operators on normed Normed Spaces.
spaces and their spectrum, CO3: Discuss the Spectral Properties of Compact
spectral theory of bounded Linear Operators.
self-adjoint linear operators. CO4: Study Spectral Properties of Bounded Self-
Adjoint Linear Operators, Projection operators
XV(C) Fuzzy Sets This course introduces the CO1: Understand the concepts of Crisp sets and
and their concepts of Crisp sets and fuzzy sets.
Applications-I fuzzy sets, operations on CO2: Analyze the operations on fuzzy sets.
fuzzy sets and fuzzy CO3: Discuss Crisp and fuzzy relation.
relations. CO4: Study Fuzzy relation equation.
XVI(A) Fluid Mechanics–I The course introduces basic CO1: Visualize the fluid flow pattern.
idea of various fluid flow, CO2: Assimilate the meaning of continuity equation.
velocity and acceleration of CO3: Solve flow problems.
fluid motion. The main CO4: Acquire command on stream function.
objective of the course is to
study Equation of
continuity, Euler equation,
Bernoulli equation, effect of
pressure on fluid flow,
stream function, some two
dimensional flows and
applications to real life.
XVI(B) Difference The course introduced the CO1: Understand the role of differential operator in
Equations - I elementary analysis and differential calculus.
linear algebra to investigate CO2: Analyze the linear and nonlinear difference
solution to difference equations.
equation. To study linear CO3: Study the stability of linear and nonlinear
difference equations, systems.
stability theory and CO4: Discuss asymptotic methods for solving of
asymptotic methods. linear and nonlinear systems.

XVI(C) Mathematical The course introduces the CO1: Understanding the concepts of Scilab
Softwares-I Scilab object, Scilab programming, input and output functions.
(Modeling and Programming, Scilab CO2: Analyze the types of models and simulation
Simulation in graphics, interfacing, tools.
Scilab/Scicos) Modeling and Simulation in CO3: Solve Nonlinear Equations using Scilab.
Scilab, optimization and CO4: Create mathematical Modeling and Simulation
applications of Scilab. in Scilab.
XVII(A) Integral CO1: Classify the different types of integral
The objective of this course
Transforms is to introduce students the transforms they come across.
different types of integralCO2: Formulate the physical problem under
transforms which are consideration in terms of different types of
commonly used, their ordinary and partial differential equations with
formulation concerned to initial and boundary conditions.
real world problems, their CO3: Solve the initial value problems and boundary
evaluation and applications value problems using the appropriate integral
to solve ordinary and partial transform.
differential equations. CO34: Analyze the nature of the solution of the
initial value problems and boundary value
XVII(B) Financial In this course the student CO1: Understand the concept of Simple Discrete
Mathematics will learn about Financial Financial market model.
Markets and Derivatives, CO2: Analyze the first and second fundamental
Binomial model, Finite theorem of Asset model.
Market model, Black- CO3: Study Black-Scholes Model.
Scholes Model, Multi- CO4: Discuss the Multi-dimensional Black-Scholes
dimensional Black- Scholes Model.
XVII(C) Fractional Calculus This course introduces the CO1: Understand the Gamma, Mittag-Leffler,
and its some special functions of Wright functions of the fractional calculus.
Applications-I the fractional calculus, CO2: Study Riemann-Liouville and Caputo’s
Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative.
fractional derivative, CO3: Analyze the integral transform methods of
Caputo’s fractional solution of fractions differential equations.
derivative, Laplace, Fourier CO4: Study existence and uniqueness theorem of \
and Mellin transforms of fractions differential equations.
fractional derivatives,
Existence and uniqueness
theorem as a method of

XVIII Tutorial-II /
Lab work
XIX Numerical To introduce the concepts CO1: Identify the roots of equations and to obtain
Analysis and to develop working them by using different iteration Methods.
knowledge on Iteration Also to obtain rate of convergence of Iteration
Methods to Solve the Methods.
Equations, Rate of CO2: Analyze the direct methods to solve the the
Convergence of Iteration system of n equations in n unknowns by using
Methods, Solution of the different direct methods
System of Equations by CO3: Identify the Iteration Methods to Solve the
using Different Direct and System of n Equations in n Unknowns, Eigen
Iteration Methods, Eigen Value problems and to obtain Bounds on
Value Problems, Bounds of Eigen Values.
Eigen Values, Interpolation, CO4: Provide information on Interpolations and
Lagrange, Iterated and Approximations for the given function.
Newton’s Interpolations of
Different Orders, Least
Square Approximation.
XX Abstract Algebra- This course is aimed to CO1: Understand the main algebraic properties of
II (Field Theory) provide an introduction to fields.
the theories, concepts and to CO2: Analyze properties of Finite, Algebraic,
develop working knowledge Normal, Simple, Cyclic & Separable
on field in order to develop a extension and Splitting Fields.
background for studying CO3: Compute Galois groups in simple cases and to
Commutative algebra and apply the group-theoretic information to
Representation Theory. To comprehend results about fields and field
introduce the concepts and extensions.
to develop working CO4: Develop knowledge of some classical Greek
knowledge of field problems.
extensions, Galois groups CO5: Understand the concepts Cyclotomic
and interrelation between polynomials, Polynomials solvable by
group theory and field radicals, symmetric functions, ruler and
theory. compass construction to Develop abstract
Mathematical thinking about field.
XXI(A) Classical To understand the concepts CO1: Understand D’ Alembert’s Principle and
Mechanics of Mechanics of system of applications of the Lagrangian Formulation.
particles, generalized co- CO2: Distinguish the concept of the Hamilton
ordinates, Degree of Equations of Motion and the Principle of
freedom. To Study Least Action.
mechanics developed by CO3: Analyze the Fundamental lemma of calculus
Newton, Lagrange and of variations.
Hamilton and their CO4: Solve problems of calculus of variations
applications. To solve using Euler’s equation.
motivating problems of
calculus of variations.
XXI(B) Theory of Linear This course introduce the CO1: Understand the Spectral properties of
Operators -II concepts of spectral theory bounded self-adjoint linear operators.
of bounded self-adjoint CO2: Analyze the concept of Unbounded Linear
linear operators, Unbounded Operators and their Hilbert-Adjoint
Linear Operators in Hilbert Operators.
Space, Unbounded Linear CO3: Discuss the Spectral Representation of Self-
Operators in Quantum Adjoint Linear Operators.
Mechanics. CO4: Study Unbounded Linear Operators in
Quantum Mechanics.

XXI(C) Fuzzy Sets and This course introduces the CO1: Understand the concepts of fuzzy measures.
their applications-II concepts of Fuzzy measures, CO2: Study types of uncertainty.
Uncertainty & Information CO3: Discuss Uncertainty & information and
and applications of fuzzy complexity.
sets. CO4: Study the application of Fuzzy in different

XXII(A) Fluid Mechanics – The aim of this course is CO1: Apply Milne-Thomson circle theorem
II tostudy two dimensional CO2: Identify appropriate governing equation for
image system, Milne- particular flow.
Thomson circle theorem, CO3: Explain stress strain relations.
theorem of Blasius, CO4: Evaluate the velocity of fluid flow.
concepts of gas dynamics,
stress strain relations,
uniqueness theorem,
important relations related
to Navier-Stokes equations
and various applications in
all fields.
XXII(B) Difference The course introduced the CO1: Study self adjoint equation..
Equations-II elementary analysis and CO2: Analyze sturm-liouville problem for difference
linear algebra to investigate equations.
solution to difference CO3: Understand the Lipschitz case and existence of
equation. To study self solutions.
adjoint second order linear CO4: Discuss the boundary value problem for
equation, the sturm-liouville nonlinear equations.
problem, discrete calculus
of variations, Boundary
value problem for nonlinear
XXII(C) Programming in In this course we will study CO1: Identify the basic concept of Tokens,
C++ the basics of the Expressions and Control structures-Functions
programming language C++ in C++
CO2: Analyze Classes and Objects..
such as tokens, expressions,
CO3: Understand Constructors and Destructors
Classes and Objects, CO4: Apply the concept of Extending classes-
Constructors and Pointers, Virtual Functions & Polymorphism.
Destructors, Inheritance, CO5: Study practical course.
Polymorphism and Files.
XXIII(A) Integral Equations Many physical problems CO1: Acquire sound knowledge of different types of
that are usually solved by Integral equations.
differential equation CO2: Obtain integral equations from ODEs and
methods can be solved more PDEs arising in applied mathematics and
effectively by integral different engineering branches and solve
equation methods. Such accordingly using various method of solving
problems abound in applied integral equation.
mathematics, theoretical CO3: Demonstrate a depth of understanding in
mechanics, and advanced mathematical topics in relation to
mathematical physics. This geometry of curves and surfaces.
course enables the students CO4: Apply the knowledge of integral
to get the detailed idea about transformation like Laplace transformation,
the integral equation, its Fourier transformation to solve different types
classification, different of integral equation.
types of kernals, the
relationship between the
integral equations and
ordinary differential
equations and how to solve
the linear integral equations
by different methods with
some problems which give
rise to integral equations.

XXIII(B) Lattice Theory This course introduces the CO1: Describe the Lattices and some concepts of
concept of two definitions Lattices.
of Lattices, distributive CO2: Understand the concepts of distributive
lattices, congruence’s and Lattices.
ideals, modular and semi- CO3: Analyze the Weak Projectivity and
modular lattices. Congruence’s, Standard, and Neutral ideals.
CO4: Study the modular and semi-modular lattices.

XXIII(C) Fractional Calculus This course introduces the CO1: Study the solution of the initial value problem
and its concept of fractional green’s for the Ordinary fractional linear differential
Applications-II functions, other methods for equation with constant coefficients using only
the solution of fractional its Green’s function.
order equations, numerical CO2: Understand the different methods for the
evaluation of fractional solution of fractional order equations.
derivatives, numerical CO3: Analyze the numerical evaluation of fractional
solution of fractional derivatives.
differential equations. CO4: Study the numerical solution of fractional
differential equations.

XXIV Project Work


Functional Analysis
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduce the concepts and develop working knowledge on Banach
Space, Norm of continuous Linear Transformations, continous Linear functional, Conjugate
space, Banach Algebra, Inner Product Space, Hilbert Space, Orthogonal vectors, Orthonormal
vectors and sets, conjugate space H*, self adjoint, normal and unitary operators, Projections,
eigen value and eogen vectors, eigen space and Spectrum of T.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Identify Normed Linear Space, Banach Space, continous Linear transformations,
Conjugate space, Banach Algebra, Graph of L.T.,Hahn-Banach Theorem and it’s
applications, Open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems.
CO2: Analyze Hilbert space, Orthogonal and Orthonormal vectors and sets, Orthogonal
Compliments and conjugate space H*.,Schwart Lemma, Bessel’s Inequality and Riesz
representation theorem.
CO3: To Identify, Self Adjoint, Normal, Unitary and Positive operators and to analyze the
invariant subspace and reducible transformations.
CO4: To Provide information on Eigen Value, Eigen Vectors, Eigen Spaces and Spectrum of T.

Unit-I: Banach Spaces

Normed linear Space, Banach Space, Some examples, Subspace and Quotient Space
Holder’s Inequality, Continuous linear transformations, The Hahn-Banach theorem,
Applications of Hahn Banach Theorem, The natural embedding of N in N**, The Open
Mapping Theorem, Closed Graph Theorem, The conjugate of an operator, Uniform
Boundedness Principle Theorem.

Unit-II: Hilbert Spaces

Inner product. Inner product space, Hilbert space, The definition and some properties,
Parallelogram law, Polarization identity, Schwarz Inequality, Orthogonal vectors, Orthogonal
set, Vector orthogonal to a set, Pythagoras theorem and applications,Orthogonal
complements, Pythagoras theorem and applications, Orthonormal vectors, Orthonormal set,
Complete orthonormal set, Bessel’s Inequality, The conjugate space H*, Riesz
Representation Theorem.

Unit-III: Operator and Adjoint of an Operator

Operator, The adjoint of on operator, definition and examples. Properties of adjoint of
operator of T, The Self adjoint operators, Positive operators, Normal operators, Real and
Imaginary part of an operator. Normal Operator, Unitary operator, Projections on Hilbert
space, Orthogonal Projection. Invariant subspace, Reducibility.
Unit-IV: Finite dimensional Spectral Theory
Introduction, Finite dimensional Hilbert space, eigen value, eigen vector, eigen space,
spectrum of an operator, The spectral theorem.
Text Book:

1. S.H. Friedberg, A.J. Insel, L.E. Spence, Introduction to “Topology and Modern Analysis”
McGraw-Hill Book Company, International student Edition, New York.

Scope: Unit I - Chapter 9.

Unit II - Chapter 10 - Art 52 to 55.
Unit III - Chapter 10 - Art 56 to 59.
Unit IV - Chapter 11 - Art 62.

Reference Books:
1. B.V. Limaye, “Functional Analysis”, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. G. Bachman and L. Narici “Functional Analysis” Academic Press 1966.
3. D. Somasundaram , “A First Course in Functional Analysis” Narosa Publication.
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
The goal of the course is to provide in depth knowledge of this fundamental core
course in mathematics to show various techniques from analysis, set theory, logic that are
used in topological spaces to obtain their properties, to demonstrate application in physics.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand basics of Topological Spaces and their properties.

CO2: Study Continuous functions, Metric Topology, Connected Spaces, Limit Point,
Compactness, Local Compactness, Limit point Compactness.
CO3: Achieve the zenith in treating Countable Axioms, Separable, Regular and Normal spaces.
CO4: Understand the Urysohn’s Lemma, Urysohn’s Metrization Theorem and their applications.

Prerequisites: Cartesian Products, Finite Sets, Countable and Uncountable Sets, Infinite Sets and
Axiom of Choice, Well Ordered Sets.

Topological Spaces: Basis for a topology, Order topology, Subspace Topology,
Product topology, closed sets and limit points.

Continuous functions, Metric Topology, Connected spaces, Connected Subspaces of
Real Line, Components and Local Connectedness.

Compact spaces, Compact Subspaces of the Real Line, Limit point compactness,
Local Compactness.

Countability Axioms, Separation axioms, Normal Spaces, Urysohn's Lemma (without
proof), The Urysohn's Metrization Theorem (without proof), Tietze Extension Theorem
(Without Proof), Tychonoff’s Theorem.

Text Book:

1. J.R. Munkres, “Topology” Prentice Hall of India, Second Edition.

Scope: Unit I - Chapter 2 Art 12 to 17.

Unit II - Chapter 2 - Art 18 to 20. Chapter 3- Art 23 to 25.
Unit III - Chapter 3- Art 26 to 29.
Unit IV - Chapter 4 - Art 30 to 35. Chapter 5- Art 37.
Reference Books:
1. Stephen Willard, "General Topology", Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1970.
2. J. Dugundji, “Topology”, Allya and Bacon. (1966) reprinted: Printice Hall of India.
3. W. J. Pervin, “Foundations of general topology”, academic press Inc. N.Y. H
4. S. T.Hu, “Elements of general topology”. Holden day Inc. 1965.
Paper-XV (A)
Analytical Number Theory
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduce the concepts of congruence’s and their properties, Chinese
Remainder theorem, Fermat’s and Wilson’s theorem, Primitive roots and indices, Euler’s
criterion, The Legendre symbol and its properties, Gauss Lemma, Quadratic reciprocity law,
Pythagorean triple, arithmetical functions and dirichlet multiplication.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the concepts of congruence and their properties, solve systems of linear
congruence’s with different moduli using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
CO2: Analyze primitive roots and indices.
CO3: Discuss Legendre symbol and its properties, Quadratic reciprocity law.
CO4: Study arithmetical functions and Dirichlet multiplication.

Congruence’s, Basic properties of congruence’s, Binary and decimal representation
of integers, Linear congruence’s and Chinese Remainder theorem, Pierre de Fermat theorem,
Fermat’s little theorem and pseudo-primes, Wilson’s theorem.
The order of an integer modulo n, primitive roots for primes, Lagrange’s theorem,
Composite numbers having primitive roots, the theory of indices.
Euler’s criterion, The Legendre symbol and its properties, Gauss Lemma, Quadratic
reciprocity, Quadratic reciprocity law, Quadratic congruence’s with composite moduli, The
equation x2+y2=z2, Pythagorean triple.

The Mobius function 𝜇(𝑛), The Eular Totient function 𝜑(𝑛), A relation connecting 𝜇
and 𝜑, The product formula for 𝜑(𝑛), Dirichlet product of arithmetic function, Dirichlet
inverses and Mobius inversion formula, The Managoldt function 𝛬(𝑛), Multipicative
function, Multipicative function and Dirichlet Multiplication, Inverse of Completely
multiplicative function, Liouville’s function, The divisor function, Generalized convolution,
Formal power series, The Bell series of an arithmetic function, bell series and Dirichlet
multiplication, derivatives of arithmetic function, The Selberg identity.

Text Book:

1. David M. Burton, “Elementary Number Theory” Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. VI Edition.

2. Tom M. Apostol, “Introduction to Analytic Number Theory” Springer International Student
Edition, Narosa, Publishing house 1989.

Scope: Unit I - Chapter 4, Chapter 5- Art 5.1 to 5.3.

Unit II - Chapter 8.
Unit III - Chapter 9, Chapter12 - Art 12.1.
Unit IV - Chapter 2.

Reference Books:
1. J.P. Serre, “A course in arithmetic”, GTM Vol.7, Springer Verlage 1973.
2. Niven and H.S. Zuckerman, “An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers”, Wiley
Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1976.
Paper-XV (B)
Theory of Linear Operators-I
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduce the concepts of spectral theory of linear operators in normed,
spaces, compact linear operators on normed spaces and their spectrum, spectral theory of
bounded self-adjoint linear operators.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the Spectral properties of bounded linear operators, Resolvent and Spectrum.
CO2: Analyze the concept of Linear Operators on Normed Spaces.
CO3: Discuss the Spectral Properties of Compact Linear Operators.
CO4: Study Spectral Properties of Bounded Self-Adjoint Linear Operators, Projection Operators.

Spectral theory in finite dimensional normed spaces, Basic concepts, Spectral
properties of bounded linear operators, Further Properties of Resolvent and Spectrum, Use of
Complex Analysis in Spectral Theory, Banach Algebras, Further Properties of Banach

Compact Linear Operators on Normed Spaces, Further Properties of Compact Linear
Operators, Spectral Properties of Compact Linear Operators on Normed Spaces.

Further Spectral Properties of Compact Linear Operators, Operator Equations
Involving Compact Linear Operators, Further Theorems of Fredholm Type, Fredholm

Spectral Properties of Bounded Self-Adjoint Linear Operators, Further Spectral
Properties of Bounded Self-Adjoint Linear Operators, Positive Operators, Square Roots of a
Positive Operator, Projection Operators.

Text Book:
1. E. Kreyszig, Introductory functional analysis with applications, Johan-Wiley& Sons, New
York, 1978.
Scope: Unit I - Chapter 7.
Unit II - Chapter 8 Art 8.1 to 8.3.
Unit III - Chapter 8 Art 8.4 to 8.7.
Unit IV - Chapter 9 Art 9.1 to 9.5.
Reference Books:
1. P.R. Halmos, Introduction to Hilbert space and the theory of spectral multiplicity, 2nd
Edn. Chelsea Pub., Co., N.Y. 1957.
2. G. Bachman & Narici, Functional analysis, Aca-demic Press, New York, 1966.
3. Akniezer, N.I. and I.M. Glazman, Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space, Frederick
Ungar Pub. Co. NY, Vol. 1 (1961), Vol. 2(1963).
4. P.R. Halmos, A Hilbert space problem book, D.Van Nostrand Co. Inc, 1967.
Fuzzy Sets and their Applications-I
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduces the concepts of Crisp sets and fuzzy sets, operations on fuzzy
sets and fuzzy relations.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the concepts of Crisp sets and fuzzy sets.

CO2: Analyze the operations on fuzzy sets.
CO3: Discuss Crisp and fuzzy relation.
CO4: Study Fuzzy relation equation.

Introduction, Crisps Set: An Overview, The notation of fuzzy sets, Basic concepts of
fuzzy sets, Classic Logic: An overview, Fuzzy logic.

General discussion, Fuzzy complement, Fuzzy union, Fuzzy intersection,
combinations of operations, general aggregation operations.
Fuzzy Relations: Crisp and fuzzy relation, Binary relations, Binary relation on a
single set.

Equivalence & similarity relations, Compatibility or Tolerance relations, Ordering,
morphisms, Fuzzy relation equation.

Text Book:
1. George J. Klir & Tina A. Folger, Fuzzy sets, uncertainty & information (Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd.) Sixth Printing 2001.

Scope : Unit-I Chapter 1.

Unit-II Chapter 2.
Unit-III Chapter 3 Art 3.1 to 3.3.
Unit-IV Chapter 3 Art 3.4 to 3.8.

Reference Books:
1. D. Drinkov, H. Hellendora & M. Reinfrank, Introduction to Fuzzy control, Narosa Publishing
1. H.J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy Set Theory & Its Applications, Allied Publishers Ltd. New Delhi-
2. G.J. Klir & B.Yuan, Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic.Prentice Hall of India New Delhi-1995.
Paper – XVI(A)
Fluid Mechanics – I
Max.Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
The course introduces basic idea of various fluid flow, velocity and acceleration of
fluid motion. The main objective of the course is tostudy Equation of continuity, Euler
equation, Bernoulli equation, effect of pressure on fluid flow, stream function, some two
dimensional flows and applications to real life.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Visualize the fluid flow pattern.

CO2: Assimilate the meaning of continuity equation.
CO3: Solve flow problems.
CO4: Acquire command on stream function.

Real fluids and Ideal fluids, Velocity of fluid at a point, Streamlines and Pathlines,
steady and unsteady flows, the velocity potential, the vorticity vector, Local and particle rates
of change, the equation of continuity, worked examples, acceleration of fluid, Conditions at a
rigid boundary, general analysis of fluid motion.

Unit – II:
Pressure at a point in a fluid at rest, Pressure at a point in a moving fluid, Conditions
at a boundary of two inviscid immiscible fluids, Eulers equation of motion, Bernoullis
equation, Mechanism of Pitot Tube and Venturi meter, worked examples.

Unit – III:
Discussion of the case of steady motion under conservative body forces, some
potential theorems (statement only), Some flows involving axial symmetry, some special two
dimensional flows, Impulsive motion, some further aspects of vortex motion.

Unit – IV:
Meaning of two dimensional flow, use of cylindrical polar coordinates, The Stream
function, The complex velocity potentials for standard two-dimensional flows, Uniform
stream, line sources and line sinks, line doublets, line vortices, some worked examples.

Text Book:
1. F Charlton, “Text book of Fluid Dynamics” , Reprint 1998, C B S Publishers and distributors,
Delhi –110 002.

Scope : Unit-I Chapter 2, 2.1-2.11.

Unit-II Chapter 3, 3.1-3.6.
Unit-III Chapter 3, 3.7-3.12.
Unit-IV Chapter 5, 5.1-5.6.
Reference Books:
1. G.K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics( Foundation Book-New Delhi 1994)
2. W.H. Besaint and A.S. Ramsey, A Treatise on Hydro Mechanics Part II, CBS Publisher- 1998.
3. S.W.Yuan , Foundations of Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd- New Delhi 1976.
Paper – XVI(B)
Difference Equations - I
Max.Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
The course introduced the elementary analysis and linear algebra to investigate
solution to difference equation. To study linear difference equations, stability theory and
asymptotic methods.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the role of differential operator in differential calculus.

CO2: Analyze the linear and nonlinear difference equations.
CO3: Study the stability of linear and nonlinear systems.
CO4: Discuss asymptotic methods for solving of linear and nonlinear systems.

The Difference operator, Summation, Generating functions and approximate

Unit – II:
First order equations, General results for linear equations, Solving linear equations,
Applications, Equations with variable coefficients, Nonlinear equations that can be
linearized, The Z-Transform.

Unit – III:
Initial value problems for linear systems, Stability of linear systems, Stability of
nonlinear systems.

Unit – IV:
Introduction, Asymptotic analysis of sums, linear equations, non-linear equations.

Text Book:
1. Walter G. Kelley and Allan C. Peterson, “Difference Equations”, Academic Press,
Second Edition.

Scope : Unit-I Chapter 2.

Unit-II Chapter 3.
Unit-III Chapter 4 Art 4.1, 4.2, 4.5.
Unit-IV Chapter 5.

Reference Books:
1. Calvin Ahlbrandt and Allan C. Peterson, “Discrete Hamiltonian Systems: Difference
Equations, Continued Fractions and Riccati Equations, “Kluwer, Boston, 1996.
2. Saber N. Elaydi “An Introduction to Difference Equations” Springer, Second Edition.
Paper – XVI(C)
Mathematical Softwares-I
(Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos)
Max.Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
The course introduces the Scilab object, Scilab Programming, Scilab graphics,
interfacing, Modeling and Simulation in Scilab, optimization and applications of Scilab.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understanding the concepts of Scilab programming, input and output functions.
CO2: Analyze the types of models and simulation tools.
CO3: Solve Nonlinear Equations using Scilab.
CO4: Create mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Scilab.

General information, Introduction to Scilab, Scilab objects, Scilab programming,
input and output functions, Scilab Graphics, Interfacing.

Unit – II:
Modeling and Simulation in Scilab: Types of models and Simulation tools -ordinary
differential equation, boundary value problem, difference equation, differential algebraic
equation, hybrid systems, .

Unit – III:
Optimization: Comments on Optimization and Solving Nonlinear Equations, General
Optimization, Solving Nonlinear Equations, Nonlinear Least Squares, Parameter Fitting,
Linear and Quadratic Programming, Differentiation Utilities.

Unit – IV:
Modeling and Simulation of an N-Link Pendulum, Modeling and Simulation of a Car,
Open-Loop Control to Swing Up a Pendulum, Parameter Fitting and Implicit Models.

Text Book:
1. Stephen L. Campbell, Jean-Philippe Chancelier and Ramine Nikoukhah,
“Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos”, Springer, 2006.
Scope : Unit-I Chapter 1 and 2.
Unit-II Chapter 3.
Unit-III Chapter 4.
Unit-IV Chapter 5.

Reference Books:
1. Programming in Scilab by Vinu V Das, New Age International Publisher.
Paper – XVII (A)
Integral Transforms
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to introduce students the different types of integral
transforms which are commonly used, their formulation concerned to real world problems,
their evaluation and applications to solve ordinary and partial differential equations.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Classify the different types of integral transforms they come across.
CO2: Formulate the physical problem under consideration in terms of different types of ordinary
and partial differential equations with initial and boundary conditions.
CO3: Solve the initial value problems and boundary value problems using the appropriate integral
CO34: Analyze the nature of the solution of the initial value problems and boundary value

The Laplace Transform: Introduction, The Laplace Transform of some typical
functions, Basic operational properties, Transforms of more complicated functions, The
inverse Laplace Transform, Complex Inversion Formula, Additional Topics.

Applications involving Laplace Transform: Introduction, Evaluating integrals,
Solutions of ODEs, Solutions of PDEs. The Mellin transform, Evaluation of Mellin
transform, Complex variable methods, Applications.

Fourier integrals and Fourier Transforms: Introduction, Fourier integral
representations, Proof of the Fourier integral theorem, Fourier transform pairs, Properties of
the Fourier Transform, The convolution integrals of Fourier, Transforms involving
generalized functions.

Applications involving Fourier transforms: Introduction, Boundary value problems,
Heat conduction in solids, The Hankel Transform, Introduction, Evaluation of Hankel
Transform, Applications.

Text Books:
1. Larry C. Andrews, Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi, Integral Transforms for Engineers, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi.
Scope: Unit-I: Chapter 4 complete.
Unit-II: Chapter 5, Sections 5.1 to 5.4, Chapter 6, Sections 6.1 to 6.4
Unit-III: Chapter2, Sections 2.1 to 2.5, 2.7, 2.8
Unit-IV: Chapter 3, Sections 3.1 to 3.3, Chapter 7, Sections 7.1 to 7.3.
Reference Books:
1. J. K. Goyal, K. P. Gupta, Integral Transforms, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.
2. R. Vasishtha, Dr. K. L. Gupta, Integral Transforms, Krishna Prakashan Mandir, Meerut.
Paper-XVII (B)
Financial Mathematics
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
In this course the student will learn about Financial Markets and Derivatives,
Binomial model, Finite Market model, Black-Scholes Model, Multi-dimensional Black-
Scholes Model.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the concept of Simple Discrete Financial market model.

CO2: Analyze the first and second fundamental theorem of Asset model.
CO3: Study Black-Scholes Model.
CO4: Discuss the Multi-dimensional Black-Scholes Model.

Financial Markets, derivatives, Binomial or CRR Model, Pricing a European
Contingent Claim, Pricing an American Contingent Claim.

Unit – II:
Definition of the finite market model, First fundamental theorem of Asset model,
Second fundamental theorem of Asset model, Pricing European Contingent Claims,
Incomplete markets, separating hyperplane theorem.

Unit – III:
Black-Scholes Model, Equivalent Martingale Measure, European Contingent Claims,
Pricing European Contingent Claims, European Call option-Black-Scholes Formula,
American Contingent Claim, American Call option, American put option.

Unit – IV:
Multi-dimensional Black-Scholes Model, First fundamental theorem of Asset Pricing,
Form of Equivalent local Martingale Measure, Second fundamental theorem of Asset Pricing,
Pricing European Contingent Claims, Incomplete Markets.

Text Book:
1. R. J. Williams, Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance, American Mathematical
Society, 2011.

Scope : Unit-I Chapter 1, 2.

Unit-II Chapter 3.
Unit-III Chapter 4.
Unit-IV Chapter 5.

Reference Books:
1. S. Roman, Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance, Springer, 2004.
Paper-XVII (C)
Fractional Calculus and its Applications-I
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduces the some special functions of the fractional calculus, Riemann-
Liouville fractional derivative, Caputo’s fractional derivative, Laplace, Fourier and Mellin
transforms of fractional derivatives, Existence and uniqueness theorem as a method of

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the Gamma, Mittag-Leffler, Wright functions of the fractional calculus.
CO2: Study Riemann-Liouville and Caputo’s fractional derivative.
CO3: Analyze the integral transform methods of solution of fractions differential equations.
CO4: Study existence and uniqueness theorem of fractions differential equations.

Definition of Gamma function and Beta function, Some properties of Gamma and
Beta functions, Relation between Gamma and Beta functions, Definition of Mittag-Leffler
functions of one and two parameters, Relations of Mittag-Leffler function in two parameters,
Wright function, Definition of Wright function, Integral relation and relation to other

Grunwald-Letnikov fractional derivatives, Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative,
Some other approaches-Caputo’s fractional derivative, Generalized functions approach,
Sequential fractional derivatives, Left and right fractional derivatives.

Laplace transform of fractional derivatives, Fourier transform of fractional derivative
and Mellin transform of fractional derivative.

Linear Fractional differential equations, fractional differential equations of a general
form, Existence and uniqueness theorem as a method of solution, dependence of a solution on
initial conditions.

Text Book:

1. Igor Podlubny, “Fractional Differential Equations”, Academic Press, San Diego,

California, 92101-4495, USA

Scope: Unit I - Chapter 1.

Unit II - Chapter 2- Art 2.1 to 2.6.
Unit III - Chapter 2- Art 2.7 to 2.10.
Unit IV - Chapter 3.

Reference Books:
1. Miller K.S. and Ross B., “An Introduction to Fractional Calculus and Fractional
Differential Equations”, New York, John Wiley, 1993.
2. Oldham K.B. and Spanier J., “The Fractional Calculus”, New York, Academic Press,

Tutorial –III 05 Credits

Papers Marks Credits
Tutorial on theory paper -XIII 25 1
Tutorial on theory paper-XIV 25 1
Tutorial on theory paper- XV(A/B/C) 25 1
Tutorial on theory paper-XVI(A/B/C) 25 1
Tutorial on theory paper –XVII(A/B/C) 25 1
Total 125 5

The format for scheme of marking for tutorial of 25 marks in each paper is as
Tutorial: ----- Paper No. and name: -----
Name of the teacher: -----

Sr.No. Name Seat No. Seminar Attendance Viva Total

of the 10 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 25Marks

Signature of Teacher

The format, in which, the marks obtained by students in tutorial of 125

marks, to be submitted by HOD through the Principal, to the department of
examination S.R.T.M.U. Nanded is as follows:

Sr. Name Seat Tutorial Total

No. of the No. Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper
student No.---- No.---- No.---- No.---- No.----
Marks out Marks out Marks Marks Marks out Marks out
of 25 of 25 out of 25 out of 25 of 25 of 125

Head of the Department


Numerical Analysis
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
To introduce the concepts and to develop working knowledge on Iteration Methods to
Solve the Equations, Rate of Convergence of Iteration Methods, Solution of the System of
Equations by using Different Direct and Iteration Methods, Eigen Value Problems, Bounds of
Eigen Values, Interpolation, Lagrange, Iterated and Newton’s Interpolations of Different
Orders, Least Square Approximation.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Identify the roots of equations and to obtain them by using different iteration Methods.
Also to obtain rate of convergence of Iteration Methods.
CO2: Analyze the direct methods to solve the the system of n equations in n unknowns by
using different direct methods
CO3: Identify the Iteration Methods to Solve the System of n Equations in n Unknowns,
Eigen Value problems and to obtain Bounds on Eigen Values.
CO4: Provide information on Interpolations and Approximations for the given function.

Unit-I: Transcendental and Polynomial equations

Introduction, Bisection method, Iteration Methods based on first degree equation:
Secant and Regula Falsi Method, Newton - Raphson Method, Iteration Methods based on
second degree equation: Muller Method, Chebyshev Method, Rate of Convergence.

Unit-II: Direct Methods to Solve the System of n Equations in n Unknowns

Some basic definitions: Square, Diagonal, Lower Triangular, Upper Triangular,
Identity and Null Matrix. Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrix, Hermitian and Skew-
Hermitian Matrix, Orthogonal Matrix, Permutation Matrix, Property ‘A’, tri-diagonal and
band Matrix, Positive definite Matrix, System of n equations in n unknowns. Direct methods
to solve the system of n equations in n unknowns: Cramer’s Rule, Gauss elimination method,
Jordan elimination Method, Triangularization Method, Cholesky Method, Partition Method,
Model Problems.

Unit-III: Iteration methods to solve the system of n equations in n unknowns

Introduction, Iteration methods to solve the system of n equations in n unknowns:
Gauss-Seidel Method, Jacobi Iteration Method, Successive Over Relaxation Method, Model
Problems, Iteration Method to Obtain Inverse of a Square Matrix. Convergence of Iteration
methods, Norms of Matrix: Absolute Row sum and Absolujte Coloum sum Norm, Euclidean
Norm, Hilbert Norm, Eigen Value and Eigen Vectors, Eigen Value Problem, Bounds on
Eigen Values Gresgorin and Braur’s Theorems, Model problems.
Unit-IV: Interpolations and Approximations
Introduction, Vandermonde’s Determinant, Interpolating Polynomial, Langrange
Interpolating Polynomial, Newton’s Divided Difference Interpolating Polynomial, Aitken’s
Interpolating Polynomial, Quadratic Interpolation, Higher Order Interpolating Polynomials,
Finite Difference Operators, Relation between the Finite Difference Operations and
Derivatives, Interpolating polynomials using finite difference operators, Model Problems.
Best Approximation, Least Square Approximation.

Text Book:
1. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar, R. K. Jain, “Numerical methods for Scientific and
Engineering computations.” New Age International Limited Pub.

Scope: Unit I - Chapter 2 Art 2.1 to 2.5.

Unit II - Chapter 3 Art 3.1 to 3.3.
Unit III - Chapter 3 Art 3.4 to 3.6.
Unit IV - Chapter 4 Art 4.1 to 4.4, 4.8, 4.9.

Reference Books:
1. S.S. Sastry, “Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis” Prentice- Hall of India
Private Ltd. (Second Edition) 1997.
2. E.V. Krishnamurthi & Sen. “Numerical Algorithm,” Affiliate East. West press. Private
Limited 1986.
Abstract Algebra- II (Field Theory)
Maximum Periods: 60 (04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course is aimed to provide an introduction to the theories, concepts and to
develop working knowledge on field in order to develop a background for studying
Commutative algebra and Representation Theory. To introduce the concepts and to develop
working knowledge of field extensions, Galois groups and interrelation between group theory
and field theory.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the main algebraic properties of fields.

CO2: Analyze properties of Finite, Algebraic, Normal, Simple, Cyclic & Separable extension and
Splitting Fields.
CO3: Compute Galois groups in simple cases and to apply the group-theoretic information to
comprehend results about fields and field extensions.
CO4: Develop knowledge of some classical Greek problems.
CO5: Understand the concepts Cyclotomic polynomials, Polynomials solvable by radicals,
symmetric functions, ruler and compass construction to Develop abstract mathematical
thinking about field.

Prerequisites: Ring, Types of ring, Integral Domain, Characteristics of ring, Unit, PID, UFD,
Polynomial ring, etc.

Irreducible polynomial and Eisenstein criterion, Adjunction of roots, Algebraic
extensions, Algebraically closed field.

Splitting field, Normal extension, Multiple Roots, Finite Field, Separable Extensions.

Automorphism groups and fixed fields, fundamental theorem of Galois theory,
fundamental theorem of algebra.

Roots of unity and cyclotomic polynomials, Cyclic extension, polynomials solvable
by radicals, symmetric functions, Ruler and Compass construction.

Text Book:

1. P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain and S. R. Nagpaul, “Basic Abstract Algebra (Second

Ed.), Cambridge Univ. Press (Indian Ed.1995).
Scope: Unit I - Chapter 15, Art 1 to 4.
Unit II - Chapter 16 Art 1 to 5.
Unit III - Chapter 17 Art 1 to 3.
Unit IV - Chapter 18 Art 1 to 5.

Reference Books:
1. Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra (Fourth Ed.), Narosa, 1999.
2. I. S. Luthar and I. B. S. Passi, “Algebra-Vol. II: Groups”, Narosa, New Delhi, 1996.
3. V.K. Khanna, S.K. Bhambri, “A Course in Abstract Algebra”, Vikas Publicing House.
(Second Edition).
Paper-XXI (A)
Classical Mechanics
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)
Course Objective(s):
To understand the concepts of Mechanics of system of particles, generalized co-
ordinates, Degree of freedom. To Study mechanics developed by Newton, Lagrange and
Hamilton and their applications. To solve motivating problems of calculus of variations.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand D’ Alembert’s Principle and applications of the Lagrangian Formulation.
CO2: Distinguish the concept of the Hamilton Equations of Motion and the Principle of Least
CO3: Analyze the Fundamental lemma of calculus of variations.
CO4: Solve problems of calculus of variations using Euler’s equation.

Mechanics of System of particles, generalized co-ordinates, Degree of freedom,
Holonomic and Noholonomic system, Scleronomic and Rheonomic system, D’Alembert’s
principles and Lagrange’s Equation of Motion, Different forms of Lagrange’s Equation,
Generalized Potential, Conservative fields and its Energy Equation, Application of
Lagrange’s formulation.

Hamilton’s Principle, Hamitton’s canonical Equations, Lagrange’s Equation from
Hamilton’s Principle, Extension of Hamilton’s Principle to Non-holonomic systems,
Application of Hamilton’s formulation, cyclic co-ordinates and conservation theorems,
Routn’s Procedure, Hamilton’s Equations from variational principle, principle of least

Functional, Linear Functional, Fundamental lemma of calculus of variations, Simple
variational problems, The variation of functional, The extremum of functional, Necessary
condition for Extreme, Euler Equation,

Eulers Equation of several variables, Invariance of Euler Equation, Motivating
Problems of calculus of variation, Shortest Distance, Minimum surface of Revolution,
Brachistochrone Problem, Isoperimetric Problem, Geodesic, Variational problems in
Parametric form, Generalization of Euler Equation, Variational Problems with subsidiary

Text Book :

1. H. Goldstein, Charles Poole, John Sabko, “Classical Mechanics”, Pearson 3rd Edition
Scope: Unit-I Chapter 1.
Unit-II Chapter 8.

2. I.M. Gelfand and S.V. Fomin “Calculus of Variations” Prentice Hall.

Scope: Unit-III Chapter 1.
Unit IV Chapter 2.

Reference Books:

1. N. Rana and B. Joag, “Classical Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill 1991.

2. A.S. Ramsey, “Dynamics Part II” The English Language Book Society and Cambridge
University press, 1972.
Paper –XXI(B)
Theory of Linear Operators -II
Max. Periods-60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduce the concepts of spectral theory of bounded self-adjoint linear
operators, Unbounded Linear Operators in Hilbert Space, Unbounded Linear Operators in
Quantum Mechanics.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the Spectral properties of bounded self-adjoint linear operators.

CO2: Analyze the concept of Unbounded Linear Operators and their Hilbert-Adjoint Operators.
CO3: Discuss the Spectral Representation of Self-Adjoint Linear Operators.
CO4: Study Unbounded Linear Operators in Quantum Mechanics.

Spectral family, Spectral family of a bounded self-adjoint linear operator and its
properties, Spectral representation of bounded self-adjoint linear operators, Extension of the
Spectral Theorem to Continuous Functions, Properties of the Spectral Family of a Bounded
SelfAd,ioint Linear Operator.

Unbounded Linear Operators and their Hilbert-Adjoint Operators, Hilbert-Adjoint
Operators, Symmetric and Self-Adjoint Linear Operators, Closed Linear Operators and

Spectral Properties of Self-Adjoint Linear Operators, Spectral Representation of
Unitary Operators, Spectral Representation of Self-Adjoint Linear Operators, Multiplication
Operator and Differentiation Operator

Basic Ideas. States, Observables, Position Operator, Momentum Operator. Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle, Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation, Hamilton Operator, Time-
Dependent Schrodinger Equation

Text Book:
1. E. Kreyszig, Introductory functional analysis with applications, Johan-Wiley& Sons, New
York, 1978.
Scope: Unit I - Chapter 9 Art 9.7 to 9.11.
Unit II - Chapter 10 Art 10.1 to 10.3.
Unit III - Chapter 10 Art 10.4 to 10.7.
Unit IV - Chapter 11.
Reference Books:
1. P.R. Halmos, Introduction to Hilbert space and the theory of spectral multiplicity, 2nd
Edn. Chelsea Pub., Co., N.Y. 1957.
2. G. Bachman & Narici, Functional analysis, Aca-demic Press, New York, 1966.
3. Akniezer, N.I. and I.M. Glazman, Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space, Frederick
Ungar Pub. Co. NY, Vol. 1 (1961), Vol. 2(1963).
4. P.R. Halmos, A Hilbert space problem book, D.Van Nostrand Co. Inc, 1967.
Paper XXI(C)
Fuzzy Sets and their applications-II
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduces the concepts of Fuzzy measures, Uncertainty & Information
and applications of fuzzy sets.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the concepts of fuzzy measures.

CO2: Study types of uncertainty.
CO3: Discuss Uncertainty & information and complexity.
CO4: Study the application of Fuzzy in different fields.

General discussion, Belief & plausibility measures, Probability measures, Possibility
& necessity measures, Relationship among classes of fuzzy measures.

Uncertainty & Information, Types of uncertainty, Measures of fuzziness, Classical
measure of uncertainty, Measures of dissonance.

Measure of non specificity, Uncertainty & information and complexity. Principles of
uncertainty and information.

Applications: General discussion, Natural, life & Social, Sciences, Engineering,
Medicine, Management & decision making, Computer Science, Systems sciences, other

Text Book:
1. George J. Klir & Tina A. Folger, Fuzzy sets, uncertainty & information (Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd.) Sixth Printing 2001.

Scope : Unit-I Chapter 4.

Unit-II Chapter 5 Art 5.1 to 5.4.
Unit-III Chapter 5 Art 5.5 to 5.9.
Unit-IV Chapter 6.

Reference Books:
1. D. Drinkov, H. Hellendora & M. Reinfrank, Introduction to Fuzzy control, Narosa Publishing
2. H.J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy Set Theory & Its Applications, Allied Publishers Ltd. New Delhi-
3. G.J. Klir & B.Yuan, Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic.Prentice Hall of India New Delhi-1995.
Paper – XXII(A)
Fluid Mechanics –II
Max. Periods: 60 (04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
The aim of this course is tostudy two dimensional image system, Milne-Thomson
circle theorem, theorem of Blasius, concepts of gas dynamics, stress strain relations,
uniqueness theorem, important relations related to Navier-Stokes equations and various
applications in all fields.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Apply Milne-Thomson circle theorem
CO2: Identify appropriate governing equation for particular flow.
CO3: Explain stress strain relations.
CO4: Evaluate the velocity of fluid flow.

Two dimensional image system, The Milne- Thomson circle theorem, Applications of
the circle theorem, the theorem of Blasius, some worked examples.

Compressibility effects in real fluids, The elements of wave motion, The speed of
sound in a gas, Equation of motion of a gas, Subsonic, sonic and Supersonic flows, Isentropic
gas flow, Reservoir discharge through a channel of varying section, Shock waves.

Stress components in a real fluid, Relations between Cartesian components of stress,
Translational motion of fluid element, The rate of strain quadratic and principle stresses,
Some further properties of the rate of strain quadratic, Stress analysis in fluid motion,
Relation between stress and rate of strain, The coefficient of viscosity and laminar flow. The
Naiver Stokes equations of motion of a viscous fluid.
Flow between two parallel planes, Steady flow through tube of uniform circular cross
section, some solvable problems in viscous flow, Steady viscous flow between concentric
rotating cylinders. Uniqueness theorem, Diffusion of vorticity, Energy dissipation due to
viscosity, Steady flow past a fixed sphere, Prandtl’s Boundary Layer.

Text Book:

1. Text book of Fluid Dynamics, by F Charlton, Reprint 1998, C B S Publishers and

distributors, Delhi – 110 002

Scope: Unit-I Chapter 5, 5.7 to 5.9

Unit-II Chapter 7, 7.1-7.7
Unit-III Chapter 8, 8.1-8.9
Unit-IV Chapter 8, 8.10-8.13
Reference Books:
1. G.K. Batchelor- An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Foundation Book-New Delhi 1994)
2. W.H. Besaint and A.S. Ramsey – A Treatise on Hydro Mechanics Part II, CBS Publisher-
3. S.W. Yuan – Foundations of Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd- New Delhi 1976
Difference Equations-II
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
The course introduced the elementary analysis and linear algebra to investigate
solution to difference equation. To study self adjoint second order linear equation, the sturm-
liouville problem, discrete calculus of variations, Boundary value problem for nonlinear

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Study self adjoint equation..

CO2: Analyze sturm-liouville problem for difference equations.
CO3: Understand the Lipschitz case and existence of solutions.
CO4: Discuss the boundary value problem for nonlinear equations.

Introduction, Sturmian theory, Green’s functions, Disconjugacy, The Riccati
equations, Oscillation.

Unit – II:
Introduction, Finite Fourier analysis, Non-homogeneous problem.

Unit – III:
Introduction, The Lipschitz case, Existence of solutions, Boundary value Problems
for differential Equations.

Unit – IV:
Introduction, The Lipschitz case, Existance of solutions, Boundary value problem for
differential equations.
Text Book:
1. Walter G. Kelley and Allan C. Peterson, “Difference Equations”, Academic Press,
Second Edition.

Scope : Unit-I Chapter 6.

Unit-II Chapter 7.
Unit-III Chapter 8.
Unit-IV Chapter 9.

Reference Books:
1. Calvin Ahlbrandt and Allan C. Peterson, “Discrete Hamiltonian Systems: Difference
Equations, Continued Fractions and Riccati Equations, “Kluwer, Boston, 1996.
2. Saber N. Elaydi “An Introduction to Difference Equations” Springer, Second Edition.
Programming in C++
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
In this course we will study the basics of the programming language C++ such as
tokens, expressions, Classes and Objects, Constructors and Destructors, Inheritance,
Polymorphism and Files.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Identify the basic concept of Tokens, Expressions and Control structures-Functions in
CO2: Analyze Classes and Objects..
CO3: Understand Constructors and Destructors
CO4: Apply the concept of Extending classes-Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism.
CO5: Study practical course.

Tokens, Expressions and Control structures-Functions in C++.

Unit – II:
Classes and Objects.

Unit – III:
Constructors and Destructors-Operator overloading and type conversions.

Unit – IV:
Inheritance: Extending classes-Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism.

Unit – V:
Working with Files.

Text Book:
1. E. Balagurusamy, Objected Oriented Programming with C++, Third Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Steve Oualline, Practical C++ Programming, O’Reilly Media, 2003.
2. Chuck Easttom, C++ Programming Fundamentals, Charles River Media, 2003.
Paper-XXIII (A)
Integral Equations
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objectives:
Many physical problems that are usually solved by differential equation methods can
be solved more effectively by integral equation methods. Such problems abound in applied
mathematics, theoretical mechanics, and mathematical physics. This course enables the
students to get the detailed idea about the integral equation, its classification, different types
of kernals, the relationship between the integral equations and ordinary differential equations
and how to solve the linear integral equations by different methods with some problems
which give rise to integral equations.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Acquire sound knowledge of different types of Integral equations.

CO2: Obtain integral equations from ODEs and PDEs arising in applied mathematics and
different engineering branches and solve accordingly using various method of solving
integral equation.
CO3: Demonstrate a depth of understanding in advanced mathematical topics in relation to
geometry of curves and surfaces.
CO4: Apply the knowledge of integral transformation like Laplace transformation, Fourier
transformation to solve different types of integral equation.

Preliminary Concepts, Integral Equation: Definition, Linear and nonlinear Integral
Equations, Fredholm Integral Equations, Volterra Integral Equations, Singular Integral
Equations, Special Kinds of Kernels, and classification of integral equations, Special kinds
of kernels, Convolution integrals, Conversion of an initial value problem into a Volterra
integral equation, Conversion of a boundary value problem into a Fredholm integral equation,
Homogeneous integral equations of the second kind with separable kernel.

Solution of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with separable kernel,
Fredholm alternative, an approximate method Method of successive approximation: Iterated
kernel, Resolvent kernel, Solution of Fredholm and Volterra integral equations of the second
kind by the method of successive substitutions, Solution of Fredholm and Volterra integral
equations of the second kind by the method of successive approximations: Neumann series.

Integral equations with symmetric kernels: Regularity conditions, Complex Hilbert
space, An orthonormal system of functions, Fundamental properties of eigen values and eigen
functions for symmetric kernels. Expansion in eigen functions and bilinear form, Hilbert-
Schmidt theorem and some immediate consequences, Definite Kernels and Mercer's theorem

Singular integral equations, The solution of Abel integral equation, general form of
Abel integral equation, Another general form of Abel integral equation, Integral transform
method, Application of Laplace transform to solve Volterra integral equations with
convolution type kernels, Examples.

Text Book:
1. Dr. M. D. Raisinghania, Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems, S. Chand and
Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Unit-I: Chapter 1 complete, Chapter 2 complete, Chapter 3 complete,
Unit-II Chapter 4 complete, Chapter 5 sections 5.1 to 5.15
Unit-III Chapter 7 sections 7.1 to 7.5
Unit-IV Chapter 8 sections 8.1 to 8.4, Chapter 9 section 9.1 to 9.5

Reference Books:

1. R.P. Kanwal, Linear Integral Equantions Theory and Technique, Academic Press, Inc.,
New York.
2. S.G. Mikhlin, Linear integral equations (Translated from Russian) “Hindustan Book
Agency 1960.
3. B.L. Moiseiwitsch, Integral Equations, Longman, London & New York.
4. M. Krasnov, A Kiselev, G.Makaregko, Problems and Exercises in integral equations
(Translated from Russian) by George Yankovsky) MIR Publishers Moscow, 1971.
Paper XXIII (B)
Lattice Theory
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduces the concept of two definitions of Lattices, distributive lattices,
congruence’s and ideals, modular and semi-modular lattices.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Describe the Lattices and some concepts of lattices.
CO2: Understand the concepts of distributive Lattices.
CO3: Analyze the Weak Projectivity and Congruence’s, Standard, and Neutral ideals.
CO4: Study the modular and semi-modular lattices.

Two Definitions of Lattices, How to Describe Lattices, Some Algebraic Concepts,
Polynomials, Identities, and Inequalities, Free Lattices, Special Elements.

Characterization and Representation Theorems, Polynomials and Freeness,
Congruence Relations, Boolean Algebras Topological Representation, Pseudo-

Weak Projectivity and Congruence’s, Distributive, Standard, and Neutral Elements,
Distributive, Standard, and Neutral Ideals, Structure Theorems.

Modular Lattices, Semimodular Lattices, Geometrie Lattices, Partition Lattices,
Complemented Modular Lattices

Text Book:
1. G. Gratzer- Birkhauser, General Lattice Theory, IInd Edition.

Scope: Unit I - Chapter 1.

Unit II - Chapter 2.
Unit III - Chapter 3.
Unit IV - Chapter 4.

Reference Books:
1. Vijay K. Garg, Introduction to lattice theory with computer science applications, John
Wiley and Sons.
Paper XXIII(C)
Fractional Calculus and its Applications-II
Max. Periods: 60(04 Credits)

Course Objective(s):
This course introduces the concept of fractional green’s functions, other methods for
the solution of fractional order equations, numerical evaluation of fractional derivatives,
numerical solution of fractional differential equations.

Course Outcome(s):
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Study the solution of the initial value problem for the Ordinary fractional linear differential
equation with constant coefficients using only its Green’s function.
CO2: Understand the different methods for the solution of fractional order equations.
CO3: Analyze the numerical evaluation of fractional derivatives.
CO4: Study the numerical solution of fractional differential equations.

Definition and some properties, one term equation, Two term equation, Three term
equation, Four term equation, general Case:n-term equation.

The Mellin transform method, Power series method, Babenko’s symbolic calculus
method, Method of orthogonal polynomials.

Riemann-Liouville and Grunwald-Letnikov definitions of the fractional order
derivatives, approximation of fractional derivatives, the short memory principle, order of
approximation, computation of coefficients, higher order approximations calculations of heat
load intensity, finite part integrals and fractional derivatives.

Initial conditions: Which problem to solve?, Numerical solution, examples of
numerical solutions, the short memory principle in initial value problems for fractional
differential equations.

Text Book:

1. Igor Podlubny, “Fractional Differential Equations”, Academic Press, San Diego,

California, 92101-4495, USA

Scope: Unit I - Chapter 5.

Unit II - Chapter 6.
Unit III - Chapter 7.
Unit IV - Chapter 8.
Reference Books:
1. Miller K.S. and Ross B., “An Introduction to Fractional Calculus and Fractional
Differential Equations”, New York, John Wiley, 1993.
2. Oldham K.B. and Spanier J., “The Fractional Calculus”, New York, Academic Press,
Project Work
Marks: 125, Credits-5

Distribution of Marks:

Project Submission: 100 Marks Viva-Voce: 25 Marks

Project work as per S.R.T.M. University, Nanded Rules:

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.
Question Paper pattern
M.A. /M. Sc. (Second Year) (Mathematics) (CBCS Pattern)
w. e. f. June-2020 onwards
Time: 03.00 Hrs. Max.Marks:75

Q. No. 1: Attempt the following. Unit No. I

a) Theory 15 marks
b) Theory/problem 15 Marks

Q. No. 2: Attempt the following. Unit No. II

a) Theory 15 marks
b) Theory/problem 15 Marks

Q. No. 3: Attempt the following. Unit No. III

a) Theory 15 marks
b) Theory/problem 15 Marks

Q. No. 4: Attempt the following. Unit No. IV

a) Theory 15 marks
b) Theory/problem 15 Marks

Q. No. 5: Attempt any three of the following. Unit No. I, II, III, IV
a) Theory / Problem
b) Theory / Problem 5 Marks Each
c) Theory / Problem
d) Theory / Problem

Total 75

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