Experiment 5
Experiment 5
Experiment 5
Objective: The objective of this experiment is to investigate and verify the characteristics of
a silicon diode and to study the DC output voltages of half wave rectification.
Experimental Results:
EECE 1101 – 1 SEM1 2021/2022 ENGINEERING LAB I
i. Diode Theory: Simple Diode Circuit (Forward bias)
This simple diode circuit demonstrates the effect of connecting a diode in a forward
biased condition. On forward bias, positive terminal of the DC supply is connected
to the anode (positive terminal) of the diode and this will allow the flow of current
in the circuit. On connecting the DC supply to the 'p' type material the junction,
negative electrons will cross to the 'p' region attracted by the DC supply (+) potential
and positive holes will move into the 'n' region. It takes a potential of about 0.6V to
overcome the junction barrier of a silicon diode, thereafter a large increase in
current flows owing to the low forward resistance of the diode.
EECE 1101 – 1 SEM1 2021/2022 ENGINEERING LAB I
1. Some difference can be seen on the comparison between theoretical and experimental
values. This happened because of the errors that can come from environment and
calibration of the instrument. There may be other errors too, such as errors in voltage
source and other components. For example, the peak voltage from experimental value
is 4.6V when it is supposed to be measured as 4.5V. Thus, the difference in output
voltage. Negative value for the percentage error is obtained due to the theoretical value
being smaller than the experimental value.
2. When measuring current in the diode circuit, multimeter is put in series. For the
measurement of voltage passing through diode, the multimeter is put parallel to the
Reflection: The data shows that diode conducts current primarily in one direction; it acts as a
one-way switch for current and does not allow current flowing in the opposite direction. It is
also known as rectifiers because they change alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC).
This rectifier allows only one-half cycle of an AC voltage waveform to pass while blocking
the other half cycle. This can be applied to our life at Dunya, the purpose to live is always to
follow one true path and that is to serve Allah.
Conclusion: In short, the experiment has succeeded the objective of studying the diode’s
characteristics and its half wave rectification.