The Impact of The Different Voltages and Frequencies On Resistivity of The Tio - Based Memristors With 3D Observation in Matlab
The Impact of The Different Voltages and Frequencies On Resistivity of The Tio - Based Memristors With 3D Observation in Matlab
The Impact of The Different Voltages and Frequencies On Resistivity of The Tio - Based Memristors With 3D Observation in Matlab
Sayı 20, S. 260-264, Aralık 2020 No 20, pp. 260-264, December 2020
© Telif hakkı EJOSAT’a aittir Copyright © 2020 EJOSAT
Araştırma Makalesi ISSN:2148-2683 Research Article
Niloufar Rajabiyoun1*
1 AtatürkÜniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü, Erzurum, Türkiye (ORCID: 0000-0003-3955-2489)
1. Introduction memory. This means that the memristor can be used for
nanoelectronic memory and computer neuromorphic structures.
Memristor or memory resistor are two dual terminal elements of In the 1971 article, Shen Chua received a concept between the
circuits. The memistor is made in nanoscale dimensions and its resistor and the inductor-capacitor and was inspired by a simple,
resistance depends on the amplitude, polarity, and duration of the basic idea similar to that of a device such as a memristor. Although
applied voltage. The hysterical current-voltage curve in the the relationship between voltage and current in a memristor is not
memristor allows this element to act as a non-volatile resistor and as linear as that of a varistor, other scientists have previously
to remember information until a voltage of different magnitude described nonlinear relationships for electric charge flux, but
and polarity is applied to it, even up to a year later [1-3]. Chua's theory was more pervasive. The resistance of the
RAM is inherently completely erased after a power outage. memristor depends on the correct input port given to the terminal
However, in 1971 the idea of memory conservation was put (unlike the varistor, which depends on the amount of
forward in theory, and this phenomenon came to fruition in 2008 instantaneous input). This component of the circuit inflates the
[4]. amount of current it emits, which was discarded by Chova as a
Memoristor or Memory Resistor an electrical member has two memristor. In other words, the memristor is a neutral member of
terminals in which a functional connection is established between the circuit and has two terminals that can maintain the relationship
an electric charge and a magnetic flux. When the current enters between the function of current in time and voltage in time. The
the same device from one direction, the electrical resistance graph of this function is called memory; And is similar to the
increases, and when current flows in the opposite direction, the variable resistance. Batteries also have a memristor but are not a
resistance decreases. But when the current stops, this component neutral member. The definition of a memristor is specifically
of the circuit maintains the last resistance it has, and when the load based on the main variables of the circuit, namely current and
current starts again, the resistor will be at the last time of voltage, and their relationship to time. Just like resistors,
operation. It is a resistance actuator with almost linear resistance capacitors, and inductors.
as long as the current diagram remains in a certain range over time Unlike these three circuit components (resistor, inductor, and
[5-6]. capacitor) which can have constant values with respect to time,
Memristor was formally formulated and named by Chua in an the memristor relation is nonlinear and can be expressed as a
article published in 1971. In 2008, a team in the HP Laboratory function of the circuit variable, ie net load current. There is no
officially announced the production of a variable-layer, thin-film such thing as a standard memristor. Instead, any device that plays
a functional role in expressing voltage in terms of current or vice
Corresponding Author: AtatürkÜniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü, Erzurum, Türkiye (ORCID: 0000-
0003-3955-2489), 260
European Journal of Science and Technology
versa. A type of memristor is a simple resistor. Like other two- current required, for example, the electric charge charged in this
circuit components (capacitor, resistor, and inductor), there is no way is the main variable.
ideal memristor. Rather, it has a small amount of resistance,
In addition, as reported by Krzysteczko et al., The MgO tunnel
capacitance, and induction [7-10].
connections based on MgO show the mammoth behavior based
Obtaining a pure model for the memristor helps to predict the
on the discharge of oxygen vacuum inside the MgO layer of
behavior of this component and features of the memristor need
insulation (resistance change); Thus, the combination of torque
understanding the reaction of this element under different
and resistance switching naturally results in a second-order master
voltages, currents and frequencies. In this way, generating a 3D
system with W = (WI, W2) in which WI represents the magnetic
model to show the specifications of this component under voltage-
state of the magnetic tunnel connection and W2 represents the
current-frequency will be very useful. This paper shows the
resistance state of the MgO barrier. Note that in this case the
reaction of the model of the TiO2-based memristor generated by
current is controlled in the WI switch (torque is due to the high
Chua under different window functions.
current density) while in the W2 switch the voltage is controlled.
(Oxygen discharge is high due to high electric fields).
2. The Structure, Properties and Formulas Magnetic Memory System:
of the Memristor Although the use of the word "memristor" has not been described,
a study of two-layer manganese-based oxide layers for non-
2.1. General Features of the Memristor
volatile memory was conducted by researchers at the University
Memristor stands for Memory Resistor. In terms of hardware, it is of Houston in 2001. Some diagrams show the tunable and
a microscopic instrument that can maintain its previous electrical adjustable resistance based on the number of voltage pulses
condition, and with this trick, it is possible to preserve temporary applied, similar to the effects of titanium dioxide on memristor
memory even after a power outage. materials.
Wavy tunneling diode memristor:
If we consider resistance as a water pipe, and water as electric In 1994, FABoyt and E.K. Rajagopal at the U.S. Naval Research
charge. The amount of resistance will be proportional to the Laboratory demonstrated that the "current-voltage" bow-like (IV)
diameter of the tube. So far, the resistors have had a fixed pipe feature in AIAs / OaAs / AIAs quantum diodes involved the
diameter, but the memristor is like a pipe whose diameter changes design of a specific doping layer of separating layers in Agree
with the amount and direction of flow. If the flow is in the right with published experimental results. This characteristic of the
direction, the diameter of the pipe is more. The current remains bow-current voltage (like I-V) is characteristic of a memristor,
constant. These unique features have prompted the construction although the term memristor is not explicitly used in the articles.
of the Memorial to promise a greater transformation than the There is no magnetic interaction in the analysis of Hyperion
transformation of the twentieth-century transistor invention. features such as I-V [10-12].
D=0.0000001; end
DDM=0.00000000000001; end
k=DDM.*Ron^2./D^2; mesh(real(R))
for ii=1:length(t); ylabel('Time')
for jj=1:length(v); xlabel('Voltage')
R(ii,jj)=sqrt(Ri.^2-((2.*v(jj).*k*(Roff- zlabel('Resistance')
Figure 3. The Resistance-Voltage-Frequency cureve for Chua TiO2 Memristor with P=1.
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Figure 4. The Resistance-Voltage-Frequency cureve for Chua TiO2 Memristor with P=2.
Figure 5. The Resistance-Voltage-Frequency cureve for Chua TiO2 Memristor with P=5.
Figure 6. The Resistance-Voltage-Frequency cureve for Chua TiO2 Memristor with P=10.
1. Rajabiyoun, N. Karacalı, T. A new approach to modeling
TiO2−x-based memristors using molecular dynamics