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Quality Africa Integrated VOCATIONAL technical INSTITUTE:


Am pleased to introduce Quality Africa Vocational Technical Integrated Institute,which recognizes

that the effective technical Vocational skills as vital for individuals, enterprises and economy,leading to
self-employed, self-reliance at the family level, increased productivity profits, high income of Uganda's
economy,creating the needful employable skills and Competencies,which are a vehicle for the
enhancement of human capacity to finally fulfill God's commandments to us to subdue our corner of the
earth and have Dominion over nature around us.

Vocational Education links secondary education to the world of work and schools and schooling to
business/industry enterprise and wage employment or self-employment for the majority of youths and
high school leavers who are not college bound.


Vacationalisation policies are directed towards a greater labour market relevance of Education and
better articulation between the contact of schooling and the subsequent application of acquired skills in
the world of work.

The contemporary thrust is perceived as the potential for providing the pathway to wage employment
or self-employment for majority of youths.

Vocational and technical Education has the task of equiping the youth and school levers with the
Competencies called for by the labour market.

The goal is that all students be prepared by prepared by Educational system for wage employment or
self-employment, to cater for the different aptitudes and talents of students in the selection of subjects
in schools offering suitable choices of academic and vacational subjects.


An employer-led skill development anchored on research, policy and strategic planning based on
analysis of needs and priorities of the labour market to the development of the job profiles,standards,
qualifications and development.

To priorities to meet the critical skills in all forms and modalities, careers advice and recruitment,
accreditation, assessment and certification, monitoring and evaluation.

Low enrollment of famales in science, technology, Engineering, mathematics and unfriendly

environment for people with special needs due to high cost of technical training and lack of awareness.

The large and growing number of young people place a high demand on technical Education sector with
respect to teachers, equipment and facilities needed.A large proportions of the rural population is under
15 years. Urban areas have a higher population of work age inhabitants in the age bracket of 15 to 59
years. The economic activity in rural areas must undergo a transformation supported by a relevant
Vocational skills-education. Manpower and Education planning must take into consideration the
relevant relatively small size of the labour market in proportion to the first growing population.

From a Vocational perspective, premature school leaving means that the students don't reach an
educational level at which sufficient basic literacy, numeracy and occupational skills have been acquired
for successful entry into the labour assessment market.

In the context of the growing informal Urban sector and self-employment job opportunities viable
options should provide career prospects for the increasing number of school leavers.

Further, the level at which the students drop out,there is high probability that the skills-education
acquired will not be retained.


A flexible system to change the labour market demands and provide for:

*Catering to the different abilities, talents and interests of students to develop the Vocational skills to a
reasonable degree of Competence.

*A structure to co-ordinate,harmonise frame work levels for resource development and mobilization to
utilize and sustain the quality, provision and delivery as career path and linkages between


A continuous improving and Vocational skills-education system that delivers the most preferred
graduates, create employment and entrepreneurship opportunities contributing to the country's
Sustainable economic, social and environmental regional and global development context.


To promote economic educationalization relevance through:

a) to strengthen the Educationalisation, employment role and delivery of business communities by

promoting skills for productivity by ensuring life long learning opportunities

b) Establishing and linking the Educationalisation, management and information systems to the labour
market information system.

c) improve accesse Educationalisation, employment systems

- a flexible demand driven delivery through Competence based on modularised packages by use of ICT.

- providing financial support through bursaries and scholarship through affordable subsidies
- providing professional career guidance and placement services to enable Apt choices and access
industrial and employment attachment.

- providing an easy access to appropriate training methods,materials and equipments improving

teaching facilities.

- Promote research and innovation integrating and Main stream training of lecturers, tutors, instructors
and trainers within the system and subjecting to minimum Competence-based qualifications.

c) establish Business incubation/ innovation systems to boost entrepreneurship and other aspects.


Educationalised network for an effective Education system to recognize and promotion of technical skills
in all forms through an overall life long learning frame work. Creating awareness among learners
families and communities to increase access to cover formal, informal and non-formal and expand stake
holder involvement by Establishing an Institutionalized interaction frame work to engage labour market
actors in qualifications and curriculum development creating pathways to facilitate transitions between
secondary, post-primary,post-secondary and tertiary education including flexible admission procedures
and guidance, credit accumulation and transfer, bridging programmes and equivalent schemes that are
recognized and accredited by relevant authorities.


We are a team of people committed to equip Ugandan youth and worldwide with the knowledge and
know-how to handle business opportunities and future job endeavors. We believe that personal
development, educationalisation and Vocational skills development are the way to end poverty.

Innovations in technology and increasing higher order skills required of employment have affected the
Education and employment systems, calling for development of futuristic approaches in the context and
delivery of Vocation knowledge and experience.

We advocate for a better future for youths in Uganda and worldwide through all the activities and
projects we do.

In line with the national needs for Vocational training, we support economic development,by creating
partnerships and project to information,educate and train youth.

We aim to facilitate and endorse a belief that Vocational training will offer youth the chance to secure
jobs faster,to be self-reliance and establish their own business.

To provide Education to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases in Uganda


While Uganda's Education has consistently registered high performance, the development of Education
sector as an Engine of growth has still lagged behind.
This is partly due to lack of adequate Educational infrastructure and poor or inadequate Education
support services in the country resulting into low productive of all factors of Education,and
therefore,lack of integration with national, regional and international jobs.

In order to promote the growth of education sector as the engine of growth for Uganda's economic
development,it is necessary to develop and support Educational infrastructure that would impact
directly and indirectly the Education enterprise, leading to economic growth.

On such programme that supports development of the education sector is Quality Africa Integrated
vocation institute.


-To promote an extraordinary integrated, demand driven and competent based modular system where
learners enter the system at various points suitable for their skills and needs, with qualifications certified
and recognized at different levels.

-To establish a qualifications frame work based on defined occupational standards and assessment
criteria for the different sectors of the economic developmental educationalisation.


*Producing competitive relevant children who meet the global Education standards for entry into
employment work to promote the development of formal and Non-formal education.

*Retraining unemployed workers for reentry into employment or up grading of employed workers to
increase equitable access to disadvantaged groups such as women and people with disabilities.

*Research, information sharing and networking resource to provide continuous training to managers
and staff of the Institution.

*Providing cheap affordable,Quality relevant vocation knowledge,flexible learning and terms of

payment in the modern world.

*We have a cost sharing scheme whose major objective is to increase the competitiveness of Uganda's
Education sector committed to developing young people through sustaining skills as a source of

*Increase the capacity of the education sector by granting reimbursements of approved students for
activities centred on use or acquisition of "know-how" and use of education support services.

*Support children to undertake any one eligible activities,geared to acquiring technical Vocational skills-
education and knowledge to impart social, economic and political attitudes and behavior patterns to
decisively undertake economic activities as employees, entrepreneurs or in subsistence economy.
*To contribute to the development of social, cultural, economic and political structures in the context of
specific Educational, economic and social policies to develop workers into knowledge workers who will
be more flexible, analytical, adaptable and multi-skilled.

*To create an umbrella organization having a common sector representing a number of forums in the
education and building a middle class in Uganda, to set new knowledge economy including professional,
managerial, operational, behavioral, interpersonal and inter fuctional skills.

*To Flexibly and capably react to changing circumstances, enable training courses to cater for the
changing needs of the obvious challenges and to earn opportunities not yet exploited.

*To provide basic training, upgrading personality development and promotion of social rehabilitation to
achieve flexible education and training system that will provide the foundation for learning secondary
and tertiary education to develop required Competences as means of achieving life long learning.

*To integrate and co-ordinate Education projects with Competency, independent and execution working
to achieve the common educationalisation goals.

To provide holistic concepts,methods accounting specific learning conditions and characteristics.e.g:

time and place of availability providing students with superior knowledge, skills and more realistic
experience given that Competence had a crucial element offering a competitive edge.

To provide content,affordable, practicable and beneficial Education initiating income generating projects
for Vulnerable children.

e.g: tapping income niches, understandable, measurable, financeable and techniques of bringing a
savings in raw materials.

To give capabilities to independently over come day-to-day problems in the new economic development
through Education as a physco-social support for Vulnerable young people.

e.g: Small entrepreneurship.

To procure raw materials, organise transport, access to and expedient use of loans,book keeping and
securing access to market and phycological support for Vulnerable young people.

To train and upgrade suitable instructors, promoters, advisors who are acceptable persons with
authority in a given social environments to transfer the training content to the actual Target groups.

To implement key Educationalisation project roles to provide relevant knowledge, values and skills for
purposes of academic progression and employment.

To provide an efficient, affordable, follow up content,appropriate,cost effective teaching and learning

aids to stimulate intellectual and Technical Vocational skills-educational growth of students in order to
make them productive.
To provide useful Educational feedback and advice from the developmental work to produce
craftsmanship, technicians and skilled manpower to meet the demands of technical,Vocational, industry,
Agriculture,commerce and other services as well as the teaching of technical and Vocational subjects.

*To fit in educationalisation and fight to be players in the economy without isolation to influence the
productivity capabilities of the individual for employment verification and self-employment.

*Capability for the individual:

To enhance the individual's personal development, open up opportunities for successful economic
activity and improve the individual's life situation.

*Development potential:

Physical security to design life in favourable circumstances, doors open towards prosperity, formation of
assets and improved security for old age through income, revenue, saving or a more effective
subsistence economy.

*Identify finding:

To become more self-confident, gain dignity and open up a New scope of action form promoting success
and pleasure in work and creativity.

*Social integrity and integration:

Developing solidarity, social responsibility towards self-help and societal emancipation.


*High population growth resulting in a great increase in the drop-outs.

*Large number of content depending( youths with little or no schooling to satisfy none of regular
admission requirements.)

*Low demand for qualified manpower with very limited available Jobs.

*Less practical training and Barrier to higher formal criteria for enrollment.

*None statistically recorded information for planning training courses,less practical training, barrier for
higher formal criteria for enrollment.


The Institution will comprise of a council.


1) The chairman shall:

-convene every meeting of the council at the times and places as the council shall meet for the discharge
of business at least once in every three months.

-convene a special meeting of council and shall also call a meeting within fourteen days to do so in
writing by at least one third of the members of the council. Notice of a council meeting shall be given in
writing to each member at least fourteen days before the day of the meeting.

-Preside at a very meeting of council and in absence of him the members present shall appoint a
member from among themselves to preside at a meeting.

2) The quorum for a meeting is one third of the members.

3) All decisions at the meeting of the council shall be by a majority of votes of the members present and voting
and in case of an equality of votes, the person presiding at a meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his
or her deliberative vote.

4) Minutes of meeting:

The director shall record all meetings of the council in a form approved by the council.The minutes recorded
under this paragraph shall be submitted to the council for confirmation at it's meeting following that to which
the minutes relate and when so confirmed, shall be signed by the chairperson,in the presence of the members
present at the later meeting.

5) Power to co-opt:

The council may invite any person who,in the opinion of the council,has expert knowledge concerning the
principal functions of the council, to attend and take part in the preceding council.

A person attending a meeting of the council under this section may take part in any discussion at the meeting on
which his or her advice is required but shall not have any right to vote at the meeting.

6) Validity of proceedings not affected by vacancy:

The validity of any proceedings of the council shall not be affected by a vacancy in its membership or by any
defect in the appointment or qualification of a member or by reason that a person not entitled, took part in its

7) Disclosure of interest of members:

A member of the council who is in any way directly or indirectly interested in a contract made or proposed to be
made by the council,or in any other matters which fall to be considered by the council, shall disclose the nature
at the meeting of the council.

For purposes of determining whether there's a quorum, a member withdrawing from a meeting or who is not
taking part in a meeting shall be treated as being present.


*Social human capital

group orientation, organizational programmes, appropriate programme contents and certificates,
distributing costs and Competence.

*Economic policy:

Improving entrepreneurial competition and promoting technical Vocational change geared to

Development status, strengthening the position on the domestic and export market to improve the
balance of trade.

*Social policy:

More equitable distribution of educational opportunities, overcoming discrimination and exploitation of

labour market, alleviating unemployment, equitable distribution of income.

*Stractural,regional and environmental policies:

Creation of a balanced of technical Vocational structure, reduction of imbalances by improving teaching

conditions and efficient utilisation of resources and development of economics based on technical
Vocational economy.

*Advocacy,lobbying for Educative conductive policies, working in partnership with the

government,getting in touch with Education partners across the globe and to interact with Education
sector associations outside our boundaries.

* To sign an extraordinary international Fundraising contract and memorandum of understanding for

international Fundraising campaign where Vulnerable youths and Orphans benefit in the field of child's
care, Education, health and development.

*To become a producer of recognized supplier of goods and services.


*Placing trained graduates in accordance with their skills and needs, pertinent follow-up contents.

*Provide national, subregional and regional strategic planning and workshops to prepare students for
future studies equiped with employment skills.

*Consultancy services on human development of employees to equip learners with employable skills.

*Further training course enterprises aligned to solving Education specific problems ie technical and
Business commercial subjects.

*Consultancy services on technical and Business management issues to facilitate interpretation,

application and translation of basic knowledge and understanding of fundamental facts and principles,of
specific process and Techniques to produce and use tools and labour-saving devices for productive work.
*Technical services using Institution equipment Base to inculcate an appreciation of labour,and the
environment resource Base encompassing all forms and levels of Agricultural, commercial, industrial,
service and any other field related to work.

*Internal and external efficiency, relevant,regular quality exchange of training experience to impart skills
necessary for the protection, utilisation and conservation of environmental health and heritage.

*Promotion activities to cover subjects involved in education Establishment and consolidation to

consolidate, synthesize and apply the ability to use the head, the heart and the hands towards
innovations, modernisation and improvement in the context quality of life.

*Basic training and upgrading in legal issues, market research Business management and procurement
of investment capital to broaden and increase awareness and capacity of Learners to engage in
productive activities for becoming self reliant.

*Professional Consultancy capability and specific promotion instruments, joint venture opening,
Education co-operation and sponsorship.

*Offer more competitive and complexity services to transfer technological Educationalisation ensuring
environmental sustainability:

*Prioritise environmental conservation and management by raising awareness about waste

management and carbon emissions,since the nature is gradually getting endangered.

*Providing for:

- curriculum adjustment and reform

-student placement for practical experience.

- staff development and exchange

- Identification of employment opportunities.

- execution of joint projects

- selecting part-time instructors.


Placement and supervision of students carried out at the end of each academic year.The student after
training writes a report, to be endorsed by the training industry supervisor



- carry letter of introduction

- are assigned to supervisor for training and absorbed in the operational process

- are Trained through the various sections and department.

- are visited by visiting lecturers to assess and discuss his performance with the industry supervisor.


Done by a selected technician expertise based on the analysis of trade or skills to be taught and on


Initial level

Final level

Major activities of the trade skills, technical know-how, duration of course,quality required and
examination standards.


-Access and equity.

-Recognition of prior learning:

A recognition of the value of previous learning and experience that contribute to the effectiveness and
efficiency fulfilment of occupational educationalisation responsibility.

*System development:

To consider prior credits to gain access to and continue endnvouring.

*Higher learning opportunities:

A flexible system providing opportunities for higher education and training.

*Policy database and advocacy development:

Establishment and utilisation of adequate database to adequate database to draw the attention,
development, importance, functional and highlightment to educationalisation networking with other

-faced with heavy competition and selection mechanism.

-tight admission rules

-high cost with extensive social and individual constraints.

- inadequate general basic Education.


- Orphans

- private, public providers and employers.

- Trainees of all age groups including people with special needs.

#Reasons behind integration vocation institute:

Most children are unable to pay fees of primary, secondary, tertiary and Vocation.

Quality Africa Vocation integrity institute:

Is dedicated to providing and promoting an educative climate and culture that can attract international
investment and support Uganda's growth through a more competitive participation in domestic,
regional and wider international education.

Quality Africa's mandate:

*To operate with in a frame work of open ended and flexible structures in the context of life long
Educationalisation that provide:

^an introduction to technology and to the world of work to all young people in the context of specific
general education.

^education and Vocational guidance and support information and aptitude counseling.

^devolopment of an education designed for acquisition and development of the knowledge and know
how needed for a skilled occupation.

^a basis for education and training that may be essential for occupational mobility, flexibility,
improvement of professional qualifications and updating of knowledge, skills and understanding.

^complementary general education for those receiving initial technical Vocational skills-education both
inside and outside technical Vocational Education Institutions.

^continuing education and training courses for adults with a view of retaining as well as to
supplementing and upgrading the qualifications of those whose current knowledge has become
obsolete because of scientific and technological progress or changes in the development

*Carry out research.

*Provide a range of differential flexible training courses providing any necessary specialised,
extended,adapted and adjusted qualifications.

*To avail and forecast manpower methods in Long term proven to be too inexact, undifferentiated and
inflexible for strong Establishment

To address actual earning opportunities and living conditions in local environment geared to given stant
conditions, timings, location learning and advice from experts.

*To provide basic Education, rural development, alleviating poverty to Safeguard and ensure conducive
environment building a new strong base that increases competitiveness and Competence
educationalisation network productivity.

*Provide a forum for discussion of educative issues, friendly academic excellence and their impact on
the education sector in Uganda.

*Exemplary high quality Education to make appropriate evaluations and assessments forming part of
quality-based Education strategy.

*To maintain strong ties with employment to keep Education both relevant, renewal and up-to-date
adaptation of technical Vocational skills-education teaching and training programmed to suit productive

*To furnish a better Education response to some of the obvious challenges in acquisitions of experience
of life and adequately equip individuals to become productive and self reliant.

*Giving appropriate balance between the economy-related and society-related function to develop
knowledge and skills in the context of the latest classroom and enterprise technology.

*Maintain a dialogue with the government on behalf of the education sector to provide some basic
computer introductory selected courses e.g development of Computer literacy based on a hands-on

*Undertake the capacity building for the education sector through training and provision of educative
services using part-time instructors from industry to demonstrate capacity for flexible response to a
changing labour market.

*Providing more career guidance and information, crating a more visible and realistic more of job
content and explicit.


- Education advocacy Establishing principles of life-long technical Vocational skills-education ensuring

practical learning and valuable enhancement learning periods.
- Education integration through Vocational training courses to recognize the Vocational technical
support learning through credit and exemption through genuine work experience for a certain length of
training time.

- Capacity building for teachers, tutors, lecturers, possible renewal and adaptation of programs to suit
productive work to take pace of technological, social and economic development to increase the need
to expand and improve the technical Vocational educationalisation provided to both young people and

- Representative of Education integration sector concern on regional and local forum development of
research, employment and development skills.

- Cost sharing policies to reduce costs and enhance learning motivations to ensure positive returns on
technical systematic, Institutionalized interaction between Educationalisation training courses and the
complexity world of work to shape the prevailing context of specific Educational interaction.

- Offer experimental exceptionally and outstanding learning and tutoring through enriching learning
materials, methods and experience that blends face to face virtual learning ensuring variety and
flexibility in content, duration, access and out put implying characteristics of differentiated Education

- Research topics that are aimed at renewing and adapting content of training and teaching aptitude
programmes to fit the present technical Vocational skills-education needs, taking into account the
principal evaluation of context and advances to be more specific valuable to the effectiveness work.

- Undertaking a joint design to increase the possibility of more useful and productive development
projects developing knowledge and skills in the latest classroom and enterprise technology.

- paying attention to the diversity of Education systems ,socio-economic, Cultural conditions and the
need for exchange of training information and experiences in the development of technical and
Vocational skills-education and the desirability to strengthen the educationalisation network field.

- Modular training:

A system of training content divided into dependable units or modules of training.

- Non-formal technical and Vocational training:

Is an extraordinary organized Educationalisation activity outside the formal system to offer short courses
based on occupational analysis and refers to a flexible programme capable of rapid changes According
to an individual's needs which take place in a formal environment, usually with more emphasis on
activities directly related to working.

-Course programme
More emphasis on technical, laboratory work and practical skills ensuring that the greatest number of
individuals get a meaningful life achieved in terms of material growth and spiritual values and make it
possible to achieve true development.

a) Technical:

Offer three-year full time courses leading to an award of Junior Technical certificate.

Courses offered:

- Carpentry and joinery

-blocklaying and concrete practice

- tailoring and tropical Agriculture

b) general Technical Education

Consists of:

Metal work, wood work, Agriculture, Technical drawing, electricity and basic electronics, home
economics and commerce.


The methods for integrating academics,Vocational, skills-education and work-based Learning

experience, such as high quality co-operative Educationalisation provide:

- opportunities for guided learning to the effectiveness development of work experience.

- opportunities for hands-on experience learning experiences and applications for theoretical

- opportunities to continue working experience and education as a means of career planning.



Operative work experience leading to the relationship between students and prospective employers
which may facilitate future entry into the labour market and wage employment.

Perticipation in real life work which help the students to better see the value of Educationalisation


Instructor's guide, teachers' training materials etc.


a) open to age above 10 years

b) O'level certificate with pass in mathematics, physics, chemistry and English

c) Holders of adequate field experience

Duration: 2 years

-Goals of education:

Human resources department and research for New knowledge and technology.

- To invest,creat and adapt new knowledge of developing good scientific and technological Education at
all levels as well as research and development.

-National unity, self-reliance and social justice.

-A catalyst to development:

To develop and improve the local common and build up a reserve of skills for local enterprises and for


Financial, infrastructure, legislation, incentives, subsidized wages and preferred prices


- It supports the use or acquisition of expertise through the use of educational development services and
thus offer opportunities to know the sorts of employees available for employment.

- Supports eligible children in eligible activities making them more competitive in the near future to
understand the relevance of studying.

- Quality agrees to reimburse as a grant up to a 40% of pre-approved costs for each agreement for
subsidized training.

-Quality can reimburse each eligible children in successive pre-approved activities over the life and
flexible entry and exit in a much broader experience of life.

- Quality can recommend credible children to other people having potential for lifting productivity
through an exchange of knowledge and know how and jointly undertaking research development


*Opportunities to contribute significantly to the effectiveness work attitudes, ethics and employing the
best students.
*Certification to facilitate growth

*Status and recognition:

Students receive certification that encourages participation leading to greater status and promotion.

*Compulsory training sessions:

There's an obligation for students to spend a period of time at the training level to ensure valid
experience in the context of specific work and get an extraordinary opportunity of shaping the principal
of training and skills.


*international educationalisation networking exchanges, special studies, overseas study and overseas

*Payment while training in exchange for facilities offered where students work for a certain period of
time to be identified for the greatest potential of being offered a job thus selection of the best for the

*Preference tender obtaining.


A child is chosen depending on various reasons to put more emphasis on education department at the
level of vocation enterprises.

More emphasis is needed in addressing poverty through focussing poor previlaged children.

We rate the performance after seeing his/her performance.


Education has always been a partnership between families,communities and the institute-Policy.

We intensify running the Institution by creating new PARTNERSHIPS,most notably DONERS and to set
up high standards of Monitoring and accountability in order to increase a culture of self evaluation.

Thus we recognise that Integrated vocation knowledge flexibility will depend on the successful
partnership with stake holders such as NGOS having competitiveness and Competence for

On the same note,we want to invite you to partner with us in Uganda's educationalisation and
economic developmental system. We work with the poor,amidst tremendous obstacles and want to be
the transformational developmental blessing system to the poor.

New Integrated curriculum is relevant for the inspiration of Majority of the children and Uganda's
national educationalisation vision development.

This will include:

*Practical Agriculture

*Integrated science.

*Skills, literacy and numeracy.


To respond to both the needs of the individual and to the technical requirements for the job and the
changes in the job patterns by technologies and socio-economic changes.

To provide a multi-disprinary approach/effort involving professional groups of industry and general


To provide in-service training courses towards the end of the training period to prepare for specific job

To provide continuous research and evaluation process

To cover a broad spectrum of studies to take into account the changes in job market patterns caused by
the scientific and technological Educationalisation development.



Trainees,Examinees, Training advisors, Instructors etc:

Date of birth,sex, nationality, general and Vocational back ground, technical occupation, training years,
location of training firm,


Contracts indicating:

Training occupation,sex, years and reasons for cancellation.


Trained occupation, reductionor extension of training period.


In case of multi-phase training indicate trained occupation


Date of birth,sex, technical and teaching aptitude, full-time instructor activities.


Date of birth,sex, nationality, Education back ground, Vocational field, reduction or extension of training
period, procedure of admission to examination, examination results and title of examination passed.


Date of birth,sex, Educational back ground, full-time activities, technical Competence and visits paid to
training Institution, other activities.

1) Transport for:

Our staff

Student's Educational,co-curricular and other academic tours.

2) Modern recreation facilities:

- Soccer field, basketball court and other in door game facilities.

To develop and discover our children's talents.

3) A well stocked library

To enable students' knowledge research.

(Proposed library/diagram/different photos)

4) A well equipped ICT laboratories to meet global stardands to enhance research and learning.

5) Training work shops and training offices.


ICT is compulsory to all levels

(Primary, O'level, A'level and institute)


5)we have an urgent need for class-rooms.

* We need desks for 453 children and furniture for 50 school offices.

* 5 Head teachers' offices

* 20 Storerooms

* 15 teachers' houses.

* 3 Kitchens.

* 5 Latrine stances.

* 20 Class rooms.

Properly sized classrooms allowing maximum utilisation of adequate space and creation of a skilled
comfortable environment.


Furnished with appropriate facilities


Layout of benches with sufficient space and for equipment maintenance.



For storage of Educational materials, furniture and equipment.

* 543 Pieces of class room furniture

* 142 Pieces of office furniture

6) Learning materials:

( Large quantity of material and text books for core subjects ).

The are fundamental for teaching, learning,teachers' morale and maintaining Children's talents and


1) Few tutors can cope with the influx of changes in educationalisation. So we need new buildings,
renovations and expansions to manage both pre-serve and in-service teachings in addition to improved

All efforts are building an extraordinary and increasingly well trained and professional teaching force.

2) Education for people with needs:

Children with disabilities are Integrated through an extraordinary inclusive system approach.

Thus the INCLUSIVE Educationalisation program:

- 10 teachers and tutors will be trained for:

*Deaf and blind.

* Teaching sign language.

* Teaching Braille reading and writing.

* Teaching some on handling children suffering from autism.




We shall refer to it as a community based Vocational technical training center.

Technical Vocational Education refers to all forms and levels of education system involving,in addition to
the general knowledge, the study of technical and related sciences and the acquisitions of practical
skills, know-how, attitudes and understanding relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and
social life to develop, operate and promote an efficient system of training.



To equip people,more especially the un advantaged youth,with Vocational technological training

Education of practical and theoretical knowledge experience,as a way of fighting poverty and



a) To offer both academic and Vocation Education hand in hand, there by identifying and developing
natural technological gifts ( talents) amongst the youth.

b) Training and equiping school drop outs at all levels with the knowledge of applied and mechanical art

( Technological Education) and produce them to UNEB for examination and certificate using minimum
financial facilities possible to manage their business at the end of learning.
This employing themselves and other's

b) To give encouragement and guidance to those found technically interested and talented to join and
follow the procedures in the changing Education trends.

c) Establish a Human resource marketing centre for trained manpower thus fight unemployment.


*Mechanics,Hoterians,Computer compliant Secretaries,Builders

*Carpenters,Tailors,Kindergarten teachers,Drivers,Trained House boys and girls,Accountants

c) Monitor and evaluate the performance and contribution of our trained manpower towards
community development and governance.

d) Conducting Educational community service awareness

e) identifying organizations and pay fee individuals for our children's Vocational training and technical
knowledge for self sustenance


To be the leading centre of excellence, that shapes exceptional individuals to make a defining deference,
with a certainable reliable curriculum in hands-on training skills and a centre of life long learning in the
field of employment in Uganda and beyond.

To operationalize a series of development plans, Commited to policy reforms that emphasize increased
competitiveness and opt human capital development.

To prioritize human development and creation of skilled manpower for national development and a
coordinated labour market responsive system, producing a skilled, high-quality Competent work force
that is employable and responsive to national needs and Competitive economic support,social and
Educationalisation development.


Adress Skilling challenges to achieve desired goals of increased productivity, labour market, efficiency
and technological readiness providing:

- life long learning:

This emphasizes on learning how to learn and how to adopt rather than just learning specific

- To balance generic learning, social and Vocational skills for work in a multi-cultural and globalized
- To support learners from schools to work transitions in order to facilitate the switch from general
formal,non-formal and informal approaches to Vocational direction.

- To adress practical skills required in the context of economic income development generation to
strategically reform both the current general education, technical and Vocational skills-education and
training systems from a knowledge based and theoretical system to a Competence-based system.

- To give method which are theoretical and academic as opposed to flexible, work oriented and practical
delivery approach.


- Having a comprehensive set of Educationalisation policies contained that highlight that technical and
Vocational skills-education programmes should take into consideration the principal need to change the
negative attitudes towards technical Vocational skills-education training.

-Having specific policy on delivery that ensures skills development and increase equitable access to
appropriate skills training to improve the quality and relevance of skills development enhancing the
efficiency of effectiveness in skills delivery.

- Sustainable development.

To ensure inclusive and equitable quality Education to promote life long learning opportunities to
promote Sustainable inclusive and sustainable economic growth,full and productive employment and
decent work.


*Responsibility of quality:

Sharing a Developmental leading educationalisation technical network providing research contributing

to publications, database and updated Directory.

*Sound and continuos Way of Developmental principles of Co-operation, seeking assistance from sister
Institutions, support from industry and funding from government.

*Encouraging technical Institutions to be entrepreneurials and obtain some financial assistance to

acquire relevant standards

* Need funding and also realize funds from sales of technical products and services provided by the
students to implement effective budget and cost control.

*Undertaking formative and summative evaluation of proceedings until conclusion depending on

Qualification needs.

*Trainer development including industry leaders to form educationalisation panels.

*Establishment of twinning arrengment Co-operation between stake holders in the same and different

*Aspect as harnessing the resources of teaching and sharing equipments.


*Creating unique analytical, precise, creative and socially functional learners providing and developing
an inclusive, flexible and equitable system for delivering a relevant and Competent work force
responsive to the requirement of labour market.

*Producing all round financially savvy individuals,capable of addressing all areas of life employment

*Providing hands on training skills appropriate to economic, social, Culture and Environmental



Level of excellence or competence emphasizing knowledge, skills, practices and Competencies.


Decree of achieving objectives and the extent of problems solving, doing the right thing, effective
system s, imparting relevant quality skills, knowledge and training.


Obligation to account for activities, accepting responsibility and disclose the result in a transparent
manner, including the responsibility for money or other entrusted property, introducing specific
measures and criteria to determine the effective implementation of the system to meet the desired


Translation of ideas and inventions into goods and services that create value for payment.

Areplicable idea at an economic cost satisfying specific needs, mutual characteristic allowing a person to
think outside the box to a particular task.


Optimization of resources

*Innovativeness,Passion for excellence,Creativity,Team consciousness

*Perseverance,Self responsibility and to others,Accountability

*Self determination,Integrity,Ethical Dilemmas,Human Service Leadership

*Individual Uniqueness, Cultural Diversity and Competence.


We are working with professional tutors committed and focused to various techniques & methods.


*Strengthening technical educationalisation networking.

*Devise strategic planning for system design process, management, marketing, development,
compilation and analysis through seminar and work shop sensitisation.

*Consolidate aspect of Technical Vocational skills-education ensuring a natural-wide, uniform,

intersectoral qualifications that guarantee the occupational mobility, flexibility and taking account of
more requirements of more educationalisation network sectors.

*To provide cheap, affordable,Quality relevant knowledge, value and skills with flexible payment,
specialised extended teaching conditions leading to the qualifications of skills-education worker for the
purpose of academic progress and employment in the labor market.

*To strengthen the normal vocation teaching programmes enabling adjustment to smooth occupational
developmental educationalisation changes.

*To enhance the teacher student relationship to monitor a broad based basic training covering the
entire Vocational learning process to improve the quality of technical Vocational skills-education.

*To develop Learners' talents through co-curricular programmes on job training in courses and
administration geared to appropriate technical Vocational skills-education ensuring practical needs to
enhance the productivity capabilities of the individual for employment and self-employed.

*To equip learners with productive skills to handle challenges mentally and physically,

*To empower Ugandans and non-Ugandans with Vocational training

*To create self sustaining employment opportunities and reduce unemployment.

*To guide students understand & accept their individual needs,talents & Uniqueness for potential and
productive development.

*To be Committed to a broad based holistic, wholesome and inclusive system of practical innovation,
Educative and entrepreneurship in the educative world.
*To provide a balanced professional education program,developing skills and talents to broaden a
holistic perception approach of life.

*To effectively develop and expand the education system in favourably constantly confronted technical
Vocational skills-education with new requirement to incorporate into training programme, to involve
productive activities.

*To promote the learning and application of international skills.

* To Offer a multitude of programmes in a number of displines at:

- Postgraduate (1year)

- High Education certificate (1year)

- Professional courses ( varies)


Close proximity, dual system ensuring variety of different technical Vocational skills-education for three
to four days on job and one to two days at part-time Vocational school.

Training takes place under conditions,on various machines and equipment representing the principal
state of art.

*International educationalisation policy exchange issues of ideas, experience and studying principles.

*Strengthening research, development, database and documentation capabilities.

All people at all levels

Working class

Application fee:20,000/=

Tution fee


School truck

Uniform( Boys and girls):

* Shirt and pair of shorts

* A sweater
* A pair of sockings

* Sports Wear

* Casual wear





*Work shop


Staff quarters:

*Teaching staff


Map of campus

#Entry requirements:


A'level with 1 principal pass and two subsidiaries or it's equivalent.


O'level or a recognized post-primary training or it's equivalent.

ss have dBenefits log Emigaso


- Lecture blocks:

Spacious rooms accommodating pupils and students to enhance the teaching process.

- Main lecture block

- Institute farm:
Providing farm products to students and the community.

(Eggs, milk,food etc)

-Halls of residence;

Comfortable good facilities depending to the stage of study.

*Domitories (pupils)

*Halls of residence (students)

- Stand-by power Generator

- Solar system

- Clean and reliable water source. ifferent programmes during weekends, after work and holidaysQuality
Africa Integrated vocation institute-Policy Guide lines for class room management and running other
school activities:

#Mission statement:

Quality Africa Integrated vocation institute:


is a community based training centre committed to providing literacy, technological skills and provide
quality education to all historically, socially and economically disadvantaged communities to the
development of our country and continent in the spirit of Africa Renaissance.

Our learner - driven education programme is designed to empower learners to take full responsibility
of their education endeavors.


It is our responsibility to translate our mission statement into reality. The task to realize our goals
is undoubtedly enormous but not insurmountable.The management of Quality Africa Integrated
vocation institute strongly believes that the following policies, practices and methods will help to
articulate our mission statement. All staff members should commit themselves to observing and
implementing these policies, methods and practices.Central to realising our mission are the issues of
class room management and practices. How do teachers relate to their teachers' instructions? What
measures are in place to guide both staff and learnes to articulate our mission statement? These are
some of the questions addressed in guide lines below.

Class work:

Teachers should give at least two class work assignments a week. All Learners will be required to
complete the given class work assignments in separate exercise books. Learners who fail to complete
the given class work will be dealt with accordingly by the teacher concerned. If the teacher's measures
fail to yield the expected response, the matter will be referred to the head of the institution. If need be
the head of the institution will contact the parent or guardian of the Learner in question. Class work
assignments will be marked and returned to the learners a day after giving the assignment.


Each subject teacher will be required to give at least two home work assignments a week. The
procedures for completing class work will apply for completing homework. Teachers will ensure that all
Learners consistently and adequately complete the given home work assignments. All home work
assignments will have to be marked by the teacher within a period of two days from the date of giving
the assignments.

Assessment - general:

Assessment will take the form of continuous assignment comprise a variety of assessment criteria,
vis-a-vis class work, home work, projects, tests, examinations etc.teachers will be required to keep a
separate assessment file showing consistent Learner assignment records, assignment instruments and
marking memoranda. Teachers will devise ways and means of addressing learner inconsistencies in
completing all forms of assignments. Cases of inconsistencies will only be referred to the principal if the
teachers fail to find a viable solution.

Learner class attendance:

Learners will be required to regularly attend their classes with out prejudice. Learners who fail to
attend classes for two consecutive weeks maybe assumed to have left school and teachers May delete
the learners' names from the school registers after consulting with the principal. Teachers will
professionally deal with cases of irregular attendance and if the learner fails to positively respond to
measures taken by the teachers, the case will be referred to the principal for further action.

Late coming - Learners:

All Learners will be seated in their respective class rooms before lessons commence to avoid
unnecessary disruptions. Learners May not be allowed to join the class 5 minutes after the class
commences with out a convincing explanation. Teachers should exercise maximum caution and should
exercise professionalism, as excluding learners from learning is a sensitive issue.

Late - coming - teachers:

Teachers will forfeit a specified amount of money if they arrive late to class with out proper
justifications. The amount to be deducted will depend on how much time the teacher has been absent
from class. A teacher who consistently arrives to class late will receive a warning and if the habit persists
she/he will appear before a disciplinary committee. The school management may in the interest of the
learners and the institution, decide to relieve the teacher in question of his/her duties. Learners will be
encouraged to check on teachers in case late to class.
Learner conduct:

All Learners will be required to behave responsibly and respectfully towards all staff members and
their fellow learners with out prejudice. Learners found to be contravening the institution's code of
conduct will appear before the school's disciplinary committee. The school will take the necessary
measures to ensure that everybody's right with in our school community are respected.

Learner motivation:

Teachers will desist from using language, which may demoralise or make learners feel bad about
themselves or their work. A case in point is a teacher making inappropriate oral or written comments
about her learners' work. The administration will advise teachers about the language of learner
motivation if this is deemed necessary.

Culture of study:

The teaching staff is entrusted with the responsibility to instil a culture of learning among all
Learners. A specified period of time will be devoted to supervised study every week. Teachers will
expose learners to reading and study skills to Foster understanding of their schoolwork.


Sport is an integral part of the school learning process. Wednesday afternoon will be devoted to
practising accessible spot codes. 5 minutes will be deducted from each period on Wednesday to devote
more time to various sporting codes. Teachers will be expected to help cultivate our learners' skills in
sports. For this reason all teachers without exception will work hand in hand with the sports teachers to
organize and implement sports activities.

Class preps:

Teachers will thoroughly prepare for their classes. Teachers May not leave the Learners
unattended for what ever reason including making photocopies or fetching other learning material. Such
behavior maybe interpreted as inadequate preparation or the lack of it. Material to be photocopied
must be handled to the secretary 2 days before they are to be used. No learning material will be
photocopied without making prior arrangements.


Teaching staff meetings

The management and administration of Quality Africa Integrated vocation institute recognizes of
effective communication and regular information dissemination at all levels. The principal will conduct at
least two formal meetings a month with the rest of the teaching staff and will regularly call for
extraordinary meetings at short notice. Teachers May advise the principal to call an extraordinary
meeting if a need for such a meeting arises.
Administration staff meetings:

The principal will meet with the administration staff atleast once a week to review the running
and administration of the office of the principal and the school atlarge.

Teachers parents meetings:

The institution strives to achieve greater parental involvement in learning process. Parents need
to closely monitor their children's learning. For these reasons the principal and the teachers will meet
with parents atleast once a term on arranged dates. Parents will be asked to regularly sign their
children's exercise books and during meetings they will be asked to identify their signatures to ensure
that Learners don't sign their books themselves.


The management of Quality Africa Integrated vocation institute strives to involve all stake holders in
running the activities of the institution. Parents, teachers and learners will comprise the institution
Governing Body. The SGB will be entrusted among others with responsibilities of maintaining discipline,
conducting fund - raising campaigns, liasing with department of education and seeing to the academic
needs of the institution.

Quality Africa Integrated vocation institute:

"Roots of excellence & prosperity"


My heavenly father,I put my presence before you and call for your peace, grace, Mercy and perfect

I acknowledge all your power over my life, thank you for the gift of my blessings and commit to using my
lifetime responsibly in your honour.

Lord strengthen me freshly today and anoint me to accomplish your glory even to the smallest event.

Lord send the hollyspirit to guide me if confused, energize me if wearying,infuse if burnt.

Lord bring Faith, peace, Mercy and smiles to all the people I interact with and above all bless my family.



Oh Lord my God,l present to you my plans in my study.Guide me, direct me and enable me reach my
Lord l present to you the job l admire most and am seeking your blessings for it. Guide and bless my
anticipation of becoming what I need in life and of integrity.

Application form


No. Course. Duration. Hours. Tuition

1. Computer. 6weeks. 8Hrs awk 450,000/=


Computer training centre

1)Primary level:P5, P6, P7

2):Secondary level:S3,S4,S5,S6

O'level and A'level:






A'level additional:,Economics,General paper and Sub maths



Carpentry and joinery,Block laying and concrete practice,Tailoring and cutting,cival and building,water
technology, highway technology

Motor vehicle mechanics, Automotive,Plumbing, pottery, leather work,Agriculture mechanics

Electrical installation

Secretarial studies
Accounting, stenographer

Catering and marketing


Accounting, office technology, hospitality, extension services, home economics.

Business studies and management


This program prepares individuals to undertake the formulation and operation of small business
enterprise for self-employment.

It describes individuals who have economic opportunities for themselves and others through their
ability to look beyond what presently exists with in the job market opportunities.

It creates new business and can also reshape jobs into position which are more productive to diversify
the primary and secondary school curricular to strongly emphasis Vocational technical subjects and
maintain a close link between Educational planning, economic and manpower planning


Architectural draughtsmanship

Technical teacher training

Building and Civil engineering

Industrial ceramics

Science laboratory Techniques

Electrical engineering,Mechanical engineering


-Skills and character development.

-Financial management.

- (diagrams).

- Gardening.

- Professional baking and cooking

(Bakery & Cookery)

- Extra Vocational Studies to cope with dynamic world.

- Music, dance and drama.

- Adult and youth Education.

- Computer application (diagrams)

*Skills and literacy in digital Era

- Counseling (diagram)

*Come and learn how to listen to, emphasis with, encourage and help to empower individuals.

- Football Administration and management COURSES (FOADMACO)

* Refereeing,Football Administration,Coaching

- Fashion and design (diagram)

Learn how to create amazing pieces of fashion from scratch while following the latest fashion trends
and techniques in the industry.

- Science and technology

*Science oriented with modern and we'll equipped laboratories lessons facilities with smart to cope
with modern trends of tution.

- Hair dressing (diagram)

- Consultancy capacity building and tailor made programmes for local government
department,NGO,CBOs, institutions outside Uganda and other Agencies to promote life long learning
and development in various areas.

- introduction to Computer programmes:


Duration; 2 Weeks fees:

*Ms-windows 95/98/2000

Duration: 2 Weeks. Fees:

*Word processing (Ms-word 97/2000)

Duration: 3 weeks. Fees:

** Spead sheet ( Ms-Excel, Lotus 1-2-3)

Duration: 3 Weeks. Fees:

*Type setting(Adope pagemaker 6.5/7.0)

Duration: 3 weeks. Feed

*Database management

(Dbase IV, Ms-access 97/2000)

Duration:3weeks. Fees:

*Graphic designing

( Core Draw 7.0/10.0,Ms-power point)

Duration:3weeks. Fees:

*Accounting packages

(Tally, Pastel and Quick books)

- Co-curricular activities.

Children's talents are identified through Games and sports

(Football, Netball, Volleyball, Athletics etc)

- Education in Non-formal settings:

Many children do not Access Educationalisation due to various social economic reasons.


I) Children who dropped out of school and now feel too old to return.

II) Children and people who work and want to improve on their academics.

-iii) Alternative basic educationalisation of Ugandans.

iv) Complementary opportunity for Education ( Education at a Complementary opportunity.)

v) Basic Education for the poor

a) General basic Education.

b) Vocational training skills.

vi) Empowering Lifelong skill Education project.

vii) Alternative Non-formal Community based Education.

- Postgraduate diploma

- certificate COURSES

- Professional courses

( IT, Business and management courses)

- Higher education certificate programmes


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