c1 3 Limfun
c1 3 Limfun
c1 3 Limfun
Yibin Ren
December 12, 2020
For example,
1 1
lim = lim = 0, lim 1 = 1. (1.2)
x→+∞ x x→+∞ x2 x→+∞
There are many functions having no limit as x → +∞. For example, sin x is a periodic function with value
in [−1, 1] and it oscillates between −1 and 1 as x → +∞; thus, sin x has no limit as x → +∞. As we known,
∞ is not a number and thus a function has no limit if it goes to ∞, such as
lim x = lim x = +∞ (1.3)
x→+∞ x→+∞
Theorem 1.1 (Heine). lim f (x) = A if and only if for any sequence {xn } with limn→∞ xn = +∞, we
have lim f (xn ) = A.
Heine theorem reveals the relation of function limit and sequence limit. It is useful to find the divergence
of a function.
Corollary 1.2. For a function f (x),
• if ∃{xn } with lim xn = +∞ and {f (xn )} is divergent as n → +∞, then f (x) is divergent as x → +∞;
• if ∃{xn } and {yn } with lim xn = lim yn = +∞, such that lim f (xn ) 6= lim f (yn ), then f (x) is
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞
divergent as x → +∞;
For example, let’s consider the function y = cos x. Set xn = nπ. Obviously,
Note that x → ∞ includes the two direction x → +∞ and x → −∞. For example
1 1, x>0
lim = 0 and lim f (x) divergent where f (x) = (1.6)
x→∞ x x→∞ −1, x ≤ 0
For example,
x2 − 1
lim x + 1 = 2 and lim =2 (1.8)
x→1 x→1 x − 1
This example shows that lim f (x) does not require x0 ∈ Dom(f ). We have similar properties of x → x0 as
x → ∞. Its geometric meaning of limx→x0 f (x) = A is that the point (x, f (x)) will approach to (x0 , A) as
x → x0 .
• If f (x) has a limit as x → x0 , then it is called convergent as x → x0 .
• If f (x) has no limit as x → x0 , then it is called divergent as x → x0 .
Theorem 1.4 (Heine). lim f (x) = A if and only if for any sequence {xn } with limn→∞ xn = x0 , we have
lim f (xn ) = A.
• if ∃{xn } with lim xn = x0 and {f (xn )} is divergent as n → +∞, then f (x) is divergent as x → x0 ;
• if ∃{xn } and {yn } with lim xn = lim yn = x0 , such that lim f (xn ) 6= lim f (yn ), then f (x) is
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞
divergent as x → x0 ;
Example 1.6. Consider lim cos . Choose xn = 1/nπ
x→0 x
The limit is also unique.
Example 1.7. Suppose
( (
x2 −1
x + 1, x 6= 1 x2 − 1 x−1 , x 6= 1
f (x) = x + 1, g(x) = , h(x) = , k(x) =
4, x=1 x−1 3, x=1
where Hence the direction x → x0 is the combination of the directions x → x+
0 and x → x0 .
x0 x
x→ x−
0 x+
0 ←x
Proposition 1.8.
lim g(x) = lim x − 1 = −1, lim g(x) = lim x2 = 0 ⇒ lim g(x) divergent (1.14)
x→0+ x→0+ x→0− x→0− x→0
Definition 1.10. Suppose f (x) is defined near x0 . The limit of f (x) at x0 is A if for ∀ > 0, ∃δ > 0 such
1.3 Properties
Locally, if a function is convergent at x0 , then it is bounded near x0 .
Proposition 1.11 (local boundedness). Suppose f (x) is convergent at x0 . Then there exist δ > 0 and
M > 0 such that
Proposition 1.12 (local isotone property). Suppose lim f (x) = A > B. Then there exists δ > 0 such that
In particular, when B = 0, then this proposition is that if the limit of a function at x0 is positive, then
the function itself must be positive near x0 . This proposition holds as well for the case A < B.
Theorem 1.13 (Squeeze theorem). Suppose that h(x) ≤ f (x) ≤ g(x) holds near x0 (except x0 ). If
lim h(x) = lim g(x) = A, then lim f (x) = A.
x→x0 x→x0 x→x0
• f (x) is called bounded from below if ∃M such that f (x) ≥ M for all x ∈ I
• f (x) is called bounded if it is bounded from above and below.
Theorem 1.15 (Monotone boundedness criterion). A function f (x) is convergent as x → x−
0 if one of the
following happens
2 Methods
2.1 Rational Operation Rules
Theorem 2.1 (Rational operation rules). Suppose f (x) and g(x) are convergent as x → x0 . Then f (x) +
g(x), f (x) · g(x) and f (x)/g(x) are convergent as x → x0 . Moreover
lim f (x) + g(x) = lim f (x) + lim g(x) (2.1)
x→x0 x→x0 x→x0
lim f (x) · g(x) = lim f (x) · lim g(x) (2.2)
x→x0 x→x0 x→x0
lim f (x)
f (x) x→x0
lim = (requiring lim g(x) 6= 0) (2.3)
x→x0 g(x) lim g(x) x→x0
Corollary 2.2. Suppose f (x) and g(x) are convergent x → x0 . Then for a, b ∈ R and n ∈ N,
lim [af (x) + bg(x)] = a lim f (x) + b lim g(x) and lim [f (x)]n = lim f (x) (2.4)
x→x0 x→x0 x→x0 x→x0 x→x0
The above theorem and corollary hold for other limit directions as well.
Example 2.3. Solve the following limits
x3 + 1 x3 − 1 x2 + 4
1 2
lim , lim , lim , lim − 2
x→1 2x + 1 x→1 x − 1 x→∞ 2x2 + x + 3 x→1 x−1 x −1
0 ∞
(The last three are indeterminate forms of type , , ∞ − ∞.)
0 ∞
Solution. For the first one, we can directly use the rational operation rules:
x3 + 1 lim x3 + 1 2
lim = = . (2.5)
x→1 2x + 1 lim 2x + 1 3
For the second one, it is type 00 . The factor x − 1 can be cancelled by using x3 − 1 = (x − 1)(x2 + x + 1).
x3 − 1 (x − 1)(x2 + x + 1)
lim = lim = lim x2 + x + 1 = 3. (2.6)
x→1 x − 1 x→1 x−1 x→1
For the third one, it is type ∞ . We can use the method of cancelling main terms of numerator and
denominator which are both x . Hence
x2 + 4 x2 1 + x42 1
lim = lim · = . (2.7)
x→∞ 2x2 + x + 3 x→∞ x2 2 + 1 + 32 2
x x
For the fourth one, it is type ∞ − ∞. We can reduce to a common denominator and cancell the zero
factor in denominator. Hence
1 2 x+1 2 x−1 1 1
lim − 2 = lim 2 − 2 = lim = lim = . (2.8)
x→1 x − 1 x −1 x→1 x − 1 x − 1 x→1 x2 − 1 x→1 x + 1 2
From (2.9), a = −1; otherwise, I = ∞ which leads a contradiction with the assumption. By (2.9) again,
I = b − 2a = 0 and then b = 2a = −2.
2.2 Composition
Theorem 2.5 (Weak Version). Suppose y = f (u), u = g(x) and g(x) 6= u0 for x 6= x0 . Then
• A function is called continues in its domain if it is continues at each point in the domain.
By rational operation rules, all polynomials are continues.
Theorem 2.7 (Strong Version). Suppose y = f (u), u = g(x). Then
In other words, if f (x) is continues, then we can exchange the order of f and lim . The case for x0 = ∞
is also true.
Example 2.8. From the graph of y = ex :
9 y
−3 −2 −1 1 2 3
Proof. For the first limit, set f (y) = ey and g(x) = x − x0 . Since lim ey = 1, then f (y) is continues at y = 0.
By strong version of composition rule, we have
lim x−x0
lim ex−x0 = lim f g(x) = f = e0 = 1
lim g(x) = ex→x0 (2.11)
x→x0 x→x0 x→x0
Hence ex is continues.
For the second limit, since ex is continues, by strong version of composition rule, we have
lim x ln a
lim ax = lim exlna = ex→x0 = ex0 ln a = ax0 (2.13)
x→x0 x→x0
which implies that xp is continues. Using strong version of composition rule again, we have
Proposition 2.9.
p p
lim f (x) = lim f (x) (2.15)
x→x0 x→x0
In particular, we known
p q
lim 1 + x2 = 1 + x20 (2.16)
Actually, all basic elementary functions are continues. By composition rule and rational operation rules,
we find
Theorem 2.10. All elementary functions are continues.
For example,
sin x
sin x x , x 6= 0
Theorem 3.1. lim = 1. Hence the function f (x) = is continues.
x→0 x 1, x=0
tan x 1 − cos x
Example 3.2. Solve lim , lim
x→0 x x→0 x2
Solution. For the first one, we have
tan x sin x 1
lim = lim · =1 (3.1)
x→0 x x→0 x cos x
For the second one, using double angle identity 1 − cos x = 2 sin2 x2 , we have
2 sin2 x
sin x2
1 − cos x 2 1 1
lim = lim = lim x = . (3.2)
x→0 x2 x→0 x2 x→0 2
2 2
Example 3.3. Solve lim x arcsin .
x→∞ x
Argument. Simplify the function u = x arcsin x1 . Denote y = 1
x and t = arcsiny. Hence
1 t
u= arcsin y = . (3.3)
y sin t
t 1
u = f (t) = , t = g(y) = arcsin y, y = h(x) = (3.4)
sin t x
The former two are continues. Due to composition rule, we know
lim u = lim f g h(x) = lim f (t) = lim = 1. (3.5)
x→∞ x→∞ t→0 t→0 sin t
Note that the limit direction should simultaneously change when a substitution is applied.
Example 3.4. Solve lim 3n sin .
n→∞ 3n
sin x
Argument. Heine’s theorem give the bridge between sequence limits and function limits. Since lim = 1,
x→0 x
by choosing a sequence {xn = n } and Heine’s theorem, we have
π sin xn sin x
lim 3n sin = lim π · = lim π · = π. (3.7)
n→∞ 3n n→∞ xn x→0 x
π sin x
lim 3n sin n
= lim π · = π. (3.8)
n→∞ 3 x→0 x
y = (1 + x1 )x
1 y=e
20 40 60 80 100
Figure 3: Graph of y = (1 + x1 )x
4 Homework
Exercise 1.3 (A)
2. Are the following conclusions correct? If it is not correct, give a counter example.
(1) If lim f ( ) = A, then limx→0+ f (x) = A;
n→∞ n
(2) If lim f (x) = A, then lim [f (x)]k = Ak where k ∈ N
x→x0 x→x0
(3) If lim f (x) and lim [f (x) + g(x)] both exist, then lim g(x) must exist.
x→x0 x→x0 x→x0
(4) If lim f (x) and lim [f (x) · g(x)] both exist, then lim g(x) must exist.
x→x0 x→x0 x→x0
(5) If f (x) > 0 holds in its domain and lim f (x) = A, then A > 0.
7. Utilizing the two important limits given in the text to find the following limits:
x sin x 1 2
(1) lim x cot (3) lim (6) lim (1 − 2x) x (8) lim 1+
x→0 2 x→π x−π x→0 n→∞ 5n