Route Survey SOR
Route Survey SOR
Route Survey SOR
Hiring of services for 'Reconnaissance and Detailed Pipeline Route Survey of proposed as well as existing gas
pipelines in OIL#s Upper Assam Fields'.
1. a) The contractor hereby agrees to carry out the work set downin the Schedule of work which forms
part-II of this Contract in accordance with the 1968 General Conditions of Contract of Oil India Limited and
General Specifications read in conjunction with any drawings and Particular Specifications & instructions which
forms Part-III of the contract utilizing any materials/services as offered by the Company as per Part-IV of the
contract at______________________________________________ .
b) In this Contract all words and expressions shall have the same meaning as are respectively assigned
to them in the 1968 General Conditions of Contract of Oil India Limited which the Contractor has perused and is
fully conversant with before entering into this Contract.
c) The clauses of this contract and of the specifications set out hereunder shall be paramount and in
the event of anything herein contained being inconsistent with any term or terms of the 1968 General Conditions
of Contract of Oil India Limited, the said term or terms of the 1968 General conditions of Contract to the extent of
such inconsistency, and no further, shall not be binding on the parties hereto.
2. The contractor shall provide all labour, supervision and transport and such specified materials described in
part-II of the Contract including tools and plants as necessary for the work and shall be responsible for all
royalties and other levies and his rates shall include for these. The work executed and materials supplied shall
be to the satisfaction of the Company's Engineer and Contractor's rates shall include for all incidental and
contingent work which although not specifically mentioned in this contract are necessary for its completion in a
sound and workman like manner.
a) Reduce the rates at which payments shall be made if the quality of work although acceptable is not
upto the required standard set forth in the OIL Standard Specifications which have been perused and fully
understood by the Contractor.
b) Order the Contractor to remove any inferior material from the site and to demolish or rectify any work
of inferior workmanship, failing which the Company's Engineer may arrange for any such work to be
demolished or rectified by any other means at the Contractor's expenses.
Contractor 1 Company
c) Order the Contractor to remove or replace any workman who he (The Engineer) considers
incompetent or unsuitable; the Engineer's opinion as to the competence and suitability of any workman
engaged by the Contractor shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
d) Issue to the Contractor from time to time during the progress of the work such further drawings
and instructions as shall be necessary for the purpose of proper and adequate execution and maintenance of the
works and the Contractor shall carry out and be bound by the same.
e) Order deviations in Part II and III of this Contract. All such deviation orders shall be in writing and
shall show the financial effect, if any, of such deviation and whether any extra time is to be allowed. The rates to
be applied for such Deviation Order shall be the same for those appearing in Company's Schedule of Rate in
force on the date of issue of such Deviation Order, to which the contractor has no objection.
4. The Contractor shall have no claim aginst the company in respect of any work which may be withdrawn but
only for work actually completed under this contract. The contractor shall have no objection to carry out work in
excess of the quantities stipulated in Part-II if so ordered by the company at the same rates, terms and conditions.
5. The Company reserves the right to cancel this Contract at any time upon full payment of work done and the
value of the materials collected by the contractor for permanent incorporation in the work under this contract
particularly for execution of this contract upto the date of cancellation of the Contract. The valuation of the work
done and the materials collected shall be estimated by the company's Engineer in presence of the contractor. The
Contractor shall have no claim to any further payment whatsoever. The valuation would be carried out exparte if
Contractor fails to turn up despite reasonable notice which will be binding on the Contractor.
6. The Contractor hereby undertakes to indemnify the Company against all claims which may arise under the
under noted Acts :-
or any other Acts or Statute not here in above specifically mentioned having bearing over engagement of
workers directly or indirectly for execution of work. The Contractor shall not make the Company liable to
reimburse the Contractor for the statutory increase in the wage rates of the Contract Labour appointed by
the Contractor. Such Statutory increase in the wage rates of Contract Labour shall be borne by the contractor.
7. The Contractor shall clear away all rubbish and surplus material from the site on completion of work and shall
leave the site clean and tidy.
8. The Contractor must complete the work within 26 weeks of the written order to commence work. During
the currency of the job, the work progress must be commensurate with the time elapsed. In the event of any
delay on the contractor's part, he/she will be liable to pay to the company liquidated damages at the rate of
1/2% (Half p.c ) per week of the contract price of the item(s) delayed in completion and the maximum value
of the liquidated damage will be 15% (fifteen p.c) of the contract price of the item(s) delayed provided the item(s)
delayed are not critical for commissioning and final utilization of the work. If, however, the item(s) delayed in
completion are critical for commissioning and final utilisation of the work then the contractor will be liable to
pay liquidated damages by way of penalty at the rate of 1/2% (Half percent) per week of delay of the total
contract cost subject to a maximum of 15% (fifteen percent) of total contract cost.
The Chief Engineer's certificate as to the criticality or otherwise of an item shall be final.
The payment of liquidated damages/penalty may be reduced or waived at the sole discretion of the
Company whose decision in this regard will be final.
Contractor 2 Company
In the event of there being undue delay in execution of the Contract, the Company reserves the right to
cancel the Contract and / or levy such additional damages as it deems fit based on the actual loss suffered by
the company attributable to such delay. The company's decision in this regard shall be final.
9. In order to promote, safeguard and facilitate the general operational economic in the interest of the
Company during the continuance of this contract the Contractor hereby agrees and undertakes not to take any
direct or indirect interest and or support, assist, maintain or help any person or persons engaged in antisocial
activities, demonstration, riots , or in any agitation prejudicial to the Company's interest and any such event
taking shape or form at any place of the Company's works or and its neighbourhood.
10. The tendered all-inclusive Price (i.e. the Contract price) is Rs.____________________________
_____________________________________________________________________only.) but the Company
shall pay the Contractor only for actual work done at the all inclusive rates set down in the Schedule of work
part II of this Contract.
On account payment may be made, not oftener than monthly, upto the amount of 90% (ninty percent) of
the value of work done. Final payment will be made only after satisfactory completion of the work . Such final
payment shall be based on the work actually done allowing for deviations and any deductions and the
measurement shall be checked and certified correct by the Company's Engineer before any such final payment is
11. The contractor employing 20 (twenty ) or more workmen on any day preceding 12 months shall be
required to obtain requisite licence at his cost from the appropriate Licensing Officer before undertaking any
Contract work. The Contractor shall also observe the rules & regulations framed under the Contract Labour
(Regulation & Abolition ) Act.
12. Wages shall be paid by the Contractor to the workmen directly without any intervention of any Jamadars or
Thekaders and that the Contractor shall ensure that no amount by way of commission or otherwise be
deducted/ recovered by the Jamadar from the wages of the workmen.
13. The Company for any reason whatsoever and of which the company shall be sole judge may terminate this
Contract with a 24 hours notice in writing to the Contractor and in the event of Company's so doing the clause 5
here of shall prevail and the accounts between the parties will be in accordance therewith finalised.
14. The Contractor will not be allowed to construct any structure (for storage / housing purpose) with thatch,
bamboo or any other inflamable materials within any company's fenced area.
15. The Contractor shall ensure that all men engaged by him/her are provided with appropriate protective
clothing and safety wear in accordance with regulation 89(a) and 89(b) in the Oil mines Regulations 1984.
The Company's representative shall not allow/accept those men who are not provided with the same.
16. All Statutory taxes levied by the Central and State Government or any other competent authority from time to
time will be borne by Contractor and the amount of the contract specified in the contract is inclusive of all tax
18. The Contractor shall not engage minor labour below 18(eighteen) years of age under any circumstances.
19. The Contractor and his/her workmen shall strictly observe the rules and regulations as per Mines Act. (latest
a) The amount of retention money shall be released after 6(six) months from the date of issue of
completion certificate from concerned department.
b) The contractor will be required to allow OIL Officials to inspect the work site and documents in respect
Contractor 3 Company
c) Contractor(s) whosoever is liable to be covered under the P.F. Act and contract cost is inclusive of
P.F., must ensure strict compliance of provisions of Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 in
addition to the various Acts mentioned elsewhere in this contract. Any contractor found violating these
provisions will render themselves disqualified from any future tendering. As per terms of the contract, if
applicable, the Contractor must deposit Provident Fund Contribution (covering Employee's & Employer's
share) with the competent authority monthly under their direct code. The Contractor shall be required to submit
documentary evidence of deposit of P.F. Contribution to the Company. In case of failure to provide such
documentary evidence, the Company reserves the right to withhold the amount equivalent to applicable P.F.
Any dispute under this contract will be settled through Arbitration as per Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996.
Force Majeure (exemption) Clause of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Publication No.
421) is hereby incorporated in this contract.
Contractor will be required to submit the verification report to ascertain character and antecendents from
the Civil Administration towards the persons engaged under this contract to the Head of the user Department
before engagement.
24. In case of any doubt or dispute as to the interpretation of any clause herein contained, the decision of the
Company's Engineer shall be final and binding on the contractor.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereunto set their hands seals the day and year first written above :-
------------------------- by the hand (Full Name of Signatory)
of ------------------------------------------
its Partner/Legal Attorney
(Seal of Contractor's Firm)
And in presence of (Signature of witness)
Contractor 4 Company
(Signature of Acceptor)
Contractor 5 Company
Service Description of Unit in Quantity Rate per Unit Amount
Line Work Words (Figures &
No. Words)
10 Carrying out Reconnaissance Kilometer 200.000
survey at locations for new
alignment as
envisaged in the
specifications, preparation
and submission of reports
on the final alignment with
field data, drawings, maps
etc. complete in
all respect.
20 Carrying out detail Kilometer 445.000
topographical route survey as
per detail
specification along the
proposed pipeline route by
using total station
of accuracy of 1:20000 or
better and angular accuracy
of 5 secs or
better, determining the WGS84
coordinates or equivalent of
Benchmarks to a relative
accuracy of 1:50000 or
better, elevation
profile, terrain features,
crossing details, river
profile, population
density data, identification
of dump sites etc.,
preparation of and
submission of maps / drawings
as per the specification.
40 Geo Technical Investigation Lumpsum 1.000
covering Soil Investigation
Survey by Auger
boring upto 8m depth and
Drilling bore holes with rigs
beyond 8ms upto
Contractor 1 Company
Tender No. DCO1420P09 PART-II
20m depth,
Mobilization/demobilzation of
rigs, Laboratory test on
selected soil samples etc.
50 Carrying out corrosion survey Number 700.000
as per specification at an
interval of 250 metres at
selected pipeline segments to
determine soil
resistivity and collection of
other cathodic protection
data and
submission of reports
complete in all respect.
60 Carrying out cadastral survey Kilometer 200.000
at location of new alignment
coordinating with local /
district / revenue offices
and preparation of
land acquisition plan /
cadastral maps and submission
& acceptance of
all reports as per
70 Collection of Hydrological Meter 200.000
Data of rivers from
authentic source.
Preparation and submission of
the river bed profile, plan &
scour depth
profile drawings
incorporating all the
hydrological data, soil
stratification results,
location of bore holes etc.
as provided in the
80 Carrying out Digitization of Kilometer 445.000
all the Survey documents /
data &
development of GIS & LIS
module including supply of
software in accordance with
and as per instructions of
the Company
90 To carry out Non destructive Kilometer 100.000
Testing (NDT) on sections of
where the soil investigation
survey indicates possibility
of weakness.
Contractor 2 Company
Tender No. DCO1420P09 PART-II
Contractor 3 Company
The contract shall come into force from the date of issuance of LOI / NOA. Both parties shall be liable as per terms
of the Tender Document (to the extent modified by issue of addendum by OIL) and LOI / NOA till the formal
contract is signed.
The maximum allowed mobilization period is (30) days, which shall be reckoned from the date of issue of LOI /
NOA.Mobilisation shall be considered completed after reporting of Manpower and equipmemt (as stipulated in
Para 4.0 below)at site of work.
Six (6) months is the total time limit for entire scope of work as defined in the bidding document except for the
optional item (Processing for ROW Acquisition) and includes the mobilization period also. For Processing for ROW
Acquisition (Optional item) the time period allowed is twelve (12) months including mobilization period. The time of
completion shall be reckoned from the date of issue of LOI / NOA.
4.0 Minimum Manpower & Equipment (Instruments, Tools Tackles etc) to be deployed to construe Mobilization
The CONTRACTOR must mobilize minimum five survey teams to take up the reconnaissance survey for route
identification. However the CONTRACTOR shall deploy additional manpower & equipment as required for
completing the job within the time schedule. One survey team shall comprise of the following:
Engineer : 01
Supervisor : 01
Senior Surveyor : 01
Surveyor : 04
Unskilled Labours : As required
Contractor 1 Company
Total Station : 01
EDM : 01
Auto Level Instruments : 02
60% on completion of job on pro-rata basis and completion of field work duly certified by Engineer-in-charge
20% after submission of draft report
10% after submission of final report
10% on completion of all works in all respect and acceptance.
40% on completion of job on pro rata basis on procurement and submission of village maps
20% after submission of digitization of village maps
30% on submission of final report and installation of GIS module and software for ROW acquisition
10% on completion of all works in all respect and acceptance
Note: Condition to be fulfilled for first payment : establishment of continuity of the track between the two end points
as identified by OIL.
25% on completion of demarcation
25% on payment of surface compensation
25% on receipt of sale purchase permission
25% on completion of mutation
Note : OIL reserves the right to execute or cancel the optional item
The CONTRACTOR agrees that the requirements given in, SPECIFICATIONS of the Bidding Documents are
minimum requirements and are in no way exhaustive and guaranteed by OIL. It shall be the responsibility of the
CONTRACTOR to meet all the requirements of CONTRACT criteria contained in the Bidding Documents and any
upward revision and / or additions, required to be made during execution of the WORKS shall not constitute a
Contractor 2 Company
change order and shall be carried out without a change order. Further upward revision and / or additions required
by CONTRACTOR to meet Bidding Documents requirements expressed and as per standards shall not constitute
a change order and shall be carried out without any time and cost effect to OIL. Any upward revisions and / or
additions consequent to errors, omissions, ambiguities, discrepancies in the technical scope & specification etc. of
the Bidding Documents which the CONTRACTOR had not brought out to OIL#s notice in his tender shall not
constitute a change order and such upward revisions and / or addition shall be carried out by CONTRACTOR
without any time and cost effect to OIL.
6.1.1 The change order will be initiated only in case (i) OIL directs in writing the CONTRACTOR to include any
addition to the scope of WORK covered under this CONTRACT or delete any part of the scope of the WORK
under the CONTRACT, (ii) CONTRACTOR requests to delete any part of the WORK which will not adversely affect
the acquisition of data and if the deletions proposed are agreed to by OIL and for which cost and time benefits
shall be passed on to OIL (iii) OIL directs in writing the CONTRACTOR to incorporate changes or additions to the
requirements already covered in the CONTRACT.
6.1.2 Any changes required by OIL over and above the minimum requirements given in the SPECIFICATIONS
included in the Bidding Documents to ensure meeting the scope of work shall not be construed to be changed in
the Scope of WORK under the CONTRACT.
6.1.3 i) Any change order as stated above comprising an alteration which involves change in the cost of the
WORK (which sort of alteration is hereinafter called a #Variation#) shall be the Subject of an amendment to the
CONTRACT by way of an increase or decrease in the CONTRACT PRICE and adjustment of the SURVEY
SCHEDULE if any.
ii) If the CONTRACT provides applicable rates for the valuation of the variation in question the CONTRACT PRICE
shall Subject to Clause 6.1.3.(iii) be increased or decreased in accordance with those rates.
iii) If parties agree that the CONTRACT does not contain applicable rates or that the said rates are inappropriate or
the said rates are not precisely applicable to the variation in question, then the parties shall negotiate a revision of
the CONTRACT Price which shall represent the change in cost of the WORKS caused by the Variations. Any
change order must be duly approved by OIL in writing.
6.1.4 If there is a difference of opinion between the CONTRACTOR and OIL#S REPRESENTATIVE whether a
particular WORK or part of the WORK constitutes a change order or not, the matter shall be handled in
accordance with the procedures set forth in Clause 6.1.5(h).
(a) During execution of the work, if the CONTRACTOR observes any new requirement which other than that
required for meeting the job requirement is not specific or intended by the CONTRACT, has been stipulated by
OIL, he would verbally discuss the matter with OIL#S REPRESENTATIVE.
(b) In case such requirement arises from the side of the CONTRACTOR, he would also verbally discuss the matter
with OIL#S REPRESENTATIVE giving reasons thereof.
( c) In either of the two cases as explained in Clause 6.1.5 (a) and (b) above, the representatives of both the
parties will discuss on the new requirement for better understanding and to mutually decide whether such
requirement constitutes a change order or not.
(d) If it is mutually agreed that such Requirement constitutes a #Change Order# then a joint memorandum will be
prepared and signed by the CONTRACTOR and OIL to confirm a #Change Order# with basic ideas of agreed
Contractor 3 Company
(e) CONTRACTOR will study the WORK required in accordance with the joint memorandum under Clause 6.1.5
(d) and assess Subsequent schedule and cost effect, if any.
(f) Upon completion of the study referred to above under Clause 6.1.5 (e), the results of this study along with all
relevant details including the estimated time and cost effect thereof with supporting documents would be
Submitted to OIL to enable OIL to give a final decision whether CONTRACTOR should proceed with the change
order or not in the best interest of the WORKS.
The estimated cost and time impact indicated by CONTRACTOR shall be considered as a ceiling limit and shall be
provisionally considered for taking a decision to implement change order.
The time impact applicable to the CONTRACT shall be mutually agreed, subsequently, on the basis of the detailed
calculations supported with all relevant back up documents.
In case CONTRACTOR fails to submit all necessary substantiation / calculations and back up documents, the
decision of OIL regarding time & cost impact shall be final and binding on the CONTRACTOR.
(g) If OIL accepts the implementation of the change order under Clause 6.1.5. (f) above in writing, which would be
considered as change order, then CONTRACTOR shall commence to proceed with the relevant WORK stipulated
in the Change order pending final agreement between the parties with regard to adjustment of the CONTRACT
(h) In case, mutual agreement under Clause 6.1.5 (g) above, i.e. whether new requirement constitutes the change
order or not, is not reached, then CONTRACTOR in the interest of the WORKS, shall take up the implementation
of the WORK, if advised in writing to do so by OIL#S REPRESENTATIVE pending settlement between the two
parties to the effect whether such requirement constitutes a change order or not as per the terms and conditions of
CONTRACT documents. The time and cost effects in such a case shall be mutually verified and recorded. Should
it establish that the said WORK constitutes a change order, the same shall be compensated taking into account
the records kept and in accordance with the CONTRACT.
The CONTRACTOR shall submit necessary backup documents for the change order showing the break-up of the
various elements (e.g. Engineering, Procurement, Development, Installation, etc) constituting the change order for
OIL#S review. If no agreement is reached between OIL and CONTRACTOR within 60 Days after OIL#S instruction
in writing to carry out the change concerning the increase or decrease in the CONTRACT PRICE and all other
matters described above, either party may refer the dispute to arbitration.
The quantities mentioned in the PRICE SCHEDULE are tentative and are estimated to assess the order of
quantum of work. The actual quantities against each item shall be measured and payment shall be made as per
executed quantity of individual item. Such variation in quantities is not a change in the conditions of the contract
and is not a change order.
The provisions of the CONTRACT shall apply to extra WORK performed as if the Extra WORK / Change Order
has been included in the original Scope of WORK. However, the CONTRACT PRICE shall increase / decrease
and the TIME SCHEDULE shall be adjusted on account of the Extra WORK / Change orders as may be mutually
agreed in terms of provisions set forth for change order. The CONTRACTOR#s obligations with respect to such
WORK remain in accordance with the CONTRACT.
The extra WORK shall not be included in the CONTRACT PRICE for the purpose of calculations of liquidated
Contractor 4 Company
A. LD shall be applicable for service under line item 10 to 90 and line item 110. All these service shall be
considered as one complete job.
B. And LD on service under line item 100 shall be considered one single independent job of A) above.
In addition to any/all other guarantees and warrantees mentioned in the Contract documents, the CONTRACTOR
shall guarantee that the entire work shall be carried out in satisfactory manner in accordance with good industry
practice and free from any defect / error in all respects with the contract specifications. The CONTRACTOR also
hereby undertakes to repair / redo or replace, the work which may be defective / erroneous within a period of one
year after the written final acceptance of work by OIL.
(a) The Performance Bond or such balance thereof, if any as may remain after deductions there from in respect
of any outstanding liabilities bill of CONTRACTOR#S to OIL shall be paid back to the CONTRACTOR 60 days
after completion of warrant period of one year from the date of satisfactory completion of the work and final
acceptance by OIL. The CONTRACTOR shall remain liable to OIL in respect of any short fall and / or discharged
liabilities notwithstanding return of the Performance Bond or any part thereof.
(b) No interest will be payable upon the earnest money or the Performance Bond or amounts payable to the
CONTRACTOR under the Contract.
CONTRACTOR shall have to obtain permissions for carrying out pipeline route survey work from the concerned
authorities / landowners. In case CONTRACTOR#s personnel are required to visit OIL plants, wells, OIL shall
issue necessary gate pass on specific written request by the CONTRACTOR and obtaining necessary police
verification. CONTRACTOR#s personnel shall have to adhere to applicable safety rules inside OIL premises.
Upon satisfactory completion of all necessary jobs mentioned hereunder and upon satisfactory completion of the
work provided for in the Contract documents, the CONTRACTOR shall request OIL for acceptance of the Work.
OIL shall verify the CONTRACTOR#S claim and upon satisfactory verification notify the CONTRACTOR in writing
its acceptance of the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall be required forthwith to correct all defects, which are notified
by OIL during verification process.
The costs of all such repairs and corrections shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. Failure or neglect on the part
of OIL to condemn or reject inferior work or any part hereof by OIL shall not be construed to imply an acceptance
of such work or materials. The provisions of this clause shall not in any way affect the limit of the
CONTRACTOR#S liability under the undertakings and guarantees contained in the Contract Documents, including
extra orders if any.
The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever by reason of suspension necessary or
deemed advisable on account of weather conditions.
OIL reserves the right of fixing priority for one work over other and the CONTRACTOR shall be required to execute
the work as per priority fixed by OIL or as per the instructions of Engineer-In Charge or his authorized
Contractor 5 Company
In certain locations like Oil / Gas / Effluent Processing Plants or oil/gas wells the work may have to be carried out in
restricted condition and the CONTRACTOR shall have to carry out such work without any extra payment as per the
instruction of Engineer-In-Charge ensuring and complying with all safety regulations and requirements.
The CONTRACTOR shall establish a field Camp with all manpower, equipment, tools and tackles etc. as per
direction of Engineer-In-Charge with in 30 days from the date of LOI for taking up the job.
The CONTRACTOR shall be an independent CONTRACTOR and shall have complete charge of the man
engaged in the performance of the work in accordance with his own methods and at his own risk and subject to
compliance with the Contract documents. The CONTRACTOR shall perform the work in an orderly and
workman-like manner, enforce good order among his employees and shall not employ on the work any unfit
person or anyone not capable or not properly qualified to properly perform the work assigned to his. The
CONTRACTOR shall also not employ in respect of the works or discontinue to employ in respect of the work any
employee that OIL may for any reason object.
OIL shall have free access to the site of all equipment, records etc for inspection. The CONTRACTOR shall afford
OIL and / or its representative(s) all possible assistance and facilities for the purpose. The CONTRACTOR shall
set the necessary testing to be conducted for different items of work / instruments, at his cost, in recognized
laboratories as directed by OIL.
OIL shall be the final judge of quality of the work and the satisfaction of the standards in respect thereof set-forth in
the documents. Laxity or failure to enforce compliance with the Contract Documents by OIL and / or its
representatives shall not manifest a change or intention being that notwithstanding the same the CONTRACTOR
shall be and remain responsible for complete and proper compliance with the Contract documents and
specifications therein. OIL has the right to prohibit the use of men, tools, supplies, materials or equipment, which in
its opinion do not produce work or performance meeting the requirements of the Contract Documents.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for protection of all data procured by them. In the event of loss of data,
CONTRACTOR shall have to acquire the same again by repeating the survey.
The CONTRACTOR shall at his own cost make arrangements for supply of proper quality and quantity of water if
required for the work.
The CONTRACTOR shall at his own cost make his own arrangement for supply of power if required for the work.
If, however OIL is in a position to supply power, this will be done at the request of the CONTRACTOR.
Contractor 6 Company
1.1 OIL is a premiere Exploration & Production Company of India with its field Head Quarter in Duliajan ,Assam,
India. OIL is presently producing natural gas to the tune of 6.00 MMSCMD. The production installations (around
50 nos.), where gas is produced and handled, are scattered around Duliajan at a radius of around 100 KMs.
Presently OIL is utilizing the produced gas by way of its internal utilization and supply to gas consumers namely
BVFCL, NEEPCO, ASEB, IOC(AOD) refinery, Assam Petro-Chemicals Limited, Tea grids etc. In addition to above,
OIL has committed to supply gas to two more gas customers namely Numaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL). &
Brahmaputra Cracker & Polymer Ltd. (BCPL). To cater to the need of the consumers effectively it is now planned
that the entire quantity of gas will initially be collected in a Central Gas Gathering Station and Off-Take Point
(CGGS and OTP) to be set up at W#NHK50 from where gas shall be supplied to the BCPL plant. The gas
returned from the BCPL plant shall be distributed to different customers and to OIL's internal utilization points.
When NRL and BCPL will be on stream, the level of production would have to go up to a level of around 11.0
OIL is having one extensive gas pipeline network in Upper Assam to cater for the existing consumers. The gas is
collected from production installations at a pressure of 15 to 20 Kg/Cm2 through a gas collection pipeline network.
The collection network or grid comprises of piping of various sizes ranging from 8" to 16" NB and total length now
is around 360 KM. The pipe segments of the grid were laid at different point of time since inception of the
development of the oil fields in the early sixties. Many pipe segments are 15 years to 40 years vintage. The pipes
were laid as per ANSI-B-31.8 in general and in most cases in a narrow strip termed 'Pipe Track' after acquisition of
Contractor 7 Company
the land by OIL. With the aging of the pipelines, change of pipe tracks etc, the integrity of the existing piping
network needs to be established for the following considerations -
- Buried depth of many pipeline segments on the grid is less that 1.0 meter.
- Roads are constructed over many of the pipelines and in many cases there is no casing.
- Encroachment over some pipe tracks which warrants removal of encroachment or rerouting of the pipe.
- Dense habitation by the side of many pipe tracks and hence accessibility for repair is not there.
- Exposures at many phases.
- The present network is laid with field coated pipes but mostly without cathodic protection.
- Quality of coat and wrap is poor in many pipe segments.
- Pipe track markers are removed by miscreants.
- Proper route map drawing of pipeline route alignment is not there.
1.2 Further, the existing gas pipeline network will not be adequate to meet our future commitments and OIL will
have to modify / expand its present (collection/distribution) network so as to use it as rich gas collection grid and
construct a separate distribution grid for lean gas system. The above modification/expansion/establishment of the
new lean gas distribution network will call for construction of new pipelines of various diameters ranging from 4" to
24" NB with aggregate length of around 245 KM in and around Duliajan.
Under the above scenario, OIL has initiated actions to expand / reorient the existing gas pipeline network to
transport/reroute additional gas from various Oil Collecting Stations (OCS), Field Gathering Stations (FGS) & Gas
Compressor Stations (GCS) to a Central Gas Gathering Station and Off-Take Point (CGGS&OTP) at Madhuban
near NHK W/50 through its trunk gas pipeline network to meet long term fresh commitments. In this context OIL
proposes to
- Assess operability and accessibility of the existing ROW and --identify and acquire alternative routes in case
found necessary.
- Selection and acquisition of new ROW for all new lines identified for the purpose described in the paragraph
- Carry out health survey of the existing gas pipeline network and to identify and carry out remedial measures that
need to be taken up.
As a precursor to achieve this objective detailed pipeline network survey is required. The survey has to be carried
out covering a length of about 445 Km of pipeline tracks out of which around 315 Km will be existing track and
around 200 Km will be new track (around 70 Km of which will be expansion of existing tracks).. The scope of
survey includes selection of optimum techno-economic route by Reconnaissance Survey and Detailed Survey,
Population Density, Cadastral, Geo-technical, Corrosion Surveys and GIS & LIS. Some of the lines involve river
crossings. The scope of work include identifying suitable location of river crossing and carrying out hydrographic
survey at that. Survey to be carried out for the pipeline network on Greenfield Concept. Also, some of the pipeline
corridors may have to be re-routed through other corridors due to site conditions. In such a case survey may be
required to be performed only to the extent of joining the other corridor.
i. Selection of optimum techno-economic feasible route for pipeline corridors for various gas lines in OIL's fields in
Upper Assam . Obtaining topographical details along the pipeline network route including river / rail / HW crossing
after physical verification of selected route of each pipeline segment and collecting information about the existing
facilities, development plans, restricted areas etc located along and in the vicinity of the proposed pipeline route.
iii. Obtaining soil stratification, geo-technical and soil resistivity data along the selected route.
Contractor 8 Company
iv. Collection of revenue maps, identification of the ownership of land, preparation of cadastral maps along the
selected pipeline route.
v. Identification of authorities with address, telephone nos. for obtaining permission of pipeline crossings like rail,
road, NH, SH, canal and other crossing / facilities.
vii. Development of Geographical & Land information System (GIS & LIS) along the selected pipeline route.
Viii. Preparation of Pipeline alignment sheets (1:5000 scale) to facilitate construction of new pipelines during
planning stage.
ix. Pipeline health check-up.
x. Processing for ROW acquisition (Optional)
Note : OIL reserves the right to execute or cancel the optional item
Contractor's scope of work for detailed pipeline network survey work shall include, but shall not be limited to the
following -
3.3.1 Carrying out reconnaissance survey to propose the optimum techno economic feasible pipeline corridor
considering all statutory & recommendatory provisions (such as Oil Mines Regulation, Oil Industry Safety
Directorate directives etc) and feasibility of laying pipelines including identification of river / HW crossing and
highlighting obstructions / constraints. Some of the constraints to be considered could be as under :
- identifying and establishing the extent of environmentally sensitive areas such as forest, wild life sanctuaries,
plantations etc. including obtaining information regarding type of forest (reserved / protected / social), type of
plantation etc. in consultation with the concerned authorities.
- Collection of development plans along the proposed pipeline route from various agencies having jurisdiction
While re-routing a pipeline corridor, it is quite possible that part of re-routed corridor is common with other pipeline
corridors. In such a case survey is to be performed only to the extent of joining the other corridor.
3.3.2 Obtaining permissions for carrying out pipeline route survey work from the concerned authorities /
3.3.3. Provide justification for proposing shortest technical feasible route for pipeline corridor, considering all
statutory & recommendatory provisions (such as Oil Mines Regulation, Oil Industry Safety Directory etc) for laying
oil & gas pipelines. Alternate proposals may also be suggested for consideration / approval of OIL.
3.3.4. Carrying out detailed route survey work along the selected route including river / rail / HW crossings of the
proposed pipeline and generating ground profile. The survey shall also cover an area of 50 m on either side of the
pipeline centerline. The survey shall also include location of all existing under ground cables / pipelines using cable
/ pipelines locators and determination of depth of cover and also Identification of suitable number of dumpsites in
each section as per specification.
3.3.5. In the portions of identified pipeline route parallel to the existing Oil India Limited pipelines, CONTRACTOR
Contractor 9 Company
shall carry out detailed route survey work along the pipeline route established after verification of the existing
pipeline alignment at site.
3.3.6 Carrying out soil investigation / soil stratification along the selected pipeline route including road & water
crossing as per specification enclosed with Tender document.
3.3.7. Collection of undisturbed soil samples from bore holes and carrying out field and laboratory tests.
3.3.8. Collection of population density data along the entire pipeline route.
3.3.9. Carrying out corrosion survey including measurement of soil resistivity, chemical analysis of soil / water and
collection of related data along the selected pipeline route.
3.3.10. Carrying out cadastral survey work along the selected pipeline.
3.3.11. Supply and installation of the survey markers as per requirements of the specifications and instructions of
the Company Representative.
3.3.12. Tie-in of the starting and termination point of the proposed pipeline survey to the grid-control system being
used for end facilities.
3.3.13. Digitization of Survey Documents and Development of Geographical and Land Information System (GIS &
LIS). CONTRACTOR to check available hardware in OIL for storing and updating the data and recommend any
addition required with justification within a month of placement of LOI.
3.3.14 To carry out Non destructive Testing (NDT) on sections of pipelines where the soil investigation survey
indicates possibility of weakness.
3.3.16. Preparation of survey reports / drawings / documents and submission of the same to Company for review &
1. Route Survey for pipelines including land profile along pipeline route
2. Population Density Survey
3. Cadastral Survey
4. Geo-technical Survey
5. Corrosion Survey
6. Geographic Information System & Land Information System (LIS & GIS) for pipelines
7. River Hydrographic Survey
8. Pipeline Health Survey
It may however be noted that above titles are indicative and CONTRACTOR shall have to perform all necessary
work as required to complete the entire job in terms of technical specifications and detailed scope of work.
4.1 Company will not supply any materials, manpower or equipment for the tendered work and this shall be the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
5.1 Since entire pipeline network is planned to be developed on Greenfield Concept, all rivers shall be crossed by
Contractor 10 Company
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) at a location to be identified during this survey. CONTRACTOR to check the
availability of sufficient space for mobilization and operation of HDD equipment.
5.2 Providing all qualified / unskilled personnel to carry out the entire job, all survey and other equipment, tools,
tackles including pipe / cable locator (Metrotech or equivalent) and all other necessary materials, hardware,
software and facilities required to complete the job to the entire satisfaction of the Company Representative in
accordance with the requirements of the tender document.
5.3 Arranging, acquiring all data, access, permissions and other activities / services required for and / or incidental
to performing the work tendered.
5.4. Setting all compensation and disputes arising out of any damages caused by CONTRACTOR or
CONTRACTOR's workmen during the execution of the work.
5.5 Survey of India Benchmarks and determination of their values including tying-in of proposed pipeline profile to
the same shall also be CONTRACTOR's responsibility.
5.6. Collection of all information and proposed development plans etc. of Assam from the concerned department of
Government of India, Government of Assam and private / public institutions / Companies etc. within 500 m of
either side of the proposed pipeline alignment.
5.7. Arranging of all maps (statutory / public) required to complete the job (except as stated in clause 6.3 below).
OIL shall provide recommendatory letters for collection of these maps from concerned authorities, however it is
CONTRACTOR's responsibility to liaise with the authorities and pay the requisite fee.
5.8. CONTRACTOR shall carryout all works in strict compliance with applicable documents enclosed with the
tender documents and as per the instructions of Company Representative. The scope of work shall also include
any other item / work required to complete the work in all respect as per specifications, drawings and instructions
of Company Representative whether specifically mentioned here in or not, but required to fulfill the intended
purpose of this tender document.
5.9. All maps procured by the CONTRACTOR under this contract shall be property of the Company and shall be
handed over to the Company on completion of the work.
6.1 OIL shall physically handover the two end points of each segment of survey corridor.
6.2. OIL has some sketches of some of the existing lines, which can be used for general information purpose
without any obligation / liability on OIL.
6.3. CONTRACTOR shall procure all maps required and transfer the identified route on to the maps for carrying
out detailed route survey work. OIL may provide recommendatory letters to statutory authorities to obtain
government maps, if required. However the Survey Company to liaise with concerned authorities for acquiring such
maps and pay requisite fee to the concerned authorities.
7.1 Contents and presentation of survey data / records shall be reviewed / approved by Company in the initial
stage on sample drawings / documents to be prepared by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall
incorporate all comments / suggestions given by Company and prepare documents accordingly. CONTRACTOR
to submit 6 copies of report after collecting necessary data from and including reconnaissance survey to propose
the optimum route of each pipeline corridor. After approval of the same by OIL, detailed survey should be carried
Contractor 11 Company
out. Draft approval of the detailed survey to be submitted in 3 (hard + soft) copies for OIL's review. Six copies (hard
+ soft) of the Final Report to be submitted to OIL after incorporating all comments on Draft Report. All reports,
formats, write-ups, chart etc. Shall be prepared in MS Office software and drawings shall be prepared in Auto CAD
R14/ACAD 2004. In addition two (2) hard copies of final route maps on polyester film shall also be submitted for
entire route. Population density survey data and details of other facilities shall be presented in database generated
by using suitable software. The software stores data in predesign database, which will be used by Company for
further processing for determining Population Density Index (PDI) and class locations. Also the survey data shall
be presented in drawing prepared only on standard formats.
7.2 All documents required as per Company requirements for GIS & LIS Package shall be provided by
7.3 Documents to be submitted to the Company for detailed route survey shall be as per requirements of
applicable specifications and other documents enclosed with tender document.
7.4 Documentation shall contain the following but not limited to report & drawings. The reports and drawings shall
contain the following data as a minimum requirement:
Comprehensive Route Selection Report containing Methodology, General Route Description, Executive Summary,
Route Alternatives along with merits and demerits and criteria for Selection of most feasible route.
Project preamble, Route Selection Methods, Criteria for selecting most economical and feasible route, Scope of
work, General Route Description. Executive Summary, Profiles, Area of Restriction, Constraints in ROW, Hilly
area, Major Crossing Description, List of Authorities, General Terrain conditions, Meteorological Details, Forest
Area Description.
The Report should also contain following minimum annexure like Salient Features, List of Villages with Revenue
Limits, List of Crossings along with Sketches and GPS Co-Ordinates and Actual Width, Digital Photograph of Major
Crossings, List of Hydrocarbon Pipelines, Distance of the pipeline from near by villages and important land marks,
List of Authorities with Addresses, Population Density Report, General Geology of the Area along with Visual Soil
Classification, Detailed Rock Stretches, ROW Difficulties, Meteorological information for nearest stations, Pillar
positions, Bench Mark Locations. Aggressiveness of Soil etc
Method, Procedure, Type of Instrument used, Visual Engineering Classification, IS Classification with Code, Bore
Log, Analysis, Conclusions. Aggressiveness of Soil, Corrosive Parameters, Chemical Analysis of Soil,
Recommendations and Soil Profile of the Area.
Method, Procedure, Calibration Certificate with Instrument Type and Limitations, Soil Resistivity Test Results,
Analysis, Conclusions, Soil Resistivity Curves, Aggressiveness of Soil, Corrosive Parameters, List of Foreign
Pipelines and Type of CP and their detail information, Histograms.
Method, procedure, List of Tests carried out with there IS Code and Procedure, No. of Personnel used along with
specific dates, Calibration, Certificate with Instrument Type and Limitation, various Laboratory test Results,
Detailed Analysis, Conclusions and Recommendations with supported Mathematical Calculations.
Contractor 12 Company
g) Alignment Sheets
h) Crossing Drawings
It is emphasized that timely availability of survey date is critical to OIL for planning further activities. In order to
meet the overall objective CONTRACTOR shall have to carry out the work in corridors prioritized by OIL. The
project planning, scheduling and monitoring has to be carried out to meet the deadlines.
The CONTRACTOR shall submit within 2 (two) weeks of Notification of Award/ LOI, a Sufficiently detailed overall
project schedule in the activity network form, clearly indicating the major milestones, inter-
relationship/inter-dependencies between various activities together with a Computer analysis of critical path and
The network will be reviewed and approved by Engineer -in-charge and the Comments if any shall be incorporated
in the network before issuing the same for implementation. The network thus finalized shall form part of the
contract and the same shall not be revised without prior permission of the Engineer-in-charge during the entire
period of contract.
The CONTRACTOR is required to submit within 2 (two) weeks of award the methodology of Progress
measurement of Sub-ordering, Manufacturing/ Delivery, Sub-contracting, Construction, Commissioning works and
the basis of computation of overall services/ physical progress. Owner reserve the right to methodology in part or
in full.
The CONTRACTOR should prepare detailed functional schedules in line with networks for functional monitoring
and control and submit scheduled progress curves for each function viz. ordering, delivery and construction.
The CONTRACTOR shall present the programme and status at various review meetings as required.
i) Weekly Review Meeting
Contractor 13 Company
This report shall be submitted on a monthly basis within 10 (Ten) calendar days from cut-off date, as agreed upon
covering overall scenarios of the work. The report shall include, but not limited to the following:
c) Schedule versus actual percentage progress and progress curves for Detail Engg. Sub- ordering,
Manufacturing/ Delivery, Sub-contracting, Construction, Commissioning and Overall and quantum wise status &
purchase orders against schedule.
f) Annexures giving status summary for drawings, MRs, deliveries, sub-contracting and construction.
B) Weekly Reports
This report will be prepared and submitted by the CONTRACTOR on weekly basis and will cover following items.
C) Exception Reports
The CONTRACTOR shall submit exception report for any unduly delayed task, unresolved problem or any other
issue which is largely hampering the normal flow of work.
Contractor 14 Company
This report can be submitted any time when such an exception occurs but must be submitted along with the
monthly report.
Appendix-A to PART-III(B)
1.0 Scope
2.0 Requirements
3.0 Preliminary And Location Surveys
4.0 Bench Marks
5.0 Crossings
6.0 Accuracy in Measurement
7.0 Chainage
8.0 Measurement of Horizontal Angles
9.0 Profiles
10.0 Built-up Areas
11.0 Azimuth Observations
12.0 Survey Notes, Observations & Computations
13.0 Maps and Drawings
14.0 Presentation of Field Survey Data
Annexure-i Specification of Soil Investigation
Annexure-ii Additional Requirement for Gas Pipelines #
Determination of Population Density Index & Class Location
Annexure-iii Additional Requirement for High Vapor Pressure (HVP)
Liquid Petroleum Pipelines # Zone Location
Annexure-iv Pipeline Route Survey Data Sheet
Annexure-v Population Density Data along Pipeline Route
Some Sample Tabular Formats #
Crossing Details
Highway / Road Crossings
River Crossing
Canal Crossing
1.0 Scope
This specification covers the minimum requirements of topographical survey along the pipeline route including
location of the centre-line of pipeline alignment on the ground, survey, field measurements for planimetry and
profiles, location of constructions / monuments and preparation of drawings and documents.
This specification also covers the minimum requirements for soil investigation for the purpose of visual engineering
Contractor 15 Company
2.1 All survey works shall be performed by or under the supervision of a qualified land surveyor.
2.2 All measurements shall be in metric units.
2.3 The readings and noting shall be neat, legible and scorings and overwriting shall be duly initialed by the
The Surveyor is expected to make himself aware of the general conditions of the terrain before starting detailed
A preliminary survey for locating the centre-line of pipeline alignment on the ground shall be carried out as follows:
3.1.1 Surveyor shall make a preliminary survey along the route of the proposed pipeline to establish and flag
control points.
#R.C.C. Pillars shall be provided with reinforcement of 4 nos. 6mm dia bamboo bars with 4 equally spaced rings of
6mm dia. All pre-cast R.C.C. pillars should also be engraved with Company name on one shorter vertical face#.
3.1.2 Surveyor shall locate and identify the existing features or obstructions along the route that are not shown in
available maps or drawings.
Archeological sites, reserved forests, environmentally sensitive areas, mining site and built-up areas shall be
3.1.3 Turning Points (TPs) shall be proposed by CONTRACTOR considering the following:
- To avoid obstruction along the line, by ranging on ground and shifting the Turning Points if need be.
- Check for terrain gradient by using hand inclinometer.
- Ensure proper angle of crossing by keeping as nearly right angle (to road / rail / streams, etc.) As possible. The
right angle may be laid on ground by using a chain or string lengths in ratio 3,4 and 5.
- To check from construction point of view and avoid objects like power, telephone and telegraph poles, wall,
tubewells, or such other structures falling in the strip of land, 50M on either side of pipeline alignment.
3.2.1 The pipeline defining trench centre line shall be staked by placing suitable painted marker stakes at Turning
Points (TPs) and at Intermediate Points (IPs) between consecutive TPs. All Turning Points (TPs) and intermediate
points are referred as Intersection Points.
First, the Turning Points (TPs) shall be staked on the ground. After location and marking the TPs, the intermediate
points shall be staked while measuring slack distance. The stacking shall normally be done at intervals of 500 M
along the centre line of the pipeline.
3.2.2 The Intersection Points shall be serially numbered from the starting point. The serial number of each
Intersection Point shall be boldly inscribed on the marker stake. In addition, the Turning Point (TP) marker stake
shall identify the Turing Point reference number from the starting point.
3.2.3 For Intermediate Points (IPs) letter 'P' shall precede the serial number of the intersection Point marker. For
Contractor 16 Company
Turning Points, the letter 'TP' shall precede the Turning Point reference number and the letter 'P' shall precede the
serial number of the Intersection Point.
3.2.4 The marker stakes at Turning Points (TPs) shall be referred with three reference stakes around the TP. The
reference stakes shall carry the Turing Point reference number and their respective distance from the TP marker
3.2.5 Change in direction of line shall be marked on the TP marker stakes. In additions, direction markers near
TPs and other locations shall be placed wherever necessary.
3.3.1 All marker stakes shall be pre-cast reinforced concrete blocks having dimensions 150 X 200 X 800 MM deep,
and shall be buried to a depth of 500 MM.
The exposed surface of the blocks shall have a smooth finish and shall be painted with 'Post Office' red paint. All
leers and figures shall be paint marked on the surface of the blocks in white.
3.3.2. On the top surface of the reinforced concrete blocks, a cross inside a circle shall be engraved at the center
or a nail shall be put centrally inside an engraved circle, to identify the exact position of the Intersection. The circle
shall be of approximately 50 mm diameter.
3.3.3. Surveyor can however, propose to the COMPANY / ENGINEER other types of stakes / markers which are
better suited to site conditions.
CONTRACTOR shall also identify dump site locations for purpose of storing line pipe and other pipeline materials.
Area required for each dump site shall be approx. 150 m x 100 m. Following aspects shall be taken into
consideration while identifying the dump site locations:
3.4.1 Dump site shall be open, preferably barren land and free from water logging and shall be in vicinity of paved
road, located in the proximity of the identified pipeline route.
3.4.2 Dump site locations shall be fairly flat having minimum undulations and requiring minimum earth work of
cutting and filling.
4.1 Permanent Bench Marks (BM) approx. every 5KMs or permanent structures on or off the Right-of -way (ROW)
shall be established and described.
4.2. Additional permanent bench marks shall be established near the major pipeline crossing sites.
4.3. Location of Bench Marks shall be established in the field by using reinforced concrete blocks similar to pipeline
marker stakes described in clause 3.3.1 of this specification. Exact position of BM shall be marked by a cross
inside a circle or a nail put centrally inside an engraved circle on the top surface of the concrete block. The
reduced level of the BM shall be paint marked on the concrete block. Letters 'BM' shall precede the reduced level
of bench mark recorded to the second place of decimal.
4.4 Accuracy of the reduced levels of the Bench Marks shall be verified wherever possible by checking levels with
the nearest permanent Bench Mark established by Survey of India.
Contractor 17 Company
5.1 General
As far as possible, crossings shall be made at right angles. The Surveyor shall record the angles of crossing all
fences, property lines, utilities, road, railways, canals, streams, etc. that are crossed. In addition, the true bearings
of the centerline of the road, railway, canal, as well as that of the pipe centre-line shall be recorded. Turning Points
(TPs) provided near crossings shall be located, atleast 50 m from the crossing's boundaries, in stable and firm
The angles for all railway crossing shall be as close to 90 degrees as possible, but in no case lees than 85 degrees
to the center-line of the railway.
Primary roads are the National & State Highways, all-weather roads (paved / unpaved) and roads providing access
to major installations. The angle of crossings shall be as close to 90 degrees as possible, but in no case less than
80 degrees to the centre line of the road.
The angles of crossing for secondary roads shall be as close to 90 degrees as possible, but in no case less than
45 degrees to the centre-line of the roads. All seasonal roads, unpaved village roads, cart-tracks, etc. come under
this category.
These crossings shall be established so as to minimize the overall cost by optimizing the length of river crossing.
Crossings shall be located in a comparatively straight reach of the river where the banks are stable and there is
sufficient area for construction. Angle of crossing shall be as close to 90 degrees as possible.
The angle of crossing shall be as close to 90 degrees of possible but in no case less than 60 degrees to the
centre-line of the canal / drainage ditch. Crossings shall be located where there is no evidence of slumping or
erosion of banks, or bed.
Utilities crossed shall be located at their centerlines with stakes containing station numbers in the survey. The
angle or crossings shall be measured and locations established relative to their above-ground facilities. The names
and sizes of all utility lines shall be included in the survey notes. In the cases of overhead power and telephone
lines, the distance to the poles and towers on each side of the survey line shall be measured, and the numbers of
poles or towers noted. Live voltage shall also be recorded. Where possible, the survey shall be established so that
there is a minimum distance of 50 metres from the survey line to the nearest High Tension pole or tower.
Underground utilities shall be located as far as possible and staked for a minimum distance of 25 metres on each
side of the survey line.
Contractor 18 Company
6.1 Surveyor shall incorporate corrections to the linear ground measurement due to standard errors, variations
from standard temperature and pull.
6.2 The error for angular closure for the work shall not exceed one minute per station and for linear measurements
it shall be read to the nearest 0.005M.
6.3 The error on closure for measurements on vertical distance to establish bench marks shall not be more that 24
?K millimeters (where 'K' is the linear distance in KM). The observations for measurement of vertical distances on
bench marks shall be read to an accuracy to the nearest 5 MM and for Intersection Points and other Points along
the pipeline route and at crossings to the nearest 10 MM. The error of misclosure in vertical distance shall be
distributed linearly.
6.4 Azimuth checks shall be made by observations of the sun or polaris at intervals of 15-20 km. These
observations of bearings together with deflection angles shall be recorded in survey notes.
Azimuth misclosure based on bearings with observed angles at Turning Points shall be equally distributed over the
number of stations observed in between. Accuracy of azimuth observations shall be acceptable if the three
deductions agree within one minute.
7.1 Slack distance measurement will be made using 50 M steel tape or 30 M Chain. However, in case of abrupt
slope change the tape / chain is straightened parallel to the probable grading.
7.2 Distance between Intersection Point staked along the pipeline route shall be measured and recorded. In
addition, distance between level points shall also be measured and recorded.
7.4 The true bearing of all straights shall be observed and recorded.
7.5 Data on nature of terrain, viz. sandy, stony, vegetation, etc. and type of ground will also be recorded along with
chainages of change points.
7.6 Check on distance measurements will be by stadia method at the time of leveling.
7.7 Standard chain survey format will be used for record keeping.
Horizontal angles are measured to indicate the change in direction of alignment and specify the horizontal bend at
the Turning Points.
8.1 Theodolite, reading direct to 10 seconds or better, shall preferably be used. Angles shall be measured
clockwise from back station to fore-station. Mean of two readings-one on face left and other on face right shall be
taken as the horizontal angle.
8.2 The line at both ends shall be tied to the grid control system being used for end facilities. True bearing at the
beginning, end and every 15-20 KM shall be observed to keep a check on errors in angular measurements.
9.1 The continuous profile of the proposed pipeline route shall be established from the reduced levels taken.
i) at the starting point.
Contractor 19 Company
9.2 When the terrain is flat, reduced level shall be additionally recorded along the pipeline route at 100M interval.
9.3 When the terrain is undulating observation of reduced level shall be made at a sufficient number of points so
as to give an accurate plotting of the ground profile along the route.
9.4 For road and railway crossing, the reduced levels shall be recorded at all points along the pipeline alignment
wherever there is a change in slope within the entire width of the Right-of-Way of the road / railway.
CONTRACTOR shall prepare a detailed drawing for the crossing in scale 1:100 (in both horizontal and vertical
directions) which shall be truly representative of the crossing profile.
9.5 For river / stream / nala / canal crossings, levels shall be taken at intervals of 5M up to 30M beyond the highest
banks on both sides. Levels shall be taken at closer intervals, if there is a change in slope. CONTRACTOR shall
prepare a detailed drawing for the crossing in scale 1:100 (in both Horizontal and Vertical directions) which shall be
truly representative of the crossing profile.
9.6 In Right-of-Way having slope across the pipeline alignment, as encountered in hilly areas, Ghat regions,
ravines and other similar areas as directed by COMPANY, cross-sections at 50M interval and for a length of 50M
on either side of the pipeline alignment shall be observed and recorded.
9.7 For major water crossing sites, cross section as above shall be observed at both banks.
9.8 Method of RISE and FALL shall be used to compute reduced levels of various points. Check on computation
shall be made by using the following formula.
Back site - Fore Site = ? Rise - ? Fall = First R.L. - Last R.L.
9.10 All levels shall be with respect to Mean Sea Level (MSL).
The pipeline alignments shall run clear of the existing monuments, properties and structures etc.
Between existing / planned electrical power cables / lines and the proposed line # 50.0 metres.
Unless otherwise stated, when the pipeline alignment runs generally parallel to a road or railway it shall be kept
sufficiently clear of the Right of Way limits of the facility.
Contractor 20 Company
Azimuth control shall be maintained by observation of azimuth at every fifteen to twenty kilometers by closing the
traverse on existing control points. Azimuth may be obtained by making observations to sun or star depending
upon the location of the area and direction control. In case of azimuth from sun, the computed values must be
within one minute. Incase of stars the computed values should agree within 10 to 15 secs. Horizontal misclosure
between two azimuth stations shall be equally distributed among TPs in between.
12.1 The procedures followed both for field and office calculations shall be such that the results obtained shall be
readily understood and retraceable.
12.2 All up-to-date notes and observations related to the basis for determination of boundary lines and comers
shall be maintained by surveyor.
12.3 Survey records must contain schematic diagrams of all horizontal controls pertinent to the project showing all
existing and established control points, bench marks, any triangulation station and boundary lines.
12.4 Geo-graphical and UTM co-ordinates of all Turning Points and starting / end points of the pipeline shall be
computed and furnished to the COMPANY / ENGINEER.
13.1 All maps and drawings shall be made on standard formats which should be shown to OIL before finalization
for approval. Surveyor shall perform mapping and drawing work so as to contain all relevant data consistent with
the survey notes and observations. The drawings shall also contain details of roads, streets, highway, structures,
all types of crossings, terrain, surface vegetation and all other details which will be required for the purpose of
engineering design.
Contractor 21 Company
Pipeline route map shall show all features including, but not limited to roads and railroads, canals, streams, lakes,
rivers, villages, towns and cities that are locate within a distance of 1km from the pipeline center line on either side
of it. For the entire region, contours shall be plotted on the route map at 10M contour interval. Additional
information like cultivated areas, barren land, areas prone to flooding, rocky areas and fess including access paths/
roads to Right of Use/Way shall also be shown on the route maps.
Additionally any other areas which are undulating such as hilly areas.. Ghat regions, ravines and other areas as
directed by COMPANY, Pipeline route map to a scale 1:15,00 shall be drawn over a distance of 1.0 Km from the
pipeline center line on either side of it. For such areas, contours shall be plotted at 5m contour interval.
14.2 Right of Way Planimetry drawings shall cover all objects within 50 metres on either side of the Pipeline in
14.3 In case of all rail, road, river, stream, canal and utility crossings, the angle of crossing shall be mentioned.
14.4 In case or rail, road, river stream and canal crossing from the nearest IP shall also be mentioned. For
crossing less than 10m, the distance of the centre line of crossing from the neatest IP shall be given.
14.5 For all river, stream and nala crossings, the level of water at the time of survey and the approximate surface
velocity of the flowing stream shall be observed and recorded and reported in the survey drawings, Also, the
general nature of the surface soil (soft/hard, normal, soil or rock/boulders) at the bed and banks of the
river/stream/nala shall be observed and mentioned in the drawings.
14.6 Ground profile (change vs ground elevation) for the entire pipeline route shall be prepared and presented in a
tabular format using Microsoft Access Database format.
Note : All formats for presentation of data like Alignment Sheet, Crossing Details (Road / Railway / River / Canal /
Nala Crossing etc.) data sheets and tables etc. are to be submitted to OIL for approval.
Some Sample Tabular Formats - Crossing Details, Highway / Road Crossings, River Crossing, Canal Crossing :
1.0 The objectives of soil investigation survey is to obtain visual engineering classification of soil and geotechnical
properties for design & engineering of various facilities required along pipeline route.
2.0 Requirements
2.1 General
2.1.1 The soil investigation includes boring, collection of undisturbed samples from bore holes and visual
Contractor 22 Company
engineering classification of soil along the pipeline route, carrying out Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at specified
locations and getting the soil sample collected from such bore holes, tested at laboratory for specified engineering
properties and submission of detailed report to COMPANY.
2.1.2 Visual classification of soil shall be in accordance with IS-1498, #IS Classification and Identification of Soil for
General Engineering Purposes#. Geotechnical investigation of soil shall be carried out as per relevant clause of IS
1892 and other applicable IS standards.
2.2.1 Boreholes shall be primarily near river/ highway crossings and at locations suggested by OIL.
2.2.2 For canal stream and river crossings, boreholes shall be made one on either bank and one on the bed of
water crossing. In case of canals the boreholes shall not be made on bed of the crossing. For railroads, state
highways and national highways, at least one bore shall be made at each crossing location.
2.2.3 Boring shall be carried out in a accordance with the provision of IS:1892. Minimum diameter of boring shall
be 150mm. Auger boring shall be resorted to above water table, whereas below water table the boreholes shall be
advanced by rotary drilling with mud circulation through all kinds of soil other then rock. While boring above water
table, no water shall be introduced in boreholes. Casing shall be used to support the sides of boreholes in soft to
firm soil.
2.2.4 Except for crossing location as defined under clause 2.25, the boring shall be either terminated at a depth of
3m below NGL or on top of bed rock if rock is encountered at a depth of less than 3m.
2.2.5 In case of boring at Highways (National / State), River and Railway crossings, the boring shall be terminated
either at a depth of 5 m below NGL (for roads) / SCOUR BED LEVEL (for river banks & beds) or on top of bed
rock, if rock is encountered at a depth above intended depth.
2.2.6 Standard penetration test (SPT) shall be carried out in bore holes at interval of 1.0 m starting from 0.5 m
below NGL. Adequate undisturbed samples shall be collected from bore holes for additional laboratory testing as
defined here in below: -
2.3 Sampling
Undisturbed representative samples shall be collected from all boreholes for visual classification of soil. Collected
soil samples shall be packed in container and identification label shall be affixed on it indicating hole no, chainage,
depth and visual soil classification.
2.4.1 Following laboratory testing shall be carried out on samples collected from bore holes as per clause 2.2.6:
d. detailed Borehole analysis : (Additional tests to be carried out in select boreholes only)
i) Determination of Soil Bearing Capacity
Contractor 23 Company
# Based on C - ? parameters.
# Unconfined compressive strength method and tri-axial test.
3.1 Results of soil investigation survey and laboratory test carried out shall be submitted in the form of report
covering as a minimum the following.
a. Visual engineering classification of soil encountered along the pipeline route in borelog form. Depth of Ground
Water Table (GWT) below NGL shall also be mentioned if encountered.
b. Soil profiles along the pipeline route shall also be prepared and attached with the report.
c. Regions along the pipeline route where hard rock is present and special excavation techniques like blasting, etc.
needs to be adopted for excavation of pipeline trench shall be clearly indicated in the report.
d. Summary of results obtained from various laboratory tests and their interpretation to evaluate various soil
1.0 Objective
The objective of population density survey is to obtain details of population density (dwelling units, type of building,
public places of gatherings etc.) along pipeline route in Gas pipelines and/or high vapor pressure liquid pipeline.
2.0 Requirements
2.1 Population density data as per enclosed format (Annexure #v) shall be collected along entire pipeline route for
a corridor extending 20 m on either side of the route centerline. Collected data for each field as defined in
Annexure #v shall be entered into suitable software to carry out detailed analysis about suitability of pipeline
2.2 The population density data shall be marked in the plummeted (location of dwelling, buildings, public
places/facilities where more than 20 people assemble and multiple story buildings etc.) portion of the alignment
2.3 Facility / locations where 20 or more personnel assemble during normal use (viz. school, hospital, factory etc.)
shall also be clearly indicated with corresponding chainages.
2.4 Dwelling / facilities located within 15m of the proposed pipeline route centerline shall also be collected and
2.5 Population Density details shall be prepared and presented in a format as shown in Annexure-v.
3.1 The population density data shall be presented to COMPANY in software compatible with OIL's available
software, if any.
3.2 Hard copy print of the electronic data shall also be furnished.
Contractor 24 Company
1.0 When survey is performed in the tracks carrying High Vapour Pressure (HVP) liquid petroleum pipelines, zone
location shall be recorded along the pipeline route along with chainages at change points of each zone location.
(For definitions refer Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) Standard 142 Design and Construction Requirements
for Cross Country Hydrocarbon Pipelines).
2.0 A zone, 200 M wide on either side of the centre-line of the pipeline route, shall be considered. Then the entire
route of the pipeline shall be divided into lengths of 1 km such that the individual lengths will include the maximum
number of dwellings intended for human occupancy within each 1 km zone which shall be counted and reported
along with other survey data.
3.1 A Zone 1 Location is an extending 200 metres on either side of the centre-line of any continuous 1 KM length
of pipeline that contains 5 or fewer dwelling units intended for human occupancy.
3.2 A Zone 2 Location is an area as defined in clause 3.1 above that contains more than 5 dwelling units intended
for human occupancy or a facility that contains 20 or more persons during normal use.
3.3 Each dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling unit building shall be counted as a separate unit.
3.4 When a facility creates a Zone 2 location requirements, the zone 2 area shall extend at least 200 metres from
that facility.
4.0 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 3.0 above, while determining zone location of an area due
consideration shall be given to the possibility of future development of the area during the design life of the
pipeline. If it appears likely that future development may cause a change in the zone location, this shall be taken
into consideration while determining the zone location of the area.
Contractor 25 Company
1. Number of TPs along the pipeline route shall be kept to a minimum. Additional traversing required for TP
optimization shall be carried out by the CONTRACTOR prior to finalization of TPs.
2. Chainages for pipeline shall start with 0.0 chainage in the direction of flow for each Part. Incase of spur lines the
branch off location from trunk line shall be chainage 0.0 km.
3. At road / rail / canal crossing locations, nearest TP on either side shall be located at a distance not less than 50
m from the ROW of the facility being crossed, unless instructed otherwise by Company Representative.
In case of river crossing, no TP shall be located within 150 m from the defined bank on either side, unless
instructed otherwise by Company Representative
Appendix-B to PART-III(B)
1.0 This specifications deals with data acquisition, data recording, storage handling, processing and development
of Geographical and Land Information System (GIS & LIS) on a specified format using standard and approved
quality control parameters and its delivery to Company in a fully customized fashion.
CONTRACTOR shall carryout development and customization of GIS and LIS for the surveys covered in the
Contractor 26 Company
The GIS & LIS to be developed in such a fashion that there is a complete scope for horizontal and vertical
expansion for the system growth and integration. Theme coverage / layers for GIS / LIS shall be as per
requirement frozen by COMPANY at the System Design and Customization Stage.
1.2 The major requirement of development of GIS and LIS shall be as given
i) The entire system to be geo-referenced i.e. from the point of dispatch to receipt station and associated
distribution network including the facilities at each end as well as en - route, the major crossings, landmark etc.
shall be as per grid and projection system to be approved by COMPANY.
ii) CONTRACTOR shall submit a schedule of work, which will cover details of each activity and time
required/planned for carrying it out. This schedule will be scrutinized commented upon and approved by
COMPANY for implementation.
iii) CONTRACTOR shall submit a quality assistance Plan (QAP) which will cover details of each activity-its scope,
quality parameters, quality checks, inspection schedules attributes for input and output/deliverables, test check
procedures and its scrutinized, commented upon and approved by COMPANY for implementation.
iv) CONTRACTOR to deploy the best-suited methods, equipment, tools, software, personals, analyst, and
surveyors to carry out the development and customization of GIS and LIS.
v) CONTRACTOR to use the best and the approved quality material for preparation of maps, reports, software,
storage medium etc.
vi) CONTRACTOR to confirm having in his possession the requisite tools equipment, know-how and experience to
carry out the development of GIS and LIS including facilities to handle, process and deliver output from the satellite
imageries. In case CONTRACTOR shall tie up with and associate for this part of scope, the details of
sub-vendor/associate shall be furnished at the time of submission of offer.
vii) The developed GIS & LIS shall be thoroughly customized to suit Company's requirement on technical,
organization, training , operational information management system area and integration with existing proposed
organizational systems for planning, control and information management. Wherever, COMPANY is not in a
position to clearly specify an individual attribute / fields of information at the execution stage-adequate provision
for implementation at a later stage would be created in the respective system for such cases.
viii) CONTRACTOR to comply with Open GIS Consortium (OGC) data standards.
ix) Development of GIS & LIS package should be done using standard programming languages like Visual Basic,
Visual C++, Java Oracle etc.
Contractor 27 Company
i) Prepare and submit implementation schedule, QAP and detailed methodology for scrutiny and approval by
ii) To prepare a detailed user need assessment report/white paper at the commencement of work for approval by
iii) Collect input data, topo sheets, satellite imageries based survey maps reports and store/handle for further
processing with CONTRACTOR's survey work.
iv) Propose projection parameters, spatial data parameters, grid system geo-coding and geo-referencing
parameters, output/delivery parameters etc. for COMPANY'S approval.
v) Carryout data validation of received input, carryout scanning of topo sheets, integrate the recordings made by
GPS/DGPS and other survey instruments to complete/collate the input data.
vi) Carryout image processing and generation of rectified image of approved system like ERDAS. IMAGINE or
vii) Carryout interpretation and digitization of all physical features. Symbolization/legend structure, layering, edge
matching, topological integrity, mosaicking, database linking, incorporation of ground truth details, incorporation of
processing technique for attribute allocation etc. after passing through quality assurance stages as per approved
viii) Carryout detailed interactive database design in consultation with COMPANY. Assign attributes, develop LUT
(Look up Tables) layered database, test check the proposed GIS & LIS.
Note: For LIS # Use of 'Rou Master' or equivalent approved software is mandatory. Similarly, for GIS development
the software to be adopted shall be got approved at the commencement of the project and it should be compatible
with Geomedia # GIS. The GIS & LIS to be developed in a seamless manner over the entire scope of work.
ix) Generation of output maps in specified format and scale as per specification.
x) In the cross-country zone all information as given in the technical specification be provided. In the densely
populated portions all information be provided. In the densely populated portions all information requirement as per
specification for detailed survey and Cadastral survey shall be incorporated such as ward and property boundaries
(house number, of stories etc.) roads, landmark features, locality name and connectivity with proposed facilities.
Major Commercial & Industrial establishment being studied as potential consumers etc.
The data to also include sewerage manholes, nullahs, channels, drains, canals, garbage dumps, existing electric
and telephones lines, bridges, land crossings, flyovers, proposed expansion of roads, railways, other facilities e.g.
water supply sewerage system, telecommunications network etc.
Note: CONTRACTOR to collect evaluates, ensure correctness of source, positional accuracy, ownership, and
attribute authenticity to the date collected and only revalidated data to be included for the database.
xi) To customize each layer and attribute for present available data and future database as per requirement of
COMPANY. To design system requirement for operation and maintenance of GIS & LIS package.
xii) To deliver a draft GIS & LIS package to COMPANY along with a detailed demonstration for scrutiny, trial run
and observations; load the trial packages on COMPANY'S system and configure for optimal use.
xiii) To carryout the modifications/changes and update of the GIS & LIS with respect to the finally approved survey
reports and mapping carried out under the overall scope of work. Observations and detailed comments on
submissions by CONTRACTOR at each stage of work, corrections/modifications and addition to route or
Contractor 28 Company
methodology, etc shall be carried out by CONTRACTOR. To provide training to COMPANY'S engineers on
development of GIS & LIS as per approved schedule.
xiv) To deliver to COMPANY the storage code of the application package with proper documentation.
xv) Loading all data and reports, making it computable with OIL'S LAN and Training of OIL personnel.
xvi) To customize the GIS & LIS packages as finished products and delivery to Company sets of O&M manuals
and package and training of OIL personnel. All upgrades of package during the period shall be provided at no
additional cost to Company.
a) Company supplied: if some information from the SOI maps and satellite imageries available in OIL office can be
found useful, the same can be used. However the copies of the same cannot be provided to the CONTRACTOR.
b) CONTRACTOR generated: Contractor shall acquire and generate bulk of his input by carrying out detailed
survey, processing maps, city maps, guides gazettes, satellite imageries (in merged LISS-111 & PAN images from
NRSA IN 1: 12,500 scale), cadastral data/maps/records, historical data on rivers/water-bodies, reading of SOI
benchmarks/grid system values, recordings of GPS/DGPS and other equipment, published date on development
plans, costing and revenue data, etc.
CONTRACTOR shall collect, store, classify, absorb, clarify, handle and protect all input data and acquired data in
good shape till completion and handing over of finished work. CONTRACTOR shall not make any unauthorized
alteration, modification and copies of any input data unless explicitly authorized by COMPANY.
All input and acquired data shall be returned to COMPANY at the completion of work in its original form. Any
damage to the input data shall tantamount to violation of contract and attract penalties as per provision of contract.
ii) Data storage: This involves data formats, hardware configurations storage media and storage structure. This is
closely related to the data input and data retrieval system.
CONTRACTOR to ensure standard and approved system of data handling and storage. Only the latest and
state-of-art equipment, software (latest version or approved version) shall be deployed. Each stage of data
acquisition and handling shall pass through Quality Assurance procedure.
iii) Data Retrieval: It is a critical component of GlS & LIS development as it directly affects the user's ability to get
the desired information and to structure the information to process the data.
CONTRACTOR to ensure adequate system capacity to handle store and retrieve the input and semi-processed
data from various sources # in hard copy form or electronically or both and make available to all users ensuring
common uniformity with all kind of associated information.
iv) Data Processing and Analysis: These are the important capability of GIS & LIS and dependent on the user
needs. Main Steps are:
a) Scanning topo sheets maps engineering drawing and revenue maps using large scanners.
b) Clean up and modify raster files created by scanning using raster editor software package.
Contractor 29 Company
e) Warp raster images to confirm to present coordinates with up to fifth-order polynomial works.
Note: Generally used conversion tools-AUTOCAD MAP-5.0, CAD Overlay; Micro Station ERDAS. IMAGINE.
For analysis to develop the GIS & LIS following steps shall be required:
c) Image enhancement by optimizing contrast, brightness and preparation of histogram (graphical frequency
e) Preparation of LUT (Look up table) and video look-up-table (VLT) leading to Digital-to Analog Converters (DAC).
f) Performing stretch and filtering procedures. Wrapping of the merged images to new design files to be carried
i) Creation of mosaic king from several images, overly, adjoining surveys, etc. for a final control registered image.
j) Final image analysis, legend-assigning supervised/unsupervised training to be carried out (ISODATA training can
also be resorted to, if system permits).
k) All information related with terrain, soil, land use, cadastral, co-ordinates, facility etc. be carefully attached to the
graphics in continuous and seamless, manner to generate a dynamic image.
l) A modified Digital Terrain model (DTM) with material/graphics representation of surface features is generated #
either on Triangulated irregular Network (TIN) or grid system. Merge all the Grid of TIN models to make unified
n) Demonstrate Aspect Polygons calculations, slope calculations slope polygons, surface area, volumes, and cut &
fill quantities etc.
p) Analysis of the final image for various COMPANY assignee attributes e. g. Route adjustment to minimize impact
on sensitive or problem area, locating optimum access roads, work company location; area prone to forest fire. Soil
erosion, pollution hazard area; periods and location of low flow rate for scheduling water crossing, connectivity with
existing or proposed networks/facilities surveys infrastructure etc. all future operation, maintenance related
needs/requirements are addressed at different levels of GIS & LIS.
q) Interact with COMPANY to finalize the layers of GIS & LIS and adjust/modify this process till desired results are
Contractor 30 Company
achieved. Keep enough provision for future expansion on field, space and layers.
v) Output: This Comprises of interactive display of digital data sets in both hardcopy presentation and
Preparation of maps, statistical data, calculations, GIS & LIS formats as per COMPANY requirement and technical
The output shall be designed in such a manner that requirement specific drawings/ database are generated, i.e.
features to include diversions for engineering data or isometric details, reference to represent relationship between
geographic area and a detailed survey drawing or cadastral drawing, a document reference to represent a
relationship between organizational structure and disaster management network, plant/facility information
representing physical assets of utility with their reference drawing, brief specification, part number, inventory detail,
other user applications; features to correlate spatial data and maps with more detailed revenue data for ROW
acquisition and crops compensation etc.
The output shall be delivered in specified number of copies, format and medium as specified. Since, the output is a
customized package it shall be prepared and delivered in a format conforming to industry standards and OGC
vi) System Management: This aspect shall relate to feature customization, system delivery, system training,
system networking, system operation and maintenance including providing updates and upgrades of the GIS & LIS
software package. All features shall be based on the agreed scheduled, QAP and specification. Special attention
shall be paid to design and to maintain the system security. Predefined system review, modification levels and
frequency and authorization shall be built in the system. Although, System Management shall be transferred to
company on delivery and training, its periodic upkeep, defect remedy, update and upgrades as per specification
shall be CONTRACTOR's responsibility.
The GIS & LIS software application package should be able to handle the following application:
SP GRAPH draws a spontaneous potential graph. There should be two options for selecting the beginning and
ending points for graphing by mouse or by Station. The Mouse option must prompt user to select points by pointing
at the screen. The Station option must bring up a menu for user to enter station values.
Contractor 31 Company
After this, a graph must be created showing the pipe/soil profile over station. The graph data must be pulled from
database so any update would be reflected in the graph immediately.
1.5.2 Profile:
The PROFILE must draw profile of the ground and pipeline. There must be two options for selecting the beginning
and end point for profiling by Mouse or by station. Select the mouse option. Which prompts you to select by
pointing at the screen .The station option must bring up a menu for user to enter station values.
The result should be a profile of the pipe segment selected. The ground elevation and the pipe depth must be
displayed in different colors.
This should allow user to view CAD layouts of stations and other facilities. It should also be possible to attach and
view various type of standard office document and * pdf files.
The Alignment Sheet application must create an alignment sheet for a user defined range of data. It should be
possible to select the section of pipeline segment by mouse click or by station. It should be possible to take plots of
the alignment sheets.
Alignment sheet should be created in a standard format with information like northing arrow, crossing, chain age
The cost path application should calculate the least cost path for pipeline routing between two points. It should
take in to account parameters like slope, road proximity, pipe proximity, and material cost. It should do the analysis
for each of the parameters separately. it should also be possible to assign Weightages to any of the mentioned
parameters and perform a combined analysis for the area.
There should be a macro level result that specifies the corridor for the least cost path. It should then be possible to
do micro level analysis specifying the least cost path based on the analyzed data.
The application should allow rerouting of Pipelines dynamically and update all the corresponding records
automatically. The alignment sheet also be updated automatically #on the fly##.
The application should be capable to handle the maintenance record for various facilities.
The software should be able to handle emergency notification for various categories of concerned people
for respective pipeline segments.
Contractor 32 Company
It should be possible to take prints / plots of map and other GIS/LIS outputs.
Appendix-C to PART-III(B)
Cadastral survey is to be carried out for the portion wherever proposed alignment deviates or extends from or
beyond the existing pipeline ROW and where additional land is required, which also includes new 15 meters wide
proposed ROW corridor,, Roads / Rail / River crossing etc. and New ROW from OIL#s existing ROW
# Carrying out Cadastral Survey and Transfer of the pipeline route, from ground on to the village maps and
marking on the village map the Intermediate Points (IPs) and Turning points (TPs) of the surveyed route.
# Identifying the 15 m wide corridor (3m on left side 12m on right side from centerline.) and listing out the number
in each plot within ROW limits,
# Plotting of the 100 m wide corridor (50m on either side from centerline.) on the village maps, Collection of Chitta
& Jamabandi extracts duly authenticated by Village / Circle Office and furnish the same in Village-wise folders.
# Digitization of village maps along with major features along pipeline route and demarking the 15 m corridors
covering the proposed width of ROW under Acquisition.
# Computation of area for each plot falling within the ROW width of 15 m (3m on left side 12m on right side from
center line), prepare a summary of ownership details as per Land Acquisition formats giving all relevant details,
including land cost and crop cost with supporting documents, and furnish the same Village-wise in separate
# Identification of plots on basis of Land use and type of crop as mentioned in the Chitta & Jamabandi extracts
1.2 Requirements
Contractor 33 Company
Acquisition plan shall be prepared village wise. The land to be acquired shall be marked in village maps in scale 16
inches to a mile or similar scale prevalent in revenue records. Land schedule to be furnished in each individual
drawing. Land owners identification including Govt. and other departments land to be shown in the aforesaid
drawings. Certification in respect of Agricultural land is also to be obtained from district agricultural officer. Any
clarification in this regard may be sought form OIL/agency deputed by OIL. The acquisition plan shall be prepared
for the following:
i. New alignment of 15 meter wide ROW corridor.
ii. For Road/Rail track crossing 15 m wide corridor. Additionally cadastral information with drawing for working
space (20m X10m) adjoining the proposed crossing on either side to be submitted.
iii. The River crossing 20 m wide corridor. Additionally cadastral information with drawing for working space (75m X
50m) adjoining the proposed crossing on either side to be submitted.
b. Certificate copy of jamabandi / khatian, chitta / porcha of dags / patta involved and trace map will have to be
collected from the respective revenue department.
c. Obtain the market price of the land proposed to be acquired from the district authorities.
d. Authenticated market price for trees, standing crops, structures etc. that are involved in the proposed acquisition
plan is to be obtained from respective authorities.
For land other than private land, the following additional drawings / data / records are required which shall form a
part of cadastral Survey work. No extra payment shall be made for these works.
a. Identification and preparation of a list of Government / State Authorities with full address in whose land the
pipeline route is passing through.
b. Find out the area of the Individual Government / Sate Authorities land.
c. Preparing of proposal including drawings for submission to Government / State authorities as per their
requirements for obtaining permissions for routing the pipeline through their land as per the instruction of the OIL
Engineer / Engineer deputed by OIL.
d. Submit the Proposal to OIL for obtaining the Permission. Assist OIL Engineer for obtaining the Permission for
laying the pipeline.
All maps / drawings shall be submitted along with all field book fulfilling the requirements mentioned above in one
set of soft copy and six set of hard copies along with reproducible after duly approved by OIL / agency deputed by
c. The Report containing the area of each Plot no. Name of the Owner, Type of land, Type of Crop Grows, Cost of
Crops as per latest market rate. Cost of land as per the Market Price, Cost of well, cost of trees, cost of any other
d. The proposed land to be acquired shall be marked in the village map traced on tracing cloth for all the villages.
Contractor 34 Company
For the approved route of each ROW corridor, Revenue Village Maps are collected Pipeline route is transferred on
to the Maps, and related Revenue documents collected for the Effected plots before a Land Acquisition Statement
is compiled.
# Demarcation of 100 meter Corridor on village map and listing out the plots
# Listing out the number and type of trees within the ROW
# Quality Control
# Classification of Lands
# Administrative Jurisdiction
Appendix-D to PART-III(B)
Contractor 35 Company
The specification covers corrosion survey including measurement of soil resistively chemical analysis of soil/water
and other cathodic protection related data collection along right of way of the pipelines.
Equipment and measurement techniques shall unless otherwise specified, conform to the requirement of following
latest applicable standards:
BIS Specifications
BS Specifications and codes of practice
NACE publications
The work shall be carried out in compliance with all applicable local laws and regulations.
This specification defines the basic guidelines for carrying out the corrosion survey. CONTRACTOR shall be
responsible for providing necessary data interpretation based on corrosion survey measurements, which is
intended to form a basis for design of cathodic protection system for the pipeline to be buried along ROW.
4.1 Unless otherwise specified the soil resistively measurements shall be carried out at intervals approximately
500 mtr. Along the ROW. Where soil resistively is less than 100-ohm mtr. If successive readings differ by more
than 2:1 then additional soil resistively readings in between the two locations shall be taken.
4.2 To carryout the soil resistivity measurement Winner#s 4 Pin method or approved equal shall be used. The
depth of resistivity measurement shall be around the burial depth of the pipeline or 1.5 mtr. approximately. At
locations where multi layer soil with large variation in resistively/corrosiveness are expected measurements at
additional depth of up to 2.5 mtr. (Approx.) or more shall be taken. In general the resistivity of soil which shall be
surrounding the pipe shall be measured. Hence the depth of measurement/electrode spacing may vary depending
on topography and strata at the area. In general, electrode spacing shall be approximately equal to 1.5 times the
Contractor 36 Company
4.3 At places where Right of Way has not yet been cleared, measurements shall be made right over the center
line of pipeline route surveyed accounting for the cuttings/fittings also.
4.4 Observations shall be made enclosing the soils adjoining the trench wherever pipeline trenching has already
been done.
4.5 The observations shall be made enclosing the soil immediately surrounding the pipeline route where right of
way has been cleared but trenching has not been done.
4.6 At places in Right Of Way where other pipelines are already existing care shall be taken to precisely locate
such pipes line and take such precautions that observations are not adversely affected by presence of such
4.7 Care shall also be taken that the observations are not influenced by presence of other earth currents in the
area especially in the vicinity of HT lines and plants using earth return in their source of power etc.
4.8 Wherever possible/advised by OIL, depth of water table shall be determined by resistivity observations.
4.9 All measurements shall be made and recorded in metric units. While recording the data, reference to the
nearest intersecting point shall be made. To provide visual representation of variations in the sensitivities along
Right Of Way, values shall be plotted on semi log graph sheets. The resistivity graph shall also indicate the
sensitivities at additional depths measured at various locations and depth of water table.
Soil/water samples shall be collected along the Right Of Way for analysis. Samples shall be collected on an
average at one location per 10 Km along Right of Way with minimum at two locations. Exact locations shall be
decided at site depending on the type of soil, soil resistively and in consultation with OIL. The soil samples shall be
collected at 1 mtr and 2 mtr depth at each location.
The collected soil/water samples shall be analyzed to determine presence and percentage of corrosive compounds
including moisture content, oxygen activity and pH value.
The following data shall be collected with a view to generate for evaluation of cathodic protection interaction
possibilities due to presence of other services in Right of Way and its vicinity.
6.1 Route and types of foreign service/pipelines in and around or crossing the Right of Way.
6.2 Diameter, wall thickness, pressure, soil cover etc. of the foreign pipeline.
6.3 Voltage rating, phase and sheathing details of parallel running or crossing cables with ROW.
6.5 Details of existing cathodic protection systems protecting the services including rating and location of ground
bed test station locations and connections schemes etc. Where pipeline is likely to pass close to any existing
ground bed, necessary anode-bed potential gradient survey shall be carried out.
6.6 Interference remedial measures existing on foreign pipelines/services/shall be collected from the owner of the
Contractor 37 Company
foreign pipeline/services.
6.7 Graphical representation of existing structure/pipe to soil potential record. T/R unit/CP power source
voltage/current readings.
6.8 Possibilities of integration/isolation of the pipeline CP system with foreign pipeline / structure CP System,
which may involve negotiations with owner#s of foreign services.
6.9 Information on existing and proposed DC/AC power sources and system in the vicinity of the entire Right of
6.10 Crossing and parallel running of electrified and non # electrified railway tracks along with details of operating
voltage and type (AC/DC).
6.11 Crossing or parallel running of any H.T. AC/DC overhead line with in approximately 25 mtr 25 mtr from ROW
along with details of voltage rating, fault level etc.
6.12 Any other relevant information that may be needed in designing and implementing of proper cathodic
protection scheme for the proposed pipeline.
On completion of all the field and laboratory work, an interim report incorporating results generated from surveys,
additional data collected, results of test carried out, etc. shall be submitted for comments/approval. The final report
incorporating comments/missing data shall be furnished for records. The report along with various drawings,
graphs etc. prepared in connection with the work shall be submitted along with six prints by the CONTRACTOR.
Appendix-E to PART-III(B)
Health Survey of Pipelines will include (but not limited to) the following Non Destructive Tests (NDTs) #
1. Visual Inspection
2. Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement
3. Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection
4. Ultrasonic Flaw Check
5. Radiographic Inspection
Contractor 38 Company
Visual Inspection : Visual Inspection to find out the state of the line. Also studying and analyzing the available
chronological data related to the pipelines. Digging may sometimes become necessary to assess the condition of
underground pipelines which will have to be carried out by the contractor as per the directives of the company
representative.. After completion of job the contractor will have to do necessary backfilling of the trenches properly
to the satisfaction of the company representative.
Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement : Thickness measurement by ultrasonic thickness gauges as per the relevant
ASME/ API/ASTM Standard in various spots of pipes etc. (both over-ground and underground) as per the
instructions of Company Representative.
Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection : 100% Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle inspection using magnetic field
(of at least 80 oersted) for the welded joints, pipes/ plates etc. (both over-ground and underground)as per the
instruction of the Company Representative.
Ultrasonic Flaw Check : Ultrasonic flaw check for the welded joints, pipes & plates etc. (both overground and
underground) as per the
instruction of Company Representative using Pulse-Echo /Reflection technique with CRT display.
Radiographic Inspection : Radiographic inspection of the welded joints (both overground & underground) to be
carried out as per relevant API code. The contractor shall use NDT-65 or D-7 or AA-5 or equivalent film (to be
supplied by the contractor) for radiographic inspection.
Coating Health Survey : Coating Health Survey with Pearson / CAT & DCVG Survey, Continuous Potential Logging
(CPL) etc.
Report : Report of all Inspections / Tests to be submitted by the contractor to OIL in proper format.
Note : While carrying out these surveys appropriate API / ASME / BIS / OISD etc. Standards and Guidelines are to
be followed.
Contractor 39 Company
Bidders are advised not to take any exception/deviations to the bid document. Exceptions/deviations, if any, should
be brought out during the Pre-bid conference. OIL after processing such suggestions may, through an addendum
to the bid document, communicate to the bidders the changes in its bid document, if any. Still, if exceptions /
deviations are maintained in the bid, such conditional / non-conforming bids shall not be considered and may be
rejected outright.
A.1 Technical
Only the bidders who quote for the Complete Scope of Work including optional items, if any, as described in the
bidding documents, addendum (if any) and any subsequent information given to the bidder shall be considered.
Note : OIL reserves the right to execute or cancel the optional item
Scope of Work:
Bid should be complete and covering the entire scope of job/ supply and should conform to the technical
specifications indicated in the bid documents, duly supported with technical catalogues/ literatures wherever
required. Incomplete and non-conforming bids will be rejected outright.
2.1 (a) The bidder should be an experienced pipeline route survey CONTRACTOR and should satisfy either one
of the conditions stipulated at (i), (ii) & (iii) below. Documentary evidence to this effect must be enclosed along with
the un-priced bid:
(i) Bidder should have successfully executed at least three (3) jobs of pipeline route survey each costing not
less than Rs. 170.00 Lakhs (Rupees One Hundred and Seventy Lakhs) during last seven years ending last day of
the month previous to the one in which bids are invited.
(ii) Bidder should have successfully executed at least two (2) jobs of pipeline route survey each costing not less
than Rs. 212.20 Lakhs (Rupees Two Hundred Twelve Lakhs and Twenty Thousand) during last seven years
ending last day of the month previous to the one in which bids are invited.
(iii) Bidder should have successfully executed at least one (1) job of pipeline
route survey each costing not less than Rs. 340.00 Lakhs (Rupees Three Hundred and Forty Lakhs) during last
seven years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which bids are invited.
Contractor 1 Company
2.1 (b) The bidder must also have successfully completed detailed survey in each of the following types of
categories at least once during the last seven years. Documentary evidence of this effect must also be enclosed
along with the un-priced bid:-
2.1(c) In case the bidder is an Indian Company/ Indian joint venture company, the Indian company/ Indian
Joint venture company or its technical collaborator/ joint venture partner should meet the criteria laid down at
2.1(a) and (b) above.
2.2 Details of experience and past performance of the bidder and the collaborator (in case of collaboration) or of
joint venture partner (in case of a joint venture), indicating areas and clients are to be submitted along with the
techno-commercial bid, in support of the experience laid down at para 2.1(a) and 2.1(b) above. Documentary
evidence (such as work order/ Contract copy indicating the scope of work, nature of the qualifying job and the
Completion Certificate) in support of his claim of meeting the experience criteria for the qualifying jobs must be
2.3 In case the bidder is a consortium of companies, the following requirement should be satisfied by the bidder
a) The leader of the consortium should satisfy the minimum experience requirement as per para 2.1(a) and (b)
b) The leader of the consortium should confirm unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of executing the
'Scope of work' of this tender. This confirmation should be submitted along with the techno-commercial bid.
c) All the members of the consortium must undertake in their MOU that each party shall be jointly and severally
liable to OIL for any and all obligations responsibilities arising out of this contract.
2.4(a) Indian companies/joint venture companies:- Indian bidders whose proposal for technical
collaboration/joint venture involves foreign equity participation or payment of royalty and / or lump sum for technical
know-how and wherever Govt. approval is necessary, are required to submit copy of Govt. approval, on their
application, prior to the date price bid opening.
2.4(b) Bidders should submit Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU)/ Agreement (in original) with their technical
collaborator/joint venture partner (in case of joint venture) clearly indicating their roles under the scope of work.
2.4(c) MOU/ Agreement concluded by the bidder with technical collaborator/joint venture partner (in case of
joint venture), should also be addressed to OIL, clearly stating that the MOU/Agreement is applicable to this tender
and shall be binding on them for the contract period. Notwithstanding the MOU/Agreement, the responsibility of
completion of job under this contract will be with the bidder.
2.4(d) Offers of those bidders who themselves do not meet the eligibility criteria as stipulated in the BEC
Clause 2.1 (a) and (b), can also be considered provided the bidder is a 100% subsidiary company of the parent
company which itself meets the experience as stipulated in the BEC. In that case as the subsidiary company is
dependent upon the experience and financial capability of the parent company with a view to ensure commitment
and involvement of the parent company for successful execution of the contract, the participating bidder should
enclose a copy of the Agreement between the parent and the subsidiary company and Corporate Guarantee (as
per format enclosed) from the parent company to OIL for fulfilling the obligation under the Agreement.
Contractor 2 Company
2.4(e) Offers of Parent /Subsidiary company (ies) based on experience /capabilities of any of them, will be
acceptable provided all the companies referred to in the bid are controlled by a single parent company and they
agree for joint and several responsibility including corporate guarantee for successful execution of the contract.
A.2 Commercial
The following vital commercial conditions should be strictly complied with failing which the bid will be rejected.
The forwarding letter, in original, as a proof of issue of the tender document (purchased against payment of
requisite tender fee), duly signed by tender issuing officer, must be sent by the bidder along with offer.
2.0 Bid should be submitted in Two Bid system in two separate envelopes. The Techno Commercial bid shall
contain all details but with the price column of the price bid format blanked out. However a tick mark ( ) shall be
provided against each item of the price bid format to indicate that there is a quote against this item in the priced
Commercial bid. The Priced bid shall contain only the prices duly filled in as per the price bid format.
Offers with techno commercial bid containing prices shall be rejected outright.
(a) Offers made without Bid Security/ Bid Bond /Bank Guarantee along with the offer.
(b) Telex/ Telegraphic/Fax/ E. Mail/ Xerox/ Photo copy offers.
(c) Offers which do not confirm unconditional validity of the bid for 180 days from the date of opening of bid.
(d) Offers where prices are not firm during the entire duration of the contract and/ or with any qualifications.
(e) Offers which do not conform to OIL's price bid format.
(f) Offers which do not conform to the mobilization period indicated in the bid.
(g) Offers which do not conform to the contract period indicated in the bid.
5.0 Bidder shall bear, within the quoted rates, the Personnel Tax as applicable in respect of their personnel and
their Sub-CONTRACTOR's personnel, arising out of this contract. Bidder shall also bear, within the quoted rates,
the Corporate Tax, as applicable, on the income arising out of this contract.
6.0 Assam Works Contract Tax/ Assam Sales Tax (Assam VAT): The rate quoted by the bidder shall be
inclusive of AGST (including Assam entry tax)/ Assam VAT including Assam entry tax), if applicable. The bidder
shall also furnish certificate of registration under the AGST /Assam VAT act or undertaking that the bidder will
furnish an authenticated copy of Registration certificate within 15 days of award of contract. Bidders are advised to
check the applicability or otherwise of AGST /Assam VAT on their own and OIL would not take any responsibility
on this issue. OIL will not issue Entry permit and will not take liability of entry tax.
7.0 Service Tax: Service tax liability, if any, shall be borne by the bidder.
8.0 Custom duty: No concession in custom duty is applicable for this tender. Custom duty if any is to be borne
by the bidder.
Financial criteria: Following shall be the basis of evaluation of bidders' financial capabilities:
Contractor 3 Company
I. The solvency certificate will be accepted not older than one year from the date of un-priced bid opening. The
bidder will have to submit solvency certificate from Scheduled commercial Bank.
II. For the purpose of ascertaining parameters of Turnover of the bidder, average turnover of the bidder for the
previous three financial years (ending 31/03/2008) shall be considered.
III. For the purpose of ascertaining parameters of Net worth of the bidder, latest annual Report shall be
IV. The bidders will provide a copy of each audited annual report for ascertaining their turnover. In case the
bidder is a newly formed company (Newly formed company: A company which has been incorporated in last 5
years from the date of un-priced bid opening of the tender) the bidders shall submit documentary evidence that his
company has been newly formed. For the purpose of ascertaining the turnover, the bidder can submit a copy of
the audited annual report of each of his parent or promoter companies for the past three years wherein the
turnover of one of the parent/promoter companies should not be less than Rs. 127.00 Lakhs and the net worth
should be positive. Further, one of the parent/promoter companies should submit a corporate guarantee on their
company letterhead signed by an authorized official undertaking that they would financially support the newly
formed company for executing the project/job in case the same is awarded to them.
V. Financial criteria in case of Consortium bids: If the bid is from a Consortium, then financial capability of all
the consortium partners will be considered in line with the above criteria for their respective responsibilities. For this
purpose the bidder should indicate in the un-priced bid, the percentage of work to be performed by the respective
consortium members in terms of value of the total price. However, the financial capability of sub-CONTRACTORs
will not be taken into consideration.
I. The solvency limit specified in the certificate is equal to or more than Rs. 127.00 Lakhs.
II. The Turnover of the bidder is equal to or more than Rs. 127.00 Lakhs
Note: In case the above information is found to be incorrect later on after opening of price bids then their bids will
be rejected and the bidder will be debarred for next three years.
Evaluation of bids: For the purpose of evaluation, the sum total of indicated quantities multiplied by unit rates
quoted by the bidder in Schedule of Rate Format, (PART-II of the tender document ) (LUMP SUM) shall be
A4.. General:
1. The BEC over-rides all other similar clauses operating anywhere in the Bid Documents.
2. The bidder / CONTRACTOR is prohibited to offer any service / benefit of any manner to any employee of
OIL and that the CONTRACTOR may suffer summary termination of contract / disqualification in case of violation.
Contractor 4 Company
3. On site inspection will be carried out by OIL's officers / representative / Third Parties at the discretion of OIL.
4. The quantities given in the schedule of rates are for the purpose of evaluation only. However, payment will
be made based on the actual quantities for which survey has been conducted / samples collected.
6. The Matrix for Technical & Commercial evaluation Criteria is prepared based on the BEC and placed at
Appendix-1, which the bidders have to submit duly filled in along with the Unpriced Techno-Commercial bid failing
which their bid will be rejected.
THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE executed at .......................this
M/s...........................................(mention complete name) a company duly organized and existing under the laws of
....................................................(insert jurisdiction/country), having its Registered Office at
hereinafter called "the Guarantor'' which expression shall, unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or
context thereof, be deemed to include its successors and permitted assignees.
M/s OIL , a company duly registered under the Companies Act 1956, having its Registered Office at India, and
having an office, amongst others, at..............................................(insert purchase centre address) hereinafter
called "OIL" which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context thereof, be deemed to include
its successor and assigns, invited tender number....................... for................. on.............................
M/s........................................ (mention complete name), a company duly organized and existing under the laws
of............................. (insert jurisdiction/country), having its Registered Office at ....................................... (give
complete address) hereinafter called " the Company" which expression shall, unless excluded by or repugnant to
the subject or context thereof, be deemed to include its successor and permitted assigns, *a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Guarantor, have, in response to the above mentioned tender invited by OIL, submitted their bid OIL with one of the condition that the Company shall arrange a guarantee from its
parent company guaranteeing due and satisfactory performance of the work covered under the side tender
including any change therein as may be deemed appropriate by OIL at any stage.
The Guarantor represents that they have gone through and understood the requirement of the above side tender
and are capable of and committed to provide technical, financial and such other supports as may be required by
the company for successful execution of the same.
The Company and the Guarantor have entered into an agreement per which the
Guarantor shall be providing technical, financial and such other supports as may be necessary for performance of
the work relating to the said tender.
Accordingly, at the request of the company and in consideration of and as a requirement for OIL to enter into
agreement (s) with the Company, the Guarantor hereby agrees to give this guarantee and undertakes as follows:
1. The Guarantor (Parent Company) unconditionally agrees that in case of non-performance by the company
of any of its obligations in any respect, the Guarantor shall, immediately on receipt of notice of demand by OIL,
take up the job without any demur or objection, in continuation and without loss of time and without any cost to OIL
and duly perform the obligations of the Company to the satisfaction of OIL. In case the Guarantor also fails to
discharge its obligations herein and complete the job satisfactorily, OIL shall have absolute rights for effecting the
execution of the job from any other person at the risks and costs of the Guarantor. The Guarantor also undertakes
to make good any loss that may be caused to OIL for non -performance or unsatisfactory performance by the
Guarantor or the Company of any of their obligations.
Contractor 5 Company
2. The Guarantor agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain valid and enforceable till the
satisfactory execution and completion of the work (including discharge of the warranty obligations) awarded to the
3. The Guarantor shall be jointly with the company as also severally responsible for satisfactory performance of
the contract entered between the company and OIL.
4. The liability of the Guarantor, under this Guarantee, is limited to the value of the contract entered between
the company and OIL i.e. up to.............and in no event shall the Guarantor's liability hereunder, either in its
capacity of Guarantor or as CONTRACTOR (should it perform the contract) in the event of the company's
non-performance as per point 1 hereinabove, exceed that of the company under the mutually, agreed contract
awarded to the company. This will, however, be in addition to the forfeiture of the performance Guarantee
furnished by the company.
5. The Guarantor represents that this Guarantee has been issued after due observance of the appropriate laws
in force in India. The Guarantor hereby undertakes that the Guarantor shall obtain and maintain in full force and
effect all the governmental and other approvals and consents that are necessary and do all other acts and things
necessary or desirable in connection therewith or for the due performance of the Guarantor's obligations
6. The Guarantor also agrees that this Guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with the
laws in force in India and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of..Dibrugarh,..India.
7. The Guarantor hereby declares and represents that this Guarantee has been given without any undue
influence or coercion from any person and that the Guarantor has fully understood the implications of the same.
8. The Guarantor represents and confirms that the Guarantor has the legal capacity, power and authority to
issue this Guarantee and that giving of this Guarantee and the performance and observations of the obligations
hereunder do not contravene any existing law or any judgment.
*. It is confirmed that this Memorandum of Undertaking has been issued with observance of appropriate laws
of the Country of issue.
*. This Memorandum of Undertaking shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and
Court in Dibrugarh shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
*. The "JOINT VENTURE PARTNER(S)/CONSORTIUM(S)" and CONTRACTOR agree that this Undertaking
shall be irrevocable and shall form an integral part of the Contract. We further agree that this Undertaking shall
continue to be enforceable to successful completion of contract and till OIL discharges it.
*. That this Deed shall operate from the effective date of the Contract.
Those present and affixed common seal of their respective companies on the day, month and year mentioned
Contractor 6 Company
For M/S####..#######
Witness No.1
############# ###################..
############# (Signature of the Authorized Representative)
(Official Address) Name:
Common Seal of the Company
For M/S####..#######
Witness No.2
############# ###################..
############# (Signature of the Authorized Representative)
(Official Address) Name:
Common Seal of the Company
Contractor 7 Company
2.1 (a) The bidder should be an experienced pipeline route survey CONTRACTOR and should satisfy either one of
the conditions stipulated at (i), (ii) & (iii) below. Documentary evidence to this effect must be enclosed along with
the un-priced bid:
(i) Bidder should have successfully executed at least three (3) jobs of pipeline route survey each costing not less
than Rs. 170.00 Lakhs (Rupees One Hundred and Seventy Lakhs _) during last seven years ending last day of
the month previous to the one in which bids are invited.
(ii) Bidder should have successfully executed at least two (2) jobs of pipeline route survey each costing not less
than Rs. 212.20 Lakhs (Rupees Two Hundred Twelve Lakhs and Twenty Thousand) during last seven years
ending last day of the month previous to the one in which bids are invited.
(iii) Bidder should have successfully executed at least one (1) job of pipeline route survey each costing not less
than Rs. 340.00 Lakhs (Rupees Three Hundred and Forty Lakhs) during last seven years ending last day of the
month previous to the one in which bids are invited.
2.1. (b) The bidder must also have successfully completed detailed survey in each of the following types of
categories at least once during the last seven years. Documentary evidence of this effect must also be enclosed
along with the up-price bid:-
1. Route Survey for pipelines
2. Population Density Survey
3. Cadastral Survey
4. Geo-technical Survey
5. Corrosion Survey
6. Geographic information System & Land Information System (LIS & GIS) for pipelines.
7. Pipeline Health Survey
Bidders to comply and submit documents
2.1. (c) In case the bidder is an Indian company / Indian Joint venture company, either the Indian company /
Contractor 8 Company
Indian Joint venture company or its technical collaborator / joint venture partner should meet the criteria laid down
at 2.1(a) and (b) above.
Bidders to comply.
2.2. Details of experience and past performance of the bidder and the collaborator (in case of collaboration)
or of joint venture partner (in case of a joint venture), indicating areas and clients are to be submitted along with
the techno-commercial bid, in support of the experience laid down at para 2.1(a) and 2.1(b) above. Documentary
evidence (such as work order / Contract copy indicating the scope of work, nature of the qualifying job and the
Completion Certificate) in support of his claim of meeting the experience criteria for the qualifying jobs must be
Bidders to comply and submit documents.
2.3 In case the bidder is a consortium of companies, the following requirement should be satisfied by the
a) The leader of the consortium should satisfy the minimum experience requirement as per para 2.1(a) and (b)
b) The leader of the consortium should confirm unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of executing the
'Scope of work' of this tender. This confirmation should be submitted along with the techno-commercial bid.
c) All the members of the consortium must undertake in their MOU that each party shall be jointly and severally
liable to OIL for any and all obligations and responsibilities arising out of this contract.
Bidders to comply.
2.4(a) Indian companies / Joint Venture companies: - Indian bidders whose proposal for technical
collaboration / Joint Venture involves foreign equity participation or payment of royalty and / or lump sum for
Contractor 9 Company
technical know-how and wherever Govt. approval is necessary, are required to submit copy of Govt. approval, on
their application, prior to the date of price bid opening.
Bidders to comply.
2.4(b) Bidders should submit Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) / Agreement (in original) with their
technical collaborator / joint venture partner (in case of Joint venture) clearly indicating their roles under the scope
of work.
Bidders to comply.
2.4 (c ) MOU / Agreement concluded by the bidder with technical collaborator / joint venture partner (in case
of joint venture), should also be addressed to OIL, clearly stating that the MOU / Agreement is applicable to this
tender and shall be binding on them for the contract period. Notwithstanding the MOU / Agreement, the
responsibility of completion of job under this contract will be with the bidder.
Bidders to comply.
2.4(d) Offers of those bidders who themselves do not meet the eligibility criteria as stipulated in the BEC
Clause 2.1(a) and (b), can also be considered provided the bidder is a 100% subsidiary company of the parent
company which itself meets the experience as stipulated in the BEC. In that case as the subsidiary company is
dependent upon the experience and financial capability of the parent company with a view to ensure commitment
and involvement of the parent company for successful execution of the contract, the participating bidder should
enclose a copy of the Agreement between the parent and the subsidiary company and Corporate Guarantee (as
per format enclosed) from the parent company to OIL for fulfilling the obligation under the Agreement.
Bidders to comply.
Contractor 10 Company
2.4(e) Offers of Parent / Subsidiary company (ies) based on experience / capabilities of any of them, will be
acceptable provided all the companies referred to in the bid are controlled by a single parent company and they
agree for joint and several responsibility including corporate guarantee for successful execution of the contract.
Bidders to comply.
The following vital commercial conditions should be strictly complied with failing which the bid will be rejected.
Bidders to note.
The forwarding letter, in original, as a proof of issue of the tender document (purchased against payment of
requisite tender fee), duly signed by tender issuing officer, must be sent by the bidder along with offer.
Bidders to comply.
2.0 Bid should be submitted in Two Bid system in two separate envelopes. The Techno Commercial bid
shall contain all details but with the price column of the price bid format blanked out. However a tick mark ( ) shall
be provided against each item of the price bid format to indicate that there is a quote against this item in the Priced
Commercial bid. The Priced bid shall contain only the price duly filled in as per the price bid format.
Offers with techno commercial bid containing price shall be rejected outright.
The bidder must confirm unconditional acceptance of General Conditions of Contract at PART-I, Special
Conditions of Contract at PART-III and Instruction to Bidders.
Contractor 11 Company
Bidders to comply.
5.0 Bidder shall bear, within the quoted rates, the Personnel Tax as applicable in respect of their personnel and
their sub-CONTRACTOR's personnel, arising out of this contract. Bidder shall also bear, within the quoted rates,
the Corporate Tax, as applicable, on the income arising out of this contract.
Bidders to comply.
6.0 Assam Works Contract Tax / Assam Sales Tax (Assam VAT) : The rate quoted by the bidder shall be
inclusive of AGST (including Assam entry tax) / Assam VAT (including Assam entry tax), if applicable. The bidder
shall also furnish certificate of registration under the AGST / Assam VAT Act or undertaking that the bidder will
furnish an authenticated copy of Registration certificate within 15 days of award of contract. Bidders are advised to
check the applicability or otherwise of AGST / Assam VAT on their own. OIL would not take any responsibility on
this issue. OIL will not issue Entry permit and will not take liability of entry tax.
Bidders to comply.
7.0 Service Tax: Service tax liability, if any shall be borne by the bidder.
Bidders to comply.
8.0 Custom duty: No concession in custom duly is applicable for this tender Custom duly if any is to be
borne by the bidder.
Bidders to comply.
Financial criteria: Following shall be the basis of evaluation of bidders' financial capabilities:
1. Turnover of Bidders: Rs. 127.00 Lakhs or more
2. Solvency Certificate: Rs. 127.00 Lakhs or more
3. Net worth of Bidder: Positive
Contractor 12 Company
I. The solvency certificate will be accepted not older than one year from the date of un-price bid opening. The
bidder will have to submit solvency certificate from Scheduled commercial Bank.
II. For the purpose of ascertaining parameters of Turnover of the bidder, average turnover of the bidder for the
previous three financial years (ending 31/03/2008) shall be considered.
III. For the purpose of ascertaining parameters of Net worth of the bidder, latest annual Report shall be
IV. The bidders will provide a copy of each audited annual report for ascertaining their turnover. In case the
bidder is a newly formed company (Newly formed company: A company which has been incorporated in last 5
years from the date of un-priced bid opening of the tender) the bidders shall submit documentary evidence that his
company has been newly formed. For the purpose of ascertaining the turnover, the bidder can submit a copy of
the audited annual report of each of his parent or promoter companies for the past three years wherein the
turnover of one of the parent / promoter company should not be less than Rs. 127.00 Lakhs and the net worth
should be positive. Further, one of the parent / promoter companies should submit a corporate guarantee on their
company letterhead signed by an authorized official of the company for executing the project / job in case the
same is awarded to them.
V. Financial criteria in case of Consortium bids: If the bid is from a Consortium, then financial capability of
all the consortium partners will be considered in line with the above criteria for their respective responsibilities. For
this purpose the bidder should indicate in the un-priced bid, the percentage of work to be performed by the
respective consortium members in terms of value of the total price. However, the financial capability of
sub-CONTRACTORs will not be taken into consideration.
Note: In case the above information is found to be incorrect later on after opening of price bids then their bids will
be rejected and the bidder will be debarred for next three years.
24. C. Price Valuation Criteria
1. Evaluation of bids: For the purpose of evaluation, the sum total of indicated quantities multiplied by unit rates
quoted by the bidder in Schedule of Rate Format , (PART-II of the tender document ) (LUMPSUM TOTAL) shall be
Bidders to Comply
25 D. General:
1. The BEC over-rides all other similar clauses operating anywhere
in the Bid Documents.
Bidders to note
26 2. The bidder / CONTRACTOR is prohibited to offer any service / benefit of any manner to any
employee of OIL and that the CONTRACTOR may suffer summary termination of contract / disqualification in case
of violation.
Bidders to note.
27 3. On site inspection will be carried out by OIL's officer / representative / Third Parties at the discretion of
Bidders to note.
28 4. The quantities given in the schedule of rates are for the purpose of evaluation only. However,
payment will be made based on the actual quantities for which survey has been conducted / samples collected.
Bidders to note.
29 5. There would be no minimum guaranteed billing in the tender / contract.
Bidders to note.
Contractor 13 Company
30 6. The Matrix for Technical & Commercial evaluation Criteria is prepared based on the BEC and placed
at Appendix-1, which the bidders have to submit duly filled in along with the Unpriced Techno-Commercial bid
failing which their bid will be rejected.
Bidders to note and comply.
Price Schedule
1.0 The Schedule of Price / Rate shall be read with all other sections of this Bidding Document.
2.0 The CONTRACTOR is deemed to have studied the drawings, specifications and details of works to be done
within the Time Schedule and should have acquainted himself of the conditions prevailing at site.
3.0 The quantities shown against the various items are only approximate and may vary to any extent individually
subject to conditions given in General Conditions of Contract / Special Conditions of Contract.
4.0 No claim shall be entertained during currency of this Contract towards any items due to the above including
where the CONTRACTOR has quoted low / high rates.
5.0 OWNER reserves the right to interpolate or extrapolate the rates for any new item of work not covered in Price
Schedule from the similar items already available in schedule of rates. All the works shall be measured upon
completion and paid for at the rate quoted and accepted in the "Price Schedule". In case any activity though
specifically not covered in schedule of rates descriptions but the same is covered under scope of work / scope of
supply / specifications / drawings etc. no extra claim on this account shall be entertained, since Price Schedule is
to be read in conjunction with all other documents forming part of the Contract.
Contractor 14 Company
6.0 All items of work mentioned in the Schedule of Price shall be carried out as per the specifications; drawings
and instructions of OWNER and the rates are deemed to be inclusive of material, consumable, labor, supervision,
tools & tackles and detailing of construction / fabrication drawings, isometric wherever, required as called for in the
detail specification and conditions of the Contract.
7.0 OWNER reserves the right to cancel / delete / curtail any item or group of work if necessary. Such a step shall
not be construed as reason for changing the rates.
Item No. Description of Work Unit Qty Rate (in Rupees) Amount (in Rupees)
1 Reconnaissance Survey :
1a Carrying out Reconnaissance survey at locations for new alignment as envisaged in the specifications,
preparation and submission of reports on the final alignment with field data, drawings, maps etc. complete in all
respect. Km 200
4 Corrosion Survey
4a Carrying out corrosion survey as per specification at an average interval of 250 metres at selected pipeline
segments to determine soil resistivity and collection of other cathodic protection data and submission of reports
complete in all respect. The rate shall be all inclusive. Nos. 700
5 Cadastral Survey
5a Carrying out cadastral survey at location of new alignment by coordinating with local / district / revenue
offices and preparation of land acquisition plan / cadastral maps and submission & acceptance of all reports as per
specification. The rates shall be all inclusive. Km 200
Contractor 15 Company
10 Report
10a Preparation and submission of final report incorporating the field and laboratory test results, hydrological
data etc. together with recommendation on the suitability of directional drilling / open cut for submerged crossing &
tentative design elevation profile with respect to minimum scour level throughout the proposed alignment as per
specification, pipeline alignment sheet (1:5000) to facilitate preparation of pipelaying tenders. LS 1
Vendor Data Requirement (Electrical)
Sl. No.
With Bids
Post Order
Final Document with Equipment
For Review For Records Transp arency Prints
1 Schedule of Vendor Documents
2. Vendor shall furnish schedule of drawings and documents within 15 days after placement of LOI.
Population Density Data along Pipeline Route
Contractor 16 Company
1. Type of dwelling / facility shall be identified as
TH - Temporary Hutments
PD - Permanent Dwelling having less then 4 storeys
PDM - Permanent Dwelling having more then 3 storeys
PP - Public place like School, Hospital, Play ground, Market, Temple, place for public gathering / annual
fare etc. (to be clarified under remarks)
2. Each dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling unit shall be counted as a separate unit.
Contractor 17 Company
Contractor 18 Company
Contractor 19 Company
Oil India Limited
Tender No : DCO1420P09
Description of work/service :
Hiring of services for 'Reconnaissance and Detailed Pipeline Route Survey of proposed as well as existing gas
pipelines in OIL#s Upper Assam Fields'.
We hereby confirm that we have fully understood the safety measures to be adopted during execution of
the above contract and that the same have been explained to us by the concerned authorities. We also give the
following assurances.
a) Only experienced and competent persons shall be engaged by us for carrying out work under the said
b) The names of the authorised persons who would be supervising the jobs on day to day basis from our
end are the following
i) ________________________________
ii) ________________________________
iii) ________________________________
The above personnel are fully familiar with the nature of jobs assigned and safety precautions required.
c) Due notice would be given for any change of personnel under item(b) above.
d) We hereby accept the responsibility for the safety of all the personnel engaged by us and for the
safety of the Company's personnel and property involved during the course of our working under this contract.
We would ensure that all the provisions under the Oil Mines Regulations,1984 and other safety rules related to
execution of our work would be strictly followed by our personnel. Any violation pointed out by the Company's
Engineers would be rectified forthwith or the work suspended till such time the rectification is completed by us and
all expenditure towards this would be on our account.
e) We confirm that all persons engaged by us would be provided with the necessary Safety Gears at
our cost.
f) All losses caused due to inadequate safety measures or lack of supervision on our part would be fully
compensated by us and the Company will not be responsible for any lapses on our part in this regard.
Date____________ M/s_________________