Valiant Organics LTD.: Eureka in The Lab
Valiant Organics LTD.: Eureka in The Lab
Valiant Organics LTD.: Eureka in The Lab
Financials (Rs mn) FY19 FY20 FY21P FY22E FY23E CAGR FY22-23E
Revenue 6,923 6,749 7,548 9,127 10,484 17.9%
EBITDA 1,798 1,803 2,052 2,546 2,988 20.7%
EBITDA margins - % 26.0 26.7 27.2 27.9 28.5
PAT 1,213 1,239 1,145 1,446 1,731 20.2%
EPS (Rs/share) 49.1 45.6 42.2 53.3 63.8
ROE - % 78.2 38.8 25.7 25.8 25.2
ROCE - % 59.6 28.7 21.4 21.6 22.0
P/E (x) 20.8 50.5 38.7 30.6 25.6
EV/EBITDA (x) 7.4 18.0 22.4 17.8 14.9
Source: Company, MNCL Research Estimates
Stock Idea MNCL Research is also available on Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters
’One of its kind’ Integrated business model
Valiant Organics Limited manufactures key intermediates for sectors such as agrochemicals and
pharmaceuticals and is one of the leading manufacturers of Chlorophenols in India. VOL has 5
manufacturing facilities situated in Sarigam, Tarapur, Vapi, Jhagadia, and Ahmedabad (zero
discharge facilities with multipurpose plants) and a product portfolio of around 22 products. Over
the years, VOL witnessed exponential earnings growth led by acquisitions and capacity
expansions. The company derives superior margins compared to peers owing to cost optimization
and backward, forward and, vertically integrated model. Future growth triggers include:
▪ Augmented earnings due to mix of enhanced capacities and increased utilization
▪ Low-cost operations with integrated facilities
▪ Entrance into value-added products
25,500 23,681 24,312
21,098 20,838
20,500 19,312
FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21
Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry, MNCL Research
Exhibit 4: Growth Trend of Indian Chemicals Market (USD bn) Exhibit 5: Indian Agrochemical Market Trend(USD mn)
150 4000 3,798
3000 2,760
100 2,540
2014 2,350
2500 2,090 2,180
136 133 2019 2000
76 78 2024F 1500
51 48 1000
0 7 12 500
Commodity Specialty Chemicals Others
Chemicals 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2025F
Exhibit 6: Indian API Industry Growth Potential (Rs bn) Exhibit 7: Dyes and Pigments Market Trend(USD bn)
1300 1,186 14
1100 1,018 12
944 10 12.4
900 805 8
688 6
700 637
586 4
542 7.2
2 5
2015 2019 2024F
Source: Industry Sources, MNCL Research
The company has emerged as a specialty chemical player owing to inorganic acquisitions and
expansion of product portfolio to specialty products. Its superior financial performance also
reflects those of specialty chemical players, however, we believe certain existing products of the
company can be considered a part of the commodity gamut. To further strengthen our conviction,
we took the average of FY23 EV/EBIDTA consensus of varied players across verticals in the
chemical space and derived at as Industry average EV/EBITDA multiple of 21.1x.
Considering this, we believe our valuation of VOL at Rs2670 on 24x FY23 EV/EBITDA is reflective of
the financial performance of the company. Currently, the company is valued at a 22.4x FY21
EV/EBIDTA and at current valuation of 15x FY23 EV/EBITDA, we believe the company merits
upside owing to high return ratios of 20s%+, low leverage coupled with strong liquidity position
reflecting company’s judicious financial planning, enhanced utilization of expanded capacity and,
integrated business facilities. Thus, we value the company at 24x FY23 EV/EBIDTA.
This growth in the case of Vinati Organics Limited further builds our conviction of the growth
opportunity/ path that lies ahead for Valiant Organics Limited.
• Established
Valiant Chemical
as 1997 • Incorporated as a
private limited
2016 • Acquired
Abhilasha Tex-
2019 • Listed on Main
Board of BSE
Corporation with a • Expanded product company • Listed on the SME Chem Pvt. Ltd. • Acquired Amarjyot • 1 : 1 Bonus shares
single product – range to include Board of the BSE Chemical issued
Meta Chloroanilin chlorophenols • Incorporated
wholly owned
subsidiary Valiant
1984 2005 2017 Specialty Chemical 2020
Valiant Speciality
Chemical Limited
(100% ownership of VOL)
Valiant Organics Limited
Bharat Chemicals
Dhanvallabh Ventures LLP
(62.5% ownership of
(65% ownership of VOL)
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May-18 Nov-18 May-19 Nov-19 May-20 Nov-20 May-21
Valiant Organics
Source: Bloomberg
Buy: Upside by >15%, Accumulate: Upside by 5% to 15%, Hold: Downside/Upside by -5% to +5%, Reduce: Downside by 5% to 15%, Sell: Downside by >15%
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