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According to Maslow, the above pyramid illustrates the needs of the workers.
In brief, they are simply divided into the following factors:
The PHYSICAL factor:
• A person starts at the bottom of the hierarchy (pyramid) and will initially seek
to satisfy basic needs (e.g. food, shelter)
• Once these physiological needs have been satisfied, they are no longer a
motivator. the individual moves up to the next level
The SECURITY factor:
• Safety needs at work could include physical safety (e.g. protective clothing) as
well as protection against unemployment, loss of income through sickness etc)
The SOCIAL factor:
• Social needs recognise that most people want to belong to a group. These
would include the need for love and belonging (e.g. working with colleague who
support you at work, teamwork, communication)
The EGO factor:
• Esteem needs are about being given recognition for a job well done. They
reflect the fact that many people seek the esteem and respect of others. A
promotion at work might achieve this
· Self-actualisation is about how people think about themselves –
this is often measured by the extent of success and/or challenge at
Motivating the staff is a very critical factor for the following reasons:
McGregor developed two theories of human behaviour at work: Theory and X and
Theory Y. Both Theory X and Y are extreme behavior
Theory X Theory Y
Individuals who dislike work and avoid it Consider effort at work as just like rest or
where possible play
Individuals who lack ambition, dislike Ordinary people who do not dislike work.
responsibility and prefer to be led Depending on the working conditions,
work could be considered a source of
satisfaction or punishment
Individuals who desire security Individuals who seek responsibility (if
they are motivated)
· Status
· Opportunity for advancement
· Gaining recognition
· Responsibility
· Challenging / stimulating work
Sense of personal achievement & personal growth in a job
Some of the major benefits derive from doing proper Manpower Planning are
as follows:-