74-3118 - XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

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Smoke Management
Application Manual
P/N 74-3118 • Rev 2.0 • 04APR03
DEVELOPED BY Edwards Systems Technology
6411 Parkland Drive
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 739-4300
COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved.
This manual and the products it describes are copyrighted by
Honeywell. You may not reproduce, translate, transcribe, or
transmit any part of this manual without express, written
permission from Honeywell.
This manual contains proprietary information intended for
distribution to authorized persons or companies for the sole
purpose of conducting business with Honeywell. If you distribute
any information contained in this manual to unauthorized
persons, you have violated all distributor agreements and we
may take legal action.
TRADEMARKS IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines
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Microsoft Mouse is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines Corporation.
Paradise is a trademark of Western Digital Corp.
Windows and Windows 95 are trademarks of Microsoft
CREDITS This manual was designed and written by the EST Technical
Services - Documentation Department, Sarasota.

Date Revision Reason for change
DDMONYY 1.0 Initial release
04APR03 2.0 Subsequent release
Changed: FSCS to FSCS series.

Chapter 1 Building fire geometry and smoke movement • 1.1

Introduction to the fire problem • 1.2
Products of combustion • 1.4
Principals of smoke-control • 1.14
Types of systems • 1.18
Smoke-control system components • 1.36
Additional reading • 1.51

Chapter 2 XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware • 2.1

The XLS1000 smoke-control system • 2.2
XLS1000 smoke-control system design considerations • 2.5
FSCS firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS) • 2.14
Components • 2.32
FSCS series smoke control graphics annunciators • 2.41
FSCS current requirements • 2.47
Wiring diagrams • 2.48

Chapter 3 Smoke-control system programming • 3.1

Programming smoke-control • 3.2
Understanding objects, labels, and rules • 3.4
Developing a labeling plan • 3.6
Smoke-control considerations and sequencing • 3.8
Rules for smoke-control programming • 3.11
Rule example • 3.15
HVAC and system control examples • 3.18

Chapter 4 Smoke-control acceptance and testing • 4.1

Testing • 4.2
Smoke-control panel acceptance test procedure • 4.3
XLS1000 SCS detection acceptance testing • 4.13
Smoke-control input modules • 4.15
Smoke-control output modules • 4.16
Dedicated systems • 4.17
Additional considerations • 4.21

Glossary • Y.1

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual i


Important information
Limitation of liability
This product has been designed to meet the requirements of
NFPA Standard 72, 1999 Edition; Underwriters Laboratories,
Inc., Standard 864, 8th Edition; and Underwriters Laboratories
of Canada, Inc., Standard ULC S527. Installation in accordance
with this manual, applicable codes, and the instructions of the
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) is mandatory. EST shall not
under any circumstances be liable for any incidental or
consequential damages arising from loss of property or other
damages or losses owing to the failure of EST products beyond
the cost of repair or replacement of any defective products. EST
reserves the right to make product improvements and change
product specifications at any time.
While every precaution has been taken during the preparation of
this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents, EST assumes
no responsibility for errors or omissions.

FCC warning
This equipment can generate and radiate radio frequency energy.
If this equipment is not installed in accordance with this manual,
it may cause interference to radio communications. This
equipment has been tested and found to comply within the limits
for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These rules are designed to provide
reasonable protection against such interference when this
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation
of this equipment is likely to cause interference, in which case
the user at his own expense, will be required to take whatever
measures may be required to correct the interference.

FCC information
1. The dialer complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. The
Dialer’ FCC registration number and the Ringer Equivalence
Number (REN) are on the back of the dialer. This
information must be provided to the telephone company, if
2. An FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug cord is
supplied with the dialer. The dialer is designed to be
connected to the telephone network using the supplied cord
and an RJ31X or RJ38X jack, which must also comply with
FCC Part 68 rules.
3. The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices which
may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on
the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in

ii XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual


response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the

sum of RENs should not exceed five (5). To be certain the
number of devices that may be connected to a line, as
determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone
4. If the dialer causes harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company will notify you in advance that
temporary discontinuance of service may be required. If
advance notice isn’t practical, the telephone company will
notify you as soon as possible. You will also be advised of
your right to file a complaint with the FCC, if you believe it
is necessary.
5. The telephone company may make changes in it’s facilities,
equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the
operation of the dialer. If this happens, the telephone
company will provide advance notice in order for you to
make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted
6. If trouble is experienced with the dialer, for repair or
warranty information, contact Edwards Systems Technology,
6411 Parkland Drive, Sarasota, Florida, USA 34243
Telephone: 1-800-655-4497. If the dialer is causing harm to
the telephone network, the telephone company may request
you disconnect the dialer until the problem is resolved.
7. No repairs may be performed on the dialer by the user.
8. The dialer cannot be used on public coin phone or party line
service provided by the telephone company.

Canada DOC information

Note: The Canadian Department of Communications label
identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the
equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective,
operational, and safety requirements. The Department does not
guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is
permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local
telecommunications company. The equipment must also be
installed using an acceptable method of connection. The
customer should be aware that compliance with the above
conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized
Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any
repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or
equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications
company cause to request the user disconnect the equipment.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual iii


Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical
ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and
internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected
together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural

Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections

themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection
authority, or electrician, as appropriate

Note: The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device

denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a
telephone loop which is used by the device, to prevent
overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any
combination of devices subject only to the requirements that the
sum of the Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.

iv XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Chapter 1
Building fire geometry and smoke movement

This Chapter introduces you to the basics of smoke development
and control. Theory of smoke management and building
equipment for smoke-control are covered along with
interrelationships necessary for the installation of an effective
XLS1000 smoke-control system (SCS).

Introduction to the fire problem•1.2
Architectural factors in the spread of smoke•1.2
Smoke management•1.3
Products of combustion•1.4
Smoke movement•1.5
Principals of smoke-control•1.14
Fire protection approaches•1.14
Smoke management mechanisms•1.14
Design factors•1.15
Types of systems•1.18
Smoke-control systems•1.19
HVAC systems•1.22
Stairwell pressurization systems•1.27
Elevator smoke-control•1.30
Zoned smoke-control systems•1.33
Smoke-control system components•1.36
Smoke-control system activation and deactivation•1.38
Initiating circuits•1.39
Smoke-control output circuits•1.41
Panel and component operation•1.45
Additional reading•1.51

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.1

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Introduction to the fire problem

Architectural factors in the spread of smoke
Smoke is considered the primary hazard that puts occupants of
buildings at risk during a fire. Heat from fire, while an important
threat, is usually confined to the area of fire origin. In contrast,
smoke readily spreads from the area of fire origin to adjacent
rooms or spaces and to parts of a building remote from the origin
of the fire. Smoke can contaminate escape routes including stairs
and elevators, rendering them unusable and resulting in
occupants who are trapped in or near the fire due to their
inability to escape.
More people in building fires are exposed to the hazards of
smoke than heat. Smoke is a particularly serious hazard in
buildings requiring long egress times for complete evacuation.
As buildings increase in height the hazard to occupants increases
also, with the time for a high building to become tenable being
less than the building's actual evacuation time. From a smoke
management standpoint, a high-rise building is one in which
evacuation time of able-bodied and mobility-impaired occupants
is considered excessive. Model building and fire codes typically
classify high-rise buildings as those with the highest floor 75 feet
or more above grade. Local modifications to the nationally
recognized codes in some areas classify high-rise buildings as
being six or more floors or as little as, 50 feet above grade. The
lower height classifications for high-rise buildings are often
based upon the height which fire department aerial ladders can
reach. Buildings classified as high-rise buildings typically
require the installation of automatic sprinklers.
Early high-rise buildings did not impose major smoke hazard
problems in fires due to noncombustible or limited combustible
construction materials and extensive compartmentation. Since
mid-century, changes in construction materials, building design,
and occupancy practices have resulted in increased fire loads.
Fire compartment size has increased with central core service
areas and open floor plans. Combustible furnishings, interior
linings, ceiling tiles, partitions, and thermal and electrical
insulation in modern buildings have increased the fire load
compared to earlier buildings. Modern materials, such as
plastics, generate dense toxic smoke, which increase the threat to
occupants in a fire.
In 1963, John Portman, an architect and developer, introduced
modern large building atriums as a building element in the 23-
story Hyatt Regency hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. Atrium buildings,
which provide large interior spaces, have gained in popularity to
the point of being used in nearly all types of occupancies.
Atriums in hotels, malls, hospitals and office buildings

1.2 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

interconnect floor spaces and create new problems in confining

fire and smoke movement. In the late 1960's, building and fire
code officials in North America recognized the increased fire
hazards created by atriums and universally required the
installation of automatic sprinkler systems in larger atriums and
adjacent spaces.
Fire and smoke in an atrium initially moves and performs similar
to a fire in an open outdoor area with heat and smoke rising and
spreading towards the ceiling. However, with the interaction of
automatic sprinklers, mechanical air movement, and the atrium
ceiling, the atrium and adjacent floor spaces can quickly become
contaminated with smoke. Occupants relying upon egress paths
using exits or enclosed stairs through atriums are dependent
upon the ability to use these spaces in the early stages of a fire
event. Smoke-control systems are a critical element in the
common space evacuation scenario.

Smoke management
Smoke management is one of the primary tools used in the built
environment for containing the effects of fire. Smoke
management includes all methods that can be used alone or in
combination to modify smoke movement for the benefit of
occupants or firefighters, or to reduce property damage. The
mechanisms of compartmentation, dilution, airflow,
pressurization, and buoyancy are used alone or in combination to
manage smoke conditions in fires.
Smoke-control is a subset of smoke management and is accepted
as being an engineered system that uses mechanical fans to
produce airflow and pressure differences across smoke barriers
to limit and direct smoke movement.
Both the NFPA 101, The Life Safety Code and NFPA 90A,
Standard for Air Conditioning Systems recognize that smoke-
control may be either active or passive. The passive approach
recognizes the long-standing compartmentation concept, which
requires that fans shut down and fire/smoke dampers in
ductwork close under fire conditions. The active approach,
which applies NFPA 92A criteria utilizes the building's heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to create
differential pressures to prevent smoke migration from the fire
area and to exhaust the products of combustion to the outside.
Active smoke-control systems use passive barrier components to
create zones or areas for effective smoke movement as an
essential component.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.3

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Products of combustion
As a fire burns, it:
• Generates heat
• Changes major portions of the burning material or fuel from
its original chemical composition to other compounds which
include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and water
• Transports a portion of the unburned fuel as soot or other
material that may or may not have undergone chemical
The Fire Triangle, used to explain the components that make up
fire is important in understanding smoke-control systems. The
Oxygen leg of the triangle is always present and will allow
combustion to take place. The Heat leg of the triangle, which
presents the ignition source, is limited or controlled in most built
environments. Smoke-control-systems designed to protect people
from the effects of fire are installed in environments with low or
ordinary hazard contents in the protected space. What there is to
burn (Fuel) will dictate to a large degree the kinds of fires that
can be expected in an area. The size, location, and character of
the fans and other components in an engineered smoke-control
system must consider the fuel loading for an area.
The nature of the fuel only affects the quantity of smoke
produced in relation to the size of the fire and depends upon
what is burning and the rate at which it is burning. Evaluating
and limiting what there is to burn helps in the determination of
what kinds of smoke will be produced for a given fire or area.


Figure 1-1: The fire triangle

1.4 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Smoke produced in a fire varies from fire to fire and over time in
the same fire. In examining smoke development, the constituent
parts of smoke will therefore fluctuate. The plume of hot gases
above a fire has many parts that can be placed into one of three
general groups:
• Hot vapors and gases given off by the burning material
• Unburned decomposition and condensation matter (may be
light colored to black and sooty)
• A quantity of air heated by the fire and entrained in to the
rising plume
The cloud surrounding most fires and called smoke consists of a
well-mixed combination of these three groups and will contain
gases, vapors, and dispersed solid particles.
The volume of smoke produced, its density, and toxicity will
depend upon the material that is burning and its geometry. The
nature of the fuel only affects the quantity of smoke produced in
as far as the size of the fire depends on what is burning and the
rate it is burning.

Smoke movement
Smoke can behave very differently in tall buildings when
compared to low buildings. In low buildings, the influences of
the fire, including heat, convective movement, and fire pressures,
can be the major factors that cause smoke movement. Tall
buildings have the combined effects found in small buildings in
addition to smoke and heat movement by convection and
radiation upwards. Accepted engineering approaches to smoke
removal and venting practices reflect these influences.
A major cause of fire spread across the floor of a building is heat
radiated downwards from the layer of hot gases beneath the
ceiling. Roof venting will limit fire spread because it limits the
spread of hot gases under the roof. In the alternative, if the major
cause of fire spread is due to flame progressing sideward, at floor
level and through readily combustible material, roof venting will
less readily limit fire spread. Roof venting, addressed in NFPA
204, Guide for Smoke and Heat Venting, will only slow sideward
movement because it will limit the extent to which heat is
radiated downward and will be only one factor in the sideward
development of a fire.
All fires produce smoke and the movement of smoke will follow
the same pattern as the overall air movement within a building.
Very simply, a smoke-control system needs to be able to inhibit
the flow of smoke within a building.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.5

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Smoke movement is determined by two central factors in a fire. These

are the:
• Smoke's buoyancy due to the entrainment of hot gases which
are less dense than the surrounding air.
• Normal air movement inside a building, which may have
nothing to do with the fire, can carry smoke around a
building in a positive way.
The magnitude of these two smoke-moving factors will depend
upon particular circumstances and will vary throughout a
building. In general, the smoke closer to the fire poses the
greatest risk. The movement caused by the smoke's mobility is
due to pressure differentials developed by the:
• Expansion of the gases as they are heated by the fire
• Difference in density of the hot gases above the flames
• Cooler air which surrounds the fire
Air movement in a building in non-fire conditions can be caused
by three separate factors: stack effect, wind load, or HVAC
(mechanical) systems. In a fire, these same factors are equally

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: Orly Airport

Details Event
Location: Paris, France A fire in a low voltage sub-station in the
Date: December 1973 building's second basement spread through
Fatalities: None cables in service ducts. Unsealed shafts for
Injuries: None cables, an unenclosed stairwell, cavities,
shafts, and openings in concrete floor slabs
allowed smoke to spread to the six levels
above. No smoke-control system was in place.

Stack effect
The stack effect is the pressure differential due to the air inside a
building being at a different temperature from the air outside the
building. Stack effect will cause the air inside the building to
move upwards or downwards, depending upon whether the air
inside the building is warmer or cooler than the air outside the
building. Air within a building has a tendency to rise because it
is warmer and less dense than the outside air. The taller a
building is and the greater the temperature differences between
the building interior and exterior are, the greater the tendency for
air to rise in the building's shafts. The opposite is true when the
outside temperature is warmer than the temperature inside the
building causing a downward movement of air within building
shafts. This is referred to as reverse stack effect. The overall

1.6 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

airflow tendencies within a building due to normal and reverse

stack effect are shown in Figure 1-2.

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: TAE YON KAK Hotel
Details Event
Location: Seoul Korea The eighteen-month-old hotel with 21 stories
Fatalities: 163 was fully involved in a fire that started in the
Injuries: 60 lobby coffee shop. The fire traveled up vertical
shafts and ducts early in the fire. Openings in
suspended ceilings and combustible interior
finishes encouraged fire and smoke spread
throughout the building. No smoke-control
system was in place.

Normal stack effect Reverse stack effect

effect O
air flow



Figure 1-2: Airflow due to stack effect

In a building with reverse stack effect, only relatively cool

smoke will follow the downward tendency of air into a shaft. If a
smoldering fire occurs on a floor above the neutral plane during
a reverse stack effect condition, the smoke will travel into and
down the shaft and deposit itself on the floors below the neutral
plane. In the case of hot smoke, buoyancy forces can counteract

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.7

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

normal reverse stack effect causing the smoke to move up a

The neutral plane of a building or space is defined as the
elevation where the hydrostatic pressure inside the building
equals the outside pressure. Normally the neutral plane is located
near the midpoint of the building, but can occur at any floor and
depends upon building design. The neutral plane of a building is
determined prior to the design of a smoke-control system.
ASHRAE's Design of Smoke Management Systems contains
methods for calculating the neutral plane of a building or space.

Wind load

Wind velocity profile

air flow


Figure 1-3: Wind effects on a building

All buildings are to some extent leaky and wind penetration

through these leaks contributes to internal air movement. Wind
can have a dramatic effect on smoke movement. The effect of
wind on a building depends upon the wind speed and direction,
the characteristics of the surrounding terrain (including the
shielding effect of adjacent buildings), and the building shape
and height. In fires if a window breaks or is left open in a fire
compartment, it has an effect on smoke movement. If the
opening is on the windward side of the building, the wind causes

1.8 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

a buildup of pressure in the fire compartment and forces smoke

throughout the floor and possibly to other floors. Pressures
caused by the wind in this condition can be large and easily
dominate smoke movement through the building. If the opening
is on the leeward side of the building, the reverse is true. The
negative pressure created by the wind vents the smoke from the
fire compartment, greatly reducing the smoke movement through
the building.

HVAC systems
Mechanical air handling systems inside of a building condition
and move air under normal conditions and can effect the
movement of smoke in a fire. Prior to the development of today's
understanding of smoke movement in buildings, most HVAC
Systems were shut down when fires occurred for two primary
• The HVAC system rapidly advanced smoke movement from
the room of fire origin to every area the system served.
• The HVAC system supplied air to the room of origin and
thus had the potential to help accelerate the fire.

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: One New York Plaza
Details Event
Location: New York, New York A 50-story office building in which a fire started
Date: August 1970 on the 32nd floor. The fire and smoke was
Damage: $10 drawn into the air conditioning system and then
Fatalities: 2 to elevator shafts, stairways, and air
Injuries: 50 conditioning supply and return shafts. Return
air fans continued to run throughout the fire. No
smoke-control system was in place.

An HVAC system may aid in the detection of fire in its early

stages when area smoke detection is not provided. The HVAC
system can transport smoke from an unoccupied area to one
where smoke detection or occupants are present and can then
alert others of the fire.
Once fire is detected, HVAC systems installed in accordance
with NFPA 90A and utilizing an internal smoke detector will
shut down fans and dampers or provide a special smoke-control
mode. NFPA 90A-3-4 contains damper shutdown provisions.
NFPA 90A-4-4 contains provisions for smoke detectors when
area detectors are not used in air distribution systems:
• Downstream of air filters and ahead of any branch
connections in air supply systems having a capacity greater
than 2000 cfm (944 L/s)

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.9

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

• At each story prior to the connection to a common return and

prior to any recirculation or fresh air inlet connections in air
return systems having a capacity greater than 15,000 cfm
(7080 L/s) and serving more than one story
Note: See NFPA 72, paragraph 5-10 and associated appendix
material for guidance on installing smoke detectors used in
smoke control systems.
If neither of the NFPA 90A steps are taken, the HVAC system
will transport smoke to every area that a system serves; putting
occupants in peril, damaging property, and possibly inhibiting
fire fighting.
Shutting down fans does not prevent smoke movement through
supply and return air ducts, air shafts, and other building
openings due to stack effect, buoyancy, and wind. Installation of
smoke dampers for when the system is shut down will help
inhibit smoke movement in this case. Again, NFPA 90A
contains damper requirements that are referenced by building
and fire codes, standards, or guidelines used in the design and
installation of smoke management systems.

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: First Canadian Place

Details Event
Location: Toronto, ON A 72-story office building with a smoke-control
Date: June 1993 system installed to pressurize stairwells and
Fatalities: 0 elevator shafts. A fire on the 34th floor in an
Injuries: 5 elevator shaft caused the sprinkler system to
activate. A single sprinkler controlled the fire.
It took approximately 80 minutes to evacuate
the entire building. The injuries reported were
all attributed to heat exhaustion.
Secondary fire alarms activated by smoke
detectors throughout the upper levels of the
building where occupants reported a smoke
smell, but little visible smoke.
The mechanical air systems were manually put
into the fire-mode sequence, shutting down
building fans and pressurizing stairwells. The
return air fans were first shut down and the
34th floor damper was manually opened.
Restarting of the return air fans resulted in the
smoke being exhausted to the exterior from the
fire floor.

Additional contributing factors

Thermal Expansion: In addition to stack effect, buoyancy, and
HVAC factors, the energy released by a fire can cause smoke

1.10 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

movement due to thermal expansion. In a fire compartment with

only one opening to the building, air will flow into the
compartment and hot smoke will flow out. For a fire
compartment with open doors and windows, the movement of
smoke due to expansion is negligible. However, the effects of
expansion should be taken into consideration for tightly sealed
compartments where fires can occur. It is possible for the
volume of smoke to almost triple in size when temperatures over
1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (538 °C) are reached. For tightly sealed
compartments the build up of pressure resulting from expansion
causes smoke movement through any leakage paths in the walls
or around doors.
Elevator piston effect: Vertical shafts for elevators can be
significant contributors to smoke movement in a building when
no control measures are in place. The downward movement of
an elevator car in a shaft produces temporary pressure
differences both above and below the car and a temporary
pressure decrease in the area above the car. The reverse is true
for an upward moving elevator car. The temporary pressure
increase in the elevator shaft tends to move air into the floors
below the car and the temporary pressure decrease tends to move
air from the floors above into the elevator shaft, as shown in
Figure 1-4. Pressure differences, due to the piston effect, are
greater in single car elevator shafts as compared to multiple car
shafts. In a multiple car shaft there is usually more room to the
left and right of the moving car to allow for pressure relief.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.11

Building fire geometry and smoke movement


Building floors


Arrows indicate
direction of air flow


Figure 1-4: Elevator piston effects

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: Inn on the Park Hotel
Details Event
Location: North York, ON A 23-story hotel complex with a 2:15 a.m. fire
Date: January 1981 in an electrical closet. Doors to two elevator
Fatalities: 6 cars were open at the fire floor level at the time
Injuries: 67 of the fire and smoke moved through the
elevator shafts to guestroom floors from the 6th
to the 22nd level. The smoke contamination
was greatest on the higher floors where smoke
moved most readily into guestrooms. No
smoke-control system was in place at the time
of the fire.

Automatic sprinkler systems: Automatic sprinklers are nearly

always dictated as a component of large space or tall building
fire protection. In designing a smoke-control system, the size of
the expected fire must be determined as a base for sizing the air
handling equipment for smoke-control. Escape routes must be
kept usable for extended periods of time and this means that the
size of the fire must be limited to ensure that the smoke-control
installation will not be overwhelmed by a growing fire.

1.12 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Automatic sprinklers are essential in order to limit the size of a

possible fire. Sprinklers can affect smoke in two ways:
• Sprinklers can, by the discharge of water spray through the
smoke layer, bring the smoke down to a low level
• By cooling the smoke, automatic sprinklers can reduce
smoke buoyancy and slow down the movement of smoke
through roof or ceiling vents
Automatic suppression systems are an integral part of many fire
protection designs, and the efficacy of such systems in
controlling building fires is well documented. Klote and Milke,
in Design of Smoke Management Systems, point out that:
“while it is important to recognize that while the functions of fire
suppression and smoke management are both desirable fire
safety features; they should not be readily substituted for each
One of the best ways to address the smoke problem in a fire is to
prevent or reduce smoke production. To the extent that a
suppression system slows the burning rate, it reduces the smoke
problem. For fires that are suppressed rather than extinguished,
some smoke is produced. This smoke can move through a
building due to varied driving forces as discussed in general in
this chapter. Well-designed smoke management systems can
maintain tenable conditions along critical escape routes, but will
have little effect on the fire.
Where automatic sprinklers are installed, the determination of
fire size for smoke-control calculations is based upon limited fire
spread, typically a fire size to 9.8 ft x 9.8 ft (3 m x 3 m).

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.13

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Principals of smoke-control
Fire protection approaches
Smoke management is only one component of an overall
building fire protection system. The two basic approaches to fire
protection are to prevent fire ignition and to manage fire impact
when a fire does occur. Figure 1-5 shows a simplified decision
tree for fire protection. The building occupants and managers
have the primary role in preventing fire ignition. The building
design team may incorporate features into the building to assist
the occupants and managers in this effort. Because it is
impossible to completely prevent ignition, managing fire impact
has assumed a significant role in fire protection design.

Fire Protection

Prevent Fire Manage Fire

Initiation Impact

Eliminate Isolate Fuel Manage Manage
Ignition and Ignition Threat Exposure
Sources Sources

Includes: Includes: Includes: Includes:

Electrical Power Storage Sprinklers Smoke
Flames Flammables Fire Walls Management:
Arson Trash/Litter Fire Doors Smoke Control
Smoking Material Combustibles Fire Dampers Smoke Venting
Smoke Barriers
Figure 1-5: Simplified fire protection decision tree

Smoke management mechanisms

Mechanisms for managing smoke impact include:
• Compartmentation in the form or walls, floors, doors and
other barriers
• Dilution (also known as smoke purging, smoke removal,
smoke exhaust, or smoke extraction)
• Airflow in the form of large flow rates and used primarily in
subway, railroad, and highway tunnels

1.14 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

• Pressurization using mechanical fans under NFPA 92A

• Buoyancy effects that employ mechanical systems when
ceiling heights exceed 33 feet (10m)

Design factors
Many factors affect the design of a smoke management system.
Before the actual mechanical design of the system can proceed,
the potential constraints on the system must be determined and
the design criteria established.
Unique factors in the design of a smoke management system
• Occupancy type and characteristics
• Evacuation plans
• Areas of refuge
• Occupant density and distribution
• Human life support requirements (Medical Facilities)
• Detection and alarm systems (exclusive of smoke-control)
• Fire department response to fire emergencies in the building
• Fixed fire suppression systems
• Type of HVAC systems (in place or proposed)
• Energy management systems and controls
• Building security provisions
• Status of doors in a fire emergency
• Potential fire sources
• Internal compartmentation and architectural characteristics
• Building leakage paths
• Exterior building temperatures
• Wind velocity and effects
All of these factors funnel into a consideration of how much
smoke will be present in an expected fire. The amount of smoke,
expressed as smoke density, can reduce visibility, trap occupants
in the building, prevent escape, and expose occupants over an
extended period of time to toxic and irritant gases which could
become lethal.
The ASHRAE manual Design of Smoke Management Systems
contains guidelines for designers who wish to provide active
smoke-control systems for buildings. Smoke-control systems are
intended to provide systems that exhaust smoke from the
immediate fire area, and provide pressurized outside air to
adjacent areas, access corridors, and stairwells. It is fully
recognized that this approach would apply more to large HVAC
units servicing individual floors or large systems with volume
control dampers at each floor. The integrity of the HVAC/smoke
management system must be at a level that will maintain safe
exit routes with sufficient exiting time for building occupants to
either leave or move to designated safe refuge areas.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.15

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Smoke zones
A building or area is typically divided into several zones. Zones
are delineated by fire or smoke barrier walls or horizontally with
floor ceiling assemblies. A smoke zone, as used in this manual,
is simply the area where the fire is located. The two basic
principals for containing smoke within a smoke zone are
pressurization and airflow.

Pressurization develops positive and negative pressure
differences across zone boundaries in order to control smoke
movement and is the most desirable means of controlling smoke


Airflow Smoke

High Low
pressure pressure
side side



Figure 1-6: Pressurization

Pressurization creates pressure differences across partitions that

separate the smoke zone from other zones or areas. This is
typically accomplished by creating higher pressure in the non-
fire or smoke areas. Airflow will occur through construction
cracks at floor to ceiling slabs, around unsealed conduit and pipe
openings, and around doors that act as the primary barriers to
smoke movement from a smoke zone. Pressure differences must
be sufficient to contain the smoke in the smoke zone and
simultaneously allow doors leading to safety to be opened.

Airflow by itself can control smoke levels and movement if the
air velocity is high enough to overcome the tendency of smoke
to migrate to other zones. This approach is typically used to

1.16 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

prevent the flow of smoke down corridors or through open

doorways, as shown in Figure 1-7. The airflow approach to
smoke-control requires large quantities of air and is therefore not
practical for most applications.

Smoke Smoke
back flow Smoke

Relatively Relatively
low air high air
velocity velocity Diluted

Figure 1-7: Airflow

Purging may be used as a supplement to airflow or pressurization
methods in smoke-control systems. When there is a concern over
smoke movement through open doors into a protected area,
outside air can be introduced into the space. Purging uses an
exhaust inlet near the ceiling and a supply inlet commonly in the
lower half of a wall. The supply and exhaust points are placed
far enough apart to prevent the supply air from blowing directly
into the exhaust without the benefit of entraining smoke-filled
air. Purging is commonly used in smoke-proof stairwells that
contain a vestibule between the occupant space and the stairs.
With any of the methods used for smoke zones, pedestrian door
opening forces must be considered. The pressure differences
between barriers are important not only in the force to open the
door, but also the force necessary to overcome the door closer.
NFPA 101, the Life Safety Code establishes a maximum force of
30 lbf (133.35 N) to set a door in motion that is an accepted
benchmark for designers. Occupants must be able to open doors
leading to escape routes while the smoke-control system is in

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.17

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Types of systems
Smoke management utilizing active and passive methods in
combination to modify smoke movement must be engineered
into a system and is focused upon property or people protection.
While passive methods of smoke management do exist (see
NFPA 204), dynamic smoke-control systems using mechanical
equipment to meet design goals dominate. NFPA 92B, Guide for
Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria, and Large Areas,
provides methodologies for determining smoke development in
large spaces. NFPA 92A, Recommended Practice for Smoke-
Control Systems, is used for the design, installation, testing,
operation, and maintenance of systems for smoke-control.
An XLS1000 smoke-control system (SCS) when installed and
programmed in accordance with this design manual and the
criteria set forth by the smoke-control system designer will help
• Provide a tenable environment in evacuation routes during
the time necessary to evacuate people from the area
• Restrict the movement of smoke from the fire area
• Assist in protecting life and property protection
• Maintain tenable conditions in non-fire areas that will enable
fire personnel to conduct search and rescue operations in
addition to attacking the seat of the fire
An XLS1000 SCS should be designed, installed, and maintained
such that the system will remain effective during evacuation of
the protected areas. Other considerations determined by the
smoke-control system designer may dictate that a system should
remain effective for longer periods. Areas to evaluate in
determining XLS1000 SCS integrity are:
• Reliability of power source(s)
• Arrangement of power distribution
• Location, and methods of protection for XLS1000 system
• Building occupancy type
The design, installation, testing, operation, and maintenance of
new and retrofitted mechanical air conditioning and ventilation
systems for the control of smoke will require the involvement of
several interdependent disciplines or parties.
• Building equipment and controls are the responsibility of the
system designer. A system designer, as used here, will
determine the type of smoke-control system to be used, the
size of the expected or design fire, perform tenability
calculations, establish and define smoke zones based upon
building barriers. The system designer may be an architect,

1.18 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

engineer, or fire protection professional knowledgeable in

the theory and application of smoke management and
control. The sizing of fans, location of dampers, and
establishing of smoke zones is the system designer's
responsibility. The system designer will, using a
specification, define to the XLS1000 fire/smoke-control
system designer how the total system must operate under a
fire or smoke condition. The XLS1000 fire/smoke-control
system designer should assume total system design
responsibility only if qualified.
• Smoke-control system operation is the responsibility of the
XLS1000 fire alarm systems designer. The specifications for
operation of a smoke-control system will define methods of
fire/smoke detection for a particular area and the resulting
outputs for smoke removal or control to take place. Control
functions performed by an XLS1000 panel include the
startup and shutdown of HVAC or exhaust fans, smoke
damper closure, and door closure.
• The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), typically a fire
official, is important in the determination of firefighter
control station locations and final acceptance and testing of
the smoke-control system. The system designer is
responsible for effecting smoke removal or control of the
completed smoke management system. Involvement of the
AHJ early in a project helps to ensure that the system
requirements (typically NFPA 92A) will be met by the total
system design and establishes prior to design clear pass/fail
criteria for a completed system.

Smoke-control systems
Systems for controlling smoke movement in a building can be
divided into two separate types: shaft protection and floor
protection. The vertical transfer of smoke to the upper stories of
a building from a fire on a lower floor occurs mostly from shafts
versus leakage through openings in floor construction. Vertical
smoke spread accounts for 95 percent or more of the upward
movement of smoke in high-rise building fires. For either type of
smoke-control system, electrical and mechanical equipment or
components can be classified as dedicated or non-dedicated.
Shaft protection can be further divided into stairwell
pressurization systems and elevator hoistway systems. Floor
protection encompasses several variations of zoned smoke-
control. Use of a particular system or combination of systems is
dependent upon building and fire code requirements, as well as
specific occupancy and life safety goals established by the
system designer.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.19

Building fire geometry and smoke movement






Figure 1-8: Smoke-control system types

Smoke-control components must be capable of continuous use at

the maximum temperatures expected during a fire, based upon
calculations performed by the smoke-control system designer.
Most smoke-control systems will be designed with a primary
goal of maintaining a tenable environment for occupants outside
the fire area for zoned smoke-control and within atriums or large
spaces. This goal is achieved by exhausting smoke from a
building, limiting fire growth, or for atrium smoke management
systems, preventing accumulations of smoke below a six-foot
height along egress paths.

1.20 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Dedicated smoke-control systems are independent systems for
air-movement and are not used for any other purpose under
normal building operating conditions. Upon activation, dedicated
systems operate specifically to perform a smoke-control
Dedicated systems have the following advantages:
• System design and control functions are less likely to be
modified during maintenance.
• Operation and control of the system is less complex with
system controls typically routed only to the XLS1000 SCS
and the firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS).
• Independent of other building systems, dedicated systems
are less likely to be affected by changes in other building
Dedicated systems have several recognized disadvantages:
• Dedicated systems are more costly.
• Component failures may go undetected for a long time.
• Dedicated systems often require more building space for
• Automatic weekly self-testing of dedicated smoke-control
systems must be programmed with consideration for weather

Non-dedicated smoke-control systems share or use components
with other building systems including the HVAC system for a
floor, area, or zone. Smoke-control system activation suspends
normal operation of HVAC and other shared components for use
in achieving smoke-control objectives.
Non-dedicated systems have the following advantages:
• Equipment costs are shared.
• Component failures of equipment needed for smoke-control
are more apparent due to their use for daily services.
• Smoke-control system components do not require additional
building space.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.21

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Non-dedicated smoke-control systems have three recognized

• System control may involve complex interlocks with shared
equipment used for HVAC or energy management.
• Inadvertent modification of HVAC controls or equipment
affecting smoke-control functionality is more likely to occur.
• Other building system modification may interfere with
smoke-control system operation.

HVAC systems
Commercial HVAC systems can usually be adapted for smoke-
control use. In order to meet smoke-control reliability and
tenability criteria established in NFPA 92A, an HVAC system
must be capable of supplying outside air to the protected space,
returning air from the protected space, and exhausting air from a
protected space to the outside.
An HVAC system can be as simple as a fan in a housing (such as
a roof-mounted exhaust fans) to a more complex system with
ductwork, supply air outlets, return air inlets, fresh air intakes,
humidifiers, filters, heating and cooling coils, preheat coils, and

Commonly used HVAC units

Individual floor units: Air Handling Units serve a single floor
or area. Units can have separate supply and exhaust fans. The
smoke-control system designer must verify that the units are
capable of providing sufficient outside air and an exhaust
capability for the expected fire condition.

1.22 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement






Figure 1-9: Individual floor units

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.23

Building fire geometry and smoke movement




Figure 1-10: Induction units for central HVAC system

Induction units: Induction-type air handling units are usually

used in conjunction with a central HVAC system, which supplies
high-pressure air to the induction units. Induction units are
located around the outside of a building and are used to
condition the air for areas around the perimeter of a building.
Room air is then drawn into the induction unit, mixed with the
primary air from the central system, and returned to the room.
Induction units servicing a fire area should be shut down or have
the primary air from the central system isolated.

1.24 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Dual duct systems: Dual duct systems have parallel heating

and cooling coils, each located in a separate compartment.
Systems of this type also have separate ducts to supply hot and
cold air from each coil compartment into mixing boxes. The
mixing boxes are used to mix the hot and cold air to be supplied
to the area served.

Exhaust to outside





Figure 1-11: Dual duct system

Multi-zone systems: Multi-zone Systems are similar to dual

duct systems in that they have separate heating and cooling coils
located in a separate compartment. The difference in these
systems is that multi-zone systems mix the air at the unit and
supply the mixture through low-pressure ducts to each space

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.25

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Variable Air Volume systems: Variable Air Volume (VAV)

systems usually supply central cooling only. The individual areas
served by this type of system will reheat the air near or in the
area being served or have other sources of heating. Some VAV
systems connect a bypass from the intake side of a supply fan to
the outlet side of a supply fan, as shown in Figure 1-12, to
reduce supply air volumes and pressure in the ductwork. Such
bypasses must be closed for smoke-control applications to ensure
sufficient pressurization of protected areas.






Figure 1-12: VAV System with fan powered terminals

Fan-powered terminals: Fan-powered terminals are used in

conjunction with VAV systems to provide the reheat capability
of cool air being supplied to a particular area and to circulate air
within the space. Terminal fans servicing a fire area must be shut
off for smoke-control applications. During a fire condition,
terminal fans serving other areas may continue to operate
Ductwork: Ductwork is constructed of a variety of materials
including steel, aluminum, concrete, and masonry. Ductwork
usually connects the fans with the areas to be served. Air travels
from the supply fan through the supply ducts into the building.
Return air is often pulled through the plenum space above the
ceiling as shown in Figure 1-13. Ductwork, however, can be
used for the return air as well, as show in Figure 1-14. In most
commercial buildings today, both the supply and the return
ductwork (where used) is typically located in the area above a

1.26 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

suspended ceiling. Return air ductwork is required from the

smoke zone boundary to exhaust fans when routed through other




Figure 1-13: Supply ductwork with plenum return


Figure 1-14: Ducted return

Stairwell pressurization systems

Stairwell pressurization systems are built with the intent of
keeping stairs clear of smoke in order to assist in the evacuation
of occupants. Stairwell pressurization systems are commonly
dedicated smoke-control systems. Activation of stairwell
systems can be by automatic or manual means.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.27

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Stair pressurization systems can be from a single-injection point

into the tower. Single-injection systems are commonly used for
eight or fewer stories. Multiple injection systems provide several
supply inlets in the stairwell. Compartmentation of the stairwell
can also be used in a pressurized design to maintain stair
tenability. Pressurization systems may operate throughout the
fire event, offering refuge for firefighters as they enter or leave
the fire floor.



Figure 1-15: Compartmentaton of a pressurized stairwell

A fire in a multi-story building will develop a positive pressure

in the fire area until ventilation occurs, often due to the opening
of a door or the failure of window glass. The positive pressures
developed by a fire can enter a stair as occupants leave the fire
floor and reduce the usefulness of the stair for escape. The
design objective of achieving a higher pressure in the stair than
is found on the fire floor is usually achieved by a single
dedicated fan in the stairwell. Life safety and fire codes require
stairwells to be isolated from the building they serve, making the
use of shared building HVAC systems unlikely or prohibited.
Dedicated HVAC systems for stairwell pressurization systems
are also used with modulating dampers controlled by static
sensors at each doorway or at selected points in a stairwell.

1.28 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

For pressurizing a stairwell, the smoke-control system designer

must define the number of doors expected to be open at any one
time and design air flows which compensate for the open doors.
If more than the expected or design number of doors is opened,
the pressure in the stairwell may drop below that of the fire floor
and smoke will be able to enter the tower.
Power requirements for smoke-control system operation must
consider the total number of systems or zones in operation. For
example, if there are two stairwells with pressurization, they will
both operate in a fire event and power must be available for both
tower systems. If a smoke-control zone on the fire floor will also
operate, then the three separate smoke-control systems must be
powered and operable from the FSCS.
Automatic operation of one of a building's fire alarm systems
should cause all stair pressurization fans to start. Where an
engineering and life safety analysis determines that the
configuration of the building is such that only certain stairs need
pressurization, programming of the smoke-control system will
need to be tailored to various fire scenarios.
A smoke detector should be provided in the air supply to the
pressurized stairwell. Smoke drawn into the stairwell from the
exterior of the building will be detected and fans will then
shutdown. Detectors selected for fan flow monitoring should be
within the air velocity ranges specified in the detector's
installation sheet.
The FSCS must contain a manual override, to be operated by an
authorized person, to restart fans should they shutdown due to
the operation of smoke detectors installed in the stairwell. The
authorized person may determine that a lesser hazard exists from
smoke entering the fan than smoke migrating into the tower from
the fire floor and override fan shutdown based upon exterior
smoke entry.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.29

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: MGM Grand Hotel

Details Event
Location: Las Vegas, NV The complex consisted of 26 stories of
Date: November 1980 guestrooms and a ground level complex with a
Fatalities: 85 casino, theatres and convention facilities. Each
Injuries: 600 wing contained a pressurized stairwell with a
mechanically ventilated vestibule (smoke-proof
The fire started in the first floor restaurant and
then moved into the casino. Smoke spread was
through ceiling plenum spaces to vertical shafts
that allowed smoke spread to the high-rise
tower. Vertical openings included seismic
joints, interior stairs, toilet exhaust shafts and
pipe chases. The elevator shafts allowed
smoke spread to upper floors via open elevator
doors on the casino level. Sixty-one of the
fatalities were in the hotel tower between floors
16 and 26 and were caused by smoke
inhalation. No smoke-control system was in
place at the time of the fire.

Vestibules: Stairwells can also be built with a vestibule that may

include an air handling system. The vestibule may serve a
pressurized stair or it can be in lieu of a pressurized stair,
operating under the same criteria as a pressurized stairwell for
smoke-control. Even non-pressurized vestibules have the
advantage of two doors from the building interior to a stair that
can help to limit smoke migration into a stair. Vestibule
pressurization controls are addressed in much the same manner
as stair pressurization systems by the smoke-control system.

Elevator smoke-control
Elevator smoke-control systems are of two types. The first
focuses upon providing tenability and survivability of the
elevator system in order that it can be used for occupant
evacuation. Figure 1-16 diagrams two design alternatives.
Exhaust of the fire floor, smoke-tight elevator lobbies, and the
closing of elevator doors after automatic recall are other design
alternatives which are less often chosen. Elevators traditionally
have not been used for fire evacuation due to the “chimney
effect” of the shafts in a fire.
In the last decade, due in part to increased demands for egress of
non-mobile occupants and driven by the American with
Disabilities Act (ADA), elevators have increasingly been looked

1.30 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

upon as a possible avenue for fire escape. First, Canada

developed standards for “hardened” elevators for egress and then
in the US the NFPA Life Safety Code included elevators as an
alternate egress component from areas of refuge. Smoke-control
for elevators used as an egress system components must provide
tenability for the expected time needed for evacuation.
The second type of elevator smoke-control system is intended to
prevent or limit smoke flow to other floors by way of the
hoistway. Elevators without enclosed lobbies must have a
smoke-control-system that develops a pressure difference within
the hoistway, which is greater than the sum of the fire and other
building effects. The smoke-control system designer will
calculate pressures, flow rates, and vent sizes for the elevator
shaft to determine fan size.
Elevator recall is based upon ASME/ANSI117.1, Safety Code for
Elevators and Escalators. The standard requires that elevator
doors open and remain open after elevators recalled. This
requirement results in a large opening into the elevator hoistway,
greatly increasing airflow requirements for pressurization. NFPA
80, Standard for Fire Doors and Windows, permits closing of
elevator doors after a predetermined time when required by the
AHJ. Local requirements for the operation of pressurized shafts
should therefore be determined and incorporated into the system

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: John Sevier Center

Details Event
Location: Johnson City, TN A fire in a first floor apartment of the 10-story
Date: December 25, 1989 building spread through an open door, into the
Fatalities: 16 corridor, and quickly involved the entire first
Injuries: 40 floor. Smoke migration to upper floors via the
recalled elevator and vertical shafts resulted in
15 deaths due to smoke inhalation located
above the fire floor.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.31

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Lobby Floor area


Pressurized elevator shaft system

Lobby Floor area


Pressurized lobby system
Figure 1-16: Elevator pressurization systems

Table 8.11 of NFPA's Smoke Movement and Control in High-

rise Buildings contains both elevator shaft and lobby
pressurization system calculation formulas. John M. Klote, who
worked with the author of this NFPA reference book, includes
the same methodologies and several examples, in his ASHRAE
book, Design of Smoke Management Systems.
Elevator recall systems return the elevator(s) to the lobby or an
adjacent floor when smoke is detected in an elevator lobby or
when the fire alarm system is activated. Elevator doors can open
at the recall location and remain open or revert to the closed
position. The smoke-control system designer must adjust airflow
for the door position.

1.32 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: First Interstate Bank of California
Details Event
Location: Los Angeles, CA A 62-story office tower with smoke detectors on
Date: May 1988 each floor. The fire started in the open-plan
Fatalities: 1 office area located on the 12th floor. Fire
Injuries: None spread continued upward for four floors where
manual firefighting stopped the fire's progress.
Fire spread was primarily along the exterior of
the building and around floor slabs. The fire
progressed at a rate of 45 minutes per floor
with total burnout of each floor taking
approximately 90 minutes.
Security personnel reset the initial smoke
detector alarm from the fire floor and then the
three smoke detectors which went into alarm
several minutes later on the floor. Six minutes
after the initial alarm, detectors were operating
from the 12th to 30th floors. An employee sent
to investigate died when the elevator opened
on the fire floor.
Investigators determined that the service
elevator acted as a major avenue for smoke
spread to all floors. No smoke-control system
was installed in the building.

Zoned smoke-control systems

Larger area or multiple floored buildings will subdivide the
smoke-control system into zones based upon an expected fire
Activation of a smoke-control zone will be by automatic or
manual means. A smoke detection system will automatically
activate the XLS1000 smoke-control system. Detector spacing
should follow spacing of smoke detector requirements contained
in the Signature Series Intelligent Smoke and Heat Detectors
Bulletin (P/N 270145). The Bulletin also contains design
information on detector placement with respect to stratification,
partitions, exposed solid joists, exposed beams, sloped ceilings,
and high air-movement areas. Automatic actuation of a zoned
smoke-control system can simultaneously exhausts a fire/smoke
area and supply air to other areas. Detector locations, however,
must coordinate with the operation of the smoke-control zone to
detect smoke before it migrates to another zone. Smoke-control
system programming will limit automatic activation to the first
zone that detects smoke.
A waterflow switch or heat detector serving a smoke zone can be
used to activate the zoned smoke-control system where all piping

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.33

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

or wiring of the devices is in the smoke zone. For example, a

sprinkler system serving an atrium cannot have branch sprinkler
lines serving an office area adjacent to the atrium and not a part
of the same smoke-control zone.

Initially, fires in atriums (or large spaces) will perform like fires
in outside areas due to the size and height of the space where the
fire occurs. Upper levels of high ceilings or tall atriums collect
heat and smoke with little or no downward radiation. Atriums
and large spaces cannot easily restrict the movement of smoke
using barriers or overcoming fire pressures. Common atrium or
large space areas using smoke management systems include
shopping malls, convention centers, airport terminals, sports
arenas, and warehouses.
For large spaces, smoke management consists of exhausting
smoke from the space. Exhausting smoke tends to restrict smoke
spread to a plume above the fire and a smoke layer just below
the ceiling of the space. The exhaust approach creates a lower
level “smoke-free” layer that allows occupants to safely egress
and for firefighters to see and attack the seat of a fire more
Providing smoke management for large spaces is a unique
challenge for two reasons. First, without any barriers in the
interior, extensive smoke propagation occurs readily throughout
the entire space. Consequently, a significant number of people in
the space may be exposed to the smoke. Further, a substantial
portion of the space can become contaminated by the smoke,
resulting in significant property damage.
Second, large unprotected openings between the atrium and
adjacent spaces can result in fire and smoke movement into the
atrium due to a fire outside the atrium. Adjacent spaces, such as
stores in a shopping mall, are called communicating spaces and
may open directly to the atrium or may connect through a
corridor or another open passageway. In the last several years
code limitations on the number of levels with communicating
spaces open to an atrium have been changed to allow all levels in
an atrium to have open communicating spaces. Required airflow
for smoke venting in an atrium or large space must consider the
effect of communicating space fires.

1.34 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Lessons learned in fire and smoke movement: Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel
Details Event
Location: Rosemont, IL A 10-story hotel with rooms opening to a
Date: April 1973 central atrium. The fire started in the non-
Fatalities: None sprinklered nightclub on the first floor at 4:30
Injuries: 1 a.m. The atrium filled with smoke. The smoke
exhaust system failed to operate because a
switch to the system was turned off. Some
occupants escaped along open balconies in
the atrium to enclosed stairs in the early stages
of the fire. Other occupants took refuge on
exterior balconies or remained in their rooms
with the balcony doors open. The fire
demonstrated that rapid smoke generation and
spread in an atrium quickly traps occupants.

How a large space functions, location of egress routes, and the

development of hazardous conditions from expected fire
scenarios demands a tailoring of smoke management systems for
each application. However, the technical fundamentals of smoke
production and spread are the same for all of these spaces. A
shopping mall smoke management design will focus on assuring
egress paths are available, while a warehouse smoke
management design will focus on the stored materials.
Parameters that may have an impact on the design of a smoke
management system in a large space include:
• Ceiling height
• Fuel load
• Use of the space
• Separation of communicating spaces from the protected

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.35

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Smoke-control system components

Initiating circuits Output circuits

Detectors Limit switches &

air flow monitoring

Manual Manual
(Stairwells only)

and waterflow

Firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS)

FSCS series annunciator

Door Closers

3-LCD LED/switch

Figure 1-17: Input and output components

The smoke-control system must fully coordinate smoke-control
system functions between the:
• XLS1000 fire protective signaling system
• Automatic sprinkler system
• Systems related HVAC energy management
• Building smoke-control equipment.
Operation of the smoke-control system either as a component of
the XLS1000 fire alarm system or as a stand-alone XLS1000

1.36 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

smoke-control system panel from a centralized location will be

the most common applications.
Fire department suppression mobilization for large buildings
may be from a loading dock in a high-rise building or at the main
entrance of large buildings. An FSCS at the point of fire
department mobilization or near the exterior of the building will
often be required by codes or standards in addition to the
XLS1000 smoke-control system.

Building main control/security center

Larger, more complex buildings and office or educational
campuses contain centralized energy management and security
centers. These control points for building systems or access may
be located off the main lobby of a high-rise, in the center of a
large building, or freestanding on a campus. The location and
monitoring of the Fire Alarm Control Panel from these points is
both practical and common. Installation of the XLS1000 smoke-
control system in one of these centers is logical. The trained
personnel who monitor other fire and building systems can also
be trained for smoke-control system monitoring and operation.
The building's main control or security center could also serve as
the location of the FSCS, if acceptable to the AHJ.

Firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS)

The FSCS, where required, is located according to direction
from the AHJ. The FSCS must provide full monitoring and
manual control capability over all smoke-control system
functions including a graphical panel.
The FSCS should be designed to have the highest priority control
over all smoke-control systems and equipment. Where manual
controls are also provided at other building locations (such as the
Main Control/Security Center) for use of smoke-control systems,
the control mode selected from the FSCS should prevail. The
design of the FSCS must be such that control actions from this
point will override or bypass other building controls such as
Hand-Off-Auto and Start/Stop switches located on fan motor
controllers, freeze detection devices, and duct smoke detectors.
FSCS controls should not override or bypass devices and
controls intended to protect against electrical overloads, provide
for personnel safety, or prevent major system damage. These
include overcurrent protection devices, electrical disconnect
switches, high-limit static pressure switches, and combination
fire/smoke dampers beyond their degradation temperature
classifications. FSCS non-dedicated system fan motor controller
switches do not need to be bypassed when:
• Located in mechanical or electrical equipment rooms
• Inaccessible to the general public

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.37

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

• Operation of such a switch will result in a trouble condition

at the building's main control center
The XLS1000 SCS, to be effective, should include an FSCS
series annunciator with a building diagram that indicates the type
and location of all smoke-control equipment. The building areas
affected by the equipment, including barrier walls, should also
be clearly indicated (Figure 1-17).
The actual status of system components that are activated or
capable of activation for smoke-control should be clearly
indicated at the FSCS series annunciator. Status indication is for
on and off status of each individual fan having a capacity of
2000 cfm (944 L/s) or more and used for smoke-control. The
“ON” status should be sensed by pressure difference as a
confirmation of airflow. Damper position status is also often
required by UUKL and NFPA 92B.

HVAC system controls

Initial design of HVAC system controls or modification of
existing HVAC controls to incorporate smoke-control system
requirements must include assigning the highest priority to the
smoke-control mode.
Dedicated smoke-control systems, while not utilizing HVAC
fans and controls, will sometimes require the shutdown of the
building HVAC equipment in addition to the closing of dampers
interconnected to the HVAC system.
Non-dedicated fire systems will use HVAC components and
control systems. HVAC control systems use pneumatic, electric,
electronic, and programmable logic-based control units. All of
these control systems can be adapted to provide the necessary
logic and control sequences to configure HVAC systems for
smoke-control. Programmable electronic logic or microprocessor
based control units for HVAC systems which also provide other
building control and monitoring functions are readily adapted to
provide the necessary logic and control sequences for an HVAC
system's smoke-control mode of operation.

Smoke-control system activation and deactivation

Smoke-control system activation is the initiation of the
operational mode of a smoke-control system. Deactivation is the
cessation of the operational mode of the smoke-control system
and return of HVAC control to the building environmental
control center. Smoke-control systems usually are activated
automatically but can be manually initiated under conditions
deemed appropriate as a part of the smoke-control system
design. Under all operating conditions, the smoke-control system
must be capable of manual override.

1.38 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Loss of building power should be evaluated to determine if the

smoke-control system design would function as intended. The
evaluation must consider the position (open or shut) of smoke
dampers upon loss of power and when the fan systems the
dampers served are shutdown.
Automatic activation or deactivation of a smoke-control system
includes all initiating circuit action that results in the operation of
one or more smoke-control zones without manual intervention.
Automatic activation will usually come from smoke detectors
and waterflow switches.
Smoke-control system activation should begin immediately upon
receipt of an activation command. Sequencing of smoke-control
components (fans, dampers, ducts, and louvers) is necessary to
prevent physical damage to the equipment. Over-pressurization
of a duct due to early or improper damper operation could result
in damage to the duct and an inability to effectively control
smoke in a zone.
NFPA 92A, Recommended Practice for Smoke-Control Systems,
establishes the maximum response time for individual
components to reach a fully operational mode. Fans must reach
the specified flow rate within 60 seconds and confirm the state
has been reached at the smoke-control panel and the FSCS.
Completion of smoke damper travel to either the fully open or
the fully closed state must be accomplished within 75 seconds of
signal initiation.
Note: Local codes, like UBC, may specify other times. Check all
applicable codes and use the time limit required.

Initiating circuits
Smoke-control system initiating circuits may contain the same
alarm initiating devices found in a standard XLS1000 fire alarm
system and Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). Alarm Initiating
Devices used for smoke-control may also serve a dual-purpose,
initiating alarm notification or control functions required under
NFPA 72. A smoke-control system initiating device, when
activated, initiates predetermined system sequences.

Smoke-control system initiation using smoke detectors is most
common. Since the goal of smoke-control systems is most often
to maintain tenability in a zone or space, heat or flame-type
detection is not considered responsive enough for use in a
smoke-control system. Heat detectors in maintenance or similar
rooms incidental to the area protected or locations where smoke
detectors cannot be effectively installed may be connected to the
smoke-control system.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.39

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Detection using either photoelectric or ionization spot type

smoke detectors should be based upon the space protected.
Smoke development and travel are influenced by ceiling
configuration and height, burning characteristics of materials,
fuel arrangement, room geometry, and HVAC systems installed.
Some large volume spaces, such as atriums, have been reported
to experience temperatures of up to 200 °F (93.3 °C) because of
solar loads. Detectors in these areas need to be capable of
operating in this day-to-day environment. Installation sheets for
detectors contain operating temperature ranges for detectors.
Signature Series Smoke detectors should be installed in
accordance with the requirements contained in the Signature
Series Intelligent Smoke and Heat Detectors Applications
Bulletin (P/N 270145).
Concerns over smoke stratification and detector access in large
or high ceiling areas, such as atriums, is increasingly leading
designers to specify projected beam-type smoke detectors.
Projected beam detectors work on the principle of light
obscuration. A beam of infrared light is transmitted across the
protected area and is monitored by a receiver. Smoke particles
entering the beam path can either absorb or scatter the beam of
light, causing a reduction in light received. When the reduction
in light received reaches a threshold, an alarm signal is
generated. Since both absorption and scattering of light cause a
reduction in the light sensed at the receiver, projected beam
detectors work well for both smoldering and fast-flaming fires.
Projected-beam detectors are normally installed parallel and
within 20 inches (0.508 m) of the ceiling except when high
ceilings or smoke stratification are a design consideration.
Projected beam detectors have an operating range of 30 to 330
feet (9.144 to 100.584 m).

Manual pull stations

Manual pull stations are placed in buildings for occupant use in
reporting fires and notifying other occupants. Manual pull
stations are not normally used to activate smoke-control systems,
but may be used for stairwell pressurization systems. With
manual pull stations there is a greater likelihood of a person
signaling an alarm from a station outside the smoke zone in
which the fire is occurring and thereby pressuring and venting
the wrong areas.

Automatic sprinkler and specialized extinguishing systems

The same criteria that dictate the installation of a smoke-control
system are likely to also dictate the installation of an automatic
extinguishing system. Most model codes will require automatic
sprinklers for large or tall buildings. In the design of the smoke-
control systems, the size of the expected fire must be determined

1.40 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

in order to establish exhaust flows for the smoke generated.

Automatic sprinkler systems are designed to contain or control
fires, thus limiting the size of an expected fire and the amount of
smoke generated. Smoke-control system designers utilize the
limiting of fire size and spread due to automatic sprinklers as an
important element in sizing HVAC systems and fans for smoke-
Automatic sprinkler systems can be utilized to activate a smoke-
control zone, provided the flow switch for the sprinkler system
serves only fire sprinklers in the smoke-control zone. For new
buildings, the coverage areas of sprinkler systems must be
coordinated with smoke zone areas to ensure applicability.

Manual controls
For smoke control, manual activation or deactivation refers to
the means available to an authorized person to activate one of the
smoke-control functions. Manual fire alarm pull stations are not
in this category. Manual controls will be at the FSCS in a
location directed by the AHJ.

Smoke-control output circuits

Smoke-control system output circuits may contain some of the
same output modules and devices found in a standard XLS1000
fire alarm system. Output commands for a smoke-control zone
include the startup or shutdown of fans, damper operation, vent
or louver operation, and door or barrier operation. Sequencing of
each action is critical in the proper functioning of a smoke-
control system. Dampers may need to reach fully open or fully
closed position prior to fan startup. Fans may also need to
rundown or stop prior to damper movement.

HVAC fans are classified as either centrifugal or axial. Fan
performance and economics are major factors in the type of fan
for an application. Forward-curved fans are used for low-
pressure applications including residential furnaces and
packaged air-conditioning equipment. Airfoil and backward-
curved fans are used for general-purpose HVAC applications,
and airfoil fans are usually limited to large systems where the
energy savings are significant. Radial fans are used when high
pressures are needed. New building installations using fans for
smoke-control will consider the emergency operation parameters
when selecting the HVAC system fans.
Centrifugal fans: Centrifugal fans are subdivided into forward-
curved, backward-curved, and airfoil. Forward-curved
centrifugal fans rotate at a relatively low speed. They are
generally used to produce high flow rates and low static

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.41

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

pressures. Backward-curved fans rotate at about twice the speed

of forward-curved fans and have a higher efficiency. Both
forward-curved and backward-curved impeller blades are single-
width blades.


* Blades
Cut off

Direction of AI
impeller RF
rotation W


Figure 1-18: Centrifugal Fans

Airfoil fans: Airfoil fans are simply backward-curved fans with

blades of varying thickness to improve fan efficiency. Airfoil
blades are based upon the same technology that is used to design
airplane wings. Tubular centrifugal fans are an exception to the
classification. They have single width impeller blades and
straightening vanes at the discharge. Tubular centrifugal fans are
used in low-pressure HVAC applications, often as return air

SW centrifugal
fan wheel


Air out

Air in

Straightening Vanes

Figure 1-19: Tubular Centrifugal Fan

Axial fans: Axial fans are subdivided as propeller fans, tubeaxial

fans, and vaneaxial fans. Axial fans are designed to achieve high
flow rates at low pressures. Common uses for axial fans include
kitchen and rest room exhaust, stairwell or elevator
pressurization, and space ventilation. Propeller fans are

1.42 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

susceptible to adverse pressure conditions that would include

opposing wind loads from the exterior. Unlike centrifugal fans,
the backward rotation of an axial fan normally results in
backward flow at a reduced airflow rate.

Guide vane




Figure 1-20: Axial Fan

Exhaust fans for smoke-control are selected to operate in the

design conditions of the smoke and fire. While dilution with
ambient air can significantly cool down the fire temperature
reaching fans, there are also instances where the direct effects of
the fire will be on the smoke-control equipment.
HVAC systems with the capacity, outlets, grill locations and
flow rates are suitable for smoke-control. For HVAC systems, a
means must be provided to prevent the supply system from
operating until the exhaust flow has been established to avoid
pressurization of the fire/smoke area. In colder locations where
the introduction of outside air into the space due to inadvertent
operation or testing could damage contents, consideration should
be given towards heating the makeup air.
Fans must reach their specified flow rate within 60 seconds and
confirm the state has been reached at the smoke-control panel
and the FSCS.

Dampers in air-moving systems are used to balance and control
airflow, relieve excess pressure, and resist fire or smoke passage.
Fire, smoke, or ceiling dampers are the three types of dampers
used in buildings.
Fire dampers are used for the protection of openings in walls,
partitions, or floors and are rated at 1 1/2 or 3 hours. Fire
dampers are installed in accordance with UL 555, Standard for
Safety Fire Dampers. A fire damper does not prevent the leakage

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.43

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

of smoke through the opening and is normally released by a

fusible link.
Smoke dampers resist the passage of smoke and protect openings
in smoke barriers or as a part of engineered smoke-control
systems. Smoke dampers are installed in accordance with UL
555S, Standard for Safety Leakage Rated Dampers for Use in
Smoke-Control Systems. Combination fire/smoke dampers will
have a fire resistance rating and meet both UL 555 and UL 555S.
Ceiling dampers or other methods for protecting openings in
floor/roof-ceiling assemblies are installed in accordance with UL
555C, Standard for Safety Ceiling Dampers.
Fire and ceiling dampers are designed to close upon the
operation of a fusible link. When dampers are part of an
engineered smoke-control system the temperature rating of the
fusible links must be 50 degrees above the maximum smoke-
control system designed operating temperature with some
additional qualifiers found in UL 555S.
With the remote operation of dampers for the engineered smoke-
control system, dampers must have provisions that allow them to
re-close automatically upon reaching the damper's maximum
degradation temperature as defined in UL 555S.
Completion of smoke damper travel to either the fully open or
the fully closed state must be accomplished within 75 seconds
and be confirmed at the FSCS.
Note: Local codes may require different response times for
smoke dampers. See System Response Time in Chapter 3.

Louvers and vents

Various combinations of louvers, vents, and non-rated dampers
can be used as a part of a smoke-control system. These venting
methods are used to prevent over-pressurization of stairwells,
elevator shafts and smoke zones. Vents can provide relief using
barometric dampers with adjustable counterweights or electric or
pneumatic motor-operated dampers.
Venting in stairwell and some atrium smoke-control systems
may use side-swinging doors that open to the exterior in lieu of
louvers or vents. Exterior doors produce a constant-supply air
rate, a recognized advantage in the design of stair systems on
several fronts, including a requirement in the Supplement to the
National Building Code of Canada. Exterior door opening is a
method of reducing pressure fluctuations in the stairwell in the
same way in which louvers and vents are used.
Movable louvers may be used in elevator or stairwell
pressurization systems and must be interconnected to the smoke-
control system to ensure that they open in the proper sequence.

1.44 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Movable louvers may also be used for some building or zoned

smoke-control systems. For whichever device is selected, there
should be a capability to close the opening should smoke begin
to enter through it.

Doors for makeup air

The simplest method of introducing makeup air into an area is
via direct openings to the outside using doors and louvers, which
can be opened upon system activation. For new construction, the
architectural designer, in concert with the smoke-control system
designer, can place these opening below the expected smoke
layer. For locations where such openings are impractical, a
powered supply system will likely be used.

Door/wall closers
In the last decade, several manufacturers have developed rolling
or bifold door and wall systems, which can be used to create a
smoke zone, isolate elevator shafts, lobbies, or areas of refuge.
Smoke barriers, other than side swinging doors, are supplied by a
small number of manufacturers. The Won-Door Co. has received
a door and a wall rating for their bifold system; McKeon Rolling
Door has a rolling/swinging door combination; and SmokeGuard
Corp. has an elevator opening protective. Listing directories for
buildings materials contain specifics about these products. Each
of these barrier systems depends upon smoke detection for
operation and where used is an important part of establishing and
maintaining smoke-control zones.

Panel and component operation

Panel functions
This chapter provides general information on the techniques used
to evaluate the physical characteristics of smoke movement
through buildings as a basis for designing smoke-control
systems. Mechanical system components consisting primarily of
fans and dampers are determined, sized, and located by the
smoke-control system designer. The smoke-control system
designer is an engineer, architect, or competent person, usually
on the building owner's design team. The XLS1000 Smoke-
Control System Designer should not establish smoke zones, and
airflow requirements as a part of the design unless they are
competent in HVAC system and smoke movement analysis. The
XLS1000 smoke-control system panel functions are therefore
based upon requirements established by the smoke-control
system designer.
Detection of a fire or smoke condition is the same for an
XLS1000 smoke-control system panel and the standard

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.45

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

XLS1000 fire alarm panel. Outputs from the smoke-control

system are focused upon two areas:
• Removing or reducing smoke from an area or zone
• Compartmentalizing a smoke zone
Smoke-control system functions do not include the alerting of
the occupants or fire department of the event; this is performed
by the fire alarm panel. An XLS1000 smoke-control system can
be a stand-alone panel with its own 3-CPU1 Central Processor
Module, Primary Power Supply Module (3-PPS/M), Local Rail
Modules (LRM), Control/LED Displays, and related controllers.
Alternately, an XLS1000 smoke-control system can be housed in
an XLS1000 fire alarm panel sharing 3-CPU1, 3-PPS/M, and
other panel functions. The decision to incorporate smoke-control
system functions into the XLS1000 fire alarm panel should be
accepted as a part of the design process by the building owner
and local AHJ requirements. There are some jurisdictions
currently requiring a stand-alone smoke-control system under
their building and fire codes.

Control system supervision and instrumentation

Every smoke-control system must have a means of ensuring it
will operate if needed. The means will vary according to the
complexity and importance of the system. Supervision devices
can include:
• The presence of operating power downstream of all circuit
• End-to-end supervision of wiring, equipment, and devices in
a manner that includes provisions for positive confirmation
of activation, periodic testing, and manual override operation
• Positive confirmation of fan activation by means of duct
pressure, airflow, or equivalent sensors that respond to loss
of operating power, problems in the power or control circuit
wiring, airflow restrictions, and failure of the belt, shaft
coupling, or motor itself
• Positive confirmation of damper operation by contact,
proximity, or equivalent sensors that respond to loss of
operating power or compressed air, problems in the power
control circuit, or pneumatic lines, and failure of the damper
actuator, linkage, or damper itself
• Other devices or means as appropriate

Energy management systems

Energy management systems, particularly those that cycle
supply, return, and exhaust fans for energy conservation, must be
overridden when they control or may operate in conflict with the
smoke-control system. Smoke-control is an emergency mode of

1.46 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

operation and is to take priority over all energy management and

other non-emergency control modes.

Materials used for systems supplying smoke-control are to
conform to NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air
Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, and its referenced
Duct materials should be designed and selected to convey hot
smoke, withstand any additional pressure (either positive or
negative) by the supply and exhaust fans when operating in a
smoke-control mode. Ducts must maintain their structural
integrity during the period when they are designed to operate.
Special high-temperature ratings for smoke exhaust fans are not
normally necessary.

Electrical power requirements

All electrical installations must meet the requirements of NFPA
70, National Electric Code, in addition to building code
requirements. Normal electrical power serving air conditioning
systems will generally have sufficient reliability for non-
dedicated zoned smoke-control systems.
Standby power for dedicated smoke-control systems and their
control systems should be adequate for the expected duration of
a fire event.

Programming functions
Regardless of the type of smoke-control system installed, the
control and programming device functions will fall into three
general categories.
• The operation of fans - turning ON or OFF
• The operation of compartmenting components (dampers,
doors, louvers, walls, or windows)- to OPEN or CLOSE
• Auto is the placement of HVAC system components in their
normal non-fire condition.
From the two control categories the monitoring or status of
smoke-control equipment will also be needed or required.
Verification of devices results in a confirmation of:
• An ON (fan) or OPEN (dampers, etc.) condition
• An OFF (fan) or CLOSE(D) (dampers, etc.) condition
Control and Monitoring Functions will fall into one of the
categories shown in Table 1-1 for fans or compartmenting
devices. Monitoring will take the form of an LCD, or
Annunciator LED. Table 1-1 provides a list of control actions
and the devices they monitor.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.47

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Table 1-1: Control and monitoring functions

Control action Resulting Control or LED status
AUTO OFF Overrides normal HVAC Controls
Turn Fan OFF Only when Fan is OFF
Turn Fan OFF Only when Fan is ON
Turn Fan OFF Fan is ON & OFF
Turn Fan ON Only when Fan is OFF
Turn Fan ON Only when Fan is ON
Turn Fan ON When Fan is ON & OFF
Turn Fan ON & OFF Only when Fan is OFF
Turn Fan ON & OFF Only when Fan is ON
Turn Fan ON & OFF Only when Fan is ON & OFF
CLOSE Damper* When Damper is CLOSED
CLOSE Damper* When Damper is OPEN
CLOSE Damper* When Damper is OPEN & CLOSED
OPEN Damper* When Damper is CLOSED
OPEN Damper* When Damper is OPEN
OPEN Damper* When Damper is OPEN & CLOSED
OPEN & CLOSE Damper* Damper is CLOSED
OPEN & CLOSE Damper* When Damper is OPEN
OPEN & CLOSE Damper* When Damper is OPEN & CLOSED
AUTO ON Returns HVAC to normal operation
* For this table, Damper is used to denote any compartmenting device.

For each of the Control Actions in Table 1-1 the verification of

the result is displayed at a monitoring point. For example, a
controlling action to “Turn Fan ON or OFF” with a monitoring
requirement to verify “Only when Fan is ON” results in the
capability to turn the fan ON or OFF when a fire is detected. In
addition, verification when the fan is turned on in response to a
fire will occur, usually in the form of an LED at the XLS1000
Smoke-Control Panel.
Note: Typically for a non-dedicated HVAC fan, when the fan is
in its normal or Auto operating state, there will be suppression of
the LED monitor point.

1.48 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Control and monitoring examples

For Figure 1-21 both fans and dampers are used for smoke-
control. There are two zones for the multiple zone arrangement.
In the example, there is a supply and return vent for each area
with dampers located at each vent and the system is equipped
with mechanical exhaust. The smoke-control system designer
has determined that in the event of a fire, the smoke zone must
be placed under a negative pressure and adjacent zones must
have positive pressures to prevent smoke intrusion.
Depressurization of the smoke zone is accomplished by closing
the supply damper (S1), verifying the exhaust damper (R1) is
open, and turning on the return air fan. Pressurization of the
adjacent area is accomplished by closing the exhaust damper
(R2) and opening the supply damper (S2) while starting the
supply fan.
The steps in controlling and monitoring the Figure 1-21 smoke-
control system example upon fire detection are found in Table

Table 1-2: Smoke-control sequencing for Figure 1-21

Control action Monitor-LED indication
1. AUTO OFF Overrides normal HVAC controls
2. Open Damper R1 Only when Damper R1 is OPEN
3. Close Damper S1 Only when Damper S1 is CLOSED
4. Start Return Fan Return Fan ON
5. Close Damper R2 Only when Damper R2 is CLOSED
6. Open Damper S2 Only when Damper S2 is OPEN
7. Start Supply Fan Supply Fan ON

The Control Sequencing in Table 1-1 will be discussed in detail

as it applies to an XLS1000 smoke-control system in Chapters 2
and 3.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.49

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Exhaust to outside

Supply from outside


Dampers R1 S1 R2

Smoke zone Adjacent smoke

control zone

Figure 1-21: Smoke-control using fans and dampers

1.50 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

Additional reading
“Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems,” William A.
Schmidt, NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, Eighteenth Edition.
Design of Smoke Management Systems, John H. Klote and James
A. Milke.
“Emergency Movement,” Harold E. Nelson and H.E.
MacLennan, The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection
Engineering, second edition.
Fire Alarm Signaling Systems, Richard W. Bukowski and Robert
J. O'Laughlin.
“Movement of People,” Jake Pauls, The SFPE Handbook of Fire
Protection Engineering, second edition.
ASME/ANSI117.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators
NFPA 92 A, Recommended Practice for Smoke-Control Systems.
NFPA 92B, Guide for Smoke Management Systems in Malls,
Atria, and Large Areas.
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code
NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code
NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code Chapter 6
NFPA 204, Guide for Smoke and Heat Venting
BOCA, Business Object Component Architecture International
UBC, Uniform Building Code
SBC, Standard Building Code
IBC, International Building Code
UL-864, UUKL section for Smoke Control System Equipment
Signature Series Intelligent Smoke and Heat Detectors Bulletin.
(P/N 270145)
“Smoke Movement in Buildings,” John H. Klote and Harold E.
Nelson NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, Eighteenth Edition.
Smoke Movement and Control in High-rise Buildings, George T.
Smoke-Control in Fire Safety Design, E.G. Butcher and A.C.
“Commissioning Smoke Management Systems,” ASHRAE
Guideline 5-1994, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE,
Atlanta, GA, 30329

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 1.51

Building fire geometry and smoke movement

1.52 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Chapter 2
XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

The XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware components are
described in this Chapter as a part of an XLS1000 fire alarm
network or as a standalone system with an annunciator panel for
firefighter use.

The XLS1000 smoke-control system•2.2
Firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS)•2.3
XLS1000 smoke-control system design considerations•2.5
FSCS firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS)•2.14
XLS1000 SCS installation•2.14
Cabinets and enclosures•2.14
Power supplies•2.24
FSCS series smoke control graphics annunciators•2.41
Graphic annunciator modules•2.41
FSCS current requirements•2.47
Wiring diagrams•2.48
Relay control with LED/switch displays•2.48

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.1

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

The XLS1000 smoke-control system

The XLS1000 smoke-control system is designated in this manual
as the SCS. The SCS consists of fans, dampers, and other
controls included in a typical XLS1000 installation. The
XLS1000 firefighter's smoke-control station is designated in this
manual as the FSCS.
The SCS and the FSCS include a 3-LCD and LED/switch
modules, which are common to the XLS1000 fire alarm network.
The FSCS may also include a smoke-control graphics
annunciator, which is not a part of the XLS1000 network. The
smoke-control graphics annunciator is designated in this manual
as an FSCS series annunciator. The model names for the FSCS
series annunciators include:
• FSCS-1 smoke-control graphics annunciator (18 x 24 in)
• FSCS-2 smoke-control graphics annunciator (24 x 24 in)
• FSCS-3 smoke-control graphics annunciator (24 x 36 in)
• FSCS-4 smoke-control graphics annunciator (36 x 48 in)
Note: Do not confuse the FSCS series annunciators or their
model names with the FSCS (firefighter's smoke control station).
The SCS and the FSCS are able to receive fire alarm inputs and
perform predetermined control functions. Control functions
include opening or closing doors, dampers, and barriers. Other
control functions include shutting down or starting up fans to
limit smoke spread beyond the area of origin.
The SCS may be designed and installed as a standalone system
or integrated into the standard XLS1000 fire alarm network
panels. NFPA 92A contains performance criteria for the design
of a smoke-control system. The integrity of a smoke-control
system can be accomplished with smoke-control components
mounted in an XLS1000 fire alarm panel which also provides for
occupant notification, off premises notification, and other NFPA
72 alarm system requirements not common to smoke-control
To meet NFPA 92A design criteria, some jurisdictions may
require a panel for the SCS separate from the fire alarm system.
Confirmation of the ability to integrate smoke-control system
components into the fire alarm panel should be made with the
owner and the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to
The FSCS series annunciator panel must indicate the routing of
fire alarm devices connected to the SCS as required by NFPA
72. Operational power for dampers, fans, and their related
components are critical to the operation of the smoke-control
system and should be on building emergency power. NFPA 92A
recommends connection to emergency power for critical smoke-

2.2 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

control components, while local the AHJ may require emergency

power for all system components.

An XLS1000 SCS designed and installed independent of any fire
alarm system requirements constitutes a standalone smoke-
control system. This type of application is most suitable for:
• Applications where the SCS also serves as the FSCS
• Multiple building facilities or business campus environments
• Single zone systems like stairwells, elevator shafts, and
vertical shafts
The AHJ in some jurisdictions may require the SCS be installed
as a standalone fire protection component.

The XLS1000 SCS utilizes many components found in an
XLS1000 fire alarm network and may even share the same
cabinet. The SCS may also share XLS1000 components like the
3-CPU1. In such cases, comply with the performance
requirements of NFPA 92A in the programming of shared

Firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS)

The FSCS, where required, provides graphical monitoring and
manual control over the smoke-control system. The FSCS must
have priority over all smoke-control system components shared
with an HVAC system. Where manual controls are also provided
at other building locations for management of smoke-control
systems, the control mode selected from the FSCS is to have
override or bypass capability over other building controls.
Building controls such as Hand-Off-Auto and Start/Stop
switches located on fan motor controllers, freeze detection
devices, and duct smoke detectors typically must be overridden
or bypassed in order to ensure the FSCS can be used to contain
or control smoke movement.
The override exception is where fan control capability switches
for non-dedicated smoke-control system fans (i.e. HVAC) are
located in electrical equipment or mechanical rooms accessible
only to authorized personnel. In addition to authorized access,
the operation of one of these motor controller switches must
cause a trouble annunciation at the building's main control
center, in order that the FSCS need not override or bypass these
The FSCS must not override or bypass devices and controls,
designed to:
• Protect against electrical overloads

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.3

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

• Provide for personnel safety

• Prevent major system damage
Controls not to be overridden include:
• Overcurrent protection devices
• Electrical disconnect switches
• High-limit static pressure switches
• Combination fire/smoke dampers beyond their UL 555
degradation temperature classifications
The FSCS series annunciator must display a building diagram
that clearly indicates the type and location of all smoke-control
equipment. The building areas affected by the equipment are also
to be indicated. The FSCS will utilize the FSCS series
annunciator to meet this requirement.
• The actual status of the system components and equipment
which are activated or capable of activation for smoke-
control are to be indicated at the FSCS series annunciator.
• Status indication for each fan having a capacity of 2,000 cfm
(944 L/s) or more is to include on and off conditions. The
“ON” status should be sensed by pressure difference at the
design smoke-control airflow.
• Damper position at smoke barriers and other critical
locations are to be confirmed by positive means.

2.4 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

XLS1000 smoke-control system design considerations

Dedicated smoke-control system mechanical components such as
fans and dampers are used only for smoke-control. Design and
sizing of fans and other components is focused upon static
pressure control, safety devices, and sizing to manage the
required smoke-control air flows.
Dedicated smoke-control systems include stairwell
pressurization, smoke shaft exhaust systems, elevator shaft
pressurization systems, and atrium smoke-control systems.
Controls for dedicated smoke-control systems will be more
straightforward since fans and dampers will likely be under the
sole control of the SCS.

Stairwell pressurization systems

• Stairwell pressurization systems are designated as either
• Compensated systems have control provisions which react to
changes in airflow in order to maintain a specific static
pressure level. Depending upon the height of the stairwell,
sensors and exhaust dampers will adjust air flows for
pressure losses due to doors opening in the stairwell. Current
designs place sensors and exhaust damper controls at every
third floor in mid or high-rise buildings. An SCS design for
compensated systems must provide for control of fans and
dampers at multiple points in a compensated system. Fans
are typically VAV type or contain bypass ducts around the
fan. Stairwells of 8 floors or less may be compensated with
only fans at the top or bottom of the stairwell and dampers
on the opposite end.
• Non-compensated systems do not have static pressure
control provisions. Fans and dampers or vents are designed
and programmed to operate at a set pressure for the stairwell.
• Stairwell pressurization fan air intakes must be located in a
manner that helps to ensure that smoke from a building fire
is not drawn into the stairwell. The air intakes will supply all
of the air to the stairwell and therefore requires a duct smoke
detector which will shut down the fan if smoke is detected
and the FSCS must have a detector override for the fan.
• A relief damper for a pressurized stairwell, operable from the
FSCS should be located at the top of the stairwell to prevent
over-pressurization in addition to venting any smoke which
may enter the stairwell. Damper relief is set by the Building
Smoke-control System Designer, normally at not less than
2500 cfm (1180 L/s) with a differential pressure of 0.15
inches (37035 Pa) of water. The FSCS designer should
anticipate a control point for the relief damper.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.5

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Smoke shaft exhaust systems

• Smoke, as covered in Chapter 1, has a tendency to move
upward in a building. Buildings may be designed with a
smoke shaft as a mechanical method of exhausting smoke
from a selected floor. A smoke shaft serving a smoke zone
will assist a smoke-control system by reducing smoke spread
and static pressures on the fire floor which have a tendency
to push smoke into adjacent zones or to other floors.
• Smoke shaft systems consist of an exhaust fan mounted on
the top of a vertical shaft which runs up the entire height of a
structure. The shaft is constructed of fire rated material and
connects to each floor through an FSCS and SCS operable
combination fire/smoke dampers. Dampers are normally
kept closed with the damper on the fire floor opening upon
detection of fire followed by the startup of the shaft fan. The
fire/smoke dampers, which connect each zone to the smoke
shaft are to be reopening, within the limits of NFPA 90A-3-
4.5, to allow for operation from the FSCS if their
temperature activating mechanism causes them to
automatically close and mechanical venting is needed. The
smoke fan's discharge must be a minimum of 3 feet (0.9144
m) above the roof level or deck.

2.6 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Fan discharge
3 ft. Minimum
above roof

Smoke shaft

Fire / smoke zone Dampers

Figure 2-1: Smoke shaft system

Elevator shaft pressurization systems

• Elevator shaft pressurization systems are similar in concept
to stairwell pressurization systems, but of two types. The
first is the pressurization of the elevator system in order that
it may be used for occupant evacuation. In the second type,
the pressurization of the elevator shaft prevents or limits
smoke spread from the fire floor into the shaft. Meeting
ADA area of refuge and egress requirements in tall buildings
will often bring elevator shaft pressurization into a building's
life safety system design.
• The Building Smoke-control System Designer must evaluate
the possible effect of positive elevator pressurization upon a
smoke zone's ability to maintain a negative pressure.
• Elevator car movement, as reviewed in Chapter 1, may
present additional challenges in maintaining shaft
• Elevator smoke-control will involve the turning on of one or
more pressurization fans and controlling the static pressure
within the elevator shaft. Design approaches today inject air

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.7

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

into the shaft near the main floor with air flow upward to a
relief damper at the top of the shaft. Dampers are typically of
the barometric type in order to effectively maintain a higher
static pressure in the elevator shaft.

Atrium smoke-control systems

• Governed by NFPA 92B, Guide for Smoke Management in
Malls, Atria, and Large Areas, in most local codes. Atrium
smoke-control, another dedicated smoke-control type,
focuses upon exhausting smoke products at a rate which will
maintain tenability and help preserve visibility at lower
levels of the atrium.
• Smoke removal fans at the ceiling must typically provide the
greater of six air changes per hour or 40,000 cfm (18800
L/s). Very large atriums must have a ceiling exhaust system
capable of at least four changes per hour.
• Supply air openings for diluting and exhausting smoke are
located on the lowest or next to lowest level and are sized
the design air flow requirements. Larger atriums may also
have fans for supplying makeup air. Openings for supply air
may consist of louvers, dampers, rolling doors, and
pedestrian doors as specified by the smoke-control system
designer. Operation of supply air doors or dampers from the
FSCS is required.
• Detection of a fire in an atrium is via smoke detectors
mounted on the ceiling, and under floor projections in the
atrium. Beam type detectors are often specified for larger or
taller spaces.
• The atrium smoke-control system fans and dampers are
normally off or closed. Sequencing of supply openings with
fan startup is part of the XLS1000 SCS. Static pressure
control may be, but typically is not, a part of system
For each of the dedicated system types the final goal is to create
a pressure differential of 0.15 in. to 0.45 in. of water (37.4 Pa to
112.05 Pa) across a door opening or on either side of a barrier.
For dedicated systems, the Building Smoke-control System
Designer will establish the size of fans, dampers, and vents. The
sequencing of fan operation and damper controls will also be
defined for the XLS1000 SCS designer/installer.

FSCS non-dedicated mechanical system components are
commonly a part of the building HVAC system. HVAC systems
are used for smoke-control to create differential pressures
between the smoke zone and adjacent zones or areas.

2.8 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Differential pressurization is typically achieved by providing

adjacent zones with full supply air (100 percent from the outside)
without any return or exhaust in the adjacent zone. The smoke
zone air supply is stopped and full exhaust of the zone to the
outside is implemented to relieve fire generated pressures or
create a negative pressure in the smoke zone.
Non-dedicated smoke-control systems include single zone
HVAC systems with direct outside air and direct exhaust air,
single zone systems with common outside air and common
exhaust air, central HVAC systems, dual duct HVAC systems,
multi-zone HVAC systems, and variable air volume systems.
Key FSCS settings criteria for each of these system types and
smoke-control operating positions for devices follow.

Single zone HVAC systems with direct outside air and direct
exhaust air
• Single zone HVAC systems most often serve one floor or a
portion of a floor in a multistory building and are readily
adaptable to smoke-control use.
• Several zones will be used to limit smoke spread by creating
differential pressures around a fire.

Table 2-1: Single zone smoke-control settings with direct outside air and direct exhaust air
Smoke zone Adjacent zone(s) Remote zones
Supply fan OFF Supply fan ON Maintain HVAC operation
while power supply is available
without impacting fire area
smoke-control operations
Return fan ON Return fan OFF
Exhaust air damper OPEN Exhaust air damper CLOSED
Return air damper CLOSED Return air damper CLOSED
Outside air damper CLOSED Outside air damper OPEN
Reset static pressure control Reset static pressure control
to maximize air flow and to maximize air flow and
prevent duct failure prevent duct failure

Single zone systems with common outside air and common

exhaust air
• Receive their outside air from a common outside air system
and are found in multiple floor buildings. HVAC controls
are provided within individually zoned systems.
• Single zone HVAC systems can be effectively used to
provide smoke-control when smoke dampers are located at
barriers to limit smoke spread.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.9

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-2: Single zone smoke-control settings with common outside air and exhaust ducts
Smoke zone Adjacent zone(s) Common outside and Common remote
exhaust air system zones
Supply fan OFF Supply fan ON Supply fan ON* Supply fan OFF
Return fan ON* Return fan OFF* Return fan ON* Return fan OFF*
Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper OPEN Exhaust air damper
Supply air damper Supply air damper Outside air damper OPEN Supply air damper
Return air damper Return air damper Reset static pressure
CLOSED CLOSED control to maximize air flow
and prevent duct failure
* If no return fan is present, dampers are still positioned as indicated.

Central HVAC systems

• Most often used in multiple floor buildings with a single
HVAC system providing service for 6 to 20 floors.
• Conditioned air is supplied to each floor via large vertical
shafts with each HVAC zone having reheat provisions.
• Damper positioning is the key component in isolating
smoke-control zones in these systems.
• Control of static pressures in large vertical shafts supplying
or exhausting air is necessary to prevent duct collapse or
rupture during smoke-control events.

Table 2-3: Central system smoke-control settings

Smoke zone Adjacent zone(s) Central system Remote zones on
central system
Supply fan ON
Return fan ON
Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper
Supply air damper Supply air damper Outside air damper Supply air damper
Return air damper
Reset static pressure
control to maximize air
flow and prevent duct

2.10 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Dual duct HVAC systems

• Provide a central source of conditioned air through a hot
supply duct and a cold supply duct serving multiple zones.
Each zone has mixing boxes to control room temperatures.
• Configuring for smoke-control of dual duct HVAC systems
utilizes mixing box air flows for pressurization.
• Cold air ducts are often relied upon for air supply due to
their larger size.

Table 2-4: Dual duct smoke-control settings

Smoke zone Adjacent zone(s) Dual duct central Remote zones on
system same dual duct
Supply fan ON
Return fan ON
Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper
Hot duct damper Exhaust air damper Outside air damper Hot duct damper
Cold duct damper Hot duct damper Return air damper Cold duct damper
Cold duct damper Reset static pressure
CLOSED control to maximize air
flow and prevent duct

Multi-zone HVAC systems

• Provide separate air mixes for each HVAC zone with multi-
zone units.
• Most systems are limited to about 12 zones due to energy
efficiency considerations.
• For smoke-control, multi-zone systems maximize air to
zones designated for pressurization around the fire.
• Cold air ducts are often relied upon for air supply due to
their larger size.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.11

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-5: Multi-zone smoke-control settings

Smoke zone Adjacent zone(s) Multi-zone central Remote zones on
system same multi-zone
Supply fan ON
Return fan ON
Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper
Supply air damper Supply air damper Outside air damper Supply air damper
Return air damper
Reset static pressure
control to maximize air
flow and prevent duct

Variable air volume systems (VAV)

• VAV systems serve multiple building zones with
conditioned air at required volumes.
• Terminal units in each building zone contain dampers to
control air volume and may contain fans and heating coils.
• Damper positioning and controlling of supply and return
fans to provide maximum air volume are needed for smoke-
control applications using VAV systems.
• Static pressure controls must be reset to permit maximum air
flow without duct collapse or rupture.

2.12 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-6: VAV smoke-control settings

Smoke zone Adjacent zone(s) Central VAV system Remote zones on
same central system
Supply fan ON
Return fan ON
Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper Exhaust air damper
Supply air damper Supply air damper Outside air damper Supply air damper
Terminal unit Return air damper
discharge damper CLOSED
Reset static pressure
control to maximize air
flow and prevent duct

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.13

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

FSCS firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS)

The FSCS, where required, is most often located in the building's
fire command center. The FSCS is a remotely networked panel,
which also contains an FSCS series annunciator. Where the fire
command center is also located in the building's central security
center, an SCS with a graphic annunciator may also serve as the
The FSCS series annunciator, with network support hardware, is
capable of providing both monitoring and manual control of
smoke-control system components. The FSCS series
annunciator, when combined to the correct Signature Series
modules, can be used by firefighters to start and stop fans and
open and close dampers for smoke-control. The system, while
designed primarily for occupant protection and egress, can be
used by firefighters to exhaust smoke and allow for effective fire
attack and extinguishment by manual means.

XLS1000 SCS installation

XLS1000 SCS installation uses components detailed here and in
greater detail in the XLS1000 Technical Reference Manual.
System calculations, detailed hardware applications, and
networking and wiring requirements for an SCS are as detailed
in the XLS1000 Technical Reference Manual (P/N 95-7545).
Smoke-control systems, which are not interconnected as part of
an XLS1000 fire alarm network panel, constitute a standalone
system. The descriptions of components which follow address a
standalone smoke-control system, but can also be applied to a
FACP function with the smoke-control system components
sharing common inputs and hardware in the XLS1000 fire alarm
network panel.

Cabinets and enclosures

XLS1000 smoke-control system components are mounted in any
of the 3-CAB or RCC Series cabinets detailed in the XLS1000
Installation Manual. Each XLS1000 “CAB” series cabinet
assembly is completed with inner and outer doors.

The 3-CHAS7 chassis provides the mounting, internal power and
data distribution for up to seven plug-in local rail modules.
Chassis design facilitates separation of power limited and
nonpower-limited circuits by locating power-limited circuitry
toward the front of the chassis and non-power limited wiring at
the rear of the chassis. The 3-CHAS7 chassis mounts to the back
wall of a 3-CAB7, 3-CAB14, and 3-CAB21 cabinets. Multiple
3-CHAS7 chassis are interconnected within a cabinet using the

2.14 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

supplied cables. The chassis are suitable for direct mounting in a

standard EIA 19” rack. When 19” rack mounted, trim plates are
required. The 3-CHAS4, XLS200, and 3-CABS provide similar
chassis functionality.






Figure 2-2: 3-CHAS7 chassis

Table 2-7: 3-CHAS7 chassis

Cabinet Installation Requires one chassis space
19-inch rack dimensions (HWD) 12.0 in x 19.0 in x 5.25 in (30.48 cm x 48.26 cm x 13.34 cm)

3-CPU1 panel controller / 3-LCD

The 3-CPU1 is the control point for all other modules and the
SCS operator interface units common to the XLS1000 network.
Installation requirements are detailed in the XLS1000 Installation
Manual. The front of the module has four hinged stand-offs for
the front panel/display door.
Install the 3-RS485 Network Communications Card, if required,
in 3-CPU1 connector J2. The card should be firmly seated in its
connector, then secured to the 3-CPU1 controller board by
pressing the snap rivet on the front side of the controller.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.15

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-8: 3-CPU1 Panel controller module specifications

Processor 16 Bit
Memory Capacity
RAM 1 MB Flash non-volatile
1 MB Volatile static
Message Queue 500 Events per Queue
Event History Log 1,000 to 1700 Events, dependent on event type
Rail Space Required Must be mounted in LRM spaces 1 and 2 in 3-CHAS7 for all
Display (optional) 3-LCD Display mounts on front
Integral RS-232 Serial Port Isolated, class B
Connector RJ-45
Circuit Length 50 Ft. (15.2 M) max.
Optional RS-232 Serial Port
Port 1 Optically isolated
Port 2 Optically isolated
Baud Rate 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Connector Via terminals on 3-CPU1
Circuit Length 50 Ft. (15.2 M) max.
Optional Network
Communications Port
Configuration Isolated, Class B (Style 4) or Class A (Style 7)
Format RS-485 using 3-RS-485 card.
Circuit Length 3,000 Ft (915 M) max. between any three panels
Circuit Resistance 90 Ω, max.
Circuit Capacitance 0.3 µF, max.
Wire Type Twisted Pair, 18 AWG (0.75 mm2) min.
Termination All wiring connects to removable plug-in terminal strips
Size 14 AWG (1.5 mm2 ) max.
System Alarm Relay Form C, rated at 24 VDC @ 1A
System Trouble Relay Form C, rated at 24 VDC @ 1A
System Supervisory Relay Form C, rated at 24 VDC @ 1A
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

3-LCD display
The 3-LCD is the primary operator interface for the SCS and
FSCS. The 3-LCD is mounted to the inner door in front of the
3-CPU1. The 3-LCD combines with the 3-ANNCPU1 to form
the FSCS. The 3-LCD is connected to any optional display
modules with a ribbon cable.

2.16 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

As the firefighter interface for the FSCS the 3-LCD switches and
the LED indicators have the same functionality as the 3-CPU1/3-
LCD. Only one 3-LCD is required for an entire network, at the
point of network control, most often at the fire command center.
The display provides a 64 by 128 pixel back-lit liquid crystal
display. Graphic symbols as well as text may be displayed on the

Power Test Disable
Fail Fault

Alarm Panel
Reset Drill
Silence Silence

Alarm Sup'y Trouble Monitor


1 2 3 Message
4 5 6
7 8 9 Message

0 Menu


Figure 2-3: 3-LCD

LEDs on the 3-LCD display power, test, CPU fail, ground fault
and disable functions. Switches with integral LED's are provided
for reset, trouble silence, alarm silence, and drill functions.
Message queue select switches with integral LED's are provided
for alarm, supervisory, trouble, and monitor message queues.
Scrolling through a message queue is accomplished using Next
and Previous message queue switches. Special function switches
are also provided for expanded messages. The display is also
equipped with a 10 digit numeric keypad with enter and delete

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.17

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-9: 3-LCD display for the panel controller specifications

Mounting Mounts on the front of the 3-CPU1 panel controller module
Installation Plugs into connector J1 of 3-CPU1 module
LCD Display 64 x 128 pixels, super twist back lit liquid crystal
Power Green LED
CPU Failure Yellow LED
Test Yellow LED
Ground Fault Yellow LED
Disable Yellow LED
Reset Yellow LED integral with reset switch
Trouble Silence Yellow LED integral with panel silence switch
Alarm Silence Yellow LED integral with alarm silence switch
Drill Yellow LED integral with drill switch
Alarm Message Queue Red LED integral with alarm message queue switch
Supervisory Msg. Queue Yellow LED integral with supervisory msg. queue switch
Trouble Message Queue Yellow LED integral with trouble msg. queue switch
Monitor Message Queue Yellow LED integral with monitor msg. queue switch
Operator Controls Reset Switch
Alarm Silence Switch
Panel Silence Switch
Drill Switch
10 digit keypad with enter and delete keys
Message queue scroll switches
Command Menu switch
Expanded Messages switch
Messages per Queue 500 messages per queue, max.
Current Requirements
Standby 53 mA @ 24 Vdc
Alarm 53 mA @ 24 Vdc
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 93% RH, non-condensing

LED/switch displays
Control/LED displays provide additional operator interface
capability for the network as individual, designer assignable
LEDs and touch-pad switches. Control/LED displays mount on
the 3-ANNSM Support or LRM modules' hinged front panel.
LEDs must be selected for the appropriate control function. All
Control/LED displays are compatible with the lamp test

2.18 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-10: Control / LED display specifications

Model LED Configuration Switch
3-24R 24 Red None
3-24Y 24 Yellow None
3-24G 24 Green None
3-12SG 12 Green 12
3-12SR 12 Red 12
3-12SY 12 Yellow 12
3-12/S1GY 12 Green over Yellow pairs 12
3-12/S1RY 12 Red over Yellow pairs 12
3-12/S2Y 24 Yellow 12
3-6/3S1G2Y 6 Green-over-Yellow-over- 6 triads
Yellow triads
3-6/3S1GYR 6 Green-over-Yellow-over- 6 triads
Red triads
Installation Mounts on the front of any LRM or 3-ANNSM
module except the 3-CPU1 or 3-ANNCPU1

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.19

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware


3-24x 3-12Sx 3-12/Sxx 3-6/3S1Gxx
Figure 2-4: LED labeling and displays

LED Display, model 3-24x LED, provides 24 LEDs. Adjacent to

each LED is a slip-in label, for LED function identification. A
typical application for smoke-control would be the confirming
visual signals for damper position or fan operation using the 3-
24G model.
Control/LED display, model 3-12/Sx, provides 12 LEDs, each
grouped with one switch. Adjacent to each Control/LED is a
slip-in label, for Control/LED function identification. A typical
application for smoke-control would be the monitoring and
control of dedicated fans in a stairtower which need only an
ON/OFF operation.
Control/LED display, model 3-12/Sxx provides 24 LEDs, each
pair of LEDs is grouped with one switch. Adjacent to each
Control/LED group is a slip-in label, for Control/LED function
identification. A typical application for smoke-control would be
the monitoring and control of fans and dampers.
Control/LED display, model 3-6/3Sxxx provides 18 LEDs, each
triad of LEDs is grouped with three software interlocked
switches. Adjacent to each Control/LED group is a slip-in label,
for Control/LED function identification. This Control/LED is
well suited for HVAC fan control where ON/OFF/AUTO

2.20 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

controls are desired in place of EVSC3 series toggle switches on

the FSCS.

LED/switch display and configuration

The switches on an LED/switch display may be configured to
use one of three available operating modes. The available
operating modes are:
• Toggle: The state of the switch changes each time the switch
is pushed, i.e. “start” to “stop” or “stop” to “start.”
• The toggle switch mode can be used in smoke-control
systems to perform two-state operations (on/off, open/close).
• The output of an “on” switch remains “on” during panel
reset, and must be manually turned “off” when no longer
• Interlocked: Three adjacent toggle switches that operate as
a group. Pushing any switch in the group turns the output of
the other two switches “off” and turns its own output “on.”
• Interlocked switches are sometimes referred to as “radio
• The interlocked mode is commonly used for “Hand-Off-
Auto” control of HVAC systems. It is also useful for
controlling up to three mutually exclusive events, however,
only one of the three events can be active at any one time.
• An interlocked switch in the “on” state can be turned “off”
without activating a second switch by pressing the “on”
switch a second time.
• The output of the “on” switch remains on, during panel reset,
and must be manually turned “off” when no longer required.
• Momentary: The switch is “on” only while manually
activated by the operator. The momentary switch mode is
typically to issue momentary commands which typically are
self-latching until complete. Common examples are: lamp
tests, function reset and test sequences.
Switches are always configured in groups of three, regardless of
the operating mode. Switches are configured using the LRM
configuration function in the SDU program by selecting the
Operator Layer tab.

3-LDSM LED display support rail module

The 3-LDSM LED display support module provides the circuitry
required to operate a LED/Switch display when the cabinet does
not have enough modules installed on a rail chassis to support
the number of displays required. Connect the display ribbon

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.21

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

cable (P/N 250186) from connector J1 on the display to

connector J1 on the module.
Mount the Control/LED Display in the recess on the front of the
module door. Secure the display to the module with the four
supplied plastic rivets. Snap the door into the module’s hinged

Table 2-11: 3-LDSM LED display support module specifications

Installation 1 LRM space
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing





Figure 2-5: 3-LDSM Module

2.22 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

3-LRMF Blank Local Rail Module

The 3-LRMF Blank Module is used to fill unused module spaces
on a rail. Install a 3-LRMF module in each rail space which does
not have a module installed to: fill in any gaps in the rail, provide
a uniform appearance, and prevent the entry of foreign objects
into the cabinet.

3-RS485 Network RS-485 communications card

The 3-RS485 network data communications card is used to
connect two 3-CPU1 Panel Controllers using copper conductors.
A Class A/B circuit is provided for network communications,
and a Class B circuit is provided for digital audio
The 3-RS485 Network Communications Card is delivered
installed with the 3-ANNCPU1 in the FSCS.
The card should be firmly seated in its connector, then secured to
the 3-CPU1 controller board by pressing the snap rivets on the
front side of the controller.

Table 2-12: 3-RS485 Network RS-485 communications card specifications

Installation Plugs into connector J2 of 3-CPU1 Panel Controller
Network Data
Communications Circuit
Circuit Configuration Class B (Style 4) or Class A (Style 7)
Data Rate 38.4 KB
Isolation Isolated from “previous” 3-CPU1
Circuit Length 5,000 Ft. (1,524 M) max between any three panels
Circuit Resistance 90 Ω, max.
Circuit Capacitance 0.3 µF, max.
Wire Type Twisted Pair, 18 AWG (0.75 mm2) min.
Digitized Audio
Communications Circuit
Circuit Configuration Class B (Style 4)
Data Rate 327 KB
Isolation Isolated from “previous” 3-CPU1
Circuit Length 5,000 Ft. (1,524 M) Max between any three panels
Circuit Resistance 90 Ω, max.
Circuit Capacitance 0.07 µF, max.
Wire Type Twisted Pair, 18 AWG (0.75 mm2), min.
Termination Removable plug-in terminal strips on 3-CPU1
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.23

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

3-RS232 communications card

The 3-RS232 communications card adds two RS-232 serial ports
to the 3-CPU1 Panel Controller module. There are no RS-232
ports or common relay contacts available on the 3-ANNCPU1.
Both RS-232 ports are optically isolated from ground. For the
XLS1000 SCS these ports are used for connecting a network
printer to provide a printed record of sequencing and actions of
the smoke-control system. Where a separate XLS1000 Fire
Alarm Network panel with printer is installed, the 3-RS232 is
typically not included at the FSCS.
Install the 3-RS232 ancillary communications card in 3-CPU1
connector J3. The card should be firmly seated in its connector,
then secured to the 3-CPU1 controller board by pressing the snap
rivet on the front side of the controller.

Table 2-13: 3-RS232 ancillary communications card specifications

Installation Plugs into connector J3 of 3-CPU1 Module
Circuit Configuration Class B
Port Isolation
Port 1 Optically isolated
Port 2 Optically isolated
Baud Rate 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Max. Circuit Length 50 Ft. (15.2 M)
Minimum Wire Size 18 AWG (0.75 mm2)
Termination Removable plug-in terminal strips on 3-CPU1
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

Power supplies
3-PPS/M and 3-PPS/M-230 primary power supply
The 3-PPS/M(-230) primary power supply provides the required
power and related supervision functions for the XLS1000 SCS
panel. The supply is comprised of two major components: the
power supply monitor module, model 3-PSMON, which mounts
on the rail chassis, and the heat sink assembly, model 3-PPS,
which mounts on the rear of the rail chassis. The 3-PPS/M
supply provides filtered, regulated power to power all modules
connected to the 3-CHAS7 rail. The primary power supply is
rated at 24 VDC @ 7.0A total for all outputs. Two independent,
power-limited, supervised 24 VDC, 3.5A auxiliary power
outputs are provided on the primary supply. A 24 VDC auxiliary
output on the plug-in terminals of the power supply provides
power for the FSCS series annunciator. AC power and battery

2.24 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

connections are made to fixed terminals on the heat sink

assembly, remote from the panel’s power limited wiring.
The primary power supply supervises the standby batteries and
provides a dual-rate constant current battery charger featuring
automatic temperature compensation. The charger is capable of
charging batteries up to 60 AH. A remote battery temperature
sensor is available when a remote battery cabinet is used.
Knowing the battery temperature enables the charging circuitry
to maximize charging efficiently, without damaging the battery
due to overheating. A battery monitor circuit disconnects the
batteries from the system when battery voltage drops below
acceptable limits, preventing possible memory problems and a
total discharge of the batteries.
The power supply checks the AC input source and initiates the
automatic transfer to batteries in event of a brownout or loss of
AC power. In the event of a failure of one or more booster power
supplies, the primary power supply determines its ability, along
with the surviving booster supplies, to supply the load. Should
the load ever exceed the ability of the primary and surviving
booster supplies to meet the demand, the standby batteries are
automatically switched in. The supply will also transfer to
battery should an overload cause its heat sink temperature reach
a high level.
Battery failure is annunciated if the battery fails to maintain an
acceptable voltage level. Load testing continues periodically,
until the battery capacity is sufficient to meet the load test
The 3-PSMON Primary Power Supply Monitor local rail module
provides the interface between the power supply and the
XLS1000 SCS panel, making the required data and power
connections to and from the rail chassis. The monitor module
occupies slot #3 (only), next to the 3-CPU1 on the rail and is
secured to the assembly using snap rivet fasteners. The module
also features a hinged front panel for mounting a display or a
blank protective faceplate.
The model 3-PPS/M Power Supply requires 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
input voltage. The model 3-PPS/M-230 Power Supply requires
230 VAC, 50/60 Hz input voltage.

Table 2-14: 3-PPS/M (-230) primary power supply specifications

Installation LRM slot #3 only, adjacent to the 3-CPU1; heat sink assembly
mounts behind rails
Power Input
3-PPS/M 120 VAC, 3.0 A, 50-60 Hz
3-PPS/M-230 230 VAC, 1.5 A, 50-60 Hz.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.25

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-14: 3-PPS/M (-230) primary power supply specifications

Brownout Level
3-PPS/M ≤102 VAC
3-PPS/M-230 ≤195 VAC
Battery Charging
Capacity 10 - 30 or 30 - 60 Amp-Hours
Type Temperature compensated dual rate
Total 7.0A Total, internal and auxiliary outputs
Internal DC 24 VDC @ 7.0A
Auxiliary DC Two 24 VDC @ 3.5 amp, ground fault & short supervised, power
limited outputs
Supervision Low AC
Low Battery (≤ 22.5 VDC)
High Battery
Discharged Battery (≤ 20 VDC)
Ground Fault (≤ 10 KΩ)
AC Input Terminals on heat sink assembly
Batteries Terminals on heat sink assembly
Internal DC Output LRM chassis rails via monitor module
Auxiliary DC Output Removable plug-in terminal strips on monitor module
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

3-BPS/M and 3-BPS/M-230 booster power supply

The 3-BPS/M(-230) booster power supply module is used to
provide additional power over and above the primary power
supply. Up to three additional 24 VDC, 7.0 amp power boosters
may be added in each XLS1000 SCS enclosure, making a total
of 28 amps available for both internal and external applications.
The power supply booster is comprised of two major
components: the 3-BPSMON booster monitor module which
mounts on the rail chassis, and the heat sink assembly, which
mounts on the rear of the rail chassis. Each booster supply
provides filtered, regulated power to power all modules
connected to the rail chassis as well as 24 VDC for auxiliary
applications. Each booster supply is rated at 24 VDC @ 7.0A for
all outputs. The power supply provides two independent, power
limited, supervised 24 VDC, 3.5A auxiliary power outputs. The
FSCS series annunciator receives its power from the auxiliary
output. The booster power supplies share a common standby
battery with the primary power supply. Each booster supervises
its own connection to the battery, however all battery charging
and monitoring is done by the primary power supply. The power
supply boosters share the panel’s 24 VDC electrical load with

2.26 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

the primary power supply. In the event of a failure of a booster

power supply, a trouble is annunciated and the panel load is
distributed among the operational power sources. Should the
load ever exceed the ability of the operable power sources to
supply the power, as in the event of an alarm, the system will
automatically transfer to standby batteries.
The booster power supply monitor module provides the interface
between a booster power supply and the panel, by making the
required data and power connections to and from the rail chassis.
The booster monitor module mounts only in slots #3 or #5 on the
rail chassis, and is secured to the assembly using snap rivet
fasteners. The module features a hinged front panel for mounting
a display or a blank protective faceplate.
A 24 VDC auxiliary output is available on plug-in terminals on
the booster power supply module. AC power and battery
connections are made to fixed terminals on the heat sink
assembly, remote from the panel’s power limited wiring.
To take advantage of the power supply’s load sharing capability,
the booster supplies must be located throughout the rail system
in the vicinity of the biggest loads. The largest loads within a
cabinet are the 3-ZAxx amplifier modules (1.5A) and 3-IDC8/4
modules configured as internal 24VDC NACs (7.0A, max.) The
load should be distributed so that the rails on any chassis are not
required to supply more than 21 amps. The following guidelines
should be used to locate power supplies:
• Install one power/booster supply on the left side of each
chassis, where permitted.
• When a second supply is required on a chassis, install it on
the chassis having the greatest load, i.e. 3-ZAxx amplifier
modules or 3-IDC8/4 modules in the internal 24VDC NAC
The model 3-BPS/M Booster Power Supply requires 120 VAC,
50/60 Hz input voltage. The model 3-BPS/M-230 Power Supply
Booster requires 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz input voltage.

Honeywell Single signature driver controller local rail

The Single Signature Driver Controller module provides one
Class A or B Signature Data Circuit (SDC) for Signature series
detectors and modules.
Each Signature circuit supports up to 125 Signature series
detectors and 125 Signature series modules wired in a class A or
B configuration.
Note: A maximum of ten (10) 3-DSDCs can be installed in a
single cabinet. A maximum of fifteen (15) UM modules per

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.27

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

circuit can be configured to support 2-wire smoke detectors

(personality codes 13,14, 20, and 21).





ZONE option card






Front view with Side profile with

optional display option card installed
Figure 2-6: Typical XLS1000 local rail module

The 3-DSDC requires one connection on the rail chassis, and is

secured to the rail assembly using snap rivet fasteners. All field
wiring connections to the 3-DSDC are made via plug-in
connectors, permitting termination of field wiring without the
module installed in the enclosure. The plug-in connectors and
snap rivet mounting also facilitate rapid removal and
replacement for troubleshooting without the use of tools. The
module features a hinged front panel for mounting a display or a
blank protective faceplate.

2.28 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Typical Class B configuration


SDC #1 Smoke power.

To previous 3-SSDC or chassis ground

To next 3-SSDC or chassis ground
+ Circuit #1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

To TB1 on the 3-SSDC through the filter board

Typical Class A configuration


SDC #1 Smoke power.

PS PHS IPHS HFS HRS To previous 3-SSDC or chassis ground

To next 3-SSDC or chassis ground

+ +
Circuit #1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

To TB1 on the 3-SSDC through the filter board

P/N 130396
Signature Series detector and module legend Filter board

Detectors SMOKE23.CDR
Detector HFS: Fixed-temperature heat detector
HRS: Rate-of-rise heat detector 3-SSDC
IPHS: 4D Smoke detector Single
IS: Ionization smoke detector Signature
Module PHS: 3D Smoke detector Data
PS: Photoelectric smoke detector Controller
CR: Control relay module
Universal module CT1: Single input module
CT2 Dual input module
UM: Universal Class A/B module

Figure 2-7: Typical Single Signature Device Controller wiring

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.29

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-15: Single signature driver controller local rail module specifications
Installation 1 LRM space
Module Configuration 1 Signature Data Circuit
Circuit Configuration Class B (Style 4) or Class A (Style 6)
Circuit Capacity 125 Signature series detectors and 125 Signature series
modules1 per circuit. Maximum of 124 “T-Taps.”
A maximum of 15 UM modules per circuit can be configured to
support 2-Wire smoke detectors (personality codes 13,14, 20, &
Smoke Power 24 VDC @ 100 mA
Circuit Resistance 79 Ω, max. (capacitance dependent)
Circuit Capacitance 0.5 µF, max.
Max. Circuit Resistance 6Ω
Between Isolators
Maximum Wire Size 14 AWG (1.5 mm2)
Termination Removable plug-in terminal strips
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing
Ground Fault 10 kΩ

3-IDC8/4 traditional zone I/O local rail module

The traditional zone module provides eight Class B (Style B)
direct connect Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs) for compatible
2-wire smoke detectors and dry contact initiating devices. Four
of the eight IDCs may be converted to Class B (Style Y)
Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC).
Each IDC may be set for latching/non-latching operation and
verified/non-verified operation, and each IDC can support up to
30 model 6270B photoelectric smoke detectors or 50 model
6250B ionization detectors.
Note: When the rail chassis is used as the 24 VDC source, the
module is limited to a 7 amp total current draw. Input terminals
are provided to supply the external source, which must be power
The traditional zone module requires one connection on the rail
chassis, and is secured to the assembly using snap rivet fasteners.
All field wiring connections to the traditional zone module are
made via plug-in connectors, permitting termination of field
wiring without the module installed in the enclosure. The plug-in
connectors and snap rivet mounting also facilitate rapid removal
and replacement for trouble shooting without the use of tools.

2.30 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

The module features a hinged front panel for mounting a display

or a blank protective faceplate.

1 4
4.7 kΩ
2 3 EOL

B401B base 6251B-001A base

IDC/ #2

IDC #1

IDC #3

IDC #4

Connect to IDC 3, 4, 7, or 8
TB1 IDC 1, 2, 5, or 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TX 1 1 To TB1 on Module
2 2
3 3

1 1
2 2
3 3

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

IDC #7

IDC #8
IDC #6
IDC #5


Figure 2-8: Typical IDC wiring

Table 2-16: 3-IDC8/4 traditional zone I/O local rail module specifications
Installation 1 LRM space
Module Configuration 8 Initiating Device Circuits
Initiating Device Circuit (IDC)
Wiring Configuration Class B (Style B)
Detector Voltage 16.23 to 25.4 VDC, max. Ripple 400 mV
Short Circuit Current 75.9 mA, max.
Circuit Resistance 50 Ω, max.
Capacitance 100 µF, max.
EOL Resistor 4.7 kΩ
Detector Load 50 detectors, maximum
Maximum Wire Size 12 AWG (2.5 mm2)
Termination Removable plug-in terminal strips on module
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.31

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Signature series detectors
The selection and installation of smoke detection is based upon
the geometry of the protected space and the type of expected fire.
Signature Series smoke detector application and spacing is
detailed in the Signature Series Intelligent Smoke and Heat
Detectors Applications Bulletin (P/N 270145). Installation
instructions and specifications for Signature series (SIGA)
detectors is contained in the Signature Series Component
Installation Manual (270682).

Beam detection
High ceilings and large open spaces in buildings are suitable for
beam smoke detector units where spacing up to 330 ft (100.5m)
between units is desired or needed. The Model 6424 Beam
Smoke Detector can be used for these special applications.
Consult the Catalog Number 6424 data sheet for specification
and installation information.

Manual Fire Alarm Pull Stations

Manual fire alarm pull stations are normally used for occupant
notification in buildings and are not to enable a smoke-control
system. Manual operation of a dedicated smoke-control system,
such as a stairwell pressurization system, may be specified by
the building system designer or placed in controlled locations
accessible to authorized personnel only. For such applications,
the Signature series single or 2-Stage Fire Alarm Stations
contained in the Signature Series Component Installation
Manual are appropriate.

Signature series modules use personality codes to configure a
module's operation and provide application flexibility. Single
channel Signature modules are programmed with one personality
code. Dual channel Signature modules are programmed with two
personality codes. Personality codes are listed on the installation
sheet for each Signature module. Use of Signature modules will
require the use of the 3-DSDC, which downloads the personality
codes which determines how the module will operate.

The CT1 is an analog addressable device used to connect a Class
B normally-open Alarm, Supervisory, or Monitor type dry

2.32 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

contact initiating device circuit (IDC) to a Signature Loop

Controller. One device address is required.
Personality code 1, N/O alarm latching (Class B): The CT1 is
factory assigned personality code 1. Personality code 1
configures the CT1 for Class B normally-open dry contact
initiating devices. When the N/O input contact of an initiating
device is closed, an alarm signal is sent to the loop controller and
the alarm condition is latched at the module.
Personality code 2, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class B):
Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1
except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately
16 seconds before an Alarm status is generated. Personality code
2 is only for use with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches.
Personality code 3, N/O active-non-latching (Class B): A
contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and
does NOT latch at the module. Personality code 3 is typically
used for monitoring fans, dampers, or doors.
Personality code 4, N/O active latching (Class B): A contact
closure causes an active instead of an alarm status, which is
latched at the module. Personality codes 4 is typically used for
monitoring supervisory and tamper switches.

The Dual Input Module, Model CT2, is a component of the
Signature Series System. The CT2 is an analog addressable
device used to connect up to two Class B normally-open Alarm,
Supervisory, or Monitor type dry contact IDCs to a Signature
Loop Controller. Two (2) device addresses are required.
Personality code 1, N/O alarm latching (Class B): The CT2 is
factory assigned personality code 1 to input channels 1 and 2.
Personality code 1 configures the CT2 for Class B normally-
open dry contact initiating devices. When the N/O input contact
of an initiating device is closed, an alarm signal is sent to the
loop controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module.
Personality code 2, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class B):
Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1
except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately
16 seconds before an Alarm status is generated. Personality code
2 is only for use with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches.
Personality code 3, N/O active-non-latching (Class B): A
contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and
does not latch at the module. Personality code 3 is typically used
for monitoring fans, dampers, and doors.
Personality code 4, N/O active latching (Class B): A contact
closure causes an active instead of an alarm status, which is

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.33

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

latched at the module. Personality codes 4 is typically used for

monitoring supervisory and tamper switches.

The Control Relay Module, Model CR, is a component of the
Signature Series System. The CR is an addressable device used
to provide one Form “C” dry relay contact to control external
appliances such as door closers, fans, dampers, or equipment
shutdown. The system firmware ensures that the relay is in the
proper ON/OFF state. Upon command from the loop controller,
the CR relay energizes. Terminals 6 and 7 provide a normally-
closed relay connection; terminals 7 and 8 provide a normally-
open relay connection. One (1) device address is required. The
loop controller assigns an address to the CR automatically or a
custom address can be assigned to the module via laptop
computer; no addressing switches are used.
Personality code 8, Dry contact output: The CR is factory
assigned personality code 8 which configures the CR as an
output dry relay contact.

The Monitor Module, Model MM1, is a component of the
Signature Series System. The MM1 is an analog addressable
device used to connect a Class B normally-open monitor type
dry contact Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) to a Signature Loop
Controller. One (1) device address is required.
Personality code 3, N/O active-non-latching (Class B): The
MM1 is factory assigned personality code 3. This configures the
MM1 for monitoring of fans, dampers, doors, etc. A contact
closure generates an active status. The active status does NOT
latch at the module (it follows the status of the input switch).

The Waterflow/Tamper Module, Model WTM, is a component
of the Signature Series System. The WTM is an analog
addressable device used to connect Class B normally-open
Waterflow Alarm and Supervisory IDCs to a Signature Loop
Controller. Two (2) device addresses are required.
Personality code 2, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class B):
Personality code 2 is factory assigned to input channel 1 of the
WTM. This configures channel 1 for use with non-retarded
waterflow alarm switches. When the N/O input contact of an
initiating device is closed and maintained closed for
approximately 16 seconds, an alarm status is generated and
latched at the module.
Personality code 4, N/O active latching (Class B): Personality
code 4 is factory assigned to input channel 2 of the WTM. This

2.34 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

configures channel 2 for use with supervisory and tamper

switches. Contact closure generates an active status which is
latched at the module.

The Isolator Module, Model IM is a component of the Signature
Series System. The IM is an analog addressable device used to
protect a Class A data line from total collapse due to wire to wire
short circuits. The IM monitors line voltage and opens the data
line when a short is detected. A short will be isolated between
two IMs located electrically closest to the short. One (1) detector
address is required for each IM.

The universal Class A/B module, model UM is a component of
the Signature Series System. The UM is an analog addressable
device used to connect any one of the following:
• Dual input Class B IDC
• Class A or B IDC
• Class A or B for 2-wire smoke detectors IDCs on one circuit
• Form “C” dry contact relay
The actual function performed by the UM is determined by the
personality code downloaded to the module from the Signature
Loop Controller during system configuration.
Personality code 1, N/O alarm latching (Class B): Personality
code 1 configures input 1 and/or 2 of the UM for Class B
normally-open dry contact initiating devices. When the N/O
input contact of an initiating device is closed, an alarm signal is
sent to the loop controller and the alarm condition is latched at
the module.
Personality code 2, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class B):
Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1
except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately
16 seconds before an Alarm status is generated. Personality code
2 is only for use with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches.
Personality code 3, N/O active-non-latching (Class B): A
contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and
does not latch at the module. Personality code 3 is typically used
for monitoring fans, dampers, or doors.
Personality code 4, N/O active latching (Class B): A contact
closure causes an active instead of an alarm status, which is
latched at the module. Personality code 4 is typically used for
monitoring supervisory and tamper switches.
Personality code 8, dry contact output: Personality code 8
configures the UM as a Form “C” dry relay contact to control

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.35

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

external appliances including door closers, fans, dampers or

equipment shutdown.
Personality code 9, N/O alarm latching (Class A): Personality
code 9 configures the UM for connection of Class A normally-
open dry contact initiating devices including pull-stations. When
the N/O input contact of an initiating device is closed, an alarm
signal is sent to the loop controller and the alarm condition is
latched at the module.
Personality code 10, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class A):
Personality code 10 operates the same as personality code 9
except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately
16 seconds before an alarm status is generated. Personality code
10 is typically used with waterflow alarm switches.
Personality code 11, N/O active non-latching (Class A):
Personality code 11 operates the same as personality code 9
except that contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm
status and does not latch at the module. Personality code 11 is
typically used for monitoring fans dampers, and doors.
Personality code 12, N/O active latching (Class A):
Personality code 12 operates the same as personality code 9
except that contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm
status, which is latched at the module. Personality code 12 is
typically used for monitoring supervisory and tamper switches.
Personality code 13, 2 Wire smoke-non-verified (Class B):
Personality code 13 configures the UM for monitoring of 2-wire
conventional smoke detectors and normally-open contact
initiating devices such as pull stations, on the same circuit.
Personality code 14, 2-Wire smoke-verified (Class B):
Personality code 14 configures the UM for monitoring of 2 wire
conventional smoke devices. Normally-open contact initiating
devices may not be mixed with 2-wire conventional smoke
Personality code 15, Signal output (Class A): Personality
code 15 configures the UM for connection of a Class A output
Personality code 16, Signal output module (Class B):
Personality code 16 configures the UM for connection of a Class
B output NAC.
Personality code 20, 2-Wire smoke-Non-verified (Class A):
Personality code 20 operates the same as personality code 13,
except that wiring is Class A.
Personality code 21, 2-Wire smoke-verified (Class A):
Personality code 21 operates the same as personality code 14,
except that wiring is Class A.

2.36 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware


The MP1, MP2, and MP2L are mounting plates which allow for
the installation of multiple Signature plug-in modules in series.
The MP1 and MP2 mount in Honeywell standard equipment

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


3 P1 P2

TB8 TB9 1

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB5 TB6 TB14

TB7 1
2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

TB8 TB9 TB10 TB11 TB12 TB13 1


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Figure 2-9: Signature series universal input/output motherboards

The UIO2R, UIO6, and UIO6R universal input/output
motherboards provide mounting and wiring terminations for 2 to
6 M series modules. The motherboard conveniently mounts into

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.37

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

equipment enclosures or racks. Modules plug into the

motherboard and captive screws fasten them down. All module
field wiring goes to terminal blocks on the motherboard to
permit rapid removal and replacement for troubleshooting.

The MCR control relay module is an addressable Signature
Series component. A Form C dry contract relay in the MCR may
control equipment shutdown or external appliances like door
closers, fans, and dampers.
Personality code 8, dry contact output: Personality code 8 ,
which is factory assigned, configures the MCR as an output dry
contact relay to control external appliances including door
closers, fans, dampers or equipment shutdown.

The MCT2 Dual input module is an addressable Signature Series
component used to connect up to two Class B normally-open dry
contact IDCs to a Signature controller.
Personality code 1, N/O alarm latching (Class B): Personality
code 1 configures input 1 and/or 2 of the UM for Class B
normally-open dry contact initiating devices including pull
Personality code 2, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class B):
Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1
except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately
16 seconds before an Alarm status is generated. Personality code
2 is only for use with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches.
Personality code 3, N/O active-non-latching (Class B): A
contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and
does not latch at the module. Personality code 3 is typically used
for monitoring fans, dampers, or doors.
Personality code 4, N/O active latching (Class B): A contact
closure causes an active instead of an alarm status, which is
latched at the module. Personality code 4 is best used for
monitoring supervisory and tamper switches.

The MAB Class A/B input/output module, is an addressable
Signature Series Component which may be used as:
• Class A or B dry contact IDC
• Class A or B NAC
Data entry may define this module as a UM. Make certain the
personality code for channel 2 remains 00.

2.38 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Personality code 1, N/O alarm latching (Class B): Personality

code 1 configures input 1 and/or 2 of the MAB for Class B
normally-open dry contact initiating devices.
Personality code 2, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class B):
Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1
except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately
16 seconds before an Alarm status is generated. Personality code
2 is only for use with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches.
Personality code 3, N/O active-non-latching (Class B): A
contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and
does not latch at the module. Personality code 3 is typically used
for monitoring fans, dampers, or doors.
Personality code 4, N/O active latching (Class B): Personality
code 4 is typically used for monitoring supervisory and tamper
Personality code 9, N/O alarm latching (Class A): Personality
code 9 configures the MAB for connection of Class A normally-
open dry contact initiating devices including pull-stations.
Personality code 10, N/O alarm delayed latching (Class A):
Personality code 10 operates the same as personality code 9
except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately
16 seconds before an alarm status is generated. Personality code
10 is typically used with waterflow alarm switches.
Personality code 11, N/O active non-latching (Class A):
Personality code 11 operates the same as personality code 9
except that contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm
status and does not latch at the module. Personality code 11 is
typically used for monitoring fans dampers, and doors.
Personality code 12, N/O active latching (Class A):
Personality code 12 operates the same as personality code 9
except that contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm
status, which is latched at the module. Personality code 12 is best
used for monitoring supervisory and tamper switches.
Personality code 15, Signal Output (Class A): Personality
code 15 configures the MAB for connection of a Class A output
Personality code 16, Signal output module (Class B):
Personality code 16 configures the MAB for connection of a
Class B output NAC.

The ARM-8 Auxiliary Relay Module provides a mounting rail
and protective cover for up to eight ARA-1 high current relays. It
comes equipped with one ARA-1. Typical applications include:
motor control, amplifier switchover, and electric door release.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.39

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

The ARA-1 is a Form C (DPDT), general purpose, plug-in relay.

The ARA-1 mounting base provides screw terminals to connect
field wiring easily. A diode is included across the relay
energizing coil input terminals to protect it against transients and
When the ARA-1 is energized, the normally-closed contacts will
open (break) before the normally-open contacts will close

K10P-11D15-24 K10P-11D15-24 K10P-11D15-24 K10P-11D15-24 K10P-11D15-24 K10P-11D15-24 K10P-11D15-24 K10P-11D15-24




Figure 2-10: ARM-8 module

2.40 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

FSCS series smoke control graphics annunciators

The FSCS series annunciator provides detailed information on
the location of dampers, barriers, and fans. The FSCS series
annunciator may display a single smoke zone, a floor, or an
entire building. Panel control functions, tailored to firefighter
smoke-control needs, include the actual status of smoke-control
equipment and components, which are capable of activation.
LED confirmation of individual fans sensed by pressure
difference and indications of damper position can be designed
into the FSCS series annunciator, the companion LCD display,
and the LED switches. The FSCS series annunciator receives its
power from the XLS1000 Network. The Graphic Annunciator
Modules Installation/Programming Manual (P/N 270864)
contains typical installation drawings for the panel and its

The FSCS series annunciator is custom made for each XLS1000
panel in the firefighter smoke control system, and will be placed
in a variety of cabinets according to the size of the building,
smoke zones, or components controlled. The FSCS series
annunciator will typically be placed in the CBA box or one of
the EV1, EV2, or EV3 boxes. The EV series boxes are 24 inches
wide and range from 18 to 36 inches (0.457 to 0.914 m) in
XLS1000 FSCS components can also be mounted in any of the
3-CAB Series cabinets detailed in Chapter 2 of the XLS1000
Installation and Preventive Maintenance Manual.

Graphic annunciator modules

The 3-ANNCPU1 Annunciator Controller module is the control
element for all other modules and operator interface units
installed in the annunciator. The 3-ANNCPU1 processes all
information from the displays as well as processing the data
received from the remainder of the network over the network
data circuit. The Annunciator Controller module includes:
• Class A/B RS-485 communication interface
• Auto address bus master
• Time of day clock/watchdog and System Reset interfaces.
The Annunciator Controller automatically identifies and
supervises all displays installed in the cabinet. An integral
watchdog will identify both microprocessor and software faults.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.41

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

The 3-ANNCPU1 communicates with other network

components over the RS-485 network data circuit. Either a Class
A or B wiring configuration may be used for the network data
circuit. Field wiring connections to the 3-ANNCPU1 module are
made via plug-in connector. All external connections are power
limited and transient protected.
The processor functions as the local bus master and supervises
all bus traffic via communication cables.

Table 2-17: 3-ANNCPU1 annunciator controller module specifications

Memory Capacity
Message Queue 500 Events per Queue
Event History 1,000 to 1700 Events, dependent upon event type

Space Required 3 spaces in graphic annunciator enclosure or 2 spaces in the

Display (Optional) 3-LCD Display mounts on front when the 3-ANNCPU1 is
mounted in the 3-EVRMF
Network Communications
Configuration Class B or Class A
Format RS-485
Circuit Length 5,000 ft (1,524m) Max. between any three panels
Circuit Resistance 90 Ω Max.
Circuit Capacitance 0.3 µF. Max.
Wire Type Twisted Pair, 18 AWG (0.75 mm2) minimum
Power Requirements
Voltage 20 to 28 VDC
Standby Current 171 mA @ 24 VDC
Alarm Current 195 mA @ 24 VDC
Termination All wiring connects to removable plug-in terminal strip
Size 14 AWG (1.5 mm2) maximum
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

Graphic annunciator enclosure mounting

The 3-ANNCPU1 Annunciator Controller module mounts on the
3-EVPWR chassis and requires three spaces in the graphic
annunciator enclosure.

Graphic annunciator inner door (3-EVRMF) mounting

The 3-ANNCPU1 Annunciator Controller module requires two
spaces in the 3-EVRMF annunciator enclosure. The
3-ANNCPU1 is mounted on the inner door with two module

2.42 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

retainers. All field wiring connections to the 3-ANNCPU1

module are made using plug-in connectors. All external
connections are power limited and transient protected. The
3-ANNCPU1 module's hinged front panel accommodated the
3-LCD display or a protective cover plate.

Table 2-18: 3-EVRMF rack mount frame

Installation Mounts on the front of the graphic annunciator inner door
Dimensions Requires 7 EIA spaces on the graphic annunciator inner door
19 in.(48.25 cm) wide X 12.25 in.(31 cm) high X 3.25 in.(8.25
cm) deep
Finish Textured black
Display (optional) Six module spaces can house up to :
3-ANNCPU1 c/w 3-LCD and four 3-ANNSM c/w LED/switch
display modules
Six 3-ANNSM c/w LED/switch display modules

3-LCD display
The LCD display, switches and LED indicators have the same
functionality as the 3-CPU1/3-LCD.

LED/Switch displays
The Control/LED Displays provide additional operator interface
capability for the FSCS with individual, assignable, LED's and
touch-pad switches. These LED's can be assigned the function of
confirming fan operation at design cfm and damper position
where status is required. Control/LED displays mount on the 3-
ANNSM Support Module hinged front panel. All control/LED
displays are compatible with the lamp test function.
The LED Displays are the same components used in the SCS.

3-ANNSM annunciator support module

The 3 ANNSM annunciator support module provides the
electronics required to operate the LED/switch displays. Connect
the display ribbon cable (P/N 250186) from connector J1 on the
display to connector J1 on the module.
Mount the Control/LED Display the recess on the front of the
module door. Secure the display to the module with the four
supplied plastic rivets. Snap the door into the module’s hinged
Install the module on the rail, and close the module display door.
Latch the door by sliding the upper latch up and the lower latch

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.43

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-19: 3-ANNSM annunciator support module

Installation 1 LRM space
Current Requirements
Standby 10 mA @ 24 VDC
Alarm 10 mA @ 24 VDC
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

3-ANNBF blank filler plate

3-ANNBF filler plates fill spaces in the annunciator enclosure
not used by LED/switch displays.

The 3-EVPWR graphic annunciator power module provides a
common for graphic LEDs and switches wired to the graphic
LED driver modules connected to this node. The 3-EVPWR
module is connected to the 3-ANNCPU1 command module by
ribbon cables.
Included on the Power module are:
• 24 VDC power input terminals
• Power on LED
• LED and switch commons for all graphic LEDs and switches
The 3-EVPWR graphic annunciator power module mounts on a
19” EIA space chassis with the 3-ANNCPU1.
The 3- EVPWR graphic annunciator power module chassis
mounts on two rails which are secured to the back of the box. All
external connections are power limited and transient protected.

2.44 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-20: 3-EVPWR graphic annunciator power module specifications

LED Driver Modules 18 3-EVDVR Graphic LED Driver Modules
LEDs 432 LEDs
Switches 216 Switches
LCD Display 1 3-LCD mounted on 3-ANNCPU1
Space Required 3 spaces in annunciator enclosure (c/w mounting for
Power On LED 1 green LED on Module
Power Requirements
Voltage 20 to 28 VDC
Standby Current 12 mA @ 24 VDC
Alarm Current 12 mA @ 24 VDC
Termination All external wiring connects to terminals
Size 14 AWG (1.5 mm2 ) Max.
LED/Sw Commons 3 pin cable supplied (c/w Power On LED wire)
Operating Environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

The 3-EVDVR graphic LED/switch driver module provides the
electronics required to drive the graphic LEDs and switches. The
3-EVDVR modules are connected to the 3-EVPWR graphic
annunciator power module by ribbon cables
The Driver module includes:
• Three 8 pin connectors for 24 graphic LEDs
• One 12 pin connector for 12 graphic switches
• Local node RS-485 Communication Transmit/Receive LEDs
Three 3-EVDVR graphic LED/switch driver modules mount on
one 3-EVDVRX plastic mounting extrusion.
The 3-EVDVRX plastic mounting extrusion requires two 19-
inch EIA spaces and mounts on two rails which are secured to
the back of the box.

Table 2-21: 3-EVDVR graphic LED/switch driver module specifications

LEDs Twenty-four high intensity graphic LEDs
Switches Twelve graphic switches
Space Required Three 3-EVDVR modules will mount in one 3-EVDVRX plastic
extrusion which requires two spaces in the annunciator

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.45

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Table 2-21: 3-EVDVR graphic LED/switch driver module specifications

LED power requirements High intensity graphic LEDs recommended
Voltage 5.3 VDC +/- 10%
Current 4.5 mA +/- 10%
Power requirements
Voltage 20 to 28 VDC
Standby Current 5 mA @ 24 VDC (c/w 24 LEDs)
Alarm Current 40 mA @ 24 VDC (c/w 24 LEDs ON for Lamptest)
Alarm Current 5 mA @ 24 VDC (c/w 0 LEDs ON)
LED ON Current 1.45 mA @ 24 VDC / LED ON
LEDs 3 - 8 pin cables supplied
Switches 1 - 12 pin cable supplied
Operating environment 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C), 93% RH, non-condensing

This 3-position toggle switch is a component in the custom
designed FSCS series annunciator for manual control of smoke-
control operations.

This LED indicates the status of smoke-control system and is a
component of the custom FSCS series annunciator.

2.46 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

FSCS current requirements

Graphic annunciator current requirements worksheet

Project ______________________________________________ Annunciator number _____
Description Qty Standby Total Alarm Total alarm
(mA) standby (mA) (mA)
3-ANNCPU1 1 x 171 171 195 195
3-EVPWR 1 x 12 12 12 12
3-EVDVR x 5 5
Number of graphic LEDs x 0 1.45/LED
3-LCD x 53 53
3-ANNSM x 10 10
3-6/3Sxxx (18 LEDs) x 2+0.5/LED 2+0.5/LED
On On
3-12Sxxx (12 or 24 x 2+0.5/LED 2+0.5/LED
LEDs) On On
3-24xxx (24 LEDs) x 2+0.5/LED 2+0.5/LED
On On
Battery requirement TOTAL (IMax) (A) (B)
Wiring load requirements (A) x 1.50 (B) x 1.50

Table 2-22: Load Vs Annunciator Power Source Circuit (3.4V drop)

Corrected load current Maximum distance to last annunciator
14 AWG (1.5 mm2) 16 AWG (1.0 mm2) 18 AWG (0.75 mm2)
0.1A 6,538 ft (1,993 m) 4,250 ft (1,296m) 2,615ft (797 m)
0.25A 2,615 ft (797 m) 1,700 ft (518 m) 1,046 ft (319 m)
0.5A 1,308 ft (399 m) 850 ft (259 m) 523 ft (159 m)
0.75A 865 ft (264 m) 563 ft (172 m) 346 ft (105 m)
1.0A 654 ft (199 m) 425 ft (130 m) 262 ft (80 m)
2.0A 327 ft (100 m) 213 ft (65 m) 131 ft (40 m)
3.0A 217 ft (66 m) 141 ft (43 m) 87 ft (27 m)
3.5A 187 ft (57 m) 121 ft (37 m) 75 ft (23 m)

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.47

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Wiring diagrams
Relay control with LED/switch displays
There are numerous smoke-control applications which require
the use of automatic relays to control related systems within a
smoke zone. These controls must be provided with manual
override switches and status LEDs at the FSCS. The custom
FSCS series annunciator with three-position EVSC3 series
toggle switches can serve this function.

Fan Control and Monitor

This application requires two interlocked relays to start and stop
a fan. An independent air flow switch is provided to monitor the
fan status.

Motor controller
On Relay: Operates when commanded to operate by M1
"on" switch. L1
Off Relay: Programmed to turn on when any alarm L2
device activates and when commanded to operate by
"off" switch. L3
Auto switch: returns fan to automatic operation and Pri
lights "Auto" LED. motor
Airflow switch: operates on and off LEDS, indicating Off
fan status. On
Smoke-control fan
Smoke-control fan shut down contact
turn on contact HVAC system fan
control contact
On Off

CT1 or MCT2* CR, MCR, or UM CR, MCR, or UM

*See Detail for MCT2.

On_Relay_1 Off_Relay_1
Airflow switch

On_LED_1a Detail

Auto_Switch_1 MCT2 1 47 kΩ
Off_LED_1c AUTO Personality 2 EOL
code 4 3 To

Figure 2-11: Fan Control and Monitor

2.48 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

Damper Control and Monitor

For smoke-control, this application requires two interlocked
relays to open and close a damper. The position of the damper
must be indicated on the control panel during active alarm
conditions. Confirmation of the damper in the zone-required
position is indicated on the graphic annunciator panel and LED.

Smoke-control damper
open and close
relay contacts
1 Open Relay: Programmed to operate when any device on another
floor activates and when commanded to operate by "open" switch.
Open Damper
L motor
2 Close Relay: Programmed to operate when any automatic device
on fire floor activates and when commanded to operate by "close" Close
3 Limit switches operate open and closed LEDs, indicating damper
Damper open and
4 "Auto" switch returns damper to automatic operation (steps 1 and 2) close limit switches
and lights "Auto" LED.


Open limit switch

Open Close


CT2 or MCT2
or UM or UM

Closed limit switch SupDamp_Open_Relay_1 SupDamp_Close_Relay_1

SupDamp_Open_LED_1a SupDamp_Open_Switch_1

SupDamp_Auto_LED_1b OPEN
SupDamp_Close_LED_1c AUTO

Figure 2-12: Damper control with status indicators

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.49

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

ARA-1 Wiring

Note: Relay contact terminal normally-open (N.O.) ARA-1

and normally-closed (N.C.) designations are assigned
when the relay is non-energized. 24VDC Relay
1 4
(K1A-N.O.) 8 5 (K1B-N.O.) To normally closed, To normally closed,
held open application held open application
(K1A-N.C.) 4 1 (K1B-N.C.) 9 12
To normally open, To normally open,
held closed application held closed application
5 8

(+24Vdc) 14 13 (-24Vdc) Note: Application wiring

(K1A-COM) 12 9 (K1B-COM) 14 13 assumes normal operation
of relay is in the
non-energized state.
Relay Base Pin Designations

Note: +24Vdc control voltage is connected From +24Vdc From -24Vdc

to cathode (banded end) of diode. control source control source


Relay Contact Non-energized Energized

Pin 12 to Pin 8 Open Closed

Transient K1A
Protection Pin 12 to Pin 4 Closed Open
Pin 9 to Pin 5 Open Closed
+24 Vdc -24 Vdc K1B
Pin 9 to Pin 1 Closed Open
Control Voltage Wiring

Figure 2-13: ARA-1 Wiring Diagram

2.50 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5


4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

+ -+ - + -+ -
Data out
to next
Exhaust Fan Supply Fan
EF-1 SF-1


47 kΩ EOL
ARA-1 ARA-1 ARA-1 1 ARA-1 ARA-1
8 5 1 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5
4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1

14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13
12 9 12 9 12 9 12 9 12 9
On Off On Off
120 Vac 120 Vac

8 7 6 8 7 6 8 7 6 8 7 6 8 7 6


4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

On Off On Off Data out

+ -+ - + -+ - + -+ - + -+ - + -+ - to next
+24 Vdc 8 5
1 The NFPA 72 Code requires that the wire distance between
Control Devices and Air Handling Units NOT exceed 36" 4 1
- 24 Vdc (91.44 cm).
2 3-PPS/M or 3-BPS/M power supply.
To Signature 3 A diode (P/N IN4001) must be installed across terminals 13
loop controller and 14 of each ARA-1 to prevent back EMF. 14 13
4 Relay contact terminal normally-open (N.O) and normally- 12 9
closed (N.C.) Designations are assigned when the relay is

Figure 2-14: 120 Vac HVAC Fan shutdown circuit

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.51

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

1 The NFPA 72 Code requires that the

wire distance between control
and air handling units not exceed 36 [SMOKE217.CDR]
inches (91.44 cm).
2 3-PPS/M or 3-BPS/M power supply. UIO2R
3 A diode (P/N IN4001) must be installed
across terminals 13 and 14 of each
ARA-1 to prevent back EMF.
4 Relay contact terminal normally-open
(N.O) and normally-closed (N.C.) +
Designations are assigned when the + MCT2 MCT2
relay is non-energized.

8 5
4 1

Data out
to next device

14 13
Exhaust Fan Supply Fan
12 9
EF-1 SF-1


1 1
8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5
4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1

14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13
12 9 12 9 12 9 12 9
120 Vac 120 Vac

2 - 24 Vdc
2 + 24 Vdc
47 kΩ
EOL 8 5
4 1

- 14 13
12 9


Program personality code 4 into the

Data out to Signature loop controller or next device MCT2.

Figure 2-15: 120 Vac HVAC Fan shutdown circuit with M-series modules

2.52 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

47 kΩ EOL
8 1

CR 7 5
6 3 7
4 3 +24 Vdc CT2
Run 6

47 kΩ EOL 5 4 3

ARA-1 Stop/Fault

2 1 8 1

7 5
CR 120 VAC from fan

6 3
4 3 +24 Vdc


Wiring Notes

1 Code requires that the wire distance between control

devices and air handling units not exceed 36 inches
To Signature (91.44 cm).
loop controller

Figure 2-16: Fan shutdown circuit

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 2.53

XLS1000 smoke-control system hardware

_ +


1 2 3 4
1 1

MCR 2 5

3 3
+24 Vdc
1 1
2 5 120 Vac from fan
3 3
+24 Vdc
TB3 47 kΩ EOL
3 Run
[SMOKE218.CDR] 47 kΩ EOL

1 Code requires that the wire distance between Control Devices Stop/Fault
and Air Handling Units not exceed 36 inches (91.44 cm).

Figure 2-17: Fan shutdown circuit with Signature M-series modules

2.54 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Chapter 3
Smoke-control system programming

This chapter provides information and procedures required to
write programming rules for smoke-control system functions.

Programming smoke-control•3.2
Before you begin•3.3
Understanding objects, labels, and rules•3.4
Developing a labeling plan•3.6
Formatting labels•3.6
Smoke-control considerations and sequencing•3.8
Smoke-control functions•3.8
Using “AND” groups for smoke-control•3.8
System Response time•3.10
Rules for smoke-control programming•3.11
Rule example•3.15
Example 3-1•3.15
HVAC and system control examples•3.18
Dedicated systems•3.18
Dedicated smoke-control stair tower rules example•3.19
Single zone smoke-control systems with direct outside air
and direct exhaust air•3.19
Single zone smoke-control system rules example•3.20
Single zone smoke-control with common outside air and
exhaust air•3.22
Central system smoke-control•3.23
Dual duct smoke-control•3.24
Dual duct smoke-control rules example•3.25
Multi-zone smoke-control•3.29
VAV smoke-control•3.29

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.1

Smoke-control system programming

Programming smoke-control
All XLS1000 SCS and FSCS smoke-control application
programming is done using rules and object programming as
found in this chapter and in the XLS1000 Programming Manual.
The advantages are numerous:
• Devices are referenced by their descriptive labels. There is
no need to use device addresses.
• One rule can replace multiple individual device responses.
• Labels and device types simplify creating a device’s
• Group input and output functions are quickly implemented.
• Label processing tools are designed into the System
Definition Utility.
The following line identifies a supply fan on the fourth floor of a
building. The device address is the set of numbers to the left
while the information on the right is a label for the device. The
label reveals more information about the device point and its
function than the numeric device label.
0118124 S_FAN_ON<4>
For smoke-control systems in a building, rules writing will
center around smoke zones defined by physical barriers
composed of walls and doors. Rules will result in control actions
within a smoke zone where the fire is occurring and also in zones
adjacent to the fire.

All smoke-control system processes may be divided into three
fundamental parts: inputs, controls, and outputs. Examples of
smoke-control system inputs are smoke detectors, pull stations,
and sprinkler waterflow switches. Smoke-control outputs
include: control relays for fans and dampers.
The relationship between the inputs and the outputs is
determined by the control function of the smoke-control system.
For a basic smoke-control system, this control function can be
stated simply as: when smoke detector “A” activates, switch fan
“A” on. As a smoke-control system becomes more complex, it
will require a more sophisticated set of rules to make up the
control function for multiple smoke zones.
The XLS1000 SCS system designer establishes a number of
rules which define the operation of the system. Designers assign
descriptive names or labels to smoke detectors, smoke zones, fan
control relays, damper control relays, and monitor points. This
aids the programming process by easily identifying all the

3.2 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

devices in the system, and eliminating the need to juggle long

strings of address numbers.
UL smoke-control requirements state that only the first
automatic response can activate automatic smoke-control
functions. All subsequent changes in the operation of the smoke-
control system must be performed manually at the SCS or the
FSCS. In order to prevent subsequent adjacent smoke zones
automatic responses from overriding the initial smoke-control
actions centered in the fire area, “AND” groups are created for
each smoke-control zone.
When an input goes active, the smoke-control system compares
the device’s input label to all the rules stored in its memory.
When a match is found between a device and a rule, the rule is
executed. Executing the rule requires the smoke-control system
to again search its memory for all output device labels which
match the rule. The matching output devices are then turned on
or off, as specified in the rule.
Non-smoke-control functions: All device responses for non-
smoke-control functions such as elevator capture, unlocking
doors, etc. should not be programmed in with smoke-control
functions despite their location within a smoke-control zone.

Before you begin

The XLS1000 SCS uses a system of rules and objects to define
the relationships between the system inputs and outputs. This is
the same criterion used for the XLS1000 system. Critical to the
use of these rules is the naming of the objects making up the
system. When properly labeled, the true power of the XLS1000
rules and object programming is revealed.
Before you begin configuring a system, you should take the time
• Make sure you understand the concepts of objects, labels,
and rules
• Develop a labeling plan centered around smoke-control zone
“AND” groups
• Identify the objects in the system and determine the
relationships between the inputs and outputs

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.3

Smoke-control system programming

Understanding objects, labels, and rules

An object is any addressable device or circuit in the system that
can be used to initiate an input event in a rule or can be the
subject of an output action. An object may be:
• A physical system component such as: a Local Rail Module
(LRM), a smoke detector, or a light emitting diode (LED)
• A logic group comprised of physical system components
• An artificial internal point, sometimes referred to as a
pseudo point, designed into the system to monitor system
For example, the 3-SSDC Single Signature Driver Controller is
an object as are the Signature-series detectors connected to it. In
contrast, the 3-IDC8/4 Initiating Device Circuit is an object, each
of its eight zones are objects.

A label is any descriptive word or words created by the
XLS1000 SCS system designer to identify a specific object in
the database. Labels are also used to identify a rule. Labels have
the following characteristics:
• Labels must be unique. Duplicate labels will generate
compiler errors and prevent you from compiling the
• Labels are arbitrary. They are assigned by XLS1000 SCS
system designers to simplify programming.
• Labels may contain up to forty characters. The characters
may be any ASCII character except: braces “{ }”, the
percent symbol “%”, asterisks “*”, and blank spaces. You
should generally try to limit LRM labels to twenty
Labels are not case sensitive and in some cases are automatically
assigned by the system. For example, the system will
automatically assign labels for pseudo points on the 3-CPU1,
3-LCD, and other LRMs.

A rule is a statement specifying what operation or operations will
occur when a certain event takes place. A rule is composed of an
input statement and an output statement, separated by a colon
and ended with a semicolon. When the conditions are met to
make the input statement true (active), then the system will
respond as directed by the output statement.

3.4 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

[Rule Label]
If a rule has four operations, designated output_command_1,
output_command_2, output_command_3, and
output_command_4, they will be performed in the order they are
listed in the rule when the rule is executed. When the event
activating the rule restores, the operations performed by the rule
will automatically restore in the reverse order.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.5

Smoke-control system programming

Developing a labeling plan

All labels must be unique. Programming an XLS1000 SCS will require that you assign
Duplicate labels are not labels to cabinets, modules, and other objects in the database.
allowed. Before you start programming, you need to develop a labeling
plan. By developing a labeling plan, you will ensure that your
labels will be understandable and useful. This chapter contains
examples of labels for various types of HVAC system
configurations which are used in smoke-control.
There are five things you should consider in your labeling plan:
• Label format
• Label content
• Use of common label modifiers
• Label numbering
• Use of labels as messages

Formatting labels
The most important thing to To make your labels more readable, and more understandable,
remember about formatting your plan should include how labels will be formatted. You
labels is to be consistent. should take into consideration that labels will be viewed on-line,
on printed reports and on the system display panel. Formatting
considerations may include:
• How to separate label modifiers
• Whether to use all uppercase or all lowercase characters or a
combination of both
• How label modifiers may be abbreviated
Functionally, it makes no difference whether your labels contain
upper or lowercase characters.
Example: Methods for formatting labels. The following shows
three examples using different methods of label formatting for a
smoke zone in the building:
The first label may be hard to read because it uses all uppercase
characters and there is no separation between the label modifiers
LEVEL1 and AREA1. The second label places an underscore
between the two modifiers which makes it easier to read. The
third label uses upper and lowercase characters to differentiate
between label modifiers.
Some tips to consider when formatting labels:
• Be consistent. Consistency is the most important factor in
making your labels easy to use and understand. You want to
avoid using LEVEL1, LEVEL_1, and Level1as label
modifiers to reference the same building.

3.6 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

• Find a comfortable balance between readability and length.

Adding extra underscores to separate label modifiers, as in
LEVEL1_AREA1_S_DMP_OP 5, may make the label more
readable but unnecessarily adds to the length.

Remote annunciator programming configuration

The FSCS series annunciators are configured as part of the
system using the program. Each annunciator for a project must
be configured as a separate Cabinet (Node). Use the substitutions
indicated in the Table below to define each Graphic Annunciator
in the system.

Table 3-1: Graphic annunciator programming substitutions

Annunciator Components Substitute Entry
For each annunciator add
one Cabinet. 32 Cabinets xxx-CAB21
maximum per system
including all panels.
In Slot 3 remove the ‘3-PS/M’ Slot 3
by configuring the LRM Type ‘None’
as ‘None’
The first LED/Sw Driver Slot 4
Module is added to Slot 4 as 3-LDSM
a 3-LDSM on the Hardware 12SW/24LED
Layer and a 12SW/24LED on
the Operator Layer.
Add additional LED/Sw Driver Subsequent Slots
Modules as required to 3-LDSM
subsequent slots as a 12SW/24LED
3-LDSM on the Hardware
Layer and a 12SW/24LED on
the Operator Layer.

Note: There are no RS-232 ports or common relay contacts

available on the 3-ANNCPU1.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.7

Smoke-control system programming

Smoke-control considerations and sequencing

Smoke-control functions
For the XLS1000 smoke-control system only the first automatic
response can activate automatic smoke-control functions. All
subsequent changes to the smoke-control system must be done
manually at the FSCS. In order to prevent subsequent automatic
responses from overriding and affecting the smoke-control
functions of the zone where the fire is, “AND” groups are used
as follows:
• An “AND” group must be created for each smoke zone.
• The elements contained in the “AND” group must be all of
the automatic and manual alarm initiating devices which
automatically initiate the smoke-control function for a
particular smoke-control zone.
• Each “AND” group used for smoke-control MUST have its
activation number set at one (1).
• Each “AND” group activates the automatic smoke-control
functions for its respective smoke zone.
• Upon receipt of an alarm the ‘fire’ smoke-controls “AND”
group must disable all other smoke-control “AND” groups.

Using “AND” groups for smoke-control

[ALARM ‘AND_Group1’]
{ALARM ‘AND_Group1’is an AND group which
contains all initiating devices in smoke zone
#1. The activation number =1}
[ALARM ‘AND_Group2’]
{ALARM ‘AND_Group2’ is an AND group which
contains all initiating devices in smoke zone
#2. The activation number =1}
[ALARM ‘AND_Group3’]
{ALARM ‘AND_Group3’ is an AND group which
contains all initiating devices in smoke zone
#3. The activation number =1}
[ALARM ‘AND_Group1’]

3.8 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

DLYA 0075,
DLYA 60,

DLYA 30;

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.9

Smoke-control system programming

System Response time

Smoke-control activation is to be initiated immediately after
receipt of an appropriate automatic or manual activation
command. Smoke-control systems activate individual
components such as fans and dampers in a sequence necessary to
prevent physical damage to equipment. The total response time
for individual components to achieve operational mode should
remain within the limits set in NFPA 92A as a base requirement:
• 60 seconds for fan operation at smoke system design rate
• 75 seconds for isolating damper travel
The Uniform Building Code (UBC), one of the three model
building codes in use in the US, establishes more restrictive
limits on smoke-control system response times. Section 905.14
of the UBC requires individual components to achieve their
desired operating mode according to device:

Table 3-2 UBC response time requirements

Component Response time

Control air isolation valves Immediately

Smoke damper closing 15 seconds
Smoke damper openings 15 seconds maximum
Fan starting (energizing) 15 seconds maximum
Fan stopping (de-energizing) Immediately
Fan volume modulation 30 seconds maximum
Pressure control modulation 15 seconds maximum
Temperature control safety override 15 seconds maximum
Positive indication of status 15 seconds maximum

Note: Local codes may require different response times.

3.10 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

Rules for smoke-control programming

Table 3-3 contains rules for programming the various
components of a smoke-control system. Rules will be written for
each of the smoke zones.

LEVEL<n> (AREA<n>)

Table 3-3 Smoke control rules for supply dampers

Label Function Device type
S_DMP_OP<n> Supply damper open control DamperControl
S_DMP_CL<n> Supply damper close control DamperControl
S_DMP_SW_OP<n> Supply damper open Switch
S_DMP_SW_CL<n> Supply damper close Switch
S_DMP_SW_AU<n> Supply damper automatic Switch
S_DMP_LED_OP<n> Supply damper open switch LED
S_DMP_LED_CL<n> Supply damper close switch LED
S_DMP_LED_AU<n> Supply damper automatic LED
switch LED<n>
S_DMP_MON_OP<n> Supply damper open monitor DamperFeedback (DAMP)
S_DMP_MON_CL<n> Supply damper closed monitor DamperFeedback (DAMP)
S_DMP_MON_OP_LED<n> Supply damper open monitor LED
S_DMP_MON_CL_LED<n> Supply damper closed monitor LED

Table 3-4 Smoke control rules for supply fans

Label Function Device type
S_FAN_ON<n> Supply fan on control FanControl
S_FAN_OFF<n> Supply fan off control FanControl

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.11

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-4 Smoke control rules for supply fans

Label Function Device type
S_FAN_SW_ON<n> Supply fan on switch<n> Switch
S_FAN_SW_OFF<n> Supply fan off switch<n> Switch
S_FAN_SW_AU<n> Supply fan automatic Switch
S_FAN_LED_ON<n> Supply fan on switch LED<n> LED
S_FAN_LED_OFF<n> Supply fan off switch LED<n> LED
S_FAN_LED_AU<n> Supply fan automatic switch LED
S_FAN_MON_ON<n> Supply fan on monitor FanFeedback (FANFB)
S_FAN_MON_OFF<n> Supply fan off monitor FanFeedback (FANFB)
S_FAN_MON_ON_LED<n> Supply fan on monitor LED<n> LED
S_FAN_MON_OFF_LED<n> Supply fan off monitor LED<n> LED

Table 3-5 Smoke control rules for return dampers

Label Function Device type
R_DMP_OP<n> Return damper open control DamperControl
R_DMP_CL<n> Return damper close control DamperControl
R_DMP_SW_OP<n> Return damper open Switch
R_DMP_SW_CL<n> Return damper close Switch
R_DMP_SW_AU<n> Return damper automatic Switch
R_DMP_LED_OP<n> Return damper open switch LED
R_DMP_LED_CL<n> Return damper close switch LED
R_DMP_LED_AU<n> Return damper automatic LED
switch LED<n>
R_DMP_MON_OP<n> Return damper open monitor DamperFeedback (DAMP)
R_DMP_MON_CL<n> Return damper closed monitor DamperFeedback (DAMP)

3.12 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-5 Smoke control rules for return dampers

Label Function Device type
R_DMP_MON_OP_LED<n> Return damper open monitor LED
R_DMP_MON_CL_LED<n> Return damper closed monitor LED

Table 3-6 Smoke control rules for return fans

Label Function Device type
R_FAN_ON<n> Return fan on control FanControl
R_FAN_OFF<n> Return fan off control FanControl
R_FAN_SW_ON<n> Return fan on switch<n> Switch
R_FAN_SW_OFF<n> Return fan off switch<n> Switch
R_FAN_SW_AU<n> Return fan automatic Switch
R_FAN_LED_ON<n> Return fan on switch LED<n> LED
R_FAN_LED_OFF<n> Return fan off switch LED<n> LED
R_FAN_LED_AU<n> Return fan automatic switch LED
R_FAN_MON_ON<n> Return fan on monitor FanFeedback (FANFB)
R_FAN_MON_OFF<n> Return fan off monitor FanFeedback (FANFB)
R_FAN_MON_ON_LED<n> Return fan on monitor LED<n> LED
R_FAN_MON_OFF_LED<n> Return fan off monitor LED<n> LED

Table 3-7 Smoke control rules for exhaust dampers

Label Function Device type
E_DMP_OP<n> Exhaust damper open control DamperControl
E_DMP_CL<n> Exhaust damper close control DamperControl
E_DMP_SW_OP<n> Exhaust damper open switch<n> Switch

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.13

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-7 Smoke control rules for exhaust dampers

Label Function Device type
E_DMP_SW_CL<n> Exhaust damper close switch<n> Switch
E_DMP_SW_AU<n> Exhaust damper automatic switch<n> Switch
E_DMP_LED_OP<n> Exhaust damper open switch LED<n> LED
E_DMP_LED_CL<n> Exhaust damper close switch LED<n> LED
E_DMP_LED_AU<n> Exhaust damper automatic switch LED
E_DMP_MON_OP<n> Exhaust damper open monitor DamperFeedback
module<n> (DAMP)
E_DMP_MON_CL<n> Exhaust damper closed monitor DamperFeedback
module<n> (DAMP)
E_DMP_MON_OP_LED<n> Exhaust damper open monitor LED
E_DMP_MON_CL_LED<n> Exhaust damper closed monitor LED
E_FAN_ON<n> Exhaust fan on control module<n> FanControl
E_FAN_OFF<n> Exhaust fan off control module<n> FanControl
E_FAN_SW_ON<n> Exhaust fan on switch<n> Switch
E_FAN_SW_OFF<n> Exhaust fan off switch<n> Switch
E_FAN_AU_OFF<n> Exhaust fan automatic switch<n> Switch
E_FAN_LED_ON<n> Exhaust fan on switch LED<n> LED
E_FAN_LED_OFF<n> Exhaust fan off switch LED<n> LED
E_FAN_LED_AU<n> Exhaust fan automatic switch LED<n> LED
E_FAN_MON_ON<n> Exhaust fan on monitor module<n> FanFeedback (FANFB)
E_FAN_MON_OFF<n> Exhaust fan off monitor module<n> FanFeedback (FANFB)
E_FAN_MON_ON_LED<n> Exhaust fan on monitor LED<n> LED
E_FAN_MON_OFF_LED<n> Exhaust fan off monitor LED<n> LED
*Fan and damper control switches are 3-6/3S1Gxx configured as interlocked switches.

3.14 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

Rule example
The example assumes each floor is a smoke zone. A floor may
be divided into several smoke zones as well, with rules written
for each zone using the same approach as this example.
Note: All smoke detectors are in level<n>.

Example 3-1
Start up
[disable led] {LEDs may be disabled so they do
not indicate device status in non-alarm (Auto)
Startup : Disable LED ‘S_DMP_MON_OP_LED*’,
Disable LED ‘S_DMP_MON_CL_LED*’,
Disable LED ‘S_DMP_LED_OP*’,
Disable LED ‘S_DMP_LED_CL*’,
Disable LED ‘S_DMP_LED_AU*’,

Disable LED ‘S_FAN_MON_OP_LED*’,

Disable LED ‘S_FAN_MON_CL_LED*’,
Disable LED ‘S_FAN_LED_OP*’,
Disable LED ‘S_FAN_LED_CL*’,
Disable LED ‘S_FAN_LED_AU*’,

Disable LED ‘R_DMP_MON_OP_LED*’,

Disable LED ‘R_DMP_MON_CL_LED*’,
Disable LED ‘R_DMP_LED_OP*’,
Disable LED ‘R_DMP_LED_CL*’,
Disable LED ‘R_DMP_LED_AU*’,

Disable LED ‘R_FAN_MON_OP_LED*’,

Disable LED ‘R_FAN_MON_CL_LED*’,
Disable LED ‘R_FAN_LED_OP*’,
Disable LED ‘R_FAN_LED_CL*’,
Disable LED ‘R_FAN_LED_AU*’,

Disable LED ‘E_DMP_MON_OP_LED*’,

Disable LED ‘E_DMP_MON_CL_LED*’,
Disable LED ‘E_DMP_LED_OP*’,
Disable LED ‘E_DMP_LED_CL*’,

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.15

Smoke-control system programming

Disable LED ‘E_DMP_LED_AU*’,

Disable LED ‘E_FAN_MON_OP_LED*’,

Disable LED ‘E_FAN_MON_CL_LED*’,
Disable LED ‘E_FAN_LED_OP*’,
Disable LED ‘E_FAN_LED_CL*’,
Disable LED ‘E_FAN_LED_AU*’;
[auto fan] {set fan control modules to required
normal states}
Programming note: you may wish to disable all the fan control
switches so they will not operate when the HVAC system is in
the Auto mode.

[Switch SUPPLY_FAN_ON]{ Manual Switch Programing}
DLYA 60,

3.16 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming


Monitor Points

[Monitor S_FAN_OFF]



[reset] {Resets Panel and LEDs after Panel is
reset to Auto or “normal” state.}

Weekly self-testing
[TIME CONTROLS ZONE W] {Weekly self testing of
dedicated smoke-control systems. i.e. stairwell
pressurization systems}
DLYA 60,

Note: Configure the required date and time in SDU

programming for the activation of the FAN_TEST_ZONE_W object

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.17

Smoke-control system programming

HVAC and system control examples

Dedicated systems

Table 3-8: Dedicated smoke-control stair tower

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
1 Open supply air dampers for smoke control Provide a fresh air source to dilute
smoke which may enter stair
2 Open exhaust air dampers for smoke zone Outlet vent for air in stair
3 Start stair tower smoke exhaust fan Pull air through exhaust damper
*Monitor at panel(s) air flow and damper position Confirms system operation and shut-in




Figure 3-1: Dedicated smoke-control stair tower

3.18 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

Dedicated smoke-control stair tower rules

{Auto Limit StairW is an AND group containing all
initiating devices in stairtower W. The activation
number =1. Disable AND Groups for other alarms would
be added to this example}
[Smoke Control StairW]
DLY 0060,
[Monitor StairW E FAN OFF]
[Monitor StairW E FAN ON]
[Monitor StairW S DMP OPEN]
[Monitor StairW E DMP OPEN]

Single zone smoke-control systems with direct

outside air and direct exhaust air

Table 3-9: Single zone smoke-control systems with direct outside air and direct exhaust air
Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
1 AUTO OFF Override all HVAC controls
2 Stop the smoke zone HVAC supply fan (Where Reduce pressure development
fire is detected)
3 Stop designated adjacent zone HVAC return fans Keep out smoke
4 Close smoke zone supply air dampers Stop smoke spread
5 Close adjacent zone return air dampers Keep out smoke
6 Open exhaust dampers for smoke zone Vent fire and develop negative
pressure in smoke zone
7 Open outside air dampers for adjacent zone Develop positive pressure and keep
out smoke

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.19

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-9: Single zone smoke-control systems with direct outside air and direct exhaust air
Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
8 Close exhaust dampers of adjacent zone Develop positive pressure
9 Start smoke zone return fan Maintain negative pressure
10 Start adjacent zone supply fan Maintain positive pressure
11 Reset the static pressure control (if present) to Monitoring and control
maximum allowable value for all systems under
active XLS1000 SCS control
*Monitor at panel(s) air flow and damper position Confirms system operation and proper

Exhaust to outside

Supply from outside


R2 S2 R1 R3 S3
Smoke zone 1

Smoke zone 2 Smoke zone 3


Figure 3-2: Single zone smoke-control systems with direct outside air and direct exhaust air

Single zone smoke-control system rules example

{Auto Limit SMKZONE1 is an AND group which contains all
initiating devices in stairtower A. The activation number =1}
[Smoke Control SMKZONE1]

3.20 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

DLYA 30’,
DLY 0060,

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.21

Smoke-control system programming


Single zone smoke-control with common outside

air and exhaust air

Table 3-10: Single zone smoke-control with common outside air and exhaust ducts
Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
1 AUTO OFF Override HVAC system
2 Stop the smoke zone HVAC supply fan (Where Reduce pressure development
fire is detected)
3 Close smoke zone supply air dampers Isolate smoke zone
4 Stop designated adjacent zone HVAC return fans Limit smoke spread
5 Close exhaust dampers of adjacent zone Limit smoke spread
6 Stop supply and return fans of all remote zone Prevent smoke extension
systems on common outside air and exhaust
7 Open (fully) common outside air damper Allow for fresh air entry
8 Open (fully) common exhaust damper Allow for exhausting smoke

3.22 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-10: Single zone smoke-control with common outside air and exhaust ducts
Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
9 Close return air dampers for the smoke zone Prevent smoke back-flow and create
negative pressure
10 Close return air dampers for adjacent zones Keep out smoke
11 Open smoke zone exhaust damper Vent smoke, create negative pressure
12 Turn on smoke zone return air fan Vent smoke, create negative pressure
in fire area
13 Open supply air dampers on adjacent zones Provide fresh air
14 Turn on adjacent zone supply fans Create positive pressure in zone
15 Turn on common system supply fan (if not Create positive pressure in zone
previously activated)
16 Turn on common system exhaust fan (if not Vent smoke, create negative pressure
previously activated) in fire area
17 Reset the static pressure control (if present) to Monitoring and control
maximum allowable value for all systems under
active XLS1000 SCS control
*Monitor at panel(s) air flow and damper position Confirms system operation and proper

Central system smoke-control

Table 3-11: Central system smoke-control

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
1 AUTO OFF Overrides HVAC controls
2 Open central system outside exhaust air Reduce pressure development in
dampers smoke zone
3 Open central system outside supply air dampers Limit smoke spread
4 Close central system return air dampers Limit smoke spread
5 Close smoke zone supply air damper Isolate smoke development
6 Open smoke zone exhaust air damper Reduce pressure development
7 Close adjacent zone exhaust air dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
8 Open fully adjacent zone supply air dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
9 Close supply air dampers to remote zones on Limit smoke spread
central system
10 Close exhaust air dampers to remote zones on Limit smoke spread
central system

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.23

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-11: Central system smoke-control

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
11 Start central system supply fan (if not currently Pressurize adjacent zones
12 Start central system return fan (if not currently Create negative pressure in smoke
on) zone by exhausting smoke
13 Reset the static pressure control (if present) to Monitoring and control
maximum allowable value for all systems under
active FSCS control
*Monitor at panel(s) air flow and damper position Confirms system operation and proper
Note: Multiple central systems serving portions of a fire floor will require sequencing for each
central system command consistent with smoke-control application.

Dual duct smoke-control

Table 3-12: Dual duct smoke-control

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
1 AUTO OFF Overrides HVAC system
2 Open central outside exhaust damper Reduce pressure development in
smoke zone
3 Open central outside supply damper Limit smoke spread
4 Close central return damper Limit smoke spread
5 Reset duct static pressure controls to maximum Maximize air flow and prevent duct
design levels collapse or failure
6 Close smoke zone hot duct damper Isolate smoke development
7 Close smoke zone cold duct damper Isolate smoke development
8 Open smoke zone exhaust damper Reduce pressure development
9 Close adjacent zone exhaust dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
10 Open fully adjacent zone hot duct dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
11 Open fully adjacent zone cold duct dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
12 Configure adjacent zone mixing boxes for Prepare zones for pressurization and
maximum air flow limit smoke spread
13 Close hot dampers to remote zones on dual duct Limit smoke spread

3.24 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-12: Dual duct smoke-control

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
14 Close cold dampers to remote zones on dual Limit smoke spread
duct system
15 Close exhaust air dampers to remote zones on Limit smoke spread
dual duct system
16 Start central system supply fan (if not currently Pressurize adjacent zones
17 Start central system return fan (if not currently Create negative pressure in smoke
on) zone by exhausting smoke
*Monitor at panel(s) air flow and damper position Confirms system operation and proper
Note: Multiple dual duct systems serving portions of a fire floor will require sequencing for each
dual duct system consistent with smoke-control application.

Exhaust to outside




Smoke zone 1 Smoke zone 2 zone 4

Figure 3-3: Dual duct smoke-control

Dual duct smoke-control rules example

{ Auto Limit SMKZONE 1 is an AND group which contains all
initiating devices in smoke zone 1. The activation number =1}
[Smoke Control SMKZONE1]

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.25

Smoke-control system programming


DLYA 30,
{Duct Pressure Control is set to Max Value}
{Configure SMKZONE2/3 Mixing Boxes(M)
for Maximum Flow}

3.26 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming

DLY 0060,

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.27

Smoke-control system programming

[Monitor Mixing Box (M) Settings Zone2]
[Monitor Mixing Box (M) Settings Zone3]

3.28 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control system programming


Multi-zone smoke-control

Table 3-13: Multi-zone smoke-control

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
1 AUTO OFF Overrides HVAC controls
2 Open central multi-zone outside exhaust outside Reduce pressure development in
dampers smoke zone
3 Close central multi-zone return damper Limit smoke spread
4 Reset duct static pressure controls to maximum Maximize air flow and prevent duct
design levels collapse or failure
5 Close smoke zone air supply damper Isolate smoke development
6 Open smoke zone air exhaust damper Reduce pressure development
7 Close adjacent zone exhaust dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
8 Open fully adjacent zone supply air dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
9 Close supply air dampers to remote zones on Limit smoke spread
multi zone system
10 Close exhaust air dampers to remote zones on Limit smoke spread
multi zone system
11 Start multi-zone system supply fan (if not Pressurize adjacent zones
currently on)
12 Start multi-zone system return fan (if not currently Create negative pressure in smoke
on) zone by exhausting smoke
*Monitor at panel(s) air flow and damper position Confirms system operation and proper
Note: Multiple dual duct systems serving portions of a fire floor will require sequencing for each
dual duct system consistent with smoke-control application.

VAV smoke-control

Table 3-14: VAV smoke-control

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
AUTO OFF Overrides HVAC System
Open central VAV outside exhaust outside Reduce pressure development in
dampers smoke zone
Close central VAV return damper Limit smoke spread

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 3.29

Smoke-control system programming

Table 3-14: VAV smoke-control

Smoke-control sequence commands Objective
Reset duct static pressure controls to maximum Maximize air flow and prevent duct
design levels collapse or failure
Close smoke zone air supply damper Isolate smoke development
Open smoke zone air exhaust damper Reduce pressure development
Close adjacent zone exhaust dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
Open fully adjacent zone supply air dampers Prepare zones for pressurization and
limit smoke spread
Close supply air dampers to remote zones on Limit smoke spread
VAV system
Close exhaust air dampers to remote zones on Limit smoke spread
VAV system
Start VAV system supply fan (if not currently on) Pressurize adjacent zones
and set for maximum allowable volume
Start VAV system return fan (if not currently on) Create negative pressure in smoke
and set for maximum allowable volume zone by exhausting smoke
Confirms system operation and shut-in
*Monitor at panel(s) air flow and damper position
Note: Multiple VAV systems serving portions of a fire floor will require sequencing for each VAV
system consistent with smoke-control application.

3.30 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Chapter 4
Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Initial smoke-control system turn on procedures and information
concerning acceptance testing is provided in this chapter.

Testing documentation•4.2
Smoke-control panel acceptance test procedure•4.3
Acceptance testing•4.4
Building component testing procedures•4.6
XLS1000 SCS/FSCS test procedures•4.6
XLS1000 SCS detection acceptance testing•4.13
Smoke-control input modules•4.15
Smoke-control output modules•4.16
Dedicated systems•4.17
Zoned smoke-control and atrium systems•4.17
Stairtower pressurization systems•4.18
Elevator shaft pressurization systems•4.19
Additional considerations•4.21
Other test methods•4.21
XLS1000 SCS owner’s manual and instructions•4.21
Partial occupancy•4.22
Periodic testing•4.22

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.1

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Absence of a consensus agreement for a testing procedure and
acceptance criteria for smoke control has historically created
numerous problems at time of system acceptance, including
delays in obtaining a certificate of occupancy.
The building owner, smoke-control system designer, and
XLS1000 SCS designer/installer must agree upon the objective
and design criteria for smoke-control with the authority having
jurisdiction (AHJ)at the planning stage of the project to help
ensure testing requirements are consistent with the systems
original design. XLS1000 SCS design submittals for AHJ
approval should include a procedure for acceptance testing in
order that any programming or operational requirements set by
the AHJ my be incorporated.
XLS1000 SCS contract documents should include operational
and acceptance testing procedures so that system and smoke-
control systems designers, installers, and the owner have an
understanding of the system objectives and the testing procedure.
The system designer, responsible for defining air flow rates,
zones, and tenability will rely heavily upon the 3-DSDC to
provide detection of fire and control of components which
compartmentalize or vent smoke.

Testing documentation
Upon completion of acceptance testing, a copy of all operational
testing documentation should be provided to the owner and AHJ.
This documentation should be available for reference in periodic
testing and maintenance. For integrated systems, installed in
compliance with NFPA 72, records of all testing and
maintenance shall be kept on the protected premises for a period
of at least five (5) years.

4.2 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Smoke-control panel acceptance test procedure

Once the system has been wired, programmed, and the circuit
faults corrected, all installed components should be tested as a
system, to ensure proper operation. Should additional problems
be discovered, refer to the XLS1000 Installation and Service
Manual for details on how to correct any problems uncovered.
Since most XLS1000 SCSs will be integrated into an XLS1000
fire alarm network, testing and acceptance may also need to
comply with the requirements of NFPA 72. Chapter 4 of the
XLS1000 Installation Manual (P/N 95-7545) contains system
power-up and testing procedures which should also be consulted.
The FSCS, where installed, may also be integrated into the
XLS1000 fire alarm network and tested under NFPA 72.
The initial system check is designed to verify that all
components of the system are installed and operating as
designed. Verifying that the system was designed and installed
according to specifications requires all aspects of the system to
be exercised and the results verified. Where test results differ
from those expected, corrective action must be taken.
Before commencing testing, notify all areas where the alarm
sounds and off premise locations that receive alarm and trouble
transmissions, if any, that testing is in progress.
Testing of the smoke-control system will logically be performed
as a part of the smoke-control air flow and compartmentation
testing. While flow rates of fans may be the responsibility of
others, their operation is contingent upon proper installation and
programming of the XLS1000 SCS and FSCS. The test
procedures reflect smoke control building component testing and
smoke-control system and FSCS testing divided into three
categories based upon NFPA 92A and NFPA 92B test
• Component testing
• Acceptance testing
• Periodic testing and maintenance
Building component testing: The intent of building component
testing is to establish that the final smoke-control installation
complies with the specified design, is functioning properly, and
is ready for acceptance testing.
Prior to testing, the party responsible for this testing, normally
the system designer, should verify completeness of building
construction or compartmenting components including the
following architectural features:
• Shaft integrity
• Firestopping or glazing which may enclose a large space
• Doors and closers related to smoke-control

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.3

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

• Partitions and ceilings

The operational testing of each individual building system
component is performed to determine if smoke zones or areas are
complete exclusive of XLS1000 SCS programmed commands.
These operational tests normally will be performed by various
trades before interconnection to the XLS1000 SCS is made.
It should be certified in writing by the responsible trades that
each system component’s installation is complete and the
component is functional including relays installed by others for
interconnection to the XLS1000 SCS. Each component test
should be individually documented, including such items as
speed, voltage, and amperage.
Because smoke-control systems are usually an integral part of
building operating systems, testing of the building system should
include the following subsystems to the extent that they affect
the operation of the smoke-control system:
• Energy management system
• Building management and security system
• HVAC equipment
• Electrical equipment
• Temperature control system
• Power sources and standby power for fans and damper
• Automatic suppression systems
• Automatic operating doors and closures
• Emergency elevator operation
In most applications building control components to the smoke-
control system are required to operate from the building’s
emergency power system as a backup to primary power. The
electrical load required for motors in fan control circuits and
status indicators from the emergency power must be provided for
in emergency power design.
XLS1000 SCS/FSCS component testing: Components
activated by the smoke-control system to be tested include:
• Dedicated smoke-control systems
• Non-dedicated smoke-control systems
• Fire alarm systems installed under NFPA 72
The FSCS series annunciator must receive power from other
sources. The cabinet does not contain batteries for emergency

Acceptance testing
The intent of acceptance testing is to demonstrate that the final
integrated system installation complies with the specified design
and is functioning properly. One or more of the following should
be present to grant acceptance:

4.4 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

• Building system designer

• XLS1000 SCS designer/installer
All documentation from component testing should be available
for inspection.

Building test equipment

The following equipment may be needed to determine air flows
and compartmentation as a part of smoke-control acceptance
• Differential pressure gauges, inclined water or electronic
• Scale suitable for measuring door-opening force
• Anemometer, including traversing equipment
• ammeter
• Flow-measuring hood (optional)
• Door wedges
• Tissue paper roll (for indicating direction of airflow)
• Signs indicating a test of the smoke-control system is in
• Walkie-talkie radios for coordinating equipment

XLS1000 SCS test equipment

Required Tools:
• Slotted Screwdriver, Insulated
• Digital Multimeter
• 12 inch (30.5 cm) jumper lead with alligator clips
• Panel Door Key

Building test parameters

The following parameters need to be measured during
acceptance testing:
• Total volumetric flow rate
• Airflow velocities and direction
• Door-opening forces
• Pressure differentials and ambient temperature

Smoke-control test parameters

The following parameters need to be confirmed during
acceptance testing:
• XLS1000 SCS component control
• XLS1000 SCS detection
• FSCS override and component control

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.5

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Building component testing procedures

Prior to beginning acceptance testing, all building equipment
should be placed in the normal operating mode, including
equipment that is not used to implement smoke-control, such as
toilet exhaust, elevator shaft vents, elevator machine room fans,
and similar systems.
Wind speed, direction, and outside temperature should be
recorded on each test day.
If standby power has been provided for the operation of the
smoke-control system fans, louvers, or dampers, the acceptance
testing should be conducted while on both normal and standby
power. Disconnect the normal building power at the main service
disconnect to simulate true operating conditions in this mode.

XLS1000 SCS/FSCS test procedures

Smoke-control acceptance testing should include demonstrating
that the correct outputs are produced for each input of a control
sequence specified. Consideration should be given to the
following control sequences, so that the complete smoke-control
sequence is demonstrated:
• Normal mode
• Automatic smoke-control mode for first alarm
• Second alarm annunciation without automatic override of
first alarm
• Manual override of normal and automatic smoke-control
• FSCS controls (where installed) override of all other system
• Return to normal
It is acceptable and desirable to perform acceptance tests for the
fire alarm system in conjunction with the smoke-control system.
One or more device circuits on the fire alarm system could
initiate a single input signal to the smoke-control system. The
smoke-control acceptance testing follows Chapter 4 of the
XLS1000 Installation Manual.
A prepared smoke-control system testing procedure should be
developed to establish the appropriate number of initiating
devices and initiating device circuits to be operated to
demonstrate the smoke-control system operation for the AHJ’s
approval. The section titled Other test methods in this chapter
contains additional information on test methods which may come
under AHJ consideration for acceptance testing.

4.6 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

XLS1000 SCS/FSCS testing for smoke-control

Table 4-1: Initial acceptance testing for smoke-control equipment

Component Test procedure
Primary power supplies 1. Verify that all components are installed in workman like
(required for XLS1000 SCS) manner.
2. Verify adequate separation between power limited and non-
power limited wiring.
3. Verify that the installed batteries are the proper capacity for
the application including the FSCS series annunciator, where
4. With the batteries disconnected, verify that the supply’s full
alarm load can be sustained by the power supply without the
batteries connected. (Temporarily jumper the positive battery
terminal to the positive auxiliary output to remove the battery
5. With the batteries connected, disconnect the AC source and
verify that a power supply trouble is annunciated, and that the
supply’s full alarm load can be sustained by the batteries. The
full alarm load may include the FSCS.
6. Verify that the battery charger properly charges the batteries
connected to both the primary and booster power supplies to
80% capacity within 24 hours.

Table 4-2: Initial acceptance testing for smoke-control equipment

Component Test procedure
Booster power supplies 1. Verify that all components are installed in workman like
2. Verify adequate separation between power limited and non-
power limited wiring.
3. Verify that the installed batteries are the proper capacity for
the application including the FSCS series annunciator, where
4. With the batteries disconnected, verify that the supply’s full
alarm load can be sustained by the power supply without the
batteries connected. (Temporarily jumper the positive battery
terminal to the positive auxiliary output to remove the battery
5. With the batteries connected, disconnect the AC source and
verify that a power supply trouble is annunciated, and that the
supply’s full alarm load can be sustained by the batteries. The
full alarm load may include the FSCS.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.7

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Table 4-2: Initial acceptance testing for smoke-control equipment

Component Test procedure
3-CPU1 panel controller with 1. Verify the module is properly seated in all four rail connectors
3-LCD display and secured with the four snap rivets. Verify that removable
terminal strips TB1 and TB2 are firmly seated.
2. Verify that all components are installed in workman like
3. Verify that the correct date and time are displayed on the
LCD display, and the Power LED is on.
4. Simultaneously press the Alarm, Silence, and Panel Silence
switches to activate the lamp test function. Verify all LED’s
on the graphic panel light.
5. Initiate an alarm and verify that: the Alarm LED flashes, the
Alarm relay transfers, the correct device message appears at
the top of the LCD window, the active point counter
increments, the event sequence indicates a “1”, the active
Alarm events counter at the bottom of the display indicates
A001, the event type indicates fire alarm, and the local panel
buzzer sounds. The graphic annunciator panel will have a
panel alarm LED and zone LED. Press the Alarm queue
switch and verify that the Alarm LED lights steady. Press the
Panel Silence switch to verify that the panel buzzer silences
and the Panel Silence LED lights. Press the Alarm Silence
switch and verify that the required notification appliances are
silenced. Press the Expanded Message Switch and verify
that the alarm device’s expanded message, if any, is
displayed. If a printer is connected to the 3-CPU1, verify that
all specified information appears on the printer.
6. Initiate a second alarm in another smoke-control zone and
verify that: it appears at the bottom of the LCD window, the
active point counter changes, the event sequence indicates a
“2”, the active Alarm events counter at the bottom of the
display indicates A002, the event type indicates alarm, the
Alarm LED re-flashes, the local panel buzzer re-sounds, and
the first Alarm message remains at the top of the LCD
display. Press the Alarm queue switch and verify that the
Alarm LED lights steady.
7. Initiate a third alarm in a remaining area and verify that: its
message appears at the bottom of the LCD window, the
active point counter changes, the event sequence indicates a
“3”, the active Alarm events counter at the bottom of the
display indicates A003, the event type indicates alarm, and
the local panel buzzer re-sounds, and the alarm message
remains at the top of the LCD display. Press the Alarm
queue switch and verify that the Alarm LED lights steady.
8. Use the previous and next message switches to verify that
you can scroll through all three messages in the alarm
queue, as indicated by the event sequence window.

4.8 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Table 4-2: Initial acceptance testing for smoke-control equipment

Component Test procedure
9. Press the Reset switch. Verify that all initiating devices reset
and that all panel indicators clear except the green power
LED on the
3-CPU1/3-ANNCPU1’s and the graphic annunciator panel.
10a Initiate an active Monitor condition and verify that: the
Monitor LED flashes, the correct active Monitor device
message appears in the top and bottom windows of the LCD,
the active point counter changes, the event sequence
indicates a “1”, the active Monitor events counter at the
bottom of the display indicates M001, and the event type
indicates Monitor. Press the Monitor queue switch and verify
that the Monitor LED lights steady. Initiate a second active
Monitor condition and verify that the first Monitor message
remains at the top of the LCD window, that the second
Monitor event message appears at the bottom of the display,
the active point counter changes, the event sequence
indicates a “2”, the active Monitor events counter at the
bottom of the display indicates M002.
10b Initiate an active Trouble condition and verify that: the
Trouble LED flashes, the correct active Trouble device
message appears in the top and bottom windows of the LCD,
the local panel buzzer sounds, the Trouble relay transfers,
the active point counter changes, the event sequence
indicates a “1”, the active Trouble events counter at the
bottom of the display indicates T001, and the event type
indicates Trouble. The graphics panel also contains a
general trouble LED. Press the Trouble queue switch and
verify that the Trouble LED lights steady. Press the Panel
Silence switch to verify the panel buzzer silences and the
Panel Silenced LED lights. The graphics panel also contains
a panel silence and Reset switch which should also activate.
Initiate a second active Trouble condition and verify that the
first Trouble message remains at the top of the LCD window,
that the second Trouble event message appears at the
bottom of the display, the active point counter changes, the
event sequence indicates a “2”, the active Trouble events
counter at the bottom of the display indicates T002
10c Initiate an active Supervisory condition and verify that the
Supervisory LED flashes, the correct active Supervisory
device message appears in the top and bottom windows of
the LCD, the local panel buzzer sounds , the Supervisory
relay transfers, the active point counter changes, the event
sequence indicates a “1”, the active Supervisory events
counter at the bottom of the display indicates S001 and the
event type indicates Supervisory. Press the Supervisory
queue switch and verify that the Supervisory LED lights
steady. Press the Panel Silence switch to verify the panel
buzzer silences and the Panel Silenced LED lights. Initiate a

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.9

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Table 4-2: Initial acceptance testing for smoke-control equipment

Component Test procedure
second active Supervisory condition and verify that the first
Supervisory message remains at the top of the LCD window,
that the second Supervisory event message appears at the
bottom of the display, the active point counter changes, the
event sequence indicates a “2”, the active Supervisory
events counter at the bottom of the display indicates S002.
10d. Initiate an active Alarm, verify that alarm LED flashes, the
correct fire alarm/smoke-control message appears in the top
and bottom windows of the LCD the active point counter
changes, the event sequence indicates a “1”, the active
alarm events counter at the bottom of the display indicates
A001 and the event type indicates alarm. Press the Alarm
queue switch and verify that the Alarm LED lights steady.
Press the Panel Silence switch to verify the panel buzzer
silences and the Panel Silenced LED lights. Initiate a second
Alarm condition and verify that the first Alarm message
remains at the top of the LCD window, that the second Alarm
event message appears at the bottom of the display, the
active point counter changes, the event sequence indicates a
“2”, the active alarm events counter at the bottom of the
display indicates A002.
11. LED’s for operation of smoke control components in 1-10
above are also contained on the graphic annunciator panel
and must be confirmed for each device.
12. Press the Reset switch on the LCD or annunciator panel and
verify that all devices reset and the panel returns to the
normal condition.
3-RS232 card installed in 1. Verify the card is properly seated in its connector and
3-CPU1 secured with the snap rivet.
2. Verify that the baud rate of the peripheral device connected
to the port matches the port setting as set using the SDU
3. Check the printer (3-CPU1 only) operation by initiating an
active condition on the system or generating a system report
via the keypad.
3-RS485 card installed in 1. Verify the card is properly seated in its connector and
3-CPU1, class B secured
2. For smoke control panels which are networked, start with the
network in the normal condition and use the status command
to verify all connected cabinets are communicating over the
3. Disconnect the network data communications wiring (TB2-
17/18 & 19/20) from the cabinet with the primary 3-LCD
Display, and verify that all the other system cabinets
connected to the network appear in the trouble queue.

4.10 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Table 4-2: Initial acceptance testing for smoke-control equipment

Component Test procedure
3-RS485 card installed in 1. Verify the card is properly seated in its connector and
3-CPU1, class A secured with the snap rivet.
2. For smoke-control panels which are networked, start with the
network in the normal condition and use the status command
to verify all connected cabinets are communicating over the
3. Disconnect the network data communications wiring (TB2-
17/18 & 19/20) from the cabinet with the primary 3-LCD
Display, and verify that a Class A network data
communications fault is annunciated. Repeat step 2 to verify
that all connected cabinets are still communicating over the
3-IDC8/4 traditional I/O zone 1. Familiarize yourself with the circuit configuration of the
module for smoke-control individual module to be tested. Remember, modules of the
same type can be configured differently.
2. For circuits configured as Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs),
activate the circuit by shorting the circuit’s two terminals.
Verify that the appropriate message appears in the proper
message queue. Disconnect the circuit or EOL resistor.
Verify that a Trouble message appears in the Trouble
message queue.
3. For circuits optionally configured as Notification Device
Circuits (NACs), turn on the circuit by activating an IDC
programmed to turn on the NAC, or use the activate output
device command via the keypad. Verify that the circuit
activates properly. Restore the circuit. Disconnect the circuit
or EOL resistor. Verify that a Trouble message appears in
the Trouble message queue.
3-DSDC Signature driver 1. Verify that the module is properly seated in both rail
module connectors and secured with the two snap rivets. Verify that
removable terminal strips TB1 and TB2 are firmly seated.
2. Verify the wiring to all Signature devices.
3. Map the SDC circuit by reading the device data; adjusting,
modifying, and accepting devices as required; writing the
information back to the devices; and re-reading the device
4. With no map errors displayed, put an input device on the
circuit in the active mode, and verify the appropriate
message is displayed on the 3-LCD Display and graphic
annunciator, where installed. Put the input device in the
Trouble mode and verify that the correct Trouble message is
NOTE :Individual device testing is detailed in other tables.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.11

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Table 4-2: Initial acceptance testing for smoke-control equipment

Component Test procedure
LED displays, XLS1000 SCS 1. Verify that the display(s) are properly seated in the module
and Envoy FSCS series or graphic panel. Verify that the ribbon cable between the
annunciator display and its host module is firmly seated on both ends.
2. For the FSCS perform a lamp test by pressing the Alarm
Silence and Panel Silence switches simultaneously.
3. For the FSCS series annunciator there is a momentary
pushbutton switch on the panel.
Control/LED Displays, 1. Verify that the display(s) are properly seated in the module or
XLS1000 SCS and Envoy graphic panel. Verify that the ribbon cable between the
FSCS series annunciator display and its host module is firmly seated on both ends.
2. Perform a lamp test by pressing the Alarm Silence and Panel
Silence switches simultaneously. For the graphic annunciator
panel there is a Lamp Test switch on the panel.
3. Perform a functional switch test.

4.12 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

XLS1000 SCS detection acceptance testing

The procedures listed in Table 4-3, Table 4-5, and Table 4-7
should be performed on the detectors, input modules, output
modules, and related accessories connected to each cabinet.
Additional procedures for manual initiating devices may be
found in Table 4-6. These procedures are presented to test the
devices and smoke-control system programming.
Note: The network configuration, Signature Control module
information must be downloaded into the network and Audio
Source Unit, using the XLS1000 System Definition Utility (SDU)
Program, before starting testing.
Every detector connected to the smoke-control system should be
visited, and manually activated during the installation process to
verify that:
1. The location meets design parameters for spacing and air
2. The location annunciated by the smoke-control system
agrees with the physical location of the device.
3. That the activated device initiates the correct smoke-control
system response.

Table 4-3: Initial acceptance testing for detectors

Component Test procedure
Signature Series detectors 1. Verify that all components are installed in a workman like
and bases on a 3-SSDC manner.
module circuit
2. Individually activate each detector. Verify that the appropriate
Alarm and location message is displayed on the 3-LCD
display. Verify that the detector initiates the appropriate
system responses. If the detector is installed in a relay base,
verify that the base’s relay function operates correctly. If the
detector is installed in an isolator base, verify that the base
isolates the required circuit segments.
3. Duct mounted detectors should be tested to verify that
minimum/maximum airflow requirements are met and that
smoke-control actions or overrides are functioning.
4. Remove the detector from its base. Verify that the appropriate
Trouble and location message is displayed on the 3-LCD
5. After all detectors have been individually inspected, run a
Sensitivity report, using the Reports command.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.13

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Table 4-3: Initial acceptance testing for detectors

Component Test procedure
Traditional 2-wire smoke 1. Verify that all components are installed in a workman like
detectors connected to manner.
3-IDC8/4 modules
2. Individually activate each detector. Verify that the appropriate
Alarm and location message is displayed on the 3-LCD
display. Verify the detector circuit initiates the appropriate
system responses.
3. Duct mounted detectors should be tested to verify that
minimum/maximum airflow requirements are met and that
smoke-control actions or overrides are functioning.
4. Remove the detector from its base. Verify that the appropriate
circuit Trouble and location message is displayed on the
3-LCD display.

Table 4-4: Initial acceptance testing for detectors

Component Test procedure
Conventional 2-wire smoke 1 Verify that all components are installed in a workman-like
detectors connected to SIGA- manner.
UM (UM) modules
2 Verify that jumper JP1 on each UM module is set to position
3 Individually activate each detector. Verify that the appropriate
Alarm and location message is displayed on the 3-LCD
display. Verify the UM initiates the appropriate system
4 Duct mounted detectors should be tested to verify that
minimum/maximum airflow requirements are met and that
smoke-control actions or overrides are functioning.
5 Remove the detector from its base. Verify that the appropriate
UM Trouble and location message is displayed on the 3-LCD
Beam detectors 1. Test the detector at the receiver.
2. Use test cards and obscuration filters supplied with the unit’s
installation kit.
3. Following installation instructions for testing for total
obscuration and then use filters to verify sensitivity.

4.14 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Smoke-control input modules

Every input module connected to the smoke-control system
should be visited, and manually activated during the installation
process to verify that:
1. The installed location of the initiating device connected to
the module meets proper engineering practices.
2. The location annunciated by the system agrees with the
physical location and function of the initiating device.
3. The initiating device/module activates the correct smoke-
control system response.

Table 4-5: Initial acceptance testing for input modules

Component Test procedure
Signature Series input 1 Verify that all components are installed in a workman-like
modules manner.
2 Individually activate each initiation device. Verify that the
appropriate circuit type and location message is displayed on
the 3-LCD and graphic display. Verify that the circuit initiates
the appropriate system responses.
3 Open the circuit. Verify that the appropriate circuit Trouble
and location message is displayed on the 3-LCD display.

Table 4-6: Initial acceptance testing for manual stations

Component Test procedure
Manual stations ( for stairwell 1. Visual inspection.
pressurization only)
2. Activate mechanism.
3. Verify that the appropriate circuit type and location message
is displayed on the 3-LCD display. The graphic panel, tailored
to each installation may use only a single alarm LED to
indicate multiple device conditions. Verify the device initiates
the appropriate smoke-control system zone and design
4. Open the circuit. Verify that the appropriate Trouble and
location message is displayed on the 3-LCD.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.15

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Smoke-control output modules

Every output module connected to the system should be visited,
and manually activated during the installation process to verify
1. The installed location of the controlled device meets proper
engineering practices.
2. The location of the controlled device annunciated by the
system agrees with the physical location of the device.
3. The device is activated by the correct system input(s).

Table 4-7: Initial acceptance testing for output modules

Component Test procedure
Signature series output 1. Verify that all components are installed in a workman like
modules manner.
2. Using the Activate Output command, individually activate
each output. Verify that the device responds appropriately
and the LED and graphic annunciator LED’s light.
3. For supervised output circuits, open up the circuit. Verify that
the appropriate circuit Trouble and location message is
displayed on the 3-LCD display.
4. If the output is activated by one or more system inputs,
activate these inputs and verify the output priority function
operates appropriately.
5. Confirm sequential operation for output modules connected
to fans, dampers, and doors.

Table 4-8: Weekly testing of dedicated systems

Component Test procedure
Dedicated smoke control 1. Programming for the SCS must include a weekly test of
systems dedicated systems and their components.
2. Results of automatic testing should verify that all
components operate in the programmed sequence.
3. The program, at the designated time, must automatically
activate the output command for each of the system inputs,
verifying were necessary that dampers ( and other
compartmenting components ) have opened or closed and
fans have started or stopped.
4. A record of the automatic test sequences and results must
be maintained at the location of the XLS1000 SCS.

4.16 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Dedicated systems
Zoned smoke-control and atrium systems
Verify the exact location of each smoke-control zone and the
door or other openings in the perimeter of each zone. If the
building plans do not specifically identify them, the smoke-
control system may have to be activated in zones so that any
magnetically held doors will close and identify smoke zone
For the building components verification, the component
designer should measure and record the pressure difference
across all smoke-control zones that divide a floor. The
measurements should be made while the HVAC systems serving
the floor’s smoke zones are operating in their normal (i.e. non-
smoke-control) mode. The measurements should be made while
all smoke barrier doors that divide a floor into zones are closed.
A measurement should be made across each smoke barrier door
or set of doors, and the resulting data should clearly indicate the
higher and lower pressure sides of the doors.
Using smoke-control input devices, verify the proper activation
of each zoned smoke-control system in response to all means of
activation, both automatic and manual, as specified in the
contract documents. Where automatic activation is required in
response to alarm signals received from the building’s smoke-
control system, each separate alarm signal should be initiated to
ensure that proper automatic activation of the correctly zoned
smoke-control system occurs. Automatic weekly testing of
dedicated systems should be cycled to verify all components
operate as installed and programmed and that the test time is
agreeable to the building owners. Verify confirming indications,
documenting the proper operation of all fans, dampers, and
related equipment for each separate smoke-control system zone.
Activate the zoned smoke-control system(s) that is appropriate
for each separate smoke-control zone. Measure and record the
pressure difference across all smoke barrier doors that separate
the smoke zone from adjacent zones. The measurements should
be made while all smoke barrier doors that separate the smoke
zone from the other zones are fully closed. One measurement
should be made across each smoke barrier door or set of doors,
and the data should clearly indicate the higher and lower
pressure sides of the doors. Doors that have a tendency to open
slightly due to the pressure difference should have one pressure
measurement made while held closed and another made when
Continue to activate each separate smoke-control zone and
making pressure difference measurements. Ensure that after

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.17

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

testing a smoke zone it is properly deactivated and the HVAC

systems involved return to their normal operating mode prior to
activating another zone’s smoke-control system according to
system programming. Also ensure that control verifying damper
and fan operation necessary to prevent excessive pressure
differences are functioning to prevent damage to ducts and
related building equipment. Component testing should have
previously verified operation of fans, dampers, doors, and other
smoke-control equipment.

Stairtower pressurization systems

The building system designer, with all building HVAC systems
in normal operation, measure and record the pressure difference
across each stairtower door while the door is closed. After
recording the pressure difference across the door, measure the
force necessary to open each door, using a spring-type scale. The
building system designer should establish a consistent procedure
for recording data throughout the entire test . The stairtower side
of the doors will always be considered as the reference point and
the floor side of the doors will always have the pressure
difference value (positive if higher than the stairtower and
negative when less than the stairtower). Since the stairtower
pressurization system is intended to produce a positive pressure
within the stairtower, all negative pressure values recorded on
the floor side of the doors indicate a potential airflow into the
The XLS1000 system designer, working with the building
system designer, should verify the proper activation of the
stairtower pressurization system(s) in response to all means of
activation, both automatic and manual, as specified in the
contract documents. Where automatic activation is required in
response to alarm signals received from the building’s smoke-
control system, each separate alarm signal should be initiated to
ensure that proper automatic activation occurs. Automatic
weekly testing of dedicated systems should be cycled to verify
all components operate as installed and programmed and that the
test time is agreeable to the building owners. Verify confirming
indications, documenting the proper operation of all fans,
dampers, and related equipment for each separate smoke-control
system zone.
With the stairtower pressurization system activated, the building
system designer should measure and record the pressure
difference at points similar to those evaluated in zoned smoke-
control and atrium systems.
After recording the pressure difference across each closed door,
measure the force necessary to open each door. Use the
established procedure to record data throughout the test. The

4.18 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

local code and contract documents should be followed regarding

the door to be opened for this test.
With the stairtower pressurization system activated, open the
doors required by the system design, one at a time, and measure
and record the pressure difference across each remaining closed
stairtower doors after the opening of each additional door. After
recording the pressure difference across each closed door,
measure the force necessary to open each door. Use the
established procedure to record data throughout the test. The
local code and contract document requirements should be
followed regarding the number and location of doors that need to
be opened for this test.
With the stairtower system activated, and all required doors
open, determine and record the direction of airflow through each
of the open doors. This can be done by using a small amount of
smoke at the open doorway. If velocity measurements are
required, a door opening traverse needs to be performed with the
door fully open.
Stairwell pressurization systems typically have a smoke detector
at the stair intake to stop fans should smoke begin to enter from
the outside. There must be a manual override on the system to
keep fans operating should a qualified emergency person
determine that the smoke infiltration is minor. Testing of the
override feature should be in the acceptance procedure.

Elevator shaft pressurization systems

Shaft systems may incorporate exhausting of air from the fire
floor, pressurization of elevator lobbies, pressurization of the
elevator hoistway or by construction of smoketight elevator
lobbies with pressurization. The type or combination of designs
will dictate system operation and testing. Elevator recall and the
use of elevators while the shaft or lobby is pressurized will be an
integral part of the test procedure developed.
The piston effect due to car movement on elevator shaft
pressurization has been researched and is discussed in several of
the texts referenced in Chapter 1. There are no recommended
tests to determine how shaft pressurization might be impacted
with car movement. Elevator door testing currently assumes a
median value for pressures developed against a door independent
of car movement. No dynamic testing of the shaft pressurization
system with car movement is therefore dictated.
The building system designer must define smoke-control
sequences for design and testing and measure and record
pressure differences in a manner similar to those described for

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.19

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Using smoke-control input devices, verify the proper activation

of the shaft pressurization system in response to all means of
activation, both automatic and manual, as specified in the
contract documents. Where automatic activation is required in
response to alarm signals received from the building smoke-
control system, each separate alarm signal should be initiated to
ensure that proper automatic activation occurs.
With the elevator shaft pressurization system activated, measure
and record the pressure difference across each shaft or lobby
door with all doors closed.
If an elevator door is held open due to recall, measure and record
the pressure difference across each remaining closed door. Use
an established procedure to record data throughout the entire test.
The local code and contract documents should be followed
regarding the elevator recall door to be opened or closed for this
With the elevator shaft system activated, determine and record
the direction of airflow through each of the shaft or elevator
lobby doors. This can be done by using a small amount of smoke
at the doors.

4.20 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Additional considerations
Other test methods
The test methods presented in this chapter provide an adequate
means to evaluate a smoke management system’s performance.
Historically, other test methods have been used in instances
where the authority having jurisdiction requires additional
testing. These test methods have limited value in evaluating
certain system performance, and their validity as a method of
testing a smoke management system is questionable.
As covered in the Chapter 1 of this manual, the dynamics of the
fire plume, buoyancy forces, and stratification are all major
critical elements in the design of the smoke management system.
Therefore, to test the system properly, a real fire condition would
be the most appropriate and meaningful test. There are many
valid reasons why such a fire is usually not practical in a
completed building. Open flame or actual fire testing might be
dangerous and should not normally be attempted. Any other test
is a compromise. If a test of the smoke-control system for
building acceptance is mandated by the authority having
jurisdiction, such a test condition would become the basis of
design and might not in any way simulate any real fire condition.
More importantly, it could be a deception and provide a false
sense of security that the smoke-control system would perform
adequately in a real fire emergency.
Smoke bomb tests do NOT provide the heat, buoyancy, and
entrainment of a real fire and are NOT useful in evaluating the
real performance of the system. A system designed in
accordance with this manual and capable of providing the
intended smoke-control might not pass smoke bomb tests.
Conversely, it is possible for a system that is incapable of
providing the intended smoke-control to pass smoke bomb tests.
Because of the impracticality of conducting real fire tests, the
acceptance tests described in this manual are directed to those
aspects of smoke management systems that can be verified and
are consistent with current research and testing in the fire
protection field.
Examples of other test methods that have been used with limited
effectiveness are chemical smoke tests, tracer gas tests, and real
fire tests.

XLS1000 SCS owner’s manual and instructions

Information should be provided to the owner that defines the
operation and maintenance of the smoke-control system. Basic
instruction on the operation of the smoke-control system should
be provided to the owner’s representatives. Since the owner may

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.21

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

assume beneficial use of the smoke-control system upon

completion of acceptance testing, this basic instruction should be
completed prior to acceptance testing and the owner’s
representative who will have a maintenance responsibility should
also be present.

Partial occupancy
Acceptance testing should be performed as a single step when
obtaining a certificate of occupancy. However, if the building is
to be completed or occupied in stages, multiple acceptance tests
may have to be conducted in order to obtain temporary
certificates of occupancy.

All operational and acceptance tests should be performed on the
applicable part of the system upon system changes and
modifications. Documentation should be updated to reflect
changes or modifications.

Periodic testing
During the life of the building, maintenance is essential to ensure
that the smoke-control system will perform its intended function
under fire conditions. Proper maintenance of the system should,
as a minimum, include the periodic testing of all smoke-control
equipment including XLS1000 SCS controls, initiating devices,
fans, dampers, controls, doors, and windows. The equipment
should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Refer to NFPA 90A, Standard for the
Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, for
suggested maintenance practices for non-dedicated HVAC and
damper requirements. NFPA 92A, NFPA 92B, and NFPA 72
should be consulted for smoke-control panel testing.
These tests should be performed on a periodic basis to determine
that the installed system continues to operate in accordance with
the approved design.
The smoke-control system should be tested in accordance with
the following schedule by persons who are thoroughly
knowledgeable in the operation, testing, and maintenance of the
systems. The results of the tests should be documented in the
operations and maintenance log and made available for

Dedicated Systems
Weekly: Automatic testing every seven days of dedicated
systems will cycle all components. Automatic tests must be
recorded, with failure of any monitored components noted.

4.22 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

Semiannually: Operate the smoke-control system for each

control sequence in the original design and observe the operation
of the correct outputs for each given input. Tests should be
conducted under standby power, if applicable.

Non-dedicated Systems
Annually: Operate the smoke-control system for each control
sequence in the approved configuration and observe the
operation of the correct output for each given input. Tests should
be conducted under standby power, if applicable.
Special arrangements might have to be made for the introduction
of large quantities of outside air into occupied areas or computer
centers when outside temperature and humidity conditions are
extreme. Since smoke-control systems override limit controls,
such as freezestats, tests should be conducted when outside air
conditions will not cause damage to equipment and systems.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual 4.23

Smoke-control acceptance and testing

4.24 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual


Automatic Control A system operating in this mode will initiate smoke-control

measures without personnel intervention due to a fire detection
system actuation.
Atrium A large-volume space created by a floor opening or series of
floor openings connecting two or more stories that is covered at
the top of the series of openings and is used for purposes other
than an enclosed stairway, elevator hoistway, escalator opening,
or utility shaft used for plumbing, electrical, air-conditioning, or
communications facilities.
Buoyancy The ability or tendency of smoke to rise in air.
Communicating Space Spaces within a building that have an open pathway to a large-
volume space such that smoke from a fire in the communicating
space can move unimpeded into the large-volume space.
Communicating spaces can open directly into the large-volume
space or can connect through open passageways.
Compensated System A smoke-control system where the air injected into a stairwell is
modulated or excess pressure is vented depending upon the
number of doors opened or closed in the stairwell. This keeps
the pressure barrier relatively constant.
Covered Mall A large-volume space created by a roofed-over common
pedestrian area in a building enclosing a number of tenants and
occupancies. Covered malls may include retail stores, drinking
establishments, entertainment and amusement facilities, offices,
or other similar uses where tenant spaces open onto or directly
communicate with the pedestrian area.
Dedicated System A smoke-control system designed for the sole purpose of
controlling smoke within a building. Equipment is not linked to
the building HVAC system. This is accomplished by installing a
system for air movement that is separate and distinct from the
building's HVAC system and only operates to control smoke.
Firefighter's smoke-control Firefighter's smoke-control station (FSCS) includes monitoring
station (FSCS) and over-riding capability over smoke-control systems and
equipment provided at designated location(s) within the building
for the use of the fire department. Other firefighter's systems not
required for smoke-control (voice alarm, public address, fire
department communication, and elevator control and status) may
be at the same location.
Large-Volume Space A space, generally two or more stories in height, within which
smoke from a fire either in the space or in a communicating
space can move or accumulate without restriction. Atriums and
covered malls are examples of large-volume spaces.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual Y.1


Manual Control A smoke-control system operates in this state when controls for
the station are changed manually to override automatic control
Noncompensated System A smoke-control system in which a single speed fan provides
pressurization in a stairwell. Pressure will vary depending upon
the number of doors opened in the stairwell.
Non-dedicated System A smoke-control system that shares components with other air
moving equipment. When the smoke-control mode is activated,
the operating of the building's air moving equipment changes in
order to accomplish the objectives of the smoke-control design.
Pressurized Stairwell A type of smoke-control system in which stair shafts are
mechanically pressurized with outdoor air to keep smoke from
contaminating them during a fire event.
Separated Spaces Spaces within a building that are isolated from large-volume
spaces by smoke barriers that do not rely on airflow to restrict
the movement of smoke.
Smoke The airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases evolved
when a material undergoes pyrolysis or combustion, together
with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into
the mass.
Smoke Barrier A membrane, either vertical or horizontal, such as a wall, floor, or
ceiling assembly, that is designed and constructed to restrict the
movement of smoke. A smoke barrier might or might not have a
fire resistance rating.
Smoke-Control Mode A predefined operational configuration of a system, zone, or
device for the purpose of smoke-control.
Smoke-Control System(SCS) An engineered system that uses mechanical fans to produce
airflow and pressure differences across smoke barriers to limit
and direct smoke movement.
Smoke Damper A UL listed device designed to resist the passage of air or
smoke. Smoke dampers are installed in ducts or smoke barriers
separating floor or smoke zones. A fire barrier constructed to
limit smoke may also serve as a smoke barrier and may use a
combination fire and smoke damper that is also UL listed.
Systems serving more than one floor with a capacity greater than
15,000 cfm are required by NFPA 90A to have smoke dampers
installed to isolate the air handling equipment, including filters, to
restrict the circulation of smoke.
Smoke Exhaust System A mechanical or gravity system intended to move smoke from a
smoke zone to the exterior of a building, including smoke
removal, purging, and venting systems, as well as the function of
exhaust fans utilized to reduce the pressure in a smoke zone.
Smoke Management System An engineered system that includes all methods that can be
used singly or in combination to modify smoke movement in a

Y.2 XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual


Smoke Proof Enclosure A continuous stairway which is enclosed from top to bottom by a
2-hour firewall and exits to the exterior of a building. Entry into
the stairway must be through vestibules or outside balconies on
each floor. The design must limit smoke entry and include
ventilation which is natural or mechanical.
Smoke Zone The smoke-control zone in which the fire is located.
Stack Effect The vertical airflow within buildings caused by the temperature-
created density differences between the building interior and
exterior or between two interior spaces.
Tenable Environment An environment in which smoke and heat is limited or otherwise
restricted in order to maintain the impact on occupants to a level
that is not life threatening. In a zoned smoke-control system,
pressure differences are used to maintain a tenable environment
in an area intended to protect building occupants while
evacuation is taking place.
Zoned Smoke-Control A smoke-control system that includes smoke exhaust for the
smoke zone and pressurization for all contiguous smoke-control
zones. The remaining smoke-control zones in the building also
may be pressurized.

XLS1000 Smoke Management Application Manual Y.3

Automation and Control Solutions
Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée
1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic Drive
Golden Valley, MN 55422 Scarborough, Ontario
M1V 4Z9

74-3118 8-03

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