W L B C: Church Yard Sale

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God of the little things....

Little things matter. When God gets involved in the

minutia of life, unmistakably intervening in the smallest
details of our day-to-day dilemmas, it means he cares
enough to bother with what’s bothering us. The God who
created the vast universe works through life’s
circumstances to bring about his good purposes. That’s big.

We know, too, that if God is involved in our everyday

lives, he’s also working on the more complicated situations — the big things. He might just be
working behind the scenes.

When troubles come and God seems not to notice, think of times when he’s intervened. Recount
and revel in them. Rest assured in God’s perfect plan for big and small. “We know that all things
work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose”
(Romans 8:28, NRSV).

West Lynchburg Baptist Church
May 1, 2011

Young Musicians - Sunday, May 1 & Senior Adult Sunday

Church Yard Sale - Centri-Kid Fund-raiser


Blood Drive

Motorcycle Rally

Women’s Asian Tea

Benefit Concert

Senior Adult Trip

Street Team
Staff Member on Call
April 29, 30 & May 1
Robert Putt 841-6886

Quick Look for the Week - May 1, 2011

Deacon of the Week - Ray Cooper 847-0117

9:00 AM Instrumental Ensemble

9:15 AM Library Open
9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages

11:00 AM KIDS In Worship

Topic: The Risen Lord

11:00 AM Morning Worship

Senior Adult Sunday
Guest Speaker: Rev. Clinton Brooks
Amazing Grace Shares

5:30 PM Kingdom Kids Ringers

6:00 PM Instrumental Ensemble
6:15 PM TeamKIDS
6:30 PM Student Worship (Gr. 7-12) 5:30PM Gathering Together

6:30 PM Children’s Musical Presentation by

Young Musicians
“Dare to Show the World We Care”

Monday, May 2
7:00 PM Deacons’ Meeting

7:00 PM Charity Class Meets

Tuesday, May 3
10:00 AM Prayer Meeting
10:30 AM Suzanne Barden Circle Meets
11:30 AM S.W.A.T.
1:30 PM Amazing Grace Fellowship
Wednesday, May 4
5:15PM Wednesday Night Family Supper
(Please sign up for supper the Monday before. Thank you)
Menu: Salmon Cakes, Vegetables, Biscuits, & Dessert

6:00 PM Music Makers (Age 4 - Gr.1)

Young Musicians (Gr.2 - 6)

6:30 PM EDGE (Gr. 7-12)

6:30 PM Bible Study/Prayer Meeting

6:45 PM Mission Friends (Ages 4 & 5)

Royal Ambassadors (Gr. 1-6)
Girls in Action (Gr. 1-6)

6:50 PM Highest Praise

7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir
8:50 PM Praise Team Rehearsal

Thursday, May 5
National Day of Prayer
7:00 PM College Bible Study IMPACT

Saturday, May 7
9:00 AM - 2:00PM

10:00 AM Street Team

Lynchburg General: None

Virginia Baptist: None

Please pray for and extend Christian sympathy to Linda Blair

at the loss of her mother Maxine Dees.
(4229 Fort Ave. 24502)

Please pray for and extend Christian sympathy to Robert

Lane and family at the loss of their uncle in Ohio.
Wednesday Night Family Suppers
Join us at 5:15pm for supper every Wednesday night in fellowship
hall. Meals are prepared by our kitchen teams. Please make a
reservation the Monday before.

May Menus:
May 11: Poor Man’s Buffet, Assorted Beans, Fried Potatoes w/onions, Corn Bread
& Dessert
May 18: Breakfast for Dinner, Ham & Eggs
May 25: Chicken Buffet

Please note....
May 25 will be our last dinner until September. We want to thank Patsy Leftwich and
the kitchen committee for faithfully cooking and serving us GREAT meals
September will bring new menus and another year of terrific food prepared by our
Kitchen Teams!!!! Thank you

W elcome New Members

by Letter
James & Robin Hall
109 Overlink Court
Lynchburg, VA 24503
Phone: 434.384.8944
Email: rshall1@juno.com
Deacon: Jeff Woodford
Centri-Kid Fund-raiser
May 14, 2011
Please consider donating items to be sold. We have a designated
room for storage till the sale at the church. You can drop off your
treasures anytime during the day. All monies raised will be used
for Centri-Kid Camp Week at Eagle Eyrie. Thank you!

Mother’s Day - May 8, 2011

Mother’s Day Tea Packets
The Network House Shelter is having their fifth annual
Mother's Day Tea Packet Fund-raiser.
Stay at home, put your feet up, and have a tea party between yourself and the Lord.
Mother's Day Tea packets contain a tea bag, hot chocolate, a homemade muffin, cookie
and brownie, plus several pieces of candy, all attractively wrapped - just enough for
your own personal tea party - and costs only $5 each.
So, buy a package for yourself and all the other important women in your life - your
mother, mother-in-law, daughter, girl friend, or a "shut-in."
Show them how special they are to you and help keep the doors open to the shelter!
Watch for order forms in the Sunday Bulletin. Please pre-order, thank you. Packets will
be available on Mother’s Day.
Get your BIKE ready!
We will be hitting the ROAD AGAIN...

Motorcycle Rally
to benefit Operation
Christmas Child.

Registration will start at 9:30am ($20 per bike) and we

plan to be rolling out at 10am. We would like you to pre-register, by calling the
church office at 845.4600. We are mapping out a FUN route and lunch will be
provided at WLBC after the ride. (Hot Dogs & Burgers.)

We are riding to put SMILES on children’s faces around the

WORLD this Christmas!

NEWS from the EDGE

Youth Opportunities......
April 30 Saturday: Scavenger Hunt 3pm - 5pm

May 13 Friday: EVENT Movie Night @ WLBC


May 20, Friday: Benefit Concert “Red Hill

Redemption” 7pm (Doors Open 6:30pm)

May 22 Sunday: Student Led Worship & Senior

Recognition 11am
Youth M-Fuge Trip
JUNE 27 - JULY 2, 2011
Greenville, South Carolina


Wet Ones/Moist Towelettes fingernail file, pencils, bookmarks,
Chapstick, individual tissue packs, note cards, stamps, Pop Tarts, Granola Bars,
M & M's, chewing gum, cookies, candy bars, trail mix, suckers,
sun screen, pens, markers, travel games, sample hand lotions, brush, comb, mirror,
toothbrush/toothpaste (travel size), mini flash lights, etc.....
A collection box is located in the church foyer.

MISSIONS....at M-Fuge you can roll your sleeves up and get ready to jump right into
ministry…you will get to invest your time and energy into a variety of mission projects
(choose between Children’s Ministry, Games & Rec, Social Ministry, Creative Ministry
or Painting, Construction, Yard work). During the day your students will be challenged
and stretched as individuals; in the evenings, you’ll have an opportunity to build group
unity over dinner, worship, fellowships and Church Group Devotions.

Women’s Event
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Eleven O’clock
Asian Tea with Miho Camerata
Ladies......experience a wonderful time of sharing a cup
of tea in a traditional manner.
Invite a friend or neighbor to join you. Donation of $3.
There will be a love offering taken for Japanese Relief. Helping them
after the earthquake devastation. Thank you.
Associational Emphasis Week
May 15 - 22, 2011


Today’s church faces unprecedented challenges with rapid cultural change,

extreme diversity and transitioning communities. However, these challenges
bring new opportunities for churches to impact their communities. Effective
churches are passionately pursuing innovative strategies to meet these new
The local Baptist Association is ready to assist each church with resources
that help fulfill their commitment to the Great Commission.
The local LBA goal for this year's offering will be $12,000 and will go to the
following mission projects:
Kingdom Builders, Klothes 4 Kids, Partnership Missions, Jericho's Debt
Reduction, & Back Packs 4 Kids Sale.


Help sow the Gospel in our neighborhood!

We are the church with heart in the heart of the city!
Join US! You will be uplifted.

Saturdays 10am - Schedule: April 30, May 7, 14, 21

Meet in the rear parking lot.
Questions? Please contact: Danny Jennings 525.5964
Senior Adult Trip
FALL in Myrtle Beach - October 6 - 8, 2011
We invited you to join us on a fun-filled trip to the Grand Strand!!!

Package Includes:
R/T Motorcoach, Escorted by Randy
2 nights at Dayton House, Breakfast Buffet each day;
Alabama Theatre Show
Dinner at Chesapeake House
Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show
Shopping ‘Tanger Outlets’
Baggage Handling - Snacks & Bottle Water on the Coach

Pricing: Single $393 Double $317 Triple $299 Quad $291

Deposit of $100 Due June 14 Final Payment August 14

Sign up on the bulletin board or contact the church office.

Benefit Concert
for Centri-Kid Camp
May 20, 2011
Friday Evening - 7pm
“Red Hill Redemption”
Contemporary Christian Music
Cost a Donation Location: WLBC
Doors Open 6:30pm
“The Church with Heart in the Heart of the City.”

Please don’t forget our food pantry donations.

TC Miller School Santa Shop Re-Gifts

Recycle your unwanted crayons here at WLBC.

Coin Collection Containers....pick one up at church


Don’t forget to look for SALE items to be used in shoeboxes for OCC this
Christmas. Bring in those empty shoeboxes!

Baby Photos - Library Window & Korean Veterans Photos

Register for Centri-Kid Camp

Drop off items for Church Yard Sale

WLBC’s Cookbooks available $10 each

SEPTEMBER 9-10, 2011
TRIP The Women’s Ministry
Praying for Missionaries:
The Knight Family (Japan) website... www.theknights.multiply.com
The First Hospital Letters
Blaster Boy and Lasso Girl
Kenji began to improve little by little with his most dramatic improvements noted on Monday mornings.
(One of my friends pointed out that Sunday services in the US had just ended around that time and many
were praying for him.) After a few days he was moved to regular room in Ward 1 which was on the
ground floor.

The rooms within the ward were capable of holding up to 4 patients so Kenji and had the opportunity to
make many new friends. Because Kenji was there for 24 days, he had many room mates, one of them
however was constant. Miho was a young girl whom sickness had ravaged. She hadn't been awake for
nearly 18 months. Everyday her mother came and sat for 2 hours or more sometimes singing, sometimes
coloring pictures, sometimes reading always to her unresponsive daughter. Shared grief is an unusual
camaraderie but it builds a dynamic relationship so each day Miho's mom and I became better friends.

Children are not allowed in the wards so we had to come up with creative ways for Kenji's and Miho's
siblings to visit. Because we were on the ground floor we often had the children come outside and we
would open the window a crack to visit. Kenji always smiled and laughed at brother and sissy calling to
him from the other side and it lifted my spirits as well. Miho's mom had a little different plan. Miho had
two little sisters who came regularly as window visitors. They did not know how sick Miho was. Miho's
mom would prop her on her side with her back to the window then cover her with blankets until only her
hair was showing. The grandma would then lift the little visitors to the window and the mother would lift
Miho's arm under the blanket so that the bare hand "waved" at them.

One day while I was playing with Kenji I made up a story for him. He still had breathing issues and
needed the assistance of a machine and Miho had a multitude of issues, she was swollen beyond
recognition of a little girl, she had tubes that came from everywhere including some that were surgically
placed coming from her torso. That day, Blaster Boy and Lasso Girl came to life. The story began with a
boy and girl who lived at the Children's Hospital who were secret superheroes. They had to protect the
other children for the night time dangers or threats to the safety of the hospital. However, during the day
they must recharge their powers. Blaster Boy had to use a special breathing device to power up his super
charged tornado force breath and Lasso Girl had to repair and repower all of her special lassos which
were attached in various places that helped her in crime fighting. Each day I told them of the adventure
that had "happened" the night before and how they had saved others due to their special skills. Then
Miho's mom began to look forward to hearing the adventures as well.

After Kenji went to sleep one night, I went to the store to get a few items and God really put Miho on my
heart. I wasn't sure why but I bought stationary and stickers for her. I wrote a letter and put the small gift
beside her bed. When her mom came in the next day she saw it immediately. I saw her pick up the letter ,
read it, sit a moment in silence then cry. She opened the package and begin to write letters to the little
sisters placing stickers from Miho. She played stationary and stickers with her daughter for about an
hour when she looked at me and said with her voice slightly failing, "Thank you, today is her birthday.
Today she is five."

Although she was a girl seemingly forgotten by the world, she was not forgotten by God.

Daily, Miho seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. She had convulsions which came more frequently
and with more magnitude. I noticed one morning that Miho's mom had bought amulets at a shrine or
temple and placed near her bed. I had shared with her previously that I didn't use things like that because
I was a Christian. After several days the doctors asked for a conference with Miho's mom when she
returned she cried off and on for a very long time. She had been told that the end was very near for
Miho. I asked her if I could pray to my God for Miho and she seemed pleased. She gave her bedside
chair and asked me to sit there. I took Miho's small hand in mine and began to pour out my heart before
the Lord as a mother. Tears ran freely her body began to convulse, her little hand shaking but I continued
praying. I realized that MIho's mom had put her hands on my shoulder and was crying audibly. Suddenly
I became aware that someone was there. I looked up and there stood her doctor, he took in situation just
a second and then left in silence.

The next day Miho's family sent a package of little gifts for my whole family.

The superheroes last adventure ended like this, ".......after a long, tiring fight the two friends looked at
each other with a moment of understanding. Blaster Boy turned to his family to go home with his parents
and Lasso Girl turned to Heaven to go home with God." Jessica

Deacon of the Week Ray Cooper 847-0117

Many times we are asked, “Who is

my deacon?”

To help you we will list the Deacon of

the Week and his list of families in the
E-BULLET. There will be a complete
Pictured Ray & Carol Cooper list posted on the bulletin board near
the church office. This complete list is
alphabetical by your last name. We
Ray’s Deacon Families: hope this will help you know who your
Herb & Carole Maynard deacon is for the year. If you have any
Winston & Merle Mead questions, please feel free to contact
Dorcas Mohr the church office.
Dora Moore
Betty Pettyjohn
Steve Pettyjohn
Todd Pettyjohn
Whitney Pettyjohn
Wyatt & Betty Read
Marion Saunders
Billy Sparrow
Madeline Thompson
Chris Tyree
Wendy Tyree
Lottie Wilkerson
“On mission to reach people for
the family of God.”


Dr. Robert Putt, Pastor rputt@wlbc.org

Cell Phone: 841.6886 845.4600 EXT 15

Rev. Randy Kent, Minister of Music & Senior Adults

Cell Phone: 665.6880 845.4600 EXT 13

Vance Matthews, Minister of Students

Cell Phone: 910.814.7200 845.4600 EXT 14

Pam Anderson (Financial) panderson@wlbc.org

Sue Thomas (Administrative) sthomas@wlbc.org

Phyllis Lane (Organist) lanesk@aol.com

Jeanne Kent (Pianist) kentsnforest@msn.com

"The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to
start over no matter what my circumstances." —Robert Flatt

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