Legal Research Working Outline
Legal Research Working Outline
Legal Research Working Outline
I.| Professional Conduct
a.| Competent representation to a client.
i.| Legal knowledge
ii.| Skill
iii.| Thoroughness
iv.| Preparation
v.| Central to ethical obligation
b.| Good legal research
i.| Correct ʹ leading to law governing client͛s situation
ii.| Comprehensive ʹ Addressing various issues raised by client͛s situation and
finding appropriate authorities
iii.| Credible ʹ Focusing on authorities that carry weight because of nature and
iv.| Cost effective ʹ It͛s expensive. Do it the fastest/best way possible.
I.| Researching
a.| General
i.| Formulate an issue, select an encyclopedia
ii.| Locate and read pertinent passages
iii.| Get useful info and consider implications
iv.| Plan next steps
b.| Paper good for beginning
i.| Strong internal finding tools
ii.| Browsing is a good strategy
c.| Steps
i.| Use the index or topic list to id a topic
ii.| Look over topic͛s intro material
iii.| Read the topic͛s outline
iv.| Read the text
v.| Look for and read updates in the pocket part or supplementary pamphlet
II.| Locating topics in encyclopedia
a.| 2 types
i.| Index
1.| Amjur and CJS both have multi-volume indexes
a.| Issued annually
b.| Shelved at end of the set
c.| Can also find by annual index
2.| Encyclopedias
a.| Indexes are extensive
b.| Complex
c.| Detailed
d.| Spend time looking up alternative terms
e.| Cross references
ii.| Topic list
1.| Amjur and CJS both provide alpha topic lists in their index volumes
2.| Synopsis, cross-refs to other topics, and refs to commentary
a.| Topic outlines as well
i.| General and specific ʹ good for an overview of big
3.| Seek first to learn the pertinent legal rujles
a.| Note implications and number of pertinent sections
b.| Look for refs to potentially pertinent authorities
c.| Reading all sections within a part of your topic = good strategy
4.| Last ʹ make sure its current
a.| You will read the material in the main volume and then update
that material by checking pocket part.
i.| Pocket part = set of pages inserted into a pocket in the
back of a bound volume; it provides additional citations
and brings the bound volume up to date (no more than
one year of the present)
ii.| May provide additional text with supporting authorities
or additional references
iii.| Some don͛t have pp͛s ʹ if recent
iv.| Others have so much updating material that they have a
separate supplementary pamphlet instead of a pocket
5.| Research efficiently when main volume updated
a.| Skim main volume to learn which sections are pertinent and
what the law has been and may still be.
i.| Then check updating material.
ii.| Synthesize the main volume and updating material as
you take notes
iii.| Note whether a point comes from the main volume or
pocket part
a.| Bluebook
i.| 82 Am. Jur. 2d
b.| ¦
i.| 82 Am. Jur. 2d
I.| Tables of cited Laws and Cases
a.| If you begin with Amjur or CJS with a citation to pertinent fed statute, regulation, court
rule, uniform act, consult either encyc.͛s Table of cited laws
i.| Amjur
1.| Table listing statutes by names, Popular Names Table
ii.| CJS
1.| Table of cases ʹ permitting you to locate a discussion of a known case
II.| News Topics Service
a.| In addition to pp͛s, Amjur has NTS
i.| Looseleaf binder
ii.| Topics too new to be located in bound valume
III.| Correlation Tables
a.| Topic may be reorganized to better reflect current law
i.| If you want to find old law, look at correlation table
IV.| Specialized Encyclopedias
a.| Cover some major areas of law
i.| Can be very good
I.| What is it?
a.| Form of commentary that systematically and extensively explores a legal subject
i.| Subject may be quite broad (like contracts or employment law)
ii.| May be narrow (single statute protecting disabled workers)
iii.| Written by law profs, lawyers, and staff of legal publishing companies
b.| Good ones
i.| Present thorough scholarly discussion
ii.| 3 parts
1.| Text itself
2.| Internal finding tools like index or tables of contents and list of
3.| Supporting materials like appendix of statutes
iii.| Explains the law, setting out rules, policies, and examples
1.| Few also critique the law and propose legal reforms
2.| Treatise text typically organize dby chapters and then by sections or
iv.| Has references and commentary sources
II.| When to use it?
a.| Whene you know what subject your client involves, but need to learn the legal
framework and rules
b.| Not the law ʹ but can be persuasive if written by respected author
III.| Draw backs
a.| Some are updated, many are not
b.| Some more credible, better researched, clearly organized, and more comprehensive
c.| May be a few subjects on which nothing yet written
IV.| Publishing
a.| Most are books, either hardbound, softbound, or looseleaf
i.| Loosleaf: separate pages in a binder, helps updating
b.| What are they?
i.| Textbooks - cases and materials on or readings in
ii.| Study aids - Most study aids present the law in simple form and lack footnotes
(E͛Es ʹ Nutshells)
iii.| Manuals for legal education
1.| CLE have institute in the name generally
iv.| Hornbooks ʹ Single volume treatise that explains principles of law in a field, and
written by well regarded scholar in the field
I.| General
a.| Formulate issue, locate good treatise, locate pertinent material, get useful shit for your
client, and plan next steps
b.| 2 approaches
i.| Paper and online
c.| Paper
i.| How To
1.| Locate through library catalog, shelf-browsing, recommendation, or
reference in another source
a.| Call number/reserve desk
i.| Standard scheme of call numbers for legal subjects
created by congress
b.| Look in textbook
c.| Ask professor/librarian
d.| Subject search on library search catalog
e.| Key word search
f.| Coverage:
i.| Pick a treatise with scope and detail you need. First
single volume like hornbook, then detailed multi
g.| Currency
i.| Published or updated recently
ii.| Check copyright dates of main volume and updating
h.| Credibility
i.| Some are classics ʹ really good
ii.| Cited in text books or course syllabus
iii.| Credentials of author
i.| Organization
i.| Topically
ii.| Statute or claims and defenses, or chronologically, such
as by phases or stages
iii.| TOC
iv.| Indexes
v.| Table of authorities
j.| Locate and read pertinent passages
i.| Use index or TOC to locate petinent material w/I the
ii.| Some have summary tables
iii.| Look for an explanation of law/policy/examples ʹ and
k.| Check for updates
i.| Pocket parts ʹ slip into pocket in cover
ii.| Supplemental volumes
iii.| Looseleaf supplements
iv.| Looseleaf page replacements
ii.| Reading at length ʹ paper better
iii.| Not many online yet
d.| Online
i.| Services collection of sources on subject area
ii.| Assess value
iii.| Locate pertinent / run key word
1.| Scan major topics in TOC
2.| Search within treatise or index
iv.| Read
v.| General
1.| Pros ʹ updates quick
2.| Cons ʹ not many available
a.| Bluebook
i.| 9 Lex K. Karson, G
b.| ALWD
i.| Lex K. Larson, G
III.| What else?
a.| Index to legal periodicals and books
b.| Keeping up to date
c.| Historical Legal treatises
I.| What is it?
a.| Form of commentary
i.| Articles on a range of legal topics published on a periodic basis
1.| Quarterly, monthly, etc
ii.| Pros:
1.| Depth
2.| Narrow
3.| Several references and finding tools
4.| Discussion about trends
iii.| Cons:
1.| Loses currency quickly
2.| No updates
3.| Some analysis is stupid
b.| 4 types
i.| Law review
1.| Not only current state of the law, but explore underlying policies,
critique current legal rules, and advocate law reform
2.| Written by professors; lawyers; lawmakers, judges; and law students
a.| Staffed by upper-class students who select and edit work
b.| 150 general
c.| 250 special
d.| 1 volume a year in 2 ʹ 8 issues, each with various papers
ii.| Bar journals
1.| Bar associations pujblish
a.| ABA Journal is the biggest
b.| Practical and cover lawyer issues ʹ not just the law
iii.| Commercial legal newspapers
1.| Emerging legal issues, oriented toward practicing lawyers
2.| Short and appear frequently
iv.| Newsletters
1.| Report on new court decisions, changes in the law, carry legal notices,
and present stories abot interesting people or sifnificant events in the
legal profession
I.| Researching in Periodicals
I.| Process
i.| State research issue
ii.| Using an index of periodical articles or key-word search in a peridocals database
to id pertinent articles
iii.| Reading articles
iv.| Consider implications
II.| Two approaches: Index
i.| Index
1.| Select index
2.| Conduct subject search and possibly keyword search in the index
3.| Assess the identified articles
4.| Scan and read articles you have chosen
ii.| Online indexes preferable because current
1.| Paper involves multiple books and pamplhets
2.| Provides ciations but abstracts and full texts
3.| Key word is also helpful
iii.| 2 major indexes available
a.| Index to Legal Peridocals and Books
i.| Westlaw
ii.| 900 law reviews, journals, yearbooks, instutites, etc.
1400 monographs
b.| Legal Trac
i.| InfoTrac division ʹ 875 law reviews, etc. 1000 aditional
business and general interest sources
2.| Main advantage to indexes
a.| Framework of subject headings and subjeadings into which
articles are categorized
i.| Use subject search, keyword search, abstract
b.| Keep in mind͙
i.| Coverage: Does the article focus on your topic and
cover it well?
ii.| Currency?
iii.| Credibility?
iv.| Quality of research ʹ do the footnotes cite sufficient
v.| Persuasiveness
1.| If it argues something, is it logical and
c.| How to approach?
i.| Orient yourself
1.| Read the synopsis on the first page if there is
2.| Look at TOC or headings/subheadings
3.| Read intro and conclusion
4.| Read what is pertinent and skim the rest
5.| Read footnotes
6.| Find ref͛s of the law from your jx
7.| Read what the article cited
III.| Two Approaches: Key Word Searching
i.| When to use
1.| When the periodical uses a periodic publication pattern instead of a
highly organized one
2.| WL/LN have good databases
a.| West: Journals and Law Reviews Database - 850
b.| Lex: US and Canadian Law Reviews, Combined ʹ 700
c.| Hein Online: 1000 legal and law related peridoicals, all with
coverage from the first issue
i.| Good for researching in and finding older issues
1.| Only current to volume preceeding the current
volume; sometimes, current issues are available
ii.| How to use key word
1.| Select a service and run database
2.| Run a key word search
3.| Assess articles found
4.| Scan and read articles you chose
iii.| How to narrow the search:
1.| Confining search to a subject
2.| Searching titles only
3.| Date restriction
4.| Adding terms to narrow
IV.| Is it a good article?
i.| Citing authorities
1.| Say you want to see if your article has been received well by the legal
a.| The article you read is the cited article
b.| The most recent authorities, such as other artuckesir cases, are
the citing authorities
2.| This used to be done via paper ʹ
a.| Now in electronic form ʹ Lexis
b.| Westlaw - KeyCite
V.| Citing
i.| Bluebook: Name (First ʹ last), O ?, 70 Alb. L. Rev. 117 (2006).
ii.| ALWD: Name (first ʹ last), O %, 70 Alb. L. Rev 117 (2006).
VI.| What else?
i.| CILP ʹ Current Index to Legal Periodicals
1.| Weekly current awareness pub that gives researchers cites to new
articles four to six weeks before articles indexed in major legal
a.| 570 pubs organized in 100 subject headings
ii.| Legal Scholarship network
1.| LSN ʹ leading example of internet periodicals publication ʹ division of
2.| Search abstracts y author, title, key words and download articles from
3.| Means of locating works in progress and social science scholarship
4.| Received by email abstracts on new new articles as well as papers,
which will appear in law reviews or academic journals.
iii.| Specialized indexes:
1.| Detailed indexes ʹ fed tax articles, articles related to law, index to
foreign legal periodicals
iv.| Older articles
1.| Pre-1981 ʹ paper index to legal periodicals, or Legal Periodicals Retro on
Wilson Web.
I.| ALR: West
a.| Synopsizies various cases on a fairly narrow legal topic. Most focus on issues of
controversy, in which courts in diferentjx follow diff rules or issues that are factually
sensitive so that diff facts result in diff holdings
i.| Staff attornies or attornies hired to write particular note
b.| Typically
i.| Accompanying the ALR is the leading case
1.| Beginning of note or back of volume
c.| Facts
i.| Multivol set
ii.| 27,000 legal issues in 2007
iii.| 8 series
1.| ALR 6 = Current
2.| ALR Fed.2 = Current
iv.| 6-10 volumes issued / year for current volume
1.| Rarely supersede older series
v.| Wide range of topic
II.| Why useful?
a.| General overview and synopses of cases
i.| Organized by rule or key facts or outcomes, easily see diff approaches to the
ii.| Cited to document the pattern of cases across the country on an issue
iii.| Provides ref to other commentary
iv.| Timely ʹ usually first commentary published on a new topic
v.| Up to date
b.| Drawbacks
i.| Potential for no annotation on your topic
ii.| Really narrow ʹ turn to only after you have a good sense of the subject
iii.| More descriptive than analytical or critical
III.| Researching in ALR
a.| How to
i.| Formulate specific research issue
ii.| Use paper index or online search tools to locate pertinent annotation
iii.| Using the finding tools to ID pertinent material
iv.| Read to get a grasp of your topic
v.| Plan next step
b.| Paper or online?
i.| Both equally good
c.| In paper
i.| Consult ALR index or TOC or Laws to ID pertinent annotations
1.| ALR Index = multivol set w 2nd-6th and both fed series
2.| It is updated, so check pocket parts and main volume
3.| If you already know the case ʹ statute rule etc, locate an annotation
discussing that authority by sonsulting the appropriate TOA
ii.| Read opening material
1.| Consult outline of annotation, its index, and the list of jx represented
iii.| Use the various finding tools to id pertinent passages
iv.| Read the text of annotation
1.| If in your jx, read fully, if in diff - scan
v.| Consult the ref section
vi.| Update research
1.| Updated by
a.| Pocket parts for additional case synopses
b.| Check for more recent annotation
i.| PP or annotation may be superseded
c.| Latest Case Service hotline ʹ email up to the minute
d.| ALR in Westlaw (Online)
i.| Select the ALR database
1.| Ci(index) = search the index to locate a pertinent annotation
ii.| Run a keyword search with seg restriction
1.| Good way to search because its published periodically
2.| Natural language and Boolean is good too
3.| Seg restrictions b/c large database
iii.| Read the annotation (updated automatically)
iv.| Pull in cases via links
IV.| Citing ALR
a.| Blue: First/Last, Annotation, Y
, 33 A.L.R. 4th 120 (1984 & Supp. 2007).
b.| ALWD: First/last, O , 33 A.L.R. 4th 120 (1984 & Supp. 2007).
V.| What else?
a.| Lawyers edition
i.| SCOTUS cases on major topics
b.| Quick Indexes
i.| 2 single vol indexes for 3rd-6th and fed
I.| What is it?
a.| Distinctly legal form of commentary
i.| Reaist/Rationalist lawyers in 20th century
1.| Realists = ALI
2.| ALI͛s goal to promulgate on authoritative rule like source stating the CL
b.| When to use?
i.| Already know something about your topic
a.| Obtain a succinct and credible statement of the law on a settled
b.| Discern some of the nuances in and policies underlying a rule
through comments and illustrations
c.| Obtain a highly credible statement of a rule, when the case law
in jx has no rule on your topic or an outmoded rule that differs
from Restatement rule
c.| Limits
i.| Not revised regularly
ii.| No explanation of court variations
d.| What you should do in light of limits
i.| Research how courts received your Restatement rule
ii.| Has it been adopted, noted, rejected, or not discussed?
iii.| If nothing in your jx ʹ look to other courts
II.| How to research in Restatements
a.| Steps
i.| Form legal issue
ii.| Select pertinent Restatement
iii.| Id pertinent section
iv.| Read the rule and supporting material
v.| Consider client
vi.| Look for key cases citing Restatement
b.| Paper and online
i.| Like treatise - Strong internal organization; suggests paper
ii.| Like ALR because have to search for key cases; suggests online
iii.| SO ʹ hybrid approach
c.| Hybrid:
Paper Lexis West
Browse TOC
Look up terms in index Browse or search table of Browse or search TOC
Contents Full text keyword searching
Full text key word search ʹ including case summaries
Main volume
PP Full text key word search Full text keyword searching
Appendix PP
Interim Case citations
I.| Jury Instructions
a.| What are they?
i.| Given at the end of a traila, the jury is instructed on the law applicable to the
ii.| Drawn from a set of JIGs ʹ jury instruct guides
iii.| Written by lawyers, judges, profs
iv.| State law of specific jx
b.| Useful when?
i.| Looking for litigation stuff for sample instructions
ii.| JIGS most citable from this chapter
II.| Practice Material
a.| What are they?
i.| Models of what to use in the practice
ii.| Forms
1.| American Jurisprudence Trials
2.| Proof of facts
3.| Causes of Action
4.| American Jurisprudence balbla ʹ lots of types
b.| Good bridge between legal analysis and what to do next in a law suit
III.| CLE Materials
a.| Written materials and outlines and checklists as well as important cases and statutes
i.| Useful b/c address practical aspects of a topic
ii.| Rarely cited
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