A Feasibility Study On Establishing An Auto Repair Shop With Mobile Application
A Feasibility Study On Establishing An Auto Repair Shop With Mobile Application
A Feasibility Study On Establishing An Auto Repair Shop With Mobile Application
Abstract - ACT! Auto Repair Shop is an auto repair shop Application implementing auto repair shop and
accompanied by a mobile application so that riders in services in Tagaytay, Cavite.
Tagaytay City can contact whenever their vehicles have
encountered problems along the way. This service provides II. MARKETING STUDY
auto repair shop services with just a click from the mobile
application. Whenever a client requires services, an Service Background
experienced mechanic will come to aid from the main office
Auto repair business is amongst the highly
with full knowledge of what the client needs by the
information provided by the client from the mobile
thriving and profitable easy to setup auto services
application. ACT! Auto Repair Shop also accepts walk-in related business idea can successfully start. Car
repairs and will provide quality service as well. repairs are one business that never goes into
extinction. This is because daily, fleets of cars
I. INTRODUCTION are being added to the garages of people and so
As time goes by, modernization progresses; along with whether it is a brand-new car or a fairly used one,
this, people's need for more convenient means of it can be sure that sometime in the future car
transportation increases. Presently, a significant number repair would be inevitable. With the introduction
of people own a vehicle, either a car, motorcycle or any of technopreneur ship, almost everything
other kind. Vehicles are simply machines; at times they nowadays can be found in mobile applications
fail at the most unexpected situations. Worse scenario ranging from services to products.
is, when the unanticipated failure happens at an ACT! Auto Repair Shop is to provide
unfamiliar place, when seeking assistance from others is professional auto repair, maintenance and other
almost impossible, and when there is no vulcanizing or auto repair related services that will assist
repair shop within reach. In order to address difficulties businesses, individuals, households and non-
during unforeseen troubles among vehicles, an auto profit organizations who own automobiles in
repair shop mobile application is necessary. ensuring that their automobiles are always in
Background of the Study good shape through a simple click from their
smart phones.
Modernization is continuous. In relation to this, there
many people who own different types of vehicles like ACT! Auto Repair Shop provides a wide range
cars, motorcycles or any other kinds. However, failure of auto repair services. These include:
among these vehicles is inevitable. There are instances
that there is no one or nothing available to help in fixing
battery charging;
the trouble. Consequently, the drivers can contact mobile
radiator cleaning;
applications of auto repair shops and services which can
hose replacement;
locate the motorists’ whereabouts and to help as quick as
brake pad replacement;
possible in cases of vehicle malfunctions like flat tire,
alternator replacement;
overheated engine, and the likes. Hence, the researchers
alternator repair;
came up with the idea of establishing a Mobile
overhaul starter; and
battery replacement.
Each job or project will be on a reservation basis; FD (AS) stands for Forecasted Demand (Annual
although the company will accept a small percentage of Sales)
drive-in repair work. FS stands for Forecasted Supply
UMS stands for Unsatisfied Market Share
Service Rationale
CAP (AS) stands for Capacity (Annual Sales)
ACT! Auto Repair Shop offers a wide range of services. MS stands for Market Share
It is ultimately the goal of the company to offer a one-
Service Strategy
stop facility for all auto servicing needs, including
brakes, transmission, and others. In this way, the It can be related to anything about vehicles,
company can offer greater perceived value for the driving, community, and shop such as:
customer than many other shops which specialize in
- driver safety tips;
certain areas.
- car maintenance advice;
The industry is highly competitive with suppliers having - traveling tips;
a great deal of power in setting and negotiating the - traffic news;
prices of their products and services to repair shops. In - photos of staff and location;
addition, because the customers see the service as - customer satisfaction stories;
undifferentiated with little value separation between - info about local events;
competitors, buyer power is also high. The barriers to - support for community initiatives; and
entry are moderately low, and the large number of - offer specials and coupons for likes and
competitors in this field, including substitutes that the shares
pricing for such services is very competitive. The only Pricing Strategy
way to have an advantage in this industry is a low-cost
leadership principal applied aggressively or to create Setting a low price to enter a competitive market
and raising it later. It creates customer base
higher switching costs through the building of strong
quickly due to low price of product because all
business to customer ties. other factors take backseat when price offered by
Market Share the company for a product is low as majority of
customers are price conscious.
Market share refers to a company's portion of sales
Promotions Strategy
within the entire market in which it operates. It is the
percentage of the market for a product or service that a Send Regular Emails - Use Wi-Fi Marketing or a
company supply. written form to collect email addresses from
Table 2.1 Market Share customers and launch an email newsletter.