05 Ethos Pathos Logos Handout and Lesson Plan 2020
05 Ethos Pathos Logos Handout and Lesson Plan 2020
05 Ethos Pathos Logos Handout and Lesson Plan 2020
Whenever you read an argument you must ask yourself, “Is this persuasive? If so, why? And to whom?”
There are many ways to appeal to an audience. Among them are appealing to logos, ethos, and pathos.
These appeals are identifiable in almost all arguments.
: the argument itself; the reasoning the : how an author builds credibility & : words or passages an author uses to activate
author uses; logical evidence trustworthiness emotions
Evokes a cognitive, rational response. Helps reader to see the author as reliable, Evokes an emotional response. Persuasion by
Readers get a sense of, “Oh, that trustworthy, competent, and credible. The emotion.(usually evoking fear, sympathy,
makes sense” or “Hmm, that really reader might respect the author or his/her empathy, anger,)
doesn’t prove anything.” views.
The author appeals to logos by Through his use of scientific terminology, the
When referencing 9/11, the author is
defining relevant terms and then author builds his ethos by demonstrating appealing to pathos. Here, he is eliciting
supports his claim with numerous expertise. both sadness and anger from his readers.
citations from authorities.
The author’s ethos is effectively The author’s description of the child
The author’s use of statistics and developed as readers see that he is with cancer was a very persuasive appeal
expert testimony are very convincing sympathetic to the struggles to pathos.
logos appeals. minorities face.
Introducing the Aristotelian Appeals:
Advertisement Activity
Alicia Upano
Also consider showing this short video (6 minutes or so) explaining the Aristotelian appeals.
It’s a bit corny (made for middle school students), but it gets the job done. This can be used
in addition to or in replacement of your introduction.
Introduce the Aristotelian Appeals using the Handout and Overheads: 10-15 minutes
1. Pass out the Logos, Ethos, Pathos handout. Go over the handout with the class. Point out
the language that is used when talking about the appeals.
2. When appropriate, make comments connecting back to the email activity. See the examples
below for help.
a. In writing a persuasive email to the instructor, how did the student appeal to logos?
i. Reasoning: x happened, so it was impossible to be in class
ii. Doctor’s note / death certificate
iii. Letter from coach
b. Ethos?
i. Apologize / take responsibility
ii. Greet professor professionally / “speak” respectfully
iii. Assure your proactive, hardworking, willing to do what it takes
c. Pathos?
i. Tell a sad story of what happened
ii. Tell a sad story of what will happen if you fail
iii. Plead for forgiveness
3. Show different advertisements (overheads or commercials) and discuss how each appeals to
the audience. You can take time here discussing the visual text’s argument and audience.
Make sure students use academic language to analyze and discuss the ad (see the examples
on the handout).
a. Talk about the ads rhetorically
i. What is the ad DOING (what rhetorical appeal? To what audience?)
ii. How is the ad DOING it? (describe what’s going on)
iii. Is it effective? (use analytical term)
a) Assign each group the task of creating an ad for A) ethos, B) pathos, or C) logos. This
activity is most effective if you use the same company, say Nike, for the whole class.
This way they can see how very different the same product can be promoted
depending on which rhetorical appeal is emphasized. Groups share in class and/or
write something up as homework.
b) Assign each group the task of creating an ad where they must persuade their
audience using ALL three of the appeals. This can help to emphasize the idea that
most arguments utilize a balance of ethos, pathos, and logos when attempting to
convince their audience. Assign various or the same company or let students choose.
Groups share in class and/or write something up as homework.
Ethos Group A B C
Pathos D E F
Logos G H I
Regardless of which group size you choose, you will then need to assign the type of ad they will be
a) Magazine Ad
You may want to bring in blank overhead sheets and markers to allow each group to
create a layout of what their magazine page would look like.
b) Television Commercial
Your students can describe their proposed commercial frame by frame, or get up
together as a group and narrate/act it out that class or the next.
1) Analyze a Magazine Ad
Students find an ad online, print it out, and write a one page rhetorical analysis focusing on
how the ad appeals to logos, ethos, and/or pathos.