Practica 03-Paper 3
Practica 03-Paper 3
Practica 03-Paper 3
P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2019; 7(3): 280-282 Study on microbiological characteristics of
© 2019 IJCS
Received: 17-03-2019 different brands of jam, honey and jelly
Accepted: 21-04-2019
Monika Yadav Monika Yadav, SK Aktar Hossain, Binod Kumar Bharti, Anamika Das,
M.Sc. Scholar, Food Science and
Technology, Warner College of
Prachi K Wasnik and SN Thakur
Dairy Technology, SHUATS,
Prayagraj, Allahabad, Uttar Abstract
Pradesh, India The present study of microbiological characteristics (Yeast & mould and coliform) by using the
microbiological methods and the values were found in average count of Jam, Honey and Jelly. The mean
SK Aktar Hossain value of yeast and mould (×103cfu/ml) count in Jam was found to be T1 (5.67), T2 (5.67) and T3 (6.33)
Associate Professor, Warner and the mean value indicate that sample T3 has highest yeast and mould count (6.33) and the lowest value
College of Dairy Technology, was obtained by sample T1 (5.67) and coliform (×103cfu/ml) was found to be nil. The mean value of
SHUATS, Prayagraj, Allahabad, yeast and mould (×103cfu/ml) count in Honey was found to be T1 (1.67), T2 (1.33) and T3 (2.33) and the
Uttar Pradesh, India
mean value indicate that sample T3 has highest yeast and mould count (2.33) and the lowest value was
Binod Kumar Bharti
obtained by sample T2 (1.33) and coliform (×103cfu/ml) was also found to be nil. Similarly, the mean
Assistant Professor Cum Jr. value of yeast and mould (×103cfu/ml) count in Jelly was found to be T1 (5.00), T2 (4.33) and T3 (4.67)
Scientist, SGIDT Bihar Animal and the mean value indicate that sample T1 has highest yeast and mould count (5.00) and the lowest value
Sciences University, Patna, was obtained by sample T2 (4.33) and coliform (×103cfu/ml) was found to be nil.
Bihar, India
Keywords: Jam, honey, jelly, yeast & mould, coliform
Anamika Das
Assistant Professor, Warner Introduction
College of Dairy Technology, Honey is an important food for Homo sapiens since the beginning. This wonderfully rich
SHUATS, Prayagraj, Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India
golden liquid has been extolled in almost all religious manuscripts as the nectar of the gods
which is a medicinal food (National Honey Board, 2010) [10]. In most ancient cultures honey
Prachi K Wasnik has been used for both nutritional purposes and for drug (Bogdanov 2012) [3]. Codex
Ph.D., Scholar, Dairy Alimentarius Commission (2009) [4], defined as honey is the natural sweet substance and it
Technology Warner College of produced by honey bees, Apis mellifera, from the nectar of plants or excretions of plant
Dairy Technology, SHUATS,
Prayagraj, Allahabad, Uttar
sucking insects on the living parts of plants, which honey bees collect, transform by combining
Pradesh, India with specific substances of their own, dehydrate, deposit, store and leave in the honey comb to
ripen and mature (Codex Alimentarius Commission 2001a [6]; Codex Alimentarius
SN Thakur Commission 2001b) [5]. The bees are said to produce honey in order to serve as their source of
Assistant Professor, Warner food in times of scarcity and also during harsh weather conditions (James et al., 2009) [7].
College of Dairy Technology,
Honey as a functional health food and uses of other honey-bee products are still incipient and
SHUATS, Prayagraj, Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India the need to understand and analyze the health benefits of natural honey becomes imperative
(Al-Quassemi and Robinson 2003) [1].
Jams are solid gels made from fruit pulp or fruit juice, sugar and added pectin. It is made from
single fruits or a combination of fruits. Jam is the product brought to a suitable consistency,
made from the whole fruits, pieces of fruits, the unconcentrated and concentrated fruit pulp or
fruit puree of one or other kinds of fruit, which is mixed with food stuffs with sweetening
properties with or without addition of water (Codex Alimentarius Commission 2009) [4]. The
ingredients of fruit jam are fruit pulp, sugar and glucose syrup, thickeners and citric acid to
bring the pH into desired range (Javanmard and JohariEndan, 2010) [8]. Sugar has a key
technological role in the traditional jam’s confection, as it influences the soluble solids content
there by being essential for the physical, chemical, and sensorial properties of jams and also
increasing its microbiological stability and hence safety (Basu et al., 2010) [2]. In the traditional
manufacturing of jams, sucrose binds water inducing pectin gelatinization (Suutanen 2002) [11],
Correspondence Jam is an intermediate moisture food prepared for boiling fruit pulp with sugar, pectin, acid
SK Aktar Hossain
and other ingredients to reasonably thick consistency firm enough to hold the fruit tissues in
Associate Professor, Warner
College of Dairy Technology, position. (Lal et al., 1998) [9].
SHUATS, Prayagraj, Allahabad, Jellies are defined by the products brought to semisolid gelled consistency and made from the
Uttar Pradesh, India juice and/or aqueous extracts of one or more fruits or vegetables, mix with foodstuffs with
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International Journal of Chemical Studies
sweetening properties with or without the addition of water Table 3: Average data of jelly in triplets of different parameters
(Codex Alimentarius Commission 2009) [4]. Jelly should not Parameters Treatment (Mean) value
be gummy, sticky, or syrupy or have crystallized sugar. The T1 T2 T3 S/NS
jelly product should free from dullness with little or no Microbiological analysis
synersis and neither tough nor rubbery. The objective of the Yeast and mould (×103cfu/ml) 5.00±1.00a 4.33±0.70a 4.67±0.70a NS
present study was to investigate the microbiological Coliform (×101cfu/ml) NIL NIL NIL _
characteristics of selected different brands of jam, honey and Table indicates the mean ± S.D. and superscript shows non-
jelly. significant difference between the Treatment (P≥0.05)
The authors are highly thankful to the Dean, Warner College
of Dairy Technology, Sam Higginbottom University of
Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (U.P.) and
Research Lab “FICCI Research and Analysis Centre, Dwarka,
New Delhi for providing the facilities required and financial
support for conducting the research work.
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