Republic Act No. 8560 February 26, 1998 An Act Regulating The Practice of Geodetic Engineering in The Philippines
Republic Act No. 8560 February 26, 1998 An Act Regulating The Practice of Geodetic Engineering in The Philippines
Republic Act No. 8560 February 26, 1998 An Act Regulating The Practice of Geodetic Engineering in The Philippines
TITLE plans;
Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as (7) Conduction of engineering surveys and the technical
the "Philippine Geodetic Engineering Act of 1998." preparation of engineering survey plans such as
(3) Land surveys to determine their metes and bounds and Section 3. Creation and composition of the Board of
prepare the plans thereof for titling and for other Geodetic Engineering. - There is hereby created a Board of
(4) Subdivision, consolidation and/or consolidation- composed of a chairman and two (2) members to be
subdivision of titled properties; appointed by the President of the Philippines from a list of
(5) Submission of survey plans of subdivided, consolidated three (3) recommendees for each position, chosen, ranked
and/or consolidated-subdivision titled properties to the in the order of preference and submitted by the duly
government agencies concerned; hereafter, such plans on integrated and accredited association of geodetic
surveyed titled properties submitted by geodetic engineers. The Board shall be organized not later than six
engineers shall not be subject to verification and approval; (6) months from the effectivity of this Act.
Section 4. Qualifications of Members of the Board. - A Section 7. Vacancy and removal of board members. - Any
member of the Board shall, at the time of his vacancy occurring in the membership of the Board within
appointment, possess the following qualifications: the term of a member shall be fined for the unexpired
(a) Natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines; portion of the term only.
(b) Must be at least forty (40) years of age; The President may remove any member of the Board,
(c) A registered Geodetic Engineer with a valid upon the recommendation of the Commission, on the
professional license and an active practitioner in Geodetic following grounds:
Engineering for not less than ten (10) years prior to (a) Neglect of duty or incompetence;
appointment; !(b) Violation or tolerance of the violation of this Act or the
(d) Must not be a member of the faculty of any school, Code of Ethics for geodetic engineers; and
academy, institute, college or university where a regular (c) Final judgment of a crime involving moral turpitude.
course in Geodetic Engineering is being taught, nor have He shall be given due notice and hearing where his right to
pecuniary interest in or administrative supervision over be heard and to defend himself, assisted by counsel, shall
any such institution of learning; be respected in a proper administrative investigation. The
(e) Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years Commission's decision may be appealed within fifteen (15)
prior to appointment, be connected with a review center days from written notice, to the President, whose decision
or with any group or association where review classes or shall be final and executory.
lectures in preparation for the licensure examination are Section 8. Powers and duties of the board. - The Board
offered or conducted at the time of appointment; and shall exercise the following specific powers, functions,
(f) Must not have been convicted of any offense involving duties and responsibilities:
moral turpitude. (a) To promulgate and adopt the rules and regulations
Section 5. Term of office. - The members of the Board necessary forAa carrying out the provisions of this Act;
shall hold office for a term of three (3) years and until their (b) To supervise the examination, registration, licensure
successors shall have been appointed and qualified. Of the and practice of Professional Geodetic Engineering in the
members of the Board first appointed under this Act, one Philippines;
(1) member shall be appointed and hold office for three (c) To administer oaths in connection with the successful
(3) years; and one (1) member for two (2) years, one (1) examinees entering the practice of Geodetic Engineering;
member for one year. (d) To issue the Certificate of Registration to successful
The Chairman or member of the Board may be examinees;
reappointed for another term but in no case shall he serve (e) To issue, suspend or revoke the license for the practice
continuously for more than six (6) years. Each member of of the Geodetic Engineering profession;
the Board shall qualify by taking the proper oath of office (f) To adopt an official seal of the Board;
prior to entering upon the performance of duties. (g) To look into the conditions affecting the practice of
Section 6. Compensation of the board members. - The Geodetic Engineering profession and whenever necessary,
Chairman and members of the Board shall receive adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the
compensation and allowances comparable to the enhancement and maintenance of high professional and
compensation and allowances received by existing ethical standards of the profession;
regulatory boards with the Professional Regulation (h) To ensure in coordination with the Commission on
Commission (PRC), hereinafter referred to as the Higher Education (CHED), that all educational institutions
Commission, as provided for in the General Appropriations offering Geodetic Engineering education comply with the
Act. policies, standards and requirements of the course
prescribed by CHED in the areas of curriculum, faculty, will upgrade and improve the conditions affecting the
library and facilities; practice of Geodetic Engineering in the Philippines.
(i) To prescribe and/or adopt a Code of Ethical and ARTICLE IV
Professional Standards for the practice of the Geodetic EXAMINATION , REGISTRATION AND LICENSE
Engineering profession; Section 11. Examinations required. - All applicants for
(j) To hear and try administrative cases involving violations registration for the practice of Geodetic Engineering shall
of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, the be required to undergo and pass a written technical
Code of Ethics for professional Geodetic Engineers and for examination as provided for in this Act.
this purpose, to issue subpoena and subpoena duces Section 12. Qualifications of applicant for examination. -
tecum to secure the appearances of witnesses and the Every applicant for examination shall establish the
production of documents in connection therewith; following:
(k) To prescribe guidelines in the Continuing Professional (a) That he is a citizen of the Philippines; and
Education (CPE) program in coordination with the (b) That he is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Geodetic
integrated and accredited association for professional Engineering in a school, academy, institute or college duly
Geodetic Engineers; recognized by the Government.
(l) To prepare, adopt issue or amend the syllabi of the Section 13. Fraudulent application. - The Board may
subjects for examination; suspend or revoke a Certificate of Registration obtained
(m) To approve, issue, limit or revoke temporary license to through misrepresentation made in the application for
practice Geodetic Engineering; and examination.
(n) Discharge such other duties and functions as may be Section 14. Scope of examination. - The examination for
deemed necessary for the enhancement of the Geodetic Geodetic Engineering shall basically corer the following
Engineering profession and the upgrading, development subjects:
and growth of Geodetic Engineering education in the (1) Mathematics;
Philippines. (2) Theory and Practice of Surveying;
Section 9. Supervision of the Board, custodian of its (3) Property Surveying including Isolated, Cadastral,
records, secretariat and support services. - The Board Mineral and Mining Surveys;
shall be under the administrative supervision of the (4) Cartography and Photogrammetry;
Commission. All records of the Board, including the (5) Geodesy, Geodetic Surveying and Least Squares;
application for examination, examination papers and (6) Engineering Surveys and Construction Surveying;
results, minutes of deliberation, administrative cases and (7) Laws on Natural Resources including Laws on Property,
other investigations involving Geodetic Engineers shall be Land Registration and Agrarian Reform;
kept by the Commission. (8) Laws on Obligations and Contracts;
The Commission shall designate the Secretary of the Board (9) Code of Ethics of the Profession.
and shall provide the secretariat and other support The said subjects and their syllabi may be amended by the
services to implement the provisions of this Act. Board so as to conform to technological changes brought
Section 10. Annual report. - The Board shall, at the close about by continuing trends in the profession.
of each calendar year, submit an annual report to the Section 15. Rating in the board examinations. - To be
President of the Philippines through the Professional qualified as having passed the board examination for
Regulation Commission, giving detailed account of its Geodetic Engineers, a candidate must obtain a weighted
proceedings and accomplishments during the year and general average of seventy percent (70%), with no grade
make recommendation for the adoption of measures that lower than fifty-five percent (55%) in any given subject.
However, an examinee who obtains a weighted general
average rating of seventy percent (70%) or higher but Board of Geodetic Engineering may adopt. Plans and
obtains a rating below fifty-five percent (55%) in any given specifications prepared by, or under the direct supervision
subject must take the examination in the subject or of a registered Geodetic Engineer, shall be stamped with
subjects where he obtained a grade below fifty-five said seal during the validity of the professional license. No
percent (55%). person shall stamp or seal any document with the seal of a
Section 16. Report of ratings. - The Board shall submit to registrant after his professional license has expired or lost
the Commission the rating obtained by each candidate its validity unless he has been reinstated to the practice
within twenty (20) days after the examination, unless and/or unless his license has been renewed.
extended for just cause. Upon the release of the results of (b) No officer or employee of the government, chartered
the examination, the Board shall send by mail the rating cities, provinces and municipalities now or hereafter
received by each examinee at his given address using the charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances or
mailing envelope submitted during the examination. regulations relating to all Geodetic Engineering practices
Section 17. Re-examination. - An applicant who fails to shall accept or endorse any survey plans or documents
pass the examination for the third time shall be allowed to which have not been prepared and submitted in full
take another examination only after the lapse of one year. accord with the provisions of this Act, nor shall any
Section 18. Oath. - All successful candidates in the payment be approved by any such officer for any work,
examination shall be required to take an oath of the plans and documents of which have not been so
profession before the Board or any government official prepared, signed and sealed by a duly licensed Geodetic
authorized to administer oaths, prior to entering upon the Engineer.
practice of the Geodetic Engineering profession. (c) No Geodetic Engineer shall sign his name, affix his seal
Section 19. Certificate of registration and professional or use any other method of signature on plans,
license. - A Certificate of Registration shall be issued to specifications or other documents made by or under
applicants who pass the examination for Geodetic another Geodetic Engineer's supervision unless the same
Engineers subject to payment of registration fees. is made in such manner as to clearly indicate the part of
The Certificate of Registration of a professional Geodetic such work actually performed by him; and no person,
Engineer shall bear the signatures of the Chairman of the except the Geodetic Engineer in charge, shall sign for any
Board and the Chairman of the Professional Regulation branch of work or any function of Geodetic Engineering
Commission and stamped with the official seal of the practice not actually performed by him. The Geodetic
Board indicating that the person named therein is a Engineer in charge shall be fully responsible for all plans,
registered Geodetic Engineer. specifications and other documents issued under his seal
A professional license bearing the registration number, or authorized signature.
date of issuance, expiry date and duly signed by the The Board shall formulate, adopt and promulgate all
Chairman of the Board, shall likewise be issued to every necessary rules and regulations for the effective
registrant, upon payment of the professional fees. No implementation of the provisions relating to the design of
person shall practice Geodetic Engineering in this country the seal, the signing and sealing of drawings,
unless such person shall have secured a license to practice specifications, reports and other documents by Geodetic
Geodetic Engineering in the manner herein provided. A Engineers.
licensee is entitled to practice the profession with all the (d) Plans and documents duly signed, stamped or sealed as
privileges appurtenant thereto until the expiration of the instruments of service are the property and documents of
validity of his license. the Geodetic Engineer, if the same has not been accepted
Section 20. Seal and use of seal. - (a) Each registrant shall, and/or paid.
upon registration, obtain the seal of such design as the
Section 21. Indication of License and Professional Tax may among themselves or with a person or persons
Receipt. - The Geodetic Engineer shall be required to properly registered and licensed as Geodetic Engineer,
indicate his professional license number, the duration of may form and obtain registration with the Securities and
validity, including the professional tax receipt number on Exchange Commission (SEC) of a firm, partnership or
the documents he signs, uses or issues in connection with association using the term "Geodetic Engineers," but
the practice of his profession. nobody shall be a member, partner or associate unless he
Section 22. Grounds for suspension and revocation of is a duly registered and licensed Geodetic Engineer, and
license, cancellation of temporary/special permit. - The the members who are Geodetic Engineers shall only
Board shall have the power, upon due notice and hearing, render work and services proper for a Geodetic Engineer
to revoke or suspend the license of a Geodetic Engineer, as defined in this Act.
or to cancel a temporary/special permit for any cause Section 25. Integration of the geodetic engineering
specified in the proceeding Sec.s, including but not limited profession. - The Geodetic Engineering profession shall be
to: the use or perpetration of any fraud or deceit in integrated into one (1) national organization which shall
obtaining a certificate of registration, or for incompetence, be recognized by the Board and by the Commission as the
negligence, or for abetment of the illegal practice of one and only integrated and accredited Association of
Geodetic Engineering; violation of the provisions of this Professional Geodetic Engineers.
Act, its implementing rules and regulations and/or Upon registration with the Board, every professional
violation of the policies of the Board including the Code of Geodetic Engineer shall automatically become a member
Ethics for Geodetic Engineers: Provided, however, That of the integrated and accredited national organization and
such action of the Board shall be subject to appeal to the shall receive the benefits and privileges appurtenant
Commission, within fifteen (15) days from written notice. thereto. Those who have been registered with the Board
ARTICLE V but not members of the said integrated and accredited
PRACTICE OF GEODETIC ENGINEERING organization at the time of the effectivity of this Act, shall
Section 23. Vested rights: automatic registration of be allowed to register as members of the said organization
practicing geodetic engineers. - All practicing Geodetic within three (3) years after the effectivity of this Act.
Engineers who are registered at the time this Act takes Membership in the integrated and accredited organization
effect, shall automatically be registered. shall not be a bar to membership in other associations of
Section 24. Practice not allowed for firms and the Geodetic Engineering profession.
corporations. - The practice of Geodetic Engineering is a Section 26. Foreign reciprocity. - No foreign Geodetic
professional service, admission to which shall be Engineer shall be issued a temporary license to practice
determined upon the basis of an individual's personal the Geodetic Engineering profession or consultancy
qualifications, for which the Geodetic Engineer is thereof or be entitled to any of the rights and privileges
responsible for the correctness of the survey work. No under this Act unless the country of which he is a subject
other person or government entity should go over the or citizen specifically permits Filipino Geodetic Engineers
work of the Geodetic Engineer unless found grossly to practice within its territorial limits on the same basis as
defective in connection with other works for which an the subjects or citizens of such foreign state or country.
therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines Sec 9 • Private property shall not be taken for public use
fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the Sec 10 •No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall
submarine areas. The waters around, between, and ARTICLE VII: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of Sec 1 • The executive power shall be vested in the
their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal President of the Philippines.
ARTICLE II: DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND STATE Sec 2 • All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals,
POLICIES PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of
Sec 1 • The Philippines is a democratic and republican potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora
State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all and fauna, and other natural resources are owned by the
Sec 2 • The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of • With the exception of agricultural lands, all other natural
national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles of resources shall not be alienated.
international law as part of the law of the land and • The exploration, development, and utilization of natural
adheres to the policy of peace, equally, justice, freedom, resources shall be under the full control and supervision of
Sec 5 • The maintenance of peace and order, the • The State may directly undertake such activities or
such citizens. which may be acquired, developed, held, or leased and the
twenty-five years (25), renewable for not more than Sec 4 • The Congress shall, as soon as possible, determine
twentyfive years, (25) by law the specific limits of forest lands and national parks,
• The State shall protect the nation's marine wealth in its marking clearly their boundaries on the ground.
archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic • Thereafter, such forest lands and national parks shall be
zone (EEZ), and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively conserved and may not be increased nor diminished,
• The President may enter into agreements with foreign- • The Congress shall provide, for such period as it may
owned corporations involving either technical or financial determine, measures to prohibit logging in endangered
assistance for large-scale exploration, development, and forests and watershed areas.
utilization of minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils SEC 5 • The State, subject to the provisions of this
according to the general terms and conditions provided by Constitution and national development policies and
law, based on real contributions to the economic growth programs, shall protect the rights of indigenous cultural
and general welfare of the country. communities to their ancestral lands to ensure their
• In such agreements, the State shall promote the economic,social, and cultural well-being.
development and use of local scientific and technical • The Congress may provide for the applicability of
• The President shall notify the Congress of every contract determining the ownership and extent of ancestral
thirty days from its execution Sec 6 • The use of property bears a social function, and all
. Sec 3 • Lands of the public domain are classified into; economic agents shall contribute to the common good.
PHILIPPINE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ❖Proposals for activities which are outside the scope of
❖Mandated the formulation of an intensive, integrated the management plan for protected areas shall be subject
program of environment protection that will bring about a to an environmental impact assessment
concerted efforts towards the protection of the entire ❖Shall secure Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
spectrum of the environment through a requirements of under the Philippines Environmental Impact Assessment
environmental impact assessment and statements. (ELA) system
PD NO. 1152 PHILIPPINE ENVIRONMENT CODE ❖ No exploitation and utilization of energy resources
❖Basic policy on the management and conservation of the found within NIPAS shall be allowed unless through a law
country’s natural resources passed by congress.
❖Provides for the development of the standards and PHILIPPINE MINING ACT OF 1995 (RA 7942)
management framework for the following areas of CA NO. 137 MINING ACT (OLD LAW)
concern: ❖Expressly adopted the Regalian Doctrine, prohibits the
❑Air quality management alienation of mining lands and granting only lease rights.
❑Water quality management ❖Then RA 7942 (Philippine Mining Act of 1995)-NEW
❑Land use management LAW, was enacted, instituting a new system for the
RA 7586: NIPAS NATIONAL INTEGRATED PROTECTED exploration, development, utilization and conservation of
THE FOLLOWING ARE PROTECTED AREAS: exploration, development, utilization and processing
thereof shall be under its full control and supervision.
1. Strict nature reserve
2. Natural parks ❖The state may directly undertake such activities or it my
precious minerals in such quantities as to justify ❖ Survey, charting and delineation of mining areas
expenditures in the effort to extract them, and which are ❖A sketch plan or map of the contract or mining area
more valuable for the minerals they contain than for prepared by a deputized geodetic engineer suitable for
agricultural or other uses publication purposes shall be required during the filling of
MINING AREA a mineral agreement or financial or technical assistance
❖Means a portion of the contract area identified by the agreement application. Thereafter, the contract or mining
contractor for purposes of development, mining, area shall be surveyed and monumented by a deputized
utilization and sites for support facilities or in the geodetic engineer or bureau geodetic engineer and the
immediate vicinity of the mining operations SURVEY PLAN SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR
mass or ore in place which has been located in accordance ❖ Means the searching or prospecting for mineral
❖ An area bounded by one-half (1/2) minute of latitude shaft sinking, tunneling or any other means for the
and one half-minute (1/2) of longitude, containing purposes of determining the existence, extent, quality
approximately eightyone hectares (81 has) thereof and the feasibility of mining them for profit.
❖The waters, sea button and subsurface measured from ❖Mine and geosciences bureau grants the right to
the baseline of the Philippine archipelago up two hundred conduct exploration for all minerals in specified areas to a
❖ Means a naturally occurring substance or material from extract and carry of the mineral resources that may be
processed for profit ❖Term: ❑ For a period of two (2) years from the date of
MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU (MGB) issuance, renewable for not more than 4 years (non-
❑ Direct charge in the administrations and dispositions of MINIMUM AREA FOR EXPLORATION PERMIT INDIVIDUAL
mineral lands and mineral resources
Onshore ( 1 province) 20 blocks 200 blocks Onshore (
❑ undertake geological, mining, metallurgical, chemical
entire Philippines) 40 blocks 400 blocks Offshore (beyond
and other researchers as well as mineral exploration
500m from mean low tide level) 100 blocks 1000 blocks
❑ to recommend to the secretary the granting Mineral
❖Shall grant to the contractor the exclusive right to
Agreement or to endorse to the secretary for action by the
conduct mining operations and to extract all mineral
President the grant of Financial or Technical Assistance
resources found in the contract area
Agreement (FTAA)
❖Terms: ❑ Not exceeding 25 years from the date of
execution and renewable for another term not exceeding
25 years
2.Mineral agreement
❖ or the purpose of mining operations, a mineral ❖Eligibility: any qualified person or corporation,
agreement may take the following forms: partnership, association or cooperation with less than 50
a. Mineral Production sharing Agreement (MPSA) percent of capital owned by Filipino is deemed qualified.
b. Co – production agreement (CA) MAXIMUM CONTRACT AREA AND TERM FOR FTAA
c. Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) a. Onshore – 1000 meridional blocks
MINERAL PRODUCTION SHARING AGREEMENT (MPSA) b. Offshore – 4000 meridional blocks
❖An agreement where the government grants to the ❖ Term: ❑Not exceeding 25 years from the date of
contractor the exclusive right to conduct mining execution and renewable for another term not exceeding
operations within a contract area and shares in the gross 25 years ❑Note: FTAA shall be negotiated by the
output. The contractor shall provide the financing, Secretary of DENR and approved by the president. Then,
technology , management and personnel necessary for the the president shall notify the Congress.
implementation of this agreement. QUARRY RESOURCE
CO- PRODUCTION AGREEMENT (CA) ❖ Quarry sand and gravel, guano and gemstone resource
❖An agreement between the government and the in private or public lands may be extracted, renowned and
contractor wherein the government shall provide inputs to disposed or utilized (common stones or common minerals)
the mining operations other than the mineral resources. ❖In large scale quarry operations involving cement raw
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT (JVA) materials, marble, granite and sand and gravel and
❖An agreement where a joint venture company is construction aggregates, any qualified person may apply.
organized by the government and the contractor with QUARRY PERMIT
both parties having equity shares. Aside from earning in ❖Any qualified person may apply for a quarry permit with
equity, the government shall be entitled to a share in the the provincial / city mining regulatory boards
gross output. ❖Term:❑5 years from the date of issuance renewable for
like period but not exceed a total term of 25 years.
❖Individual must be a Filipino citizen of legal age and SECTION 103 OF RA 7942 THEFT OF MINERALS
with the capacity to contract. ❖Any person extracting minerals and disposing the same
❖Corporation, partnership, association or cooperative without a mining agreement, lease permit, license, or
must be organized or authorized for the purpose of steals minerals or ores or the products thereof from mines
engaging in mining, duly registered and at least 60 percent or mills or processing plants shall, upon conviction, be
of the capital is owned by Filipino. imprisoned from six (6) months to six (6) years or pay a
MAXIMUM AREA FOR MINERAL AGREEMENT INDVIDUAL fine from ten thousand (10,000) to twenty thousand
CRPORATION, ASSOCIATION, COOPEROATIVE (20,000) or both, at the discretion of appropriate court.
Onshore ( 1 province) 10 blocks 100 blocks PEOPLE’S SCALE MINING ACT OF 1991
Onshore ( Entire Philippines) 20 blocks 200 blocks (RA NO. 7076)SMALL-SCALE MINING
Offshore ( beyond 500m from mean low tide level) 50 ❖Refers to mining activities that rely heavily on manual
blocks TIP: For easy recall, it is just a half of the maximum
labor using simple tools and methods. It does not use
area in exploration permit 500 blocks
explosives or heavy mining equipment and requires only a
small capital investment.
❖Defined as a contract involving financial or technical IN THE PHILIPPINES
assistance for large – scale exploration, development and ❖Philippine mining industry has always been dominated
utilization of natural resources.
by a large scale mining operations.
❖There exist small mineral deposits that are being or and disposable, nor any forest land fifty percent (50) in
could be worked profitably at small tonnages requiring slope or over, as grazing land.
minimal capital investment utilizing manual labor. GAME REFUGE OR BIRD SANCTUARY
❖The development of these small minerals deposits will ❖Refers to a forest land designated for the protection of
generate more employment opportunities , thereby game animals, birds and fish and closed to hunting and
alleviating the living conditions in the rural areas and will fishing in order that the excess population may flow and
❖Awarded by the provincial / city mining regulatory ❖Drainage area of a river system supporting existing and
board to small scale miners who have voluntarily proposed hydro-electric power and irrigation works
organized and have been registered as an individual miner needing immediate rehabilitation as it is being subjected
❖ Terms: 2 years renewable for like periods ❖ Area: destructive floods. It is closed from logging until it is fully
PHILIPPINES”FOREST MANAGEMENT BUREAU (UNDER ❖ Privilege granted by the state to a person to occupy and
❖ Has authority over all forest land, grazing lands, and all land of the public domain in order to undertake any
❖ It shall be responsible for the protection, development, forest resources as I any forest land, without any right of
management. Regeneration, and reforestation of forest occupation and possession over the time, to the exclusion
lands; the regulation and supervision of the operation of of others, or establish and operate a wood processing
licenses, lessees and permittees for the taking or use of plant, or conduct any activity involving the utilization of
❖ The implementation of multiple use and sustained yield ❖Privilege granted by the state to a person utilize forest
management in forest lands; the protection, development resource within any forest land with the right of
and preservation of national parks, marine parks, game possession and occupation thereof to the exclusion of
refuges and wildlife others, except the government, but with the
❖ The implementation of measure and programs to corresponding obligation to develop, protect and
rehabilitate the same in accordance with the terms and
prevent kaingin and managed occupancy of forest and
conditions set forth in said agreement.
grazing lands; in collaboration with other bureaus, the
effective, efficient and economic classification of lands of
the public domain; and the enforcement of forestry. ❖A short – term privilege or authority granted by the
Reforestation, parks, game and wildlife laws, rules and state to a person to utilize any limited forest resource or
percent (18) in slope or over shall be classified as alienable ❖ Duration of license agreement or license to harvest
timber in forest lands. The duration of the privilege to
harvest timber in any particular forest land under a license ❖The law of the Sea Convention defines the rights and
agreement or license shall be fixed and determined in responsibilities of nations in their use of the world oceans
accordance with the annual allowable cut therein, the establishing guidelines for business, the environment and
established cutting cycle thereof, the yield capacity of the management of marine natural resources
harvestable timber, and the capacity of healthy residuals ❖Philippines is a signatory of said international
for a second growth. agreement.
❖ The privilege shall automatically terminate, even LIMITS OF MARITIME ZONES TERRITORIAL SEA
before the expiration of the license agreement of license, ❖Sovereignty of a coastal state extends beyond its land
the moment the harvestable timber have been utilized territory and internal waters to an adjacent belt of sea: the
without leaving any logged – over area capable of territorial sea.
commercial utilization. ❖Breadth: up to 12 nautical miles, measured from the
❖ The maximum period of any privilege to harvest timber baselines.
is twenty fiver (25) years, renewable for a period, not ❖Entitlement: inherent part of the territory of a coastal
exceeding twenty five (25) years, necessary to utilize all
state – legislative and enforcement jurisdiction.
the remaining commercial quantity or harvestable timber
either from the unlogged or logged over area.
❖Foreign ships have the right of innocent passage
through the territorial sea of a coastal state.
❑Continuous and expeditious passage through territorial
❖ Lower estates are obliged to receive the waters which
sea or to/from internal waters
naturally and without the intervention of man flow from
❑Subject to certain laws of coastal state (e.g. Prevention
the higher estate, as well as the stone or earth which they
of infringement of customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary
carry with them.
❖ The owner of the estate can not construct works which
will impede this natural flow, unless he provides an
❖Maritime zone contiguous and seaward of the
alternative method of drainage; neither can the owner of
territorial sea, from the outer limit of the territorial sea to
the higher estate make works which will increase this
up 24 nautical miles, measured from the baselines.
natural flow, otherwise, he will be liable for damages.
❖Entitlement: the coastal state may claim it.
❖The coastal state may exercise the control necessary to
❖The banks of rivers and streams and the shores of the
prevent and punish infringement of customs, fiscal,
seas and lakes throughout their entire length and within a
immigration or sanitary laws within the territory or
zone of three (3) meters in urban areas, twenty (20)
territorial sea.
meters in agricultural areas and forty (40) meters in forest
areas, along their margins are subject to the easement of
❖The exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is an area beyond
public use in the interest of recreation, navigation,
and adjacent to the territorial sea.
floatage, fishing and salvage.
❖Breadth: from the outer limit of the territorial sea to up
❖No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer
to 200 nautical miles, measured from the baselines.
than what is necessary for recreation, navigation, floatage,
fishing or salvage or to build structures of any kind. ❖Entitlement: Exploring and exploiting, conserving and
SPECIAL LECTURES ON UNCLOSOVERVIEW OF UNCLOS managing natural resources, whether living or non-living.
❖The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea HIGH SEAS
(UNCLOS) is an international agreement in Montego bay, ❖ High Seas: parts of the sea which are not included in the