IMWA99 Noël & Ritchie
IMWA99 Noël & Ritchie
IMWA99 Noël & Ritchie
A series of water transport simulations of typical waste rock material was carried out to
assess flux and moisture content changes over time. Typical seasonal cycles of
precipitation were used for the simulations. The results indicated that the moisture
content varies little over the seasonal cycles. Also, the time for the flux at the base of a
20 m high dump to react (response time) to a flux change at the top is short (few weeks)
while the water residence time is much longer (few years). These observations are
critical for the proper selection of methods and devices to monitor water and
contaminant transport in unsaturated waste rock material.
Water is the dominant transport mechanism in the transport of pollutants in sulfidic
waste rock material. Understanding water transport is also an important aspect in the
management of the environmental impact caused by these dumps. The modelling of
water transport in waste rock material can provide essential information for selecting the
appropriate methods and devices to monitor water and contaminant transport in waste
rock dumps.
Waste rock by its nature is highly heterogeneous with particle size varying from boulders
of several metres to clay size particles. The bulk and intrinsic physical properties of
waste rock are relatively well documented in the literature. However, the literature
contains little information on soil-water relationships and the unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity for waste rock. Also, these parameters are often considered to have large
uncertainties. This can be explained in large part by the difficulties and the costs
associated with measuring these parameters in waste rock.
The time scale of water and contaminant transport in waste rock material is another area
where there appears to be uncertainties and some confusion. Mine operators have
some understanding and quantification of these time scales when they develop their
plans for managing pollutant drainage coming from waste rock dumps. Such polluted
drainage is often called acid rock drainage. For example, mine operators may want to
estimate the time it will take for the water quality in drainage to improve after a soil cover
is placed on top of a waste rock dump. In an effort to clarify this issue of timescales, we
investigate two basic parameters: the response and residence times. For the purposes
of this paper, the response time is the time required for the water flux at a given depth
in the dump to start to change following a change in the infiltration flux condition at the
surface. If the change at the surface is a step change then the response time at depth
corresponds to the time halfway between when the flux change was first detected and
when the flux reached its maximum value. The residence time corresponds to the time
it takes for a conservative pollutant dissolved in water to travel from the surface to a
given point along a vertical profile in the dump. Its quantification is similar to that for the
response time.
The literature contains numerous studies on unsaturated water transport. These studies
are often applied to “conventional” soils (clay to sand size particles) and the water table
is often relatively near the surface. Waste rock dumps are generally unsaturated with the
bulk of the material situated far above the water table. Also, the water infiltration rate in
waste rock dumps is usually much lower than the rate required to saturate the material.
Such conditions usually lead to moisture contents in the dump at or near the minimum
water content achievable for the type of waste rock present in the dump. To the casual
observer, such waste rock appears to be quite dry.
Water flow under low infiltration conditions tends to be the opposite to that observed in
saturated media. Under saturated or unsaturated conditions close to saturation, water
flows mostly in the coarse portion of the medium where the larger voids are present.
However, under “dry” unsaturated conditions, the only water left in the medium is in the
fine portion where the small pore size can hold the water by surface tension. Newman
and al. (1997) presented a case where the water “preferred” to travel in the fines when
the porous material was dry and in the coarse fraction where it was near saturation.
Birkholzer and Tsang (1997) carried out a detailed modelling exercise and arrived at a
similar conclusion. El Boushi (1969) studied the infiltration of water in coarse rock
particles and suggested that the fine portion present in coarse particles will likely act as
a wick to attract the water infiltrating coarse material.
Considering that waste rock is highly heterogeneous, is often under dry conditions and
that the soil-water relationships are difficult to measure, we have carried out a series of
water transport simulations to tentatively address the following questions:
• What is the variation in water content in waste rock material for a range of infiltration
rates typical of those expected from rainfall?
• How quickly will the water flux inside a waste rock dump react to a change of
infiltration flux at the surface (response time)?
• How long will it take for a conservative pollutant dissolved in water to travel through
from the top of the waste rock dump to various depths within the dump (residence
• What measuring devices are appropriate or inappropriate to monitor the movement
of water in waste rock dumps?
• How sensitive are the response and residence times to the hydraulic properties used
to describe water transport in the dump under typical infiltration rates?
The simulations were carried out using SWIM v.2.1 (Verburg et al. 1996). SWIM is a
one-dimensional model based on a numerical solution of Richards’ equation. SWIM has
the capability of modelling runoff, infiltration, redistribution of water and solute, solute
transport, plant uptake and transpiration, soil evaporation, deep drainage and leaching.
SWIM accepts time dependent boundary conditions and uses the finite difference
method. SWIM was developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia.
Water retention curves and hydraulic conductivity functions are normally measured in
laboratory and are then fitted by a mathematical expression. Several expressions are
available in the literature. SWIM has the capability of using 7 different expressions for
the water retention relationship and 3 different hydraulic conductivity functions. Instead
of using θ, these relationships use a normalised parameter defined as the effective
degree of saturation Se.
θ (ψ ) − θ r
S e (ψ ) = (1)
θ s −θr
The residual volumetric water content corresponds to the minimum volumetric water
content value obtained by free drainage. The saturated volumetric water content is the
maximum value that can be reached for a given soil. The saturated water content should
not be equated to the porosity of the soil (usually 5 to 10% smaller) because of
entrapped or dissolved air (van Genuchten 1991). However, the saturated volumetric
water content is often considered equal to the porosity of the soil for modelling
The simulations presented herein used the van Genuchten formulation (van Genuchten
1980, 1991) for the water retention relationship. The expression is:
S e (ψ ) = [1 + (α ψ ) n ] − m (2)
Two hydraulic conductivity functions were used for the simulations depending on the soil
type: van Genuchten (van Genuchten 1980, 1991) and Brooks-Corey (Brooks and
Corey 1964, 1966). The van Genuchten function is defined as:
K (ψ ) = K sat S ep [1 − (1 − S e1 / m ) m ] 2
with m=1-1/n, n>1 (3)
K (ψ ) = K sat S ep + 2+ 2b (4)
The van Genuchten formulation has the disadvantage of having an infinite slope at
saturation (ψ = 0) which can sometimes cause numerical convergence problems. The
Brooks-Corey expression does not have this property.
Three different dump heights,10 m, 20 m and 40 m, were used in the simulations. The
node spacing was 0.1 m for the 10 m and 20 m profiles while a node spacing of 0.16 m
was used for the 40 m profile. The node spacing was increased for the 40 m profile
because of the maximum number of nodes allowed by SWIM.
The boundary condition at the surface was specified by a time dependent infiltration flux.
No infiltration flux was applied for the initial 50 years of simulation. The 50 years
drainage period with no infiltration was selected long enough to allow each soil type to
reach drained steady state condition before the cyclic infiltration rate was applied. A
cyclic infiltration flux was then applied from 50 years to 72 years. The 22 year period of
cyclic infiltration was selected to assure that a pseudo-steady-state condition with the
flux would be reached within that time and that it was long enough to measure the
residence time through the profile of the dump. The initial 20 years of infiltration had an
output interval of 146 hours and the interval was reduced to 4 hours for the last 2 years
(70 to 72 years). The shorter interval was used to measure the relatively short response
time. Although the simulation time may seem long, SWIM solved these simulations
within a few minutes.
The initial condition was set to a matric potential equal to -0.5 m for the entire profile
except for the bottom 0.5 m where the it decreased linearly from –0.5 to 0 m (bottom
boundary). The low initial matric potential was intended to have a moisture content high
enough to allow for some water to be drained during the initial 50 years.
The cyclic infiltration rates used in the simulations were based on rates typical of those
expected from rainfall in many places around the world. The cycles were used to
simulate the seasonal variation that is generally associated with rainfall. For the purpose
of simulation, we used 1500, 750 and 375 mm of infiltration per year applied over a
period of 5 months. These precipitation quantities correspond to fluxes of 1.14 x 10-7 m
s-1, 5.70 x 10-8 m s-1, 1.14 x 10-8 m s-1 maintained over the 5 month period. The
remaining 7 months of the year had no rain. For simplicity, we assumed that there is no
evaporation and that all the water infiltrated the waste rock material. The flux at the
surface was too low to have runoff because it is well below the saturated hydraulic
conductivity of the material (Ksat = 10-3 m s-1).
Solute transport was used to measure the residence time in the profile. A solute with the
properties of water was applied at the surface boundary at 55 years. It was applied
continuously at a constant concentration for the remaining 17 years of the simulation.
The solute was applied after the flux condition had already reached pseudo-state
conditions in the profile.
Eight material types were used for the simulations, ranging from coarse waste rock to
clay soils. Properties from four different waste rock materials were selected from the
literature: Mine Doyon (Lefebvre 1994), Kennecott Mines (Bartlett 1992), Gas Hills
(Troncoso and Shackelford 1999), Kidston Gold Mine (Bews et al. 1997). Four basic soil
types were selected from Rawls et al. (1982) to complement the waste rock data.
To compare the parameters defining the unsaturated properties, we normalised the soils
to the Kennecott waste rock for the saturated hydraulic conductivity, the residual and
saturated volumetric water content. The saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) was set to
10-3 m s-1, the residual volumetric water content (θr) to 0.18 and the saturated volumetric
water content (θsat) to 0.38. Table 1 presents the parameters associated with the eight
different soil types.
The extremely high value of α reported for the Mine Doyon material should be noted.
The modified material properties were plotted as a function of the volumetric water
content and the hydraulic conductivity (Figure 1). It shows the wide range of properties
used for the simulations. This figure also demonstrates that typical water infiltration rates
are several orders of magnitude smaller than the rate required to saturate the materials.
Figure 1 also shows that the Kennecott material exhibits the lowest volumetric water
content for a given infiltration rate while the clay and the Gas Hills materials have the
highest values.
1.14x10 -7 m s-1
2.85x10 -8 m s-1
5.7x10 -8 m s-1
0.35 Ga
Volumetric water content
Clay m
Sa to
Clay Sand
0.25 M in
Kennicott lab
Kennicott values
10-10 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2
Hydraulic conductivity (m s )
Figure 1: Volumetric water content versus hydraulic conductivity
The response time is illustrated in Figure 2 where the water flux and the volumetric
water are plotted as a function of time over 2 years for the Kennecott material (20 m
profile). This typical case shows that it takes about 45 days before the water flux at the
bottom to change after the infiltration had started at the surface. The response time at
the end of the infiltration cycle (“dry” front) was shorter. This behaviour was observed for
all the simulations. The volumetric water content for the 20 m depth is not shown in
Figure 2 because it corresponds to the boundary condition where we imposed saturated
The response time varies depending on infiltration rate and material type. Table 2 lists
the response times for a 20 m high dump, for all the material types and for the three
infiltration rates. The response time is as short as three weeks and is as long as 6
months but with the exception Mine Doyon, it varies only by about a factor of two for a
given infiltration rate over the range of material types.
Depth (m)
Water flux (m s-1)
4E-08 20.00
70 71 72
Volumetric water content
70 71 72
Time (years)
Figure 2: Water flux (top) and volumetric water content (bottom) versus time, Kennecott
material, 20 m profile, infiltration flux of 5.70 x 10-8 m s-1.
Figure 3 shows the water flux and the volumetric water plotted as a function of time for
the Kennecott material (20 m profile) over the initial 20 years of cyclic infiltration. The
water flux curves indicate that the pseudo-steady state condition was achieved within
the first two years. A pseudo-steady state condition was obtained in less than 3 years for
all the cases.
Water flux (m s-1)
50 60 70
Solute concentration
Depth (m)
4 0.00
50 55 60 65 70
Time (years)
Figure 3: Water flux (top) and solute concentration (bottom) versus time, Kennecott
material, 20 m profile, infiltration flux of 5.70 x 10-8 m s-1.
The bottom graph of Figure 3 shows the residence time obtained for the Kennecott
material for the 20 m profile under an infiltration rate of 5.70 x 10-8 m s-1. This typical
case shows that it will take about 5 years for a conservative pollutant dissolved in water
to travel from the surface down to the base of a 20 m dump. Since the pseudo-state
condition was achieved within the initial 2 years of infiltration, the solute could have been
applied at 52 years to obtain the same residence time.
Table 3 below summarises the residence times for all the material types obtained with
the 20 m profile. As for the response time, the residence time varied considerably
between the simulations.
Figure 4 shows the variability of the response time and the residence time as a function
of the water flux for the 20 m profile with the Kennecott material. It indicates that the
response and residence times both increase when the infiltration flux is reduced. This
was also the case with the other material types.
Table 3: Residence time at the bottom of the 20 m profile
Residence time (years)
Infiltration rate (m s-1): 1.14 x 10-7 5.70 x 10-8 2.85 x 10-8
Clay 4.3 8.4 16.3
Clay loam 3.8 7.8 14.5
Gas Hills 4.2 8.3 16.3
Kennecott 2.4 5.0 10.3
Kidston 3.3 6.9 13.1
Mine Doyon 3.5 7.0 13.4
Sand 2.8 5.6 11.3
Sandy loam 3.4 6.8 13.1
70 14
Response time
60 12
50 10
40 8
30 6
Response time
after surface
flux stopped
20 4
Residence time
10 2
0 0
0 5E-08 1E-07 1.5E-07
Water flux (m s-1)
Figure 4: Response and residence time versus water flux,
Kennecott material, 20 m profile.
The volumetric water content was plotted as a function of depth for the 20 m profile
using the Kennecott and Gas Hills materials. These two materials reflect the range in the
capacity of the material used in the simulations to hold water (see Figure 1). The “dry”
condition is the lowest water content obtained during the annual cycle and the “wet”
condition is the highest water content obtained for the maximum flux used in the
simulations (1.14 x 10-7 m s-1). This figure shows that the maximum variability in
volumetric water content will be in the range of 2% to 3%.
"Dry" Gas Hills
"Wet" Kennicott "Wet" Gas Hills
Depth (m)
"Dry" Kennicott
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Volumetric water content
Figure 5: Volumetric water content versus depth, Kennecott and
Gas Hills materials, 20 m profile.
The approximation used to define the material-water relationship for the Kennecott
material (Figure 1) may appear to be inadequate near saturation but is well defined in
the range of fluxes used in the simulations. As indicated in Figure 5, the region with near
saturation conditions is negligible and occurs only at the bottom boundary. This
emphasises the importance of having adequate unsaturated properties that correspond
to the conditions for the range of infiltration fluxes occurring in the system.
The normalisation of the material properties resulted in some material types that are
probably unrealistic, such as the clay and the Gas Hills material where their water
retention curves would normally correspond to a much smaller hydraulic conductivity
value. Again, our interest is to assess the importance of the parameters used to
describe the unsaturated properties of waste rock material.
The simulations indicated that the response and residence times depend on the water
flux applied to the system (see Table 3). The longest residence time was obtained with
the clay and Gas Hills materials and they both have the highest water content values.
The shortest residence time was obtained with the Kennecott material which maintains
the lowest water content.
The different time scales obtained for the response time and the residence time have
important implications for understanding water and contaminant transport in waste rock
dumps. An example is the response of the drainage from a waste rock dump following
the placement of a soil cover on its top. The soil cover will likely decrease the infiltration
flux by about an order of magnitude or more. From Figure 4, a reduction in the infiltration
flux will increase considerably the response and residence times. Although the
placement of a cover over waste rock will reduce the discharge quantities within weeks,
the benefits of the cover on the pollutants could take tens of years before it can be
The variation in water content as shown in Figure 5 indicates that the volumetric water
content hardly varies over time when typical infiltration rates of those expected from
rainfall are applied to waste rock dumps. The variation in water content ranged from only
2% to 3% between the “dry” and “wet” season. The low range was obtained for all
material types. This is consistent with the measurements reported by Daniel et al.
(1979), and Goodman et al. (1981). They measured water content profiles during the
wet and dry season at Rum Jungle and did not see any significant difference between
the dry and wet season. Goodman et al. (1981) also observed that the water content did
not vary much with depth over the top 5 m.
The low range in variation of the water content with changing infiltration rate has another
important consequence. The detection limits of the devices (ie. TDRs) for measuring
water content is about 1 to 2%. It follows that water content monitoring is not a practical
way to measure infiltration rates in waste rock dumps.
Provided that Richards’ equation describes water transport in waste rock and provided it
is reasonable to normalise the hydraulic properties of different material types such that
the saturated hydraulic conductivity is the same, the simulations indicated that:
• The range of variation of the water content in waste rock is only about 2 to 3% over
the range of infiltration rates typical of those expected from rainfall.
• The response time is short, in the order of a few weeks for a 20 m high dump.
• The residence time is long, in the order of a few years for a 20 m high dump.
• The range in variation of the water content with changing infiltration rate is of similar
magnitude to the detection limits (about 1 to 2%) of current devices for measuring
water content. It follows that water content monitoring is not a practical way to
measure infiltration rates in waste rock dumps.
• For a given infiltration rate, the response and residence times vary only by about a
factor of 2 over the range of hydraulic properties used in the simulations.
This research was carried out as part of the Mine Management Wastes Project (MMWP)
presently on-going at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
(ANSTO). The authors would like to thank Dr Eugenia Kuo and Mr Bill Plotnikoff for their
advice and collaboration in preparing this paper.
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