Undangan Seminar Internasional 2021-Dikonversi
Undangan Seminar Internasional 2021-Dikonversi
Undangan Seminar Internasional 2021-Dikonversi
Pimpinan BEM dan DEMA kota Palangka Raya
di –
Dhini, M.Kes.
4. 10.00-11.00 AM Postgraduate opportunities in Zulrahman Erlangga, MD, Moderator: Dr. Nang Randu
European Union. Personal Ph.D. Utama, S.Pd., MA
experience in Belgium and (Children Hospital, Hannover
Germany Medical School, Germany)
5. 11.00 AM-12.00 PM Postgraduate studies in Brahmaputra Marjadi, MD, Moderator: Dr. Nang Randu
Australia: Examples from MPH, Ph.D., SFHEA Utama, S.Pd., MA
Western Sydney University (Western Sydney University,
3. 08.30-08.45 AM The effects of Brain Dr. Tri Ratna Ariestini, Moderator: Ns. Agnes DA,
Gymnastics on Academic S.Kep., MPH. S.Kep., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom
4. 08.45-09.00 AM Exploration of Central Agnescia Clarissa Sera, Moderator: Ns. Agnes DA,
Kalimantan Dayak herbal S.Gz., M.Food.Sc.Tech. S.Kep., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom
plants that are beneficial for
the health of women and
5. 09.00-09.15 AM Coffee Break Committee
6. 09.15-09.30 AM The effect of guided imagery Ns. Syam’ani, S.Kep., Moderator: Ns. Agnes DA,
technique with sape Dayak M.Kep. S.Kep., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom
music audio on anxiety levels
of patients undergoing
hemodialysis therapy
7. 09.30-09.45 AM Giving red rice tain water Ns. Widya Warastuti, Moderator: Ns. Agnes DA,
against weight lossing in S.Kep., M.Kes. S.Kep., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom
children with obesity
8. 09.45-10.00 AM Human Resource Dr. Marselinus Heriteluna, Moderator: Ns. Agnes DA,
Development at Health S.Kp., MA S.Kep., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom
Higher Education Institutions
in Central Kalimantan
9. 10.00-11.00 AM Discussion Moderator: Ns. Agnes DA,
S.Kep., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom
10 11.00 AM-12.00 PM Lunch Break Committee
11. 12.00-12.15 PM A pursuit on maternal care Oktaviani, S.SiT., M.Keb. Moderator: Dr. Marselinus
promotion effectiveness in Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
Central Kalimantan
12 12.15-12.30 PM Factors affecting quality of life Ns. Agnes Dewi Astuti, Moderator: Dr. Marselinus
in elderly S.Kep., M.Kep., Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
in PSTW Sinta Rangkang Sp.Kep.Kom.
Tangkiling, Central
13. 12.30-12.45 PM The relationship between the Ns. Nita Theresia, S.Kep., Moderator: Dr. Marselinus
level of knowledge of anemia, M.Kes. Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
parental income and
menstrual patterns with
anemia status in junior high
school girls in Palangka Raya
14. 12.45-01.00 PM Motivations adolescence Ns. Munqidz Zahrawaani, Moderator: Dr. Marselinus
become perpetrators S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.A Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
15. 01.00-01.15 PM The Impacts of Change Dr. Nang Randu Utama, Moderator: Dr. Marselinus
towards the Organizational S.Pd., MA Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
Structure of Higher Education
Institution of Health based on
Management Perspective
16. 01.15-01.30 PM The Effectiveness of Terapi Ns. Missesa, S.Kep., Moderator: Dr. Marselinus
Tari Manasai (TTM) M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
Overcoming Powerlessnes in
Elderly with Chronic Diseases
17. 01.30-02.30 PM Discussion Moderator: Dr. Marselinus
Heriteluna, S.Kp., MA
18. 02.30-03.00 PM Closing of International Director MC: Retno Ayu Hapsari,
Seminar S.Gz., M.Nut.Diet